Transmission Lines and E.M. Waves Prof R.K.Shevgaonkar Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Lecture-4
Transmission Lines and E.M. Waves Prof R.K.Shevgaonkar Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Lecture-4
Transmission Lines and E.M. Waves Prof R.K.Shevgaonkar Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Lecture-4
Prof R.K.Shevgaonkar
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Welcome, in the last lecture we derived the voltage and current expressions then we
defined the origin on the Transmission Line we defined the origin at the load end and
then we defined all the distances on Transmission Line measured from the load point
towards the generator which we denoted by variable l.
So now we have this voltages and currents which are given in terms of the length which
are towards the generator from the load end.
Then satisfying the boundary condition at the load end we got the relationship between
the impedance at the load end which is related to the parameter which again was a ratio
Vof +
This quantity
Vis related to the energy reflected from the load end and we define this
parameter called the voltage reflection coefficient which was the ratio of the reflected
voltage to the incident voltage.
Both these quantities are complex in nature and that is the reason the reflection
coefficient at any point on the Transmission Line is complex. Then at l = 0 which means
at load end the reflection coefficient which is (0) =
the incident voltage at the load end is denoted by this quantity (0) at l = 0. By
substituting this we got the relationship between the load impedance and the reflection
coefficient at the load end.
If we now invert this relation we will get the value of the reflection coefficient at the load
end and let us call the reflection coefficient at the load end as L which is nothing but the
measured at l = 0 which is again equal to
Z L Z0
Z L + Z0
so what we find here is the reflection coefficient at the load end which is the measure of
how much energy is reflected from the load end related to the terminating impedance of
the line which is ZL, also it depends upon the characteristic impedance of the line.
Now this is a very interesting condition, what we see now is if the load impedance is
equal to the characteristic impedance since this quantity is zero and V+ will not be zero
because we have put some incident wave that means the V- would be zero or in other
words when the load impedance becomes equal to the characteristic impedance there is
no reflection on the line and that is the condition we were looking for because when we
initially talked about the purpose of the Transmission Line the objective was to transfer
the power from the generator to the load.
However, when we analyzed the Transmission Line we found that there are some
reflections on Transmission Line and the entire energy is not transferred to the load.
Now we get a condition under which the entire energy will be transferred to the load
because there will not be any reflection on the line if the load impedance is equal to the
characteristic impedance. So the characteristic impedance is a very important parameter
of the Transmission Line. One may wonder where this characteristic impedance located
on Transmission Line, it is not located anywhere. It is a characteristic parameter which
cannot be located on a Transmission Line but it governs the power flow on Transmission
Line and this condition ZL = Z0 is called the match condition that means the impedance is
matched to the Transmission Line characteristic impedance. The power transfer is
hundred percent and there is no reflected energy on the Transmission Line.
This condition is similar to the maximum power transfer condition on the circuits where
if the load impedance is equal to the complex conjugate of the generator impedance then
there is a maximum power transfer from generator to the load. Now exactly same
condition is here for Transmission Line that when the load impedance is equal to the
characteristic impedance of the line the whole power get transferred to the load and there
is no reflected power on the Transmission Line. So we call this condition as the matched
load condition. One may not physically understand what is happening and why there is a
reflection on the Transmission Line. The Z0 represent some kind of a medium which is
very smooth on which the power is flowing along the Transmission Line. Suddenly it
sees a disturbance on the Transmission Line in terms of impedance because when it
reaches to the other end of the Transmission Line the impedance is no more seen equal to
the same smooth flowing impedance which is Z0.
So it is some kind of a step change which the energy flow encounters and because of that
part of energy tends to get deflected on the Transmission Line. So for maximum power
transfer the energy flow should always see an impedance which is equal to characteristic
impedance. If any other impedance is kept other than characteristic impedance there will
always be reflection on Transmission Line and the power flow will not be maximum with
the load.
Now having understood this one can generalize this and then one can say that the way we
have defined the reflection coefficient at any point on Transmission Line once I get the
Vvalue of + I can find out the complex value of the reflection coefficient at any point on
the Transmission Line. And once I define this parameter which is the reflection
coefficient then I can substitute this quantity
V e l
in our voltage and current relation
V + e l
and we can define the voltage and current at any point on Transmission Line in terms of
the reflection coefficient.
so now we get the relation of the voltage and current which is V is a function of length as
we have defined earlier this quantity the V was equal to V+ el + V- e-l
V e l
that is nothing but
V + e l
reflection coefficient at distance l. So I get V(l) = V+ el {1 + (l)} and the current at that
location will be
V0 l
e {1 - (l)}.
