P-2 Theory
P-2 Theory
P-2 Theory
Joint stock company is an association of persons and has an objective carrying out
some business for profit. Company form come into existence after industrial revolution due to
limitations of proprietorship and partnership firms in carrying out business on a large scale.
Capital of a company is called share capital, which can be divided into transferable small
denominations. Each such unit of denomination is known as share. Company has separate
legal existence.
Types of Companies
Statutory Companies: These companies are created by the special Act of State or Central
legislature. E.g., Life Insurance Corporation of India, State Bank of India, Gujarat State
Financial Corporation etc.
Registered Companies: The companies, which are registered and formed under the
Companies Act, are called Registered Company.
Companies limited by shares: In these companies, liability of the shareholders is limited up
to the extent of the face value of shares held by them. Most of the companies are of this kind.
Company Limited by Guarantee: In such companies, in the event of liquidation, the liability
of shareholders is limited to a specified amount as guaranteed.
Unlimited Company: Liability of members of such company is unlimited. In other words, in
these companies, every shareholder is liable for all the liabilities of the company till all
creditors of the company are paid off. Currently, there is no such provision in the companies
act for incorporation of such companies.
Private company: A private company is one which, by its articles,
(i) restricts the right to transfer of shares, (ii) limits the number of its members to fifty, (iii)
prohibits any invitation to the public to subscribe for any shares or debentures.
Public company: A public company is all companies other than private companies.
Private company should have minimum 2 members whereas public company should
have minimum 7 members. There is no limit to the maximum number of members in
case of public company.
Kinds of Shares
Issue of shares:
The shares of the company can be issued in 2 ways , (1) for cash (2) for consideration other
than cash.
At Par
If the issue price of a share is equal to the face/par value of the shares it is said to be an
issue at par . e.g. when a share of Rs.10 is issued at Rs.10 only , it is said to be issued at par
At Premium
When a company issues its securities at a price more than the face value, it is said to
be an issue at a premium. Premium is the excess of issue price over face value of the
security. e.g. When a share of nominal value of Rs.100 is issued at Rs.105, it is said to have
been issued at premium of 5%.
Premium is generally called with the amount due on allotment however sometimes it
may be called with application money and rarely with the call money.
The amount received as premium has to be credited to separate account called
share/securities premium a/c. According to section 78, share premium a/c can be applied for :
At Discount
1. When a share is issued at a price lower than its face value, it is said that the shares are
issued at discount, e.g. shares par value s Rs.100 , issued at Rs.90, it is said that
shares are issued at discount of 10%.
2. According to section 79 of Companies Act , 1956, a company can issue shares at
discount, subject to following,
3. Issue of shares at discount is authorized by a ordinary resolution passed by the
company in general meeting and sanction by the Company Law Board
4. Not less than 1 year elapsed since the date on which company was entitled to
commence business
5. The shares are of a class which have already been issued
6. The ordinary resolution should specify the maximum discount at which shares are to be
7. Issued at discount to be made within a period of 2 months from the sanction from the
Short Questions
1. What are the different categories of share capital by which they are shown on
balance sheet of a Company?
Authorised Capital, Issued Capital, Subscribe Capital, Called up Capital, Paid up
The main account debited on forfeiting the shares is the Share Capital Account. It is
debited with the actual amount called up by the company till the date of forfeiture.
9. Can a company forfeit shares, even through there is no provision in the Companies Act for
forfeited shares? When?
Yes, the company can forfeit the shares, if there is a provision in the Articles of the
company, even though there is no provision for forfeiting shares in the companies Act.
10. What is Forfeited Shares Account? Which amount is credited to this account?
Forfeited Shares Account is an account opened when shares are forfeited by the company
to credit the amount forfeited. The amount so far paid by the
shareholder is credited to this
If a company want to reissue forfeited shares, at what minimum price can it do so?
When forfeited shares are reissued, the company can give maximum discount
upto the amount received from the previous shareholder.
When the shareholder has not paid the amount of Share Premium, the said amount is
debited to Share premium Account when his shares are forfeited. But when such shares are
reissued, it is not necessary to Credit Share Premium Account with proportionate amount.
When a company forfeits shares issued at a discount and when such shares
arereissued, what would be the effect on Share Discount Account?
When sares issued at a discount are forfeited, the proportionate amount of
discount on such shares is credited to Share Discount Account. When such
forfeited shares are reissued, the same amount is again debited to Share
Discount Account.
The maximum amount of share capital that company is authorized to issue during its
life time is stated in its memorandum of association and is known as authorized capital. It is
also known as Nominal Capital.
Where is the balance of share discount account indicated in the balance sheet?
The balance of share discount account is shown in the balance sheet on the
asset side under the heading Miscellaneous Expenditure (not written)
By Amendment to Companies Act in 1999, Sec. 79A has been inserted providing
issue of equity shares by the company to employees or directors at a discount or for
consideration other than cash is called sweet equity share.
18. How many percent p.a. interest, the company can charge under the
Companies Act if the called amount is in parts?
False, in case of allotment, first entry is made for allotment money due and then
entry is made for allotment money received.
False, the balance of Forfeited Shares A/c in transferred to Capital Reserve A/c only
when all forfeited shares are reissued.
13. Paid up Capital is the subscribed Capital.
False, paid up capital is the amount paid by shareholders towards share capital, while
subscribed capital is the amount of face value of shares subscribed by shareholders.
The company always debited Forfeited Shares Account while forfeiting shares.
False, share capital A/c is debited.
16. When the Company issues the shares at a price less than its face value it is
company has issued the shares at a discount.
The long term requirement of capital is usually met by a company from two
broad sources: (i) Share Capital (Owners' Capital) and (ii) Loan or borrowed capital.
Large and financially sound companies take long-term loans from financial institutions.
Sometimes, instead of borrowing such loans from financial institutions or in addition to
borrowing such loan, companies can raise funds from the public by issue of securities. Such a
security is also popularly known as bond or debenture.
Companies carrying on business have the inherent power or authority to bor row
money. Based on this inherent power, companies borrow long-term funds from the
public. Against the money so borrowed, the company issues a document acknowledging its debt to the investor. Such a document is known as a debenture.
Debenture is a document that confirms ,the debt of the company and its acknowledgement of the debt. It is issued under the common seal of the company. The company
repays the money borrowed against a debenture at a future date as per the terms of issue
of debentures to the holders of the debentures. Such investors or holders of the debentures who have invested money in the company are known as debenture holders.
Debenture is a document relating to the money lent or given as a loan to the
Debenture is a security that bears a fixed rate of interest on which the interest is
payable on a predetermined date. Such interest payment has nothing to do with the profit of the company. In other words, it is compulsory and the company has to pay the interest on the
debentures even if it has not earned a profit.
Debentures can be issued with or without charge on the assets of the company. Charge
on the asset means the asset is offered as a security against the debt of the company. Such a
charge is also known as mortgage or hypothecation.
Usually, debentures are listed on the stock exchange after the issue thereof and are
traded at the stock exchanges where they are listed. The market value of such
debentures could be more or less than the price of the issue. If the terms of the issue of
debentures so provide, the debentures can be converted into shares.
Debentures are shown under the heading "Secured Loans" in the balance sheet of a
company, if they are secured.
When debentures are issued for a fixed term, the money borrowed against such
debentures is repaid at the end of a fixed term in accordance with the agreed terms.
Debenture holders do not have any voting right in any matter of the company.
Debentures cannot be forfeited if some debenture holders do not pay, money thereon.
In the event of the liquidation of a company, the debenture holders are repaid their
money before the payment to equity shareholders.
Types of Debentures
Classification of debentures is made as under
Based on Security :
(1) Secured or Mortgage Debentures: When this type of debentures are issued,
some or all of the assets of the company are given as secu rity. In other words, a
charge is created on the assets of the company. Such a charge could be of two types fixed charge or floating charge. The company cannot dispose off such charged or
mortgaged assets without the consent of the debenture holders.
(2) Unsecured or simple or Naked Debentures: Such debentures are issued without
giving any security or creating any charge on the assets of the company. On such
debentures, the company only gives a promise to pay the interest on the due dates
and the repayment of the principal amount on the date of maturity. From the investors'
viewpoint, such debentures are risky for them.
