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Asia Pac J Clin Nutr 2007;16 (S2):534-546

Original Article

Nutrition knowledge, attitude, and behavior of

Taiwanese elementary school children
Wei Lin PhD1, Hsiao-Chi Yang BS2, Chi-Ming Hang MS2 and Wen-Harn Pan PhD3,4,5

Department of Food, Health and Nutrition Science, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Program of Nutritional Science and Education, Department of Human Development and Family Studies,
National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Institute of Biomedical Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Institute of Microbiology and Biochemistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
College of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC

The purpose of this study is to understand nutrition knowledge, attitude, and behavior in Taiwanese elementary
school children, and the relationship of these various components. The results indicated that childrens knowledge
was fair in nutrition basics, but poor in the physiological function of nutrients, relationships between
diet/nutrients and disease, and the daily serving requirement for different food groups. Children in general valued the importance of nutrition, but they did not concern the health benefit of foods in food selections. Their dietary quality was not satisfactory, and the diet of most children did not meet the recommended serving requirements for milk, vegetable, fruit, and cereals and grains groups. Positive relationships were found among nutrition
knowledge, attitude, caring- about-nutrition behavior and dietary quality score. The restraint or disinhibited eating
behavior of 4th to 6th graders was not serious, but a large number of children already performed some selfcontrolling practices to avoid obesity, but not frequently. One fourth of the students skipped meals, especially
breakfast, and one quarter of 4th to 6th graders prepared their own breakfast; which may have some impact on
childrens diet quality. A gap was found between nutrition knowledge, attitude and eating behavior, especially
vegetable and fruit consumption, indicating that the attitude toward eating for health was not strong in this age
group. Future nutrition education for school children should not only include food serving requirements of food
groups, but also apply appropriate theories to improve the motivation for healthy eating.

Key Words: elementary school children, nutrition knowledge, nutrition attitude, nutrition behaviour, dietary

The prevalence of childhood obesity has increased dramatically in Taiwan and other countries,1-4 which has led to a
great concern about food consumption patterns and dietary
quality of schoolchildren. Many studies have indicated that
relatively few children met the recommendations for vegetable, fruit5-10 and dairy foods.6,11,12 However, the intakes of
unhealthy snacks, fast foods, and beverages have increased.7,11-13 Studies have also shown that, as children get
older, they tend to eat breakfast alone and less frequently.5,11,14 Dietary practices during childhood not only
play an important role in growth and development, they
may also predict the occurrence of obesity, diabetes, and
cardiovascular diseases in adulthood.15,16 The development
of eating behaviors is influenced by many factors. In the
Knowledge-Attitude-Behavior (KAB) model, knowledge is
considered as a prerequisite to the intentional performance
of health-related behaviors. As knowledge in health behavior domains accumulates, changes in attitude are initiated.
When changes in attitude accumulate over a period of time,
it results in behavioral changes.17,18 In order to identify
important messages for school nutrition education, the
purpose of the present investigation is to understand the
status of nutrition knowledge, attitude, and behavior of
Taiwanese elementary school children, and the relationship

of these various components among one another.

Data collection
This study used data obtained from the Department of
Health sponsored Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan
Elementary School Children (NAHSIT Children) conducted
between 2001 and 2002. A multi-staged, stratified, probability sampling method was used in this study.19 The target
population was stratified into 13 strata in the original design,
which comprised of 4 strata (Hakka areas, Mountain
areas, Eastern areas, Penghu islands) of particular geographic locations and ethnic groups, and 9 strata of the
remaining areas of Taiwan.19 For ease of comparison in this
paper, the 9 strata within the Northern, Central and
Southern parts of Taiwan were regrouped into 2 areas,
Urban and Rural areas, based on population density, an
indicator of urbanization.
Corresponding Author: Dr. Wei Lin, Department of Food,
Health and Nutrition Science, Chinese Culture University, 55,
Hwa Kang Road, Yang Ming Shan, Taipei, Taiwan 11114,
Tel: 886-2-28610511 ext. 31711; Fax: 886-2-28610190
Email: [email protected]
Accepted 28 June 2007


Nutrition knowledge, attitude, and behavior

The cut-off points used for urban areas were: (1)

Northern: greater than 3,044 persons/km2, (2) Central:
greater than 2,600 persons/km2, (3) Southern: greater than
3,184 persons/km2. Together with the 4 strata of particular geographic locations, there were 6 strata analyzed in
this study.
The trained interviewers collected all data one-on-one,
the questionnaires were completed in school but food
frequency questionnaire and 24-hr recall were administered at home with both parent and child involved. A total
of 2417 elementary school children completed questionnaires with a response rate of 96.8 %, which include 1199
1st to 3rd graders (654 boys and 545 girls), and 1218 4th to
6th graders (642 boys and 576 girls). Informed consent
has been signed by one of the parents of all school children. The study was approved by reviewers from the Department of Health in Taiwan.
Information collected by the questionnaire included nutrition knowledge, attitude, nutrition-related eating behavior,
restraint eating behavior and general eating habits. Most
of the scales were developed by the authors, except that
scales in restraint eating behavior were modified from the
Childrens Eating Attitude Test (Ch-EAT 26).20 A handbook with written questions and response items was used
by interviewers to assist school children to understand
questions. Each question contains Mandarin phonetic
symbols and appropriate food pictures to help low literate
children and to make the interview more interesting. All
scales had been reviewed by experts in order to establish
content validity and then piloted with elementary school
children. Examples of questions about nutrition knowledge, attitude, caring-about-nutrition behavior, and restraint eating behavior scales are shown in Appendix.
The nutrition knowledge scale included five subjects:
(1) 5 items related to the major nutrients contained in
food groups, for 4th to 6th graders only, (2) 5 items related
to the physiological function of food groups, (3) 5 items
on the relationship between diet/nutrient and disease, (4)
13 items comparing foods in terms of specific nutrient
content (e.g. fat, fiber, calcium, calorie, sodium), and (5)
26 items related to the balanced diet. The last subject included 6 questions on the principles of balanced diet, 8 on
the need for six food groups, 6 on the food selection skills
to achieve the balance, and 6 on the daily serving requirements of different food groups (for 4th to 6th graders
only). Considering reading comprehension of the children,
the nutrition knowledge questions for 1st to 3rd graders
and 4th to 6th graders may have the same gist but the
statements were different. The formats of the scale were
either true-false or multiple choices. One point was given
to correct answers, zero otherwise. The total possible
points of the 1st to 3rd and 4th to 6th graders were 43 and
54, respectively. Inter-item reliabilities (Cronbachs alpha
coefficient) of the total scale in 1st to 3rd graders and 4th to
6th graders were 0.72 and 0.76, respectively. The testretest reliabilities (N=45, 47) were 0.62 and 0.86, respectively.
The nutrition attitudes scale had 18 items with 3-point
Likert-type format, the response items include agree,
neutral, disagree, and one extra item of I dont know.

