Dividend Policy
Dividend Policy
Dividend Policy
Dividend Decisions
Learning Objectives
After going through this chapter student shall be able to understand:
The term dividend refers to that portion of profit (after tax) which is distributed among the
owners/shareholders of the firm and the profit which is not distributed is known as retained
earnings. Dividend decisions are an important aspect of corporate financial policy since they
can have an effect on the availability as well as the cost of capital. It is a decision made by the
Board of Directors of a company and approved by the shareholders at the general meeting.
Shareholders do not have the right to ask for divided nor increase in the rate of dividend as
the Board has the unfettered right. However, this power cannot be used arbitrarily or
advantageously by the Board and therefore the Board has to evolve a dividend policy that
maximize shareholders wealth. Since dividend decision relates to the amount and timing of
any cash payments made to the company's stakeholders, the decision is an important one for
the firm as it may influence its capital structure and stock price. In addition, the decision may
determine the amount of taxation that shareholders have to pay.
Dividend Policy
Firms dividend policy divides net earnings into retained earnings and dividends. Retained
earnings provide necessary funds to finance long term growth while dividends are paid in cash
generally. Dividend policy of the firm is governed by:
Dividend Decisions
(i) Long Term Financing Decision: When dividend decision is treated as a financing
decision, net earnings are viewed as a source of long term financing. When the firm does not
have profitable investment opportunities, dividend will be paid. The firm grows at a faster rate
when it accepts highly profitable opportunities. External equity is raised to finance
investments. But retained earnings are preferable because they do not involve floatation
costs. Payment of cash dividend reduces the amount of funds necessary to finance profitable
investment opportunities thereby restricting it to find other avenues of finance. Thus earnings
may be retained as part of long term financing decision while dividends paid are distribution of
earnings that cannot be profitably re-invested.
(ii) Wealth Maximisation Decision: Because of market imperfections and uncertainty,
shareholders give higher value to near dividends than future dividends and capital gains.
Payment of dividends influences the market price of the share. Higher dividends increase
value of shares and low dividends decrease it. A proper balance has to be struck between the
two approaches. When the firm increases retained earnings, shareholders' dividends decrease
and consequently market price is affected. Use of retained earnings to finance profitable
investments increases future earnings per share. On the other hand, increase in dividends
may cause the firm to forego investment opportunities for lack of funds and thereby decrease
the future earnings per share. Thus, management should develop a dividend policy which
divides net earnings into dividends and retained earnings in an optimum way so as to achieve
the objective of wealth maximization for shareholders. Such policy will be influenced by
investment opportunities available to the firm and value of dividends as against capital gains
to shareholders.
whether the company should treat each dividend decision completely independent. The
practical considerations in dividend policy of a company are briefly discussed below:
(a) Financial Needs of The Company: Retained earnings can be a source of finance for
creating profitable investment opportunities. When internal rate of return of a company is
greater than return required by shareholders, it would be advantageous for the shareholders to
re-invest their earnings. Risk and financial obligations increase if a company raises debt
through issue of new share capital where floatation costs are involved. Mature companies
having few investment opportunities will show high payout ratios; share prices of such
companies are sensitive to dividend charges. So a small portion of the earnings are kept to
meet emergent and occasional financial needs. Growth companies, on the other hand, have
low payout ratios. They are in need of funds to finance fast growing fixed assets. Distribution
of earnings reduces the funds of the company. They retain all the earnings and declare bonus
shares to offset the dividend requirements of the shareholders. These companies increase the
amount of dividends gradually as the profitable investment opportunities start falling.
Dividend Decisions
(d) Stability of Dividends: Regular payment of dividend annually even if the amount of
dividend may fluctuate year to year may not be, related with earnings.
(i) Constant Dividend per Share: Irrespective of the fluctuation in earnings, companies may
follow the policy of paying a fixed amount per share as dividend every year. If the company
reaches new level of earnings and expects to maintain it, the annual dividend per share may
be increased.
With wide fluctuation in the pattern of earnings, it is necessary to build up surplus in years of
higher than average earnings to maintain dividends in years of below average income. This
gives rise to the creation of Dividend Equalisation Reserve Fund earmarked by marketable
securities for easy conversion to cash at the time of paying dividends in bad years. This policy
treats common shareholders at par with preference shareholders without giving them any
preferred opportunities within the firm. It is preferred by persons and institutions that depend
on dividend income to meet living and operating expenses.
(ii) Constant Percentage of Net Earnings: The ratio of dividend to earnings is known as pay
out ratio. Some companies follow a policy of constant pay out ratio i.e. paying fixed
percentage on net earnings every year. To quote from Page 74 of the annual report 2011 of
Infosys Technologies Limited,
The Dividend Policy is to distributeupto30% of the Consolidated Profit after Tax (PAT) of the
Infosys Group as Dividend.
Contrast this to what Warren Buffet got to say about declaring a payout ratio. He says
"We will either pay large dividends or none at all if we can't obtain more money through reinvestment (of those funds). There is no logic to regularly paying out 10% or 20% of earnings
as dividends every year."
Such a policy envisages that the amount of dividend fluctuates in direct proportion to earnings.
