Spiritual Warrior I-Uncovering Spiritual Truths in Psychic Phenomena
Spiritual Warrior I-Uncovering Spiritual Truths in Psychic Phenomena
Spiritual Warrior I-Uncovering Spiritual Truths in Psychic Phenomena
ditors preface
uthors preface
television, on the radio and in many diverse publications ranging from prestigious scientific journals to comic books.
Paranormal experiences will increase as philosophers and religionists more closely examine universal truths, as people ask
more soul-searching questions and as modern technology taps
more subtle levels of awareness.
The purpose of this book is two-fold. The first is to present
information that will encourage the reader to view the world
from a perspective that is little explored, a perspective transcendental to conventional material or metaphysical analyses.
The second purpose is to provide answers to long-unanswered
questions and to stimulate new questions to assist us in raising
our standards and goals. As we increase our standards, we will
hold ourselves and others more accountable. Three important
themes throughout the book are 1) the distinction between
positive and negative psychic phenomena, 2) the distinctions
among the physical, astral, and spiritual realms, and 3) our
ability to create our own realities based on our consciousness.
We must all be spiritual warriors armed with practical knowledge and skills to spiritually fortify us during these challenging times. In this way, we will be preparing for the
transformation to come and can serve as agents of positive
change. Those who are willing to make this commitment to
spiritual growth will benefit the most from this book.
fewer hours and still get quality sleep, then sleeping between
ten and twelve at night is best.
Consider your state of mindyour consciousnessbefore
going to sleep. This is extremely important. Make a commitment to spend at least fifteen minutes spiritualizing your
consciousness before going to bed. Read something spiritual,
listen to spiritual discourse or music, or engage in discussion
on a spiritual topic. Push aside the chaos and confusion that
were a part of your day, and focus on spiritual reality. In this
way, you will prepare yourself for the next six to eight hours
of sleep. If you allow yourself to focus spiritually, you will
provide less of an opportunity for negative elements to enter
your dreams. You can then benefit most from your sleeping
Sleep can also assist with problem resolution. You would
be amazed to know that many major discoveries in human
history have resulted from revelations that occur upon arising.
People first reflect on a particular problem before resting.
During sleep, they concentrate on the problem on an unconscious level. When they awaken, they have the resolution to
the conflict or problem. Part of what happens when the physical body is at rest is that you become more receptive to higher
beings that serve as your guides. No one is a solitary agent. We
all have various types of guides who assist us. Most important,
there is a form of God in everyones heart, and when you put
the physical body to rest, you make closer contact with the
Lord in the heart and with your higher self.
Question: How do we attract help from higher personalities through our dreams?
Answer: Since dreams are influenced by the predominant
activities and mental preoccupations of the waking state, in
order to attract higher beings you must engage in consciously
higher activities. If we spend our days speaking verbal
garbage and engaging in activities that do harm to ourselves
and other living entities, why would any being of a higher
vibration want to associate with us in our dreams or otherwise? Thus, if we raise the vibrations of our surroundings by
meditating and acting according to a higher standard, utilizing
prayer and focusing on helping others, we will be guided by
those whose role it is to assist souls in their spiritual development.
tion. The medium planets are the earth-like planets. The higher
planets are those heavenly kingdoms that people sometimes
call Heaven. Above all these planetary systems is the kingdom
of God, or the spiritual world, which is anti-material in nature
and has nothing to do with the mundane world. Science,
specifically exobiology, says that there are billions of other
universes, many of which contain life molecules. Our planet is
actually like a speck of dust floating in one of the smallest
universes in the creation. By considering our minute position
in the larger scheme, we can be more open to aspects of this
discussion that may seem completely outside of everyday
does not fall very low. At other times, the post is given to a
being who is almost 100 percent perfect but has not
completely transcended the tendency to be in control. Such a
soul is given a chance to channel those desires by being a cocreator with God and being responsible for seeing that the
material manifestation of the universes take place in the proper
manner. Everyone has had the opportunity to occupy the same
post as Brahma, but because of association with material
energy, cannot remember. Some of you may have had that post
for millions of lifetimes.
Brahma has a life span of 311,000,040,000,000 (311 trillion 40 million) years. Such a number may seem fantastic, but
consider how your view of time and space is relative to your
body. A small ant would see the distance from one wall to the
other as being tremendous, but to an elephant it would be just
a few steps. What to speak of those beings who are the size of
a planet, or of those beings who are the sun, the moon, and the
earth? Yes, the earth that we call Mother is itself a living entity.
Just as you are a universe with living entities, like bacteria,
inside of you, so too is this planet. When you start letting your
mind consider these things freely, you will see that there are so
many aspects of space, time, and different dimensions, and
that it is all relative.
Since Brahma is a material being, albeit a very advanced
one, he too leaves his body at the end of his life span. When
he leaves his body after 311 trillion years, all creation is annihilated in his particular universe. Every four billion years, all
the planetary systems are completely destroyed, including the
top heavenly planets. Within those four billion year periods,
there are fourteen distinct intervals of temporary annihilation.
This is the rhythm within which organized and systematic
creation, maintenance, and annihilation take place. Every two
thousand years, there are also some major shake-ups. Those on
the earth planet are in the introductory phases of a major
shake-up that is about to come to a head very soon. Many of
you have come to this particular planet and universe at this
Paradise Found?
Now that we have a better understanding of the functioning of the our universes, lets examine the heavenly planets.
We said earlier that there is a difference between the kingdom
of God and the heavenly planets. In the Koran when Prophet
Muhammad made his ascension, he traveled with the Angel
Gabriel first to the lower hellish planets and then to the heavenly kingdoms up to the Seventh Heaven, which is the highest
material planet. At that point, Angel Gabriel could not go with
him any further. Prophet Muhammad then went to SidratilMuntaha, which is beyond the heavens; it is in the spiritual
world, the abode of Allah. There he had personal association
with Allah. Angel Gabriel wasnt allowed to go to that level
because he was not properly qualified. Prophet Muhammad
was able to have that experience because of his level of purity
and dedication to the will of Allah.
When we talk about heaven, we are talking about places or
states where intensified and unceasing pleasure is available.
