Nautical Compendium

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The document provides details on ships, nautical terms, combat, and underwater exploration for use in Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying games.

The document divides ships into three categories: coasters, inlanders, and seafarers based on their cargo capacity and intended use.

The document mentions nautical dangers like storms and mentions details on nautical combat.



A Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Supplement

A Detailed Guide of Boats and Ships for Use with the Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Role
Playing Game Produced by Wizards of the Coast.
By Christopher King
Implement Games, Inc.

Nautical Compendium
Chris King
2009 Implement Games, Inc.

Produced for use with the Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition role playing game distributed
by Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
the Coast, Inc. in the USA and other countries and are used with permission. Certain materials,
including 4E References in this publication, D&D core rules mechanics, and all D&D characters and
their distinctive likenesses, are property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc., and are used with permission

under the Dungeons & Dragons 4 Edition Game System License. All 4E References are listed in the
4E System Reference Document, available at

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 4 Edition PLAYERS HANDBOOK, written by Rob Heinsoo, Andy Collins,
and James Wyatt; DUNGEON MASTERS GUIDE, written by James Wyatt; and MONSTER MANUAL,
written by Mike Mearls, Stephen Schubert and James Wyatt
2008 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights reserved.

Table of Contents
Types of Ships..4
Coaster Descriptions5
Inlander Descriptions...6
Seafarer Descriptions...7
Glossary of Nautical Terms.8
Ship Characteristics.9
Nautical Dangers16
Nautical Combat.17
Underwater Exploration.19
Underwater Combat...22
Underwater Encounters..23

Types of Ships
Back in 1997, a book named Of Ships and the
Sea was published by TSR for the 2nd Edition
Advanced Dungeons and Dragons game. In that
book the designers broke down the various ships
they were to present into three categories:
coasters, inlanders, and seafarers. This book will
present ships using the same breakdown for ease
of use. Also, Of Ships and the Sea presented
only ships popularly used from early antiquity
until the late medieval period. This book will
also follow that same format.

Coasters is a designation this book will use to
describe various ships with limited cargo room,
and a distinct lack of crew quarters that would
make long voyages highly unlikely.
Because of this, most coasters must remain
within eye-sight of land, or in the case of
auxiliary boats such as skiffs, they must remain
within eye-sight of their mother ship.
Coasters also usually cannot withstand the
power of the open sea for long periods and, as
such, function primarily in large inland lakes,
rivers, and coastal areas close to land or other
resources and safety.

Similar to coasters, most inlanders are made for
inland use, such as in large lakes and rivers.
Normally used for cargo transport, inlanders
have the capacity to be put out to open sea, but
their primary purpose is short-range
Most inlanders also lack the capability of
defending itself in case of attack like the better
suited seafarers can.
Skilled sailors have, however, sailed inland
ships far out into the open ocean with success,

but these occurrences are rare and best left as a

last-resort option to extremely talented mariners
with a hardy and knowledgeable crew.

Seafarers represent those ships that make their
voyages on the high seas. These ships can last
weeks, and even months, on the open ocean
without the need to return to land.
From huge longships to the classic pirate-ship,
seafarers are the very pinnacle of nautical
invention. It is from seafarers that stories of faroff lands, mermaids, and sea monsters originate.

Tips for the

Dungeon Master
Ships are primarily built based on one of two
choices: speed or stability. A ship designed with
maximum speed in mind will generally not be as
durable or stable on the open water as a ship that
was designed with stability in mind.
Generally speaking, the thinner and longer a
ship is, the faster it can travel. On the reverse
side, the shorter and wider a ship is, the more
stable it is on the open water. When designing
new ships, or converting historical ships for use
in play, the above things should be kept in mind.
A DM should also carefully consider where he
places the presented ships in his campaign. A
90-feet long Sohar ship is going to completely
non-functional in a river, while a keelboat is
generally not going to last 5 minutes on the
open sea. This is the primary reason this book
breaks down the various ships into the three
categories spoken of earlier.
DMs should remember the crew size, cargo
capacity, and overall design of a ship before
randomly placing it into his campaign.

One of the oldest forms of watercraft, canoes
are traditionally little more than hollowed out
logs that have been softened in very hot water to
allow the designer to shape it to his desired idea
of how it should look.
Canoes can range in length from as short as 6
feet to as long as 60 feet, but the average canoe
is approximately ten feet in length from bow to
stern. Canoes of this general size can carry 2
medium-sized passengers and 500 pounds of
cargo. For every 5 feet in length added on to the
traditional size, the canoe can support one
additional medium-sized passenger and 50 more
pounds of cargo.
For example, a twenty foot canoe can support 4
medium-sized passengers and 600 pounds of
supplies and cargo.

Cargo Ship
Also referred to as roundships, cargo ships
generally stay very close to shore as they make
their travels to deliver goods and supplies. A
typical cargo ship is 60 feet long and 25 feet
wide, with the capacity to carry 20 mediumsized crewmen and 100 tons of cargo.
Cargo ships also have what is called a
sterncastle, which is an enclosed area of the ship
that the crew can take shelter in during bouts of
bad weather.
Most cargo ships have two masts with triangular
sails and rely on wind-power as opposed to oars
for its main mode of locomotion.
Cargo ships are not very fast, but are the main
means of transporting goods for the vast
majority of coastal areas due to their large cargo

Ancient in its origins, the curragh is typically
little more than stitched together animal hides
that cover a thin wood or wicker frame.
Generally, there is a single mast with a square
sail, but the curragh relies on oars just as much,
if not more so, than wind.
A typical curragh is about 20 feet in length, and
has the capacity to carry 8 crew members and 5
tons of cargo. This ship is not particularly
sturdy, so most remain well within sight of land
while travelling.