If a company adopts 40% payout ratio, then 40% of every rupee of net earnings will be paid
out. If a company earns ` 2/- per share, dividend per share will be 80 paise and if it earns
` 1.50 per share, dividend per share will be 60 paise.
Such a policy is related to company's ability to pay dividends. For losses incurred, no dividend
shall be paid. Internal financing with retained earnings is automatic. At any given payout ratio,
amount of dividends and any additions to retained earnings increase with increased earnings
and decrease with decreased earnings. This policy has a conservative approach and provides
a guarantee against over/underpayment. Management is not allowed to pay dividend if profits
are not earned in current year and at the same time, dividend is not allowed to forego if profits
are earned.
(iii) Small Constant Dividend per Share plus Extra Dividend: The amount of dividend is set at
high level and the policy is adopted for companies with stable earnings. For companies with
fluctuating earnings, the policy is to pay a minimum dividend per share with a step up feature.
The small amount of dividend is fixed to reduce the possibility of missing dividend payment.
By paying extra dividend in period of prosperity, it enables the company to pay constant
amount of dividend regularly without default and allows flexibility for supplementing
shareholders income when companys earnings are higher than usual, without committing to
make larger payments as part of further fixed dividend. This policy allows some shareholders
to plan on set amounts of cash and at the same time be pleased when extra dividends are
A firm following policy of stable dividend in Figure1 will command higher market price for
shares than firm which varies dividend with cyclical fluctuation in earnings as in Figure 2.
There is, however, a danger of a company with a pattern of stable dividends missing dividend
payment in a year as this break will have severe effect on investors than failure to pay
dividend by a company with unstable dividend policy. It is prudent for companies to maintain
stability of dividends during lean periods. The dividend rate is to be fixed at a conservative
figure so that it can be maintained even in such periods. To give benefit of company's
prosperity extra dividend can be declared. When the company fails to pay extra dividend, it
does not have a depressing effect on investors.
Dividend Decisions
4.2 Walter Approach: The formula given by Prof. James E. Walter shows how dividend
can be used to maximise the wealth position of equity holders. He argues that in the long run,
share prices reflect only the present value of expected dividends. Retentions influence stock
prices only through their effect on further dividends. The formula is simple to understand and
easy to compute. It can envisage different possible market prices in different situations and
considers internal rate of return, market capitalisation rate and dividend payout ratio in the
determination of market value of shares. However, the formula does not consider all the
factors affecting dividend policy and share prices. Moreover, determination of market
capitalisation rate is difficult. Further, the formula ignores such factors as taxation, various
legal and contractual obligations, management policy and attitude towards dividend policy and
so on.
Dividend Decisions
The relationship between dividend and share price on the basis of Walters formula is shown
Vc =
(E - D)
Vc =
Ra =
Cost of Capital
E =
D =
A close study of the formula indicates that Professor Walter emphasises two factors which
influence the market price of a share. The first is the dividend per share and the second is the
relationship between internal return on retained earnings and the market expectation from that
company as reflected in the capitalisation rate. In other words, if the internal return of retained
earnings is higher than market capitalisation rate, the value of ordinary shares would be high
even if dividends are low. However, if the internal return within the business is lower than what
the market expects, the value of the share would be low. In such a case, shareholders would
prefer a higher dividend so that they can utilise the funds so obtained elsewhere in more
profitable opportunities.
The formula given by Prof. Walter explains why market prices of shares of growth companies
are high even though the dividend paid out is low. It also explains why the market price of
shares of certain companies which pay higher dividends and retain very low profits is also
As explained above, market price is dependent upon two factors; firstly, the quantum of
dividend and secondly, profitable opportunities available to the company in investing the
earnings retained. It is obvious that when a company retains a part of its profits, it has to think
in terms of the cost of such retention. Retention of profits depends upon whether it is cheaper
and more profitable for shareholders of the company to have corporate earnings retained in
the business or get the same in the form of cash dividend. This involves a comparison
between the cost of retained earnings and the cost of distributing them. The cost of retained
earnings, therefore, involves an opportunity cost, i.e., the benefits which shareholders forego
in terms of leaving the funds in the business.
Illustration 1
XYZ Company which earns ` 10 per share is capitalized at 10 percent and has a return on investment
of 12 percent. Determine the optimum dividend payout ratio and the price of the share at the payout
using Walters dividend policy model.
According to Walters approach, the optimum dividend payout ratio would be zero as Ra >Rcbecause
the value of the share of the firm would be maximum.
Vc =
a (E D)
( 0.12 / 0.10 )( ` 10 )
= ` 120
Illustration 2
The following figures are collected from the annual report of XYZ Ltd.:
Net Profit
Outstanding 12% preference shares
No. of equity shares
Return on Investment
30 lakhs
100 lakhs
3 lakhs
What should be the approximate dividend pay-out ratio so as to keep the share price at ` 42 by using
Walter model?
` in lakhs
Net Profit
Less: Preference dividend
Earning for equity shareholders
Therefore earning per share
18/3 = ` 6.00
Let, the dividend pay-out ratio be X and so the share price will be:
r(E - D)
Hence ` 42 =
0.2 (6 - 6x)
0.16 0.16
Dividend Decisions
Illustration 3
The following information pertains to M/s XY Ltd.