These experiences are available from the earth level up to
higher planetary systems. Although such a place is called
paradise, we are not really talking about the place where the
Supreme Lord resides. We must make this distinction. When
the Bible states that God created the heavens and the earth, one
may wonder where God was situated when the heavens were
being created. It can be logically concluded that there is a
difference between the heavens and where the Lord resides.
The heavens are a part of the material creation. The Lord
resides in the spiritual world.
How is one chosen to go to heaven? The key determinant
is ones consciousness. There are three basic modes or principles that permeate the material atmosphere and influence our
consciousness. Based on our desires, one of the three modes
will have a predominant influence on our mentality and consequent actions. The first or lowest mode is the mode of ignorance, which leads one to be aggressive, obnoxious, unclean,
animalistic, exploitative, lazy, and manipulative. Those in this
mode enjoy inflicting pain on others. People who have mainly
lived under that influence will go to a hellish environment
when they leave their bodies at death. They must spend some
time there for serious adjustment and rectification.
Then there is the mode of passion. Persons in this mode
are very attached to material gain, success, fame, and power.
Those individuals are attached to family life and the material
environment. Those who leave the body while in the mode of
passion will normally come back to an environment that is
predominantly self-centered. Such a place is actually not hell,
but surely it is not a heaven.
The mode of goodness influences one to be pious, religious, philanthropic, compassionate and ethical. People in this
mode try to love their neighbors as themselves. They are
usually vegetarians and are greatly concerned with the earth
and its inhabitants. When they leave their bodies, they have
many opportunities to go to the heavenly kingdoms for various types of pleasurable experiences, which are like extended
vacations. However, even residing in the heavenly kingdoms
with all of their pleasures is only temporary. It is the payment
you get for the pious activity performed.
It is difficult to go directly from the heavenly kingdom to
the spiritual world because the lack of duality and suffering in
of the moon, the god of water, or the god of air. We can see the
influence on this planet because even here some people are
worshiping one of these aspects of the Godhead. In some cases
its due to some previous experience on a planet where that
particular aspect is dominant and worshiped with reverence
and distinction.
If the heavenly environment sounds exciting to you, then
maybe thats what you need to pursue in this lifetime. If it
doesnt sound quite so exciting, consider that there is something even beyond that environment. These descriptions of the
heavenly realms can give some stimulation, if you want it.
Remember, though, that youll be settling for a mere vacation,
because life in the heavenly planets has to come to an end.
Sometimes after a vacation is over, you get more work than
you ever expected, and you may even question if it was wise
to have taken that vacation in the first place.
Angels in Action
There is a difference between angels and other entities
such as ghosts. A ghost can be a disembodied entity, a being
that didnt quite make the transition to its next physical body.
Even though it doesnt have a physical body, the desires for
carnal involvement still persist. For this reason, it tries to enter
and use a physical body. A ghost performs pranks and basically has the same mentality as it did in its last embodiment.
The ghost of a highly mischievous and devious person will
emanate the same kind of disturbance as the individual did
while in the physical body. A ghost will make you fearful. If a
ghost is present in your room, you will feel as though a breeze
has just entered. If you are touched by the ghost, you will
experience a sensation of coldness.
When you come into contact with an angel, it is not
because the angel is lost as is a ghost; the angel is on a specific
mission. The angel may give you a blessing, a benediction, a
warning, guidance, and even protection. An angel is not trying
to enter into you and work through your physical form for
sense gratification or to engage in pranks at your expense. The
presence of the angel gives you a sense of warmth, security,
solace, and comfort. Angels have always been helpers to the
material universe.
You may know from biblical studies that an angel
appeared to Abraham to stop Abraham from slaying his son.
An angel descended to close the mouth of the lion when
Daniel was thrown into the pit. An angel appeared to take
Peter out of incarceration. Angels appeared to the Prophet
Muhammad. These examples reflect the role of angels as
helpers of humankind. The book of Revelations emphasizes
the coming of different types of angels. There are many scriptural references to angelic interactions.
Sometimes one may have difficulties distinguishing
between a helpful guide such as an angel and an entity that has
its own selfish agenda in mind. A simple way to evaluate these
beings is to discern whether they are pious or impious. The
efforts of the pious ones are directed towards assistance. The
impious ones are literally trying to bring stagnation into your
If you have contact with an extraordinary pious life force,
dont waste time trying to determine the exact type of angel.
There are angels who are like babies or children, others who
to be escapists and run away from life. Instead, they are trying
to bring us back to reality and to help us escape from this
material prison. Although they come from diverse traditions,
their messages are the same.
Just as there are demigods and angels working on behalf
of humankind, demonic agents are also extremely active in the
world right now. There is a war going on at this time between
the pious and the impious entities. Many of the earth changes
we will be experiencing in the coming years will be due to evil
entities making their last attempt to cause massive chaos and
pandemonium. As a result of this, we are going to experience
many more wars, both on gross and subtle levels.
The idea of a new world order, or of a one-world government, is not a matter of speculation. It is on the way to becoming a reality. The issue has become: who will control that
one-world government, that one-world order? That is what the
conflict is about between the pious and impious beings. The
struggle between these two forces is causing many of the
conflicts and transitions that individuals are experiencing at
this particular time. This struggle may flare up externally as
war. It may flare up as tribal tension. It may flare up as religious tension. They are all symptoms of what is happening on
the subtle level.
One of the most devastating weapons in this regard is
mind control. As we enter the twenty-first century, well see
that such subversive tactics will increasingly be influencing
world citizens. However, angelic beings are also here doing
their work. You may even recognize that you are a visitor
yourself who has a tremendous amount of responsibility to
help bring about a higher level of collective consciousness in
this particular universe.
worship. By explaining the demigods, the angels, the ancestors and their influence, we do not mean that you should
worship them, but that as servants of the Supreme we should
have great respect for them. Even though they are on a higher
level than we are, they are still part of the material world.
Question: I have heard it said that sanskrit is a language
used by the devas. Can you speak about how languages affect
the mind?
Answer: There is a vast difference between the ancient
languages and those we use today. Language affects thought.
