Tiao Volta Me Tria P
Tiao Volta Me Tria P
Tiao Volta Me Tria P
Department of Bionanosystem Engineering, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju 561- 756, Republic
of Korea
Department of Dental Biomaterials and Institute of Oral Bioscience, School of Dentistry, Chonbuk
National University, Jeonju 561-756, Republic of Korea
Neural Injury Research Lab, Department of Neurology, Asan Life Science Institute, University of
Ulsan, College of Medicine, Seoul 138-736, Republic of Korea
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology and Institute of Oral Bioscience, School of
Dentistry, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju 561-756, Republic of Korea
E-mail: LMH@chonbuk.ac.kr
Received: 18 September 2008 / Accepted: 10 January 2009 / Published: 9 February 2009
The corrosion process is one of the main factors affecting the biocompatibility and mechanical
integrity of an implant material. This study examined the anodic oxide films produced on titanium
metal using cyclic voltammetric method. The oxide films were produced potentiodynamically at room
temperature from a potential ranging from -1.0 to +5.0 V, at a scan rate of 50mVs-1 in a phosphate
buffer solution at pH 2, 7, and 12. After oxide growth, the films were subjected to different repetitive
potentiodynamic cycles at 50mVs-1 between the pre-set cathodic and anodic potentials. The changes in
the electrochemical behaviour of the passive electrode, particularly the corrosion of the metal were
followed as a function of the electrolyte pH and the number of potentiodynamic cycles. The corrosion
of metal surface was severe at pH 2 and increases with increasing number of cycles whereas invariable
at pH 7 and in decreasing order at pH 12 as the number of cycle increased. In addition, the surface
roughness of modified surfaces was varied as like corrosion of metal as the number of cycles
Keywords: Biocompatibility, anodic oxide, corrosion, osseointegration
Titanium and its alloys are the most popular implant materials in the biomedical field on
account of their excellent biocompatibility characteristics such as chemical stability, mechanical
resistance and absence of toxicity. The aerospace and chemical industries are also taking advantage of
these characteristics. Corrosion is a critical process in metallic implants because it can adversely affect
the biocompatibility and mechanical integrity of a biomaterial. Corrosion and dissolution of the surface
film of an implant are two of the most important mechanisms for introducing foreign ions into the
body, which can have adverse biological effects [1, 2]. There have been considerable efforts to
improve the osseointegration capability of titanium implants by enhancing the level of osteoconduction
on their surfaces by modifying the surface morphology and chemistry.
Many surface modification treatments have been studied in an attempt to improve the corrosion
behavior of metallic biomaterials, as well as their biocompatibility and mechanical properties [35].
Among them, powder/fiber/wire mesh metallurgical sintering [6, 7], plasma spray processing [8, 9],
electrochemical oxidation, sol-gel deposition [10], and surface blasting [11] are some methods
commonly used to modify the surface topography of load-bearing titanium. Titanium has the
characteristics of other valve metals because of its coherent and not easily reducible oxide layer on its
surface. In valve metals, the growth of anodic films are commonly irreversible, and occur with a fixed
stoichiometry under an electrical field strength and current density described by the high field model:
j=A exp( ), where j is the anodic current density, is the electric field and A and are the material
dependent constants [12,13]. On the other hand, the nature of the forming electrolyte solution and its
pH also affect the stability, composition and thickness of the anodically grown oxide films [14-17].
The electrochemical oxidation of titanium has been examined in different electrolytic media using
different techniques such as anodization and cyclic voltametry. During anodic oxidation, different
types of titanium oxides (TiO,TiO2,Ti2O3 and Ti3O5) may be formed on the titanium surface in which
TiO2 is the most stable and frequently found oxide film [14,18] but the properties of the oxide depend
on the method of preparation. Titanium oxide films are usually prepared using an anodic oxidation
technique because it is cost effective and oxide formed by this method has good adhesion strength with
titanium substrate. However, a voltammetric technique can also be used to form oxide films on valve
metals. There are few reports on the production of oxide films using this technique. De Pauli et al.
examined the effect of the number of potential cycles on the thin titanium oxide films formed on
titanium in Na2SO4 solutions at pH 4.0 [19]. Bonilha and Zinolla [20] reported the electrochemical
behavior of titanium electrodes in 0.1 mol l-1 KOH in the dark or under UV light. Fast repetitive
potentiodynamic cycles were used to examine the potentiodynamic growth and reduction of films.
