Bhartiya Post December 2008
Bhartiya Post December 2008
Bhartiya Post December 2008
JAMMU FROM 06.10.2008 TO 08.10.2008
President : Com. L. R. Kotwal, SPM, : Com. Com. Brij Lal
Vainaik Bazaar Mehra, SPM, Sidhra
Vice Presidents : Com. Com. M. L. Housing Colony JT
Malkotra, SPM PTC : Com. Sukh Dev Sharma,
Udampur SPM, D Chak
: Com. T.K. Sharma, Treasurer : Com. Surinder Sharma,
SPM, Sainik Colony P.A. J. Cantt.
: Com. Kiran Gupta, O/A Asst. Treasurer: Com. P.P. Saini, Managar
Circle Secretary : Com. Kuldip Raj Sharma, Organising Secretaries : Com. Sudesh Pandita,
Mkt. Executive, Jammu P.A, Migrant NSPC
Asstt. Circle Secretaries : Com. M.L. Langeh, SPM : Com. Gh. Jeelani Malik,
OH Road SPM Safakadal, Srinagar
: Com. P.N. Ganjoo, D/A : Com. Kewal Krishan,
CSD JT SPM, Majalta Upr
Letter No.: P/2-5 Delhi south west Dated - 25.10.2008 37-40/2007-SPB I dt. 14.08.08, the hourly rate for
addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak payment to SDS fixed as Rs. 16..40 per hour will be
Bhawan New Delhi - 110001 reviewed when the pay scale of PA/SA is revised.
l Petition requesting waiving off market Since the Sixth CPC recommendations have
rent of Rs.14378/- arbitrarily imposed - case of Sri been implemented and revised the pay scales of the
Ajaib Singh, SPM, Green Park P. O. New Delhi PA/SA cadres, it is requested to kindly review the same
South West Division. and refix the hourly rate at the earliest.
The copy of the petition submitted by the Further, the monthly limit of engagement is
above said official to the Director General, Department restricted to 60 hours which is totally insufficient to
of Posts seeking waival of market rent arbitrarily manage the prevailing shortage of staff and it may be
imposed on him by the divisional Superintendent which raised up to 150 hours subject to the requirement of
is approved in appeal is sent herewith for kind the office.
consideration. It is requested to consider both the issues
The letter itself is self explanatory and and cause appropriate orders at the earliest.
exhaustive one. The official has been granted Letter No.: P/2-22/Alipore Dated - 25.10.2008
permission to retain the quarters attached to Kidwai addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak
Nagar West Post office up to 19.06.07 after his transfer Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
vide the SSPOs, South West Division letter dated l Replacement of Lift provided at Alipore
29.05.07 and the official has further sought of extension HO, West Bengal Circle.
up to 31.07.07 which was neither approved nor It is brought our notice that the lift provided at
rejected. The official has vacated the quarters on Alipore HO having five floors in the building has been
01.08.07 as he promised. The necessity for keeping declared condemned and beyond repairs.
the Quarters portion beyond 19.06.07 to 31.07.07 was A proposal has also been sent to replace the
due to non availability of accommodation at that time lift which to still pending approval. The staffs are put
as the official is having the larger family consisting of into lot of in conveniences in the absence of lift. The
five members. replacement required is to be attended immediately
Meanwhile, the SSPOs, New Delhi South to alleviate the sufferings of the officials working in the
West Division has endorsed the copy of his letter dt. office.
09.10.07 addressed to circle office seeking waival of It is requested to cause necessary action and
market rent of Rs.14378/- for the entire period which arrange immediate replacement of lift at the earliest.
includes the period approved by him earlier. Letter No.: P/4-1/Staff Dated - 07.11.2008 addressed
But to the dismay, recovery has been started to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan
and the official has represented his cause since then. New Delhi - 110001
The official was allowed to continue in the quarters up l Revised Recruitment Rules for HSG I &
to 19.06.07 and had retained the quarters just a period Extension of Adhoc arrangements in HSG I Cadre
of over one month only. The permission accorded to continue the
As such, it is unjust, unfair and against to the adhoc arrangements in HSG I over one year by the
principle of natural justice to impose market rent for DOPT lapses on 19.11.2008 and this should be
the entire period which includes the approved period extended forthwith.