Once you get the voltage and current at any location we can now find out what is the
impedance at that location. So we can divide this equation by this so we will get the
impedance measured at a location l on the line which is V at that location divide by
1 + ( l )
current at that location. V+ el will cancel so you will get Z0
1- ( l )
So the impedance at any location on the Transmission Line is related to the reflection
coefficient at that location in the Transmission Line. Inverting the relation we can get
reflection coefficient at any point on the line that is equal to
Z ( l ) Z0
Z ( l ) +Z0
So in fact the impedance at any point on Transmission Line and the reflection coefficient
at that location have one to one relationship. So if I know the reflection coefficient at that
location I can find out what is the impedance at that point and if I know what is the
impedance at that point I can calculate what is the reflection coefficient at that point.
Once I get this I can substitute for reflection coefficient (l) and noting that the quantity
Vis the reflection coefficient at the load end here I can write down the impedance in
general form as follows.
If I can get the impedance Z at any location l is equal to Z(0) where (l) is
1 + L e 2 l
So this is nothing but
2 l
1- L e
V - -2l
and L is nothing but the reflection coefficient at the load end so L as we have already
derived is nothing but
Z ( l ) Z0
where ZL is the load impedance.
Z ( l ) +Z0
I can substitute for L into this equation and I can get the impedance at any point on the
line in relation to the load impedance so I get a relation Z(l) called the impedance
ZL Z0 2 l
1+ Z +Z e
transformation relation which is equal to Z0
0 2 l
ZL +Z0
Rearranging this terms and collecting the terms of ZL and Z0 separating them out and
noting that we are now having the terms which will be el I can rearrange and rewrite this
expression in terms of the hyperbolic cos and sin functions.
Z cosh l + Z0sinh l
So this expression after reconstitution becomes Z ( l ) =Z0 L
Z0 cosh l + ZLsinh l
we have used a relation cosh l =
e l + e - l
e l -e- l
and sinh l =
So now this is telling me that the impedance at location l is related to the load impedance
through this relation what as we will call as the impedance transformation relation so this
relation we call as the impedance transformation relation.
And this relation is a very important relation in Transmission Line calculation because
what it tells you is that if a line is terminated in impedance which is equal to ZL the
impedance which you will measure at the input end of the line will not be ZL it will be
different in ZL and not only it will be different in ZL it will also depend upon the length of
the line. So for the same load which you have connected to the line if the length of the
line keeps varying the impedance which you measure at the input of the line will keep
varying or in other words if I design a circuit at high frequencies and connect that circuit
to a load depending upon what piece of wire or cable I am connecting between the load
and the circuit the impedance seen by the circuit will be different.
So for the behavior of a circuit the impedance seen by the circuit is more important. If
that quantity keeps varying depending upon the length through which the actual
impedance is connected to the circuit the whole circuit behavior keep on varying as the
function of length of a connecting wire.
One can also note a important thing here that I can take this Z0 down here I can take Z0
common from denominator and numerator then every quantity which I have here is now
normalized with respect to Z0 this quantity is
Z (l)
, this is
Z (l)
and this is
Z (l)
So the expression which I have for impedance transformation essentially can be written
in terms of normalized impedances so the same expression I can write down in terms of
the normalized impedance and let me define the normalized impedance by bar so any
impedance which is normalized denoted by bar is equal to the actual impedance Z divide
by the characteristic impedance Z0. This is what is called the normalized impedance.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:46 min)
and so on.
So what we see is that the characteristic impedance which is not really located anywhere
is not seen anywhere, always at the background but is the governing parameter of the
energy flow on Transmission Line because every calculation every voltage current
whatever relationship we are talking about all are governed by this hidden parameter
which is called the characteristic impedance.
Now what we are saying is that if the load impedance is not equal to the characteristic
impedance then the impedance measured at any point on the line will be the function of
the length of the line or the input impedance of the line is the function of the length and
the impedance which is connected to the other end of the line.
However if I take a special case that is called the match condition then load impedance is
equal to Z0 and the impedance measured at every point on the line is equal to the
characteristic impedance. Now I do not have to worry about the length of the line the
input impedance will always be equal to the characteristic impedance no matter what is
the length of the line. So if the line is terminated in the characteristic impedance then
without worrying about the length of the line I can carry out my measurements because
the impedance seen at the other end of line will always be equal to the characteristic
impedance. So the matched condition is an extremely important condition because it
takes away all the worries which one would have because of the length of the line
connecting between the load and the measurement point or the generator point.
