Expected Shortfall Backtest

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The paper discusses testing Expected Shortfall and some of the challenges associated with it compared to testing Value-at-Risk. It proposes some methods for testing ES including considering it jointly with VaR.

There has been much debate around using Expected Shortfall versus Value-at-Risk for risk measurement. While ES was adopted in Basel III, model testing is still based on VaR. The paper aims to address testing of ES models.

Some of the challenges in testing ES include its lack of elicitability, ambiguity in defining when it has been breached, and assumptions needed about the loss distribution tail.

Testing Expected Shortfall

C. Acerbi and B. Szekely


Workshop on systemic risk and regulatory market risk measures

Pullach, Germany, June 2014

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Motivation and goals

Testing setting
Basel VaR backtest
Three tests for ES. Plus one


Post Scriptum

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Motivation and goals

Testing setting
Basel VaR backtest
Three tests for ES. Plus one


Post Scriptum

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in the VaR/ES debate, backtesting has always been the main problem
with ES. See for instance Yamai and Yoshiba (01)
last obstacle for the adoption of ES in Basel N, finally occurred in 2013
but model testing still based on VaR

rich literature on VaR backtesting: Basel I (96), Kupiec (95),

Christoffersen (98), Berkowitz (00), Engle and Manganelli (04), among
few works on ES backtesting: noticeably Kerkhof and Melenberg (04)
Angelidis and Degiannakis (06)

Why is it difficult to test ES?

Fundamental reasons? Practical aspects? Power of the test? Model risk?

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in the VaR/ES debate, backtesting has always been the main problem
with ES. See for instance Yamai and Yoshiba (01)
last obstacle for the adoption of ES in Basel N, finally occurred in 2013
but model testing still based on VaR

rich literature on VaR backtesting: Basel I (96), Kupiec (95),

Christoffersen (98), Berkowitz (00), Engle and Manganelli (04), among
few works on ES backtesting: noticeably Kerkhof and Melenberg (04)
Angelidis and Degiannakis (06)

Why is it difficult to test ES?

Fundamental reasons? Practical aspects? Power of the test? Model risk?

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The nice thing about VaR is its more or less transparently

back-testable. You know what youre getting. With ES its all clouded
up with assumptions about distribution and arbitrary choices. When
have you breached it? What exactly are you testing? When you go
into the tail you are never quite sure...
RISK Magazine, last week

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The drama of nonelicitability of ES

Gneiting (11): VaR is elicitable, ES is not
This negative result may challenge the use of the ES functional as a
predictive measure of risk, and may provide a partial explanation for the
lack of literature on the evaluation of ES forecasts, as opposed to
quantile or VaR forecasts

elicitability is a subtle concept:

x = arg minx E[S(x, Y )]

What most people understood

ES is not backtestable, at all
a magnum champagne bottle gift for the VaR nostalgic
panic followed
ES cannot be back-tested because it fails to satisfy elicitability ... If you
held a gun to my head and said: We have to decide by the end of the
day if Basel 3.5 should move to ES, or do we stick with VaR, I would
say: Stick with VaR
Paul Embrechts, Imperial College, 2013
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The drama of nonelicitability of ES

Gneiting (11): VaR is elicitable, ES is not
This negative result may challenge the use of the ES functional as a
predictive measure of risk, and may provide a partial explanation for the
lack of literature on the evaluation of ES forecasts, as opposed to
quantile or VaR forecasts

elicitability is a subtle concept:

x = arg minx E[S(x, Y )]

What most people understood

ES is not backtestable, at all
a magnum champagne bottle gift for the VaR nostalgic
panic followed
ES cannot be back-tested because it fails to satisfy elicitability ... If you
held a gun to my head and said: We have to decide by the end of the
day if Basel 3.5 should move to ES, or do we stick with VaR, I would
say: Stick with VaR
Paul Embrechts, Imperial College, 2013
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The drama of nonelicitability of ES

Gneiting (11): VaR is elicitable, ES is not
This negative result may challenge the use of the ES functional as a
predictive measure of risk, and may provide a partial explanation for the
lack of literature on the evaluation of ES forecasts, as opposed to
quantile or VaR forecasts

elicitability is a subtle concept:

x = arg minx E[S(x, Y )]