Also called the dragonship or longship, the
drakkar is primarily used as a war ship and
means of mass troop transport. A typical
drakkar is about 100 feet in length, and can
carry a crew of 80 with room for 160 additional
warriors and whatever immediate supplies are
needed for the fighters.
Drakkars have a single mast with a large, square
sail, but the majority of the ships power derives
from oarsone for each of the 80 crewmen.

Dromonds are similar to drakkars in that they
are very long (usually 170 feet) and slender.
Typical dromonds have two large masts with
triangular sails, but their real power comes from
the 50 oars used to paddle the ship.
Dromonds can haul 100 tons of cargo and
supports a crew of 200 medium-sized men.
During times of conflict, an additional 100 men
can travel on the ship. Some dromonds have one
or two sterncastles for the crew to get into
during times of inclement weather.
Due to their thin design, dromonds capsize
fairly easily, so most stick to within eye-sight of
shore and dock for the night.

Great Galley
Typically seen as the natural evolution of the
dromond, galleys are usually 130 feet long and
20 feet wide. Like the dromond, two rows of
oars (usually 140) propel the ship, but a series of
three large masts with square sails adds a great
degree of speed and maneuverability.
Most galleys support a crew of 150 and can hold
approximately 150 tons of cargo. During times
of war, an additional 150 crewmembers can be
fitted into the ship. An interesting addition to
great galleys is a large ram affixed to the ship
that makes it as deadly as the crew it carries.

The knarr is a smaller ship that is typically 75
feet long and 20 feet wide. The knarr is manned
by a crew of 12 men, all of which have an oar
that helps propel the ship in addition to a single
mast and square sail.
The knarr has a cargo capacity of 50 tons. What
makes the knarr unique is its flat bottom. This
allows the ship to maneuver on rivers just as
smoothly as on the open water. A knarr can also
be taken out to open sea, but it is usually rare
and done only in emergency circumstances.

Skiffs are usually used as support boats for
larger ships and for work around ports. Typical
skiffs average 15 feet long and 10 feet wide.
They have a carrying capacity of 600 pounds of
cargo, as well as up to 6 crew members.
Skiffs are capable of short open-sea voyages,
but their tendency to capsize and lack of shelter
for crew members makes it a very rare
occurrence to see one alone on open water.

The trireme is a galley that measure about 130
feet long and has three banks of oars. A single,
large mast and sail aid in propulsion of the large

Made primarily for war, a trireme has a

detachable ram and two stern rudders. It has a
typical crew of 170 men, but can easily hold an
additional 30.
Due to its intended purpose, a trireme has little
space for cargo, a thin frame, is prone to
capsizing in bad weather, and as such does not
usually venture far from shore and tends to dock
or beach itself at night.

Barges are cargo-hauling ships that range in size
from 10 to 50 feet in length and are generally
box-shaped, not exceeding 20 feet in width. The
amount of cargo a barge can hold is equal to 4
tons per 10 feet of length. The crew needed to
man a barge is minimal; usually just enough to
tie down the cargo, help paddle or pole, and
help remove the cargo when it reaches its
Barges are typically not very seaworthy, and as
such are predominantly used in rivers, calm
waters, and harbors for transporting cargo from
ship to shore and from ship to ship via oars or
by poling the vessel along the waterway.

A keelboat is a small, river-faring vessel created
to move people and limited cargo down rivers
and other small waterways.
A typical keelboat is 20 feet long, 8 feet wide,
and only requires one crewman. It can carry
typically up to six medium-sized passengers and
their equipment.

Rafts are very simple vessels usually made by
tying logs together. Rafts can range anywhere
from 8 feet long to 40 feet long, and are
typically used on calm waters to transport
people from place to place as well as having the
capacity to hold cargo. The amount of cargo a
raft can carry is equal to 3 tons for every ten feet
of length. A raft typically can carry 1 crewman
and 1 passenger per five feet of length. For
example, a thirty foot long raft can carry one
crewman, 6 passengers, and 9 tons of cargo and

The caravel is the pinnacle of naval aviation
technology in most fantasy-based role playing
games. Most caravels have two or three masts,
are 70 feet long and 20 feet wide. Caravels have
the capacity to support a crew of 40 men and
hold up to 200 tons of cargo. Many have
multiple castles for shelter of the cargo and crew
Typically seen as the safest and most reliable
ships of the sea, caravels have been represented
historically as naval war vessels, pirate ships,
and exploration ships.

The cog is simply the natural evolution of the
cargo ship to allow it to journey extended
distances on the open sea. Typical cogs are 80
feet long and twenty feet wide, with multiple
castles to shelter crew members and cargo.
Cogs can support a crew of 20, and has room for
up to 150 tons of cargo. Cogs are seen as some

of the most stable and secure ships that can be

found in most fantasy settings.

Most longships are 70 feet long and 20 feet
wide. Twenty to twenty-five oars line each side
of the ship, and are manned by the 50 crew
members. Most longships have a single, large
mast and square sail to add further speed.
Being more of a warrior transport than a cargo
transport, a longship has the capacity to carry
150 men, but only support about 50 tons of
cargo. Being similar to the drakkar, but built
with more stability in mind, longships are quite
seaworthy and can make cross-oceanic trips
with little to no trouble.

Outriggers, simply put, are little more than large
canoes with smaller floats attached their sides.
These ships average 30 feet in length and 16
feet in width, not counting the attached floats.
Most outriggers have a single mast with a
square sail and have the capacity to carry a crew
of 6 people and an additional 500 pounds of
cargo. In poor weather, the sail can be lowered,
and the crew can paddle the craft.
While not as common on the open sea as some
other ships, outriggers are easy to build as well
as inexpensive, and are more than capable of
making transoceanic journeys.