for retention by the divisional head. The recovery is Action may also be initiated to finalise the
arbitrary and deplorable. revised recruitment Rules for HSG I since the
It is therefore requested to kindly consider the implementation of Sixth CPC is over and the revised
request of the official based on the facts and also on recruitment rules can be submitted to the nodal
humanitarian consideration and render justice by set ministry for approval. If it is finalized, the problem
aside the recovery at the earliest. pertaining to filling up of HSG I & HSG II posts will be
Letter No.: P/4-4/Staff Dated - 25.10.2008 addressed over once for all and the existing officials working on
to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan adhoc basis will be regularized with retrospective
New Delhi - 110001 effect..
l Re-introduction of Short Duty Scheme - It is requested to cause expedite action for
Revision of hourly rate - reg. approval of revised recruitment rules besides according
In accordance with the Directorate letter no. permission to continue the adhoc arrangements in
HSG I cadre till the finalization of recruitment rules. of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
Letter No.: P/2-19/Avadi Camp Dated - 07.11.2008 l Arbitrary and unwarranted closure of Post
addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak offices unleashed in Chennai city region - reg.
Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 The Postmaster General, Chennai City region
l Grant of HRA to the officials working at has caused instructions to all the divisional heads to
Mangadu in Tambaram Division at Par with rate close or merge more number of Post offices irrespective
eligible for Chennai City - reg. of the justifications or not.
Mangadu is situated in the outskirt of Chennai Accordingly several busiest post offices in
city and is with in eight kilometers radius from the Vellore and Tambaram Divisions were closed last
corporation limit of Chennai City. month on the weekend days without notice to the public
It is also paradoxical to note that all the and no information to the office in charge also. All these
officials working in the offices surrounded to this station offices were justified for their retention based on the
viz. Poonamallee, Porur, Kunrathur, are being paid with statistical figures and also as per the financial revenue
HRA/CCA at par with Chennai City and this office alone of these offices.
is left out. It is told that the PMG, Chennai City region,
The proposal submitted earlier for grant of HRA even on flimsy reasons has resorted action to close
at par with Chennai City based on the dependency the post offices and assuring the public to convert the
certificate obtained from the District Collector has not nearby office as a bigger one which is not at all possible
been considered yet. The case is still pending. and not on his hands. There are more agitations from
It is requested to expedite the case and the pubic as well as from the staff unions due to this
accord orders at the earliest duly rendering justice to unjustified spate of closure of post offices which against
the aggrieved officials prevailing over decades. to the spirit of Directorate instructions.
Letter No.: P/21-9/Kovilpatti Dated - 07.11.2008 Suitable instructions may please be issued
addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak to the PMG, Chennai City region to avert such arbitrary
Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 closure of Post offices as per his whims & fancy and
l Non allotment of adequate funds to clear ensure peace and calm working atmosphere in the
pending ROHSC claims - case of Kovilpatti divisions.
Division. A line in reply about the action taken is highly
It is brought to our notice that due to paucity solicited.
of funds allotment, the ROHSC bills right from 2004 is Letter No.: P/2-19/Tamilnadu circle Dated - 07.11.2008
still pending undisbursed in Kovilpatti division causing addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak
resentment amidst the officials. Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
Further, non reimbursement of ROHSC Bills l Non installation of Generators - case of
over four years is causing a serious concern and Tamilnadu Circle
deplorable. It is brought to our notice that the 15 KVs / 10
Necessary funds may please be allotted to KVs Generators supplied directly from Directorate to
the division to wipe out the pending bills at the earliest. many Post Offices during 2005 in Tamilnadu Circle
Letter No.: P/2-19/Tirunelveli PSD Dated - 07.11.2008 have not been installed yet. The Generators are being
addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak kept outside the office idle and some of them become
Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 out of condition.
l Non filling up the HSG II Post of Asst. Some Generators were supplied to the offices
Manager Tirunelveli PSD in Tamilnadu Circle. functioning in rented building and there is no space to
It is brought to our notice that the HSG II post keep it inside the office. There are many generators
of Asst. Manager in the Tirunelveli PSD is being kept being kept on public road and without any security
vacant and resultantly causing delay in the and they are becoming useless.
arrangement of supply of forms and stocks. It is dismayed to note that the Generator
Despite it was brought to the notice of the provided at Ambattur has not been repaired since the
regional administration, no tangible action has taken company reported that the Generator provided at HPO
so far. is only an assembled one and not belonging to the
It is requested to cause suitable instructions company.