What most people understood

ES is not backtestable, at all
a magnum champagne bottle gift for the VaR nostalgic
panic followed
ES cannot be back-tested because it fails to satisfy elicitability ... If you
held a gun to my head and said: We have to decide by the end of the
day if Basel 3.5 should move to ES, or do we stick with VaR, I would
say: Stick with VaR
Paul Embrechts, Imperial College, 2013
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The drama of nonelicitability of ES

Gneiting (11): VaR is elicitable, ES is not
This negative result may challenge the use of the ES functional as a
predictive measure of risk, and may provide a partial explanation for the
lack of literature on the evaluation of ES forecasts, as opposed to
quantile or VaR forecasts

elicitability is a subtle concept:

x = arg minx E[S(x, Y )]

What most people understood

ES is not backtestable, at all
a magnum champagne bottle gift for the VaR nostalgic
panic followed
ES cannot be back-tested because it fails to satisfy elicitability ... If you
held a gun to my head and said: We have to decide by the end of the
day if Basel 3.5 should move to ES, or do we stick with VaR, I would
say: Stick with VaR
Paul Embrechts, Imperial College, 2013
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The drama of nonelicitability of ES

Gneiting (11): VaR is elicitable, ES is not
This negative result may challenge the use of the ES functional as a
predictive measure of risk, and may provide a partial explanation for the
lack of literature on the evaluation of ES forecasts, as opposed to
quantile or VaR forecasts

elicitability is a subtle concept:

x = arg minx E[S(x, Y )]

What most people understood

ES is not backtestable, at all
a magnum champagne bottle gift for the VaR nostalgic
panic followed
ES cannot be back-tested because it fails to satisfy elicitability ... If you
held a gun to my head and said: We have to decide by the end of the
day if Basel 3.5 should move to ES, or do we stick with VaR, I would
say: Stick with VaR
Paul Embrechts, Imperial College, 2013
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The drama of nonelicitability of ES

Gneiting (11): VaR is elicitable, ES is not
This negative result may challenge the use of the ES functional as a
predictive measure of risk, and may provide a partial explanation for the
lack of literature on the evaluation of ES forecasts, as opposed to
quantile or VaR forecasts

elicitability is a subtle concept:

x = arg minx E[S(x, Y )]

What most people understood

ES is not backtestable, at all
a magnum champagne bottle gift for the VaR nostalgic
panic followed
ES cannot be back-tested because it fails to satisfy elicitability ... If you
held a gun to my head and said: We have to decide by the end of the
day if Basel 3.5 should move to ES, or do we stick with VaR, I would
say: Stick with VaR
certainly not a VaR fanatic! Paul Embrechts, Imperial College, 2013
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Examples of elicitable statistics

the mean is elicitable
x = arg min EX [S(m, X )]

S(m, x) = (X m)2

a quantile is elicitable
q = arg min EX [S(q, X )]

S(q, x) = (x q)( (x q < 0))

when = 1/2 we retrieve the median

S(, x) = |x |

M = arg min EX [S(, X )]

there is no scoring function S that elicits ES

ES = arg min EX [S(c, X )]

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Testing Expected Shortfall

S(c, x) does not exist

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Something is not quite right

if elicitable means backtestable isnt it a bit strange that

banks have always backtested VaR but never by exploiting its elicitability?
even standard deviation is not elicitable?
Kerkhof and Melenberg, back in (04), had found that
...contrary to common belief, ES is not harder to backtest than VaR if
we adjust the level of ES. Furthermore, the power of the test for ES is
considerably higher than that of VaR.

as a matter of fact, others reacted quite differently

ES is not elicitable. So, what?

Carlo Acerbi and Balazs Szekely

Testing Expected Shortfall

Dirk Tasche

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Something is not quite right

if elicitable means backtestable isnt it a bit strange that

banks have always backtested VaR but never by exploiting its elicitability?
even standard deviation is not elicitable?
Kerkhof and Melenberg, back in (04), had found that
...contrary to common belief, ES is not harder to backtest than VaR if
we adjust the level of ES. Furthermore, the power of the test for ES is
considerably higher than that of VaR.

as a matter of fact, others reacted quite differently

ES is not elicitable. So, what?