Based on Conditions of Redemption :
(1) Redeemable Debentures : The debentures which are issued with a condition that
the amount of debentures can be repaid after a certain period are known. as redeemable
debentures. The period of redemption is stated in the Debenture or Trust deed.
(2) Irredeemable Debentures : Generally, money borrowed against such debentures is
repaid only at the time of the liquidation of a company. Thus, there is no undertaking
by the company about the specific time at which the money will be repaid.
(C) Based on Negotiability and Record Viewpoint :
(1) Registered Debentures : The Company maintains a Register of Debenture holders. The
Register contains the name, address and other particulars related to debenture holders. For
the transfer of such debentures, it is essential to get the transfer registered with the company
and the company makes an entry of the transfer in register maintained by it
(2) Bearer Debentures : There is no need to register the transfer of such debentures
with the company. The Purchaser has to make a payment to the seller of the
debentures and take the delivery of the debenture instrument. Thus, bearer debentures
are like currency notes and can be transferred by mere delivery. The person who
possesses such debentures is the holder thereof and enjoys all the rights thereof. The
Interest coupons are attached with such debentures for periodic interest payments and
such coupons are like cheques or orders for payment of interest which can be enchased
through the bank on due dates for the payment of the interest.
Based on Convertibility.:
(1)Convertible Debentures : The debentures which can b e converted into equity
shares or is automatically converted into shares for full or part of the amount of the
debentures after a specified period are known as convertible debentures.
(2) Non-Convertible Debenture : Such, debentures cannot be converted into shares.
Based on Priority of Redemption
(1) First Debentures : Such debentures have first charge on the assets given as
security and are repaid before any other, debentures are paid out..
(2) Second Debentures : Such debentures are paid off only after the first charge
or the first debentures are paid off.
Formalities for the issue of Debentures and the Related Provisions of the Companies
When it is decided to issue debentures, a resolution is passed at the meeting of Board
of Directors of the company.
The resolution should state the amount of the debentures, the number of debentures,
rate of interest thereon, date of redemption and other terms related to the issue of the
If the amount of the debentures together with other borrowed funds exceeds the total
amount of, paid up capital plus free reserves of the company, a resolution for the issue
of debentures is required to be passed at a general meeting. of the company.
For the issue of the debentures, a company should issue a Prospectus or a
Statement in lieu of the prospectus inviting the public to subscribe for debentures
giving full information as required by the provisions of the Companies Act.
If the debentures are redeemable beyond a period of 18 months from the date of
issue, debenture trustees are also required to be appointed to protect the interest of
the investors and their names are to be disclosed. A Debenture Rede mption Fund is also
required to be created for the purpose of the redemption of debentures.
For public subscription or rights offer of debentures, credit rating, by a recog nized
rating agency, is also mandatory.
When debentures are issued to the public, the money received on the application has
to be kept credited in a scheduled bank in a separate account opened for the purpose.
The company secretary prepares a list of applications received and the statement of
allotment after the closure of public subscription.
in which
period of
[a] If debentures are redeemable after a certain specified period, the debenture discount
is written off equally over such period.
[b] If some part of the amount of the debentures is to be repaid every year, the debenture
discount is to be written off in proportion to the amount for which the benefit is
received every year by the company.
[c] Debenture discount in respect or permanent or irredeemable debentures should be
written off over a longer period.
The amount of debenture discount written off every year is debited to Profit and
Loss Account of the respective year and is credited to the Debenture Discount Account.
Bank Loan
(Against which
Company has given
its 9% debentures
Of Rs. 2,50,000 as
Collateral security)
If a company fails to repay the bank loan, the bank becomes the owner of such
debentures issued as collateral security and becomes the debenture holder.Of course, the
bank can recover the amount of the loan by selling off such debentures in the market.
In such circumstance, accounting entry is passed in the books of the com pany for
If the debentures given as collateral security are to be recorded in the books
of account, the entry will be as under:
Date Particulars
To Debentures Account
To Vendor Account
(Purchase price)
To Debentures Account
(Entry for issue of debentures of the company against purchase price)
Short Questions
1. What are Convertible Debentures?
Those debentures which are partly or fully converted into equity shares of a company after
a fixed period, are called Convertible Debenture.
2. If a company redeems few debentures every year, how should it write off debenture
If the company redeems some debentures every year, the debenture discount is written
off in proportion to the debentures outstanding during the year.
3. State various types of considerations in which debentures are redeemed.
Debentures can be redeemed in three forms of consideration : (1) Cash (2)New Shares (3)
New Debentures.
4. State the names of main methods of redemption of debentures.
Debentures are redeemed mainly in following four ways (a) Redemption at a fixed time in
future (b) By purchasing debentures from open market (c) By redeeming certain number of
debentures every year (d) By Buy back of debentures from debenture holders.
5. Give names of two methods according to which provision is made for redemption of
Provision for redemption of debentures is made by either Sinking Fund method or by
Insurance Policy Method.
6. In which account is the interest received on Debentures Redemption Fund Investments
Interest received on debenture redemption fund investments is credited to Debenture
Redemption Fund.
7. In case of issue of which debentures, it is not necessary to create Debenture Redemption
When a company has issued convertible debentures, it is not necessary to raise debenture
redemption fund.
8. When the purpose of debenture redemption fund is over, where is that account
When the purpose of debenture redemption fund is over, that is, when
debentures are
redeemed, its balance is transferred to General Reserve Account.
9. Where is the profit or loss on sale of debenture redemption fund investment transferred?
Profit or loss on sale of debenture redemption fund investments is transferred to Debenture
Redemption Fund A/c.
10. Where is the amount of debenture redemption premium transferred?
Sometimes when debentures are redeemed in the middle of the year, some interest is
still not paid on it. To pay this interest, two entries are made (i) In the first entry, profit and
loss account is debited and debenture interest is
credited. (ii) In the second entry,
debenture interest account is debited and
debenture holders account is credited.
By amendment to the Companies Act in 2000, Section 117 C was added andit is
provided that where a company issues debentures, it shall create debenture redemption
reserve for the redemption of debentures.
Profit and
4. Even after all debentures are redeemed, the discount on issue of debentures
shown in the books of account.
6. Debentures represent a short term liability of business.
7. Debenture redemption premium is a revenue profit.
8. For debentures issued as collateral security, the Bank Loan A/c is debited and
Debenture A/c is credited.
9. Debenture discount still not written of is shown on liabilities side of balance
11. If the company has issued convertible debentures, it is necessary to create
redemption fund.
Thus, financial statements are prepared based on the recorded facts, accounting principles
and accounting standards. Where options are permitted, personal opinions do affect these
statements. Thus, the financial statements are produced by combination of
1. Recorded facts
2. Underlying accounting principles and standards and
3. Personal views of preparers.
Of course, there are many important events, which affect efficiency and
profitability of the enterprise but are not recorded in the accounts at all. For example, high
labour turnover rate, retirement or death of an efficient managing director, etc
1. Share Capital
(2) Investments
Subscribed Capital
Authorised Capital :
As at...
Schedule No.
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _
(ii) Investments
(iii) Current Assets, Loans and
Sundry debtors
_ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ __
(A) Liabilities
(B) Provisions
Net Current Assets/Working Capital
(iv) (A) Miscellaneous Expenditure to
the extent not written off or adjusted
(B) Profit and Loss Account
For the purpose of analysis different information and figures have to be compared and
such information can be obtained in the form of percentage or rate of turnover.
Thus, conclusions drawn based on different financial numbers given in the financial
statements is known as analysis and the opinions framed based on such
conclusion is known as interpretation.
For example, sales during the year 2004-05 is Rs. 6,50,000 and the sales during the year
2003-04 were of Rs. 5,20,000. It can be said that the sales during the current year has
gone up by Rs. 1,30,000 as compared to the last year. In other words, as compared to
previous year, sale has gone up by 25% during the current year 2004-05.
liability as a percentage of total liabilities is calculated. Similarly, in analyzing profit and loss
account, each item of expense and income is calculated as percentage of total sales.
For example, cash is 7% of total assets and the same is 10% in case of some other
company. It means that the liquidity position of other company is better.
Thus, common-size statements can tell us about how much difference is there and
where the difference lies. However, to know about the ideal position and about the
reasons for differences, detailed investigation becomes necessary.
The enterprises should prepare balance sheets on uniform basis to facilitate
comparison. An illustration of common-size statement is given below.
