HTT Solid Waste Rotary Kiln Quotation
HTT Solid Waste Rotary Kiln Quotation
HTT Solid Waste Rotary Kiln Quotation
Stephen R. Parker
-Heat Recovery
Package includes a hight efficiency steam generator for recovering heat
from the resulting exhaust gases. The generator shall include sufficient
heat exchange surface to remove 65-80% of the available heat. The
steam produced can be used for process heat or generation of electricity.
-Electrical Generation
The steam produced in the system will be introduced into a steam turbine.
The steam turbine will run a generator and switch gear assembly to
produce power.
1.1B Liquid Waste Injection Option Liquid wastes with a high BTU value
such as solvents, may be injected into the chamber with an air atomizing spray
nozzle. When using a nozzle with mechanical atomization, the orifice is small.
This can cause nozzle plugging when the liquids are not properly heated and
filtered. The HTT air atomizing nozzle has a larger orifice that minimizes
plugging. The nozzle system also is designed for ease of removal and cleaning.
Some systems also include a secondary injection nozzle as a backup. The
secondary injuction unit can be used when the first is being maintained.
1.2 Primary Ignition Chamber - The rotating chamber is proven to be one of the
best available technology to burn solid materials and sludges. Contaminated
materials such as sludges and soil can be heated to drive off the contaminates
and the chemical vapors produced are destroyed in the afterburner chamber.
The hard refractory used in the Rotary Kiln typically would be field installed due
to the weight problems of shipping. The weight of hard refractory is 160 pounds
per cubic foot. The complete lined chamber can be over 50 tons.
The refractory is installed using refractory needles that assure maximum
structural integrity. A high alumina material is used with minimal binders. This
assures minimum shrinkage and maximum operating life, even when processing
materials with a high acid content.
Connected to the primary chamber shall be a stationary mating section. This
section contains the inspection door, blast gate peep sight, burner, and
connecting duct to the secondary chamber. Both the burning chamber and a
stationary chamber shall be mounted on a single trailer. At the chamber to the
outlet connection shall be air nozzles connected to a high-pressure blower with
actuated damper. As the combustion rate of the material increases, the damper
is opened thus maintaining a proper air ratio for complete combustion of the
smoke and particulate.
The materials to be consumed are charged into the rotating refractory lined
cylindrical chamber, which has been pre-heated to normal operating
temperature. The burner ignites the material and the combustible components
producing smoke and volatilized gases. The action of the burner and use of fuel
is normally intermittent, but depends upon the materials to be consumed.
Materials with a high heating value will require little if any auxiliary fuel. The
Primary Ignition Chambers consume the material thermally and as a result of the
rotation action, continuously delivers the non-combustibles (including ash) to an
exterior receptacle. The smoke and volatile vapors and gases are drawn into the
second, but stationary chamber, air is added and the secondary burner begins
the final thermal oxidation.
The ash remains in the primary chamber and settles to the bottom. As the
chamber slowly rotates, the rotary action transports the ash and other noncombustibles to the opposite end where they exit through a slot at the edge of
the kiln and into an ash receptacle. A man sized access door is provided.
Rotating this chamber during the burning process exposes new surfaces to be
burned while breaking up the insulating ash layer. The thick refractory lining
retains the desired pre-set temperature and continually moves under the burning
material while over-fire air supports the combustion from the other side.
A controlled air condition is maintained and the reduction of the waste product is
semi-pyrolytic. Non-combustible materials and ash are continuously discharged
and collected from the system. During normal operation no ash will have to be
handled, preventing a potential health hazard.
1.3 Secondary Combustion Chamber - The secondary chamber or afterburner
will be mounted on a second trailer. A suitable refractory lined transition section
shall be provided. The Secondary combustion chamber shall be constructed of
rolled carbon steel plate. The chamber shall be complete with the required
structural supports, and flanged connections. The chamber shall be lined with a
combination of both insulating and hard faced refractory materials. The refractory
shall be suitably supported with stainless steel anchors for long life. The chamber
shall be complete with access doors for inspection and maintenance.
The Secondary Combustion Chamber operates at a higher temperature (14001800 F) than the Primary Chamber and consumes the gases, smoke, and
particulate. The volatile products resulting from the thermal reduction process are
drawn into the secondary combustion chamber to be further oxidized. The burner
is positioned below HiTemp time still air so that the incoming gases and
particulate pass through the flame and are ignited. The direction of the flame
assures a swirling, vortex action providing maximum turbulence and residence
time to the burning mass.
A 304 stainless steel air dilution type stack shall be mounted to the discharge
connection of the secondary chamber. The stack shall be designed intersections
for ease of assembly and storage during equipment transport.
1.4 Burners - The Rotary Kiln System will be equipped with modulating Natural
Gas or light oil burners with flame safety. The burners will be mounted to the
outer shells of both chambers and are directed to assure maximum turbulence.
Also included will be complete fuel trains. Note: HTT burner systems come
standard with dual UV scanners and constant gas pilots for ignition. This
approach assures constant dependable operation.
1.5 Controls - The system shall monitor and record temperatures, feed rates and
cycles, external equipment conditions, and safeties. System modifications may
require only simple program changes rather than extensive field modifications
during system upgrades.
The controls are designed to permit the proper and safe operation of the unit and
to provide the operator with various options to broaden the versatility of the unit.
The control panel includes the various electrical controls to assure a safe start-up
and pre-heat of the chambers and operation of the Kiln.
Both under and over temperature limit set point circuits are interlocked with the
feeding mechanism to assure control in feeding waste materials. The Rotary
Chamber may be operated in a fixed mode, or rotated at various speeds,
depending upon the materials being fed.
The controls are designed to interlock feeding of charges until the conditions of
both chambers are brought up to pre-defined temperature levels. The feeding
process will also stop if, during operation, conditions in the combustion chambers
deviate from these pre-established conditions.
Operating temperatures controlled by adjusting the fuel-to-air ratio according to
temperature monitors in the designated flue gas flow areas. Temperature is
sensed by Chromel Alumel Type K thermocouples, which are connected to the
system temperature controls, which regulate the auxiliary fuel.
1.6 Automatic Ash Removal - The ash shall drop out of the primary chamber
once the proper burn time has elapsed. Directly below the opening shall be a
collection container or an optional ash conveyor to an ash container. The ash
shall be cooled with water spray prior to removal for emptying. Customer is
responsible for the furnishing of this container. We suggest using a stainless
container or drum with a palette-jack.
As the container shall be located below the primary chamber, the kiln would be
raised or the ash receiver placed in a pit, or a conveyor system may be used.
The orientation is optional and the foundations shall be part of the customersupplied footings.
1.7 Quencher Scrubber System - The scrubber shall include a quenching
section constructed of FRP or 316L SS, venturi, circulation pump, filler valve,
level sensor, liquid storage, packed tower, and demister pad. All components
shall be skid mounted for ease of assembly.
The Scrubber will clean the gases of fumes before being discharged into the
atmosphere. The gases contact the scrubber water to condense the fumes and
wet the particles while cleaning the interior walls of the housing. A mixing section
or packed tower accelerates the gas flow and maximizes the collection of the
pollutants. The demister separation section removes ultra fine droplets and
particles prior to being drawn to the atmosphere.