Against The Wolves in Sheeps
Against The Wolves in Sheeps
Against The Wolves in Sheeps
Our Lady, The Fatima Crusader has published such articles as The Plot to
Silence Our Lady, and similar articles.
To date, the Blue Army leaders have not demonstrated the slightest
compunction or remorse for their having deliberately published lies, distortion
and slander. Quite to the contrary, and oblivious to all correction, it is "business
as usual" for the leaders of the Blue Army, who continue to unabatedly spew
forth lies, and distortions.
In the July-August 1987 issue of Soul, John Haffert says: "A change in Russia
now comes too late to turn back the tide of evil . . ." Haffert is saying that we
can no longer believe what Our Lady of Fatima promised. Our Lady promised
that when the Pope and the bishops will have consecrated Russia to Her
Immaculate Heart, then by the means of that consecration, Russia will be
converted and a period of peace will be given to the world.
Haffert, however, says that this is not the case: it is too late - consecration or
no consecration, it's too late to turn back the tide of evil. By making this
statement, Haffert has clearly demonstrated that he no longer has any faith in
Our Lady's word. John Haffert remains obstinately and impenitently 'semper
It is a foolish lie, a cruel insult and a gesture of betrayal to all the victims of
Russian Communist tyranny to say that the conversion of Russia is already
taking place. The Catholic Church remains fiercely and fiendishly persecuted in
the Soviet Union and in Soviet occupied lands. On June 12, 1930, Sister Lucy
wrote "the persecution in Russia will end if the Holy Father will himself make a
solemn public act of reparation and consecration of Russia . . . and order all the
Catholic Bishops to do the same . . ."
John Haffert does not believe Our good Lord's promise: "a change in Russia",
says Haffert, "comes too late to turn back the tide of evil and hatred . . ." In
spite of this, out of the other side of his mouth, Haffert announces that the
conversion of Russia is already taking place! Not only has Soul Magazine (under
Haffert's leadership) been publishing this preposterous claim for some time, but
we see the same drivel repeated in the May-June 1988 issue of Soul.
The headline reads: "It is Really Happening in Russia". However, despite the
inferences of the article to the effect that the conversion of Russia is already
taking place, what is really described in the article is not the conversion of
Russia, but an account of how the faithful in Russia continue to be threatened
by Communist persecution. We must, for the sake of truth, insist that the
conversion of Russia has not and is not even now taking place. Russia is in a
state of rebellion, of apostasy against God. It continues to persecute the
The conversion of Russia will take place when the godless government of Russia
will have turned to God in faith and ceased to be apostates who persecute the
Fathers Lemann explain that "Before God a nation has apostatized when its
government has posited an act of apostasy, though many members of that
nation may have remained faithful."
The mere fact that some individual Russian citizens may be returning to God
does not at all mean that the conversion of the Communist government of
Russia from its national apostasy is taking place. For that to take place, the
government must cease to be officially atheistic.
The conversion of Russia will consist in that act by which the rulers of Russia
will officially and publicly abolish state atheism and declare Russia to be a
Christian nation. Our Lady of Fatima has promised unconditionally that when
the Pope and bishops will have consecrated Russia to Her Immaculate Heart,
the conversion ofRussia will take place and a period of peace will be given to
the world.
It is Our Lady and Our Lord who promise these things. Those faithless fools who
falsify and oppose this message have set themselves in opposition to Jesus and
It is inexcusable that Haffert and the editors of Soul refuse to answer the
serious charges against them regarding their published falsehood, distortions
and slander. While it is understandable that Haffert does not dignify with an
answer the personal slurs of such ruthless and amoral smear merchants as
James Donovan, it, nevertheless remains morally untenable for Haffert and the
Soul editors to refuse to account for their criminal behavior.
Now, regarding James Donovan and E. Michael Jones: having written and
published allegations that are false and slanderous, these hard core hypocrites
are guilty of perpetrating a most despicable crime of defamation against Father
Gruner. These infamous scoundrels have lost all sense of justice and decency in
their blatant and utterly malicious display of calumny and slander. Donovan is
so bold as to make the false public accusation that Father Gruner is a liar:
Donovan the sleaze-monger says "Father Gruner lies about his credentials."
Now Father Gruner published a statement wherein he said that he is a fully
ordained priest with full priestly faculties in the diocese of St. Catharines.
Saying this, Father Gruner made an entirely truthful and correct statement.
1) Father Gruner is a fully ordained Roman Catholic Priest. I was personally
present at Father Gruner's ordination in Frigento, Italy in the diocese of Avelino.
Donovan himself cites Bishop Fulton's statement to the effect that Father
Gruner was ordained and is incardinated in Avelino, Italy, and was released by
his bishop a decade ago to work in another diocese.
2) Father Gruner has never claimed to be incardinated in any other place than
Avelino. He never hinted or suggested that he was incardinated in Canada, and
it is perfectly licit and quite common for priests to be incardinated in one place
while working in another.