Happy, neutral, and sad faces were used in conjunction

with the words. Upon analyzing the data, the response
item I dont know was treated as neutral. For 1st to 3rd
graders, the Cronbachs alpha coefficient of the scale was
0.68, the test-retest coefficient (N=45) was 0.65. For 4th
to 6th graders, the Cronbachs alpha coefficient of the
scale was 0.65, and the test-retest coefficient (N=47) was
The nutrition related eating behavior scale had 16 items
with the 3-point Likert-type format. The response items
included often, sometimes, seldom, and I dont
know. The response item I dont know was merged
with sometimes. Principal axis factor analysis with
varimax rotation was used to determine the number of
factors. Items that loaded over 0.30 were considered part
of a particular factor. The scale could be broken down
into two factors, caring-about-nutrition and external/emotional-cued eating, these two factors accounted
for 19.8% of total variance. Only behavior related to caring-about-nutrition was reported in this paper. The Cronbachs alpha reliabilities coefficient of the caring-aboutnutrition behavior scale were 0.62 and 0.65 for 1st to 3rd
grade children and 4th to 6th grade children, respectively.
Restraint eating scale was adapted from ChEAT-26; due
to the limitation on the length of the questionnaire, only
10 items were chosen from similar items and it was administered only to 4th to 6th graders. The scale had a 3point Likert-type format with often, sometimes, seldom, and I dont know as the response items. The
Cronbachs alpha coefficient and the test-retest reliabilities (N=47) were 0.83 and 0.80, respectively. Other nutrition related behaviors studied were frequency of meals
and source of meals.
A Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) was used to
measure childrens food intakes. The interview of FFQ
was carried out at home with parent assisting child to
respond to the questions especially for young child. A
total of 33 food items from all major food groups but not
fat/oil group (i.e. milk, vegetable, fruit, and meat groups)
and unhealthy (high fat and/or high sugar) snacks and
beverages were included in the questionnaire. Information
on both frequencies (days/week) and amounts (servings/day eaten) were sought for food items from 4 food
groups, but only frequency (days/week) was sought for
snacks and beverages. The intake of cereals and grains
was measured with open-ended questions due to the complexity and variability of the cereals and grains group
eaten by Taiwanese people. The frequencies and amounts
of all foods in a given food group were summed up to
estimate servings per day of that specific food group.
Based on the concept of dietary score,21 the authors
developed a scoring system named as Dietary Quality
Score (DQS) which adopted recommendation servings
specified for each of the six food groups in the Taiwanese
Food Guide Recommendation (TFGR) (Table 1) as the
standards of scoring, except for the milk group, where 2-3
servings/day instead of the original 2 servings/day was
used as the recommendation to match the standard of
other countries. A maximum of 10 points was given to
each food group, if the average servings eaten per day
met the standards. For the vegetable and fruit groups, 10
points was to given to both the intakes meeting and

W Lin, HC Yang, CM Hang and WH Pan

exceeding TFGR, but for the milk, meat group and cereals and grains group, 10 points was not given to those
who exceed (within the range of 0.5 servings) the TFGR
due to possible risk of high fat or high calorie intake
caused by the high intakes. Fewer points were given to
those who failed to meet the standards. Therefore, 0 point
was given to those eating fewer than 0.5 serving/day as
well as those with intakes exceeding twice the amount of
recommended servings per day. Beside the basic food
groups, the intake of unhealthy snacks and beverages was
also included in the Dietary Quality Score. The frequencies of eating all types of high fat or high sugar snacks
and beverages listed in the FFQ were summed together as
one food group which also accounted for 10 points. But
the score was reversely related with the frequency eaten;
0 to 10 points were given proportionally to those who eat
7 day/week to 0 day/week. Details of the scoring system
are provided in Table 1. To test the validity, the correlation coefficients of the DQS with various nutrients intake
(adjusted for calorie intake) from 24-hr recall data of the
same survey were computed and listed in Table 2; the
positive correlation coefficients with most nutrients indicate that the scoring system has a satisfactory validity.
The low coefficients between DQS and iron, vitamin B1
and vitamin E intakes were partly due to the limitation of
the original design of the FFQ, which did not separate
high-iron and high-vitamin B1 containing meats (i.e. beef,
liver) from others (i.e. fish, poultry) and high-vitamin B1
containing whole grains from refined grains, and did not


inquire about vitamin E-rich cooking oils.