Carlo Acerbi and Balazs Szekely

Testing Expected Shortfall

Dirk Tasche

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Something is not quite right

if elicitable means backtestable isnt it a bit strange that

banks have always backtested VaR but never by exploiting its elicitability?
even standard deviation is not elicitable?
Kerkhof and Melenberg, back in (04), had found that
...contrary to common belief, ES is not harder to backtest than VaR if
we adjust the level of ES. Furthermore, the power of the test for ES is
considerably higher than that of VaR.

as a matter of fact, others reacted quite differently

ES is not elicitable. So, what?

Carlo Acerbi and Balazs Szekely

Testing Expected Shortfall

Dirk Tasche

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Something is not quite right

if elicitable means backtestable isnt it a bit strange that

banks have always backtested VaR but never by exploiting its elicitability?
even standard deviation is not elicitable?
Kerkhof and Melenberg, back in (04), had found that
...contrary to common belief, ES is not harder to backtest than VaR if
we adjust the level of ES. Furthermore, the power of the test for ES is
considerably higher than that of VaR.

as a matter of fact, others reacted quite differently

ES is not elicitable. So, what?

Carlo Acerbi and Balazs Szekely

Testing Expected Shortfall

Dirk Tasche

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Something is not quite right

if elicitable means backtestable isnt it a bit strange that

banks have always backtested VaR but never by exploiting its elicitability?
even standard deviation is not elicitable?
Kerkhof and Melenberg, back in (04), had found that
...contrary to common belief, ES is not harder to backtest than VaR if
we adjust the level of ES. Furthermore, the power of the test for ES is
considerably higher than that of VaR.

as a matter of fact, others reacted quite differently

ES is not elicitable. So, what?

Carlo Acerbi and Balazs Szekely

Testing Expected Shortfall

Dirk Tasche

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Something is not quite right

if elicitable means backtestable isnt it a bit strange that

banks have always backtested VaR but never by exploiting its elicitability?
even standard deviation is not elicitable?
Kerkhof and Melenberg, back in (04), had found that
...contrary to common belief, ES is not harder to backtest than VaR if
we adjust the level of ES. Furthermore, the power of the test for ES is
considerably higher than that of VaR.

as a matter of fact, others reacted quite differently

ES is not elicitable. So, what?

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Dirk Tasche

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Motivation and goals

Testing setting
Basel VaR backtest
Three tests for ES. Plus one


Post Scriptum

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we look at ES backtesting from a regulatory point of view
profitloss: independent (but not i.i.d.) Xt Ft , the real distributions,
t = 1, . . . , T (= 250)
Pt predicted (model) distributions
VaR and ES (with Basel confidence levels)
VaR = P 1 ()
ES =

= 1%

P 1 (q) dq

= 2.5%

we assume Pt continuous and strictly monotonic (just for simplicity,

inessential here). Then
ES = E[X |X + VaR < 0]
the assumption can be easily removed at the cost of heavier notation
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ES estimators
standard estimator of ES for N i.i.d. draws Xi P


Xi:N + (N [N]) X[N+1:N]

(X ) =

coherent N, , consistent, asymptotically normal, known variance

generalizes the idea of average of the N worst cases to N
but biased. It always underestimates risk for finite N. No unbiased
estimator known for unknown P
conditional estimator; assuming VaR is known exactly



(X ) = P

Xi 1Xi +VaR <0


1Xi +VaR <0

is unbiased

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ES estimators
standard estimator of ES for N i.i.d. draws Xi P


Xi:N + (N [N]) X[N+1:N]

(X ) =

coherent N, , consistent, asymptotically normal, known variance

generalizes the idea of average of the N worst cases to N
but biased. It always underestimates risk for finite N. No unbiased
estimator known for unknown P
conditional estimator; assuming VaR is known exactly



(X ) = P

Xi 1Xi +VaR <0


1Xi +VaR <0

is unbiased

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Hypothesis testing
testing VaRt and ESt predictions against observed profitloss realizations xt
H0 : Pt = Ft
H1 : Ft is riskier than Pt
we test only in the direction of risk underestimation
more specific H1s in the following, for computing test power