to fill up the Post immediately. It seems that there are serious irregularities
Letter No.: P /2-19 / Tamilnadu circle Dated - in the supply of Generators to all post offices made
07.11.2008 addressed to the Secretary, Department centrally during 2005 & 2006 and its installation. It
requires immediate probe to unearth any financial It is requested to cause necessary orders to
irregularities and also to arrest any such things in future install the lift at the earliest to the HPO.
besides arranging immediate installation of Generators Letter No.: P/2-8/Dharmsala Dated - 07.11.2008
provided to post offices with out any further delay. addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak
A line in reply about the action taken is highly Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
solicited. l Withholding of Pay fixation benefits - case
Letter No.: P/2-19/Vellore Dated - 07.11.2008 of suspended officials after 01.01.2006 - reg.
addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak As per the Rule 7 of CCS (RP) Rules under
Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 note 3 that in case of Government Servant under
l Centralizing the booking of O.A. P. Money suspension, he shall continue to draw subsistence
orders & outsourcing - Arbitrary withdrawal of H.V. allowance based on existing scale of Pay and his pay
M.O. list for MOs above Rs.400/- cases of Chennai in the revised scale of Pay will be subject to final order
City region - reg. on the pending disciplinary proceedings.
Previously, the booking of old age pension This provision is applicable to those who were
Money orders were being distributed to all town sub under suspension prior to 01.01.2006 and are still
offices in order to book the money orders without delay under suspension.
and dispatching them to concerned stations safely by Whereas, in many circles, the Pay
preparing the HVMO lists. Commission benefits have not been extended to those
The PMG, Chennai City region has suddenly placed under suspension after 01.01.2006 and were
ordered to withdraw the practice and centralize the reinstated subsequently and working in the offices.
booking at Head Post offices and also instructed not The reason of non disposal of final orders of the Rule
to prepare HVMO Lists and dispatch them. The orders 14 does not hold any water to those placed under
of the PMG have not been implemented in most of the suspension on or after 01.01.2006. There is a glaring
divisions except Vellore due to the various practical case prevailing in Dharmshala division in H.P. Circle
difficulties and in particular it will pave ways for more and the due fixation has not been extended to the
frauds in the booking and payment points. official.
The SSPOs, Vellore has now centralized the It is requested to pursue these case and
booking of the MOs and entrusted to outsiders. The cause necessary clarificatory orders to all circle heads
outsiders are signing the MOs and authenticated the and ensure payment of fixation benefits to those officials
money orders with M.O. oblong stamp. The enclosed placed under suspension on or after 01.01.2006 and
copies of the MOs will exhibit the corrections made in reinstated subsequently.
the oblong stamp impressions by the outsiders and A line in reply about the action taken is highly
this is against to the Departmental rules & regulations. solicited.
If any frauds taken place, the onus of responsibility Letter No.: P/2-19/Tambaram Dated – 07.11.2008
will lie on the shoulder of poor innocent Postal officials addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak
who are not at all subscribed anything to this kind of Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001
innovative unwarranted ideas. This causes a serious l Construction of departmental building at
concern and it should be arrested forthwith. Chitlapakkam P.O. Chennai 600064 under
It is therefore requested to cause appropriate Tambaram Division, Tamilnadu Circle.
orders at once to the Circle administration to withdraw It is brought to our notice that the Chief PMG
the procedure at Vellore H O in booking OAP Mos Tamilnadu Circle has submitted a proposal to
and restore status quo ante. Directorate for the construction of departmental building
A line in reply about the action taken is highly at Chitlapakkam P.O and or the inclusion of eleventh
solicited. five year plan.
Letter No.: P/2-19/Salem HPO Dated - 07.11.2008 It is requested to accord approval and allot
addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak funds for the early construction of the departmental
Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 building which is the dire need for the P.O.
l Providing Lift facilities to Salem HPO - A line in reply about the action taken is highly
reg. solicited.
Despite making provision to install lift at Salem Letter No.: P/2-19/Salem East Dated - 07.11.2008
HPO in Tamilnadu Circle and also called tenders for addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak
the installation, this has not been provided yet due to Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
non purchase of lift. This is pending over years. l Continuous grant of HRA to the Postal
Staff Working at Kannankurichi in Salem East possible help/assistance by providing financial
Division. Tamilnadu Circle. assistance and due advances to those officials at
Ref: - (i) This Union letters of even no. dt. distress.
