SOP Results - Alloxan Induced Mice
SOP Results - Alloxan Induced Mice
SOP Results - Alloxan Induced Mice
Table 1. Blood Glucose of mice before and after 30minutes, 6hours, 12 hours, and 12hours
of administration of Ampalaya Plus
The table above showed that the mean blood glucose level of mice due to administration
of Ampalaya Plus were the following: the mean blood glucose level 30minutes before
administration of Ampalaya Plus 225.2222; 30 minutes after administration of Ampalaya Plus
was 184.000; after 6 hours was 127.4444; after 12 hours was 97.4444; and after and 12hours was
Table 2. Blood Glucose of mice before and after 30minutes, 6hours, 12 hours, and 12hours
of administration of Glipizide
The table above showed that the mean blood glucose level of mice due to administration
of Glipizide were the following: the mean blood glucose level 30minutes before administration
of Glipizide was 227.2222; 30 minutes after administration of Glipizide was 184.000; after 6
hours was 127.4444; after 12 hours was 97.4444; and after and 12hours was 95.00.
2. Which between Ampalaya Plus and Glipizide treatment exhibits a significantly lower glycemic
Table 3. The Mean Blood Glucose Level after of administration of Glipizide, Distilled
Water, and Ampalaya Plus
The table above showed that the mean blood glucose level of mice due to administration
of Glipizide 125.9722; for distilled water was 193.75; and for Ampalaya Plus was 148.9167.
From these results; the researchers inferred that the treatment which exhibited a
significantly lower glycemic level was Glipizide.
3. Is there any significant difference on the hypoglycemic effect of Glipizide and Ampalaya Plus
on Alloxan induced mice?
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to determine if significant difference
existed for blood glucose level between the control groups and the experimental groups.
Significance difference existed if significance (sig) is less than 0.05.
Table 4. Significant difference between the mean blood glucose level in mebendazoletreated, water-treated, and Ampalaya Plus- treated mice
Results above showed that there is significant difference (sig=0.000) between the mean
blood glucose level in Glipizide-treated, water-treated, and Ampalaya Plus-treated mice.
Test was conducted further to see where the differences were between the different
groups using Least Square Difference (LSD). Results for LSD were given below.
The LSD table showed that there was significant differences for the mean blood glucose
level between: experimental group which was Ampalaya Plus-treated and positive control group
which was Glipizide- treated (sig=0.019); experimental group and negative control group
This significant difference between experimental group and the control groups ( positive
and negative) showed that using Glipizide it will reduce significantly the blood glucose level of
mice compared to using Ampalaya Plus or distilled water.