Modelfree test
We avoid any assumption on the nature of the predicted distributions Pt (no
location-scale family, no parametric models, ...)
We do not assume asymptotic convergence of any statistics either

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Hypothesis testing
testing VaRt and ESt predictions against observed profitloss realizations xt
H0 : Pt = Ft
H1 : Ft is riskier than Pt
we test only in the direction of risk underestimation
more specific H1s in the following, for computing test power

Modelfree test
We avoid any assumption on the nature of the predicted distributions Pt (no
location-scale family, no parametric models, ...)
We do not assume asymptotic convergence of any statistics either

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Motivation and goals

Testing setting
Basel VaR backtest
Three tests for ES. Plus one


Post Scriptum

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Basel test for VaR exceptions (96)

H0: bt = 1xt +VaRt <0 i.i.d.Bernoulli(), t

bt B(T , ): yearly number of exceptions
test statistic: B =
one expects E[B] = T

H1: VaRPt = VaRFt with 0 > B B(T , 0 )

one says that coverage is not 1 = 99% but only 1 0 (say 98%)
trafficlight system: yellow zone from 95% significance level and red zone
from 99.99%

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Basel VaR test: power vs coverage

Figure: Fundamental review of the trading book: a revised market risk framework,
Basel Committee 2013

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Basel VaR test: traffic light system

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Basel test addresses only unconditional coverage

independence of time arrival should be tested separately
Christoffersen (98): likelihood ratio test for conditional coverage
LRcc = LRuc + LRind
in most practical cases, however, independence testing is left to visual
inspection, which helps interpreting exception clusters. Basel did not
introduce any independence formal test
in the following we assume that independence is tested separately. We
focus on unconditional EScoverage

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Basel test addresses only unconditional coverage

independence of time arrival should be tested separately
Christoffersen (98): likelihood ratio test for conditional coverage
LRcc = LRuc + LRind
in most practical cases, however, independence testing is left to visual
inspection, which helps interpreting exception clusters. Basel did not
introduce any independence formal test
in the following we assume that independence is tested separately. We
focus on unconditional EScoverage

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Basel test addresses only unconditional coverage

independence of time arrival should be tested separately
Christoffersen (98): likelihood ratio test for conditional coverage
LRcc = LRuc + LRind
in most practical cases, however, independence testing is left to visual
inspection, which helps interpreting exception clusters. Basel did not
introduce any independence formal test
in the following we assume that independence is tested separately. We
focus on unconditional EScoverage

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Visual inspection

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Motivation and goals

Testing setting
Basel VaR backtest
Three tests for ES. Plus one


Post Scriptum

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Test 1
test ES after having tested VaR

Xt + ESt
Xt + VaRt < 0 = 0
denoting It = 1Xt +VaRt <0 , introduce

Test statistic 1
Z1 (X ) = PT

Xt It

i=1 It


EH0 [Z1 ] = 0. ES underestimated if Z1 < 0

the test averages over exceptions; insensitive to an excess of exceptions
Z1 defined as a pure number to sterilize changes in portfoliosize

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Test 1
test ES after having tested VaR

Xt + ESt
Xt + VaRt < 0 = 0
denoting It = 1Xt +VaRt <0 , introduce

Test statistic 1
Z1 (X ) = PT

Xt It

i=1 It


EH0 [Z1 ] = 0. ES underestimated if Z1 < 0

the test averages over exceptions; insensitive to an excess of exceptions
Z1 defined as a pure number to sterilize changes in portfoliosize

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Computing a pvalue
~ ) is simulated by drawing
under H0, the distribution PZ1 of Z1 (X
independent Xt Pt , t
the realization Z1 (~x ) provides a pvalue p = FZ1 (Z1 (~x ))
acceptance/rejection based on a chosen significance level, say 5%
type2 probabilities and test power are computed based on specific
alternatives H1

Main difficulty
Storage of the tail of each distribution Pt , to simulate Z1 under H0.
Technologically elementary, but a challenge for auditing
the observations in this slide apply to all the tests proposed in the