This merchant ship averages 90 feet in length,
20 feet in width, and has three masts. Sohars
also have a small sterncastle, and quarters for a
crew of 20 people.
A sohar has the capacity to carry up to 100 tons
of cargo. Due to its stability and carrying
capacity, the sohar can be sued for merchant
trading as well as in war. In typical port towns,
sohars are likely to be very common.

Glossary of
Nautical Terms
The following glossary will help familiarize
both players and Dungeon Masters with the
various terms specific to nautical use. Many of
these terms appear multiple times throughout
this book, so a good working knowledge of the
terminology is essential for understanding, and
to allow a greater depth of immersion and
realism to a nautical-based campaign.
Aft: The rear portion of a ship.
Ballast: Weight carried in the bottom of a ship
to improve stability on the open water.
Bow: The front of a ship.
Bowsprit: A long pole extending from the bow
of a ship usually used to tie off rigging.
Capstan: A mechanical wench used primarily
for pulling in an anchor.
Draft: The minimum depth of water needed to
float a ship in.
Fathom: A unit of measurement equal to 6 feet.
Usually used when referring to depth.
Fleet: Several ships that are working together.
Used primarily for war ships or cargo ships.
Fore: The front portion of a ship.
Freeboard: The height of the side of a hip that
extends above the surface of the water.
Heel: The action of a ship tilting over to one
Hull: The shell and frame of the floatation-part
of a ship.
Keel: The center structural basis of the hull of a

Knots: A unit of speed that measures one

nautical mile per hour, or 1.852 kilometers per
Lanteen Sail: A triangular-shaped sail that is
attached to a yard.
League: A unit of measurement equal three
knots, or three nautical miles per hour.
Leeward: Describes the direction that the wind
is blowing towards.
Mast: A large, vertical pole that supports the
ships sails or rigging.
Masthead: Also called a Crows Nest, a small
platform partway up the mast that is used for a
Port: Toward the left-hand side of the ship
when facing forward.
Rigging: The ropes used to support and move
the sails on a ship.
Rudder: The steering mechanism controlled by
the captains wheel that can turn the ship.
Running: Term used for sailing with the
Skipper: The captain of the ship.
Starboard: Toward the right-hand side of the
ship when facing forward.
Stern: The furthest rear part of a ship.
Sweeps: Large oars that typically require two or
more men to operate.
Tacking: The action of changing the course of a
ship by turning the ship into the wind.
Windward: The direction that the wind is
blowing from.
Yard: A horizontal pole attached to the mast by
which a sail is hung.

Ship Characteristics
Cargo Ship
Great Galley
Keel Boat


20 ft.
10 ft.
70 ft.
70 ft.
90 ft.
20 ft.
100 ft.
175 ft.
130 ft.
20 ft.
75 ft.
75 ft.
30 ft.
10 ft.
15 ft.
90 ft.
135 ft.

10 ft.
5 ft.
20 ft.
25 ft.
20 ft.
5 ft.
15 ft.
15 ft.
20 ft.
5 ft.
15 ft.
15 ft.
15 ft.
10 ft.
5 ft.
25 ft.
15 ft.


8 tons
500 lbs.
200 tons
100 tons
150 tons
5 tons
100 tons
150 tons
500 lbs.
50 tons
10 tons
500 lbs.
3 tons
500 lbs.
100 tons

500 gp
30 gp
30,000 gp
12,000 gp
20,000 gp
60 gp
25,000 gp
20,000 gp
25,000 gp
250 gp
6,000 gp
15,000 gp
75 gp
30 gp
100 gp
17,000 gp
20,000 gp

1 week
3 days
5 months
3 months
4 months
1 week
2 months
4 months
4 months
2 weeks
1 month
1 month
1 week
1 week
1 week
4 months
4 months

Speed: Shows the number of squares per round that a ship can travel in normal conditions.
Length: Shows the typical length of the ship, not to include any decorations or additions put on for
aesthetic purposes.
Width: Shows the typical width of the ship.
Crew: Shows the usual number of crew members needed for normal ship operations.
Cargo: Shows the typical maximum amount of cargo a ship can carry, in pounds, without being
weighted down.
Cost: Shows the usual cost, in gold pieces, to either purchase a ship or to have one built.
Construction: Shows the typical amount of time it takes to build a ship from beginning to end using a
set number of builders and a ready supply of equipment and materials.

A Note on Ship Speed in Game-play: When discussing the speed of a ship, terms such as leagues or
knots are used. To turn these measurements into game mechanics, one knot is equal to 6,076 feet, or
1,215 squares, and one league is equal to 18,228 feet, or 3,645 squares (rounding down). Not that it
would be desirable to actually draw out a knot or a league, but it is good for the Dungeon Master to
know relative speeds when determining the movement of swimming creatures, flying creatures, and
other possible encounters while the Player Characters are traveling on ships.

One Square Equals Five Feet


One Square Equals Five Feet


One Square Equals Five Feet





Great Galley





Cargo Ship
Great Galley
Keel Boat

Ship Hit Points



Ballista (S,M), Catapult (S,M), Greek Fire
Ballista (S), Catapult (S)
Ballista (S), Catapult (S)
Ballista (S), Catapult (S)
Ballista (S,M,L), Catapult (S,M,L), Greek Fire
Ballista (S), Catapult (S)
Ballista (S), Catapult (S)
Ballista (S,M), Catapult (S,M), Greek Fire

The above chart shows the average hit points, stability, and weapon capabilities of a ship. The Dungeon Master is encouraged
to alter these listings as he sees fit to suit his own campaign. The above are just averages for possible encounters of ships with
other ships.