Other nutrition related behaviors measured were meal
pattern and meal source. The frequency of eating 3 meals
and 3 snacks were evaluated with the 5-point Likert-type
format. The response items ranged from everyday, often, sometimes seldom and never. Seven sources of
meals were listed including self, family, school cafeteria/
store, contract food service center, and after-school childcare center, not applicable and others (such as classmate,
babysitter, outside store) were also provided as response
Statistical analysis
Data were analyzed using the SAS (version 8.2) for Windows. Data were weighted to represent the Taiwanese
population using the models developed by the SUDAAN
Software Company, but not including data for performing
Pearson product-moment correlation. One-way analysis
of variance was used to compare the differences in nutrition knowledge, attitude, and behavior among schoolchildren of different grades, genders, and residing strata. The
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient was used
to study the relationships between nutrition knowledge,
attitude, and behavior. The significant level used was
As indicated above, the presentation of nutrition knowledge questions to 1st to 3rd grader and 4th to 6th grader

Table 1. Dietary Quality Score (DQS) scoring system (H: 4th-6th grade, L: 1st-3rd grade)
Food group
























2 servings
H: 2 servings
L: 4/3-2 servings
2 servings
H: 3 servings





L: 2-3 servings

Food group









Cereals and H










H:16 servings
L:12 servings


snacks and

servings per day; day per week


Table 2. The Pearson correlation coefficients (r) of the DQS with various nutrient intakes (adjusted for calorie intake)
from 24-hr recall (N=2398)




*p<0.05 **p<0.01 ***p<0.001

Vit. C


Oleic acid

Vit. A

Vit. E


Nutrition knowledge, attitude, and behavior

Table 3. Characteristics of Subjects

1st -3rd Grade
Residential area
Urban areas
Rural areas
Hakka areas
Mountain areas
Eastern areas
Penghu islands

4th -6th Grade










were different, so the results of 1st to 3rd graders and 4th to

6th graders are presented separately.
Demographic characteristics of the sample
The characteristics of the subjects are listed in Table 3.
The samples of 1st to 3rd graders were composed of 654
boys and 545 girls, and 4th to 6th graders were composed
of 642 boys and 576 girls. In order to have a sufficient
sample size of relevant ethnic groups and geographical
regions, the survey over-sampled certain areas and ethnic
groups and thus the data was weighted in statistical analyses.
Nutrition knowledge, attitudes and behavior in elementary school children
The mean, standard error, and percentage of correct or
positive responses out of the total scale and subscales are
presented in Table 4.
Nutrition knowledge. The nutrition knowledge of Taiwanese Elementary school children was fair. On average,
1st to 3rd graders and 4th to 6th graders answered 67.3%
and 71.4% of the nutrition knowledge questions correctly.
Most students were aware of the necessity of different

food groups, the principle of balanced diet, the skill of

selecting foods to achieve the balanced, and the comparison of foods in terms of specific nutrients. But 1st to 3rd
graders were not knowledgeable about the relationships
between diet and disease (53.2%) and the physiological
function of major food groups (59.5%); 4th to 6th graders
were not knowledgeable about the daily serving requirement of various food groups (47.9%) and the physiological function of these food groups (59.1%). Most children
perceived that the TFGR daily servings for fruit group
and vegetable group were not enough for children of his/
her age, but those for milk group, meat group and cereals
and grains group were too much for children of his/ her
age. Comparing the mean score, 4th to 6th graders scored
higher (t-test, p<0.05) in most subjects than 1st to 3rd
graders except that there was no difference in the scores
for physiological function of food groups.
Nutrition attitudes. From the mean percentage of positive
responses on the scale (Table 4), we found that elementary school children expressed favorable attitudes toward
nutrition. A comparison of the mean scores of 1st to 3rd
graders with 4th to 6th graders, revealed that 4th to 6th
graders had more positive attitudes than 1st to 3rd graders
(t-test, p<0.05).
More than 40% of elementary students disagreed
that its enough if one eat all kinds of food, there is no
need for vitamins or other dietary supplements, and 25%
agreed that only those who are overweight should limit
snack intake. About 30% of 1st to 3rd graders and 17% of
4th to 6th graders agreed that its not necessary to make
oneself unhappy for eating healthy; 26% of 1st to 3rd
graders and 18% of 4th to 6th graders agreed that its not
necessary to force oneself to eat something he or she
doesnt like for health reasons. Thus, for many elementary students, eating for health may not be an important
concern as for adults.
Nutrition behaviour. From the mean percentage of

Table 4. Mean and percentage of correct or positive responses on nutrition knowledge, attitudes, behavior, and dietary
quality score (DQS) scales
Nutrition knowledge-total 1
Nutrition knowledge-total 2
Nutrients in food groups
The physiological function of food groups
Relationship between diet/nutrient and disease
Comparison of foods in terms of specific nutrient content
Balanced diet-the principles of balanced diet
Balanced diet-the need for six food groups
Balanced diet- the skill of selecting a balanced diet
Balanced diet- daily serving requirements for food
Nutrition attitude
Caring-about-nutrition behavior
Restraint eating behavior

1st - 3rd Grade (N=1199)

% of correct
Mean SE
or positive
28.9 0.3*
3.0 0.1
2.7 0.1*


4th - 6th Grade (N=1218)

