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4751: Introduction to Biomaterials

Spring 2015
T/Th 9:3510:55 AM
Klaus 1447

Instructor: Dr. Johnna Temenoff
Office: 2305 Petit (IBB) Building
Email: [email protected]
Office Hours: Wed 3:304:30 pm or by appointment

TA: Erin Hannen ([email protected])
TA Office Hours: By appointment

Web Page:

BMED 4751A, MSE 4751A
(Please check webpage regularly for course announcements.)

Course Objectives: To provide a broadbased introduction for undergraduates to
different types of biomaterials (metals, ceramics, polymers) and the bodys natural
responses to biomaterial implantation. Topics covered will include how basic
principles in chemistry and physics result in structural and functional differences in
biomaterial types (first half), as well as beneficial and detrimental biological
responses to biomaterial implantation (second half).

Through examination of realworld examples, each student will be encouraged to
take responsibility for developing and using knowledge (understanding) and
expertise (critical thinking) in problems associated with the field of biomaterials.
To help in development of this expertise, students will be presented with a micro to
macro view of the complex systems that arise when materials are implanted in the
body, which can be used as a framework for determining the most important design
parameters and testing types for specific biomaterials applications.

Prerequisite: MSE 2001

Textbook: J.S. Temenoff, A.G. Mikos, Biomaterials: The Intersection of Biology and
Materials Science.

Honor code: Students are expected to abide by the GT Honor Code
Although discussion about homework problems is encouraged, each student must
complete the assignment by him/herself and turn in an individual answer set.
Students are to neither receive nor provide information to others during exams.

Plagiarizing is defined by Websters as to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of
another) as one's own : use (another's production) without crediting the source.
To prevent being accused of plagiarism, quote and attribute any words that are not
your own, regardless of where they originated (website, book, etc.).

Use of any previous semester course materials (from word or found on course
webpage) is allowed for this course; however, while they may serve as examples,
they are not guidelines for any tests, quizzes, homework, projects, or any other
coursework that may be assigned during the semester.

For any questions involving these or any other Academic Honor Code issues, please
consult the instructor, the TA, or
Any student suspected of academic misconduct will be referred to the Office of
Student Integrity at Georgia Tech.

Lectures: Lectures will be based off material in the book and will present
additional examples and demonstrations. Students are strongly encouraged to read
the corresponding pages in the text prior to class. To maintain an atmosphere of
respect in the classroom, please refrain from talking over others or otherwise
degrading their answers or opinions. Please turn off all cell phones, etc. prior to
entering the classroom.

Final grades will be determined based on performance on the following:
Exam 1 25%
Exam 2 25%
Homework 10%
Online Quizzes 10%
Participation/InClass Assignments 5%
Final 25%

The minimum grades that will be assigned for this course are:
Above 89%
Above 7989%
Above 6979%
Above 5969%
59% and lower

Important dates:
HW 1 due 2/5
Exam 1: 2/17
HW 2 due 3/26
Exam 2: 4/7
Final: 4/28

Homework: Two homework sets will be assigned during the course of the
semester and are due at the beginning of class on the dates found above. Homework
sets will be available for download from the class website by 5 pm on the day

indicated on the syllabus. You are encouraged to ask the instructor or TAs
questions about the homework, although, to expedite your learning, you should
attempt to answer the problems on your own before asking. Solutions will be
posted on the class website after grading is complete. Examples of old homework
from past years can be found on the class website.
Penalty for late homeworks:
Under my door by 5 pm on due date 15% reduction in grade
Under my door by 5 pm on the business day after due date 25% reduction in grade
More than 1 business day late no credit

Quizzes: There will be a total of 36 openbook quizzes on Tsquare throughout the
semester. These will be announced several days in advance and will cover material
in the textbook and/or in lectures. You will be allowed a minimum of 24 hours to
complete the quiz. Solutions to these quizzes will be posted on the class website
after grading is complete.

There will be no makeup exams for quizzes. If you are forced to miss a quiz due to
an emergency, you will need to provide appropriate documentation within 1 week
of missing the quiz, or you will receive a 0 for that quiz. With proper documentation,
your absence will be excused and the other quizzes will be weighted more to
account for the missing points.

Exams: There will be a total of 2 closedbook exams and a comprehensive closed
book final. Exams can (and will!) cover material in the text book that is not
mentioned in class lectures, in addition to the lecture material. However, the major
emphasis will be on topics discussed both in the book and in class.
The first two exams are scheduled during the regular class time on the dates listed
above. Solutions to these exams will be posted on the class website after grading is
complete. Examples of old exams from past years can be found on the class website.

There will be no makeup exams for Exams 1 and 2. If you are forced to miss Exam
1 or 2 due to illness or family emergency, you will need to provide appropriate
documentation (doctors note, etc.) within 1 week of missing the exam, or you will
receive a 0 for that exam. With proper documentation, your absence will be excused
and the other exam and final will be weighted more to account for the missing
If you need to schedule to take Exam 1 or 2 early, please contact the instructor at least
1 week prior to the exam date.
In fairness to all of your classmates, participation in the final exam is mandatory (no
exceptions for graduating seniors).
Programmable calculators may not be used on exams and sharing of calculators
during exams is not permitted.

Regrades: Regrades of homeworks, quizzes, or exams will be considered if it is
handed back to the instructor within one week of distribution and includes a
written statement about why a question should be regraded. Please note that, if

handed back, the entire assignment (not just the problem in question) will be re
graded, so the overall score may increase or decrease.

Special accommodations: Students requiring special accommodations are
encouraged contact the instructor outside class. Resources and policies for students
with disabilities can be found at














Week10&12 Biomaterialinsertionandacuteinflammation
(start3/10) Woundhealingandthepresenceofbiomaterials





Week1415 Biomaterialsandthrombosis











(start4/21) LecturetopicsTBD


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