For the following multiple choice questions select correct alternative from
given choices and put its order in the bracket.
1. Profit and Loss account is known as ____________
(a) Income Statement
(b) Payment Statement
(c) Asset Statement
(d) Liability Statement
A company prepares its Financial Statements at the end of accounting period
as per _________ act.
(a) Companies
(b) Partnership
(c) Income Tax
(d) Contract
3. Which of the following is followed to prepare Financial Statements?
(a) Certain accounting principles, traditions and accounting standards.
(b) Certain thoughts, principles and Interpretation.
(c) Certain figures, details and accounts.
(d) Certain group, traditions and accounting principles.
4. What is the correct order to show items of liabilities side of companys balance
(a) Share Capital, Secured Loan, Unsecured Loan, Reserve and Surplus,
Current Liabilities
(b) Share Capital, Current Liabilities, Secured Loan, Unsecured Loans,
Reserve and Surplus.
(c) Share Capital, Reserve and Surplus, Secured Loans, Unsecured
Loans, Current Liabilities.
(d) Reserve and Surplus, Share Capital, Secured Loans, Unsecured Loans,
Current Liabilities
What is the correct order to show items of assets side of companys balance
(a) Fixed Assets, Current Assets, Investments, Miscellaneous Expenses.
(b) Current Assets, investments, Fixed Assets, Miscellaneous Expenses.
(c) Fixed Assets, Investments, Current Assets, Miscellaneous
Which statements are most useful for comparing the conoution of two
(a) Common size statement
(b) Comparative statement
(c) Cash flow statement
(d) Statement of changes in working capital
Short Questions
1. Which accounts or statements are included in financial statements?
Generally, profit and loss account and balance sheet are included in financial statements.
2. Give the names of main methods of analysis of financial statements.
The following are the main methods of analysis of Financial Statements: (i) Comparative
statements (ii) Common size statements (iii) Trend percentages (iv) Changes in working
capital statement (v) Cash flow statement (vi) Ratio analysis (vii)
3. For accounting analysis by means of comparative statements, which methods are generally
For analysis by comparative statements, comparative profit and loss account and
comparative balance sheets are used.
4. Why are common-size statements prepared?
Common-size statements are prepared to show the percentage of various assets to total
assets, the percentages of various expenses to sale and to show the percentage of net profit
to sales.
5. How analysis of financial statement useful to preference shareholders?
From the analysis of financial statements, preference shareholders can get an idea that
they will get their fixed dividend regularly, whether their capital is
safe and whether they
will get their capital bank on maturity.
6. Where is the form of balance sheet of company given?
The form in which balance sheet is to be prepared by all companies is given in Part I of
Schedule VI of Companies Act.
7. Write the importance of analysis of financial statements?
Importants of Analysis of financial statements: (1) To know the profit and financial
strength. (2) To known the managerial efficiently. (3) To decide whether the employees are
justified in demanding bonus and wage rise. (4) To give an idea of collection period of credit
sales. (5) To take corrective steps
for proper planning.
8. What is called financial statements?
The end product of financial accounting process is a set of reports which are called
financial statements. viz. a balance sheet, a profit and loss account and trading account etc.
9. Mention the importance of financial statement analysis for potential Investors.
Prospective investors who want to invest in shares of the company would like to know
whether it is safe to invest in shares of the company, whether they will get reasonable return
and whether there is any likehood of appreciation in
value of shares.
The True owners of a company are the shareholders. Representatives of these shareholders
are known as directors. A company is managed by its directors. The Companies Act
came into existence to protect the interest of the shareholders. Financial statements of the
company are to be presented at the general meeting of the shareholders within a
prescribed time limit.
In this chapter, we shall discuss method of ratio analysis for analyzing financial
statements. Accounting ratios is one of the very efficient tools of financial statement
(ii) Proportion :
Balance sheet of S Ltd. shows current assets of Rs 4,00,000 and current liabilities of
Rs 2,00,000. Alternatively, this information presented through figures can be
expressed by stating that current assets are twice the current liabilities or the proportion of
current assets to current liabilities is 2:1. Thus, the current ratio is 2:1. If the same
information is to be expressed in one number, we say that the current ratio is 2.
(ii) Turnover :
With the help of stock turnover ratio, we get to know the number of times the
average stock is turned over or sold. Cost of goods sold and average stock are Rs
3,20,000 and Rs 80,000 as per financial statements for the year 2003-04. This means
that the stock turnover rate is 4. This ratio tells us how fast or how many times the stock is
sold during the year.
With the help of debtors ratio/debtors turnover, we can know the time frame of the
collection of money from the customers to whom goods are sold on credit. Based on
debtors turnover, the credit period allowed to the customers can be known. Similarly, the
number of days of credit allowed by the creditors or suppliers can be known with the help
of the creditors' ratio.
From the above discussion, we can say that the ratio is defined as the relationship
between two variables. Ratio expresses relationship between; different related
accounting numbers the financial statements. Ratio is the expression of such
accounting numbers by the numerator and the denominator. Such ratios can be expressed in
an appropriate manner according to the methods discussed above. Ratio analysis fulfils
objectives of different stakeholders interested in studying the financial the statements. These
ratios are useful in studying financial position of an enterprise.
For the following multiple choice questions select correct alternative from
given choices and put its order in the bracket.
(c) Auditors
(d) Government
(b) In proportion
(c) In Turnover
(b) Solvency
(c) Profitability
(d) Trustworthy
A business has credit sales of Rs. 5,00,000 and cost of goods sold is Rs.
3,60,000. What is gross profit ratio?
(a) 72%
a,b &c
(b) 28%
(c) 25%
(d) 82%
(c) a & b
(b) Investments
(c) Debtors
(d) Stock
(d)Composite ratios
Credit Sales Rs. 4,00,000, Debtors Rs. 50,000, Bills receivables Rs. 30,000,
Cash Sales Rs. 20,000, Bills Payable Rs. 20,000. Calculate Debtors turnover
(a) 5 times
(b) 10 times
20.Debtors ratio shows days for __________ and creditor ratio shows
(a) Allowed Credit, received credit (b) Allowed Credit, Allowed Credit
(c) Received Credit, Allowed Credit
21. Credit ___________ has relation with debtors ratio while credit _________ has
relation with creditors ratio.
(a) Sales, Sales
(c) Purchase, Sales
(c) a & b
Which profit is to be taken into account for finding out Net Profit Ratio?
(a) After deducting interest & tax (b) Before deducting interest & tax
(c) Gross profit
Short Questions
1. Give definition of Accounting Ratio.
Accounting ratios are the inter relationship between any two relevant figures taken from
financial statements.
2. In what forms can the data relating to inter-relationship of two figures be presented?
The information relating to inter-relationship between two figures can be presented in any
one of the following forms: (A) In Percentage (B) In Ratio
(C) In Simple Figure.
3. Classify accounting ratios on the basis of financial statements and state their types.
Classification of ratios on the basis of financial statements is (A) Profit and Loss A/c Ratios
(1) Gross Profit Ratio (2) Net Profit Ratio (3) Expenses Ratio (4) Operating Ratio (5) Stock
Turnover (B) Balance-sheet Ratios (1) Current Ratio (2) Liquid Ratio (3) Proprietary Ratio (4)
Debt Equity Ratio (4) Total Assets debts Ratio. (C) Combined Ratios: (1) Debtors Ratio (2)
Creditors Ratio and (3) Working Capital Turnover.
4. Name the solvency ratios.
Solvency Ratios are as follows : (1) Debt Equity Ratio (2) Assets Debts Ratio and (3)
Proprietary Ratio
5. Which information is known from Operating Ratio?
From operating ratio, it is possible to know the relationship of cost of sales and operating
expenses with sales.
6. State the main purpose of finding out Proprietary Ratio.
Proprietary ratio is one of the solvency ratios. It is calculated to find the proportion of
owners funds to the total funds employed in business.
7. State what information is available from total assets debts ratio.
From the total assets debts ratio, it is possible to know the proportion of long-term debts
to total assets.
8. State the purpose of finding out working capital turnover.
Working capital turnover indicates the efficiency with which the working
capital is used in
business. This ratio shows relationship between net working
capital and sales.