Ship Hit Points:

This shows the total number of hit points a ship possesses. At half hit-points (bloodied), a ship will move at only
half its normal speed. A ship that is damaged to zero hit points is considered too damaged to move, and begins
sinking in open water. A sinking ship will submerge completely in 4d12 rounds. Any cargo or crew on the ship
will be pulled down with the ship if it sinks in open water.

This shows the overall stability of a ship when confronted with high waves or catastrophic weather. Every hour,
the captain of the ship must make a Stability check (1d20 + bonus) using the bonus listed in the above chart or the
ship will begin to drift off-course. Every failed check means the ship has drifted 5 degrees off course. Once the
ship is in calm waters again, the course can be corrected. If the captain of the ship is trained in Nature, he can also
add +5 to the above bonus to keep the ship on course.
For example:
During a summer storm, Captain Dillan Fallworth is attempting to keep his dromond on course. He is trained in Nature, so
every hour he must make a Stability check with a +9 bonus (+4 for the ship, and +5 for being trained in Nature), or the
dromond will drift off course.

The weapons shown on the chart are examples of typical nautical weapons that larger ships might possess. Each
weapon requires a different number of crew members to operate, and do different amounts of damage on a
successful hit. The chart below details more information about nautical weapons, to include the number of crew
members needed to operate them, proficiency bonuses, load time, and damage output on a successful hit.
Ballista, Small
Ballista, Medium
Ballista, Large
Catapult, Small
Catapult, Medium
Catapult, Large
Greek Fire




* 2d12






* - Greek Fire damage is 2d12 + Ongoing 10 Fire Damage. This fire damage is unique in that it is
ongoing until the fire is properly extinguished via water or magic, or the ship is destroyed and sinks.
The number of crewmen needed to operate the weapon. For every one crewman not present for the
weapons operation (minimum one), double the ROF of the weapon.
Stands for Rate of Fire. This is the number of rounds it takes to load, operate, and fire the weapon.
Stands for Proficiency Bonus. All nautical projectile weapons are to be treated as Military Ranged
Weapons for the purposes of character weapon proficiencies.
The amount of damage the weapon delivers on a successful hit.
The weapons normal and long range is shown in the chart. This is to be handled exactly like any other
ranged weapon in regards to long-range shots.
Shows the weight, in pounds, of the weapon.
Shows the number of squares the weapon will require on board a ship for proper function.
Shows the cost, in gold pieces, to purchase a weapon.

A ballista is a piece of weaponry that looks very similar to a large crossbow, and functions in much the
same way. A wench is cranked, which pulls a length of rope that is connected to the tips of a horizontal
bow. Once the rope is cranked to tightened capacity, a long arrow (or ballista shaft), or steel ball is
loaded onto the vertical base of the ballista. Once the ammunition is in place, the tension is let off of the
rope, which propels the arrow or ball at a target. For the small version, one crewman can crank the
wench, load the ammunition, and fire the ballista alone. For the medium version, one person cranks the
wench and holds the tension of the rope while another crewmember loads the ballista. For the large
version, it requires 2 crewmen to crank the wench and hold the tension of the rope while a third person
loads the ballista. Ballistas can be mounted on the top deck of a ship, or in specific places with open
access to the outside in lower decks.

A catapult in usually little more than a mobile platform with a vertical pole attached to it. A large bowl
is attached to the end of the pole, as is a length of rope. The rope is pulled in a downward direction via a
wench. Once the pole is bowed to where the bowl can be reached, a large metal ball or rock is placed in
the bowl, and tension on the rope is released, springing the pole back into a vertical position and
propelling the ball or rock outward. For the small version, two crewmen are required for proper
operation. While one crewman cranks the wench, pulling the bowl down, another crewman loads the
ammunition to be used. The same number of crewmen is needed for the medium-sized version of the

weapon. For the large version of the catapult, two crewmembers are needed to crank the wench and hold
tension on the rope while a third crewman loads the ammunition. Even the smallest versions of catapults
are large pieces of equipment, and require plenty of vertical and horizontal space to operate. For this
reason, catapults are used strictly on the top-deck of a ship to allow for maximum performance.

Greek Fire:
A Greek fire launcher is little more than an elongated metal tube mounted to a mobile base. A clay ball
filled with and covered in flammable liquid is placed in the tube and rolled to the sealed rear by tilting
the tube upward. A flaming stick is inserted into a small hole in the top of the rear of the tube, which
catches the flammable coating of the clay ball on fire and forces the ball out of the tube at high speed.
Upon impact, the ball shatters. The flammable liquid released from the ball catches fire instantly. The
size of the explosion is a close burst one. All flammable items struck by the fire catch fire immediately
and must be extinguished to prevent further spread of the fire. A Greek fire launcher is operated by two
crewmembers. One crewman places the ball in the tube, and then tilts it to allow the ball to roll to the
rear, while a second crewmember aims and fires the weapon. Greek fire launchers can be placed
anywhere on a ship with the proper amount of space and open access to outside, although most ship
captains prefer to have them on the top-deck in case of accidents with the flammable clay balls.



