Let's Go Camping: Wisconsin

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June 2006
er A Publication of the Wisconsin REACT Council Vol. 26 - No. 2

Let's Go Camping
Now is the time to get ready for the and a dish to share. For the rest of the Remember, if you can’t come for the
annual campout. Spring is upon us, can meals, you are on your own. entire weekend, you can come up for
summer be far behind. This year’s Saturday only. That is the day most
campout is scheduled for August 11th A registration form for the campout was things happen.
through August 13th at Riverside Park included in the last REACTER. If you
in New Lisbon. Prices for this year have do not have it, form will be available at So get your tents, sleeping bags and
not been determined. This year’s prices the July meeting. Fill it out and return it camping gear together and plan on
are $10.00 for a site with no electricity as soon as possible. If you find out you joining us at Riverside Park.
and $15.00 for a site with electricity. can come and have not sent in your
registration, let Jean Fry know you will Mark your calendars now for August
A potluck dinner will be held on be coming so that she has an accurate 11th to the 13th and we will see you at
Saturday night. Bring your own meat count. the campout.

April General Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order by President Jeff from team 4364 gave the motion with a have St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Their
Parrish at 12:30pm. Karen Beltz, second motion by a delegate from team upcoming events include the Memorial
Sergeant of Arms, led the Pledge of 4813 to accept the Treasurer’s Report as Day Parade, Walleye Weekend, and Brat
Allegiance. Lynessa Rissell, President of presented. Motion was carried. A Frys. They will be hosting the July
REACT Services Diversified, Inc. delegate from team 4364 made the Council Meeting.
#4813, welcomed the Council to Zion. motion with a second motion by a
Let the record show that Larry Fry, delegate from team 4813 to accept the Tri-City: They had the CROP Walk in
Immediate Past President, is excused bill for $24.78 for the Newsletter. April and will have 2 events in May.
from this meeting. Let the record show Motion carried. Jean Fry, Treasurer,
that we have 5 delegates and 7 guests also noted that the check that was RSD: Attended an informational
representing 3 teams present at this written to Waukesha REACT was not meeting on the Avian Bird Flu, helped
meeting and we do have a quorum cashed. Jeff Parrish, President, will Zion ESDA with traffic control, several
present. Present at this meeting was a contact Mark Kirshling of the members went to Weather Spotting
potential new team. Waukesha team to find out the status of Class in March. The team donated
the check so that the checkbook will be money to help benefit the school library
Minutes January General Meeting: A current. of one of its junior members. As a result
delegate from team 4364 gave the of the money that was donated to the
motion with a second motion by a District Directors/Team News: See Old school also was able to donate over 400
delegate from team 4813 to accept the Business for the status on District books to several organizations that
January meeting minutes as printed with Directors. Scholastic Bookfairs help.
corrections noted. Motion carried.
Waukesha: They had the Trailbreaker. Milwaukee: Nothing to report at this
Minutes Board Meeting: None. Next It is unknown what events they have time.
Board Meeting if needed will be at the coming up.
July Council Meeting New Team: The name of the new team
FDL: They had the Taste of Fond du will be CSM REACT. They will be in
Treasurer’s Report/Bills: A delegate Lac at the end of February. They did not (continued on page 3)
Published quarterly by the Wisconsin

The Road REACT Council in March, June, Septem-

ber, and December. Views and opinions
expressed in the WISCONSIN REACTer
are not necessarily endorsed by the
Hi from the not so sunny Dells. show, a music show (using old time council.
circus novelty instruments), and the kids
Well we made it back in one piece, a lot world circus. Third – several more of President Jeff Parrish
earlier than we would liked. One of our the Ringlingville buildings have been 866-216-2837x5
nephews got married in Indianapolis at opened and there is a tour of Vice President Ed Beltz
the end of April and we decided to Ringlingville. All in all, well worth the 920-923-4291
continue on up to the Dells (with the time and money. Secretary Lynessa Rissell
price of gas what it is, we really had no 847-347-9122
choice). We did spend a little extra time We are not going to be able to make the Treasurer Jean Fry
in Indianapolis as we wanted to see what July meeting, but we are planning on 608-752-4547
had been done to Fort Harrison (George being at the campout. Hope to see a lot Sgt. at Arms Karen Beltz
was stationed there tin the late 60’s – of you there. 920-923-4291
earlier 70’s). Past President Larry Fry
By the way, we need help. This 608-752-4547
We have been keeping busy with Circus newsletter is quite thin because we really Newletter Editors Jacki MacDonald
World. A lot has changed this year. didn’t have much to put into it. We George MacDonald
First - there is no big top. The need news from the teams (only one 262-853-1228
hippodrome has been renovated and that team sent us any) and news from the
is where the circus is being preformed. council, as well as any other news that 833 Cornelia Street
Second – instead of the normal circus as there may be. It is very hard to put Janesville, WI 53545
in past years, the show this year is made together a newsletter without any news.
up of Chinese acrobats. This is one of Material printed in this paper, may be
the best shows that we have seen. There Have a good summer. reproduced, without permission provided
is also an elephant encounter (with the proper credit is given to the originator.
same trainer as for last years tiger George and Jacki The editor reserves the right to edit all
encounter), a magic show, a clown material submited.

The Wisconsin REACT Council, a non-

profit corporation, represents all REACT

See You At teams in the state of Wisconsin.

