Beyond Karma
Beyond Karma
Beyond Karma
Beyond Karma
Beyond Karma
Beyond Karma
A book that clarifies Destiny
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To the Reader ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Part 1
The Law of Karma
Karma and Neutrality .............................................................................................................. 15
A Law with Many Faces ........................................................................................................ 19
Part 2
Karma in the Life of Human Beings
What Karma Teaches Us ....................................................................................................... 27
Family Ties in the Karmic Web ...................................................................................... 35
Restoring Equilibrium and Healing through Karma ............................... 45
Part 3
Liberation from Karma
The Way out of the Labyrinth ........................................................................................ 53
Liberation by Fulfilling Broader Laws ..................................................................... 59
To the Reader
Part 4
Beyond Karma
Monadic Transmutation ........................................................................................................ 65
The New Genetic Code .......................................................................................................... 69
Awakening of the Right Side Consciousness .................................................. 75
Part 5
Karma in the Life of the Planets
Ties That Go beyond the Ages ....................................................................................... 85
The Karma of the Evolving Kingdoms on Earth ......................................... 89
Governance of the Law of Karma over the Planets ................................. 97
A New Stage .................................................................................................................................... 101
impulse undergoes along its course through the Universe. In general, people have not realized this; they have not become aware
of the law of karma. This is why they carelessly keep throwing
pebbles into the water without giving a thought as to what will
happen afterward.
If we understand the law of karma, we see that the events
of our life that make up the pattern of our earthly destiny are not
a punishment meted out by a pitiless God, or a whim of mere
chance, but the interaction between cause and effect. The law of
karma makes it possible to restore equilibrium to the imbalances
that have been generated. Understanding this encourages us to
simplify our lives and to avoid the conflict we normally stir up.
Although until now this material law has been basic for the
evolutionary process of the Earth, human beings have always had
the possibility of transcending it. This possibility is now being
extended to a greater number of individuals and the entire planet
is experiencing a unique transformation.
Going back to the analogy of the pebble thrown into the
pond, we could say that the ripples spread mostly over the surface
of the water. As the pebble sinks, the surroundings react in different ways. Likewise, the law of karma acts on the dense surface
levels of existence. However, on deeper levels we are not guided
by the law of karma but by what is known as the higher law of
evolution or by even higher aspects of the law of equilibrium.
Many people are now being prepared to go on to higher levels of the law of evolution, to live consciously on deeper levels of
being. This is the focus of the reflections presented in this book.
This book came about as a response to the need expressed by
many people to become familiar with the law of karma in order to
be helped in dealing with what it implies and, above all, to learn
how to transcend it.
Although widely disseminated in many Eastern countries,
the law of karma has rarely been taught in Western culture. Daily
news and reports stressed by the media reveal that it is still practically unknown. Murders, robberies, accidents, victories, celebrations, gatherings, and rivalries all these would be looked at
differently if the law of karma were taken into account. Anyone
who is familiar with karma knows that there is no such thing as
coincidence, victim, culprit or reason for bewilderment, no matter
what may happen.
According to the law of karma, everything grows out of
what was sown in the past. Thus we can understand that impoverishment, need and hostility stem from former erroneous actions,
whereas true abundance is the fruit of good works. One should
also keep in mind that, depending on one's attitudes, negative situations can be avoided or redirected.
Nevertheless, although destiny is governed by the law of
karma, some circumstances cannot be attributed solely to its
influence, such as the cancer suffered by Sri Ramana Maharshi
See Saint Teresa of vila (1515 1582), The Life of Saint Teresa of vila By Herself,
translation by J.M. Cohen [Penguin Books: New York, USA, 1957].
cal reality can penetrate the material levels. Suffering is experienced in order for this reality to bring about healing above and
beyond any law of materiality, and in this way, to manifest transcendent power and omniscience. Anyone who chooses to deepen
silent reflection will find other meanings in events that happen in
this world for the glory of God.
Furthermore, there are circumstances in our lives that may
not be related to the rebalancing of past deeds, or to an offering
for the purification of humanity, or even to the sublime grace 2
alluded to above. These events could be leading the way to new
dimensions of our being, in preparation for what will be lived in
the future. The way they happen, however, does not go against
the law of karma but applies it in accordance with higher laws.
Grace. The action of supraphysical energies on material planes. Grace is the outward expression of something that has already take place in the inner world.
Part 1
See The Gita, translated by Sri Aurobindo, with comments by Shyam Sunder
Jhunjhunwala [Pondicherry: Auropublications, 1974].