% of correct
Mean SE
or positive
38.5 0.3
3.1 0.1
3.0 0.1
3.2 0.1*


8.8 0.1*



10.4 0.1*



4.4 0.1*
6.1 0.1*
4.1 0.1*



5.2 0.0*
6.2 0.0*
4.6 0.1*








14.1 0.1


included questions used in both grade groups. questions used in 4th-6th grades only. *significant difference between 1st-3rd graders and 4th6th graders (t-test, p<0.05)

W Lin, HC Yang, CM Hang and WH Pan

positive responses on the scale (Table 4), we found that
elementary school children performed relatively poorly in
the caring-about-nutrition behavior. Comparing the
mean scores, 4th to 6th graders performed better than 1st to
3rd graders. While looking at individual behaviors, almost
half of the elementary students seldom or never paid
attention to the nutrition information on TV, radio, in
newspapers or books or chose foods based on ones
weight status. Almost half of the 1st to 3rd graders and
one third of the 4th to 6th graders seldom or never used
the information on food labels to make food choices.
More than 30% seldom or never chose foods based on its
health benefits, or asked people which food is good for
health. In addition, one fourth of the students usually
chose foods based on preference. These results indicate
that considerable proportion of Taiwanese elementary
students used innate taste preference but not health concern regarding food choice.
Restraint eating behaviour. The restraint eating behavior
scale was only administered to 4th to 6th graders. From the
mean percentage of positive responses (20.5%) on the
scale (Table 4), we found that the restraint or disinhibited


eating behavior of 4th to 6th graders was not serious. Onefourth of the students were always afraid of being obese,
17.4% were always trying to lose weight, 10.7% always
selected foods that were not fattening due to fear of being obese. But fewer than 5% of 4th to 6th graders performed severe restraint eating behavior, e.g. vomiting; not
eating when hungry; avoiding high starch foods; nor did
they have disinhibited eating behavior, such as: overeating to the extent that one cannot stop, regret after eating.
However, over 30% of 4th to 6th graders stated that they
sometime, but not frequently, performed 5 specific kinds
of restraint eating behaviors among the 10 listed to avoid
Dietary quality. The Taiwanese Food Guides provide
serving size recommendations for 6 food groups, but the
intake of the fat and oil group was not assessed as a part
of FFQ, therefore, only the daily intakes (Data not shown)
of 5 food groups and snacks/beverages of elementary
school children were used for DQS calculation. Details of
the DQS scoring system is provided in Table 1.
According to the TFGR 1994, the percentages of
children meeting the requirement or ingesting more than

Table 5. Mean scores of nutrition knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors by demographic characteristics of elementary
school children

Nutrition knowledge-total

Nutrition attitude












1 - 3 Grade
(1) male
(2) female
Residential area
(1) urban areas
(2) rural areas
(3) Hakka areas
(4) mountain
(5) eastern areas
(6) Penghu
Summary of
result of Scheffe
4th - 6th Grade
(1) male
(2) female
Residential area
(1) urban areas
(2) rural areas
(3) Hakka areas
(4) mountain
(5) eastern areas
(6) Penghu
Summary of
result of Scheffe
* p<0.05

Mean SE
Caring-aboutnutrition behavior

Restraint eating

























































Nutrition knowledge, attitude, and behavior

the recommended amounts of vegetables (V) and fruits (F)

were 9.1% and 21.2%, respectively in 1st to 3rd graders
(TFGR is 4/3~2 servings per day for V and 2 per day for
F), and 15.2%, 26.4% in 4th to 6th graders (TFGR is 2
servings per day for both V and G). For the milk group,
there were 15.7% of the 1st to 3rd graders and 14.7% of
the 4th to 6th graders meeting the recommendation (TFGR
is 2 servings per day) or not exceeding 3 servings. For the
meat group, there were 50.3% of the 1st to 3rd graders
(TFGR is 2~3 servings per day) and 16.8% of the 4th to
6th graders (TFGR is 3 servings per day) falling within the
range. For the cereals and grains group, there were 26.7%
of the 1st to 3rd graders (TFGR is 12 servings per day) and
6.5% of the 4th to 6th graders (TFGR is 16 servings per
day) falling within the range.
Examining the distribution data of the ingested foods,
we found that those who did not meet the recommendations were mainly under the recommended servings for
all 5 food groups; particularly in the vegetable, fruit and
milk groups, there were 73.6% to 90.9% of the children
who did not meet the recommendations. From the distribution of the frequency (day/week) of eating
snacks/beverages, we found that most elementary school
children eat or drink snacks/beverages 1~2 day per week.
The mean dietary quality scores calculated from 5 food
groups and snacks/beverages were 35.2 and 33.6 for 1st to
3rd graders and 4th to 6th graders, respectively (Table 4).
The scores accounted for only about 58.6% and 56% of
the full score (60), which indicates that the quality of the
diet was not satisfactory for both groups. This result is
consistent with the low percentage of children meeting
the recommendations.
Other nutrition related behaviors
Meal pattern. More than 92.1% of participants stated that
they ate lunch and dinner every day, but the percentages
of eating breakfast every day were only 82.4% and 77.2%,
respectively for 1st to 3rd and 4th to 6th graders (Data not
shown). Only 75.9% and 72.4% regularly ate three meals
a day, meaning one fourth of the students skipped meals,
especially breakfast. Many students (31.8% and 21.2%
for 1st to 3rd and 4th to 6th graders, respectively) often or
almost everyday ate snacks in the afternoon, but fewer in
the morning or at night. Around 11.1% of 1st to 3rd graders and 5.9% of 4th to 6th graders ate snacks in the morning, and 5.4% and 6.5% at night.
Meal source. The major source of lunch was school for
both grade groups, either school cafeteria (51.7%, 58.5%
for 1st to 3rd graders and 4th to 6th graders, respectively) or
contracted food service center (13.5%, 29.5% for 1st to 3rd
grader and 4th to 6th graders, respectively); only 25.3% of
1st to 3rd grade and 10.4% of 4th to 6th grade students
lunch were prepared by family members. Other meals and
snacks were prepared mainly by family members (Data
not shown). Almost 90% of the 1st to 3rd graders breakfast was prepared by family members, but one forth of the
4th to 6th graders (25.6%) and 10.5% of the 1st to 3rd graders prepared their own breakfast. The afternoon snack of
the 4th to 6th graders was mainly prepared by family
members (37.1%) and themselves (30.0%), and some
(10.2%) were provided by after-school child-care centers.

