Evaluation of Damping Modification Factors
Evaluation of Damping Modification Factors
Evaluation of Damping Modification Factors
Research Online
Faculty of Engineering and Information Sciences Papers
Hing-Ho Tsang
The University of Hong Kong, [email protected]
Saman Yaghmaei-Sabegh
University of Tabriz, [email protected]
P. Anbazhagan
Indian Institute of Science
Publication Details
Sheikh, M. Neaz., Tsang, H., Yaghmaei-Sabegh, S. & Anbazhagan, P. (2013). Evaluation of damping modification factors for seismic
response spectra. In S. Anderson (Eds.), Australian Earthquake Engineering Society Conference 2013 (pp. 1-13). Tasmania:
Australian Earthquake Engineering Society.
Seismic response spectra with structural damping ratio other than nominal 5% (of critical damping) are
essential for the design and evaluation of structures in performance-based seismic engineering. Such response
spectra are also essential for the design and evaluation of structures with seismic isolation and energy
dissipation systems. A number of formulations for damping modification factors (DMF) have been proposed
in the literature for scaling the 5% damped response spectra. Dependence of the DMF on several ground
motion parameters has also been identified. Few seismic design codes have already incorporated simplified
DMF based on these studies. This paper critically reviews the available formulations for DMF for seismic
response spectra. Analytical investigations on the ground motion response spectra at soil sites, based on a
wide range of simulated ground motion records, have been carried out. It has been observed that the DMF for
ground motion response spectra at soil sites is significantly dependent on site period, which has not been
identified in previous studies. The influences of earthquake shaking level, earthquake source-site distance
(nearfield and far-field events), soil plasticity index, and the rigidity of bedrock have also been investigated.
Sheikh, M. Neaz., Tsang, H., Yaghmaei-Sabegh, S. & Anbazhagan, P. (2013). Evaluation of damping
modification factors for seismic response spectra. In S. Anderson (Eds.), Australian Earthquake Engineering
Society Conference 2013 (pp. 1-13). Tasmania: Australian Earthquake Engineering Society.
Seismic response spectra with structural damping ratio other than nominal 5% (of critical
damping) are essential for the design and evaluation of structures in performance-based
seismic engineering. Such response spectra are also essential for the design and evaluation of
structures with seismic isolation and energy dissipation systems. A number of formulations
for damping modification factors (DMF) have been proposed in the literature for scaling the
5% damped response spectra. Dependence of the DMF on several ground motion parameters
has also been identified. Few seismic design codes have already incorporated simplified
DMF based on these studies. This paper critically reviews the available formulations for
DMF for seismic response spectra. Analytical investigations on the ground motion response
spectra at soil sites, based on a wide range of simulated ground motion records, have been
carried out. It has been observed that the DMF for ground motion response spectra at soil
sites is significantly dependent on site period, which has not been identified in previous
studies. The influences of earthquake shaking level, earthquake source-site distance (nearfield and far-field events), soil plasticity index, and the rigidity of bedrock have also been
Keywords: Seismic design, design code, response spectra, damping, modification factor
1. Introduction
Seismic design and assessment of structures are generally based on response spectrum
analyses in which response spectra representing earthquake ground motions for a specified
return period with nominal 5% of critical damping are used. Also, in most seismic design
codes, response spectra represent design earthquake ground motions with 5% of critical
damping. However, in reality, structural and non-structural systems may have damping ratios
other than 5% of the critical damping. Damping ratio () as a percentage of critical damping
represents energy dissipation by the structure. In the seismic design and assessment of
structures, two types of damping are usually considered: viscous damping and hysteretic
damping. Energy dissipation in a structure in the elastic range (viscous damping) occurs due
to various mechanisms, including cracking, interactions with non-structural elements, and
soil-structure interactions. For mathematical convenience, these damping mechanisms
altogether are represented as viscous damping. The concept of equivalent viscous damping
for the seismic design and analysis of the structure has been used to incorporate both viscous
and hysteretic damping (Blandon and Priestley 2005).
In recent years, research on the seismic design and assessment of structures is directed
towards the development of direct displacement based procedures. In the direct displacement
based procedures, a multi-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) structure is replaced by an equivalent
single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) structure (substitute structure) characterised by the secant
stiness to maximum displacement response and equivalent viscous damping (elastic and
hysteretic damping) (Priestley et al. 2007). The equivalent viscous damping of the substitute
structure is significantly higher than 5% of critical damping.