1 Divine
Monadic regent
2 Monadic
3 Spiritual
Body of Light
4 Intuitive
5 Mental
6 Astral
Law in Action
Law of karma
Under the law of karma people believe that they are set apart
from the universe. In this way one either keeps on living one's own
processes or one adapts to the processes of others. This takes place
through the various ties and links that are built progressively. By
becoming attached to someone or something, one takes on the
karma of the object of this attachment.
Part 2
for balance and harmony. All that we are, and everything that
surrounds us, are to become instruments of service and be used
appropriately. For example, water, electricity, food, money, transportation, work, sleep, spoken words, feelings, thoughts nothing belongs to us any longer. Everything is seen for what it really
is: an expression of this all-powerful Consciousness.
Karmic debts are brought on by humans because they regard
themselves as being separated from the One Consciousness and
they identify themselves with only a part of the whole and with
transience. Most people have not generally been freed from the
earthly conditioning of karma. They are unable to deal with two
of the forces opposed to evolution: the force of desire for what is
superfluous and the force of illusion that presents the physical
level as the only or the most important reality. By neutralizing
these two forces life can become less constrained by karma and,
consequently, freer.
law of karma. Hercules killed the one who had welcomed him and
later on he saved someone who needed to be freed. Mature enough
to begin to understand life and death, which are really one and the
same, the hero was then better prepared to face new tasks.
The myth of the Labors of Hercules traces a route to be followed by those who perceive the importance of rising above the
law of karma and of being freed from the unending turning of the
wheel of rebirth on the surface of the Earth.
This particular Labor shows how each and every act reverberates infinitely, stirring up vibrations on all levels of consciousness. Worthy actions balance out previous dissonant ones and
dissolve the karma engendered. The Labor highlights the fact
that by paying karmic debts we begin to dissolve innate human
antagonism. As personal karma becomes balanced, our masculine
and feminine aspects also gain equilibrium, opening the way to
higher evolution.
Certain basic practices, such as harmlessness and compassion, when incorporated into life, help people to free themselves
from the karmic web that binds them to cycles of reincarnation.
One rarely remembers that aggressive attitudes almost
always spring from insecurity. People who are aggressive usually
feel that their personal values are being threatened. Only love and
neutrality, and never negative reactions, can induce someone to
transcend aggression. The web of negative karma can only be dissipated by action based on fraternal love and by firm self-control.
In this way, one avoids getting carried away by conflicts and one
does not become the cause of further adverse reactions.
To maintain this attitude one must truly aspire to everyone's
had formerly ignored. In this way, the process she was supposed
to undergo was alleviated to the point that the end of her life was
quite serene.
especially those created with other beings in the past. Thus, some
incarnations are deliberately planned to function as purgation.
However, with or without the possibility of choosing one's
family group, the soul about to become incarnate is always placed
in the best environment available for its evolution within the law
of karma. When the incarnating soul is aware of this, it accepts
and understands situations of conflict in the family and is able to
cope with them or to turn them into a stimulus for the development of self and of others. Nevertheless, if one does not practice
love-wisdom and compassion, the karmic ties go on becoming
stronger and tenser and hold one in states of disharmony that
bring about even more dismal and frustrating stages.
has higher help been more available. This is because of the profound transformations now being prepared on Earth. Although
they are presently being announced, these transformations will
fully surface in future times.
Help comes when one really decides to change one's attitudes and no longer lets oneself be carried away by apparently
insignificant and fleeting experiences that can cause imbalances
for the rest of one's life. Furthermore, help comes when one puts
one's faith in supraphysical reality and not just in one's personal
abilities. As long as one relies on merely human potential and especially on one's own way of solving problems, one is not truly open
to the action of grace. Grace can transform everything.
Based on supra-human laws, grace can remove normally
insurmountable obstacles to the ascension of an individual, as well
as of a group, of a kingdom of nature or of even wider spheres of
life. The consequences of the down-flow of grace are unpredictable: it can heal, transform and raise consciousness to otherwise
inaccessible levels. The action of grace can change people and can
awaken them to unimaginable realities.
refrain from stirring up conflicts that arise when family members have different interests or choose different
paths, which frequently happens in the disorder of the
present times;
Sainte Thrse de l'Enfant Jsus e de la Sainte Face, Histoire d'une me, biographical
manuscripts [Paris: Edition du Cert, 1972].
At this stage of evolution on the planet, humans are stimulated to become aware of the contacts being made on the supraphysical levels. Important subjective experiences occur while
outer human life goes on.