Those of you who speak more than one language are aware of
the different moods evoked by each language. Some languages
are more limited than others in the amount of themes and ideas
that can be expressed. Words that can describe something in
one language may not exist in another language to convey that
meaning easily. Language affects how we perceive the world
and also how we relate to the world. Modern languages are
gradually losing their ability to connect with the spiritual,
because they deal less with metaphysical and spiritual
phenomena and more with the material realm. Thus you see
that monks, priests, yogis, and medicine men will often use an
ancient language to invoke certain impressions in the
consciousness and to stimulate certain faculties.
Specific languages can also affect certain chakras and can
penetrate the covers of material nature. In the material world
the soul is covered by eight material elements. Five of these
are gross: earth, water, fire, air and ether, and three are subtle:
mind, intelligence, and false ego. False ego refers to the false
identification of ourselves as material bodies rather than spiritual souls. Specific languages vibrate with the potency to
penetrate these elements and reach the soul. Therefore, even if
we do not understand with our intelligence or minds what is
being said, and our false ego is resisting, the soul is getting the
message that is meant for it.
tisement from parents can instill the correct behavior in children. One may view parental chastisement as negative, but it
is actually an expression of love. People draw chastisement to
them based on actions they commit, but it should be viewed
less as an imposed punishment and more as a natural result of
improper action. This type of thinking helps us to appreciate
the opportunities for growth that our challenges provide.
Due to a misunderstanding of these issues, people believe
that God and evil are mutually exclusive concepts. Seen from
a more transcendental perspective, however, these two opposites are integrally related, as the two sides of a coin are
related. Again, we all have the choice to serve God or to focus
on serving ourselves. The reason we are in this prison of
misery is because of our desire to serve ourselves. For choosing not to serve God, we receive painful reactions.
determine which action will be taken. Those with less resistance can be influenced by negative energy because they have
allowed themselves to tune into it. The voices become the reality for them, often with insane acts as the result. If we choose
to reject negative messages, not only will these entities have
no influence on us, they will not be drawn to us in the first
place. Therefore, we will not make them a reality.
A relationship with negative energies can also occur
through involvement in occult activities such as seances. Even
if this activity is undertaken as a joke, it is dangerous because
seances can attract demonic energy. Those that take part in
seances and similar activities sometimes perceive negative
entities and can be possessed by them. The amount of people
engaging in satanic worship is on the increase; the church of
Satan is growing rapidly. Some of the top military government
officers are in the church of Satan as are some of the top entrepreneurs, while some secret societies pay allegiance to the
These days we must fortify ourselves against the evil that
is available in the atmosphere. At one point in history, the
forces of good and evil did not occupy the same universe.
Humanitys spiritual resolve was pure and determined enough
to keep good and evil separate. Over a period of time, sin
permeated the atmosphere and good and evil began to associate not only in the same universe but later within the same
planet and eventually within the same individual. These higher
and lower selves that individuals now embody are constantly
battling for control. The mind constantly flirts between one
polarity and the other, being controlled to some extent by
ones surroundings and associations. Currently, for many
people the lower self is becoming dominant, and these individuals are becoming increasingly sinful. The higher self is
becoming covered with lust, anger, and greed. People are
gradually losing the ability to control and manipulate their
own bodies. They are losing their independence and are
becoming puppets of their mind and senses. We must examine
Hell in Heaven
In the final category of hellish planets there is no torture.
There are what are called subterranean heavenly planets. One
may wonder why they are classified as hell. By definition, hell
refers to how little God-consciousness there is. In the subterranean heavenly planets there is an intense atmosphere of
sense gratification and self-enjoyment, even to a greater extent
than in some of the higher heavenly planets. However, there is
little or no God-awareness. Certain types of souls enter these
planets and suffer there. It is like being under house arrest. The
environment seems nice, but it is still a form of incarceration
because the souls are imprisoned by their desires to serve their
own senses instead of God. Attempts to serve the body, mind,
and senses rather than the Lord ultimately result in misery.
These descriptions of the hellish planets sound pretty farfetched, but they are real for the beings who need to experience them. For a person of higher consciousness, such things
do not exist. Each us of has the ability to align ourselves with
one reality or the other. Once we have been exposed to this
type of information, our energy should be focused on how we
can reestablish our relationship with God, functioning in our
natural role as His servants. The more our desire to serve the
Lord increases, the more provisions are made so we never
have to worry about these material experiences again. Fear is
natural, but the power of love supersedes everything in this
material world. By raising our consciousness we can align
ourselves with the source of all love and fulfill our purpose in
this material arena without having to become preoccupied
with the rapidly decaying fabric of society or with the symptoms of an age coming to an end.
away from Him. We are given that much leeway. When a child
is deviant and causes the mother some difficulty, the mother
may say, Just go to your room and do what you like.
Although the child is in the room, the mother is still concerned
and still wishes the best for the child. But due to the childs
insistence on learning through experience, instead of learning
through hearing, the parent says, Okay, just do what you
like, giving the child the freedom to play out his or her
desires. Although they never take away the childs free will,
parents try to do what is best for the child. They educate the
child so that he or she can use that free will properly in due
That scenario is basically what our situation is like here in
the material world. We are being given some leeway to use our
free will, and we generally use it in the wrong way. But as
soon as we want to turn back or as soon as we grow tired of
trying to experience enjoyment outside of our connection with
the Lord, then we are on our way back home to God. In the
learning process, many times we are faced with severe
difficulties. We may have to go through multiple lifetimes of
hardship, until we are no longer satisfied with the mundane,
until we strive for what is rightfully ours: love of God. When
we become even a little bit aware of this, we start to investigate the meaning of life more seriously. As soon as we start
this exploration, help is available. The Lord sends us highly
evolved souls, the scriptures, and divine insight as support as
we advance toward Him.
Question: Based on my religious upbringing, I grew up
with a lot of fear about going to hell if I was bad. In spiritual
life is it necessary to fear God or to even have fear? Isnt the
power of love stronger?
Answer: The power of love is the strongest force in
creation. When it is not properly directed, however, it becomes
one of the most devastating forces because it becomes a force
of lust and greed. Lust and love are different sides of the same
coin, just as electricity can be used to heat or cool things
depending on how it is channeled. It is lust that causes so
much of mans inhumanity to man. It causes so much abuse,
misuse and exploitation. It is love that has the ability to rectify
and heal.