9. Mention profitability ratios.
Profitability ratios are : (1) Gross Profit Ratio (2) Net Profit Ratio (3) Expenses Ratio (4)
Operating Ratio
10. By what formulae debtors turn over can be calculated?
Debtors turn-over = Credit Sales of the year/Debtors + Bills Receivable.
Deshi Nama system. is a very old system to write accounts. It is similar to double entry
accounting system. from the . view point of accounting principles. In this system, the
books are known as 'Vahi'. Therefore, this system is also known as 'Vahi Paddhati'.
Generally, the books under this system are written in the regional language.
However, the use of figures in. English has increased.
Language : In Deshi Nama, the recording in the books of accounts, is in the regional
Language. e.g. In Gujarat, Deshi Nama is written in Gujarati.
Ink : Generally, Deshi Nama is written in black ink. However, blue ink is also used now-adays.
Books of Accounts maintained under Deshi Nama System
(1) Rough Book : In business, transactions take place continuously during a day. It is
not convenient to write the books during the day. At the same time, it is also not
proper, if receipts and payments i.e. transactions are not at all recorded at the time,
because there is a likelihood of forgetting to record some transactions.
Therefore, small traders record their transactions of the day on a slate or loose
sheets or in a diary. Such record is known as Tanchan or Tippan.
For a big businessman, the transactions are many and hence, they record them either
in a diary or notebook or a book maintained for the purpose. Such a record book is
termed as 'Ghadiya', 'Sundiya' or 'Daniya'.
These are the different terms used for the rough book of record. A book in use
for such rough records is known as 'Adadhiya'. The business man takes brief notes in
such 'Adadhiya' as per his requirements. With the help of such a rough book, at the end of
the day or at convenient time, regular/organized accounting is done. If any transaction is
forgotten to be recorded in the Rojmel or if any error has occurred, it can be traced/
verified with the help of such rough book.
(2) Rojmel : The way a Journal is maintained under the Double Entry System of
Accounting, Rojmel is maintained in the same way under Deshi Nama. Thus, Rojmel is
the basic or prime book of accounting under Deshi Nama.
In Rojmel, cash as well as credit transactions are recorded. In addition, based on
the transactions recorded in such Rojmel cash balance is derived, which is termed , as
Rojmel is maintained every day and at the end of the accounting entries for the
day, cash balance is found out. That is why, it is known as Rojmel. Ledger is
prepared 'with the help of Rojmel.
(3) Bethomel : Bethomel is another form of Rojmel. Small traders/ businessmen whose
quantum of transactions is comparatively less, may maintain a complete `Mel' fora
week, a fortnight or a month and find out the cash balance accordingly. Such 'Mel' is known
as 'Bethomel' or 'Thammel'. Thus, Bethomel or Thammel is a composite or collective
Rojmel for a pre-determined period of days.
(4) Khativahi (ledger) : Ledger (Khatavahi) is maintained under Deshi Nama, as in
Double Entry System of Accounting. In ledger, ledger accounts are opened and posting is
done in such ledger accounts, from Rojmel, Bethomel and Subsidiary Books. Like
Rojmel, for Khatavahi (ledger) also, a book containing eight-fold pages is used. Usually, one
page is. kept for each account.
(5) Subsidiary Books (Peta Nodho) : Big businessmen, whose quantum of
business/economic transactions is comparatively larger, maintain certain additional
books, in addition to Rojmel, which are known as subsidiary books. e.g., Jamanodh,
Udharnodh, Jangadnodh etc. Transactions, which are recorded in Rojmel or Bethomel.
(6) Aavro : All those transactions recorded in Rojmel or Bethomel and Subsidiary Books,
are again recorded in another book at the end of fifteen days or a month. Such book is
called 'Avaro'. Aavro is prepard like Rojmel and for the purpose, a book that has pages
with eight folds pages is used. Aavro is prepared fora specified period and all the
transactions recorded in Rojmel or Bethomel and Subsidiary Books are recorded again in
it and the closing balance (Purant Baki) is arrived at. Such closing balance is tallied with
the closing balance (Purant Baki) as per Rojmel or Bethomel because such balance in
both the books, should be the same.
Thus, the accounting accuracy is maintained by recording all the business
transactions in 'Aavro'. 'Aavro' is also useful as a tool to find out and control errors in all the
transactions recorded in the books of accounts. 'Aavro' is generally maintained by shroffs and
big businessmen.
(7) Havalanodh or Havalamel :
Certain Special Accounts / Terms
Terms as per Double Entry System
Rojmel or Bethomel(Thammel)
Subsidiary Books
Peta Nondho
Purshase Book
Sales Book
Trial balance
Purchase Account
Sales Account
Wages Account
Cartage Account
Salary Account
Brokerage Account
Depreciation Account
Rent Account
Capital Account
Drawings Account
Creditors Account
Goodwill Acount
Land Acount
Building Account
Mahinery Acount
Vehicles Acount
Debtors Account
Trading Account
Balance sheet
Shri Sarvaiya
Gharkharch Khatu : In Deshi Nama, withdrawal by, the owner from the firm, for a personal
purpose (use) is debited to Shri Gharkharch Khate. Whenever the owner takes away for
personal use, the goods, asset or cash, or pays from the firm for his personal expenses, it
is debited to Shri Ghar Kharch Khate. In a partnership firm, like capital account - separate
drawings accounts for each partner is maintained. e.g. shri Udy's Drawings account and
Shri Vimal's Drawings account. Many businessmen maintain Shri Drawings Khatu (account)
instead of Shri Gharkarch Khatu.
Shri Dukan Kharch Khatu : The businessman keeps such account for miscellaneous
expenses. When the expense amount is very small, it is considered as Shri Dukan
Kharch. e.g., cold drinks and tea -expenses etc.
Shri Vatav Khatu : Shri Vatav Khatu in Deshi Nama has wide meaning than discount
(vatav) account under Double Entry System. Here cash discount, commission, loss
due to fire in the business, bad debts, loss (any other) etc. are debited to Shri Vatav
Khate. At the same time, miscellaneous or accidental gain or profit are also credited to
Shri Vatav Khate. However, now-a-days businessmen maintain separate accounts for
expense or loss or profit or gain, e.g., Shri Ghalkhad (bad debts) Khatu, Shri Aadat
(commission) Khatu etc.
Shri Vigat Khatu : When on any one particular day or in any one particular transaction,
more than one account gets, debit or credit effect simultaneously, the total amount of the
transaction is recorded against Shri Vigat Khate. In the subfolds below Shri Vigat Khate,
the account which is affected, is written with the amount for each such account,
separately. This saves both the time and labour.
Here, the important thing to be remembered is that in the ledger, Shri Vigat
Khatu is not opened, because in reality there is no account named Shri Vigat Khatu, which is
affected. Each of the accounts recorded in the sub-folds below Shri Vigat Khate are
opened and the page no.of the ledger, on which each such account is opened, is
recorded in Rojmel, below such affected account.
600=00 Shri Vigat Khate U d h a r
300=00 Shri Bhada(rent) Khate
100=00 Shri Majuri (wages) Khate
200=00 Shri Commission Khate
Shri Shah Khatu or Shri Khatu : During the course of the business if any transaction
takes place with a person and if the name of such person is forgotten, it is
recorded as Shri Shah Khate. Afterwards when such name is remembered, a reverse
entry is passed against Shri Shah Khate and the correct entry is recorded against such a
person's account. When the name of the person is not to be disclosed, in such a case also
Shri Shah Khatu is used. Instead of using Shri Shah Khatu in the transaction, it may be
recorded as Shri. Khate. In such a case, whenever the name of the person is remembered, it
is recorded in the space left after the word 'Shri' For the very purpose, some space is
left blank between 'Shri' and 'Khate'. However, as this is a faulty method from the
view point of accounting very less use of Shri ... Khate is found.
Shri Tasalmat Khatu : This account is like a suspense account under Double entry
system of accounting. In a business, when an expense is incurred or income is earned
and the name of such account (expense or income) is forgotten, such transaction is
recorded to Shri Tasalmat Khate. Afterwards on recollecting the name of such expense
or income, the reverse effect to Shri Tasalmat Khate is given and corre ct effect is given
to such expense or income account. When it is uncertain as to which account the effect
is to be given (recorded), it is temporarily recorded to Shri Tasalmat Khate. Afterwards
on finally deciding the account to which the effect is to be given, it is correctly recorded
to that specific account and the reverse effect is given to Shri Tasalmat Khate.