What generally occurs in the inner groups is very different
from normal family fellowship. Families tend to stimulate the
egocentric aspects of their members, to foster self-fulfillment, to
exalt self-centeredness and to impose ties of mutual obligation,
especially among parents and children, often in a disguised manner. Because of this, families frequently curb the freedom that
their members need in order to follow their destined paths.
Ideally, the family institution should carry out the role of
the first teacher, preparing the incarnating beings to discover their
own inner guidance and to recognize the part that they are to
play in the progress of the world. However, the family is generally
incapable of fulfilling this role and incarnating beings find more
hindrance than help in their quest for universal realities within the
realms of the family's affection and spirituality. Currently, institutions such as the family, religion and the state, which were created
to assist inexperienced souls, are disintegrating. Deprived of this
backing, one has to rely on an earnest desire to attain spiritual life
so as to be able to follow the quest on one's own and with minimal
The family, as an institution, carries a heavy karma. This
karma is difficult to resolve while family members remain tied
to levels of affinity or rejection that cause various problems in
their interrelationships. Moreover, for many, the family group as a
social unit has lost its meaning.
However, great and radical transformations await us. The
present seemingly hopeless situation will be changed. The new
form of relationship that is emerging will be based on interaction
See Helena P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion
and Philosophy, vol. II Anthropogenesis [London: The Theosophical Publishing
Company, Limited, 1888].
Intraterrestrial and extraterrestrial worlds. Humanity inhabits all of the cosmos in differing states of consciousness and stages of development. Intraterrestrial
refers to life on the inner planes of the planet that is not always composed of physical matter. Many extraterrestrial beings are part of the same Humanity-Life of the
Races on the Earth's surface, but some belong to very different spheres of existence
and even to other galaxies. For further references see:Trigueirinho, Calling Humanity
[Minas Gerais, Brazil: Irdin Editora, 2002].
Restoring Equilibrium
and Healing through Karma
When looked at from a wider perspective, everything has
a role in the Plan of Evolution. Within this plan, ailments come
about because of the need to bring order into ones life. Ailments
are an opportunity for human beings to advance and to balance
their negative karma.
Beings who are already conscious on the soul level are aware
of their evolutionary goal prior to incarnating. Based on this, they
program situations that will provide the necessary developmental
experiences during the lifetime about to begin on Earth. Since the
soul participates in the design of its own program and has the support of forces made available to it by means of the law of karma,
the program always takes into account the level of a person's
endurance. In this way, a proposed ailment is never greater than
one's capacity to bear it. An ailment only becomes too heavy to
bear when the person rejects it or reacts against it.
Sri Aurobindo. (1872 1950) His work focused on a yoga that sought to integrate
one's inner and outer activities into one life, a manifestation of divine conscious-
purified in the past life are healthy in the new physical body.
Some experiences of illness that one may undergo can be
quite revealing. For example, the habit of self-centeredly closing
oneself up and not communicating adequately with the outer
world and with fellow beings could be balanced out by measles,
which sometimes appear even in adulthood. Nevertheless, measles
and other diseases are more common during the first years of life
so that the person may be released as soon as possible from some
basic imbalances stemming from a former life. Vaccination to
immunize children against such diseases ignores the reality of the
purging effect of certain illnesses. Tendencies considered by the
higher self to be undesirable and retrograde could be removed from
the new personality. Certain hereditary elements, especially those
characteristics that do not serve the purpose of incarnation and
that the personality does not want to accept or to which it cannot
adapt, could be expelled through fevers.
While fever is burning away undesirable substances present
in the physical and subtle bodies, a person receives help to overcome the desire for material and superfluous things and to dissolve
physical, emotional and mental illusions. The so-called realities of
these denser levels of existence are nothing compared to the reality that the higher self is beginning to grasp. Without such means,
how could the higher self, confined within an undisciplined personality that is still unaware of broader facts, remove illusions and
heal imbalances?
Neuroses, neurasthenia and some cases of hysteria may
appear when there is a need to transform a past that has fallen
into the deep layers of the subconscious. Nature uses these ailments to dissolve indefinable remnants of what is no longer of
use to the being. However, the outcome of some events remains
in what is called the karmic register, because extensive karmic
purification and balancing cannot always be programmed for a
single incarnation. So this outcome is compensated for over several lifetimes. However, if with each incarnation on Earth the soul
expresses elevated and evolutionary behavior, avoids causing new
imbalances, or counteracts its negative past with positive deeds,
the karmic purification and balancing does not have to be too
Although it is possible to grow in consciousness while discarnate, karmic debts incurred in the physical world normally can
only be compensated for in the same world. This is because the
material particles have to undergo experiences that are opposite to
the previous ones. Thus karmic adjustments are generally carried
out during physical life and ailments are effective instruments for
bringing about these transformations.