The dinner was mainly prepared by family members for

both 1st to 3rd graders (97.4%) and 4th to 6th graders
Nutrition knowledge, attitudes, behavior and restraint
eating behavior by demographic characteristics of elementary school children (Table 5)
Nutrition knowledge. No statistically significant differences were found between genders for nutrition knowledge. Compared with those living in mountain areas,
elementary school children living in other areas (urban,
rural, Hakka, eastern and Penghu islands) were more
knowledgeable about nutrition. Besides, the 1st to 3rd
graders who lived in urban areas had better nutrition
knowledge than those lived in the Penghu islands. This
phenomenon was not seen for the 4th to 6th graders.
Nutrition attitudes. There were no statistically significant
differences between genders for nutrition attitudes. All
school children who lived in urban areas, rural areas,
Hakka areas and Penghu islands expressed more positive
nutrition attitudes than those lived in mountain areas.
Specifically for 1st to 3rd graders, those living in urban
areas and Hakka areas showed more positive nutrition
attitudes than those living in the Penghu islands.
Nutrition behaviour. No difference was found in caringabout-nutrition behavior between genders. For across
stratum comparison, the results for the 1st to 3rd graders
and for the 4th to 6th graders were not consistent. In the 1st
to 3rd graders, those who lived in urban areas, rural areas,
and Hakka areas performed caring-about-nutrition behavior more frequently than those who lived in Penghu islands. As for 4th to 6th graders, only those who lived in
Hakka areas performed such behavior more frequently
than those lived in rural areas, mountain areas, and Penghu islands. No statistically significant difference was
observed among other strata.
Restraint eating behaviour. No statistically significant
differences were found between genders for restraint eating behavior in the 4th to 6th graders. Compared with those
living in the Penghu islands, the 4th to 6th graders living in
Taiwan as a whole (including urban areas, rural areas,
Hakka areas, mountain areas and eastern areas) restrained
their diets more frequently.
Dietary quality. As for dietary quality score, the only
difference found was that children who lived in mountain
areas scored lower than those lived in other areas; no difference was found between genders. When examining the
proportions of children meeting the recommended intakes
(data not shown), the average daily intakes of mountain
areas children were almost the lowest among 6 areas for
the vegetable group (4.8% and 7.8%) and for the fruit
group (10.2% and 8.9%) for the two grade groups, but the
proportions meeting the recommended intakes for the
meat group and cereals and grains group were more comparable with other residential areas. Therefore, we anticipated that the lower DQS was mainly due to the lower
intake of vegetables and fruits in the mountainous stratum.

W Lin, HC Yang, CM Hang and WH Pan


Table 6. Pearson correlation coefficients between nutrition knowledge, attitudes, behavior, and dietary quality score
(DQS) of elementary school children
1st - 3rd Grade (N=1199)
Nutrition knowledge-total
Nutrition attitude
Caringabout-nutrition behavior
4th - 6th Grade (N=1218)
Nutrition knowledge-total
Nutrition attitude
Caring-about-nutrition behavior

Nutrition knowledge-total

Pearson correlation coefficients











*** p<0.001 **p<0.01 *p<0.05

Relationship between nutrition knowledge, attitudes and

The correlation coefficients (r) for nutrition knowledge,
attitudes, and caring-about-nutrition behavior and dietary
quality score are reported in Table 6. Significant positive
correlations were found among almost all variables with
the strongest relation (as shown by r value) existing between knowledge and attitude (r=0.542 and 0.379 for G13 and G4-6, respectively). Weaker but significantly positive relations were found between knowledge and behavior/dietary quality (r=0.195-0.269) and between attitude
and behavior/dietary quality (r=0.147-0.205). The results
indicate that children having better nutrition knowledge
also expressed more positive nutrition attitude, caringabout-nutrition behavior more frequently, and also have a
better quality diet.
It is paramount to develop and reinforce lifestyle behaviors that encourage the maintenance of appropriate
weight, foster good health, and prevent disease during the
childhood and adolescent years.22 With the increasing
prevalence of obesity, diet-related diseases and problematic eating behaviors of Taiwanese children,1,23 this study
aimed to assess the nutrition knowledge, and to understand the nutrition related attitude and behaviors of Taiwanese children in order to identify the most important
messages for school nutrition education.
Results showed that the majority of elementary students were aware of the necessity to ingest from different
food groups, the principle of balanced (adequate and varied) diet, the skill of selecting foods for such a diet, and
the differences in major nutrients of foods, but scored low
on the physiological function of food groups, the relationships between diet/nutrient and disease, and the
daily serving requirements of six food groups. Elementary school children expressed favorable attitudes toward
nutrition as a whole, but they did not think the health
benefit of food was an important concern for food selection. They did not often care about for nutrition in daily
life based on the nutrition attitude scale and the caringabout-nutrition scale. The physiological function of food
groups was considered as basic nutrition knowledge and