Shri Deshavar Khatu : Whenever any person of the firm, munim or the owner
himself, goes out of station for purchase or sale of goods or for any other business
purpose, a certain amount is given to him for use and expenses. Such amount is
debited to such person's Deshavar Khate. Afterwards when such person returns, he
submits the details of his transactions. With the help of such details, Shri Deshavar Khatu is
credited and closed and the correct entry is recorded for each of the transactions. Thus,
this is a temporary account.
Shri Haththu Khatu : When an a amount is to be paid to the creditor of the business
and such amount is sent to him through some person or aangadia, such amount is
debited to Shri Haththu Khate instead of debiting it to such creditor's account.
Afterwards, on getting the receipt either from the creditor or aangadia, Shri Haththu
Khatu is closed by crediting it and the creditor's account is debited. Such an account is
a temporary one.
Shri Chanlla Khatu : The businessman develops business relations during the course of
business. Due to such business relations, whenever there is any good occasion at the
customer's or creditor's place, a gift or Chanlla is to be given. Such amount is debited
to Shri Chanlla Khate. In the same way on a good occasion at his place, the
businessman receives a Chanlla or a gift, which is credited to Shri Chanlla Khate.
However, such tradition is now getting extinct. Now, whenever Chanlla or a gift is to
be given, it is treated as a buisness expense and is debited to Shri Dukan Kharch Khate.
Shri Silak Vadhghat Khatu : Closing balance (Silak) as per Rojmel or Bethomel
should tally with the actual cash on hand. If they do not tally, the necessary
verification and efforts are made to find out the error. Still however, if the closing cash
balance is more or less than the actual cash on hand, the differential amount is
recorded in Shri Silak Vadhghat khate, Here, if the balance as per Rojmel is found less, it
is debited to Shri Silak Vadhghat Khate and if it is found more, it is credited to Shri
Silak Vadhghat Khate. Afterwards, when the reason for such difference is traced, the
reverse effect is give to Shri Silak Vadhghat Khate and the correct effect is given to the
concerned account. Thus, the correct balance is arrived at automatically.
Shri Ublek Khatu : Whenever an amount is lent fora few days to a person in the
business, it is debited to such person's ublek account. Because, such amount is to be
received back very shortly, its is not opened in the books. For the purpose,
Upartapke : When any person is lent an amount for a day or even for a shorter time, the
amount so lent is not recorded as an entry in Rojmel. But in Rojmel, after finding out the
closing balance such amount is shown as a part of balance as 'Upartapake'. The actual
balance is less ,by such ' Upartapke ' amount and to tally the accounts, it is recorded in'such a
way. Say, the total on Jama side of Rojmel is Rs 15,000 and the total on udhar side is Rs
12,000 and Mafatlal is given Rs 100 to be returned in the evening. In Rojmel, 'upartapake' will
be recorded as follows :
Kabulat and Havalo(Acceplance and Transfer) : On mutual understanding the
businessman agrees to pay an amount, payable to a creditor, to another person. This is
known as Kabulat (acceptance).
In the same way, when a businessman agrees to accept an amount from another
person instead of from his debtor, it is also Kabulat (acceptance).
When instead of arriving at mutual understanding or Kabulat about a debt or
receivable an instruction or order is given for that, it is known as Havalo (transfer).
Because of Kabulat and Havalo, there is an effect on the businessman's debt and
receivables. Due to such transactions the account of a person who has accepted to pay
or from whom the receivable arises, is debited. And the opposite party's account is
credited. Say Prakash accepted to pay R s 400 to be paid by Deepak. Here, Deepak
is a debtor, whose amount now will be paid by Prakash. Therefore, it will be.
considered as the amount paid out by Dipak. At the same time, now it will be
considered as the amount due from Prakash.
'Haste' : In business, the recovery of money or the payment is many a time from a
person or to a person, who may not actually be a creditor or a debtor, but he may be a
clerk or munimji or any other person. Therefore, for record pur poses, below the name
of the debtor, who has paid the amount is written the name of the person who brings
the amount with 'H' noted there, which is known as 'Haste'. So that the person, who
came to pay the amount can be known. e.g. Received Rs 10 from Shri Pratapbhai 'H'
Miti : miti means Tithi. For that the full details regarding the month, the paksh (Sud or Vad),
tithi and the year are written.
Rules of Debit-Credit
We know rules of debit and credit as per Double Entry System of Accounting. The
same rules are applied while writing accounts under the Deshi Nama System, because
there is no difference in the principles under both the systems. However, the method of
writing (format) under both the systems is different. Let us understand once again the
rules of Debit and credit.
For Personal Accounts: Debit the receiver and credit the giver
For Real (assets) Accounts : Debit what comes in and credit what goes out
For Nominal Accounts: Debit all expenses and losses and credit all incomes and
Rojmel is a basic or primary book under Deshi Nama.
The businessman prepares Rojmel with the help of vouchers and the rough book.
Rojmel is written and prepared daily and the closing balance is derived daily. Hence, this
Mel is known as Rojmel.
Both cash and credit transactions are recorded in Rojmel. From this view point Rojmel
is like a journal under double entry sytem of accounting.
Rojmel or Bethomel serves the purpose of'cash account also. Hence, in any transaction
the effect to a cash account i.e. debit or credit effect to cash account, need not be
recorded in Rojmel or Bethomel. Thus, in a transaction related with cash receipt or
payment, generally only the effect to the account (other than the cash account), is to
be recorded. e.g., in cash purchase, only one effect - debit to the purchase account is
recorded and the credit effect to cash account is not recorded. In case of non -cash or
credit transaction, two or more effects are to be recorded. e.g., for goods purchased
on credit from Mamta, purchase account will be recorded on 'Udhar' side and the
other account - Mamta's account being non-cash account, will be recorded on 'Jama' side.
The book of Rojmel contains blank pages with eight folds.
In the book of Rojmel, every page is given a chronological number which is mentioned
at the top of every page and is known as Rojmel page number.
At the top of the Rojmel page below the Rojmel page number, the name of the owner
of the firm is written. Then, below the name of the owner, is written the year, the
month, the tithi, the date and the day.
Both on jama side and udhar side the amount of the transaction. is recorded in the first
fold' of the four folds. In the remaining three folds, the name of the account getting
effect is written preceded by 'Shri' and besides the name of the account the effect is
indicated by the term udhar or jama whichever it is, e.g., 'Shri Kamlesh Khate jama'
is written acccordingly. In the second fold below the name of the account the
amount of the transaction and in the remaining two folds a brief narration of the
transaction is written. Below the brief narration L.F. no. is recorded in the third or
fourth fold.
Shri Purant Janase : The beginning of writting in Rojmel or Bethomel is with the cash
balance on that day, which is shown as `Shri Purant Janase'. If there is no opening
balance of cash or if it is a beginning of a new business, on the credit side, in the
amount column, 'Shri IL is written as a good omen. And in the the particulars
(narration) 'Shri Ganeshay Namah' is written.
Shri Purant Baki : In Rojmel or Bethomel closing cash balance is known as 'Shri Purant
Baki'. This closing balance is equal to the actual closing cash balance on that day.
Note:Here, it should be noted that in Rojmel the total on the jama side is always more.
Therefore, 'Shri Purant Baki' has to be on udhar side. Because, Rojmel is a kind of cash
account. As per the rules of debit and credit, cash receipts are recorded on the jama side
of Rojmel and expenses cash payments are recorded on the udhar side. In a business,
there can't be more cash payments (outgoings) than cash receipts.
Subsidiary Books (Peta Nondho or PetaVahis)
In Deshi Nama, Rojmel or Bethomel is maintained to record the accounting entries for
the daily transactions. When the transactions in a business are less in number, it is
convenient for a businessman to record the daily transactions in such Rojmel or
Bethomel. However, if the transactions in a business are large in number, only one such
book is not convinient enough, because,
The size of the book becomes very large,
Necessary information is not available speedily and easily,
The work of writing books of accounts can not be distrbuted,
There will be greater burden on only one person writing accounts and at times he
may not be able to manage it, and
The transfer or movement of books may not be easy/convenient.