Earnings of the Company
Dividend Payout ratio
No. of shares outstanding
Equity capitalization rate
Rate of return on investment
` 5,00,000
What would be the market value per share as per Walters model?
What is the optimum dividend payout ratio according to Walters model and the market value of
Companys share at that payout ratio?
M/s XY Ltd.
D + (E D)(r / k e )
0.12 =
3 + 2.0
.12 = ` 45.83
According to Walters model when the return on investment is more than the cost of equity capital,
the price per share increases as the dividend pay-out ratio decreases. Hence, the optimum
dividend pay-out ratio in this case is nil.
So, at a pay-out ratio of zero, the market value of the companys share will be:
0 + (5 - 0)
0.12 = ` 52.08
Illustration 4
From the following particulars given in the table calculate the market share price (for growth, normal
and declining firms) using Walters approach to dividend model. Also calculate the share price,
assuming the DPS is ` 3.
R >Rc
R = Rc
R <Rc
By applying the Walters formula the share price for the three categories of firms is ` 25
Vc =
(E -D)
(5 -5)
= ` 25
If it is assumed that DPS is ` 3 then the value of the share for different firms will be as follows:
When the rate of return is greater than the cost of capital R>Rc, the price per shareincrease as the D/P
decrease. The optimum pay out ratio for the growth firm will be Nil.
When the rate of return is equal to the cost of capital is R=Rc, then the price per share does not
vary with the changes in D/P ratio. The optimum payout ratio for the normal firm is irrelevant.
When the rate of return is less than the cost of capital i.e. R<Rc the price per share increases as
the D/P ratio increases. The optimum payout ratio for the declining firm is 100%.
Illustration 5
The following information is supplied to you:
Total Earnings
No. of equity shares (of ` 100 each)
Dividend paid
Price/Earning ratio
Find out what should be the P/E ratio at which the dividend policy will have no effect on the value
of the share.
(iii) Will your decision change, if the P/E ratio is 8 instead of 12.5?
The EPS of the firm is ` 10 (i.e., ` 2,00,000/20,000). The P/E Ratio is given at 12.5 and the cost
of capital, ke, may be taken at the inverse of P/E ratio. Therefore, ke is 8 (i.e., 1/12.5). The firm is
Dividend Decisions
distributing total dividends of ` 1,50,000 among 20,000 shares, giving a dividend per share of `
7.50. the value of the share as per Walters model may be found as follows:
The firm has a dividend payout of 75% (i.e., ` 1,50,000) out of total earnings of ` 2,00,000.
since, the rate of return of the firm, r, is 10% and it is more than the ke of 8%, therefore, by
distributing 75% of earnings, the firm is not following an optimal dividend policy. The optimal
dividend policy for the firm would be to pay zero dividend and in such a situation, the market price
would be
(r / K e ) (E D)
(.10 / .08)(10 - 0)
= ` 156.25
So, theoretically the market price of the share can be increased by adopting a zero payout.
The P/E ratio at which the dividend policy will have no effect on the value of the share is such at
which the ke would be equal to the rate of return, r, of the firm. The Ke would be 10% (=r) at the
P/E ratio of 10. Therefore, at the P/E ratio of 10, the dividend policy would have no effect on the
value of the share.
(iii) If the P/E is 8 instead of 12.5, then the ke which is the inverse of P/E ratio, would be 12.5 and in
such a situation ke> r and the market price, as per Walters model would be
(r / K e ) (E D)
= ` 76
Gordon Growth Model: Another theory which contends that dividends are relevant
is the Gordons' model. This model explicitly relates the market value of the firm to dividend
policy. In this model, the current ex-dividend at the amount which shareholders expected date
of return exceeds the constant growth rate of dividends. It is based on the following
The appropriate discount rate, ke, for the firm remains constant.
The retention ratio, b, once decided upon, is constant. Thus, the growth rate, g = br, is
also constant.
The discount rate is greater than the growth rate, ke> br.
Myron Gordon argues that what is available at present is preferable to what may be available
in the future. As investors are rational, they want to avoid risk and uncertainty. They would
prefer to pay a higher price for shares on which current dividends are paid. Conversely, they
would discount the value of shares of a firm which postpones dividends. The discount rate
would vary with the retention rate.
The relationship between dividend and share price on the basis of Gordon's formula is shown
d (1 + g )
VE = o
ke - g
The formula given by Gordon shows that when the rate of return is greater than the discount
rate, the price per share increases as the dividend ratio decreases and if the return is less
than discount rate it is vice-versa. The price per share remains unchanged where the rate of
return and discount rate are equal.
Illustration 6
Starlite Limited is having its shares quoted in major stock exchanges. Its share current market price
after dividend distributed at the rate of 20% per annum having a paid-up shares capital of ` 10 lakhs of
` 10 each. Annual growth rate in dividend expected is 2%. The expected rate of return on its equity
capital is 15%.
Calculate the value of Starlite Limited's share based on Gordons' model.
