Introduction To Unit Trust in Malaysia
Introduction To Unit Trust in Malaysia
Introduction To Unit Trust in Malaysia
Table Of Contents
2.1 PUNB Background.
2.2 Corporate Culture.
4.1 Corporate Advisory.
4.2 Business Services.
4.3 Training.
4.4 Business Development.
6.1 Brochures.
1.1 Definition
Unit trust fund is an investment scheme structured to allow investors with similar
investment objectives to participate in the money, debt, equity and derivative markets.
Professional investment managers who channel their efforts towards achieving
investment objectives ranging from regular income to capital growth, will manage funds
collected from the scheme.Unit trusts are excellent vehicles for individual and corporate
financial planning due to their affordability, liquidity and relatively low risk nature.
1.2 Unit Trust in Malaysia
Malaysia introduced the unit trust concept relatively early compared to its Asian
neighbours, when, in 1959, a unit trust was first established by a company called Malayan
Unit Trust Ltd.
The unit trust industry in Malaysia has therefore a history of more than four decades. The
development of this industry can be presented in chronological order as follows
1.3 The Development of Unit Trusts
The Formative Years: 1959 -1979
The first two decades in the history of the unit trust industry were characterized by slow
growth in the sales of units and a lack of public interest in the new investment product.
Only five unit trust management companies were established, with a total of 18 funds
introduced over that period. The industry was regulated by several parties including the
Registrar of Companies, The Public Trustee of Malaysia, Bank Negara Malaysia and the
Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs.
The 1970s also witnessed the emergence of state government sponsored unit trusts, in
response to the Federal Government's call to mobilize domestic household savings.
The Period from 1980 to 1990
This period marks the entry of government participation in the Unit Trust Industry and
the formation of a Committee to regulate the unit trust industry, called the Informal
Committee for Unit Trust Funds, comprising representatives from the Registrar of
Companies (ROC), the Public Trustee of Malaysia, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) and
the Capital Issues Committee (CIC).
The 1980s marked a significant development in the history of the industry when the Skim
Amanah Saham Nasional (ASN) was launched by Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) in
1981. Despite only 11 funds being launched during this period, the total units subscribed
by the public swelled to an unprecedented level because of the overwhelming response to
The 1980s also witnessed the emergence of more unit trust management companies,
which were subsidiaries of financial institutions. Their participation facilitated the
marketing and distribution of unit trusts through bank's branch network which widened
investor reach.
The Period from 1991 to 1999
This period witnessed the fastest growth of the unit trust industry in terms of the number
of new management companies established, and funds under management. The
centralization of industry regulation, with the establishment of the Securities Commission
on 1 March 1993, coupled with the implementation of the Securities Commission (Unit
Trust Scheme) Regulations in 1996 and extensive marketing strategies adopted by the
ASN and ASB (Amanah Saham Bumiputera), played key roles in making unit trusts
household products in Malaysia. Consequently, the total asset value of funds under
management grew more than threefold from RM15.72 billion at the end of 1992 to
RM59.95 billion at the end of 1996. The period also saw greater product innovation and
deregulation of the industry.
Although the pace of growth of local unit trust funds has moderated since the financial
crisis of 1997-1998, it has nevertheless maintained its upward trend.
The Period from 2000 to current
The unit trust industry has a very promising start to the 21st century. The industry
recorded double digit growth for first 7 years, growing from RM43 billion in Net Asset
Value(NAV) in Year 2000 to RM169 billion as at 31 December 2007. However, this
strong growth has been punctuated by some extraordinary financial crisis in 2008,
starting from the fallout of the sub prime loans in the USA, bursting of the property
bubble, the global credit crunch, the banking crisis and the rapidly falling share prices
worldwide. As at 31 December 2008, the unit trust industry saw its NAV dropping to
RM134 billion. While the industry NAV has dropped by 20% over the last 10 months, the
industry Net Asset Value to Bursa Malaysia Market Capitalization has increased from
15% to more than 20%. In relative terms, the unit trust industry drop is less severe than
the fall in share prices in Bursa Malaysia due to the diverse nature of its assets.
3.2 Financing
PROSPER Usahawan Muda scheme offers financing between RM5k to RM100k to start
up business.
It is suitable for:Young Bumiputera who are keen to venture into business
What it offers:Shari'ah compliant financing products
Amount of financing
i. INDIVIDUAL From RM5,000 to RM50,000
ii. PARTNERSHIP Up to RM100,000
Payment tenure up to 7 years
Corporate Development & Monitoring Support
Entrepreneur Development & Training.
II. Financing (RM100,000 - RM1 mil)
PROSPER Runcit scheme offers financing between RM100k to maximum RM1mil for
business needs.
It is suitable for:Bumiputera entrepreneurs who are keen to venture or expand their retail business
What it offers:Shari'ah compliant financing products
Financing from RM100,000 to RM1,000,000
Payment tenure up to 7 years
Corporate Development & Monitoring Support
Entrepreneur Development & Training.
Suitable for:Bumiputera entrepreneurs who are keen to venture or expand their wholesale distribution
or supply business
What it offers: Shari'ah compliant financing products
Financing from RM500,000 to RM5,000,000
Payment tenure up to 7 years
Corporate Development & Monitoring Support
Entrepreneur Development & Training
SME Scheme;
Suitable for:Bumiputera entrepreneurs in Small & Medium Enterprises who are keen to set or grow
their manufacturing or services business of high growth and export potential
What it offers: Shari'ah compliant financing products
Financing from RM500,000 to RM5,000,000
Payment tenure up to 7 years
Corporate Development & Monitoring Support
Entrepreneur Development & Training.
Other Programmes.
6.1 Brochures.