Optimal Capacitor Placement
Optimal Capacitor Placement
Optimal Capacitor Placement
feeder bus
+ meters
feeder bus
Distribution systems provide power to a wide variety of load types. Resistive loads
(power factor = 1.0) require no reactive power at all, while inductive loads (power
factor < 1.0) require both active and reactive power. Inductive loads (e.g. motors)
are always present so that the line current consists of a real (or resistive)
component and an inductive component. Both components contribute to the MW
losses (which are proportional to the square of the current magnitude), voltage
drop and line loading (measured in A or MVA). The resistive component of the
current cannot be substantially reduced as this is the part of the current that
actually perfoms work (defined by demand). The reactive component of the
current can be reduced by installation of capacitors close to the loads. This has
the effect that the reactive power needed is generated locally and the distribution
circuits are relieved from the reactive power transfer. Effective placement of the
shunt capacitors (depending on the situation) can improve the voltage profile and
can greatly reduce the losses and the line loading.
The program will propose locations for the placement of shunt capacitors with the
purpose of reduction of losses in the primary feeders. The method used for the
capacitor placement module in NEPLAN performs a maximization on the MW
savings from an installation of a shunt capacitor. Only buses on the primary
feeders are candidate buses for capacitor location. The user has to make sure
that only these buses are activated as candidate buses in the respecive list (see
The primary feeder bus is the bus after the distribution substation (see figure
16.1). There can be more than one primary feeders. Each primary feeder must
be radial, i.e. there must be only one flow path from every node to the primary
feeder bus (see figure 16.2). The user should select the primary feeder bus in
such a way, that all the transformers, switches etc. are behind that bus. Ideally
the primary feeders should only contain transmission lines, cables and any other
one-port elements.
Note that only the losses of the feeder (and not transformer losses) are
considered. No optimisation is performed in terms of costs (operating or
installation). However, there is a number of certain parameters imposing
constraints on the installed MVar and number of installations (see Calculation
The bus from which all primary feeders start. Make sure all
transformers and switches are behind this bus.
Suppress LF
With this option activated the kVAR size of a capacitor will
Overcompensation not be higher than the Q flow (of the initial load flow) at that
line end.
Max. number of
Increment size
Variable Load
Variable Slack
With this option activated the user can give a different set
voltage for the network slack for every load factor.
The minimum load factor (scaling factor) for all the loads of
the selected partial network (same for P and Q demand)
Slack voltage
In %. The set voltage of the slack bus for the minimum load
The maximum load factor (scaling factor) for all the loads of
Create Capacitors
The results of the CP Analysis can be viewed with the menu option Analysis
Capacitor Placement Select results or the push button Select results.
For every load level there is a number of proposed installations. These
installations can be viewed by pressing the Results Installations button.
Load factor
Bus ID
Bus Name
Additional MW
loss reduction
The load factor for the loads of the selected partial network
(Note: not of the primary feeder).
The ID number of the bus where the capacitor is placed
The name of the bus where the capacitor is placed
In kVar. The size of the capacitor
In MW. The losses with the capacitor connected. In the first row
with the load factor the original state losses (no installations)
are shown.
In % of the orig. state (load flow) MW losses. The additional
MW loss reduction that would be achieved with the capacitor
Voltage Profiles
The voltage profiles before and after the installations shown in Results
Installations can be viewed by pressing the Voltage Profiles button.
Bus ID
Bus Name