Dividend distributed during the year
= 10,00,000
= ` 2,00,000
d (1 + g )
VE = o
ke - g
` 2,00,000 (1 + 0.02)
0.15 - 0.02
` 2,00,000 (1.02)
= ` 15,69,230.77
Value per share
` 15,69,230.77
= ` 15.69
Dividend Decisions
Illustration 7
Again taking an example of three different firms i.e. growth, normal and declining firm, the Gordon
model can be applied with the help of a following example:
Growth Firm
R >Rc
Normal Firm
R = Rc
Declining Firm
R <Rc
` 10
` 10
` 10
By applying the formulae as given under Gordons model, the share price is equal to ` 400. Similarly,
the share price for the normal growth and declining firm will be ` 100 and ` 77 respectively.
Further, if the value of b is changed from 0.4 to 0.6, the new share price will be as follows:
Growth Firm ` 150
Normal Firm ` 100
Declining Firm ` 88
From the above analysis it can be concluded that.
When r> k, the market value increases with retention ratio.
When r<k, the market value of share stands to decrease.
When r=k, the market value is not affected by dividend policy.
The conclusion of the Gordon s model are similar to that of Walters model.
support of the irrelevance of dividends. Modigiliani and Miller argue that firms dividend policy
has no effect on its value of assets and is, therefore of no consequence i.e. dividends are
irrelevant to shareholders wealth. According to them, Under conditions of perfect capital
markets, rational investors, absence of tax discrimination between dividend income and capital
appreciation, given the firm's investment policy, its dividend policy may have no influence on
the market price of shares.
The hypothesis is based on the following assumptions:
The firm operates in perfect capital markets in which all investors are rational and
information is freely available to all.
There are no taxes. Alternatively, there are no differences in the tax rates applicable to
capital gains and dividends.
Risk of uncertainty does not exist. Investors are able to forecast future prices and
dividends with certainty, and one discount rate is appropriate for all securities and all
time periods. Thus, r = k = kt for all t.
MM Hypothesis is primarily based on the arbitrage argument. Through the arbitrage process,
the MM Hypothesis discusses how the value of the firm remains same whether the firm pays
dividend or not. It argues that the value depends on the earnings of the firm and is unaffected
by the pattern of income distribution. Suppose, a firm which pays dividends will have to raise
funds externally to finance its investment plans, MM's argument, that dividend policy does not
affect the wealth of the shareholders, implies that when the firm pays dividends, its advantage
is offset by external financing. This means that the terminal value of the share declines when
dividends are paid. Thus, the wealth of the shareholders - dividends plus terminal price remains unchanged. As a result, the present value per share after dividends and external
financing is equal to the present value per share before the payments of dividends. Thus, the
shareholders are indifferent between payment of dividends and retention of earnings.
Market price of a share after dividend declared on the basis of MM model is shown below:
Po =
P1 + D 1
1+ Ke
If the firm were to finance all investment proposals, the total amount raised through new
shares will be ascertained with the help of the following formula:
N =
I - (E - nD1 )
N = Change in the number of shares outstanding during the period
Dividend Decisions
after the record date. Mrs. X does not like ` 2 per share she had expected ` 3 per share
and, therefore, she resorts to home made dividends
What is this home made dividends?
Mrs. Xs current wealth is ` 42 x 80 = ` 3,360
Mrs. Xs post dividend wealth would be ` 40 x 80 + ` 160 = ` 3,360 (i.e. market price +
dividend on hand), if she is happy with the ` 2 per share dividend.
She can derive the same value by selling 2 shares at ex-dividend price of ` 40 x 2 = ` 80. Her
wealth now is ` 40 x 78 + ` 160 + ` 80 = ` 3,360
If the company, in deference to the wishes of Mrs. X had declared ` 3 per share as dividend,
her post dividend wealth would be ` 39x78 + ` 240 = ` 3,360
In all cases above, the wealth of the shareholder never changed, in spite of the fact that the
amount of dividend varies.
Hence, any shareholder can always resort to 'home made dividends' to realise his returns from
the investment. The amount of dividend declared by the Board is irrelevant to his/her wealth.
A discerning student of finance should be able to understand the application of home made
dividends and the irrelevance of dividends in the following news story of Jan 16th 2003:
Microsoft Corp. yesterday acted to quiet shareholders clamoring for some of the company's
$43.4 billion cash surplus, promising to issue its first-ever dividend this year.
The world's largest software maker also announced a 2-for-1 stock split and said its second
fiscal quarter yielded record revenue and profits just shy of expectations. Still, shares declined
in after-hours trading on the company's lowered sales forecast for the remainder of the year.
The stock had already closed at $55.35, down 92 cents for the day. After the announcement, it
fell $1.71 more, or 3 percent, in after-hours sessions.
The dividend declaration comes on the heels of President Bush's Jan. 7 tax-reform plan, which
would exempt shareholders from income tax on dividends from tax-paying corporations. But
Microsoft said the two developments aren't connected. Microsoft's declaring a dividend
"makes enough sense," said Michael Holland, manager of the Holland Balanced Fund, which
invests $52 million and has Microsoft as its biggest holding.Now Microsoft's cash "can be
delivered to shareholders, including (Microsoft Chairman) Bill Gates," he said
Read more: http://www.seattlepi.com/business/article/Microsoft-surprises-will-issue-first-ever1105495.php#ixzz20m3ZMENA
Clearly the reason for share price reduction is about business prospects and not about a
voluminous maiden dividend for a company that never declared a dividend, since it listed in
Merton Miller view: Does declaration of dividend/higher dividend influence shareholder
wealth? Restated, should markets price shares of companies that pay generous dividends,
at a premium?
