Uid 2marks Question and Answers
Uid 2marks Question and Answers
Uid 2marks Question and Answers
Part A
State some features which affect popularity of web user interface. (June 2011)
Graphics revolutionized design and the user interface. Graphics assumes three dimensional look whereas
text based system assumes one dimensional look. Information can appear or disappear through floating
windows and navigation and commands can be done through menu or pull downs or screen controls
Increased computer power and the vast improvement in the display enable the users actions to be reacted
to quickly, dynamically, and meaningfully.
State some of the benefits of good user interface design. . (June 2012/)
Another researcher has reported that reformatting inquiry screens following good design principles reduced
decision-making time by about 40 percent, resulting in a savings of 79 person-years in the affected system.
Other benefits also accrue from good design (Karat, 1997). Training costs are lowered because training
time is reduced, support line costs are lowered because fewer assist calls are necessary, and employee
satisfaction is increased because aggravation and frustration are reduced.
What is Extranet
An extranet is a special set of intranet Web pages that can be accessed from outside an organization or
Typical examples include those for letting customers check on an orders status or letting suppliers view
requests for proposals. An extranet is a blend of the public Internet and the intranet, and its design should
reflect this.
compatibility is
Discuss in detail about the advantages and drawbacks of Graphical User Interface. Pg no 15 23
a. Internet Vs Intranet
What are the design guidelines expected for user interface design (June 2011)
A design standard or style guide documents an agreed-upon way of doing something. It also defines
the interface standards, rules, guidelines, and conventions that must be followed in detailed design.
Give any three Guide lines for designing conceptual model. (June 2012)
Reflect the users mental model not the designers: A user will have different expectations and levels of
knowledge than the designer. So, the mental models of the user and designer will be different. The user is
concerned with the task to be performed, the business objectives that must be fulfilled.
Draw physical analogies or present metaphors: Replicate what is familiar and well known. Duplicate
actions that are already well learned. A metaphor, to be effective, must be widely applicable within an
Comply with expectancies, habits, routines, and stereotypes: Use familiar associations, avoiding the new
and unfamiliar. With color, for example, accepted meanings for red, yellow, and green are already well
established. Use words and symbols in their customary ways.
Give any 2 applications which utilize the human interaction speed. (Dec 2011)
Reading-The average adult, reading English prose in the United States, has a reading
speed in the order of 250 to 300 words per minute.
Listening-Words can be comfortably heard and understood at a rate of 150 to 160
words per minute.
a negative first impression in the customers mind, and this may harden quickly, creating attitudes that may
be difficult to change. It is also much harder and more costly to fix a product after its release.
Modify and iterate the design as much as necessary: While design will proceed through a series of stages,
problems detected in one stage may force the developer to revisit a previous stage.. Establish user
performance and acceptance criteria and continue testing and modifying until all design goals are met.
Integrate the design of all the system components: The software, the documentation, the help function, and
training needs are all important elements of a graphical system or Web site and all should be developed
concurrently. Time will also exist for design trade-offs to be thought out more carefully.
10. What is the impact of business function in user interface design?(Dec 2007)
Perform a business definition and requirements analysis.
Determine basic business functions.
Part B
Explain how users knowledge and experience can make a change in user interface design.
Text book Pg no 65 - 83
Part A
What is the need for device based control? (June 2009/June 2012)
Device-based controls, often called input devices, are the mechanisms through which people
communicate their desires to the system.
Direct devices are operated on the screen itself. Examples include the light pen, the
finger, and voice.
Indirect devices are operated in a location other than the screen, most often on the
What are the types of Presentation Styles? (Dec 2007/Dec 2008/Dec 2012)
There are three basic styles, commonly called tiled , overlapping , cascading.
Tiled Windows
Tiled windows derive their name from common floor or wall tile. Tiled windows appear
in one plane on the screen and expand or contract to fill up the display surface, as needed.
Most systems provide two-dimensional tiled windows, adjustable in both height and
Overlapping Windows
Overlapping windows may be placed on top of one another like papers on a desk.
They possess a three-dimensional quality, appearing to lie on different planes.
Cascading Windows
10. What are the two types and forms of Text Boxes?
Types of text box
Two types of text boxes exist. One consists of a rectangular box into which information is typed. It
may also be referred to as an edit control.
The second is also rectangular in shape but contains text displayed purely for read-only purposes.
The former type has historically been referred to as an entry field, the latter as an inquiry or
display field.
Two forms of Text Box
Single-Line and Multiple-Line Text Boxes
11. List some examples for device based controls? (Dec 2007/2008)
Device based controls called input devices.