An immature child has conditioned responses based on
rewards and punishments. Punishments instill fear, but as the
child matures, behavior is based on love. Thus, the child
thinks, Mommy and Daddy will be disturbed if I do this; so I
will not do it. When the love is not so grounded, the child
thinks, I must not do this, because if I do, I will get
Similarly, when our spirituality is not very deep, our relationship with the Supreme Lord is based on rewards, punishment and fear. We dont behave in certain ways because we
dont want to be chastised. As we mature, our choices to act or
not act are no longer based on fear. Instead, they are determined by our willingness to render selfless service and we
become eager to do what is required out of genuine love. As
the surrender becomes deep and sincere, the Lord reciprocates
with blessings and grace accordingly. Ultimately, everything is
based on our surrender and devotion.
The major fear that people experience is fear about the
future. Actually, there is nothing but the present. The past is
already gone; its traits and patterns are upon us now. The
future is just around the corner; it is becoming the present
moment by moment. If we were more conscious about the
present, we wouldnt be so fearful about the future, especially
because we would have more control of what form that future
would take. What we do now prepares for us what we will
receive in the future. This is karma. Our present thoughts and
activities produce certain future reactions. The people who are
most fearful are those who are the most insecure. Those who
are insecure should take a closer look at their belief systems
and lifestyles. Sometimes people are fearful because they are
sychic intrusion
Limited Senses
Consider the limited nature of the human condition. The
human body itself has many limitations. Our senses do not tell
us the truth; they lie to us at every moment. Our ears and eyes
are not as acute as we might think. We cannot hear the sounds
nor see the sights that occur merely one building away.
Sometimes were not even aware of whats going on right
under our nose. We can only perceive certain phenomena
through the use of microscopes, telescopes, or other types of
amplifying equipment. Otherwise, were virtually helpless.
We cant smell an odor from the back of the room and sometimes we cant smell things that are only a few feet away! We
are not consciously aware of the clothes touching our bodies.
The range of what we perceive as reality is in actuality incredibly narrow. Events occur all around us that are beyond our
immediate awareness; a whole imperceptible realm exists that
has direct effects on us. Given these facts, it easy to understand
how we can be psychically controlled.
Subliminal Suggestion
One popular method of mind control is subliminal suggestion. This can be defined as the process of introducing information at a level below the threshold of conscious awareness,
in an attempt to direct the course of ones thoughts or actions.
Although it occurs surreptitiously, most people are aware that
it is widely usedespecially in advertising. Advertisements in
magazines, in newspapers, on billboards or on television are
designed to affect the subconscious through the use of various
kinds of imagery, often of a sexual nature. The sexual overtones link the advertised product to pleasure, and it is this
anticipation of a pleasurable experience that stimulates a
desire for the product.
As masters of psychology, advertisers frequently create an
illusion of need for superfluous items. Driven by the senses,
the consumer becomes a puppet easily manipulated by the
media. In one study, viewers in a movie theater were given
Power in Music
Another way to manipulate the consciousness is by infusing the ethers with polluting sound vibrations, particularly
through music. This is a very powerful means of control
because sound affects human consciousness at the deepest
possible level. Subliminal messages through the medium of
music provide a means of psychic control. The self-development movement makes use of tapes with subliminal messages
to assist people with their growth. However, negative
messages can be given just as easily as positive ones. Although
the conscious mind may be unaware of the messages, the
subconscious mind is being programmed. Supermarkets and
department stores use subliminal messages to boost sales.
Hidden in the canned Muzak is often a message to purchase a
particular set of items. Stores also use these messages in a
positive way. Experiments indicate that subtle suggestions not
to steal have decreased the amount of shoplifting significantly.
By constantly projecting these sounds, the store owners have
saved millions of dollars.
We can see the power of sound vibration in the effects of
certain types of music. There is music that increases aggres-
Psychics at Work
A psychic is a person who is especially attuned and sensitive to energies beyond the physical realm. Psychics can use
their abilities positively, to assist others, or negatively, as a
means of controlling others. They can, from a separate room,
literally put someone to sleep and then revive that individual,
who has no awareness of the intrusion. In documented cases,
some psychics have focused their energies on a persons
nervous system and overwhelmed it, administering a psychic
knockout! Everyone has the ability to develop these faculties.
Some have developed them more than others to the point
where they can influence someones thoughts or see what
another is doing in a distant place.
Many world leaders, today as well as in the past, are
involved in some of these pursuits. Hitler explored psychic
phenomena. It is believed that Napoleon was a psychic. Stalin
interacted with a very powerful psychic, Wolf Messing,
instructing him to rob a bank. The psychic handed a blank note
to the bank teller and mentally willed him to hand over a sum
of money. He intruded upon the tellers mental space to such a
degree that the teller promptly handed over the money.
Much research has been conducted on psychic phenomena
and continues to this day. The former Soviet Union has
invested millions of dollars in their best institutions for training psychics and has done fascinating experiments with subtle
powers. America, too, has invested much time, money, and
manpower in the military uses of psychic energy. Great
amounts of money and the most sophisticated technology are
being used in the areas of espionage. If intelligence specialists
really want to discover something, they have the ability to do
so. Practically any electrical appliance in your home can be
used to gather information about you.
In the world today, there is an increasing polarization
between those who are focused on manipulation and exploitation and those focused on spiritual growth and inner develop-
Point One
The more you identify with your mind, the more you can
become susceptible to mind intrusion. Although you have
been conditioned to see your mind as you, your mind is actually not you. You are the user of the mind in the same way that
you are the user of your shoes, your coat, or your sweater; you
are the person who makes use of your mind. Whatever you use
is not you. It is actually the soul that uses the intellect, the
mind, and the body.
The mind is constantly engaged in accepting and rejecting
stimuli in its environment. Your environment, particularly
your immediate environment, largely determines what your
mind grabs and holds onto. In most cases, the mind is your
worst enemy, because your mind has been conditioned to tell
you that you should go after whatever your senses desire. Your
mind has been conditioned to tell you that as long as you are
identifying with the basic functions of eating, sleeping,
mating, and defending, then there is nothing else to worry
about. The you that the mind tells you to be is not the real
There is a greater you, a greater potential within yourself,
within the soul. So how do you handle the mind? A powerful
technique is to treat your mind as another person who is speaking to you. When your mind starts telling you things that are
unhealthy or untrue, when your mind starts giving you grief,
when your mind starts causing fear, when your mind starts
arousing anxiety, dont accept these thoughts. You can better
reject them if you have already realized that there is a distinction between the mind and you. Always remember that
because you are separate from the mind, you can evaluate
what the mind is dictating to you.