Paul Brunton. (1898 1981) Philosopher and author who introduced esoteric
ideas to the general public of the West. See The Notebooks of Paul Brunton, Vol. 1,
Perspectives [Burdett, NY: Larson Publications, 1984].
Part 3
Liberation from
Hierarchies. Consciousnesses that have transcended the material laws and have
ascended the sublime steps of spiritual existence. As a unified and cohesive body,
they transmit directives for the fulfillment of the evolutionary purpose to the inhabitants of the universe where they work.
In this way, higher laws gradually begin to rule human existence, replacing the law of karma. The transformation that is currently taking place in an increasing number of beings is directing
them toward the essence of spiritual and divine life. Surrendering
to this essence leads them to overcome free will and to dissolve the
boundaries of the ego that keep material consciousness separated
from its inner source.
Liberation by Fulfilling
Broader Laws
When human beings enter the world of matter they bring
the key of their cosmic origin concealed within themselves.
The history of humanity has been, and continues to be, painful
because this inner key has remained forgotten even though it has
always been accessible.
Unrestricted and unconditional faith in the existence of a
supreme intelligence above all things, is one of the means to discover this key, for it opens the way to awareness of immortality.
This kind of faith holds subtle energies that lead a person to live a
life in accordance with laws that are above the material ones.
Karma is gradually transformed when one changes one's attitudes. However, the real transformation of karma is based on this
faith and on the support of the Hierarchies who inspire humans
to fulfill cosmic designs in outer life. As this transformation takes
place, one is increasingly liberated from compulsory physical,
emotional and mental ties and can enter incarnation with clearly
defined purposes, such as to serve the Plan of Evolution.
As we grow in consciousness our understanding of the law
of karma changes. We cease considering the law of karma merely
as an instrument to compensate for past errors and begin to recognize it as an infallible and extremely useful means to fulfill the
higher goal of life. We begin to discover this goal when we intensify our detachment. We begin to perceive that the law of karma
is present on various levels of life and that it operates in different
ways. We then start to cooperate with karma in an intelligent
manner and do not resist the transformation proposed by the
higher will. No longer just performers of our destiny, we become
effective participants of evolution, true co-creators.
Therefore our material and psychic constitution can be
entirely changed if we base ourselves on faith. We can gradually
rediscover the key that opens the portals to our immortal reality,
a reality where there is no yesterday or tomorrow, only an eternal
now without any karma. Faith is a beacon that illuminates our
journey through the murky byways of the material worlds and
leads us steadily toward higher laws.
It takes an iron will to dissolve the ties that bind consciousness to ego, with its habits and vices, and to go beyond what is
possible for the majority. This can be done by renouncing one's
ideas, opinions and preferences and by stripping oneself of all
that is superfluous. This is the only way to reach the higher laws,
where karma does not exist.
The New Testament states that those called to follow the
Master were exhorted not to waste time looking back for they
were to announce the Kingdom of God. Today, those who are able
to exercise their will power in this way experience an indescribable lightness. No longer hampered by the web of karma, they
announce this kingdom through works of a transcendent nature.
As we free ourselves we learn that nothing is lost when
we renounce something or someone. Once we detach ourselves,
we can find again what was put aside in an inconceivably more
elevated and essential way. We discover that we are united to an
all-embracing Consciousness. Our attachment to our memories of
Part 4
Beyond Karma
We are beginning to be aware of changes in the system of
birth and death on Earth and of a law beyond the sphere of karma
the law of monadic transmutation. Although this law has
been operative on this planet for a long time, only now is it being
more widely disclosed. In past eras very few knew about monadic
transmutation and only in rare, special cases did this law govern
entrance into the world of matter.
As the law of monadic transmutation is applied to this
earthly humanity, it completely changes the way an inner self
enters the material world. A new freedom follows the manifestation of this law. It transcends the unending turning of the wheel
of incarnations under the law of karma.
The monad is our nucleus that is deeper than the soul. It
is also called spirit or cosmic essence and is revealed when our
consciousness expands. The monadic will is higher than the will
of a soul. This is why, in some Christian writings, the monad is
referred to as the Father. In monadic transmutation the monad
withdraws from the personality and gives it up to another, more
evolved monad. The outgoing monad will have completed the
evolutionary stage planned for that incarnation. The incoming
monad transmutes in order to carry out a task on the material
levels and is not under the law of incarnation. Thus both monads
grow in light and consciousness.
