Chinese - Yr 9 - Unit 1 - VELS Unit Planner
Chinese - Yr 9 - Unit 1 - VELS Unit Planner
Chinese - Yr 9 - Unit 1 - VELS Unit Planner
Step 1
1. What is worthy and desiring of understanding? (Identify desired results)
2. What is evidence of understanding? (Determine acceptable evidences)
3. What learning experiences and teaching promote understanding, interest and excellence? (Plan learning experiences and instructions)
Key Concept Introduce the daily activities in target language.
(Generative topic / why? /
big idea)
Dimensions: personal learning
a. They demonstrate understanding of cultural influences on the ways people behave and use language, through approximating
accurate and context-sensitive language use.
b. Through reflection, drafting, questioning linguistic relationships, observations and hypothesising, students demonstrate an
understanding that language is a complex system.
Step 2
1. What is worthy and desiring of understanding? (Identify desired results)
2. What is evidence of understanding? (Determine acceptable evidences)
3. What learning experiences and teaching promote understanding, interest and excellence? (Plan learning experiences and instructions)
Sequence Understanding Performances of Understanding Ongoing Assessment Reference to
Goals (Criteria, feedback & reflection) specific VELS
Introductory Build up Practice with students in the class. Do revision Vocab tests Comprehension of
Performances knowledge on by the means of worksheets and tests. personal and
(Tuning in) how Chinese factual information
characters on defined topics
formed and how when listening.
to write and use
Learn to express Introduce the new vocab and sentences. Vocab test manipulation of
information in a PowerPoint presenting modelled
paragraph in language,
Chinese recycling.
Use of key
Listening and Vocab tests grammar to
Speaking: Apply Introduce new vocabulary. Practice frequently Self assessing on recognise the Hanzi convey accurate
new knowledge in the correct order. personal and
and new factual information
vocabulary to on given topics in
daily life. paragraphs based
on models.
Guided Inquiry Build up a. Students are to tell the class what they Correct worksheets. Comprehension of
Performances knowledge on did in the holiday. Help with the PowerPoint making. personal and
(Finding out / how Chinese b. Students are to do the worksheets to Activities on recognise new characters and factual information
sorting out / characters recall what they learned writing characters. on defined topics
going further) formed and how c. Students are to do some games relevant when listening.
to write and use to past learning.
Chinese d. Students are to learn and practice
characters Chinese characters writing.
Learn to express a. Students are to do the worksheet to Correct students’ work. manipulation of
information in a recall what they learnt. Have discussion with students in class. modelled
paragraph in b. Student to share information in the Prepare enough resources for students to refer language,
Chinese class. to. Give students examples on the paragraph recycling.
characters. c. Students are to be assessed by the writing.
assignments. Help students with speak out.
d. Students are to speak out about the
information in the paragraph.
Through reflection,
Listening and a. Students and the teacher have a. Discuss. drafting, questioning
Speaking: Apply conversations in Chinese in every b. Organise excursion to create an linguistic
new knowledge lesson. environment to speak Chinese. relationships,
observations and
and new b. Students are encouraged to have c. Show Chinese DVDs.
vocabulary to conversations in Chinese in groups. d. Chinese study Tour. students demonstrate
daily life. c. Students are to be assessed by doing an understanding
oral presentations. that language is a
d. Students are encourage to communicate complex system.
with the students from Chinese Study
Use of key
grammar to
Express Students are to complete worksheets. Discuss. convey accurate
frequency and Correct worksheet. personal and
show factual information
understanding of on given topics in
grammatical paragraphs based
points such as on models.
words order and
sentence styles.
Culminating Build up Students are to make a PowerPoint to introduce Direct and help students to do the
Performances knowledge on China. They are required to use target PowerPoint.
(Making how Chinese language.
conclusions / characters
taking action) formed and how
to write and use
Learn to express
information in a
paragraph in
Listening and
Speaking: Apply
new knowledge
and new
vocabulary to
daily life.
frequency and
understanding of
points such as
words order and
sentence styles.
Step 3
1. What is worthy and desiring of understanding? (Identify desired results)
2. What is evidence of understanding? (Determine acceptable evidences)
3. What learning experiences and teaching promote understanding, interest and excellence? (Plan learning experiences and instructions)
Weekly Overview
(Units may vary in length. A 6 week timeframe is not prescriptive)
Term 1 Character reading writing.
Week 1-2: Introduce how characters came from and teach students to write some new characters.
Week 3: Focus on using dictionaries to look up new characters.
Wee 4: Give students sentences and paragraphs and let students use dictionaries to translate them into English.
Week 5: Read stories books and translate.
Week 6-8: Assignment.
a. Use brush to write characters.
b. Translate stories books.
c. Remember 20 characters. Write it on a sheet and the teacher will test it.
Term 2 Subjects in the school: Make a class timetable. The equipments in school. The scores for assessments.
Week 1-2: Names of different subjects.
Week 3: Assignment – make a school timetable in Chinese.
Week 4: Conversation in class.
Week 5: Conversation between students in school.
Week 6: Equipments in school.
Week 7: Assignment – Element one: Interview with the teacher.
Week 8: Assignment – Element two: Conversation with peers.
Week 9: Assignment – Element three: Draw a picture to show your school and introduce your school in Chinese Characters.
Week 10: Excursion?
Week 11: Online activities.
Term 3 Sports: Introduce the Chinese names for different sports activities. Talk about the sport games. Related with the 2008 Olympic Game.
Festivals: Introduce the names for different festivals in the world. Set up a plan the Christmas /Easter.
Week 7: Introduce the names of festivals.
Week 8: Food for different festivals.
Week 9: Compare with one of the Chinese festivals and one of the western festivals.
Week 10: Make a plan for one of the festival.