25.01.07 & 29.12.07. Immediate action is highly solicited.
(ii) Yr. Letter No. 4/45/97 PAP dt. 07.02.07 a / t. Letter No.: p / 4 - 1 / Staff Dated - 10.11.2008 addressed
PMG, Coimbatore to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan,
Apropos reference, it is learnt that the PMG New Delhi - 110001
Western region has submitted the proposal with fresh l Provision of Computers to the Supervisors
Dependency Certificate on 25.10.07 and the same is in Operative offices.
still pending perusal at your end. Despite the online working on computers is
The delay over one year is causing concern. implemented in many Pos, particularly in SB, the
It is requested to pursue the same without any further computers have not been supplied to the Supervisors
delay and accord orders. to cheek the entries then & there.
Letter No.: P/2-9/Jammu Dated - 10.11.2008 They have to go to some other computer and
addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak cheek the entries later on. This has defeated the very
Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 purpose of effective supervision and led to many
l Non payment of OTA for the duty irregularities. It is the dire need to provide computers
performed for booking of Examination parcel of to all supervisors separately so that they can have
National open school at Gandhinagar in Jammu effective supervision and it is most pertinent that such
Division. computers provided should have the provision of
The OTA bills related to the work performed scanning the specimen signature of the depositors.
by the counter PA for booking of Examination parcel It is therefore requested to cause suitable
after the working hours at Gandhinagar GPO on OTA instructions to all the regional heads to ensure supply
basis since 2004 have not been paid so far due to of computers to the supervisors forth with.
paucity of fund allotment. Letter No.: P / 4 - 1 / Staff Dated - 10.11.2008
The OTA Bills for the year 2004, 2005, 2006 addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak
& 2007 are still unpaid to the officials working in this Bhawan, New Delhi - 11001
office which causes a serious concern. l Awarding Punishments by Quoting rules/
The repeated requests of the officials and the authority outside the Departmental manuals - reg.
union yielded with futile results and no reply has so Of late, in number of disciplinary cases, the
far been given about the nonpayment of the OTA bills. Disciplinary authorities are quoting the rules outside
This is deplorable. the departmental manual and punishing on merely
Suitable instructions may please be issued presumption and without citing the violation of
to sanction the bills without any further delay. departmental rules provided in the manuals. This is
Letter No.: P / 2 - 16 / Orissa Dated - 10.11.2008 against to the statutory provisions and bad before law.
addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Suitable instructions may please by issued
Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 to all disciplinary authorities to adhere the procedure
l Financial Assistance/Natural Calamity and act only as per the departmental manuals while
Advance to the Flood Victims of Orissa Circle. awarding any punishment to the officials.
Letter No.: P / 4 - 5 /Operations Dated - 10.11.2008
The flood in Orissa has recently played a devastating addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak
role affecting to most of districts of the State. Postal Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
employees have also become serious victims in the l Issue of Duplicate RPLI Pass Book -
natural calamity. Many staffs are reported to be Verification of credits - reg.
homeless and some have lost their belongings. At present, when a RPLI policy holder lost
Under such disaster, no action has so far been his RPLI pass book and seeks duplicate pass book,
taken to assist the flood victims of our department the sub offices are being addressed to furnish the credit
either by granting Financial Assistance or granting due details and certificates. In many cases, the certificates
advances to them. The required action to seek financial are to be furnished over twenty to thirty years.
assistance from other states from welfare fund etc. to It is rather not feasible to maintain all these
assist the victims has not so far been initiated by the records at sub offices for such a long period or find out
Circle administration. at later period. These information should be available
It is requested to cause immediate action on at HOs as computerized records so that the credits
this human and sensitive issue for extension of all
may be verified when such action warrants. l Classification of B2 City (now 'Y' class) -
It is therefore requested to cause orders to case of Ajmer City - reg.
verify these entries with the schedules of HPO The MOF vide its letter No. 2 (17)/2008-E II
accounts branch besides maintaining a separate RPLI (B) dt. 01.10.08 communicated to Secretary, Staff Side
computerized records of credit in respect of each sub JCM that the protection of retaining higher classification
offices and keep it as a permanent record. of B2 class city which is equated to Y class city under
A reply about the action taken is highly the revised classification would continue to be
solicited. applicable to Ajmer. The copy of the said letter is
Letter No.: P/2-13/Maharastra Dated - 10.11.2008 enclosed herewith for your reference.
addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak It is requested to cause appropriate orders
Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 on the basis of the MOF letter at the earliest and
l Non Payment of due arrears to pensioners ensure drawal of 20% HRA to the staff working at Ajmer.