taught in the health class of elementary school. But children knowledge was found weak in an earlier study24 and
also in the present study. As for the relationships between diet/nutrient and disease, and the daily serving
requirement of six food groups, the result was similar to
the Taiwanese adolescent study25 and the Elderly Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan.26 Balanced diet (food
choice from each of the six Taiwanese food groups on a
daily basis) is one of the core themes of nutrition education, which is emphasized in dietary guidelines, and in the
daily serving requirements of six food groups.
The survey results showed that although children understood the Taiwanese concept of a balanced diet, they
do not have an in-depth understanding of how many food
servings are needed daily by children; this may become
the obstacle for practicing balanced diet. Lack of knowledge on the relationships between diet/nutrient and disease may explain why some of school children seldom or
never choose foods based on its health benefits. But
previous researches stated that knowledge or skill of instrumental or how-to nature only works for those who
wish to eat healthfully, knowledge partially mediates a
relationship between goal setting and self-efficacy but is
not related to changes in the behavior, knowledge by itself can lead to behavioral change only among the right
(motivated) people.27,28 Therefore, even if children have
the knowledge, if they were not committed to healthy
eating as indicated by their responses in some items in
nutrition attitude scale and caring-about-nutrition behavior scale, they may not have the motivation to practice a
healthy and balanced diet. Therefore, nutrition education
should not only include food serving requirements of
food groups in the future, but also apply appropriate theories to improve the motivation of healthy eating of children.
Despite the high proportion of correct responses in
regard to the principle of balanced diet, almost half of the
school children considered they should take dietary supplements daily, similar to the result found in the Taiwanese adolescent study.25 Survey results indicated about
21.9% and 22.3% of Taiwanese boys and girls, respectively, and 13% to 17% of adolescents use dietary supplements.29,30 Children probably are not the persons who


Nutrition knowledge, attitude, and behavior

make the decision about taking dietary supplements,

many mothers provide their children with dietary supplements to ensure their health.31,32 In recent years, a large
variety of healthy or functional food products are available on the market in Taiwan. The exaggerated claims
about the functions of those foods spread quickly through
mass media and direct selling. These facilitate the increased consumption of dietary supplements.
From the Dietary quality score, we found that the diet
quality of children was poor, and most childrens intakes
of milk, vegetable, fruit and cereals and grains groups
were severely below the recommendation; this result was
consistent with the analyses of 24-hr recall in the same
survey which reported that the average intakes of children
were 10.5, 1.8, 1, 6, 0.7 and 3 servings for the cereals and
grains, vegetable, fruit, meat, milk and fat/oil groups respectively.33 The price of dairy products is relatively high
compared with other foods and thought to be an obstacle
to the promotion of dairy products in Taiwan. But there
are plentiful and various kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables in Taiwan, available at low cost most of the time
except in the Typhoon season (summer and early autumn).
Usually vegetable dishes and/or mixed dishes of meat and
vegetable are provided at lunch and dinner. Therefore, it
is surprising that childrens intakes of fruit and vegetable
are so low. This is similar for American children. Melnik
et al reported the mean consumption of fruits and vegetables were 1.2 and 1.9 servings daily for 2nd graders and
1.5 and 2.0 servings daily for 5th graders from New York
City; very few children consume five servings of fruits
and vegetables per day.9 Rafiroiu et al found 16% to 33%
of 3rd and 5th graders from South Carolina in the United
States meeting the Food Guide Pyramid recommendations for fruits and vegetables.34 McPherson et al stated
that on average, American children consume only about
half of the recommended number of servings of fruits and
vegetables per day.8 In the USA 1996 Food Guide Pyramid, the recommended servings of fruit and vegetable for
children were 3 and 4 servings per day for children older
than 6 yr which is similar but a little higher than the 1994
Taiwanese Food Guide recommendation (TFGR). From
the above studies, we found Taiwanese children ate similar amount of fruits and vegetable with their American
counterpart, but potato was categorized in cereals and
grains group (the full name is grain and starchy tubers
group) in Taiwan which may have some effect on the
With regard to nutrition knowledge, although elementary school children understood the principle of balanced
diet, (the necessity of 6 food groups in daily diet), they
didnt know the daily servings needed for each food
group, and they tended to underestimate their need for the
milk group, meat group and cereals and grains group but
overestimate the need for the fruit group and vegetable
group. If this was true, lack of knowledge may be truly
the obstacle for implementing a balanced diet even if they
have the desire to perform a balanced diet. But the results
is contradictory, since their conception about the daily
requirements for the vegetable group and fruit group are
higher than the recommended servings, but their daily
intakes of these two food groups were much lower than
recommended servings. A study done in France found