For the above reasons, bigger businessmen maint ain certain additional books in
addition to Rojmel or Bethomel. Such books are known as Peta Nondho or Peta Vahis
(Subsidiary Books).
credit, the sales price (amount) of the goods is debited to the customer's account. Thus,
every customer's account recorded in this book is debited by the amount recorded against his
name. Hence, this book is known as Udhamodh.
(3) Daginamel (janasvahi or Stock Register) : In Deshi nama, a b000k, which is
maintained to account for the incoming and outgoing of goods, is known as
Daginamel or Janasvahi or Stock Register. There are two known methods of preparing a
Daginamel. As per one method, Daginamel is prepared like Rojmel, with pages that have
eight folds and with two columns Jama and Udhar. As per the other method, it is prepared in
the format of a register, with three main columns that is Receipts (Avak or .Incoming)
Outgoing (Javak) and the balance, as under Double Entry System.
(4) Aankdavahi (Sudha Vahi or Rough ledger - Kachi Khatavahi) : Aankdavahi is a
Kachi Khatavahi. In it, the ledger accounts of the customers are opened and daily
posting of their accounts is done from the Rojmel, Bethomel and Udhamodh. Afterwards at a
convenient time, proper posting is done in the ledger (wherein all the ledger accounts
for the business are opened). In this way, as the posting is done twice, chances of
committing the errors or of forgetting to record a tratisactions are reduced. At the same
time a person, who goes for collection, can carry it with him.
(5) Ughrani Nodh : A clerk or munim who goes for collection keeps with him a book or
dairy. In such a book, the brief details/particulars, regarding the amounts due from the
debtors, are shown. Such a book or diary is known as Ughraninodh. The person, who
goes for collection, records there in, the amounts received by him during the collection,
based on which the detailed/proper posting is done in the ledger.
(6) Jangad Nodh : In Jangad Nodh, the Jangad sale transactions of the business
are recorded. Under Jangad sale transactions (transactions based on 'Sale or Return'),
if the customer is not satisfied with the goods, he can return the goods within an
agreed time limit. Thus, till the customer's confirms the purchase of such goods or the
time limit (the date) for such Jangad sale is not over, it can not be treated as actual
sale. After the time limit for such Jangad sale is over, even if no no intimation of the
confirmation is received from the customer, such Jangad sale is treated as actual sale.
Jangad Nodh is written in the same way as Rojmel. When in a business, the goods are
sold on Jangad, it is recorded in this book on Jama side and when such goods on
receiving back or at the end of the agreed time limit, it is recorded on the debit side,
ofcourse, the entry for the real sale transaction is recordea in Udhamodh, by the
(7) Karar Nodh (Contract Book) : Many a time, many contracts are entered into
regarding purchase, sale or any other matter in a business. These contracts are made
with different terms and conditions. Some contracts which may be for a longer duration,
should always be written contracts and it is also necessary to maintain a separate and
proper note for each of them. For maintaining a record of such con tracts in business, a
separate book called Karar Nodh is kept.
(8) Vyajvahi : Generally, the shroffs or moneylenders maintain such a book, in which
an entry is recorded for the interest. Such businessmen accept the deposits also and
lend the money to those, who are in need of funds (money). For the purpose, the
businessman has to pay the interest to the depositor and charge the interest from the
borrower. In it, an account per such depositer/borrower is opened and after calculating
interest on its amount, an entry for the interest is passed/ recorded. In this
Vyajvahi, in addition to interest in general, interest on the instalment ('Kandhu') is
also recorded. If the businessman has borrowed an amount, its details and the
interest on it is also recorded. In addition, interest on the debt amounts and
receivables is also charged for the late payment of the balance. Such interest is also
recorded in' this book.
(9) Hundivahi When there are numerous bill transactions by the businessmen, they
maintain a separate book called 'Hundi Vahi' to record such information. Such Hundivahi is
also prepared like a Rojmel. Of course, the accounting entries for the bills, are recorded
in Rojmel or Bethomel. This Hundivahi (Bills Book) provides information, regarding the
parties to bills, period, amount etc. to the businessman.
(10) Kabalavahi : The book, which is maintained by the businessmen in 'For ward
Trading' to record the details of their forward transactions, is known as 'Kabalavahi'.
Kabalavahi is also known as 'Sauda Patrak'.
(11) Bank Register : When a businessman maintains more than one bank account for
his transactions with the bank, he ' maintains a register to record his numerous bank
transactions. Such 'Register' is known as 'Bank Register. In it, different columns for each
bank /bank accounts are kept , and the transactions are recorded in it.
In Deshi Nama the first accounting entry of transactions is recorded in Rojmel or
Bethomel and in Subsidiary Books. Such entry is as per the date (tithi) and month
The book in which the personal accounts, real accounts and accounts, -pertaining to
incomes and expenses of the business, are opened, is known as Khatavahi'.
Khatavahi is one of the main books of accounts.
The book of Khatavahi is like that of Rojmel and Bethomel, hard bound and covered
by red cloth, in a vertical form and pages with the eight folds. Out of eight folds, four
folds on the left hand side are for Jama and the remaining four folds are for Udhar.
On the first page of Khatavahi, the name of the owner of the business and the year
for which the Khatavahi is to be prepared is written.
Then, in the beginning of the book there is a page for serial number/table of
contents, which is known as Sankaliyu (Anukramanika). In Sankaliyu, the name of
the account and the page number of the Khatavahi, on which the said account is
drawn, is written. This helps in finding out an account easily.
Fanku Maravu (sign indicating that the posting is done) :
Once the positng (khatavahi) for a transaction is done, a sign '(0)' is marked in
the first fold below the amount of the transaction. This sign indicates that the posting
is completed. Process of marking sign '(0)' is known as 'Fanku Marvu'.
Khata's Sandhan
Generally, one blank page is kept for each account in Khatavahi. But in case of certain
accounts, when the space so provided is fully utilized, such account may be carried
forward in the blank pages kept at the end of Khatavhi. Thus, the process of carrying
forward an account to the blank pages at the end, is known as 'Khatanu Sandhan. On
the page, which is completely used for an account, the page number of sandhan is
mentioned and on the page of sandhan, the original page no. is shown. This helps in
tallying the account easily.
Types/kinds of Khatavahi
In Deshi Nama, the following three types of -Khatavahis are used (1) Simple(sadi)
Khatavahi (2) Bethi Khatavahi or Thham Khatavahi (3) Sama Daskatni Khatavahi
(1) Simple(Sadi) Klhatavahi : The Khatavahi, in which all the ledger accounts of the
business are maintained, is known as Sadi KhatavahL At--the end of the year, on the
basis such Khatavahi,-utaro (trial balance) and final accounts are prepared.
(2) Bethi Khatavahi or Thharn Khatavahi : The businessmen, whose transactions are comparatively less in number (they) maintain only personal i.e. creditor
and debtor accounts in the Khatavahi (ledger) for their transactions. Such
accounts are known as Betha Khata and such Khatavahi is known as Bethi
Khatavahi or Thham Khatavahi. Such businessmen do not maintain Udhar Nodh
and Jama Nodh. Instead of recording the transactions of purchase and sale, in
Rojmel or Bethomel, they are recorded directly in the Khatavahi. Thus, Bethi
Khatavahi serves the purpose of both Rojmel and Khatavahi. The main purpose of
maintaining such khatavahi is to get the clear information regarding debts and
receivables (dues) and it can be decided as to how much collection from debtors
will be available and against that how much payment is to be made. However, such
Khatavahi is not much in practical use these days.
(3) Sama Daskatni Khatavahi : The money lenders, businessman and shroffs maintain this
Khatavahi. In such case the shroff opens the customer's account in his books at the time
of lending the money. In this account itself, the particulars regarding the amount lent,
period for which it is lent the Miti on which the money is lent, rate of interest the asset
mortgaged etc. are shown. Below these particulars, the necessary Revenue Stamp is
affixed and on it the customer's signature is taken. Thus, this khatavahi serves the purpose of
both a ledger (khatavahi) and a receipt for the money lent.
Kandhanu Vyaj (Interest on the installment) : Many a time, the shroff fixes up
the installments, for repayment of the loan, for the customer's convenience. The
amount for each instalment is called the amount of Kandhu. Now, if the
customer delays the payment of the instalment (Kandhu), the customer is
charged ab interest, for such delayed payment, which is called Kandhanu Vyaj.