Many studies have reported the changes in the physical properties of valve-metal oxides due to
different perturbations occurring during their formation. Blackwood et al [16] investigated the stability
of anodic films formed potentiodynamically on titanium in 3 mol l-1 H2SO4. Blackwood and Peter [21]
also reported the growth stability of anodic oxide films on titanium. Mller et al. [22] examined the
stability of the oxide on titanium electrodes in 1 mol l-1 NaOH and in 0.5 mol l-1 H2SO4 using
potentiodynamic experiments.
This study investigated the anodic films grown potentiodynamically on titanium in a 0.1M
phosphate buffer solution at pH 2, 7 and 12, at low voltages and at room temperature. The different
repetitive potentiodynamic triangular cycles were applied to the pre-formed anodic oxide.
Commercially pure titanium plates grade 2 (20102mm) were polished with SiC paper from
220 to 600 grit, ultrasonically cleaned, and dried. Cyclic voltammetry (CV) was performed using a
conventional three-electrode cell with a titanium plate as the working electrode, a platinum electrode
as the counter electrode and a Ag/AgCl (satd. KCl) as the reference electrode. The aqueous phosphate
buffer electrolyte solutions were prepared using phosphoric acid and its potassium salts (KH2PO4 and
K2HPO4), at pH of 2, 7 and 12 of concentration 0.1M, respectively.
A commercial potentiostat (EQCM, Shin EQCN1000, and Korea) was used for all
electrochemical investigations and the data were recorded using an ECB (model RB 400) X-Y plotter.
The anodic oxides were obtained potentiodynamically at scan rate of 50mVs-1 in the potential range
from -1.0 V to +5.0 V. After oxide growth, different repetitive CV cycles (5, 10 and 15) at sweep rate
50mVs-1 were applied between pre-set cathodic and anodic potentials.
The surface morphology and microstructure were investigated by scanning electron microscopy
(SEM, JEOL JSM-5900, Japan) equipped with an Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectrometer (EDS)
(Oxford, England). The surface crystalline structure was examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD, Dmax
III-A type, Rigaku Co., Japan) with Cu K incident radiation. The surface roughness of the material
was measured using a Surftest Formtracer (Surftest SV-402, Mitutoyo Instruments, Tokyo, Japan).
3.1. Voltammetric study
Titanium electrodes exposed to the atmosphere after mechanical polishing are covered
spontaneously by an oxide film. As soon as cyclic voltammetry was performed in phosphate buffer
solution at different pH between potentials -1.0 and +5.0 V, the process of dissolution of natural oxide
film of TiO2 begins first. Simultaneously, self- passivated film formation also begins. This potential
range was chosen because it encompasses all the electrochemical processes of interest in this work.
Figure 1 show the cyclic voltammograms (CV) recorded at 50 mVs-1 for titanium oxide growth in
phosphate buffer solution at pH 2, 7, and 12, respectively. No changes in the anodic scan were
observed. The similarity in the voltammograms at the three different pH is a clear indication that the
surface preparation of the electrode and experimental conditions are quite reproducible. A uniform
oxide layer begins to form (mainly TiO2) during anodic oxidation [16, 21, 23, 24], which inhibits the
dissolution of titanium according to the following reaction.
Ti + 2H2O TiO2 +4H+ +4e-
Ti2O3 may also be formed [25] but is unstable and rapidly transforms to TiO2 when it comes in
contact with water.
