Improved Method For License Plate Recognition For Indian Road Conditions
Improved Method For License Plate Recognition For Indian Road Conditions
Improved Method For License Plate Recognition For Indian Road Conditions
ISSN 2278-6856
The paper is presenting and evaluating the proposed methods
used in LPR system against existing methods in order to justify
the efficiency of proposed methods. These methods later may
be used for the applications like traffic control; vehicle owner
identification etc. This proposed approach split the LPR
applications into three major categories: access control (AC),
law enforcement (LE), and road patrol (RP). Each category is
characterized by variables of different variation scopes. This
proposed method consists of three modules for plate detection,
character segmentation, and recognition. .In this paper an
additional null class is introduced for improving character
recognition rate.In this papar, this proposed solution will
targeted the Indian datasets. In this paper the samples from
India, from various locations, time, traffic, and weather
condition. During the practical evaluation
measure the
performance of each module and compare it against the
existing technique in order to claim efficiency of proposed
although LPR has been for more than a decade, [13]. Most
works proprietary data sets, which rarely are available for a
performance comparison report with evaluation on
performance. Several reviews cite only performance can in
fact it [6], [8], [12] without being able to validate reported.
The public lIe among those available, a limited number of
sampling or variable with a limited scope of [10]. A
suitable one Anagnostopoulos et al. [6], is given by the
variable scopes with different variation 741 images. It is,
however, not good enough to perform in the
aforementioned three major applications. In [1], recently
author license plate (AOLP) application-oriented
benchmark database, which is classified into three subsets
2049 images, presented the first version and each of the
three major applications sample subsets representing a
good scope. in various places, Taiwan time, traffic and
weather conditions all samples were collected is similar to
most LPR approaches.[1] in the solution presented plate
detection, character segmentation and recognition consists
of three modules, each module is in innovation. However
[1], the author took every step or modules offer insightful
analysis with attitude, and hence our proposed solution
could claim to efficiency.
There are many methods presented for LPR, discussing
them below according to their different phases.
2.1. Review of methods for Pre-processing
In [3], Otsu binarization method is used. The acquired
image get s segmented into several sub-regions. Threshold
value should be calculated for each sub regions.
Anagnostopoulos According to [4] pre-processing
ambient illumination conditions in the region of interest
(ROI) are used to detect it is image masking, using
binarization method with Sauvola. Sauvola method,
locally adaptive Thresholding is a binary image to gray
scale image is used to convert the value of the threshold
range. Like the surface of the fitting, variance and
parameters depends mainly on local stats. In the case of
badly illuminated areas is will reduce the calculated
threshold value. Chang et al, [5], for the purposes of
binarization mainly two: letter to highlight and to
suppress the background while some important
information will be lost from images binarization,
Thresholding a variable Nakagawa and employed the
technique proposed by Rosenfeld [5]. This technique, so
that the problem of non-uniform illumination avoid each
image pixel from a local optimum threshold value is
determined. Although local the adaptive Thresholding
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This paragraph contains the specification of hardware
and software.
4.1. Input:
The Input Image for Processing License Plate Detection
capture from Indian Dataset.
4.2. Hardware and Software Configuration
Hardware Specification:
: Pentium IV 2.6 GHz
Ram : 512 MB DD RAM
: 15 COLOR
Hard Disk
: 20 GB
Software Specification:
Front End
: Matlab
Tools Used
: Matlab 2012
Operating System : Windows 7/8
4.3. Pre-processing
PreProcessing includes converting the image into grey
scale ,image is converted into grey scale by setting up the
threshold and image sharpening and smoothingoperation
is carried out. The converted image is converted into
binary image and preprocessed image is provided to edge
detection algorithm for locating the plate.
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the focus varies we will not get very accurate the
algorithms should be improved. The MSER is proven
effective in character segmentation in this paper, and
otherinterest region detectors deserve to be studied for
their potentialin improving LPR performance.
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