Khatanu Mandaman : The shroff charges the customer a certain amount, for
opening the customer's account in his books. Such an amount is known as Khatu
Kothali Chhodamani : Many a time, the shroff deducts a certain amount, while
lending the money to a customer. It is known as Kothali chhodamani. The amount of
Kothali Chhodamani is an income for the businessman (lender) and an expense for
the customer (borrower).
Khatani Baki (Balance in the account) : After posting a respective account, the account
on both the sides is added up and the difference is found out, which is known as 'Baki'
(balance). Generally, to know the result (profit or loss) of the business, at the end of the
year, or to carry forward the accounts to the new pages, the balance (baki) is arrived at.
Kinds or types of Khata : In Deshi Nama, certain accounts are closed at the end of the
year. While a balance (Baki) is arrived at for certain accounts, Now, which accounts are to be
closed and in which accounts the balance is to be arrived at, de pends upon the kind of
account (Khatu). In Deshi Nama, the accounts are classified into two types : (1) Kacha
Khatan, (2) Paka Khatan.
Kacha Khata : The accounts pertaining to the purchase and sale of goods, and accounts
pertaining to incomes and expenses, in a business are known as Kacha Khatan. Kacha
Khata are closed at the end of the year and their balances are not to be carried forward in the
new year. e.g. Shri Kharid Khatu, Shri Majuri Khatu, Shri Commission Malel (Received) Khatu
Paka Khata : In a business, out of all the accounts, the accounts pertaining to persons
and assets (i.e. personal and real (assets) accounts) are known as Paka Khatan. At the
end of the year, the balance (Bald) is found out in such accounts and such balances are
carried forward in the Khatavahi (ledger) for the new year. The balances in Paka Khatan
are known as : 'Baki Deva' if it is a credit balance, and 'Baki Lena' if it is a debit balance.
Utaro (Trial Balance): The businessman prepares a statement based on the Baki (balance) of
every (all) account. This statement is called 'Utaro'. Under Double Entry System of accounting
this statement is called 'Trial Balance'. With the help of utaro, it can ascertained whether the
accounts are arithmetically correct or not. Utaro is prepared at the end of an accounting year,
before preparing final accounts. Shri Purant Baki (Closing balance of cash) as per Rojmel or
Bethomel can also be obtained on the basis of utaro.
Utaro is prepard in pages with eight folds like Rojmel. In Utaro, the closing bal ance
(Baki) of each account is written. For the purpose, the account (Kahtu) having a credi t
(Jama) balance (Baki) is written on the Jama side of the Utaro and the account (Khatu)
having Udhar (debit) balance is written on the Udhar side of the Utaro. Then, the total of
the amounts on Jama side and the total of the amounts on Udhar side, are arrived at and
they are shown (written) on the respective sides in the third fold. Then, the difference, of
the total of the amounts on both the sides, is found out and written on the side which is
short (always on Udhar side) and it is wirtten as Shri Purant baki in the fold for particulars.
Shri"Purant Baki as per Utaro, is tallied with Shri Purant Baki as per Rojmel or Bethomel.
If Shri Purant Baki and actual cash on hand are the same, it can be assured that the
accounts are arithmetically correct.
as Akharmal Stock khate. the cost price or the market price, whichever is less, is
taken into consideration.
In the next year, the debit balance of this stock account will be treated as
opening stock (Sharuno Mal Stock) and at the end of the second year by
debiting kharid-vakra khatu and crediting the stock khatu, this stock account is
Income (Revenue) due but not Received : At the end of the year, if any
income is due but not received "income due but not received" or 'related
person's' account is debited and the respective income/Revenue account is credited.
The positing is done on the credit side of the income account and on the debit side
of the income due but not on the received account (or to the related person's
account) which is shown in Sarvaiva. c.g., interest on investments due but not
received Rs 500.
Income (Revenue) Received in Advance : If any income pertaining to the
following year is received and recorded in the current year as income, the
respective income account is debited and income/revenue received in advance
account is credited. The posting is done on the debit side of the income
account and on the credit side of the income/revenue received in advance
account which is shown in Sarvaiya. e.g, Rent received in advance Rs 200.
Depreciation : At the end of the year, to record the depreciation on depreciable
asset, respective asset account is credited by debiting the depreciation account. It
is posted on the debit side of the depreciation account and on the credit side of
the asset account. As the amount of depreciation is credited to asset account, in
Sarvaiya that much amount is shown as a deduction from the asset.
Bad Debts : At the end of the year, if the information is received regarding the
bad debts, then in order to record the same, Debtor's (Devadar's) - account is
credited by debiting the bad debt (Ghalkhadh) (Khatu) account or Vatav
account which is posted on the debit side of Ghalkhad or Vatav Khata (account)
and on the credit side of the Devadar's account and the balance of the
outstanding receivables is shown in Sarvaiya, as reduced by such an amount.
Interest on Bhandol : If the owner of the business is to be given the Vyaj
(interest) on Bhandol (capital), then Bhandol account is credited by debiting the
Vyaj on Bhandol account. It is posted on the debit side of the Bhandol Par Vyaj
Kate and on the credit side of the Bhandol (capital) khate. Vyaj on Bhadol is to
be calculated at a fixed rate.
Havala to transfer Gharkharch Khatu to Bhandol khatu ; The amount of the
withdrawls made by the owners of the business during the year, must be
debited to Gharkharcha khate. At the end of the year the Gharkharcha khata
is closed by tranfering the amount to the Bhandol khate. For this, Gharkharcha
Khatu is credited by debiting Bhandol account. It is posted on the debit side of
bhandol account and on the credit side of the Gharkharcha account. Gharkharch
account will be closed and the balance of the Bhandol account will be reduced to that
Havala for Rectification of Errors ; In order to rectify some of the
accounting errors committed during the year, at the end of the year some
account may be required to be debited or credited. It is also known as Havala
nondh. e.g., If the wages of Rs 500, is debited to salaries, to rectify this
mistake Majuri Khata is debited by crediting Pagar khata. Here it should be
noted that if any error is committed in utaro, it can be rectified in utaro only for
which no Havala nondh will be passed. Utaro will be prepared after rectifying the
Havala Nondh or Akhar Nondh to Close Kacha Khata : After passing
havalanondh for all adjustments, in Havalamel, and after its posting all kacha
khatas shown in utaro are closed by transferring either to Kharid -vakra Khate or
to Vatav Khate. It should be noted that because of the posting of the above
Havala Nondh, the balances in some of the kacha-khata will be changed and some
new kacha khata may be added. The new closing balances after the changes
are made in the old kacha khata and the newly opened kacha khata, all kacha
khatas are to be closed. In order to close kacha khata, the following accounting
effects are given in Havalamel.
Havala to Transfer the Profit or Loss of the Business to Bhandol :
Opening stock
Sharuna stock
Closing stock
Akhar Stock
Outstanding expense
Prepaid expense
Outstanding income[Avak]
Outstanding income
Depreciation [Ghasaro]
Depreciation [Ghasara]
Milkat [Asset]
Devadar [Debtor]
Vyaj on Bhandole
Interest on Drawings
Gharkharch vyaj
Kharid-Vakara/ Vatav
Kharid-Vakara/ Vatav
For the following multiple choice questions select correct alternative from
given choices and put its order in the bracket.
Which method of writing Accounting is invented in Indian subcontinent and is
the oldest method of Accounting.
(a) Deshi Namu System
(b) Double entry System
(c) Single entry System
(d) none of the above
Which System of accounting is known as Vahi Khata System?
(a) Single entry accounting
(b) Deshi Namu System
(c) Double entry accounting
(d) None of the above
How many folds (sal) are there in the books of Rojmel, Bethomel, Khata Vahe
in Deshi Namu?
(a) Four
(b) Eight
(c) Six
(d) Twelve
In Deshi Namu System, at the time of accounting entry which word is written
as a sign of omen before the name of khata?
(a) Aum
(b) Shri
(c) Namah
(d) Swastik
In Deshi Namu System, at the time of writing amount J sign is put between
Rs. and Paisa. What is the name of this sign?
(a) Avro
(b) Olayo
(c) Utaro
(d) None of the three
Which one of the following is known as Sundiya and Daniya?