that French children could list healthy and unhealthy

foods but their list of the healthiest 10 foods did not show
much overlap with their preferred 10 foods, indicating
children understand what foods are healthy, however,
they dont like to eat them.2 It is urgent to further understand the gap between knowledge, attitude and eating
behavior related to vegetable and fruit consumption of
school children. These researchers suspect that it may due
to the lack of taste preference for fruits and vegetables
and the attitude toward eating for health is not strong in
this age group.
Dieting or restrained eating behavior is a common and
widespread practice among adolescents, especially
girls.35,36 But research indicated that there is increasing
incidence of weight dissatisfaction, weight control or dieting in preadolescent or children.37-40 Based on the score
of ChEAT-26 ( 20), Lee and Lin41 concluded that 13.8%
of the Taiwanese 3rd-6th graders have the risk of an eating
disorder. But according to the result of this survey the
restraint eating behavior of 4th to 6th graders seems not
serious. Fewer than 5% of 4th to 6th graders performed
severely restraint eating behavior, e.g. vomiting, not eating when hungry, avoiding high starch foods, nor do they
have severe disinhibited eating behavior due to dieting,
e.g. overeating to the extent that one cannot stop, regret
after eating. However, over 30% of 4th to 6th graders
stated that they sometime performed the 5 of the restraint eating behaviors among 10 asked, which indicated
that a large number of children already expressed some
restraint practice to avoid obesity, although it was not
frequent. The dieting behavior of children has been reported: Rafiroiu et al34 found 8% of 3rd graders and 5% of
5th graders from South Carolina in the United States reported they made themselves vomit and/or took diet pills
to control their weight, and they were more likely to have
less nutrition knowledge, fewer positive attitudes toward
nutrition, stronger social influence, and more eating concerns. Therefore, we should pay more attention to eating
practices among children.
The present study explored differences in nutrition
knowledge, attitudes and behavior of elementary school
children by grade levels, genders and residing strata. As
many studies24,42,43 have found, the performance of nutrition knowledge, attitudes and behavior is improves with
age except for the elderly. This may mainly due to the
effect of education but also the life-related experiences.
The survey results exhibited whether 1st to 3rd grade or 4th
to 6th grade, there is mostly no difference in nutrition
knowledge, attitudes and caring about nutrition behavior
between genders. Many studies pointed out that females
were more knowledgeable than males except for the elderly,26,44,45 but the outcome was not in accordance with
behavior.25,46-49 Different assessment tools of surveys may
result in different outcomes. It was often thought that the
difference in nutrition knowledge and attitudes between
males and females may be due to the difference in social
expectation of the sexual roles: females tended to be more
concerned about issues related to diet/nutrition since they
hold the so-called gatekeeper role in the family, but it
may not be the case for children since they are young.
This may also imply a change in the perception of sexual
roles for diet/nutrition issues, but further studies are

W Lin, HC Yang, CM Hang and WH Pan

needed to draw any such conclusion.
Schoolchildren living in mountain areas were poorer in
nutrition knowledge, attitudes, caring-about-nutrition
behavior and dietary quality than others. The surveys in
Taiwan during 1993-1996 and 1999-2000 found similar
results.42 This may result from lower family socioeconomic status and insufficient resources. The majority of
residents living in mountain areas in Taiwan are aborigines: surveys indicate that the family education resource of
aborigines was insufficient, as judged by social capital,
economic capital and cultural capital, which may result in
low academic achievement of aboriginal children.50,51 It
may also be the reason for the low achievement in nutrition knowledge, and thus affect attitude and behavior of
children from mountain areas. Besides providing free
school lunch as it is now, nutritional personnel could pay
particular attention to improve the possible mediating
factors (knowledge, attitude, motivation, self-efficacy,
etc.) of healthful eating of mountainous children to improve the quality of their diet. As for the restrained eating
behavior, those 4th to 6th graders living in the Penghu islands restrained their diets less frequently than children
living in 5 other areas which all are on the main island of
Taiwan. Although the transportation was inconvenient,
the mass communication system was popular for most
Penghu islands, so culture isolation or segmentation with
Taiwan island need not happen, but the results from the
Elderly Nutrition and Health Survey (1999-2000) indicated that the elderly of the Penghu islands retain more
Chinese traditions, therefore we suspect the effects of a
slim body image and dieting behavior may be less for
children living in the Penghu islands.
More than 90% of school children ate lunch and dinner
everyday, however, only 80% of them ate breakfast,
which was similar with the outcome of the Nutrition and
Health Survey in Taiwan carried out from 1993 to 1996.13
In addition, the present study also showed that 4th to 6th
graders ate breakfast less frequently than 1st to 3rd graders.
As other researchers found, as children get older, they go
to school without breakfast,5,11,14,52 which may result in as
few as 45.4% of adolescents consuming breakfast.25
The manual of childhood nutrition published by the
Taiwanese Department of Health53 suggests elementary
school children eat snacks between meals to complement
the insufficient intakes of meals, especially between
breakfast and lunch (morning snack), and between lunch
and dinner (afternoon snack). The survey results showed
that many students (31.8% and 21.2% for 1st to 3rd and 4th
to 6th graders, respectively) ate afternoon snack, but less
morning snack. Night snack was usually not suggested,
but a few elementary school children ate the night snack
(5.4% 1st-3rd grader, 6.5% 4th-6th grader), the percentage
of eating night snack increased compared with the previous study (2% for age 7-12) of 1993 to 1996.11 This may
imply a change in life style which may increase energy
intake and obesity prevalence.
Most of the breakfasts and dinners of elementary
school children were prepared by family members, but
the lunch was mainly bought at school, either at the
school cafeteria or contract food service center. Notably,
about 10% of 1st to 3rd graders and 25% of 4th to 6th graders prepared their own breakfast. One study administered