This practice will help you when you are the target of
mind intrusion and are not really responsible for the mental
energy that is being imposed upon you. You will act with
wisdom because you will be able to recognize what is occurring.
As long as you identify with the mind, you immediately
act upon what the mind dictates. The mind will control you,
instead of the opposite, and will cause needless complications.
Point Two
It is important to not identify with your own or others
problems. When people tell you their problems, they literally
give these difficulties to you. You are now carrying their problems, and usually their problems continue to increase because
they are thinking of nothing else. You may also find yourself
so overwhelmed by your own challenges that you feel like you
are under a great weight and are unable to move. A little technique in dealing with these situations is to visualize yourself
the way you want to be when you have reached a state of
perfection or have moved to a higher level. As you focus on
that image, you are creating it and you will bring yourself back
up again.
Point Three
Because the state of the body has a powerful effect on
consciousness, your diet is a vital weapon of psychic defense.
Point Four
Intoxication, in all its forms and to any degree, makes us
very vulnerable to psychic intrusion. Youve heard alcoholics
talk about seeing pink elephants. This is not a hallucination.
As you allow your body to degenerate under the effects of
intoxication, the vibration of the body moves into lower planes
of existence. As you tune into these lower planes, you contact
disembodied beings.
It is no accident that much of the world is now suffering
from drug-related problems. Worldwide infrastructures will
continue to fall apart as long as those who run them remain
addicted to drugs. Metaphysically, if you take drugs you are
putting holes in your astral body. It is as if you were summoning the entities associated with psychic intrusions, mental
attacks, and possessions. Most people who take drugs have a
visitor inside of them of whom they are totally unaware. They
have much more than just the drug hindering them; they are
carrying various beings with them. Some of these entities just
wait for opportunities and environments where they can
intrude. If you are opening your door and calling, then somebody might come in. Using drugs is like calling in unwanted
subtle visitors.
In addition to drugs and alcohol, gambling is another form
of intoxication. In places such as Las Vegas and Atlantic City,
people become addicted to getting something for nothing.
Because there are clearly defined symptoms in people who are
addicted to gambling, it is now viewed as a distinct disease.
People are treated in clinics because they cant control themselves. Lottery systems are not in place by accident. The state
lottery systems are bail-out mechanisms used when a state is
in financial trouble. Leaders are fully aware that gambling is a
form of intoxication and can result in much financial gain. One
involved in gambling is also opening the door and inviting
outside entities in.
Point Five
The proper use of sexual energy is critical for inner stabilization and psychic protection. One of the highest uses of
sexual energy is to attract pious souls to take birth in this
realm, offering them a commitment to spiritually guide and
nurture them. In this way, these souls will eventually take up
the role of guides and teachers themselves. Utter misuse of
sexual energy can be seen in practices such as pornography.
Pornography totally devalues the beauty of the male-female
relationship. It directs men to view women as pleasure units to
be manipulated and enjoyed. Pornography propagates a
mentality of irresponsibility and produces minds that are
controlled by perversion. Pornography is very lucrative
through means such as magazines and the film and recording
industries. Along with drugs, it is one of the biggest and
fastest-growing industries on the planet. It has now reached
the point that many children are being abducted for pornographic films and satanic rituals. We are surrounded everywhere with these types of negative energies.
Answer: To understand psychics, one should first understand something about the psychic realm, the realm that deals
with paranormal experiences. There are a variety of psychic
phenomena and abilities. One category of psychic phenomena
involves having experiences beyond the gross physical senses,
such as in remote viewing. Remote viewing is the ability to
perceive what is going on in another location. It can be likened
to the ability to send your eyes and mind somewhere else
while your body remains where it is. You can then observe a
situation and report what is occurring. Another psychic ability
is clairaudience, which means that you can hear something
that is not in your immediate environment. This may involve
hearing or seeing realities in other dimensions.
Another category of psychic phenomena is mental telepathy, which refers to receiving impressions with the mind, as in
reading someone elses thoughts. Two other areas are hypnosis, the ability to induce a state of heightened susceptibility to
suggestion, and psychokinesis, which is the use of mental
energy to move objects. There are other types of psychic abilities along these same lines.
There is another classification of abilities known as
siddhis; this literally means mystic perfections. The siddhi
known as anima is the ability to become very small, like a
particle. Kamavasayita-siddhi is the ability to assume any
shape or form one desires. Prapti-siddhi is a mystic power that
enables one to acquire a material item from any place in the
universe without physically going to get it. The ability to
control all the material elements is vasitva-siddhi.
There is a certain siddhi that allows one to summon the
soul of a person who has just died back into the physical body.
Jesus Christ, Ezekiel, and Elijah in the Christian tradition were
able to revive people from the dead. Since the physical body
is just a garment, the soul has the ability to come and go. Thus,
someone who has developed this particular mystic perfection
can summon a soul back into the body.
In our current day and age, many people visit psychics and
FOs, extraterrestrials,
and the mother-ship
The Mother-ship
A term frequently heard in UFO discussions is mothership. A mother-ship is a type of UFO that is like a huge flying
city. A mother-ship can contain hundreds or even thousands
of smaller ships that are the size of ballrooms. If fully lit up, a
mother-ship would shine more powerful than 10,000 suns.
They are incredibly large.
There have been times in our history when mother-ships
have appeared, but the occurrences were misunderstood. For
example, the Star of Bethlehem was a mother-ship. The
destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah was carried
out by a mother-ship. Angel Gabriel and Moses had connections with a mother-ship. Many of the Vedic vimanas were
mother-ships. Several years ago, a Japanese pilot reported a
strange sighting: he was being followed by fifty to sixty small
units coming out of a larger unit. This was a mother-ship as
The beings of the mother-ships look more like us than any
other extraterrestrial being. They have always monitored this
particular universe. Their role is to assist the earth with
balance and advancement. They are providing support through
the transformation of consciousness that is happening now and
the transformation that will be necessary in the future. They
are able to prevent certain catastrophes and currently are
monitoring nuclear armaments to help control this precarious
History has recorded the continuous battle between good
and evil, both of which fight to control the fate of humankind.