Perhaps, this question will never be answered by Corporate Finance theory to the satisfaction
of every on-looker, especially the practitioners
Merton Miller answers this question using the analogy of bent stick in the water. Looking
from outside, the stick is bent inside the water. Our eyes deceive us because we know that the
stick is fine! Miller's point is that a corporates value is driven by its investment policy and not
by its financing policy. The investment policy of the firm is set ahead of time and is not altered
by changes in dividend policy. Dividend is merely putting some money in the pockets of the
shareholder while taking it out from the other pocket. To quote him:
Dividend Policy may not be an effective management tool and may not even be completely
under your control in a world of rational expectations; but there are things that do matter and
over which you do have more control. I refer, of course, to the firm's investment decisions and
to the engineering, production, personnel, marketing and research decisions that underlie
them. These decisions are in what economists call the "real" side of the business and they
generate the firm's current and future cash flows. And that you will find is what really matters".
Illustration 8
P.L. Engineering Ltd. belongs to a risk class for which the capitalisation rate is 10 per cent. It currently
has outstanding 10,000 shares selling at ` 100 each. The firm is contemplating the declaration of a
dividend of ` 5 per share at the end of the current financial year. It expects to have a net income of
` 1,00,000 and has a proposal for making new investments of ` 2,00,000. Show how under M - M
Hypothesis, the payment of dividend does not affect the value of the firm.
P1 = 110
Dividend Decisions
= 9,99,999 = ` 10,00,000
(1 +
` 100 =
(D1 + P1 )
Ke )
( ` 5 + P1 )
110 = 5 + P1
P1 = 105
n =
` 105
(n + n) P1 - I + E
(1 + K e )
10,000 10,000
1 + 7 105 - 2,00,000 + 1,00,000
= 9,99,999 = ` 10,00,000
Thus, it can be seen that the value of the firm remains the same whether dividends are paid or not.
Further, the illustration clearly demonstrates that the shareholders are indifferent between the retention
of profits and the payment of dividend.
Illustration 9
ABC Ltd. has a capital of ` 10 lakhs in equity shares of ` 100 each. The shares are currently quoted at
par. The company proposes declaration of a dividend of ` 10 per share at the end of the current
financial year. The capitalisation rate for the risk class to which the company belongs is 12%.
What will be the market price of the share at the end of the year, if
dividend is declared?
assuming that the company pays the dividend and has net profits of ` 5,00,000 and makes new
investments of ` 10 lakhs during the period, how many new shares must be issued? Use the
M.M. model.
Under M.M. Model, the following formula is used to ascertain the market price of Equity Shares:
Po =
1 + Ke
(D1 + P1)
= Prevailing market price of a share i.e., ` 100 in this case. (quoted at Par)
100 =
1+ 0.12
1 + 0.12
(10 + P1)
10 + P1
112 = 10 + P1
P1 = 112 - 10 = ` 102
The market price of the equity share at the end of the year would be ` 102.
(iii) Price of the Equity share would be ` 102, if the dividend is paid.
Hence Number of shares to be issued:
np1 = I (NP nD1)
Where n = No. of New shares to be issued
NP = Net Profit
nD1 = Total dividend paid (see note 1)
I = Investment
n 102 = 10,00,000 (5,00,000 1,00,000)
n 102 = 6,00,000
Dividend Decisions
Illustration 10
The following is the data regarding two Companies X, and Y belonging to the same equivalent risk
Number of ordinary shares
Market price per share
6% Debentures
Profit before interest
Company X
` 1.20
` 18,000
Company Y
Re. 1.00
` 18,000
Explain how under Modigliani & Miller approach, an investor holding 10% of shares in Company
X will be better off in switching his holding to Company Y.
Working Notes:
Profit before interest
Less: Interest
Net Profit
All profits after debenture interest are
Distributed as dividends.
Dividend per share
Company X
Company Y
= ` 0.16
= ` 0.12
(90,000 1.20)
Value of Firm
(1,50,000 1.00)
According to MMs approach, the marginal investor would switch from overvalued to undervalued
firm by selling his holdings in the firm X (levered one and overvalued one) and would buy the
same percentage of shares of the firm Y. The arbitrage process will work out as follows:
Investor will dispose 10% of shares in Company X and realise
9,000 shares at ` 1.20 each =
Total amount
With this amount, the investor will buy 16,800 shares in Company Y at ` 1.00 each. Then
compare the resultant income as follows:
Present income in X (as worked out above) = 1,440
Proposed income in Y:
PBT 18,000
Dividend Decisions
= ` 2016
= ` 360
Net Income
` 1656
This shows that the investor will be better off in switching his holdings to Company Y.
When the investor sells equity in Company X and buys equity in company Y with personal
leverage, the market value of equity of Company X tends to decline and the market value of
equity of company Y tends to rise. This process will continue till the market values of both
the companies are in equilibrium.