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Computing a pvalue
~ ) is simulated by drawing
under H0, the distribution PZ1 of Z1 (X
independent Xt Pt , t
the realization Z1 (~x ) provides a pvalue p = FZ1 (Z1 (~x ))
acceptance/rejection based on a chosen significance level, say 5%
type2 probabilities and test power are computed based on specific
alternatives H1

Main difficulty
Storage of the tail of each distribution Pt , to simulate Z1 under H0.
Technologically elementary, but a challenge for auditing
the observations in this slide apply to all the tests proposed in the

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Test 2
direct test for ES
from the unconditional expectation

Xt It
= ES,t


Test statistic 2
Z2 (X


Xt It

EH0 [Z2 ] = 0. ES underestimated if Z2 < 0

the test averages over all days; it detects an excess of exceptions
Z2 = (Z1 1) t + 1
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Test 2
direct test for ES
from the unconditional expectation

Xt It
= ES,t


Test statistic 2
Z2 (X


Xt It

EH0 [Z2 ] = 0. ES underestimated if Z2 < 0

the test averages over all days; it detects an excess of exceptions
Z2 = (Z1 1) t + 1
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Test 3
direct test for ES
consider the r.v.s Ut = Pt (Xt ). Under H0, Ut i.i.d U(0, 1)
Berkowitz (01) proposes to test for uniformity the tail of the empirical
distribution of the xt
~ to estimate ES
We use this pseudouniform sample U

Test statistic 3
Z3 (X


T ,

(Pt1 (U))

T ,
~ ))
(Pt1 (V

~ i.i.d U(0, 1)
where V
EH0 [Z3 ] = 0. ES underestimated if Z3 < 0
notice that the denominator is not ESt but a finite sample estimate, to
compensate for bias. Analytical expressions available for any Pt
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Test 3
direct test for ES
consider the r.v.s Ut = Pt (Xt ). Under H0, Ut i.i.d U(0, 1)
Berkowitz (01) proposes to test for uniformity the tail of the empirical
distribution of the xt
~ to estimate ES
We use this pseudouniform sample U

Test statistic 3
Z3 (X


T ,

(Pt1 (U))

T ,
~ ))
(Pt1 (V

~ i.i.d U(0, 1)
where V
EH0 [Z3 ] = 0. ES underestimated if Z3 < 0
notice that the denominator is not ESt but a finite sample estimate, to
compensate for bias. Analytical expressions available for any Pt
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Test 4

similar to Berkowitz (01), we can directly test the tail density, via the ES of
the uniform distribution

Test statistic 4
T ,

Z4 (X


T ,
EV ES (V )

~ i.i.d U(0, 1)
where V
EH0 [Z4 ] = 0. Risk underestimated if Z4 < 0
not a test of ES of the model, but a generic test of the tail density

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Test 4

similar to Berkowitz (01), we can directly test the tail density, via the ES of
the uniform distribution

Test statistic 4
T ,

Z4 (X


T ,
EV ES (V )

~ i.i.d U(0, 1)
where V
EH0 [Z4 ] = 0. Risk underestimated if Z4 < 0
not a test of ES of the model, but a generic test of the tail density

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tests 2 and 3 can naturally be extended to all spectral measures

test 1 can be extended to simple spectral measures, with piecewise
constant spectrum

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Motivation and goals

Testing setting
Basel VaR backtest
Three tests for ES. Plus one


Post Scriptum

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H0: Student-t; H1: scaled distributions

H0: Ft = Pt , Student-t distribution

H1: Ft (x) = Pt (x/), scaled distribution ( > 1)

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H0: Student-t, = 100; H1: scaled distributions

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H0: Student-t, = 100; H1: scaled distributions

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H0: Student-t, = 5; H1: scaled distributions

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H0: Student-t; H1: EScoverage 95%, 90%

H0: Ft = Pt , Student-t distribution

H1: Ft (x) = Pt (x/), again scaled distribution, but labeled in terms of ES
ESP = ESF 0 , with 0 = 5%, 10%
analogous to the Basel VaR coverage tables

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H0: Student-t, = 100; H1: EScoverage 95%, 90%

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H0: Student-t, = 100; H1: EScoverage 95%, 90%