Greek Fire

Nautical Dangers
Most dangers that are faced in nautical journeys
come from nature itself. The following section
details some of the more common natural
occurrences that are likely to befall a seagoing
vessel and the effects those occurrences have.
Choppy Water:
Sometimes the open sea does not offer a
peaceful, calm journey. Choppy waters are a
common danger to mariners. While in choppy
waters, large waves beat against the hull of a
ship, causing it to rock from side to side. While
this is happening, the captain of a vessel suffers
a -1 penalty to all Stability checks as well as
having the speed of the ship reduced by 1.
Fog, Normal:
During bouts of normal fog, which is common
during the hours of dawn and dusk, visibility
from a vessel is reduced to 8 squares. This poses
a substantial risk to the vessel, as hazards in
open waters cannot be seen often until it is too
late to avoid them.
Fog, Severe:
Severe fog, much like normal fog, impedes the
vision from a vessel. However, the thickness of
severe fog reduces vision to only 3 squares. This
makes travel during times of severe fog
extremely dangerous. Many ships have been
destroyed during bouts of severe fog. Collisions
with other ships, running aground, and
becoming hopelessly lost are common
occurrences during bouts of severe fog.
Storms, Mild:
Mild storms are a frequent event on the open
sea. Most of the time they prove to be of little
concern, but inexperienced mariners have made
very poor decisions during even mild storms
that have led to wrecked ships and lost lives.
During mild storms, the speed of a ship is
reduced by 2, and a penalty of -1 is imposed on
Stability checks. Mild storms can last from less
than an hour to as long as several days.

Storms, Severe:
Severe storms frequently stir up on the open sea.
Like mild storms, severe storms affect a ships
stability and speed. During periods of severe
storms, a ships speed is reduced by 4, and a
penalty of -2 is imposed on all Stability checks.
Storms, Catastrophic:
Catastrophic storms are, fortunately, rare on the
open sea, but when they do happen, it can be
devastating to vessels. Hurricanes, water-spouts,
typhoons, and strong tropical storms can quickly
endanger any vessel unlucky enough to get
caught in the storms path. During periods of
catastrophic storms, a ships speed is reduced to
1, and all Stability checks are made at a -6
penalty. If a ship is not being steered at all times
during a catastrophic storm, the ship will turn in
the direction that the storm is moving and will
gradually advance in that direction.

Multiple Dangers
In most instances, many nautical dangers occur
at the same time. In these instances, the effects
of all hazards are imposed at the same time. The
following is a list of probable multiple hazards.
Mild Storms:
Mild storms are often accompanied by choppy
waters, which can last long after the storm has
Severe Storms:
Severe storms are often accompanied by and
followed by choppy waters, and are often
followed by short periods of normal or severe
Catastrophic Storms:
Catastrophic storms are often predicted by
choppy waters, which can start days before the
actual storm hits. After a catastrophic storm
subsides, choppy waters can persist for a few
days, as can long bouts of normal or severe fog.


Nautical Combat
During the course of nautical adventuring, the
eventuality of ship-to-ship combat is almost
guaranteed. In the Ship Characteristics chapter
of this book, the various weapons a ship can
possess were detailed. In this chapter, we go
into further detail about ship-on-ship combat.
The Combat Round:
Much like regular combat, nautical combat is
broken down into phases. Also similar to regular
combat, nautical combat is dealt with in actions.
When the intent of combat has been announced,
it is time for the initiative roll. For ease of use,
the captains initiative score is used in nautical
combat. Both captains roll initiative, and the
combat round proceeds from there.
Move Action:
During the move action of the combat round, a
ship can move up to its maximum speed. Unlike
normal combat, however, turning a ship also
counts toward the maximum number of squares
a ship can move in a combat round.
Standard Action:
Firing weapons count as standard attack actions,
just like in regular combat.
Minor Actions:
Minor actions are not used in nautical combat.
Substituting Actions:
Much like in normal combat, actions can be
substituted in nautical combat. However, the
only substitution allowed in nautical combat is:
substituting a standard action for another move
action. As there are no minor actions in nautical
combat, they do not play a part in substituting
A ships speed always begins at 1. Every round
thereafter, a ship gains 1 square of speed per
round until it reaches maximum speed.

There are two forms of attack allowed in
nautical combat: ramming and firing weapons.
The following section explains the ins and outs
of each kind of attack.
A few ships are outfitted with a ram specifically
made for plowing into other ships. The
following chart shows how to figure the attack
bonus and armor class of the various ships.
Cargo Ship
Great Galley
Keel Boat





A successful ram attack on a ship can be

devastating. Speed of the ramming ship is
crucial to the amount of damage a successful
ram attack does. The following list shows the
ships that are capable of ramming, the speed at
which they are moving, and the amount of
damage done on a successful ram attack.

Great Galley




Shows the speed of the ship at 1 square, half
maximum speed, and full speed.
Shows the damage done by a ram attack from a
ship at a speed of 1, half maximum speed, and
full speed.

On the reverse side, a natural attack roll of 1

always misses, regardless of attack bonus or
armor class. There are no further penalties
incurred from a roll of a natural 1.
A Note on Hit Locations:

After a Ram Attack:

After a ram attack, the ship that attempted the
ram is at a stop, and must maneuver itself
backwards to attempt another ram attack. This
applies whether the ram attack delivered any
damage to the target ship or not.

It is up to the DM if hit locations are to be used

in nautical combat. If they are used, it should be
pointed out that if a ship that relies on sails has
its sails destroyed, the ship must be propelled in
another manner, or it is stranded. Likewise, if a
ship that relies on sails has its masts destroyed,
the sails are rendered useless, and the ship must
be propelled in another manner.

Firing Weapons:

Overtaking and Boarding a Ship:

When a weapon such as a ballista, catapult, or

Greek fire is fired at a ship, a hit location must
be determined. Consult the following chart to
determine where a target ship is hit by a fired
nautical weapon.

