APUSH Midterm Essay
APUSH Midterm Essay
APUSH Midterm Essay
The Civil War was a major battle between the North and the South in the year of 1861-1865. Politically, it was
the result of the raging internal turmoil of a United States government split into separate factions of proslavery and
antislavery. In terms of slavery, it was viewed as a moral issue in the North versus its defense and expansion in the
South. Thus, two problems that were important causes of the Civil War were political and social issues involving
slavery between the North and the South.
Political issue was one of the main causes of the Civil War. When Missouri wanted to enter as a slave state,
there were controversies in its admission because of the balance between free states and slave states. Therefore, Henry
Clay proposed a solution called the Missouri Compromise, which not only allowed Missouri as a slave state and
Maine as a free state to balance the issue, but also prohibited slaves north of the latitude 36 30 line and allowed
slavery south of that line. However, the Kansas-Nebraska Act repealed the Missouri Compromise in 1854, which
proposed that the Nebraska territory be divided into the Kansas territory and Nebraska territory and that the settlers
there ruled with popular sovereignty, the power to decide whether or not to allow slavery. Since these territories are
located north of the 36 30 line, the Missouri Compromise was repealed. As a result, proslavery border ruffians from
Missouri flooded into Kansas to vote it as a slave state leading to violence between antislavery and proslavery, also
known as Bleeding Kansas. This fighting lead to increasing tension between the North and the South into the Civil
War. Another political issue was the Compromise of 1850. Henry Clay proposed that California enter as a free state,
divide the New Mexico territory into Utah and New Mexico with the slave issue being solved with popular
sovereignty, adopt a stricter Fugitive Slave Law, and ban slave trade in the District of Columbia. The Compromise
deepened the Norths growing identity because it induced them to do what they can to save the Union from secession.
However, the idea of popular sovereignty created a controversy between the two factions because one wanted slavery
and the other wanted abolishment of slavery, thus creating hostility, such as the Bleeding Kansas, and pushed the
South more toward secession.
The North and South were divided on the issue of morality. The North was consisted of Free-Soilers who
wanted to keep the west free of slaves so the slaves wouldnt compete with the whites for jobs while the South were
proslavery owners, dependent on slavery since they needed slaves labor for their cotton. In this one can see clearly the
diverging views of the two factions. However, these views magnified as abolitionist movements emerged and African
spirits started rising up to fight for their rights. This lead to massive runaway slaves trying to seek the freedom they
thought they deserved. In the 1850s, Harriet Tubman's underground railroad, supported by Northern abolitionist,
helped slaves escaped yet, angered the South causing an even deeper rift. They called for a stricter Fugitive Slave
Law, which eventually passed in the Compromise of 1850. This exponentially magnified the tensions of slavery and
pushed even more northerners into abolition and more southerners into proslavery campaigns. What angered the south
was the publishing of Uncles Tom Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. This novel moved many northerner as well as
Europeans to recognize the inhumane of slave owners who treat their slaves. In effect, Southerners accused the
untruth in the novel and the norths prejudice against the south way of life. In the case of Dred Scott v. Sandford in
1857, Dred Scott sued for his freedom, since he argued his residency on a free soil land made him a free citizen. The
court decided against him because slaves are property and had no right to sue, thus angered the North and delighted
the South. Arguably, the tipping point in the civil war causes was the action of Northern abolitionist John Brown, a
northerner, who attacked on the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, Virginia, a southern stronghold. His motive was to
seize the weapons and help the slaves revolt, but it didnt work. In effect, Southerners saw the raid as proof of the
Norths intention to use slave revolts to destroy the South. All of these encouraged tension between the north and the
south; it fired up their spirits against each other ultimately leading up to the famous digression and war. Such reasons
show that Slavery was a main cause of the Civil War.
All of these political and social issues involving slavery depict that they were imperative toward the road to
disunion and a bloody Civil War. Politically, it was states rights versus federal control. Issue of slavery was also
gained where South wanted slaves for their labor while North viewed slavery as a moral issue.