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H0: Student-t, = 5; H1: EScoverage 95%, 90%

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H0: Student-t, = 5; H1: EScoverage 95%, 90%

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H0: Student-t, = 100; H1: = 10, 5, 3;

H0: Ft = Pt , Student-t distribution

H1: Student-t distribution with lower
notice that the standard deviation is larger = /( 2)

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H0: Student-t, = 100; H1: = 10, 5, 3;

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H0: Student-t, = 100; H1: = 10, 5, 3;

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H0: Student-t, = 10; H1: = 5, 3;

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H0: Normalized Student-t, = 100; H1: = 10, 5, 3;

H0: Ft = Pt , Student-t distribution with = 1

H1: Normalized Student-t distribution with lower and = 1

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H0: Normalized Student-t, = 100; H1: = 10, 5, 3;

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H0: Normalized Student-t, = 100; H1: = 10, 5, 3;

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H0: Normalized Student-t, = 10; H1: = 5, 3;

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Testing Expected Shortfall

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H0: Normalized Student-t; H1: fixed VaR 97.5%

H0: Ft = Pt , Student-t distribution with = 1

H1: Normalized Student-t distribution with lower and = 1
the distribution are offset in such a way to have all the same VaR 97.5%
alternative hypotheses built to analyze test 1

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H0: Normalized Student-t; H1: fixed VaR 97.5%

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H0: Student-t, = 100; H1: fixed VaR 97.5%

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H0: Student-t, = 10; H1: fixed VaR 97.5%

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H0: Norm. Student-t, = 100; H1: fixed VaR 97.5%

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H0: Norm. Student-t, = 10; H1: fixed VaR 97.5%

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Summary of results

all tests for ES 97.5% generally display more power than the Basel test
for VaR 99% in identical conditions
test 1 is subordinated to testing VaR, but has strong power for model
misspecifications in the tail
test 2 and test 3 excel in different cases. Test 2 is more powerful on
scaled distributions. Test 3 is more powerful on distributions with different
tail index

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Testing Expected Shortfall

June 2014

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Test 2: a very practical test

Test 2 has critical levels that are almost invariant with respect to the tail
properties, in a range = [5, +) that spans all realistic cases of a
firmwide bank portfolio
it allows to define a traffic light system that does not require the collection
of the entire tail of Pt , but just the three numbers xt , ESt and It

= 10
= 100

Carlo Acerbi and Balazs Szekely

Critical levels
Test 1
Test 2
-0.43 -0.27 -0.82 -0.59
-0.26 -0.17 -0.74 -0.55
-0.17 -0.12 -0.71 -0.53
-0.12 -0.08 -0.70 -0.53
-0.11 -0.08 -0.70 -0.53

Testing Expected Shortfall

Test 3
-0.49 -0.32
-0.30 -0.22
-0.21 -0.16
-0.15 -0.12
-0.15 -0.11

June 2014

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Motivation and goals

Testing setting
Basel VaR backtest
Three tests for ES. Plus one


Post Scriptum

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Testing Expected Shortfall

June 2014

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Our results
ES is backtestable; this is certainly not a new result, but surprisingly
its worth reaffirming it
we propose three tests for ES: the novelty of these tests is that they are
nonparametric and contain no model assumptions. For this reason they
represent valid proposals for regulatory purposes
all of these tests display superior power to the standard Basel VaR
backtesting methodology
the main difficulty with backtesting ES is that you need to store the tail of
all predictive distributions Pt . If this is not a conceptual problem and
certainly no more a technological one either, this is still a challenge for an
auditable process. This is the only difference between backtesting ES
and VaR
one of the proposed tests displays a remarkable stability of the critical
levels, which provides an opportunity to set up practical tests for which
the storage of the predictive distributions is not needed