Now this also gives you some means of providing the definition to the Z0. What we have
done earlier is we have defined this characteristic parameter Z0 which had dimension of
impedance so we started calling it characteristic impedance because this impedance was
related to the primary parameters of Transmission Line and the frequency. However we
did not have any physical way of defining this quantity now may with this property of the
matched condition we may give some physical meaning to the characteristic impedance
so I can define the characteristic impedance is that impedance with which if the line is
terminated. Then the impedance measured at any point on the line is equal to the
terminating impedance then we call that impedance as the characteristic impedance.
Sometimes we give another definition to the characteristic impedance and that again
comes from this condition that when we have matched conditions there is no reflected
wave and if there is no reflected wave there is only incident wave going on Transmission
Line and we would have to seen earlier the incident wave always sees an impedance
which is equal to characteristic impedance. If I take a hypothetical situation that the line
is of infinite length even if there was reflection on other end of the line it will take infinite
time to reach to us that means at any finite time you will always see a wave which will
only be a forward traveling wave or the incident wave there will not be any reflected
So the impedance measured on an line which is only now due to forward wave will be
equal to the characteristic impedance. So at times we also give a definition of
characteristic impedance as it is the input impedance of a line of infinite length. But for
that line the reflected wave would not have reached to you so the line sees always a
forward traveling wave and forward traveling wave always sees the impedance which is
equal to characteristic impedance.
So the impedance measured at the input end of the line will be equal to the characteristic
impedance. So there are two ways to define the characteristic impedance. One is for
infinite line and other is if the line is terminated in the characteristic impedance then there
is no reflection on the Transmission Line.
With this now we can generalize the impedance transformation relationship. Till now
what we have done is we have transformed the impedance relation or the impedance
which is at the load end at some distance l from the load end. Then one would note here
that there is nothing special about load end the load end was coming because we define
the origin at load end, if we had defined the origin at somewhere else we could have
started measuring the distances from that point and then would get an impedance
transformation relationship with respect to that point which we call as the reference point
so in fact this relation is between any two points on Transmission Line for impedance
So if I know the impedance at any point on the Transmission Line I can find the
impedance at any other point on the Transmission Line using this transformation
Now what we are saying is in general if I have a Transmission Line which might be
connected into some load and if measure at some location an impedance Z1 where I am
showing the arrow just to indicate that the generator is on the left side so energy flow is
in this direction.
If I go to any other location on the Transmission Line if I measure the impedance is equal
to Z2 then I can use the impedance transformation relationship with this distance l
replacing load impedance ZL by Z1 and this ZL will indicate the impedance at this
location so from the same impedance transformation relationship here I can write down
Z cosh l + Z0sinh l
Z2 =Z0 1
Z0 cosh l + Z1sinh l
If I invert this relationship means if I find out the value of Z0 in terms of Z2 I will get
Z cosh l - Z0sinh l
Z1 =Z0 2
What has changed is if I invert this relationship I will get a negative sign here, I will get a
negative sign here this negative sign can be absorbed into the sinhl.
So this is equivalent to Z0 into sinh(-l), similarly this quantity will become sinh(-l). So I
have a Z1 related to Z2 with effectively l becoming negative because cosh(-l) is equal to
cosh (+l) so this sign does not change. So what we are now saying is if I know the
impedance at this location I can use the impedance transformation relationship which is
this to get a impedance at a distance l from this point towards the generator generated
from this side. However the same relation can be used from transforming this impedance
to this one with l replaced by -l because the distances which you have taken are taken
positive towards the generator so if I transform the impedance from this point to this
point then I get the distance traveled towards the generator which by definition is
However if I transform the impedance from this location to this location then I am
moving away from the generator and the distance measured by definition is negative. So
the impedance transformation relation is the same relation which is this so this relation
was same as this. So in this case if I replace ZL by in general impedance at any location
and measure the distances from that location that l if l is moved towards the generator I
take the distance l positive if the l is moved towards the load or away from the generator
then I take this distance negative.
So I have to remember only one impedance transformation relation which is this then I
can transform the impedances from any point on the line to any other point on the line.
And once I know the impedance I can find out the reflection coefficient on that point of
the line where like we saw earlier there is a unique relationship between the reflection
coefficient and the impedance at any point on the Transmission Line. With this
understanding of the impedance transformation and the definition of the characteristic
impedance now we can go to a little simplified version of this and that is we discuss a
special case of the general Transmission Line called a lowloss or a Loss-less
Transmission Line.
If you recall the whole purpose of the Transmission Line was to transfer the power from
the generator to the load effectively with as little power loss in between that means
ideally the structure called the Transmission Line should be as low loss as possible.
Therefore in practice every effort is made to reduce the losses on the Transmission Line.