Ti2O3 + H2O 2TiO2 + 2H+ +2e-
pH 2
pH 7
pH 12
Potential, V (Ag/AgCl)
Figure 1. Comparative Cyclic voltammograms of the Ti electrode in a phosphate buffer solution at 0.1
Vs-1 scan rate at different pH
Potential, V (Ag/AgCl)
An anodic current peak can be observed at 2.0 V in each case. In the voltammogram obtained
after approximately 2.0 V, a slight decrease of anodic current as the potential becomes more positive is
noticed, most probably due to a decrease of the real surface area as the film thickness increases. In the
lower part of the voltammograms the anodic current rapidly decreases at first, and then decreases
slowly to approach zero. The small peaks in the lower part are due to the reduction of a secondary
unstable species. Anodic transformations similar to that found for titanium at 2.3 V have also been
reported for other valve metals [26, 27]. There has been considerable debate regarding the mechanism
for the above phenomenon. Di Quarto et al. [26] attributed this current increase to the start of oxygen
evolution when niobium is placed in a sulphuric acid solution, even though no significant oxygen
evolution was observed. On the other hand, Schultze and co-workers [28, 29] found quite different
oxide growth rates on different single grains of a titanium polycrystalline substrate at potentials > 3 V
and also in sulphuric acid solutions. Recently, we reported that the increase in anodic current on
passive titanium at 2.0 V might be due to an oxide phase transformation: in aged oxide films that are
obtained potentiodynamically up to potentials that more positive than those in the hump region. XRD
indicated the presence of a TiO2 matrix. Systematic studies using other surface techniques are currently
underway in an attempt to better understand this phenomenon.
Electrolyte pH
Figure 3. Electrical charge vs. electrolyte pH for cyclic voltammogram obtained in the 0.1M
phosphate buffer solution
The effect of number of repetitive potentiodynamic cycles on previously grown oxide film was
shown in figure 2. Five different repetitive cycles were carried out at pH 2 solution. After reaching the
cathodic potential value of -1.0 V, the sweeps were reversed (made anodic again) and two important
features in the potentiodynamic profile of the anodic film were observed. The first is that an anodic
peak at approximately 2.0 V is always present, and independent experiments showed that the total
charge is dependent on the value of the cathodic potential. This peak has been attributed to the
oxidation of hydrogen-containing species that accumulated in the oxide matrix during the cathodic
sweep through the hydrogen evolution region [19]. Camara et al. [30] also reported a similar peak for
titanium in Na2SO4 solutions at various pHs, and interpreted it to be due to the possible oxidation of
non-stoichiometric species in the TiO2 matrix, which had been formed during the cathodic sweep
through the hydrogen evolution region. The other important feature drawn from Figure 2 is the
continuous increase in anodic current from -1.0 V to +2.0 V with increasing number of potential
cycles. The measured anodic current for anodized titanium, in the -1.0 to +5.0 V range, is the sum of
two anodic contributions, i.e. one from the reconstruction of the dissolved or reduced oxide during the
cathodic excursion and another from the oxygen evolution reaction. Similar profiles were obtained for
the other repetitive cycles and pH values. Therefore, the film consists of a crystalline compact layer
underlying a hydrous amorphous external layer. Both layers undergo different modifications with the
external conditions applied to the passive electrode. The increase in electrical charge with increased
electrolyte pH can be seen from the relation between electrical charge and electrolyte pH in figure 3.
This relation is quite linear and shows only one slope. This behavior seems to indicate more electrical
charge is needed if the electrolyte pH increases. These results clearly show that the oxide thickness
increases with increasing potential because the charge is directly related to the oxide thickness.
Furthermore, this increase is quite linear, which agrees with the growth behavior predicted by the high
field growth model [31].
3.2. Scanning Electron Microscopy
The surface was examined by SEM at different stages of oxidation in order to understand the
surface morphology of the anodic oxide film formed on pure titanium metal in phosphate buffer
solution. SEM images of the pure titanium samples were taken before electrochemical oxidation to
determine the differences in surface morphology after oxidation. After the oxide growth they were
subjected to different repetitive CV cycles 5, 10 and 15 between the potentials of -1.0 and +5.0 V in a
0.1 M electrolyte solution at different pH, exhibited variations in surface morphology. SEM analysis
revealed that the corrosion process was more severe on the titanium surface at pH 2 as the number of
cycle increased (Figures 4a, 4b and 4c). Uniform corroded surface was seen at higher cycles (Figure
4c). This suggests that at low pH, the solution attacks the metal surface quite readily. Titanium in
acidic medium, leads corrosion due to destruction of their passivity and loss of mechanical properties.