- case of Maharastra Circle Letter No.: P/4-1/Staff Dated - 14.11.2008 addressed
Despite crystal clear communication vide yr to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan,
letter No. 4-6/08/Pen. dt. 23.10.08 that the first New Delhi - 110001
installment of arrears of pension as per the orders on l Posting of FTP official in project Arrow
acceptance of 6th CPC recommendations with in a Post offices - reg.
week from the issue of notifications to all pre 2006 It is rather dismayed to note that the
pensioners/family pensioners, more than 95% of the Directorate has caused instructions vide its letter No.
pensioners are yet to get their dues in Maharashtra 13-42/2008-Trg dt. 01.10.08 to post as many as FTP
Circle. The reason for such delay is stated due to non staff on the project Arrow Post offices phase I & II.
supply of calculation sheets etc to the HPOs by the The discrimination between the regular and
Circle head. FTP in the LSG Supervisory cadre is causing a concern
The delay has caused a serious concern and & deplorable. This will demotivate the senior officials
the Staff side RJCM has decided to sit on indefinite and also bad before law. If these orders are
hunger fast before Circle office form 20.11.08 in case implemented, several officials both FTP and norm
if the arrears are not paid before that. based LSG officials are likely to be shifted abruptly
It is requested to cause appropriate without allowing them to continue in their present posts
instructions and ensure immediate payment of arrears till completion of their tenure.
and restore peace and amity. This will certainly create a demarcating line
A line in reply about the action taken is highly among the FTP official & and regular LSG officials
appreciated. and result in demoralization of the particular LSG cadre.
Letter No.: P/4-4/Computer Advance Dated - The posting of officials to project Arrow post office
22.10.2008 addressed to the Secretary, Department should be on actual performance of individual official
of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 and not on the basis of FTP or regular LSG etc.
l Allotment of More budgetary allotment It is requested to cause withdrawal of the said
for Computer Advance - reg. instructions and post eligible, entitiled officials for such
It is brought to our notice that the amount post offices of importance.
allotted under the head to all Circles is totally A line in reply about the action taken is highly
inadequate and not more than eight to ten officials solicited.
could avail the advance in each circle. Letter No.: P/2-8/H P Circle Dated - 15.11.2008
After the total computerization of the P.O. audits addressed to the Secretary (P), Department of Posts
functioning, the officials who desire to purchase Dak Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001
computers for their own should be encouraged which l Unhelpful and anti worker activities of the
will motivate them further in the computer operations. SPOs, Dharmshala - request to rein in.
There is a resentment prevailing amidst the officials due The copy of the resolution adopted in the Circle
to poor allotment of funds under this head last year. Conference of Himachal Pradesh held on 11, 12.10.08
It is therefore requested to expedite action to on this issue which is more exhaustive is enclosed
allot more funds under this head and enable the herewith for your immediate intervention.
officials to avail the advance for purchase of personal The congenial atmosphere prevailed in the
computers. division has been totally spoiled due to the autocrat
Letter No.: P/2-18/Ajmer Dated - 08.11.2008 and admanant postures of the divisional
addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak superintendent. The Circle President has been
Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 proceeded under Rule 14 for flimsy reasons and his
son who is also working as PA has also been proceeded Mandua Postal colony is having 16 Quarters
under Rule 14. All these are excessive and vindictive in the four strayed building which were built during
attitude and also an act of vendetta against the 1983. During last 25 years, proper civil maintenance
divisional Secretary/Circle President who questioned work has been carried out and major works left
the misuse of authorities and purely based on frivolous remaining unattended. As a result both the flats (Type
and concocted reasons. I & Type II) have now turned to dilapidated condition
The instructions issued by the Chief PMG have and demolishing state.
not been honored and he is running amuck as an The following works need to be attended on
unbridled horse style. If an open enquiry is constituted, war footing in rest of the Quarters to save the
it will roll out many hidden skeletons about his misuse inhabitants and also the buildings.
of powers and his threatening posture. The staff are 1. Rain water profusely leaking into the rooms through
very much agitated and they are working under panic. chapped cemented plaster of the wall & RCC roof. The
It is therefore requested to intervene and cause occupants are facing a lot of difficulties during rain.
suitable instructions to the Chief PMG to rein in the 2. The walls of the building from top to bottom
SPOs or transfer him out of the division and post to a remaining damp which damaged the wooden fittings
non sensitive post. like doors & windows and electrical wirings.