Monadic transmutation is governed by higher laws. The
law of karma is no longer applied to both monads in this stage of
evolution. In the way transmutations are occurring in these times,
the incoming monad takes on the karma of the mental, emotional
and physical-etheric bodies it enters but maintains a certain control over them. This monad is free from karma, but the same cannot be said for the bodies, because they carry hereditary influences
and the past history of their atoms on this planet.
In monadic transmutation the outgoing monad transcends
the law of death and it will no longer incarnate under the law of
karma. Through this process the incoming monad now transcends
the law of physical birth, if it had not already been transcended.
The incoming monad is spared the need to go through stages
of uterine gestation, infancy and adolescence. These are all unnecessary for the task to be fulfilled. By entering bodies that are able
to perform the designated task, this monad remains in incarnation
only during the time needed to carry out its task. So this transmuted being is exempt from the law of karma as well as from the
law of reincarnation.
Many extraterrestrial beings enter through monadic transmutation when they need to serve on the physical level on Earth.
Monadic transmutation will also become accessible to the majority of inhabitants of the surface of the Earth in their forthcoming
evolutionary stage.
Under the law of monadic transmutation human beings
cross over to the supraphysical world freed from attachments
to what they are leaving behind here on Earth, and released from
anxiety about what they will find on the inner side of life. Those
who come into physical life are spared the traumas caused by
Various spiritual instructors have alluded to monadic transmutation. Rudolf Steiner (1861 1925) affirmed that at a certain
point in evolution, an individual could need conditions that are
different from those initially provided. When reaching a certain
age, a human being could suddenly go through a near-death experience or fall into an outright faint during which a transformation
could occur, with the Inner Self leaving the body and another
Inner Self taking it over. Steiner says that this kind of exchange of
Inner Selves could happen in diverse situations and the phenomenon is known by all occultists.1
In 1920, the Tibetan Master Djwal Khul, whose teachings
were transmitted to the West by Alice A. Bailey (1880 1949),
referred to this phenomenon as a divine obsession, and assured
us that it would be increasingly common in the years to come.
Through this divine obsession an individual would cooperate
willingly with the One who would inspire, take over or use his or
her lower vehicles (mental, emotional and physical-etheric). This
is always done in order to render greater service to humanity. This
process of exchange will become more frequent and better understood when the human race develops continuity of consciousness
between the physical and emotional bodies and later on, between
these and the mental body.2
Monadic transmutation is carried out under the benevolent
See Rudolf Steiner, Das Lukas Evangelium (The Gospel of St. Luke) 8th Edition
[Dornach, Switzerland: Verlag Gesamtausgabe, 1985], p. 114.
See Alice A. Bailey, Letters on Occult Meditation [New York: Lucis Publishing
Company, 1950].
aura of liberated beings and their energy sustains the entire process. Evolved devas 3 also take part. The outgoing monad is released
from its karma and a vibratory channel is created to permit the
entrance of the new monadic energy. These processes would not
be possible without the participation of energies that are higher
than the monadic ones.
Concepts such as monadic transmutation are still unknown
to most people. In this regard, one could recall Goethe's statement
that man cannot arrive at the understanding of anything unless he
loves it. The great poet was referring to the need to grasp subtle
facts through the feelings of the heart rather than through the
reasoning of the mind.
Devas. A Sanskrit word meaning "beings of light" that includes those we call
angels. They build all existing forms.
DNA, the genetic code activated in the cycle currently coming to a close, is of animal origin and could only take humanity
up to a certain level of evolution. The new genetic code, GNA, is
now needed in order to open the way for a greater integration into
inner realities.
GNA. This acronym does not denote a specific chemical substance, but an electromagnetic field.
When human beings still have DNA and are governed by the
law of karma, their actions on the physical plane create material
values and generate either abundance or scarcity, according to the
quality of their deeds. Through their feelings humans create values on the level of pleasure and dissatisfaction, thus engendering
positive or negative emotional situations, according to the nature
of these values. Through their thoughts they create values on the
level of ideas, which produce either high ideals and consequent
mental health, or pessimism, criticism and disharmony, depending
on the quality of their thoughts.
With the new genetic code, human beings will no longer be
held captive by their own limited creations. Furthermore, they
will lose all aggressiveness and will be able to understand that all
goods belong to everyone and not only to a few, and that these
goods should be applied in developing spiritual consciousness and
not in satisfying egoism.