In the course of nautical adventuring, the

characters might attempt to overtake and board
another ship. This is a fairly easy action to
undertake, as detailed below.

NOTE: The Hit Location chart is an optional

mechanic that DMs can utilize if they wish. If
they do not wish to utilize the chart, the DM is
responsible for determining where every fired
shot hits on the target ship.
Roll (1d20)

Hit Location
Aft Hull
Fore Hull
Top Deck

Called Shots:
It is possible for the character firing a weapon at
a ship to target specific areas of the ship. To do
this, the DM imposes a -5 penalty to the attack
roll for the called shot. If the roll is successful,
the shot hits where the shooter intended.
Critical Hits and Misses:
An attack roll of a natural 20 always hits,
regardless of attack bonus or armor class of the
target. A critical hit always does the maximum
amount of damage possible.

In simple terms, overtaking a ship is nothing
more than pulling alongside another ship and
maintaining an equal speed with the other ship.
Ship speed is the key to overtaking actions. The
ship attempting the overtake action must have
enough speed to catch up to and maintain equal
speed with another ship while alongside it. Once
this has been done, the target ship is said to be
In order to board a ship from another ship while
in open water, the two ships must be alongside
each other. Typically, this requires the pursuing
ship to overtake the target ship.
Once a successful overtake action has been
performed, and the two ships are alongside each
other the pursuing crew may attempt to board
the target ship.


Underwater Exploration
During the course of a campaign, the characters
might need to travel below the depths of the
water. This can be very challenging on a group
as there are many inherent dangers and
obstacles to underwater travel. This chapter will
present various underwater hazards, and some
of the means characters might employ to
circumvent them.

Breath of the Dolphin

Wizard Utility 2
You enable your allies and yourself to breathe underwater.
Daily Arcane
Minor Action
Close burst 5
Targets: You and each ally in burst
Effect: The targets gain the ability to breathe underwater
normally for 1 hour.

Breath of the Shark

Breathing underwater is one of the most obvious
and constant obstacles characters must
overcome in order to adventure while
submerged. There are a few magical items that
have been created that will allow characters to
breathe while underwater. Some of them are:

Wizard Utility 10
You enable your allies and yourself to breathe underwater
for an extended period of time.
Daily Arcane
Minor Action
Close burst 5
Targets: You and each ally in burst
Effect: The targets gain the ability to breathe and speak
underwater normally for 3 hours.

Breath of the Merfolf

Boots of Swimming (Adventurers Vault)

Cap of Water Breathing (Adventurers Vault)
Coral Armor (Adventurers Vault)
Ring of Aquatic Ability (Adventurers Vault)

Wizard Utility 16
You enable your allies and yourself to breathe underwater
for an extended period of time.
Daily Arcane
Minor Action
Close burst 5
Targets: You and each ally in burst
Effect: The targets gain the ability to breathe and speak
underwater normally for 6 hours.

There is also the Water Breathing ritual, which

can be found in the Players Handbook.

Breath of the Depths

Some items affect a mount as well as the rider,

such as the Saddle of the Shark, which can be
found in the Adventurers Vault.
Another item is the Pearl Sea Horse, found in
the Adventurers Vault. This item is a small
figurine that can transform into a large seahorse
that can be used as a mount. While mounted, the
rider can breathe underwater normally.
If a character does not have access to any means
of magical underwater breathing, there are a
scarce few manufactured items that can assist.
The Apparatus of Kwalish is a submersible
vehicle that can be found in the Adventurers
Vault. It can move about underwater, and has
enough air to support 1 or 2 passengers for a
limited length of time. New to this book are a
few Wizard utility spells that will imbue the
target with the ability to breathe underwater for
a limited time.

Wizard Utility 22
You enable your allies and yourself to breathe underwater
for an extended period of time.
Daily Arcane
Minor Action
Close burst 5
Targets: You and each ally in burst
Effect: The targets gain the ability to breathe and speak
underwater normally for 12 hours.

As per the Dungeon Masters Guide, a character

that goes without air for 3 minutes must make
Endurance checks. If the checks result in fails,
the character loses a healing surge. If no healing
surges are left, the character is considered to be
drowning and takes damage equal to his level
each round that he is drowning.
It is also possible to create items that could
assist in underwater breathing. A character
might try to create a canister with a tube that
would allow limited breathing while submerged.
Ultimately, the creation of any mechanical
means to breathe underwater by characters is
left up to the discretion of the Dungeon Master.

found in the sea after a bad storm, or in stagnant

bodies of fresh water, such as small ponds.

Being the primary means by which a character
judges their surroundings, vision is crucial.
Under the surface of the water, however, a
characters vision is affected.
The degree at which a characters vision is
affected depends on the relative clarity of the
water, the time of day, and the type of vision a
character normally has outside of the depths.
The table below shows the average number of
squares a character with normal vision can see
under various conditions.

Once a character reaches a certain depth in the
sea or an ocean, the temperature starts dropping
off drastically. After about 300 feet in depth, a
character must find a way to protect themselves
from the cold. At this depth, a character will be
taking 5 ongoing cold damage if unprotected. At
400 feet of depth, the ongoing damage is raised
to 10. At 500 feet of depth, the character will be
taking ongoing 20 damage.