The borrowings of ` 6,000 has to be taken on the same terms and conditions as corporate
borrowing. Hence, 6% interest rate has been adopted.
Illustration 11
With the help of following figures calculate the market price of a share of a company by using:
Walters formula
` 10
Market price per share by
Walters formula:
Vc =
(E D)
(10 - 6)
P = ` 55
Gordons formula (Dividend Growth model): When the growth is incorporated in earnings and
dividend, the present value of market price per share (Po) is determined as follows
Gordons theory:
Po =
E(1- b)
k - br
Po = Present market price per share.
E = Earning per share
b = Retention ratio (i.e. % of earnings retained)
r = Internal rate of return (IRR)
Growth rate (g) = br
Po =
10 (1- .60)
.20 - (.60 x .25)
= ` 80
Illustration 12
Following are the details regarding three companies X Ltd., Y Ltd. and Z Ltd.
Internal Rate of return (%)
Cost of equity capital (%)
Earning per share
X Ltd.
` 10
Y Ltd.
` 10
Z Ltd.
` 10
Calculate the value of an equity share of each of those companies applying Walters formula when
dividend payment ratio (DIP) ratio is (a) 75% (b) 50% (c) 80%.
Value of an equity share according to Walters formula is:
Vc =
(E - D)
Vc= Market value of the ordinary share of the company.
Ra = Return on internal retention i.e. the rate company earns in retained profits.
Rc = Capitalisation rate i.e. the rate expected by investors by way of return from
particular category of shares.
E = Earnings per share
D = Dividend per share
Dividend Decisions
7.5 +
(10 - 7.5)
= ` 56
Y Ltd.
7.5 +
(10 - 7.5)
= ` 72
Z Ltd.
7.5 +
(10 - 7.5)
= ` 67
(10 - 5)
= ` 44
(10 - 5)
= ` 78
(10 - 5)
= ` 67
(10 - 8)
= ` 58
(10 - 8)
= ` 71
(10 - 8)
= ` 67
X Ltd.: This company may be considered as declining firm because IRR is lower than the cost of
capital. It will therefore, be appropriate for this company to distribute the earnings among its
Y Ltd.: This company may be considered as going firm because IRR is higher than the cost of capital.
It will therefore, be appropriate for this company to retain the earnings.
Z Ltd.: This company may be considered as normal firm because IRR is equal to the cost of capital.
D/P has no impact on value per share.
Lintners Model: The classic study of the actual dividend behavior was done by John
Lintner in 1956. The study was conducted in two stages. First, he conducted a series of
interviews with businessmen to form a view of how they went about their dividends decisions.
He then formed a model on the basis of those interviews which could be tested on a larger
data. His formula is
= Dividend in year 1
= Dividend in year 0
= Adjustment Factor
Radical Approach: This approach takes into consideration the tax aspects on
dividend i.e. the corporate tax and the personal tax. Also it considers the fact that tax on
dividend and capital gains are taxed as different rate. The approach is based on one premise
that if tax on dividend is higher than tax on capital gains, the share of the company will be
attractive if the company is offering capital gain. Similarly, if tax on dividend is less than the
tax on capital gains, i.e. company offering dividend rather than capital gains, will be priced
Dividend Discount Model: It is a financial model that values shares at the discounted
value of the future dividend payments. The model provides a means of developing an explicit
expected return for the market. Since shares are valued on the actual cash flows received by
the investors, it is theoretically the correct valuation model. Under this model, the price a
share will be traded is calculated by the net present value of all expected future divided
payment discounted by an appropriate risk-adjusted rate. This dividend discount model price
is the intrinsic value of the stock. If the stock pays no dividend, then the expected future cash
flows is the sale price of the stock. The security with a greater risk must potentially pay a
greater rate of return to induce investors to buy the security. The required rate of return
(capitalization rate) is the rate of return required by investors to compensate them for the risk
of owning the security. This capitalization rate can be used to price a stock as the sum of its
present values of its future cash flows in the same way that interest rates are used to price
bonds in terms of its cash flows. The price of a bond is the sum of the present value of its
future interest payments discounted by the market rate. Similarly, the dividend discount model
(DDM, dividend valuation model, DVM) prices a stock by the sum of its future cash flows
discounted by the required rate of return that an investor demands for the risk of owning the
stock. Future cash flows include dividends and the sale price of the stock when it is sold. This
DDM price is the intrinsic value of the stock. If the stock pays no dividend, then the expected
future cash flow is the sale price of the stock.
Intrinsic Value = Sum of Present Value of Future Cash Flows
Dividend Decisions
Intrinsic Value = Sum of Present Value of Dividends + Present Value of Stock Sale Price
+ ... +
= Capitalization Rate
In the above equation, it is assumed that dividend is paid at the end of each year and that the
stock is sold at the end of the nth year. This is done so that the capitalization rate (k) is an
annual rate, since most rates of return are presented as annual rates. If the stock is never
sold, then it is essentially perpetuity, and its price is equal to the sum of the present value of
its dividends. Since the DDM considers the current sale price of the stock to be equal to its
future cash flows, then it must also be true that the future sale price of the stock is equal to the
sum of the cash flows subsequent to the sale discounted by the capitalization rate. In an
efficient market, the market price of a stock is considered to be equal to the intrinsic value of
the stock, where the capitalization rate is equal to the market capitalization rate, the average
capitalization rate of all market participants.