Energy dissipation devices have been increasingly used to enhance the seismic performance
of important structures. Energy dissipation through frictional sliding, yielding of metal, phase
transformation in metals, deformation of viscoelastic solids or fluids, and fluid orificing
provides the capability of as much as 40% of critical damping in the first mode response of
the structural system. Although energy dissipation characteristics of various supplemental
damping devices may not be ideally viscous; they can, however, be related to an equivalent
damping ratio (Lee et al. 2004).
Response spectra for damping higher than the notional 5% of critical damping can be
obtained by developing response spectrum prediction equations that can directly estimate
spectral ordinate at various levels of damping. They can also be obtained by developing
response spectrum damping modification factors to translate existing prediction equations or
code-based response spectra with 5% of critical damping to response spectra for other
damping ratios. Significant research effort is required to develop ground motion prediction
equations for various levels of damping which may possess similar shortcomings as the
second approach (Stafford et al. 2008). However, the second approach has distinctive
advantage as it is applicable for modifying both the ground motion prediction equations (5%
of critical damping) and the code-based response spectra. This paper adopts the second
approach to develop damping modification factor (DMF) for scaling the response spectra of
5% critical damping to higher damping levels (up to 40% of critical).
1.514 0.321. ln
The DMF in EC8 (2004) (Equation 2) adopted the equation derived by Bommer et al. (2000),
which replaced the earlier formulation (Equation 3) of the pre-norm version of the code
(EC8, 1994).
Priestley et al. (2007) suggested for revising the DMF in EC8 to Equation (4), especially for
sites where forward directivity velocity pulse characteristics might be expected.
The study of Kawashima and Aizawa (1986) was adopted in Caltrans Seismic Design Criteria
(2010) (Equation 5). However, Equation (5) is applicable for damping ratio 5% 10%.
40 ( / 100) 1
The study of Ramirez et al. (2002) has been adopted in NEHRP (2003) which is similar to the
DMF adopted in UBC (1997) for up to =20%, beyond which the DMF is lower in NEHRP
(2003) (Figure 1).
In the Chinese code for seismic design of buildings (GB50011 2010), the seismic design
response spectrum is adjusted for different damping ratios according to Equation (6).
0.05 ( / 100)
0.06 1.4
In the Japanese Seismic Design Code (Otani and Kanai 2002), the effect of damping ratios is
taken into account in the form of response reduction factor according to Equation (7).
1 10 ( / 100)
Figure 1 shows significant differences amongst the code-based period independent DMF. The
lowest values of DMFs have been suggested in the Japanese seismic design code. The most
conservative DMF have been suggested by Priestley (2007). It is noted that Priestley et al.
(2007) suggested the revision of EC8 (1994) DMF for near field earthquake ground motion.
The great difference in the specified DMF in the design codes signifies the need for in-depth
study on DMF.
where m, c, and k are mass, damping and stiffness of the system; u(t), u (t ) , u(t ) ,are relative
displacement, relative velocity, relative acceleration of the system; and ug (t ) is the ground
acceleration. Displacement response spectra of the system can be defined as Sd u(t ) max .
DMF with respect to displacement response of the system can be defined as
u (t ) max,
RSD (T , )
where is the damping ratio, T is the vibration period, RSD is the response spectral
The DMFs derived from displacement response of the system are identical to the factors
derived from either pseudo acceleration or pseudo relative velocity response of the system, as
they are related by the natural vibration frequency or period of the SDOF system (Chopra
2007) according to Equations (10) and (11).
RSD(T , )
2 .RSD(T , )
PRSA(T , )
RSD(T , )
PRSV (T , )
.RSD(T , )
where PRSA is the pseudo acceleration response, PRSV is the pseudo relative velocity
response and =2/T) is the natural vibration frequency of the SDOF system. The DMF
derived in this paper is based on PRSV. It is noted that in the seismic analyses of structures
relative velocity and absolute acceleration are approximated by the corresponding pseudo
relative velocity and pseudo absolute acceleration, respectively. This approximation is
suitable for small damping ratios but may show considerable differences especially for highly
damped absolute acceleration and absolute velocity response spectra (Song et al. 2007).
However, the proposed DMF model is primarily developed for displacement based seismic
design and assessment of structure where damping modification is mainly applied to the
displacement response spectra.