Speaking and Hearing:

NOTE: For a character with low-light vision,
double the numbers below. If the character has
darkvision, triple the numbers below.
Clear Water - Daylight
Clear Water - Cloudy
Clear Water - Dusk / Dawn
Clear Water - Moonlit Night
Clear Water - Moonless Night
Turbid Water - Daylight
Turbid Water - Cloudy
Turbid Water - Dusk / Dawn
Turbid Water - Moonlit Night
Turbid Water - Moonless Night
Murky Water - Daylight
Murky Water - Cloudy
Murky Water - Dusk / Dawn
Murky Water - Moonlit Night
Murky Water - Moonless Night


Clear Water:
Water that has no algae or debris floating in it to
impair vision. Most sources of clear water are in
lakes, ponds, and rivers.
Turbid Water:
Water with moderate amounts of algae and
debris floating in it that impairs vision. Turbid
water can be found primarily in the sea and
other large bodies of water.
Murky Water:
Water that is thick with algae or debris floating
in it that impairs vision. Murky water can be

Normally, unless magical means are taken to

allow the character to do so, speaking is not
possible while underwater. The action of
speaking, aside from the taking away of
precious air, most often comes out in garbled
bubbling sounds that are indistinguishable
The Wizard spells presented earlier in this book
offer the ability to speak normally while a
character is underwater.
Hearing underwater is a difficult venture.
Although sounds travels much faster in water
than they does in the air, the pressure of the
water and various sounds that come from the sea
often make hearing difficult.
Surface creatures that are underwater can hear
just as well as on the surface, but there is no real
way to determine from what direction the
sounds come from.
Perception checks to hear subtle sounds while
underwater are made with a +10 penalty to the
DC set by the Dungeon Master.

Non-Verbal Communication:
It is possible that characters can set up a means
of sign-language or some other form of nonverbal communication to compensate for the
lack of speaking or proper hearing conditions. It

is up to the DM whether or not this is allowed,

or if any skill checks would be required for
proper non-verbal communications.

rises to 10. At 800 feet, the damage rises to 20

per round. This pattern continues indefinitely as
the character goes deeper.

Underwater Movement:

Sinking and Rising:

There are several ways a character can make

their way around while underwater. The most
common, of course, is swimming. As stated in
the Players Handbook, a character has a swim
speed that is equal to half their regular speed.
However, the depth at which the character is
swimming determines how their speed is
affected. The pressure of water at various depths
on a characters speed can become a hazard in
and of itself.

If a character chooses to swim downward, they

move at their swim-rate of speed. However, if
they are unwillingly sinking, they descend at a
rate of 2 squares per round, plus one square for
every 100 pounds of additional weight the
character is carrying.

The table below shows the effects of depth on a

characters speed.
Depth (In Feet)

Speed Penalty

At 300 feet of depth or less, the characters

speed is half of their normal speed. A character
with a speed of 6 can only move at a speed of 3.
At 301 - 400 feet of depth, the characters speed
is reduced to one-third their normal rate. That
means that a character with a speed of 6 can
only move at a speed of 2.
At 401 - 500 feet of depth, the characters speed
is reduced to one-quarter their normal rate. That
means a character with a speed of 6 can only
move at a speed of 1 (rounded down).
At 500 feet of depth or deeper, a character can
only move at a speed of one, unless they have
magical or other means of negating this speed
A character not assisted by magical or other
means cannot normally go below 600 feet in
depth due to pressure from the water. If a
character should go below 600 feet of depth
unassisted, they begin taking damage at a rate of
5 per round. At 700 feet, the damage per round

For Example:
A character is choosing to swim deeper. His
normal speed is 6, so his swim-speed is 3. He
can move 3 squares deeper each round.
Another Example:
A character is taken captive by pirates. The
pirates tie 200 pounds of weight to the character
and throw him overboard. His normal sink-rate
would be 2 squares per round, but the additional
weight forces the character down faster at a rate
of 4 squares per round.
When a character chooses to swim upward, they
move at their normal swim-rate. However, if the
character is unconscious, they will surface. This
surface rate is typically 2 squares per round.
Weight also plays a part in surfacing. If the
character is encumbered, they do not surface. If
the weight is 100 pounds or more over
encumbered weight, the character will sink
further until they hit the bottom or the weight is

While in lakes, ponds, bays, or other bodies of
water that are not deep enough to impose
penalties (500 feet deep or less), a character can
walk across the surface of the bottom at a rate of
2 squares per round. If the character is
encumbered, the rate of walking speed is only 1
square per round. If the character is weighted by
100 pounds or greater above their encumbered
rate, they cannot walk while submerged.


Underwater Combat
Underwater combat, for surface-dwelling
creatures, can be extremely difficult. If the
character engaged in underwater combat is not
assisted by magical or other means, they suffer a
-4 penalty to all initiative rolls and a -2 penalty
to all attack rolls.


Melee Weapons:

Spellbooks, likewise, are in danger while the

character is underwater. Spellbooks are the
bread and butter of most spell-casters, and the
thought of ruination of the book underwater is
usually enough to keep wizards wary of taking
their Spellbooks underwater with them without
protecting them from the water.

Due to the density of water and the pressure

imposed on the character, only weapons that fall
under the light blade and spear groups can be
effectively used underwater. All other melee
weapons are used underwater as though they are
wielded by characters that are not proficient
with them.
For Example:
A character that is proficient in maces and light
blades is engaged in underwater combat. After
resolving initiative at a -4 penalty, the character
attacks with his rapier light blade. He is allowed
to apply his +3 proficiency bonus, but still
suffers a -2 penalty to his attack roll due to
being under water. If he had chosen to attack
with his mace, he would not have been able to
apply his +2 proficiency bonus.

Ranged Weapons:

It should go without saying that fire-based spells

do not function underwater, unless it is cast
within an area where there is no water (such as
inside an Apparatus of Kwalish).