So if you take a good Transmission Line this loss should be negligibly small at that
operating frequency. Once I have that condition in practice then one can make some
simplifications in the analysis and come up with an idea called a low loss transmission
line and if the losses are ideally zero on a Transmission Line then we call that
Transmission Line as a lossless Transmission Line.
Now if you recall that the Transmission Line has four primary parameters it was the
resistance per unit length, the conductance per unit length, the capacitance per unit length
and the inductance per unit length. The ohmic elements in these four parameters are only
the resistance and the conductance that means the resistance of the two conductors of the
line they get heated because of ohmic losses so they consume power the dielectric which
is separating the two conductors of the Transmission Line they have the leakage current
and again they have the ohmic losses so they consume power. So the power loosing
element in the Transmission Line is because of the resistance and the conductance, the
inductance and capacitance store energy but there is no loss in the inductance and
So ideally a line will be lossless if the resistance and the conductance are identically zero
so let us first write down the parameters for an ideal Loss-less Transmission Line then we
will go to a more practical line a good line which is called a low loss transmission line for
which the losses are much smaller and there is a efficient power transfer from the
generator to the load.
So taking the first case called the lossless transmission line by definition a line is called
loss less if R = 0, G = 0. By substituting R = 0, G = 0 in the secondary constants of
Transmission Line that is the propagation constant and the characteristic impedance we
get =
Now by definition = + j we just saw the attenuation constant we saw the phase
constant so this means for this lossless case = 0 and = LC . As correctly we can
see here there are no losses there is no reason for wave amplitude to reduce on the
Transmission Line. And as we note it know that is the attenuation constant which gives
you the reduction in the traveling wave amplitude as you travel from the Transmission
Line. So when goes to zero the wave amplitude does not reduce and there is a sustained
propagation of a traveling wave on the Transmission Line from here which is equal to
2 into frequency and as we have seen by definition is 2/ we can substitute see you
get 2/ that is equal to 2 into frequency into
which is equal to
And from our basic physics we know frequency times the wavelength that is nothing but
the velocity of the wave the voltage wave on Transmission Line. So the velocity of the
wave is related to the inductance and capacitance per unit length on the Transmission
Line so once the inductances and capacitances are given the velocity of the wave on the
Transmission Line is reached.
Then one may wonder I can arbitrarily choose the inductances and capacitances and can
arbitrarily vary the velocity of the traveling wave on Transmission Line in fact the
problem is not that the situation is exactly opposite. The velocity is the parameter which
is decided by the field distributions and the boundary conditions as we will see little later
in this course that means the inductances and capacitances of a Transmission Line are not
independent because this quantity v is decided by some other boundary conditions on the
Transmission Lines so once the velocity of the traveling wave is fixed by some other
conditions this quantity is constant or product of L and C is constant. And this one can
say physically if I consider the two conductors of Transmission Line if I vary the
separation between these two conductors the mutual inductance is going to vary so the
net inductance of the line is going to vary. But the same time since the separation
between the conductor is varying the capacitance is also going to vary so when I am
trying to vary the inductance the capacitance varies and vice versa. Precisely that is what
we are talking about the inductance and capacitances per unit length on a Transmission
Line are independent products. The product of that is constant because that is related to
the velocity of the propagation of wave on the Transmission Line.
, is identically zero so the wave has
the phase constant but its amplitude remains constant as it travels on the Transmission
Line. Then we can calculate the another parameter which is the characteristic impedance
Z0 for the lossless line and again substituting R = 0, G = 0 this will be equal to
j L
j C
So the characteristic impedance of the lossless line is square root of the ratio of the
inductance and the capacitance per unit length. But now the important thing to note is that
for a lossless line this quantity is a real quantity Z0 is real and that is very interesting.
Now I do not have any resistance or conductance on the line that means I do not have any
ohmic parameter on the line R = 0, G = 0 but we still do not know where the
characteristic impedance is it is some where on the Transmission Line it governs the
propagation of energy on the Transmission Line and that quantity is the real quantity. So
I do not have any resistive element on the line but the characteristic impedance is the real
quantity that means the wave which travels whether it is forward or backward this always
sees the characteristic impedance that means it sees an impedance which is equal to the
real impedance which is a resistive impedance. So forward traveling wave when it travels
on a Loss-less Transmission Line sees an impedance which is a real impedance like a
resistance and make sense physically because once you are having a line which is only
forward wave this wave is going to go and going to go forever no energy is going to get
reflected that means this power somewhere is going to get dumped and that is what this
impedance Z0 is.
