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Class notes on Aircraft Propeller

2.7 Propeller theory: Introduction

The success of todays high performance low-speed airplanes lies in the invention and
development of modern controllable pith propeller. The aircraft propeller is essentially a
series of rotating wings or airfoils of equal length, which meets at a common central hub
attached to the crankshaft of the aircraft engine. Whereas the airfoil section of an aircraft
wing is designed to produce lift efficiently, the propeller section is designed to produce thrust
to drive an aircraft forward.
The resultant of forward aircraft velocity and the rotational velocity of the propeller is
called the relative wind and this is actually faced by the propeller blades. A propeller blade
actually traverses a spiral path because it is having a simultaneous forward and rotational
motion, much like the motion of a screw. Also a point near the tip of a blade will trace a
larger distance than a point near the shank of the blade. If these path is to be traced by the
blade elements at their most efficient angle (i.e. at highest aerodynamic efficiency), the blade
element angles need to be changed, larger towards the shank and smaller towards the tip of
the blade. The gradual change in blade element angles is known as the pitch distribution. The
relative wind and spiral path traversed by a blade element are shown in figure 2.6.
The power requirement of an airplane varies during the course of its flight. Larger engine
power creates larger rotational speed of the propeller and consequently larger lift and drag on
the blades. Large variations in the engine speed reduce its life. Ideally a gear shift
mechanism, like a motor-bike, should have been included between the engine crankshaft and
the propeller disk. Instead of that, however, the blades are allowed to rotate about their axis in
a socket, which is controlled by a separate engine-operated governor and the blade angles are
changed at different flight conditions (i.e. take-off, cruising) so that the aerodynamic
efficiency is maximum, while the engine speed is kept constant. Most modern low speed
airplanes are driven by constant speed propellers.
2.8 Glauert blade element theory and performance



Figure 2.6 (a) Relative wind and (b) helical path traversed by a blade element.
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In the blade element theory of Glauert, the propeller is divided into a number of independent
sections along the length. Then a force balance is applied among lift, drag, thrust and torque
per unit radius produced by each section. Balancing of axial and angular momentum is also
carried out. The resulting non-linear equations are solved by iterative techniques. The section
thrust and torque are then summed up to predict the overall performance of the propeller.
Because of the two-dimensional treatment of the flow-field, this theory over predicts the
thrust and under predicts the torque with the result of 5-10% increase in theoretical efficiency
over measured performance. However, the theory is used widely for a good first order
prediction of thrust, torque and efficiency for a large range of operating conditions.



Figure 2.7 (a) Typical blade element (b) Force and flow vectors on an element

V0 axial flow velocity at propeller disk, V2 angular flow velocity vector, V1 section local flow
velocity vector summation of vectors V0 and V2
The lift and drag of a section are calculated using standard 2-D airfoil properties.

T L cos D sin , rQ D cos L sin
L C L 12 V12 cdr , D C D 12 V12 cdr , c is the blade chord, lift producing area is cdr

Substituting the values of L , D and assuming the number of blades to be B , one


T 12 V12 cC L cos C D sin Bdr - - - - - - - -(1)

Q 12 V12 cC L sin C D cos Brdr - - - - - - - (2)

Figure 2.8 Typical streamtube passing through a propeller

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V0 V aV where a is the axial inflow factor

V2 r br where b is the angular inflow factor

V1 V02 V22 - - - - - - - -(3)

tan 1 (V0 / V2 ) - - - - - - - -(4)

2.9 Axial and angular conservation of momentum
The stream-tube cross section used in the following calculation is the area swept out by a
blade element. Also all variables are assumed to be time averaged values.

Figure 2.9 Frontal view of the area swept by propeller blades.

T change in momentum flow rate
mass flow rate in the tube change in velocit y
2rdrV0 (Vslipstream V )

It can be shown that


V Vslipstream

so that

Vslipstream V (1 2a)

T 2rV (1 a)[V (1 2a) V ]dr

4rV2 (1 a)adr - - - - - - - - - (5)
For angular momentum
Q rate of change of angular momentum radius
mass flow rate in the stream tube change in circumfere ntial velocity radius
2rdrV0 [V ,slipstream 0 freestream ]r

It can be shown that

V ,slipstream 2br
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Q 2rV (1 a)(2br )rdr

4r 3 V (1 a)bdr - - - - - - - - - - - (6)
2.10 Iterative solution technique
Now we have six non-linear coupled systems of equations and four unknowns,
namely Q,T , a, b . So it is possible to go for an iterative improvement of the unknowns.
a) Assume some initial values of a and b.
b) Use these values to find flow angles on the blade using equations 3 and 4.
c) Use blade section properties to find the thrust and torque using equations 1 and 2.
d) Use equations 5 and 6 to find improved estimates of a and b.
e) Repeat the procedure until values of a and b have converged.
2.11 Propeller thrust and torque coefficients, efficiency
The overall thrust and torque of the blade can be obtained by summing up the values for
radial blade element values i.e.

T T and Q Q
The non-dimension thrust co-efficient, torque co-efficient and advance ratios are given by

CT T / n 2 D 4 , CQ Q / n 2 D 5 , J V / nD

propeller J / 2 CT / CQ
where n is the rotational speed of the propeller in rev/s and D is the propeller diameter.

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