As beings of higher consciousness (and those striving to attain
a higher consciousness) come increasingly in contact with
those who still seek selfish gain, a phenomenal cleansing takes
place. Life on the planet is partially or completely destroyed.
Mother-ships are responsible for ensuring that the population
is reestablished after this cleansing. During destructive events,
beings of the mother-ship beam up human beings of high
Alien Profiles
Lets now examine a few types of extraterrestrials. The
first category of such entities includes the ones who oversee
the mother-ships: the demigods. One type comes from the
North Star and beyond. If you could see them, you would
immediately notice their fiery bodies. They are very tall,
approximately eight feet in height. They have tremendous
mystic powers. They are able to move at the speed of the mind
and have the extraordinary ability to be able to see what we are
doing at any time. There are many categories of demigods who
reside in the higher planetary systems.
The second classification of alien beings is called the
gray type. They are depicted as very short with large black
eyes, big oval heads, thin bodies and vestigial mouths, noses
and ears. This type carries out the majority of the abductions.
One major book about abductions is Communion by Whitley
Streiber. It details UFO contact in which people have been
abducted and subjected to various types of experiments,
resulting in a change of consciousness. Examinations are typical of UFO abductions. The examination involves exploring
and probing the abductees body with elaborate machines.
Instruments are inserted in the body, particularly in the nose
and rectum. Humans who have been abducted in this way later
experience pain or consistent bleeding in the nose.
Some people who have been abducted have dreams of
being raped or of being on a spaceship and ejaculating continuously. These dreams represent their real experiences. The
abductors take semen and use it for the continuation of their
own race. Humans who have had their seed taken during these
experiences later feel pain in the genitals. If you have had
recurring dreams of associating with something otherworldy
and have experienced the problems just mentioned, then you
may have already been affected by these beings. But dont
fear; these entities are not necessarily negative. They are a sad
case. They have minimized the ability to love and thus have
evolved without loving tendencies. Having evolved into a
state where they are basically composed only of intelligence,
they have no emotions. This is why their heads are big and
their bodies are small. They use their mental capabilities to
abduct; they paralyze their subjects through mental telepathy.
These entities have a very deep involvement and interaction
with this planet. Part of their preoccupation with this planet is
due to their desire to acquire emotions.
Another classification of aliens are those found at the
center of the earth. Some of these aliens are not humanoid
while others, such as those descendants of the lost continents of Mu and Atlantis [see chapter eight], are humanoid.
During the fall of Mu and Atlantis, some residents were guided
by the mother-ship to take shelter at the earths center.
Surprisingly, some unidentified flying objects do not necessarily come from other planets but from the core of our own.
There are also those extraterrestrials who are of a definite
negative nature. They rebel against the divine order and negatively affect earthly arrangements. They are sometimes called
demons. There are humans who maintain contact with these
negative extraterrestrials. These personalities have
consciously evolved into tyrants. They are trying to control the
minds of people on this planet for personal power and the
amassment of slaves. They encourage people to engage in
scams, initiate wars and participate in satanic worship. These
tyrants have highly placed agents in governments all over the
world and have more control than the secret societies. They
have infiltrated secret societies as a means to exercise their
powers of control and manipulation.
Government Secrets
As mentioned, numerous reports exist about extraterrestrial experiences. Many people feel that the government
has made strong attempts to conceal this information from the
public. However, it is no longer possible to keep a lid on this
topic. There have been many exposs of the 1947 incident in
Roswell, New Mexico, where townspeople reported viewing a
disc-shaped flying object. Military personnel were called in
and some observed the wreckage of this crashed object. Over
a hundred people, mainly those associated with the government, were aware of the crash. This case was particularly
interesting because people also reported viewing bodies of the
extraterrestrials in the wreckage. The descriptions were of the
gray type of beings mentioned earlier. The incident was officially reported as a crashed weather balloon. Years later,
several former government officials appeared on television
and stated they were instructed to keep the incident secret and
were threatened with potential loss of employment if they did
not comply. The officials eventually spoke out because they
could no longer keep this information secret.
We first will discuss walk-ins. A walk-in occurs when a
person no longer wants to continue life in the present physical
form. The individual departs and willingly allows another soul
to occupy his or her body. A good analogy might be time
sharing: one soul is occupying a form that can be used by
another. The original owner of the body usually desires to
leave because of depression, frustration, or anxiety.
One may also decide to leave the physical form temporarily and allow another entity to occupy it. This practice has
gained popularity over the last decade under the name of channeling. Channelers are people with the ability to act as mediums. They receive communication from other realms, act upon
the messages and encourage others to act. This should not be
shocking. History shows that many great inventors and others
who have made major contributions to society heard voices
and were given certain instructions from other realms.
Beings who walk in come with their own unique patterns,
but are simultaneously aware of the patterns of the previous
occupant. The entities who enter in this way are generally of a
positive or pious nature. They are still evolving, yet they have
a duty to perform in bringing about a new era. Their understanding and their nature assist them in these efforts. The
advantage of entering a body in this way is that it saves time.
The walk-ins do not have to undergo the process of birth and
growth; they can immediately begin the work they are to do.
Sometimes they may not know that they have entered this life
as a walk-in; at a later time this fact is revealed. One indication that such a transition has taken place is when someone
who has had a period of distress or has given up the will to live
abruptly changes patterns of thought and behavior.
Possession is the forceful occupation of ones body by
another entity, typically a negative entity. As mentioned, walkins are invited voluntarily. Sometimes entities that enter under
possession may also be invited by the host, but this invitation
is reflective of the hosts low level of consciousness. When
individuals eager for wealth, distinction, and power are ready
and willing to sell themselves for this power by associating
with lower entities and lower vibrations, such lower beings
can penetrate them. The intruding personality is dominant over
the host entity. Unlike the walk-in phenomenon, the host entity
still occupies the body with the visiting entity.