There are 3 models used in the dividend discount model:
Zero-growth, which assumes that all dividends paid by a stock remain the same.
Variable-growth model, which typically divides growth into 3 phases: a fast initial phase,
then a slower transition phase that ultimately ends with a lower rate that is sustainable
over a long period.
a. Zero-Growth Rate DDM: Since the zero-growth model assumes that the dividend always
stays the same, the stock price would be equal to the annual dividends divided by the required
rate of return.
k = Capitalization Rate
g = Dividend Growth Rate
The constant-growth model is often used to value stocks of mature companies that have
increased the dividend steadily over the years. Although the annual increase is not always the
same, the constant-growth model can be used to approximate an intrinsic value of the stock
using the average of the dividend growth and projecting that average to future dividend
increases. If both the capitalization rate and dividend growth rate remains the same every
year, then the denominator doesn't change, so the stocks intrinsic value will increase annually
by the percentage of the dividend increase. In otherwords, both the stock price and the
dividend amount will increase by the constant-growth factor, g.
Illustration 13
Calculating Next Years Stock Price Using the Constant-Growth DDM
If a stock pays a ` 4 dividend this year, and the dividend has been growing 6% annually, then what will
be the price of the stock next year, assuming a required rate of return of 12%?
Next Years Stock Price = 4 x 1.06 / (12% - 6%) = 4.24 / 0.06 = 70.67
This Years Stock Price = 4 / 0.06 = ` 66.67
Growth Rate of Stock Price = 70.67 / 66.67 = 1.06 = Dividend Growth Rate
Note that both the zero-growth rate and the constant-growth rate dividend discount models both value
stocks in terms of the dividends they pay and not on any capital gains in the stock price; the holding
period for the stock is irrelevant; therefore the holding period return is equal either to the dividend rate
of the zero-growth model or the constant-growth rate.
Discounted Cash Flow Formula
From the constant-growth dividend discount model, we can infer the market capitalization rate, k, or the
rate of return demanded by investors.
Expected Return = Dividend Yield + Capital Gains Yield
If a stock is held for 1 year, and is bought and sold for its intrinsic value, then the following discounted
cash flow formula calculates the market capitalization rate:
Dividend Decisions
Capitalization Rate (k)
Dividend Yield
P1 P0
P0 (1 + g) P0
k = Capitalization Rate
D1 = Next Year's Dividend
P0 = This Year's Stock Price
P1 = Next Year's Stock Price
g = Dividend Growth Rate
Often, this is how rates are determined for public utilities by the agencies responsible for setting public
rates. Public utilities are generally allowed to charge rates that cover their costs plus a fair market
return, with the fair market return being the market capitalization rate.
Implied Growth Rate and Return on Equity: The constant-growth rate DDM formula can also be
algebraically transformed, by setting the intrinsic value equal to the current stock price, to calculate the
implied growth rate, then using the result to calculate the implied return on equity.
Implied Growth Rate Formula
Implied Growth Rate (g) = k -
Illustration 14
Calculate the Implied Growth Rate and Return on Equity
Current Stock Price = ` 65
Next Year's Dividend = `4
Capitalization Rate = 12%
Earnings Retention Rate = 50%
Implied Growth Rate = 0.12 - 4/65 5.85%
Implied Return on Equity = 5.85/50 = 11.7%
Sometimes, even the capitalization rate, or the required rate of return, may be varied if
changes in the rate are projected.
Conclusion: The dividend discount model is a useful heuristic model that relates the present
stock price to the present value of its future cash flows in the same way that a bond is priced
in terms of its future cash flows. However, bond pricing is a more exact science, especially if
the bond is held to maturity, since its cash flows and the interest rate of those cash flows are
known with certainty, unless the bond issuer defaults. The dividend discount model, however,
depends on projections about company growth rate and future capitalization rates of the
remaining cash flows. For instance, in a bear market, the capitalization rate will be higher than
in a bull marketinvestors will demand a higher required rate of return to compensate them
for a perceived greater amount of risk. Getting either the capitalization rate or the growth rate
wrong will yield an incorrect intrinsic value for the stock, especially since even small changes
in either of these factors will greatly affect the calculated intrinsic value. Furthermore, the
greater the length of time considered, the more likely both factors will be wrong. Hence, the
true intrinsic value of a stock is unknowable, and, thus, it cannot be determined whether a
stock is undervalued or overvalued based on a calculated intrinsic value, since different
investors will have different opinion about the companys future.
So while it is obvious that stocks are priced according to the markets expectations of future
cash flows from owning the stock, both as to dividends and future stock price, there is no way
to ascertain exactly what that true intrinsic value is.
The term dividend refers to that portion of profit (after tax) which is distributed among the
owners/shareholders of the firm and the profit which is not distributed is known as retained
earnings. Since dividend decision relates to the amount and timing of any cash payments
made to the company's stakeholders, the decision is an important one for the firm as it may
influence its capital structure and stock price. In addition, the decision may determine the
amount of taxation that shareholders have to pay.