Immediate action is highly solicited. 3. The RCC graded column of the main structure
Letter No.: P/2-17/Jalandhar Dated - 14.11.2008 of the building has been damaged,. Thereby the
addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak strength of the building becoming weak day by day.
Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 4. The cemented water tank on the top of the roof
l High handed attitude of the SSPOs, has been damaged which may be collapsed at any time.
Jalandhar causing strike action by all unions from 5. The sanitary fittings, water supply pipes have
12.11.08 been rusted and damaged. In some quarters water
There was a burglary taken place at Jalandhar supply has been totally ceased which needs
HPO in the midnights of 05.11.08/06.11.08 and a sum immediate restoration.
of Rs.40/- lakhs were looted my miscreants and 6. The lavatory portion of each quarter has
excaped the scene. A case was lodged in the police. become dilapidated.
After the introduction of Gold sales at 7. The sewerage system and drainage system
Jalandhar City H.O. one chest was spared exclusively have been damaged causing inhygienic atmospheres
to keep the coil coins since 24.10.08 and remaining inside the campus.
items were kept in the remaining two cash chests. 8. The common latrine tank, its soak pit &
After keeping both the cash chests fully, additional swerage also have been damaged & same are lying
cash was being kept in an ordinary safe which was open through which rain water rushing inside.
also lying in the treasury cage. After breaking the 9. Separate latrine tanks needs to be
treasury door, the burglars looted the amount. Police constructed for each flat for easy discharge of
investigation is going on. excrements.
It is most pertinent to mention that the police 10. The electrical maintenance has not been done
authorities instead of searching the real culprits have since its installation except minor repairing in stair
harassing the women employees working in the HPO case portion. The fittings in almost all quarters has
and causing tortures, Adding fuel to fire, the SSPos, been damaged. The electrical wirings are lying in
Jalandhar division has suspended all the three unsafe position.
treasurers who are in no way responsible for the 11. The wooden doors & windows in all quarters
burglary. This has caused a serious tension in the either broken or damaged which needs immediate
entire division and led to serious agitation. replacement.
It is requested to intervene immediately to 12. The boundary wall of the colony campus has
reinstate all the officials forthwith besides rein in the SSPOs become short height due to increase of ground level
who is misusing his powers in harassing the officials. around it after construction of outside public roads.
Immediate action is requested to put off the The animals, cattles and miscreants easily
flames in the division. trespassing inside the campus jumping over the
Letter No.: P/2-16/Keonjhar Dated - 19.11.2008 existing walls
addressed to the Secretary, Department of Posts, Dak It is urged upon to bestow immediate attention
Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001 to this major issues and cause repairs work on war footing.
l Maintenance of Staff Quarter buildings of A line in reply about the action taken is highly
Mandua Postal Colony, Keonjhargarh - reg. appreciated
Consolidated Statement of Income & Expenditure w.e.f. 01-04-2008 to 30-09-2008
(Subject to Audit)
Balances on 31-03-2008 = 4795122.45 Office Assistant = 49723
Receipts Record Clerk = 40752
Apr-08 = 548049.00 Peon = 35402
May-08 = 182741.00 Sweeper = 1600 = 127477.00
Jun-08 = 59014.00 8. TA/DA to Office bearers
Jul-08 = 54744.00 General Secretary = 77540
Aug-08 = 41318.00 Deputy General Secy. = 19117
Sep-08 = 96853.00 Office bearers = 19699 = 116356.00
Total = 982719.00 + = 982719.00 9. C.W.C. (Delhi) Expenses = 244547.30
Interest of SB Accounts (as per pass books) 10.Bhartiya Post = 139885.00
= 20189.63 11.Printing Charges = 2100.00