In the past few years, there has been an increasing number
of people who have committed horrendous crimes such as
mass murders and serial killings. Many of these people, when
brought to justice, have reported hearing voices and receiving
instructions. This is not hallucinatory; their nature has
allowed negative beings to reside within their consciousness.
In fact, they often say that they did not want to do certain
things but that they were feeling pushed to act in a particular
Disembodied entities often attempt to occupy the physical
bodies of others. Because they are preoccupied with gratifying
their senses, they try to engage in negative sexual activities
and other forms of manipulation. These entities dabble on the
astral plane and are often encountered during sleep. Those
entities that engage in sexual activities are called incubi and
A symptom of an obvious attack would be when one feels
something trying to enter the body through the chest or
through the back of the neck. A subtle attack may be indicated
by the occurrence of wet dreams. The sensations of waking
up and not being able to speak, or of being awake and asleep
simultaneously, can indicate that a disembodied entity is
trying to enter.
Entities will occupy the bodies of people who make themselves available through particularly sinful lives or fearful
dispositions. However, without these preconditions, these enti-
he pyramids: ancient
structures of mystery
civilization, it is recommended that people not involve themselves in deity worship to the same degree as in the past.
Mystical Mantras
There are two principal mantra techniques, both of which
involve repetition. One is verbal repetition, and the other is a
written form. Both are very potent in affecting the consciousness. This art of mantra repetition is known to people of the
different mystery schools who have acquired this confidential
knowledge. They write certain mantras on their own bodies or
chant certain mantras to ward off negative energy and attract
positive energy.
In Egypt, when death rituals were performed, the priest
would write various mantras on the chest of the mummy. The
priests would also write mantras for protection on amulets and
place them around the neck of the mummy. The Egyptian
Book of the Dead, also known as The Book of Coming Forth
By Day, explains certain rituals on how to open the mouth.
This does not refer to the physical mouth, but to the calling of
the ka into the statue of its owner, endowing the statue with the
faculties of a living person. This was all done by the power of
mantras, or hekau, written on the body of the mummy or on
the persons statue. When you chant a mantra, you are invoking the energy with which the mantra is associated. This is
similar to when you call someones name; you are bringing
that person to you.
Mantras also provided protection in the tombs so that
when intruders entered the tombs, they fell prey to a curse. In
many cases, grave robbers died when they broke into the
tombs. The deaths of the intruders were arranged by two
mechanisms. The first involved the priest making a potent
force field by chanting mantras. Second, the priests were so
astute in science that they could arrange for radiation to affect
the cells of a person passing through it, causing an immediate
A key emphasis in scriptures from various paths is developing our relationship with God. Unfortunately, people often
have limited information about the object of their loveGods
likes and dislikes, His activities, His abodeand how to
connect with the Lord. Comprehensive information about
these topics is available and we will share some of it in this
discussion. Follow carefully; certain things will be exposed
that will later emerge in your consciousness at those times
when it is most needed.
In very advanced spiritual experiences of various traditions, we find references to the bride of God or to personal
exchanges with the Lord. There were very advanced Muslims
and Sufis who went beyond the rituals and experienced the
great divinity of personhood. There were those in early times
involved in mystic Christianity who spoke about hearing God.
They were not imagining this. Because they were free of all
obstacles, they were able to be natural. It is natural to be able
to have communication with the Father. This entire discussion
is just to help us gain greater realization that there are deeper
levels for which we can strive. Certain seeds have been
planted to help you gradually revitalize your dormant
losing reflections
etaphysical experiences:
an audience exchange
heavy spiritual topics and questions, and once the meal was
over, we took a walking tour of the beautiful State House, and
talked for at least another hour. At this point, Swami thanked
the president for hosting him and began to leave, but the president interrupted, saying: Ive enjoyed myself tremendously,
Swami; but have you seen the animals on the back lawn yet?
Swami hadnt yet seen the back lawn, so we took another tour
of this area, which lasted another forty-five minutes. The president kept finding reasons to keep us around so he could keep
hearing from the Swami. Then Swami again begged his leave
and gave President Kaunda a farewell hug.
To make a long story short, it was just before midnight that
we actually left the State House and, just as we were leaving
Swami and President Kaunda again embraced and said, right
in my presence, that they believed that their connection was so
strong because it was continuing from a previous life. Our
road trip home was another three or more hours, and for the
entire ride we enthusiastically reminisced about how successful our preaching in Africa had been because, by the grace of
God, we had now met almost every Head of State from West
Africa to South Africa, plus we had established many farms,
monasteries, several cottage industries and numerous other
tangible projects. As I thought about all the progress we had
made, I was getting more and more excited. Then Swami
turned to me and said, You know, all these inroads weve
made are wonderful, but we havent done very much for our
family in the Westthe Americans. This comment more or
less stuck in my brain, but at the time I pretty much shrugged
it off thinking, well probably never see the shores of
America again. But before I knew it, Swami was inviting me
to the States and arranging T.V. and radio programs and
lectures at universities and other locations. At this point, we
started doing more brainstorming, and in a short time many of
our programs had as many as four and five hundred people in
attendance. Some of you probably remember an event last
year where we had to change rooms in the university because
we couldnt contain all the guests that turned out. Actually, all
this is a product of our discussions in Zambia that evening
after leaving President Kaundas! This has taught me not to
doubt the mercy of God or power of Swamis vision. Would
you like to add anything, Swami?
BTS: No, I think youve given a wonderful description. I
just want to mention that doing these programs hasnt always
been easy. As I said earlier, we often encounter obstacles when
we commit to coming to these kinds of programs, and we are
sometimes even outright attacked by negative forces.
Fortunately, when were planning what to present here, we
also get a lot of guidance from higher forces a day or two
before concerning specific things to say to you. When were
with you, we tune into the collective energy of the room, and
try to understand how to address each issue so that everyone
will walk away with something. Our words may just serve as
a little bit of refreshment, something that feeds your hunger or
may give you an appetizer and allow you to realize that you
need more nourishment.
Were not trying to embarrass anyone by asking you to
share, nor are we trying to create some sort of prayer meeting
where everybody makes a testimony or makes a confession.
The idea is that, since were talking about spiritual science and
spiritual warfare, we want to warn you about certain dangers,
help you prepare for your tests, and help you progress faster.