in America showed that 17.3% of 2nd graders and 35.2%

of 5th graders prepared meals by their self or other child.9
Thereafter, when elementary school children get older,
the percentage of eating breakfast declined, at meantime
the percentage of self-prepared breakfast increased. The
increments in convenient store, breakfast shop/stand and
bakery in both urban and rural areas may reflect the
change of eating pattern of Taiwanese people, i.e. less
people cook their own breakfast. Both traditional and
western style breakfast foods, e.g. milk, soy milk, bread,
steamed bun, were bought in the previous days, in the
morning or on the way to school/office. As a result, we
found increased percentage of children preparing, mainly
packing, their own breakfast. Lin et al indicated that Taiwanese children who ate breakfast alone would increase
soft drinks consumption.11 The contribution of breakfast
to daily nutrient intake is important for children: skipping
breakfast not only causes reduction of nutrients intake54
but also influences the development of elementary school
children. Children who eat breakfast everyday have better
health and have better school performance.6,14,52 Kelder et
al52 found that skipping meals is associated with trying to
lose weight in 4th to 11th graders from a focus group study
in central Texas; it may also be the reason for some Taiwanese children since the survey results do show that
one-fourth of the students are always afraid of being
obese, 17.4% always try to lose weight, 10.7% always
select foods that were not fattening due to fear of being
obese, but further study would be necessary to understand the reason for skipping meals.
In conclusion, we identify the strengths and limitations
of the study and also propose suggestions for future research and education.
The strengths of this study are large representative
samples and comprehensiveness of study variables. A
limitation of this study is that questionnaires were administered by interviewers; social expectation may diminish
the validity of responses, especially in regard to restraint
eating behavior.
The study found that school children lacked knowledge
of the relationships between diet/nutrient and disease
and they did not know the daily servings needed for each
food group. Children tended to underestimate their need
for the milk group, meat group and cereals and grains
group but overestimate the need for the fruit group and
vegetable group. Whats interesting is although they
overestimate the need for the fruit group and vegetable
group, their intake were lower than recommendations.
The results show that lack of knowledge may be the obstacle for implementing a balanced diet even if they have
the desire to perform a balanced diet, but there is a gap
between nutrition knowledge, attitude and eating behavior,
especially for fruit and vegetable. It may due to the attitude toward eating for health is not strong in this age
group. As suggested by many researchers, nutrition education should not only include instrumental knowledge,
such as food serving requirements of food groups, but
also apply appropriate theories to improve the motivation
of eating foods which were thought to be good for health
but may not be childrens preferences. Emphasis on
health attributes of a food may be a turn off for children.55 Future studies should explore what motivates


Nutrition knowledge, attitude, and behavior

children to eat more healthful diets.

Data analyzed in this paper were collected by the research project "Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT)" sponsored by the Department of Health in Taiwan (DOH-88-FS,
DOH89-88shu717, DOH90-FS-5-4, DOH91-FS-5-4). This research project was carried out by the Institute of Biomedical
Sciences of Academia Sinica and the Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Center for Survey Research, Academia Sinica, directed by Dr. Wen-Harn Pan and Dr. Su-Hao
Tu. The Center for Survey Research of Academia Sinica is
responsible for data distribution. The assistance provided by the
institutes and aforementioned individuals is greatly appreciated.
The views expressed herein are solely those of the authors.
Wei Lin, Hsiao-Chi Yang, Chi-Ming Hang, and Wen-Harn Pan,
no conflicts of interest.
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Nutrition knowledge, attitude, and behavior

Appendix. Examples of questions of the nutrition knowledge, attitudes, caring about nutrition behavior, and restraint eating behavior scales
Nutrition knowledge
Subscale 1.The nutrients in food groups
How can we acquire the energy body needed?
(1) from exercise (2) from wearing clothes (3) from eating
Subscale 2. The physiological function of food groups
What is the main physiological function of cereals and grains group foods (e.g. rice, noodles, steamed bun, etc.)?
(1) provide energy (2) make bones strong (3) making blood
Subscale3. The relationship between diet/nutrient and disease
Which of following condition can cause heart disease?
(1) eat too much fat (fatty meat) (2) eat too much dietary fiber (fruits) (3) eat too much vitamins (rice)?

Items in parentheses are used in G1-3.

Subscale 4. The comparison of foods in terms of specific nutrient content(e.g. fat, fiber, calcium, calorie, sodium)
Which of the following foods contains more fat than the others?
(1) roasted drumstick (2) deep-fried drumstick (3) stewed drumstick
Subscale 5-1. Balanced diet- the principles of balanced diet
As long as one eat enough, he wont have nutrition-related problem
Subscale 5-2. Balanced diet- the need for six food groups
Do you think that children should eat cereals and grains food every day?
Subscale 5-3. Balanced diet- the skill of selecting a balanced diet
Henry, Rob and Sandy (children of your age) had lunch in the following places yesterday, whose lunch is healthier than others?
(1) Henry: ate one bowl of instant noodles, one glass of black tea, one cup of jelly, and one half of guava at home
(2) Rob: ate a piece of fried chicken, medium French fries, one corn on the cob, and one glass of soda in fast food restaurant
(3) Sandy ate one bowl of cooked rice, stir-fried meat with vegetable, stir-fried tomato with egg, and one apple in cafeteria
Subscale 5-4 Balanced diet-the daily serving requirements of different food groups
John (child of your age) ate one apple and one orange, is that enough for a day?
Nutrition attitudes
Its not necessary to force oneself to eat something he doesnt like for health reasons
Only those who are overweight should limit snack intake
Caring about nutrition behavior
You pay attention to the nutrition information on TV, radio, in newspapers or books
You will ask people which food is good for health
Restraint eating
You are afraid of being obese
You will select foods that are not fattening due to fear of being obese

W Lin, HC Yang, CM Hang and WH Pan


Original Article

Nutrition knowledge, attitude, and behavior of

Taiwanese elementary school children
Wei Lin PhD1, Hsiao-Chi Yang BS2, Chi-Ming Hang MS2 and Wen-Harn Pan PhD3,4,5

Department of Food, Health and Nutrition Science, Chinese Culture University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Program of Nutritional Science and Education, Department of Human Development and Family Studies,
National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Institute of Biomedical Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Institute of Microbiology and Biochemistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
College of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC

1/4 1/4 4-6

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