(a) Peta Nodh
(b) Bethomel
(c) Rojmel
(d) Kachi Nodh
Which book of Deshi Namu System is known as Basic book or Primary book?
(a) Journal
(b) Karar Nodh
(c) Ledger
(d) Rojmel
Which mel is known as Thammel?
(a) Rojmel
(b) Jama kharchi mel
(c) Bethomel
(d) Dagina mel
Rojmel and Bethomel serve the purpose of which Account?
(a) Bhandol
(b) Cash
(c) Bank
(d) Gharkharch
10. What is the name of the closing balance of Rojmel and Bethomel?
(a) Shri Bank baki
(b) Shri Purant Janse
(c) Shri Purant Baki
(d) Shri Bhandol
11. Which account is prepared by the business man for recording small and
miscellaneous expenses of business?
(a) Shri Ghar Kharch khatu
(b) Shri Jaherat Kharch Khatu
(c) Shri Dukan Kharch Khatu
(d) Shri Dharmada Khatu
12. During business transaction, if the name of the other party is forgotten, then
in which account it will be recorded?
(a) Shri Tasalmat Khatu
(b) Shri Shah Khatu
(c) Shri Hathu Khatu
(d) Shri Vatav Khatu
13. If the amount to be paid to a creditor is sent through any individual or courier,
then the amount is debited to which account?
(a) Shri Haththu Khate
(b) Shri Silak Vadhgath Khate
(c) Shri Deshavar Khate
(d) Shri Ublek Khate
14. When any person is given money on credit for one or two days or for still
shorter period, then the amount is debited in which account?
(a) Ublek
(b) Silak Vadhgath
(c) Upartapke
(d) Kabulat
15. In which Nodh the transactions related to credit purchase or business are not
(a) Jama Nodh
(b) Hundi Vahi
(c) Udhar Nodh
(d) Kabala Vahi
16. How many folds are there in the pages of Jama Nodh and Udhar Nodh books
in Deshi Namu System?
(a) Four
(b) Six
(c) Eight
(d) twelve
(b) Producer
(c) Workers
(d) Shorffs
When money is given to Angadia to send it to some creditor in an other city,
which account it is debited?
When the owner of business goes out of station, then the lump sum taken by
him is debited to which account?
(a) Hatthu Khatun
(c) Tasalmat Khatun
(b) Tasalmat
(c) Rojmel
(d) Khatavahi
In Deshi Nama method, from the following which Khatun is not opened in
(a) Vatav Khatun
If any amount is received from or paid to someone whose name is forgotten
is not known, it is credited to which account?
(d) Avaro
(c) Havalamel
The business man prepares a statement based on the baki (balance) of every
(All) account in Deshi Nama system. What is called this statement?
(a) Khatavahi
(b) Thammel
(c) Kabalavahi
(d) Utaro
First of all the balance of which Khata is shown on Jama side of Sarvaiya in
Deshi Nama System?
(a) Bhandol Khata
(d)Bank Khata
or Achad Mel 24. Jama Nondh. 25. Cash 26. Kabalavahi 27. Aavro 28. Vyajvahi 29. Tanchan
30. Udhar Nondh.]
Short Questions
1. Why is Ublek Rakam not posted in ledger under Deshi Nama system?
As the Ublek amount is to be received back in a short time, it is not necessary to open a
persons accounts. Hence, it is not posted to the ledger.
2. What does Uper tapke mean Deshi Nama system?
When some person takes away some money from business, to be returned the next day, it
is known as Upar tapke Rakam.
3. When is an amount debited to Haththu Khate under Deshi Nama system?
When balance some amount is sent to some trader in some other town through Angadia or
through some employee, it is debited to his Hatthu Khate.
4. In Deshi Nama system where do we recorded Uper Take Rakam?
When balance of cash is found out at the end of the day from Rojmel, the upar takke
rakam is recorded in the inner sale alongwith actual cash on hand.
5. When is an amount recorded in Silak Vadh-ghat Khate? When is this account closed?
When the actual cash on hand and the balance of Rojmel do not tally, the difference is
recorded to Silak Vadh Ghat Khate. When the reason for the difference or the error in
accounts is found out the next day, it is recorded in Silak Vadh ghat Khate and the account
is closed.
6. What are Kacha Khatan and Paka Khatan?
The goods accounts and nominal accounts of incomes and expenses, which are closed at
the end of the year and transferred to Kharid Vakra Khate, are known as Kachan Khatan;
while the accounts of assets and of persons, whose
balances are carried forward to next
year are known as Pakan Khatan.
7. Where would you show Kacha Khatan and Pakan Khatan while preparing final accounts
in Deshi Nama?
In Deshi Nama, Kachan Khatan are transferred to Kharid Vakra Khate or Nafa Nukshan
Khate and Pakan Khatan are shown in Sarvaiun (Balance Sheet)
8. What is Aavro?
Avro is a book of account in which are recorded all transactions from Rojmel and other
petanondhs at intervals of every two three days or a week.
9. What is Sudhavahi? By what other name is it known?
Sudhavahi is a rough ledger of debtors. It is a book in which accounts of debtors are
opened immediately on making entries in Rojmel and Udhar
nondh and then amount is
posted to that account showing necessary
details. It is also known as Ankada Vahi.
What is Kabalavahi?
Kabalavahi is a book kept by traders dealing in forward trading to record the details of
such contracts.
11. What is Vyajvahi in Deshi Nama system? Which traders keep this book
Generally the Shroffs who accept deposits and pay interest on deposit as well
charge interest on advances given, keep a separate book to calculate
book is called Vyaj Vahi.
What is Mandamani?
While advancing money to a borrower, the Shroff deducts some money for
clerical work according to the usual custom. This is an addition to interest.
amount so deducted is called Mandamani.
Which ledger accounts balance are useful to know the financial position of the
Balances of Pakan Khatan.
18. Balance of which accounts are useful to know the business results in Deshi
Deshi nama system is also known by the other name of Vahi Khata system.
Dagina Mel shows the data relating to receipts, issues and balance (stock) of materials
and finished goods.
Vyaj vahi is prepared by Sharafs to know the interest incomes, total income
expenses incurred to earn it.
When the totals of both sides of an account are equal, the account is said to
What is Utaro?
In order to verify whether accounts written in Deshi nama system are
arithmetically corredt, a statement of balances of accounts is prepared which is
Utaro. It is known as Trial Balance in double entry system.
In Deshi Nama system, a book kept to record receipts and issues of goods is known as
Dagina Mel, Janas Vahi or Stock Register.
What is Pamotri?
Panotri is the index prepared on the first page of the ledger (Khatavahi), just
we have index of lessons given in the text book. From Panotri, it is
possible to know
the number of page on which a particular account is opened.
36. State any four names of Peta-nondh under Deshi Nama system of
Names of peta nondh under Deshi Nama system of accounting: (i) Udhar Nondh (ii)
Jama Nondh (iii) Jangad Nondh (iv) Ugharani Nondh (v) Dagina Mel (vi) Karar Nondh (vii)
Ankada vahi(viii) Vyaj Vahi.
4. Ublek amount is not posted in the ledger.
5. Rojmel is the main book of account in Deshi Nama.
False, the amount deducted by Shroff at the time of lending money is called
False, when money is sent to outstation traders through Agadia, the amount
debited to Hatth Khate.
False, in Havalamel, the closing entries for closing nominal account are also
11.In Deshi Nama system, the balances of Kachan Khatan are not carried
12.Kharid-vakra Khatun prepared under Deshi Nama as a part of final accounts is similar to
Trading A/c of Double Entry Vatav Khatun is similar to Profit and
Loss Account.
13.After preparing Tarij of Jama nondh, Vakra Khatun is credited with the total.
14.In Deshi Nama system, the transactions of credit sales are recorded in Udhar
False, the purchase account (Kharid Khatun) is debited with the total of Tarij of
15.An order placed for purchase of goods or an order received from customer to
him goods is not recorded in Purchases or Sales Book.
16.In Deshi Nama System, the transactions of all sales are recorded in Udhar
17.Under the influence of Western culture, no firm now writes accounts under
Nama System.
20.All sales transactions are recorded in Jama Nondh.
24.Upar Tapke is the amount lent for a short period of two three days.
25.Ublec is recorded in Rojmel.
26.Vyaj Vahi is kept to record the future transactions.