3) It should be mentioned here that although Father Gruner's faculties have
been given periods of 1 month, 3 months or 6 months he has had faculties in
Canada continuously from April 1981 till June 1988 (this being written in June
4) "With full priestly faculties in the diocese of St. Catharines" Father Gruner
made this statement in his letter of Ash Wednesday, February 17, 1988. Bishop
Fulton's letter of January 14, 1988 proves that this statement is correct. In that
letter Bishop Fulton says: "By this letter I wish to extend the faculties which I
have granted you to March 1, 1988...." This clearly demonstrates that
Donovan's quotation of Bishop Fulton is a false and slanderous fabrication.
Donovan says, "Father Gruner lies about his credentials in his magazine." This
statement is a clear example of a criminally libelous charge which is deliberately
defamatory and slanderous.
Father Gruner said that he is incardinated in Avelino and Bishop Fulton
confirmed that fact.
Father Gruner said that he had full priestly faculties in the diocese of St.
Catharines, and Bishop Fulton's letter proves that this is also correct. These
were temporary faculties but they were without any restriction and therefore full
faculties. Quite obviously it is not Father Gruner but James Donovan who is
Donovan makes another malicious and slanderous defamation directed against
the person of Father Gruner when he states that " Father Gruner used the
statue for financial gain by misleading the readers of his magazine that this
statue was blessed by Pope John Paul II." Father Gruner has never stated that
the statue was blessed by any other Pope than Paul VI. He has published in
over 600,000 copies of Our Lady's Urgent Appeal that it was blessed by Paul VI.
The inference to the contrary imagined by Donovan is not only irrational but is
an entirely malicious and dishonest deduction.
Donovan reveals himself to be a totally unscrupulous character assassin of
boundless iniquity when he accuses Father Gruner of exercising his Marian
apostolate for the purpose of personal financial gain. It is in this criminally
sacrilegious gesture that Mr. Donovan displays within himself what appears to
be the soul of a materialist.
It seems that Mr. Donovan is incapable of understanding how a priest of God
could be exercising his ministry for the holy and honorable purpose of making
Our Lady and Her most urgent Fatima Message known and loved.
It is the same sacrilegious and demonic spirit which prompts Mr. Donovan to
say that Father Gruner is fighting for "the Fatima Market" and "we're going to
see more and more aggressive marketing on Gruner's part as he tries to
increase his share of the Fatima market."
Donovan makes another vile and slanderous charge when he says that "the
statue Gruner had was blessed by Paul VI in 1967, but even that statue doesn't
exist any more. Sources told me that the statue was destroyed in a car accident
more than three years ago, yet Father Gruner carries it with him, gruesomely
enough, in a metal casket while on speaking engagements. No one has asked
Father Gruner to open up the casket." The statue was indeed blessed in 1967
by Pope Paul VI, but everything else that is stated in that passage is absolutely
false - it is a malicious and slanderous fabrication.
The beautiful pilgrim Virgin statue of Our Lady of Fatima has been in the
custody of Father Gruner since 1978 and has never been destroyed. While on
speaking engagements, Father Gruner not only opens the case but displays the
statue so as to be seen and venerated by all present.
My first inclination was to attribute this totally ludicrous and absolutely
incredible fabrication to the imagination of Anne Cillis, since she hysterically
maintains that the statue is still in her custody and control. However, Cillis told
directors of the National Committee for the National Pilgrim Virgin of Canada
(from which board she was previously expelled by all members present at the
meeting in November 1977, this took place before Father Gruner was even
elected Director) that she is not the source of this bizarre tale. Therefore it
seems reasonable to me, to surmise that the story was hatched in James
Donovan's criminal mind.
Donovan lies when he says that he made a call to Father Gruner. The Fatima
Crusader has no record whatsoever of any such attempt. Contrary to all
accepted journalistic practice, Mr. Donovan at no time spoke to Father Gruner
nor to any other Director or Officer of this Fatima Apostolate. Father Gruner did
however telephone Mr. Jones, protesting that the "Broken statue in a casket"
story is a complete fabrication.
Now it is important to bear in mind that Father Gruner personally telephoned E.
Michael Jones (publisher of Donovan's slanderous lies), and explained to him
that the broken statue story was false. In addition to that, several members of
Mr. Jones' board of advisors themselves saw the Pilgrim Virgin Statue as
recently as April 16, 1988 at the Roman Forum.
It was on the podium for more than five hours. In spite of all this, Mr. Jones had
the reckless and ruthless audacity to publish in May 1988, Mr. Donovan's
slanderous and irreverent comment that "a closed casket of a statue that is
broken is gruesome in that it shows a morbid preoccupation with religious
objects." These facts demonstrate Jones' deliberate intent to criminally and
sacrilegiously defame Father Gruner.
May God save the clergy from such misguided hypocrites who fancy themselves
to be defenders of the faith. To what depths of iniquity these vile wretches have
sunk in their fanatical devotion to falsehood and their sacrilegious passion to
destroy priestly reputations.
Under the hypocritical pretense of Catholic journalism, Jones and Donovan have
perpetrated public crimes of slander and sacrilege. Crimes which make them
public sinners and enemies of the Church. Such crimes as these require public
reparation since the injustice is public.
If they refuse to do this, then by their refusal they would thereby demonstrate
themselves to be public enemies of the Church.
Ut inimilos sanctae ecclesiae humiliare digneris, Te rogamus audi nos. That You
would deign to humble the enemies of Holy Mother Church, we beseech You to
hear us.