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Testing Expected Shortfall

June 2014

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Our results
ES is backtestable; this is certainly not a new result, but surprisingly
its worth reaffirming it
we propose three tests for ES: the novelty of these tests is that they are
nonparametric and contain no model assumptions. For this reason they
represent valid proposals for regulatory purposes
all of these tests display superior power to the standard Basel VaR
backtesting methodology
the main difficulty with backtesting ES is that you need to store the tail of
all predictive distributions Pt . If this is not a conceptual problem and
certainly no more a technological one either, this is still a challenge for an
auditable process. This is the only difference between backtesting ES
and VaR
one of the proposed tests displays a remarkable stability of the critical
levels, which provides an opportunity to set up practical tests for which
the storage of the predictive distributions is not needed

Carlo Acerbi and Balazs Szekely

Testing Expected Shortfall

June 2014

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Our results
ES is backtestable; this is certainly not a new result, but surprisingly
its worth reaffirming it
we propose three tests for ES: the novelty of these tests is that they are
nonparametric and contain no model assumptions. For this reason they
represent valid proposals for regulatory purposes
all of these tests display superior power to the standard Basel VaR
backtesting methodology
the main difficulty with backtesting ES is that you need to store the tail of
all predictive distributions Pt . If this is not a conceptual problem and
certainly no more a technological one either, this is still a challenge for an
auditable process. This is the only difference between backtesting ES
and VaR
one of the proposed tests displays a remarkable stability of the critical
levels, which provides an opportunity to set up practical tests for which
the storage of the predictive distributions is not needed

Carlo Acerbi and Balazs Szekely

Testing Expected Shortfall

June 2014

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Our results
ES is backtestable; this is certainly not a new result, but surprisingly
its worth reaffirming it
we propose three tests for ES: the novelty of these tests is that they are
nonparametric and contain no model assumptions. For this reason they
represent valid proposals for regulatory purposes
all of these tests display superior power to the standard Basel VaR
backtesting methodology
the main difficulty with backtesting ES is that you need to store the tail of
all predictive distributions Pt . If this is not a conceptual problem and
certainly no more a technological one either, this is still a challenge for an
auditable process. This is the only difference between backtesting ES
and VaR
one of the proposed tests displays a remarkable stability of the critical
levels, which provides an opportunity to set up practical tests for which
the storage of the predictive distributions is not needed

Carlo Acerbi and Balazs Szekely

Testing Expected Shortfall

June 2014

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Our results
ES is backtestable; this is certainly not a new result, but surprisingly
its worth reaffirming it
we propose three tests for ES: the novelty of these tests is that they are
nonparametric and contain no model assumptions. For this reason they
represent valid proposals for regulatory purposes
all of these tests display superior power to the standard Basel VaR
backtesting methodology
the main difficulty with backtesting ES is that you need to store the tail of
all predictive distributions Pt . If this is not a conceptual problem and
certainly no more a technological one either, this is still a challenge for an
auditable process. This is the only difference between backtesting ES
and VaR
one of the proposed tests displays a remarkable stability of the critical
levels, which provides an opportunity to set up practical tests for which
the storage of the predictive distributions is not needed

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Testing Expected Shortfall

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Elicitability of VaR has no relevance in the regulatory debate

Elicitability allows you to compare models which forecast the exact same
process, based on point forecasts only. But to score the performance of a
model against an absolute significance level, one still needs (or at least
we dont see how one would not) either model assumptions or recording
all predictive distributions
Its no coincidence that VaR in banks is backtested without exploiting its

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Testing Expected Shortfall

June 2014

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Motivation and goals

Testing setting
Basel VaR backtest
Three tests for ES. Plus one


Post Scriptum

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Testing Expected Shortfall

June 2014

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By the way, ES is elicitable

well, not exactly but consider the scoring function
S(v , e, x) = e2 /2ev ((x +v < 0))+(ex 2(v 2 x 2 ))(x +v < 0)+2v 2
then you have
{VaR, ES} = arg min EF [S(v , e, Y )]
v ,e

the only condition is that 4VaR > ES, which is always true in noncrazy
this means that you can set up a contest among models that forecast
jointly VaR and ES
we could call it joint elicitability of VaR and ES
Lambert, Pennock, Shoham (08) call this property 2elicitability and
prove it for variance and mean