Unusual experiences may be a sign of your growth and of
help coming from various agents, who are very concerned
about your welfare and well being; other experiences may be
signs of challenges to your acceleration. We want to hear how
you are applying the technologies youve been learning over
the past weeks. This encourages others to take advantage of
what you have learned.
If we are just data collecting, then thats a material
endeavor. What people generally call knowledge is actually
data processingaggregating and amalgamating information.
But that information doesnt necessarily deal with the essence
experience of the Divinity. Its not fully yours. Its due to your
being in contact with an electrified current, but you may experience it as if it were yours.
This Spiritual Warrior was happy to hear an explanation of
what takes place in these encounters, and hes expressing that,
in his own case, being with a certain teacher may have caused
a particular experience to come upon him. These are some of
the experiences that can happen. The study of how and why
things of this nature take place is categorized as spiritual
science. Obviously there are always people who can pretend to
have these experiences, but there are certain distinct ways of
knowing how they happen, why they happen, and of looking
at the quality of the particular experience. Were happy that
you were able to utilize some of the information you heard
here last week to decipher your experience. And, most importantly, that you were able to look beyond the psychic fixation.
Were glad you shared, because we would like to have
more insight into what each of you are thinking and feeling,
and the transitions you are going through, and offer some
explanations of these different phenomena. These dialogues
are also a way for me to get a better cue of how much information you are able to handle without an overload, and how I
can prepare you better to receive more.
In our last four or five sessions we gave a lot of detailed
information, and, if that becomes an overload, youll get
diminishing returns and wont get the full benefit. Our desire
is to humbly serve all of you as an aggregate assembly, and as
individuals, so that we can gradually impart the greatest benefit to the greatest number of people.
3rd Guest: Blessings, Swami and other members of the
Institute. The experience I recently had deals with a rather
subtle revelation. I was very fortunate that, when I first started
meditating years ago, and consciously put myself on a spiritual path, I experienced many phenomena that were very
mystifying and fascinating. Then, there was a period of time
when I didnt experience any such phenomena, so I felt that I
lets us out of these prison suits, converting the physical vehicle into a form that is totally spiritual. Certain psychic experiences can be signs that the body is becoming spiritualized, and
beginning to tune in to other realms and dimensions, so we
may sometimes encounter these signs in our spiritual development.
4th Guest: I have two things to share. The first involves
the first time I heard Swami speak. In that lecture, he talked
about vegetarian eating, and a merciful diet. I had been
married for about seven years, to a gentleman who was vegetarian. I had been vegetarian for two years in an attempt to
please him, but I stopped being vegetarian and eventually I
even left him, because I felt he was forcing me to be what he
wanted me to be. Then I heard Swami speak about vegetarianism, explaining how preparing the food and eating the food
has to do with devotional service to the Creator. That was a
very different feeling than someone telling me I had to eat this
way or that way. To make a long story short, Ive become a
vegetarian, and am now engaged in regulated spiritual activities with much deeper appreciation.
My next concern has to do with one of the primary considerations youve listed in the past: Considering other peoples
points of view. Im generally a loner and I have been most of
my adult life. But recently I started reaching out more to
people. I feel a connection with people, because I feel a
connection with God. I know that God created each and every
one of us, and through Swamis teachings, it has really sunk in
that God dwells inside each of us.
I like to talk, watch TV, read booksstuff like that. But
often, I dont get a chance to talk to anybody but my cats.
Then, when I went to work, I would really talk. In fact, I would
get a bit overbearing, trying to teach people what I thought
was good, and what I had learned; but not everybody wanted
to hear it. As a result of Swamis techniques, Ive started
listening to other peoples points of view more, and I am now
able to help them in a more spiritual way. Before, I was trying
comes all the time, in terms of resolving problems in my businesses and in my personal life. This is something that I see all
the time, and I just want to thank you for the wisdom and
knowledge you share, and for making me aware of those blessings because I realize now that they may have been coming all
along, but before I began coming here I just wasnt recognizing them so much. So, I thank God and I thank you.
BTS: Sometimes theres a little confusion, because people
think that being spiritual means youre not supposed to do
secular things. Actually, spirituality means that you do things
very conscientiously, even more conscientiously than most
people do. If youre an entrepreneur then you can focus more
on trying to be fair, trying to be attentive, and understanding
how karmic results unfold. You can realize that were all being
monitored by the Supreme, and that God has no favorites.
Everyone has the same loving Mother-Father God. Your very
best well-wisher is the Person whos controlling everything
and Who is there for us all to call upon. Whatever our lifestyle
is, if we try to make it more spiritual, the Supreme will help us
to become more productive. Were not worshiping a poor God.
Were not worshiping an unintelligent God. God is not weak
or incompetent, and one of the signs of a strong alignment
with Him is that wonderful auspicious things begin to happen
in our lives. Even when there is something that is temporarily
negative, that becomes auspicious also, because it becomes an
amazing learning experience for you.
If were constantly having complication after complication, we have to take a closer look and see what it is that we
are doing which is not proper. How are we going against the
basic universal laws? How are we removing ourselves from
the mercy and the blessings that are accessible? When the
Lord blesses us, it is a test to see how we will use these blessings. However, when He takes our creature comforts away, it
is also a blessing and a test.
6th Guest: All praises and thanks for your mercy, Swami.
I just want to say two things. The first is that, while you were
uggested reading
This suggested reading list may further enrich your understanding of the subjects covered in this book.
Ali, Abdullah Yusuf. The Meaning Of The Holy Quran.
Brentwood: Amana Corporation, 1993.
Amen, Ra Un Nefer. Metu Neter (Vol. 1): The Great Oracle
Of Tehuti and The Egyptian System of Spiritual Cultivation.
New York: Khamit Corp., 1990.
Budge, E. A. Wallis. The Egyptian Book Of The Dead: The
Papyrus Of Ani, Egyptian Text Transliteration and
Translation. New York: Dover Publications, 1967.
Carter, J. Edwin. Living Is Forever. Norfolk: Hampton Roads,
Downing, Barry H. The Bible And Flying Saucers. New York:
J.B.Lippincott, 1968.
Los Angeles:
Los Angeles:
New York:
New York:
Bombay, India:
About The