The Method of Covering MEP Scope in An Estimating Course
The Method of Covering MEP Scope in An Estimating Course
The Method of Covering MEP Scope in An Estimating Course
Society for Engineering Education, 2012
the major expectations in the construction industry. The author is able to include this comment
because of his personal industry experience and working relationships with the members of the
construction advisory council in his institution.
The complex nature of MEP construction is also reflected in professional development
opportunities including the Mechanical Electrical Academic Consortium (MEAC). MEAC is
established under the Associated Schools of Construction structure to focus on MEP education in
collaboration with academia and specialty trade associations2. The Consortium delivers a
Mechanical and Electrical Faculty Boot Camp to address the need and provide hands on
experience in the mechanical and electrical specialties. As another example, among several
organizations that offer certification for construction estimators in United States, the American
Society of Professional Estimators offers specialty exams in plumbing, HVAC piping, HVAC
sheet metal, and electrical subjects3.
In todays construction industry, the challenging MEP scopes motivated contractors to use
specialty expertise and consequently subcontract these trades in building construction process.
These systems are challenging technologically. Many aspects, such as technical scope, expertise
in timing, especially coordination with other trades, providing testing and commissioning require
in depth knowledge and experience4. There are examples of MEP construction courses
developed to address this need and these are structured as specialty courses within construction
management curricula5, 6.
Estimating and MEP knowledge and preparation are recognized as critical items for construction
education as reflected in various construction science, management, and technology curricula.
For example, the American Council for Construction Education (ACCE), the international
accrediting body for construction higher education, defines the following subjects to be covered
under estimating topical content with at least 3 semester credit hours7:
ACCE also requires MEP content to be covered under the Analysis and Design of Construction
Systems without defining specific contact hours for each section7. Traditionally, MEP content is
covered in design-oriented technical courses in construction curricula8, 9 and work scope is
assumed, and treated, as specialty areas to be handled through subcontracts in estimating courses.
There are several examples of estimating textbooks that follow this tradition10, 11.
Assuming that the technical aspect of MEP scope is handled in building systems courses, the
scope and provision aspects of those trades should be taught as a module in estimating courses.
This way, CM students can develop proper skills in estimating courses for MEP scope
understanding, and they can eliminate the fear of dealing with technologically complex work
scope when they are assigned as junior estimators early in their career. Due to limitations in
credit hours, it is not always possible to launch specialty courses such as MEP estimating. The
purpose of this paper is to present an estimating course module that addresses the current
shortcoming in CM curriculum. The paper presents a systematic approach that is used in an
estimating course on how to develop a MEP scope which later can be used in detailed estimating
The Course Structure and Teaching Methodology
The MEP estimating module is integrated into a third year course, CSM 4023 Construction
Estimating II, a 3 semester credit hour course (2 hours of lecture and 3 hours of laboratory work)
required for all construction majors. The 2-hour lecture covers developing scopes, detailed
estimate line items, bidding, pricing and subcontracting strategies for all work divisions in a
construction project. During the 3-hour laboratory section, students concentrate on the use of
digital estimating software and prepare detailed estimating packages. The class size is typically
20 to 22 students where they work on two commercial building projects throughout the semester.
A second year fundamental estimating course is defined as a prerequisite which covers quantity
takeoff, material cost, and production rates for labor and equipment.
The MEP module instruction starts with scope studies. The scope study can be accomplished by
analyzing specifications and construction drawings. Therefore students are taught on how to
develop MEP scopes. This applies to all trades in construction projects. In the case of MEP
scopes, the first step is to highlight the differentiating aspect of MEP specifications from the
architectural trades specifications. The second step is about classifying the specifications
content of MEP trades. The classification approach helps students to develop an understanding of
the overall content. The third step is about MEP construction drawings. Students are taught how
to analyze drawings and develop an understanding of the content for scope development. After
developing a content understanding, in the fourth step students create complete MEP scope
sheets. The fifth step, they use their scope sheets to perform digital takeoff. Lastly, in the sixth
step they assign unit costs to scope line items (Figure 1). Below, detailed descriptions have been
given for respective steps.