Carlo Acerbi and Balazs Szekely

Testing Expected Shortfall

June 2014

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By the way, ES is elicitable

well, not exactly but consider the scoring function
S(v , e, x) = e2 /2ev ((x +v < 0))+(ex 2(v 2 x 2 ))(x +v < 0)+2v 2
then you have
{VaR, ES} = arg min EF [S(v , e, Y )]
v ,e

the only condition is that 4VaR > ES, which is always true in noncrazy
this means that you can set up a contest among models that forecast
jointly VaR and ES
we could call it joint elicitability of VaR and ES
Lambert, Pennock, Shoham (08) call this property 2elicitability and
prove it for variance and mean

Carlo Acerbi and Balazs Szekely

Testing Expected Shortfall

June 2014

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By the way, ES is elicitable

well, not exactly but consider the scoring function
S(v , e, x) = e2 /2ev ((x +v < 0))+(ex 2(v 2 x 2 ))(x +v < 0)+2v 2
then you have
{VaR, ES} = arg min EF [S(v , e, Y )]
v ,e

the only condition is that 4VaR > ES, which is always true in noncrazy
this means that you can set up a contest among models that forecast
jointly VaR and ES
we could call it joint elicitability of VaR and ES
Lambert, Pennock, Shoham (08) call this property 2elicitability and
prove it for variance and mean

Carlo Acerbi and Balazs Szekely

Testing Expected Shortfall

June 2014

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By the way, ES is elicitable

well, not exactly but consider the scoring function
S(v , e, x) = e2 /2ev ((x +v < 0))+(ex 2(v 2 x 2 ))(x +v < 0)+2v 2
then you have
{VaR, ES} = arg min EF [S(v , e, Y )]
v ,e

the only condition is that 4VaR > ES, which is always true in noncrazy
this means that you can set up a contest among models that forecast
jointly VaR and ES
we could call it joint elicitability of VaR and ES
Lambert, Pennock, Shoham (08) call this property 2elicitability and
prove it for variance and mean

Carlo Acerbi and Balazs Szekely

Testing Expected Shortfall

June 2014

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By the way, ES is elicitable

well, not exactly but consider the scoring function
S(v , e, x) = e2 /2ev ((x +v < 0))+(ex 2(v 2 x 2 ))(x +v < 0)+2v 2
then you have
{VaR, ES} = arg min EF [S(v , e, Y )]
v ,e

the only condition is that 4VaR > ES, which is always true in noncrazy
this means that you can set up a contest among models that forecast
jointly VaR and ES
we could call it joint elicitability of VaR and ES
Lambert, Pennock, Shoham (08) call this property 2elicitability and
prove it for variance and mean

Carlo Acerbi and Balazs Szekely

Testing Expected Shortfall

June 2014

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By the way, ES is elicitable

well, not exactly but consider the scoring function
S(v , e, x) = e2 /2ev ((x +v < 0))+(ex 2(v 2 x 2 ))(x +v < 0)+2v 2
then you have
{VaR, ES} = arg min EF [S(v , e, Y )]
v ,e

the only condition is that 4VaR > ES, which is always true in noncrazy
this means that you can set up a contest among models that forecast
jointly VaR and ES
we could call it joint elicitability of VaR and ES
Lambert, Pennock, Shoham (08) call this property 2elicitability and
prove it for variance and mean

Carlo Acerbi and Balazs Szekely

Testing Expected Shortfall

June 2014

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By the way, ES is elicitable

well, not exactly but consider the scoring function
S(v , e, x) = e2 /2ev ((x +v < 0))+(ex 2(v 2 x 2 ))(x +v < 0)+2v 2
then you have
{VaR, ES} = arg min EF [S(v , e, Y )]
v ,e

the only condition is that 4VaR > ES, which is always true in noncrazy
this means that you can set up a contest among models that forecast
jointly VaR and ES
we could call it joint elicitability of VaR and ES
Lambert, Pennock, Shoham (08) call this property 2elicitability and
prove it for variance and mean

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Testing Expected Shortfall

June 2014

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General score function

most general scoring function, for all W

S W (v , e, x) = e2 /2 + W v 2 /2 ev

+ e(v + x) + W (x 2 v 2 )/2 (x + v < 0)
ES < W VaR

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June 2014

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A scoring function of VaR and ES

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June 2014

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Testing Expected Shortfall

June 2014

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