So if you are having a real quantity for the Z0 that means now the power is completely
transferred to the line. When you are saying power transferred to the line does not mean
that the power is lost in the line, it is simply the power has been carried by the line to the
other end and no reflection has come back so for a lossless line the characteristic
impedance is the real quantity that means if I measure the input impedance of the line
which is terminated into Z0 I will see an impedance which will be like a resistance and
this line can expect power from the generator as if the power is drawn into a resistance.
Once we get the feeling for the lossless case then one can now go to the more realistic
lines where the losses are small and then ask how much these parameters deviate the or
the propagation constant and the Z0 how much deviation is there between in these
parameters when their losses are relaxed they are not ideally zero but they are small.
So what one can do is one can now define more practical line and we call that line as the
Low Loss Transmission Line and we define a Low-Loss Line as when R is much smaller
compared to L which means when the reactances are much larger compared to the
resistances then we call that line as the Low-Loss Transmission Line. So the condition
that R is much smaller compared to L and G much smaller compared to C. If these
conditions are satisfied then we say this line is a Low-Loss Transmission Line. Let us see
what are the implications of this thing on the propagation parameters and the
characteristic impedance.
As we saw this is
( R + j L )( G + jC )
G 2
so that is equal to j L 1 j
if I retain only the first order term this I can write as j L.j C 1 j
I can take out this quantity so that is equal to j LC 1 j
Again expanding this binomial series and retaining only the first order term this can be
approximated as the gamma is equal to = j LC 1 j
2 L 2 C
Taking this inside this can be written as j LC plus I am taking inside this so will
cancel with this square root L will cancel with this so this will be equal to
L 2 C
So this quantity here which is the imaginary part of the propagation constant that
represents and this quantity here represents the attenuation constant .
Look at what we had got for the Loss-Less Transmission Line. When we had a Loss-Less
Transmission Line when R = 0, G = 0 we had = 0 and we had which was LC .
In this case also when we are having low loss the is still LC which means the
phase constant to the first order does not change when we introduce a small loss in the
Transmission Line that again means if I am interested only the phase calculations on the
Transmission Line then that line can be transmitted like a losses line because beta value
does not change and I can carry out the analysis of Transmission Line for a low loss
Transmission Line same as if there was no loss on the Transmission Line and the line is a
ideal line with R = 0, G = 0.
However in case of a real line even with a small loss you have this value which is
related to R and G so where the wave travels the amplitude reduces slowly as it travels on
this Transmission Line but the amplitude does not change very rapidly there is small
decrease in the amplitude so over a short distance if I do the calculations the line can still
be treated like the lossless line with the phase constant which is equal to LC .
is nothing but the characteristic
impedance of the line which was lossless. So if I say that my losses are very small I can
substitute for
1 R
+ GZ 0 .
2 Z0
So for the quick calculation if I know the resistance per unit length if I know the
conductance per unit length and if I know the characteristic impedance of the line then I
can calculate what the phase constant is which is same as the Loss-Less Line and I can
calculate the small or whatever the value of the attenuation constant is from this
expression. So for a real line one can calculate the value of and and then one can
proceed for the calculation of the impedance another thing from the Transmission Line.
As we have done the calculation for now we can write the characteristic impedance for
1 - j
2 L 2 C
j C 1 - j
2 C
Again doing the same thing taking the j L and j C common from these parameters this
j L 1 - j
j C 1 - j
This quantity is
that will be nothing but the characteristic impedance of the ideal
Transmission Line I can expand this parameters again and this we can write as
square root again since
be 1 - j
is very small this can be approximated by 1 - j
this will
2 L
2 C
1 - j
2 L 2 C
which is nothing but the
characteristic impedance of the Loss-Less Transmission Line. But now for a real low loss
line the characteristic impedance is no more real it has a component which is imaginary
coming from this quantity there is some j here. So now we conclude two important things
that for a Loss-Less Transmission Line the propagation constant has two parts it has
imaginary part and the real part.
The imaginary part which is nothing but the phase constant is same as the phase constant
of a Loss-Less Transmission Line.
However the attenuation constant has a small value the characteristic impedance of a low
loss transmission line is no more real it is complex its real value is almost same as the
characteristic impedance of the Loss-Less Transmission Line.
But now you are having a small imaginary part which represents the losses in the
Transmission Line with this understanding of the propagation constant and the
characteristic impedance of the low loss transmission line.
Now here onwards until and unless specifically we are told to include the losses in the
Transmission Line we assume the line to be lossless and carry out the analysis of the
impedances voltages and currents and all other things under the assumption that there are
no losses on the Transmission Line.
So in the next lecture and on wards we will in detail discuss the behavior and the analysis
of the lossless Transmission Lines.