Step 1. Explaining the differentiating aspect of MEP specifications
The technical trade specifications of a project are composed of architectural trades and MEP
trades work scope information. The general conditions and supplementary general conditions
are part of the technical specifications. They are provided in technical specifications in addition
to individual trades (architectural and MEP) specifications.
In general, all trades technical specifications are composed of three parts. These are (1) General
information, (2) Products, and (3) Execution. When it comes to MEP trades, they have their own
General Provisions section which is provided to supplement the General Conditions usually
catalogued as Division 01. The explanation is provided to students for having specific General
Provisions for each MEP trades.
to acquire from it. The major differentiation from architectural drawings is that this diagram is
not to scale and it cannot be used for lineal, area, or volume calculations during the takeoff
process. Students then informed about the schedules sheet(s) which provide information on
equipment and fixtures. They are informed that this is critical information and it needs to be
compared with the respective information provided in the specifications. Specifications may
include similar, additional or complementing information. Last step is to analyze the details. Not
only plumbing drawings but HVAC and electrical drawings will contain details. Students are
informed why details are critical. As mentioned earlier the installation of MEP materials and
equipment usually require coordination with other trades. Students are informed about the
necessity of critical thinking in estimating and especially for the items that require coordination.
Details provide information on other trades that the estimator must consider who (which trade) is
providing what for the project.
After analyzing HVAC specifications, students are introduced to HVAC drawings. When it
comes to analyzing HVAC drawings, students are informed that the process will not be very
different from the plumbing drawings analysis process as explained above. The scope of
equipment schedules will be more complicated and they will contain more information such as
operating weight and power requirements. Again, students are warned that the given information
needs to be compared with the one that is given in specifications in order not to have scope gaps
during the estimating process. Students are also warned that the drawings are mostly
diagrammatic in nature that requires careful consideration and critical thinking skills during the
estimating process. Same issues apply for HVAC details as mentioned for details in plumbing
Students are introduced to electrical drawings after covering the content of electrical
specifications. The most remarkable aspect of electrical floor plans is that they are classified as
power drawings, lighting drawings and fire alarm drawings. The content of power drawings are
covered followed by lighting drawings. By analyzing lighting drawings students find out about
different types of light fixtures, their switching and panel requirements. The purpose of electrical
single line diagram is explained. The power provision (distribution) for the building is illustrated
in this diagram. Students develop an understanding on how various electrical distribution
equipment are connected. By understanding the logic of power distribution, they learn about the
scope of electrical package. Students develop an understanding of various electrical equipment
and materials such as raceways types and sizes, transformers, switchgear, and distribution panels.
In addition to information they get from specifications, studying the drawings boosts the
understanding, consequently it helps developing meaningful scopes. Single line diagram is
followed by schedules. Schedules provide information on electrical panels and distribution
equipment. These equipment also provide power for HVAC equipment therefore students are
informed about the scope coordination between electrical and HVAC contractors. The fire alarm
and some other specialty systems input are given via different drawings as they are usually
called low voltage drawings. Students are informed that the low voltage package can be provided
by a different or by the same electrical contractor. This means coordination between electrical
and low voltage contractor may be considered as part of the work scope.
Since the scope of MEP differs in many ways from architectural trades, the differentiating
aspects of the MEP specifications are highlighted. Coordination requirements are the major
factor creating the differentiation from architectural trades. In order to approach in a systematic
manner, the author presented the classification used for each MEP scope. The method of
analyzing the drawings and using them along with specifications are also presented. The main
idea is to show students that they need a method when approaching the MEP documents. Once
they captured this idea, the practice part in the laboratory portion did run smoothly while using
the takeoff software.
Due to credit hours restrictions it is not possible to launch specialty courses such as MEP
estimating. Because of this reason integration of special modules becomes critical. In fact,
students recognized the effectiveness of important content delivery which was accomplished in a
short amount of time.
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