1. Track ball.
2. Joystick.
3. Graphic tablet.
4. Light pen.
5. Touch screen.
6. Voice.
7. Mouse.
8. Keyboard
Multiple document interface
Managing set of windows
To represent multiple occurrence of an
Discuss in detail about devices used in device based-control and list the characteristics of device-based
Text book pg no. 386 - 400
What are the characteristics of a successful Icon? Give its need (June 2012)
Icons are most often used to represent objects and actions with which users can interact with or that they
can manipulate
An icon possesses the technical qualities of syntactics, semantics, and pragmatics
Syntactics refers to an icons physical structure.
Semantics is the icons meaning.
Pragmatics is how the icons are physically produced and depicted.
Looks different from all other icons.
Is obvious what it does or represents.
Is recognizable when no larger than 16 pixels square.
Looks as good in black and white as in color.
What do you mean by internationalization of user interface? (Dec 2007/Dec 2008/Dec 2011)
Internalization is the process of isolating culturally specific elements from a product.
(Ex) The german text of a program developed in germany, it is isolated from the program
Chroma or satuaration is the purity of a color in a scale from gray to the most vivid version of the color.
Valve or intensity is the relative lightness or darkness of a color in a range from black to white.
What are the items associated with progress indicator? Where it is used? (June 2011)
When filling the indicator:
If horizontally arrayed, fill it from left to right.
If vertically arrayed, fill it from bottom to top.
Fill it with a color or a shade of gray.
Include descriptive text for the process, as necessary.
Place text outside of the control.
What are the needs for status bar message? (June 2011)
To provide a representation of actual screen content based upon the parameter or parameters
10. List down the response time limit for web and GUI.
System responsiveness should match the speed and flow of human thought processes.
If continuity of thinking is required and information must be remembered throughout several responses,
response time should be less than one or two seconds.
If human task closures exist, high levels of concentration are not necessary, and moderate short-term
memory requirements are imposed; response times of 2 to 4 seconds are acceptable.
If major task closures exist, minimal short-term memory requirements are imposed; responses within 4
to 15 seconds are acceptable.
When the user is free to do other things and return when convenient, response time can be greater than
15 seconds.
11.What are the different categories of users? What category of users requires
guidance and assistance? (Dec 2007)
Category of users.
1. Novice users.
2. Average users.
3. Experienced users or experts.
Novice users requires guidance and assistance
1. Instructions of prompting.
2. A help facility.
3. Contextual help.
4. Task oriented help.
5. Reference help.
6. Wizards.
7. Hints or tips.
12 What type of words used in effective communication?
Short familiar words
Standard alphabetic characters
Complete words
Positive terms
Simple action words
Consistent words
13. What type of words used in effective communication?
Short familiar words
Standard alphabetic characters
Complete words
Positive terms
Simple action words
Consistent words
14. Define message? What are the types of messages?
Messages are communication provided on the screen to the screen viewer. A message should possess the proper
tone and style and be consistent within it.
Types of message:
System message
Status message
Informational message
Warning message
Critical message
Question message
15 What is known as ear cons?
Sounds sometimes called ear cons, are useful for altering the user.
Can be reduced through proper
application of human factors in
Can be reduced by eliminating ambiguity
from design.
2. Discuss the role of feedback in user interface design text book pg no 540 -548
Providing the Proper Feedback
3. Elaborate the guidelines used for choosing colors for statistical graphics screens.
Text book pg no 621 - 651
4. What are the guidelines to be followed for creating text for web pages? Explain. Text book pg no 530
- 540
Web topics
5. Write an elaborate note on guidance and assistance mechanism. Text book pg no. 549 -569
6. Elaborate on the Icons their types and Characteristics. Text book pg no 590 - 605
7. List out various accessibility issues you can have and give design for them Text Book Pg no 575 - 589
Part A
What are the guidelines to be followed before starting the test? (June 2012)
Conformance with a requirement.
Conformance with guidelines for good design.
Identification of design problems.
Ease of system learning.
Retention of learning over time.
Speed of task completion.
Speed of need fulfillment.
Error rates.
List some techniques utilized for information searching. (June 2007/Dec 2011)
Specific fact finding(known item search)
Extended fact finding.
Phrase search in textual documents.
Multimedia document search include photo search, map search, design search, sound search, video
search and animation search.
List out some software tools for user interface design.(Dec 2007)
User interface model with slide show presentation with powerpoint
Apple HyperCard or Asymmetric Tool Book for multimedia application
Visual programming tool prograph provide direct manipulation
10. 10. What are the 4 phases of frame work to clarify user interface for textual search.
4 phases of frame work
1. Formulation.
2. Action.
3. Review of results.
4. Refinement.
11. Differentiate control and section borders.
Control Border
Incorporate a thin single
line border around the
elements of selection
Section Border
Incorporate a thicker single line
border around
group of related entry or the
selection control elements.
1. Write in detail about information search techniques Ref. Book Pg No 522 - 535
2. Discuss the different stages involved in usability testing and guidelines to be followed for the
Text Book pg No 715 729
Ref. Book Pg No 560 - 562
Software Design tools
Text Book Pg No 580 - 589