3.2 Earthquake Ground Motion and Site Soil conditions
In order to cover a wide spectrum of ground shaking levels, synthetic earthquake
accelerograms, with maximum response spectral velocity (RSVmax) of around 20, 100 and
300 mm/s at soil-bedrock interface were generated by stochastic simulations of the
seismological model using computer program GENQKE (Lam et al. 2000). For each level of
ground shaking, two sets of time histories were generated: one represents near-field (NF)
(source-site distance, R=50 km) ground motions, which are rich in high frequency seismic
waves, and the other represent far-field (FF) (source-site distance, R= 100 km) ground
motions, which are comparatively rich in low frequency seismic waves. Each set contains six
simulated acceleration time histories.
Five soil columns with weighted average shear wave velocities (VS) =100, 150, 200, 300, and
500 m/s and four soil plasticity indices (PI=0%, 15%, 30% and 50%) have been included in
the study. There are altogether 20 soil columns of different thicknesses (H) and with a wide
range of initial site period, Ti, from 0.12 to 2.4 s. This range of site period covered sandy soil
sites (0.140.95 s) and soft soil sites (1.972.3 s) as considered in the study by Henderson et
al. (1990) and Heidebrecht et al. (1990). The nonlinear characteristics of the soil layers were
captured by two strain-compatible material parameters, namely, secant shear modulus G and
damping ratio . The dynamic properties of soil adopted in this study were obtained by Lam
and Wilson (1999). Responses of the soil sites have been calculated using computer program
SHAKE (Schnabel et al. 1972). The responses of the soil sites have been calculated
considering bedrock shear wave velocities (shear rigidity of bedrock) of 1000 m/s, 2000 m/s
and 3000 m/sec and also for rigid (non-transmitting) bedrock conditions. Response spectra
are generated for 0.01-8.0 second (50 data points) with =5-40%.
proposed period dependent DMFs (Hubbard and Mavroeidis 2011). According to the
fundamental concepts of structural dynamics (Chopra 2007), ground motion at very short
period and very long period are not significantly affected by damping. This essentially means
that the DMF at very short period and very long period will converge to unity.
Figure 2 presents the DMF for five soil sites (PI=0%) (with different site natural period)
analysed in this study. It can be observed that DMF reaches unity at T=0.01 s. The tendency
of DMF towards unity can also be observed at long periods, although in this study response
spectra have been calculated for up to T= 8.0 s. It is evident from Figure 2 that the lowest
values of DMF for different soil sites do not occur at the same vibration period. Further indepth analyses reveal that the lowest values of DMF occur at shifted site period, Ts. It is
noted that shifted site period Ts is associated with large shear strains that the soil sites
experience during earthquake ground shaking and is different from the initial site natural
period Ti (Tsang et al. 2006 and Tsang et al. 2012). Hence, it would be meaningful to
investigate the DMF functions by normalising the period values by the shifted site natural
period Ts.
H= 35 m
RSVmax= 100 mm/s
R= 100 km
PI= 0%
Bedrock SWV= 1000 m/s
PR= 0.25
PR= 0.5
PR= 1.0
PR= 2.0
PR= 3.0
Damping, (%)
observed that earthquake moment magnitude has significant influence on DMF except for
soft soil sites. It is noted that none of these studies paid adequate attention to the site period.
5. Conclusions
Response spectra with structural damping ratio higher than nominal 5% of critical damping
are required for displacement-based seismic design and analyses of structures and also for the
design of structures with supplemental damping systems. Yet, the discrepancies in the
damping modification factor (DMF) for scaling the response spectra for higher than 5% of
critical damping in the design codes is very high. This might be due to inherent biasness of
the recorded earthquake ground motion used in the statistical analyses performed in obtaining
response spectral DMF.
A large number of ground response analyses using simulated earthquake records covering
wide range of soil sites and shaking levels have been carried out in this study to
systematically study the influence of a number of parameters that may influence the DMF.
The DMF has been found to be dependent on the vibration period, unlike code-based period
independent DMF. The influence of vibration period on the DMF has also been pointed out in
a number of previous studies. However, the significant outcome of this study is the
observation that the DMF is highly dependent on the Period Ratio, PR (T/Ts). The decrement
of DMF with the increment in the damping ratio () at different PR is logarithmic, similar to
the observation in Newmark and Hall (1973).
DMF slightly increases with the increase in the shaking level for PR=1.0; however, the DMF
slightly decreases with increase in the shaking level for other PR. On the other hand, the
DMF is larger to some extent in the NF earthquake events at PR=1. At other PR, the DMF is
little larger in FF earthquake events. The influence of soil PI and the bedrock rigidity on the
DMF has not been found significant.
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