Because of its origin, GNA gives human beings stability,
unity of thought and a sense of fraternity, thus making it possible
for them to live consciously on inner levels and within the laws
that govern them. A new vibration is introduced into their subjective world with the implanting of this new genetic code. This
vibration is projected from level to level, drawing all the atoms of
their bodies into attunement with its frequency, which is subtle
and is in accordance with the cosmic goal of their higher self.
But only now, with the implanting of the new genetic code, can
the teaching be understood and carried out by a greater number of
people. Under the old DNA code even those who seek a spiritual
life behave like the Apostle Paul, who declared in one of his epistles
that he did not do the good he wanted to do, but did the evil he
did not want to do.
However, the forthcoming expansion of consciousness is
not based solely on changing the genetic code, or on transcending
the law of karma. Up until now, only the cells of coarser vibration have been active, especially in the brain, and these cells have
had to endure the disorder of human bodies. Nevertheless, a large
contingent of cells, destined to pick up and manifest energy waves
coming from the spiritual and divine planes, will be awakened.
The awakening of these cells is part of a broad restructuring
of this humanity's physical life and depends on the contact that
material consciousness has with the soul. This inner contact will
bring about a perception that is increasingly freed from egoism
and that is less inclined to be linked to people, things and circumstances. In a not too distant future, many people who have a larger
portion of active healthy cells will be capable of embracing what
is apparently unpleasant in order to help the evolution of groups
and of the planet. They will transcend the plane of desire and be
able to freely serve the constructor-energies that are performing
evolutionary works in the cosmos.
The new genetic code, GNA, can also be developed and manifested on the denser planes of existence, whenever people are
receptive to what it inspires and stimulates. Those who are not
open to transformation may reject the new code, which then
withdraws to subjective levels until the nodules of resistance are
dissolved. Depending on the degree of reaction contrary to the
nonmaterial impulses prompted by GNA, this genetic code may
even be canceled and the person may only become integrated into
this evolutionary current in a future cycle.
When the new genetic code becomes fully implanted and
abided by, human beings will tend to express unity of aspirations
and goals on their mental level. GNA draws cosmic patterns of
life down to the Earth and builds the foundations for the New
Humanity. It predisposes human beings to become more subtle
and its vibration opens the doors of consciousness to experiences
and to life on higher planes. Through GNA the energy potential
of these planes causes matter to become more fluid. This process,
in close collaboration with the soul, has the role of furthering and
heightening maturity of consciousness.
The capacity to receive GNA is determined by one's inner
affinity with what is radiated by the code itself. GNA should correspond to the aspirations of those who receive it; thus individuals
both attract it, and are attracted by it. The subtle action that this
genetic code can carry out to fashion life according to the pulsation
of the spirit is still a mystery to most people. It will continue to be
a mystery until purity and surrender to the higher law, the law of
love-wisdom, has become the blueprint for human progress.
Once they have completed their earthly karma, the new
human beings will have other resources available to them because
their bodies will be purer, more sublime and divested of free will.
With the new genetic code implanted in them, human beings will
have greater access to knowledge and will fulfill the tasks specified
by the new law of evolution. They will express true love and will
know that they are part of a harmony that integrates them, once
and for all, into the order of the more advanced universes.
By aspiring to ascend to higher levels, without causing
harm or transgressing the law of love, human beings will develop
undisclosed potentialities. By obeying this sublime law, their own
ascent will be assured and this will reflect on all humanity. They
will live in unity more freely. Their lives will flow in the steadfast
harmony of the spiritual levels of the cosmos that will finally be
manifested here on Earth.
Awakening of the
Right Side Consciousness
Human beings go through life building links to things, ideas,
people, tendencies and forms of life. These links are registered in
a part of human consciousness called the left side consciousness.
The power of karma, as well as the inclination toward desire and
other factors that have drawn this civilization into decadence, are
also located in the left side consciousness.
Nevertheless, there is another part of human consciousness
that is capable of bringing equilibrium to the tendencies of the left
side consciousness and of establishing harmony with the higher
laws. This is the right side consciousness, which creates linkages
with the abstract levels where archetypal patterns and directives
for the Plan of Evolution are revealed. The left side consciousness,
in turn, pertains to acquiring knowledge through the external
senses and to reproducing familiar patterns. Therefore, it infers
association with concrete facts, trivial ideas and ordinary ways of
living, perpetuated by customs and all kinds of traditions.