The Wisconsin REACT Council and all

REACT teams are affilated with:

REACT International, Inc

5210 Auth Road Suite 403
Suitland, MD 20746-4330

Visit the Wisconsin

REACT Council
website at
Email [email protected]

The Campout with any suggestions, comments, about

our website.
April Minutes continued
the Calumet, Manitowoc, and good taste. Email your articles to Appreciation: Done.
Sheboygan counties. Members of this [email protected] or mail to the
team will include Nate Van Da Huvel council address and it will be forwarded District Director Assignment/Division:
and Brian Turkewicz who both have to the editors. The state will be divided into 2 districts:
been members of REACT before. They North and South. Ed Beltz will be the
have presented they team charter Public Relations: REACT Month is in District Director for the North District
application for the Council’s approval. May. Get out your PR stuff. It will help that includes the following areas: CMS,
The team will work with the local to gain new members. Fond du Lac, and Door County. The
emergency departments and with their Council Board will handle Marathon
local Salvation Army. A delegate from Sunshine: Jean Fry failed County at this time. Lisa Parrish will be
team 4364 made the motion with a Mindreading101 if someone on your the District Director for the South
second motion by the delegate from team is sick or has lost a loved one District that includes the following
team 4813 to accept the charter please let her know so that she can send areas: Tri-City, Waukesha, RSD,
application as presented at 1:15pm. Jeff out card. Portage, and Milwaukee.
Parrish, President, will send the
approval to RI and the team will receive Historian: Make sure you put who, No other Old Business to report.
their team charter number then. Motion what, where, and when on anything that
carried. Ed Beltz, Council Vice you send to the Historian. May be at the New Business
President, will work with the team. Let July meeting but for sure will be at Possible New Teams: See above in
the record show that we now have 7 Campout. regards to the letter from the New
delegates and 5 guests representing 4 Holstein area. In regards to the person
teams present. Communications/Hamfests: Hamfests who is from the Woodruff area: The
will be updated on the website. Please person shows to have a criminal
No other Team News to report at this remember that if you are talking on the background that is a felony and as a
time. radio to leave personal bickering for result of this a delegate from team 4813
later. Someone (unknown if a member of with a second motion from a delegate
Correspondence: Received a WI REACT) in Texas was fined for arguing from team 4364 to deny the application
REACTer back after it was determined over the radio. Please talk to your State for a team charter. It was discussed that
that Door County had closed their PO Representatives in regards to House Jeff Parrish, President, send a letter to
Box. Resolution 3876 and/or in regards to the the gentleman in regards to the denial of
Hero Act 1646 for emergency radio the charter. In this letter it will be stated
Committee Reports operators. that if he would like to discuss this
Campout: August 11-13, 2006. Fees matter he may do so before the Council
have not changed this year. It is $10 for Computer/Website: none to report at this Board at the July Meeting in Fond du
non-electric and $15 for electric. We time. Lac. Motion carried.
will have use of the pavilion again for
the potluck dinner. Special Needs: None to report at this Pins: Fond du Lac will be selling Breast
time. Cancer Awareness pins as a fundraiser.
Council Bylaws: none to report If you are interested in buying one they
Long Range Planning: None to report at will have them at the July Meeting.
Team Bylaws: Please make sure that you this time.
turn in yours so that we can add it to Delegates from team 4364 made the
your teams’ files. No other Committee Reports motion with a second motion from
delegates from team 4813 to adjourn the
Membership: We can always use new Old Business meeting. Motion carried. Meeting
members! At the Winter Board Meeting adjourned at 2:15pm.
for RI they said that the need for Marathon County: Lynessa has been
members is desperate all over. trying to find out when their meetings REACTively submitted by
are but the numbers that everyone has Lynessa Rissell
Newsletter: Can use articles at any time. given to her are either fax numbers or no Secretary
Feel free to send the editors anything in answers.

Happy 4th Of July

How to Clean House
1. Open a new file in your PC.
2. Name it “Housework”.
3. Send it to the Recycle Bin.
4. Empty the Recycle Bib.
5. Your PC will ask you, “Are you sure you want To delete
Housework permanently?”
6. Calmly answer “Yes”, and press mouse button firmly….
7. Feel Better?

Works for me!

General Meeting
MEETING DATE: Saturday, July 8, 2006

TIME: Noon to 4 p.m.

MEETING LOCATION: Fon du Lac Red Cross building

HOSTS: Fond du Lac REACT

CONTACT: Karen Beltz 920-923-4291

920-539-0017 (cell)

MONITOR CHANNEL: CB Channel 15, GMRS 462.675 simplex & 2 Meter 145.43
tone 107.2 call N9PJQ

Coming from the north, south, and west:
Find the best way to Hwy 41 and 23 in Fond du Lac. Take 23 to the east when you go over the bridge
Walgreens will be on your right hand side. On the corner of 23 and Main street. Turn left and go 2 blocks to
Arndt Street, turn left and park aon the street. Red Cross building is on the right hand side on the corner. Come
in the back door.

Coming from the east take 23 into Fond du Lac:

Got to the 3rd stop and go light which is Main street. Turn right and go 2 blacks to Arndt Street and make a left
turn and park on the street. Red Cross building is on the right hand side on the corner. Use back door.

Team News
4089 - Waukesha Area REACT and recently finished doing Walleye They will be helped Waukesha with the
Weekend. They held a Brat Fry on June Trailbreaker Marathon and did the
They did Trailkbreaker Marathon on 17th and have several more throughout March of Dimes Walk in April. They
April 1 and assissted Milwaskee with the summer. They have gained dix new did West Allis Western Days in June.
the March of Dime Walk in April. The members.
team worked the St. John Neumann 4813 - REACT Services Diversified
Festival in early June. 4365 -Tri City REACT
They attended an informational meeting
4364 - Fond du Lac Area REACT They had two events in May. on Avian Bird Flu and helped ESDA
with traffic control.
The team did the Memorial Day Parade 4712- Milwaukee County REACT
Wisconsin Council of REACT Teams
833 Cornelia Street
Janesville, WI 53545

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