Conducting Successful Interrogations: by David Vessel, J.D
Conducting Successful Interrogations: by David Vessel, J.D
Conducting Successful Interrogations: by David Vessel, J.D
October 1998 / 1
training greatly
increases the
probability of
opportunity to observe the subjects verbal and nonverbal responses to the issues presented.
Accordingly, interrogators know
that these reactions result from the
issues and not from any extraneous
stimulus. The further the situation
gets from a controlled setting, the
higher the chance that the interrogation will fail. If investigators
cannot guarantee this environment,
they should conduct the interrogation at another time and place. Often, only one good interrogation
opportunity exists. Risking that opportunity in an unacceptable environment may be a poor investigative decision.
Case Facts Knowledge
Understanding case facts remains critical to any interview or
interrogation, but some facts may
prove more important than others.
Knowledge of how a crime occurred can be an effective persuasion tool.2 If investigators can tell
subjects how the crimes were committed, the subjects may give the
Lack of arguments and themes
to persuade subjects to tell the truth
stands as a major cause of interrogation failures. Three main solutions exist for combating this problem. First, experience provides
investigators with an ever-increasing supply of arguments. Conducting more interrogations gives investigators additional ideas and a
wider variety of themes to pursue.
Next, preparation allows investigators to plan their persuasive
themes and arguments before interrogating subjects. Certain themes
and arguments remain universally
valuable in conducting successful
interrogations. These concepts include minimizing the crime, blaming the victim, decreasing the
shamefulness of the act, increasing
guilt feelings, and appealing to the
subjects hope for a better outcome. However, the interrogator
should not make this latter appeal
as a promise of leniency for the
subject. Such a promise violates
the subjects right to due process of
law and may provide the legal basis
for excluding the confession as evidence.6 Also, many crimes suggest
a number of related themes. For
example, theft may bring to mind
such themes as stealing to support
certain lifestyles, blaming the victims, obtaining the subjects version of the incidents, or even commending the subjects for the
professionalism of the crimes.
Finally, conducting good interviews before the interrogations and
noting the subjects key responses
allow investigators to convert these
answers into persuasive themes and
arguments in interrogations. 7
Knowing what is important to subjects gives interrogators plenty of
topics to convert into themes,
which helps combat their greatest
problemrunning out of things to
talk about during interrogations.
Investigators should have
themes and arguments ready and be
prepared to relate them to the facts
of the case. If investigators present
all of their prepared themes and
arguments, they can start over and
present them again using different
words and examples. This process
can continue for as long as necessary to obtain confessions. Generally, the skillful presentation of
frequently used themes and arguments, along with any specific ones
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stands as the
most important
factor in
Using such a plan allows interrogators to monitor the ongoing development and progress occurring
during interrogations. Also, it provides interrogators with a proven
road map for obtaining the confessions that can lead to successfully
resolving criminal cases.
Investigators can achieve significant success in interrogations
by ensuring that the subjects remain the central focus in interrogations, surpassing even the interrogation plan, the themes and
arguments, the environmental considerations, or any other component. Individuals often confess for
no other reason than their respect
for and trust in their interrogators. 10 Therefore, investigators
must build a good relationship with
subjects. Anything that appears
more important than the subjects or
the relationship may prove detrimental to the interrogation process.
should consider some specific critical personal elements. These components focus on empathizing, not
sympathizing, with the subjects
views of the world and attitudes
toward interrogation. The perspectives and outlooks of subjects and
investigators lie in opposite directions. Therefore, investigators
should consider the interrogations,
the crimes, and the discussed life
experiences from the subjects
points of view. To succeed, investigators should examine some of
the human variables that result in
different viewpoints.11 Such variables can include differences in
sex, culture, values, and economic
Suggested Reading
Theme Development:
John MacDonald, M.D., and Lt. David Michaud, The
ConfessionInterrogation and Criminal Profiles for Police
Officers (Denver: Apache Press, 1987).
The Plan:
F.E. Inbau, J.E. Reid, and J.P. Buckley, Criminal Interrogations and Confessions (Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins
Company, 1986).
Antisocial Personalities:
Stanton E. Samenow, Inside the Criminal Mind
(New York: Times Books, 1984).
Interpersonal Communication:
Deborah Tannen, Ph.D., Thats Not What I Meant!
(New York: Ballantine Books, 1986).
Intercultural Communication:
Edward T. Hall, Beyond Culture
(New York: Anchor Books/Doubleday, 1976).
Interrogation training greatly
increases the probability of success. Formal interview and interrogation courses that have earned the
respect of the law enforcement
community offer a valuable training experience. Numerous officers
advise that they would not have
obtained confessions in many of
their investigations without such
training. 14 Large police departments, law enforcement academies
and associations, federal agencies,
and commercial vendors offer
several excellent courses.15 Further, a few years of on-the-job interviewing experience provides officers with a useful background
before attending formal classroom
No investigator can succeed in
every interrogation. At least 10
percent of subjects will not confess
regardless of the investigators talent or hard work.16 Professional,
hard-core criminals fall into this
category of interrogation failures.
These subjects are often repeat offenders and know the criminal justice system well.17 Many exhibit
sociopathic tendencies and display
antisocial behavior, especially to
authority figures. Even though interrogating these subjects frequently proves unsuccessful, investigators may be at the right
place, at the right time, to produce
the right reason for a subject to
confess. In any case, investigators
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plague not only the law enforcement community but also the general, law-abiding population.
Arthur S. Aubrey, Jr., and Rudolph R.
Caputo, Criminal Interrogation, 3d ed.
(Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas, 1986),
John MacDonald, M.D., and Lt. David
Michaud, The ConfessionInterrogation and
Criminal Profiles for Police Officers (Denver:
Apache Press, 1987), 149.
Bert Decker and James Denney, Youve
Got to be Believed to be Heard (New York:
St. Martins Press, 1992), 34-35.
Ibid., 16.
Supra note 1.
Miller v. Fenton, 106 S. Ct. 445 (1985).
Stan B. Walters, Principles of Kinesic
Interview and Interrogation (New York: CRC
Press, 1996), 2.
The Reid Technique of Interview and
Interrogation, Advanced Course Study Guide
(Chicago: John E. Reid and Associates, 1989),
Supra note 2, 84-90.
Frederick Link and Glen Foster, The
Kinesic Interview Technique (Riverdale, CA:
Interrotec Associates, 1989), 56.
Los Angeles Police Department
Interview and Interrogation School Course
Study Guide, undated, 6.
Ronald W. Hilley, retired FBI polygrapher and instructor, interview by author, June
3, 1997.
This information is based on the authors
experience teaching these courses for the past
10 years.
Such organizations include the Los
Angeles Police Department, the New Mexico
Department of Public Safety, the FBI, and the
Georgia Police Academy.
To the authors knowledge, no interrogation publication claims higher than a 90
percent success rate. None of the hundreds of
interrogators interviewed by the author over
the past 10 years admits to a success rate
higher than 90 percent. Retired FBI polygrapher Ronald W. Hilley advised that federal
polygraphers maintain a ...65 to 70 percent
confession rate, on the whole.
Stanton E. Samenow, Inside the Criminal
Mind (New York: Times Books, 1984),
he Bulletin staff is
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