Magic Items:
Magical items that produce fire effects are
rendered useless while they are underwater.
Items that produce effects such as smoke or fog
are also rendered useless while submerged.
Potions cannot be properly used underwater
unless the user is in an area where the water
cannot dilute the potion.
Items such as dusts, powders, chalks, and oils
are unusable while under water.

Ranged weapons are all but useless in

underwater combat. Bows cannot fire arrows,
crossbows cannot properly fire bolts, and slings
cannot propel rounds. Thrown weapons such as
shurikens are useless. Even melee weapons that
can be thrown are useless under water. Daggers
can be used to cut, but cannot be thrown.

Items that make the user fly or levitate do not

function while under water.

The Exception to This Rule:

Scrolls and magical books do not function while

under water, and will be destroyed if they come
into direct contact with the water.

Tridents are thrown weapons made especially

for underwater use and, as such, can be used

Musical instruments do not function underwater.

Candles, incense and ointments do not function
while under water.

Magical bags, boxes, jars, and containers are

unharmed as long as they are left unopened
while the owner is under water. If they are
opened, they will fill with water.

Underwater Encounters
Eel, Electric
Level 5 Lurker
Large natural beast (aquatic)
XP 200
Initiative +7
Senses Perception +4; darkvision
HP 42; Bloodied 21
AC 19; Fortitude 17, Reflex 18, Will 16
Immune lightning
Speed swim 7
m Needling Bite (standard; at-will) Lightning
+10 vs. AC; 1d6 + 4 lightning damage, and ongoing
5 lightning damage (save ends).
M Electrify (standard; at-will) Lightning
+8 vs. Reflex; 2d6 + 3 lightning damage
M Shocking Constraint (standard; recharge 5, 6)
+10 vs. Reflex; 1d10 + 4 lightning damage, and
ongoing 5 lightning damage (save ends), and target
is grabbed. Aftereffect: Ongoing 5 lightning damage
(save ends).
Alignment Unaligned
Languages None
Str 12 (+3) Dex 18 (+6) Wis 9 (+1)
Con 16 (+5) Int 9 (+1) Cha 8 (+1)

Electric eels are long, thin, fish-like creatures
with needle-sharp teeth. They move almost
serpentine-like through the water. This large
species of electric eel is quite cunning, and will
stalk prey for extended periods of time before
showing itself and attacking.


Electric eels like to single out slower swimmers,
or swimmers that have isolated themselves from
a group. An electric eel will attempt to use its
Shocking Constraint as quickly as possible, and
then follow up with its Electrify and Needling

Silt Stalker
Level 6 Lurker
Large natural beast (aquatic)
XP 250
Initiative +10
Senses Perception +6; darkvision;
HP 50; Bloodied 25
AC 20; Fortitude 18, Reflex 19, Will 17
Speed swim 7
m Bite (standard; at-will)
+11 vs. AC; 1d10 + 4 damage
M Enveloping Wrap (standard; encounter)
+9 vs. Reflex; 1d6 + 4 damage, and ongoing 5
damage (save ends), and target is grabbed.
Alignment Unaligned
Languages None
Str 17 (+6) Dex 18 (+7) Wis 16 (+6)
Con 16 (+6) Int 10 (+3) Cha 9 (+2)

Silt stalkers look very much like large mantarays. They like to settle under a thin layer of silt
and sand on the ocean floor and lay in wait for
any prey to venture close.


Silt stalkers like to lay in wait, flattened out on
the ocean floor, waiting for unassuming prey to
either walk on or swim over them, then they
wrap the prey and begin attacking.


Nature DC 10: Silt stalkers are flat, mantaray looking creatures that lay in wait for prey to
get over them, and then wrap them up before
attempting to devour them.


Nature DC 8: Electric eels are carnivores that
prowl the depths of oceans and seas for prey.
They have the ability to electrocute their prey.


Level 10 Elite Brute
Huge natural beast (aquatic)
XP 1,000
Initiative +12
Senses Perception +6; darkvision
HP 240; Bloodied 120
AC 22; Fortitude 24, Reflex 24, Will 22
Saving Throws +2
Speed swim 7
Action Points 1
m Crushing Bite (standard; at-will)
+13 vs. AC; 2d6 + 5 damage, and ongoing 5
damage (save ends).
M Tail Slap (standard; at-will)
+11 vs. Reflex; 1d8 + 5 damage
M Frenzied Bite (standard; encounter)
The taramalla makes a Crushing Bite attack. If the
attack is successful, the taramalla makes a second
Crushing Bite attack against the same target or any
adjacent target. If the second attack is successful,
the taramalla makes a third Crushing Bite attack
against any adjacent target.
Alignment Unaligned
Languages None
Str 19 (+9) Dex 14 (+7) Wis 12 (+6)
Con 18 (+9) Int 11 (+5) Cha 10 (+5)

Taramalla are a very large species of aggressive
fish. They are known to prowl some of the
deepest parts of the ocean, often along trenches

and in underwater caverns. They will attack and

eat anything of large size or smaller.

Taramalla are aggressive hunters, pursuing prey
as long as possible, hounding it until it escapes,
becomes exhausted, or is caught. A taramalla
will attempt to use its frenzied bite if it should
find itself surrounded by possible dangerous
prey. It relies on its tail slap ability as a minor
distraction while it gets into position to bite.
Intelligent and deadly, taramalla are true
hazards of the deep.

Nature DC 10: Taramalla are a very large
species of natural fish that live deep in large
oceans and seas. They are said to be extremely
aggressive and dangerous.
Nature DC 15: Taramalla can go into a
frenzied state, threatening all creatures who dare
venture near it. Taramalla are said to be very
intelligent, and will utilize that intellect while in


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