While agglomerations of cells form the organs of the physical body, which, in turn, comprise systems, the etheric body is
made up of interconnected nuclei of energies. The level of one's
physical health and harmony depends on the degree of clearness
of these energy circuits.
There is a countless number of energy circuits in the etheric
body, although not all are of equal importance. Some are pivotal
while others rotate around them. The paths traced by energy in
these circuits, as well as the nuclei activated in them, correspond
to the human being's need for expression and for relationship with
the surrounding universe.
These circuits are manifested according to each person's level
of sensitivity and of spiritual maturity. In this way, the etheric
body of someone who focuses on dense things is different from
the etheric body of someone whose life is grounded in altruism.
The energy centers in action in one body are different from those
acting in another. But despite these individual aspects, there is one
model for the etheric body of all the members of the human family
during a given evolutionary cycle.
There are seven centers or vortices of energy located in the
aura close to the spinal column in the etheric body of a human
being who still has DNA genetic code and who is governed by the
law of karma. These centers are called chakras.
See Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic [New York: Lucis Publishing Company,
new genetic code will govern the formation of the bodies of today's human beings.
Later this potential will expand and two more centers, called
supraluminaries, will be added to the three centers that have
already become activated. If we look closely, we will see that this
new energy system in humanity was already implicit in ancient
teachings and, in an esoteric way, in the more advanced concepts
of the sayings of spiritual sages, such as Sri Aurobindo. However,
it was only with the transition that occurred on 8/8/88 (August 8,
1988), that these concepts were finally disclosed.
In the shift from the chakra system to the right side consciousness system, the energy from the head center, the ajna center and part of the throat center merges into a single center, the
right side mental center. This is where the cognitive and creative
capacities will be unified, bringing human beings greater equilibrium in their interaction with the outer world. Analytical and
concrete mental activity will gradually move to the sub-conscious
sphere and become automatic, similar to the organic functions of
the physical body today.
The heart center synthesizes the energy of the heart center
of the former system of chakras and receives part of the energy of
the solar plexus and of the throat center. The potential for impersonal love and for creativity will thus be united and will function
together. This will totally change relationships among human
beings. Difficulties stemming from self-centered interactions will
no longer exist, for the heart center is more open to the vibration
of the soul, the nucleus in which fraternal life is a reality.
The energies channeled through the sacral and the base of
the spine centers, as well as those channeled through the solar
plexus, converge at the center located on the right side of the body,
below the last rib, the cosmic center. Therefore, the sublimation of
the instinctive aspects carried out by evolutionary work based on
the system of chakras is being superseded. Individuals whose right
side consciousness centers are activated will no longer have their
energy focused on such a dense level and the raising of this energy
will mean a much greater expansion of consciousness.
Centers of the
Head center
Ajna center
Throat center
Throat center
Heart center
Sacral center
Part 5
Karma in the
Life of the Planets
As it experienced its stages of evolution, humanity continued reinforcing its choice of free will. As it lost contact with
states of purity, its karma tended to become progressively heavier.
Nevertheless, these deviations always occurred within the limits
permitted by higher laws that prevail over the realities governed
by lower laws.
One of the outcomes of this intensification of human karma
on Earth, which is an non-sacred planet,1 was the appearance of
diseases intended to bring about collective purging. The first one,
syphilis, arose in ancient Lemuria 2 as the consequence of sexual
promiscuity among primitive humans, and between humans and
Tuberculosis was another planetary disease. It came up in
Atlantis 3 as an element to restore balance. At that time humanity
Non-sacred planet. A planet which has not yet fully incorporated the aspects and
attributes of the logoic solar consciousness, therefore it radiates conflictive energy on
denser levels of vibration.
Lemuria. A continent that has disappeared. A large part of it is located on the bed
of what is now the Pacific Ocean. During the Lemurian age human beings developed
their physical body.
Atlantis. A continent that has disappeared. Most of it lies on the bed of the present
Atlantic Ocean. During the Atlantean age, which followed the Lemurian Age, human
beings developed their emotional body.
Group soul. Nucleus through which the essence of the beings that evolve in the
mineral, plant and animal kingdoms is expressed and enters into contact with physical levels. A group soul receives the experiences of each being in that group, synthesizes them and shares these experiences with all the others.