Dividend Decisions
Dividend Policy
Cash dividend
To Share Holders:
(a) Tax benefit At present there is no tax on dividend received.
(b) Policy of paying fixed dividend per share and its continuation even after
declaration of stock dividend will increase total cash dividend of the share
holders in future.
To Company:
To Shareholders: Stock dividend does not affect the wealth of shareholders and
therefore it has no value for them. This is because the declaration of stock dividend
is a method of capitalising the past earnings of the shareholders and is a formal
way of recognising earnings which the shareholders already own.
To Company: Stock dividends are more costly to administer than cash dividend. It
is disadvantageous if periodic small stock dividends are declared by the company
as earnings.
4.1 Traditional Position: According to the traditional position expounded by Graham and
Dodd, the following model can be used for the valuation of shares:
P = m (D + E/3)
P = Market Price per share
D = Dividend per share
E = Earnings per share
m = a Multiplier.
As per this model, in the valuation of shares the weight attached to dividends is equal to four
times the weight attached to retained earnings. In the model prescribed, E is replaced by
(D+R) so that
P = m {D + (D+R)/3 }
= m (4D/3) + m (R/3)
4.2 Walter Approach: The formula is simple to understand and easy to compute. The
relationship between dividend and share price on the basis of Walters formula is shown
D + a (E - D)
Vc =
=Cost of Capital
The formula explains why market prices of shares of growth companies are high even though
the dividend paid out is low. It also explains why the market price of shares of certain
companies which pay higher dividends and retain very low profits is also high.
4.3 Gordon Growth Model: This model explicitly relates the market value of the firm to
dividend policy. It is based on the following assumptions:
The firm is an all equity firm, and it has no debt.
Dividend Decisions
retained earnings.
The appropriate discount rate, ke, for the firm remains constant.
The retention ratio, b, once decided upon, is constant. Thus, the growth rate, g = br, is
also constant.
The discount rate is greater than the growth rate, ke> br.
Myron Gordon argues that what is available at present is preferable to what may be available
in the future. The relationship between dividend and share price on the basis of Gordon's
formula is shown as:
d (1 + g)
VE = o
ke - g
The formula given by Gordon shows that when the rate of return is greater than the discount
rate, the price per share increases as the dividend ratio decreases and if the return is less
than discount rate it is vice-versa. The price per share remains unchanged where the rate of
return and discount rate are equal.
4.4 Modigliani and Miller (MM) Hypothesis: Modigliani and Miller Hypothesis is in support
of the irrelevance of dividends. Modigiliani and Miller argue that firms dividend policy has no
effect on its value of assets and is, therefore of no consequence i.e. dividends are irrelevant to
shareholders wealth.
The hypothesis is based on the following assumptions:
The firm operates in perfect capital markets in which all investors are rational and
information is freely available to all.
There are no taxes. Alternatively, there are no differences in the tax rates applicable to
capital gains and dividends.
Risk of uncertainty does not exist. Investors are able to forecast future prices and
dividends with certainty, and one discount rate is appropriate for all securities and all time
periods. Thus, r = k = kt for all t.
Market price of a share after dividend declared on the basis of MM model is shown below:
Po =
P1 + D 1
1+ Ke
If the firm were to finance all investment proposals, the total amount raised through new
shares will be ascertained with the help of the following formula:
I - (E - nD1 )
N =
Dividend Decisions
offering capital gain. Similarly, if tax on dividend is less than the tax on capital gains, i.e.
company offering dividend rather than capital gains, will be priced better.
4.7 Dividend Discount Model: Under this model, the price a share will be traded is calculated
by the net present value of all expected future divided payment discounted by an appropriate
risk-adjusted rate. This dividend discount model price is the intrinsic value of the stock. If the
stock pays no divided, then the expected future cash flows is the sale price of the stock. The
required rate of return (capitalization rate) is the rate of return required by investors to
compensate them for the risk of owning the security.
+ ... +
(1 + K ) (1 + K )
(1 + k ) (1 + k )n
Since the zero-growth model assumes that the dividend always stays the same, the stock
price would be equal to the annual dividends divided by the required rate of return.
Stocks Intrinsic Value = Annual Dividends / Required Rate of Return
This is basically the same formula used to calculate the value of a perpetuity, which is a bond
that never matures, and can be used to price preferred stock, which pays a dividend that is a
specified percentage of its par value.
(b) Constant-Growth Rate DDM (Gordon Growth Model)
The constant-growth rate DDM formula can also be algebraically transformed, by setting the
intrinsic value equal to the current stock price, to calculate the implied growth rate, then
using the result to calculate the implied return on equity.
Implied Growth Rate Formula
Variable-growth rate models (multi-stage growth models) can take many forms, even
assuming the growth rate is different for every year. However, the most common form is one
that assumes 3 different rates of growth: an initial high rate of growth, a transition to slower
growth, and lastly, a sustainable, steady rate of growth. Basically, the constant-growth rate
model is extended, with each phase of growth calculated using the constant-growth method,
but using 3 different growth rates of the 3 phases. The present values of each stage are added
together to derive the intrinsic value of the stock.
Sometimes, even the capitalization rate, or the required rate of return, may be varied if
changes in the rate are projected.