However, at pH 7, there was no any differences in the corrosion of pure titanium regardless of the
number of potentiodynamics cycles used (Figures 4d, 4e, and 4f). This is because there is very slow
reaction with metals in a neutral solution. At pH 12, the level of corrosion damage decreased with
increasing number of cycles (Figures 4g, 4h and 4i). This suggests that at alkaline pH passivation takes
place. Passivity is caused by a change in anodic reaction. The formation of free metal ions gives way
to a reaction which forms and insoluble film on the metal surface. These micrographs clearly show the
rough passive films with globular morphology. These micrographs also indicate that the intensity of
corrosion damage was high at acidic pH and was a function of the number of potentiodynamic cycles.
Similarly, the intensity of corrosion damage of titanium was similar at neutral pH and decreases at
alkaline pH with increasing number of potentiodynamic cycles.
Figure 4. SEM micrographs of the Ti oxide formed in the phosphate buffer solution at different pH
and different successive potential cycles, pH 2 (a) 5 (b) 10 (c) 15 cycles, pH 7 (d) 5 (e) 10 (f) 15
cycles, and pH 12 (g) 5 (h) 10 (i) 15 cycles
Table 1 shows surface roughness of different sample groups. Average surface roughness (Ra)
was 0.250m, 0.328m and 0.407m for anodized sample at pH 2 , 0.317m,0.315m and 0.309m
for anodized sample at pH 7 and 0.278m,0.214m and 0.170m for anodized sample at pH 12 at
different repetitive cycles 5,10 and 15, respectively. With comparisons of the roughness of different
groups, Ra value showed differences as the electrolyte pH and number of potentiodynamic cycles
varied. This shows that the surface roughness of the oxide coating increases with increasing number of
repetitive cycles in acidic pH, shows no change regardless of the number of cycles at neutral pH, and
decreases at highly alkaline pH. This indicated that average surface roughness (Ra) of anodized
sample is a function of electrolyte pH and number of potentiodynamic cycles.
Table 1. Roughness parameters obtained for Ti electrode in 0.1M phosphate buffer solution with
different pH values at different sweep rate
TiO2 (Rutile)
2 degree
Figure 5. XRD peaks of the specimens treated electrochemically by cyclic voltametry for (a) 5 cycles
(b) 10 cycles (c) 15 cycles for pH 2 buffer solutions
Ti (Substrate)
2 degree
Figure 6. XRD peaks of the specimens treated electrochemically by cyclic voltametry for (a) 5 cycles
(b) 10 cycles (c) 15 cycle for pH 7 buffer solutions
Ti (Substrate)
2 degree
Figure 7. XRD peaks of specimens treated electrochemically by cyclic voltametry for (a) 5 cycles (b)
10 cycles (c) 15 cycle for pH 12 buffer solutions
The voltammetric experiments have shown the formation of an anodic deposit on titanium
anode at three different pH in phosphate buffer solution. SEM micrograph showed that the corrosion of
metal increases with increasing the number of cycles at pH 2. The corrosion was more uniform at
higher number of cycles. Similarly, there were no changes in the level of corrosion at pH 7 and
decreases at pH 12 as the number of potentiodynamic cycles increased. Similar trend was seen in
surface roughness. The composition of oxide film consists of rutile TiO2 after 5 potentiodynamic
cycles at pH 2 but in other cases amorphous TiO2, as shown by the XRD pattern. The results so far
indicate that the corrosion of titanium and surface roughness of modified surface were dependent on
electrolyte pH and number of potentiodynamic cycles.
This work was supported by a Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF) grant funded by
the Korean government (MOST) (No. R01-2007-000-20488-0).
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