Proposed Syllabus For Work Shop On Composite Materials and Technology

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Proposed syllabus for work shop on composite materials and technology

1) Introduction to Composites Materials:

Advanced Composite materials and their constituents. Functions of constituents of
composite materials. Types and characteristics of reinforcements and their
applications. Types and characteristics of matrix materials. Brief overview of
manufacturing processes. Advantages and concerns of Composite materials. Prepregs
and handling of Prepregs.
A.Gnanasekar, ARDC, HAL
2) Mechanical Testing and characterisation:
Mechanical properties of composite materials and Generation of design data. A and
B basis values. Effect of notch, environment, impact, and method of arriving at
design allowable. Design philosophy: Safe life, fail safe and damage tolerance.
3) Introduction to Mechanics of Composite Materials: Laminated plate theory. Effect
on lay up un-symmetry and un balance on laminate properties. Hygrothermal effects.
In-Plane and Flexural properties of laminates. Carpet plots preliminary design
4) Manufacturing of composite components:
Manufacturing processes for composite components, RTM, VRTM, filament winding
and autoclave processing. Prepreg hand-layup process .Details of autoclave
processing of prepregs and vacuum bagging.. Effect of cure cycle parameters on
quality of composite components.
Muko / Mahesh CMD
5) Composite layup tooling:
Contemporary Tooling materials. Layup tool design consideration; effect of CTE
difference between tool materials and composite material. Tool- part interaction.
Design for thermal expansion relief for long slender parts. Spring in phenomena and
warpage. Effect of tool surface area, Heat capacity on cure cycle when multiple
components are loaded in single autoclave charge.
Shetty CMD
6) Machining of Composite Components: Drilling, routing, milling, grinding etc. The
recommended machining parameters machining induced defects and their effects on
performance. Other non conventional marching of composite materials
7) Metals versus Composites:
How the composite materials differ from conventional metallic materials. Imact of
these differences in Storage &Handling, Design, Manufacturing and Qa of
composite components.
8) Handling assembly in service Care:

Handling of cured composite components. Effect of material, design and manufacturing,

variations in assembly. Iin-service care and service induced defects and preventions.
Subba Reddy ADA
9) Composite design Guidelines: General design guidelines to mitigate the general
concerns of composite materials
10) QA: Inspection and quality assurance of composite materials at various stages of
manufacturing composites. Common defects in Composite materials and NDT
techniques to detect them. Over view of Effect of defects on performance and
integrity of composite components. Brief on ultrasound A scan C scan, X ray etc
MR Bhat, IISc
11) Safety in Composite manufacturing industry: General safety Precautions, sources
of information. Toxicity of various fibres matrix and their tolerable exposure limits.
Engineering solutions and precautions to common process related to composite
manufacturing. Personal protection equipments., their selection and effectiveness.
Wastes disposal and Environmental considerations.
Rajashree Pillai, ARDC


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