GrossTotal = 5798031.08 12.Office maintenance = 37724.00
Less Expenditure 13. Conveyance charges
Apr-08 = 436519.30 General Secretary = 20550
May-08 = 194657.00 Deputy General Secy = 3343
Jun-08 = 205329.00 Treasurer = 10500
Jul-08 = 187022.50 Asst. Treasurer = 9000
Aug-08 = 155215.50 Staff = 2636 = 46029.00
Sep-08 = 263521.00 14. Telephone Bills = 14532.00
Total = 1442264.30 = - 1442264.30 15. Mobile Phone Bills
Total = 4355766.78 General Secretary = 16877
Balances on 30-09-2008 Deputy General Secy. = 1815
Details of Balances as on 30-09-2008SB A/C Syndicate Office Staff = 1638 = 20330.00
Bank = 471513.83 16. Electricity & Water Charges = 14256.00
FD A/C Syndicate Bank = 3800000.00 17. Postage Charges = 49668.00
Ticket Purchase = 46000.00 18. Office requirements = 15011.00
Cash in Hand = 21358.95 19. Stationaries = 5874.50
Cheque in Transit = 16894.00 20. Sumptuary = 12340.50
Total 4355766.78 21. Photostat = 26432.00
Rupees Forty Three Lakh Fifty Five Thousand 22. News Papers = 1936.00
Seven Sixty Six & Paisa Seventy Eight Only 23. M. R. Claims
Sd/ Sd/ General Secretary = 10288
Treasurer General Secretary Deputy General Secy. = 349 = 10637.00
Headwise detail of Income 24 Court Expenses = 28825.00
w.e.f. 01.04.2008 to 30.09.2008 25 Gifts = 2128.00
(Subject to Audit) 26 Agitational Expenses = 1840.00
Quota to CHQ = 868278 27 Computer Expenses = 1130.00
Quota to NFPE = 11139 28 Ticket concellation Charges = 1985.00
B.Post = 73393 29 Tarapada Bhawan Maintenance = 17099.00
Donations = 10600 30 Loan to NFPE = 60000.00
Refund of Security of Hutch Phone = 4345 31 DD/Bank Charges = 249.00
Publication Sale = 9964 32 Social Security Contributions to Staff = 4500.00
Advt.Charges Recd. = 5000 33 Fax Charges = 400.00
Total Receipts = 982719 34 Financial Asst to Sumitra
Rs. Nine Lakh Eighty Two Thousand Seven Hundred Nineteen Only Goswami for Foreign Tour = 5000.00
Headwise details of Expenditure 35 Financial Asst to Com. K. Ragavendran
w.e.f. 01-04-2008 to 30-09-2008 S/G NFPE for Foreign Tour = 5000.00
(Subject to Audit) 35 Cost of Laptop, software, Maintenance, &
1 Loss of Pay to General Secretary = 156038.00 Broadband Connection = 50701.00
2 HQ Allowance to G.S = 15000.00 36 Cost of one H.P. Printer (Computer) = 9500.00
3 Pay Commission arrears to G.S. = 47216.00 37 Cost of Reference Books = 695.00
4 Loss of Pay to Deputy G.S. = 99192.00 38 Audit fee paid to Auditor = 22472.00
5. H.Q. Allowance to Deputy G.S = 15000.00 Total = 1442264.30
6. Pay Commission arrears to Deputy G.S= 13159.00 Rupees Fourteen Lakh Forty Two Thousand Two
7. Pay & Allowance to Staff Hundred Sixty Four Only.
(Contd. from page 33) Sixth Pay Commission and in supersession of this
to kindly consult the Staff Unions in your Circle and Department's O.M. No. 4/4/97-Estt. (Pay II) dated
offer your valuable suggestions on this proposal. 22.4.98 and OM. No. 4/5/97-Estt. (Pay II) dated 5.5.98
2. There is also a demand about improving the on the subject of Special Allowance and Cash Handling
quality of chappals/umbrellas or simply make cash Allowance respectively, the President is pleased to
payment in lieu of chappals and umbrellas. I request double the existing rates of these Allowances. The
your to kindly offer your valuable suggestions on this rates of these allowances will be increased by 25%
proposal as well. every time the Dearness Allowance payable on revised
3. Further, I request you to kindly send your pay scales goes up by 50%.
views to this office latest by 22 October, 2008 2. These orders shall be effective from 1st
(DG(P) No.2-4/2006-UPE dated 3-10-2008) September, 2008.
l Revision of Special Allowance and Cash 3. Insofar as persons serving in the Indian Audit
Handling Allowance-Recommendations of the & Accounts Department are concerned, these orders
Sixth Central Pay Commission. issue after consultation with the Computroller & Auditor
Consequent upon the decision taken by the General of India.
Government on the recommendations made by the (DoP & T OM No. 4/6/2008-Estt. (Pay-II) dated 1.10.08)