A large part of the chemical elements that make up minerals and the bodies present on this planet have radioactive nuclides
in a proportion that is carefully controlled by the Intelligences
that govern nature. These radioactive elements are the result of
the condensation of cosmic forces introduced into matter and
not assimilated by it. They are transformed in cyclic processes
in which the excess cosmic forces are absorbed into matter, until
they reach the non-radioactive stage
Causing an imbalance in the proportion of radioactive to
non-radioactive particles interferes in the ability of the material
substratum of the planet to receive and process sidereal forces. For
this reason, humans cause a change in the Earth's interaction with
extra-planetary life when they manipulate atomic energy.
Paul Brunton7 has pointed out that scientists have actually
destroyed the atom, the prime matter created and used by God
to form the universe. Brunton explains that releasing destructive
forces and casting them into the world has brought degenerating
See The Notebooks of Paul Brunton, V. 7, Part 2. Healing of the Self / The Negatives
[Burdett, NY, USA: Larson Publications, 1986].
Governance of the
Law of Karma over
the Planets
The law of karma carries out an equilibrating role in human
beings and also throughout the universe of matter. Therefore,
planets that exist in this sphere go through the stage of being
governed by this law prior to entering a higher evolutionary state.
Some planets have already fulfilled this stage and have acquired
the knowledge that takes them beyond material boundaries.
In this galaxy, the Earth, which is the planet with the heaviest
karma, resists purification. The other planets are waiting for the
Earth to advance so that all may share a better destiny.
The law of karma only governs the planets that are evolving on the physical, astral and mental levels. Other planets of the
solar system, besides Earth, are also evolving on these levels, but
they have developed in harmony with their spiritual goals; thus,
although their karma exists, it is not so confining. Some planets in
this same solar system interact intensely with laws other than the
law of karma. These planets are in what could be called a state of
vigil and they have no physical life.
Cosmic Man. Also called the Eighth Monad, Monadic Regent or Regent-Avatar,
this is the deepest nucleus of the being. In some areas of mysticism it has also been
called the Father.
universes and adjusting them, and all beings in them, to the perfection of higher and broader laws.
A New Stage
If we were to consider the possibility of the life of this
humanity becoming transformed according to a natural rhythm,
we would find the chances to be minimal. Nevertheless, deep
within each human being there pulses a certainty of something that
is hovering, something that is not really perceived. No one knows
how this something will be manifested, but it will renew the face
of the Earth.
The planet is approaching a new stage of life. This is not a
utopian idea; it is a perception based on truth. This new stage is
not implanted through human merit, therefore we can say that a
part of earthly life has already gone beyond karma.
Life beyond karma, so long awaited by all, will not come
about through social, political or ideological movements. The new
Earth is really a state of consciousness that already exists and that
is awaiting the right time for it to surface.
Many will already find this new life within themselves as
they recognize that the current civilization has fallen into complete decadence. Moreover, there are those who are treading the
spiritual path inwardly, without being aware of it. The change
will be a natural step that they will take without resisting or
wavering. The new life has already silently permeated their being.
Unperceived, it has taken root and radiates its energies.
The new human beings will disengage themselves from projects for personal fulfillment and will strive to discover what can
lead them to fullness as cosmic beings. They will seek to contact
the inner essence that expands limits and helps them to transcend
their human and sectarian aspects. Their lives will express service,
love and will, for the sake of perpetuating the Light.
In the new stage, to find one's essence will be more than
mere aspiration; it will be a living reality. There will be no ailments. Small disharmonies will be balanced through contact with
healing energies radiated from natural and supernatural sources
that will be well-known to humanity.
All will be aware of the task they came to fulfill on Earth as
part of a broad Plan of Evolution. They will learn how to control
the winds, the rains and the flow of the waters. They will cooperate consciously with interplanetary harmony, where higher laws
govern the course of events and the structuring of forms.
The members of this new humanity will share mental unity,
fruit of contact with intuitive levels of consciousness. The sense
of separateness will give way to an awareness of the oneness of
Human beings will then be consecrated as co-creators of the
universe. This will come about because they will have transcended
the law of karma and directed their free will to the choice of the
divine. They will have recognized themselves as part of a sidereal
world. They will be consciously living their own, ever more luminous, inner reality.
Books by Trigueirinho
Revelation 21:1-4
Mundo Interno)
The Jerusalem Bible, Reader's Edition [Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, Inc.
1966 ].
Nos Caminhos
A Conscincia-Nave)
Santurio Interior)
A Existncia Oculta)
Iberah e
Uma Mensagem
Anu Tea)
da Energia)
BASES OF THE FIERY WORLD Indications for Contacts with Supraphysical Worlds
Beyond Karma
Alm do Carma
Beyond Karma
A book that clarifies Destiny