English Verbs Prepositions Dictionary
English Verbs Prepositions Dictionary
English Verbs Prepositions Dictionary
Shayna Oliveira, 2012
English Teacher
Shayna Oliveira, 2012
Verb + Preposition
account for
Example Sentence
How do you account for To "account for" is to explain or
the differences between
provide a reason
the two financial reports?
accuse (someone) of
Dan accused Henry of
To accuse is to say that someone
stealing money from the did something bad
adapt to
When I moved to a different country, it was hard for me to adapt
to the new culture.
add (something) to
I added some salt to the
soup to give it more
adjust to
After I got divorced, I had
to adjust to life as a
single man.
admire (someone)
I admire Joanne for her
for (something)
agree on (topic)
My teacher and I agree
You agree ON a noun: We agree on
on the importance of
politics. We don't agree on religion.
listening practice.
agree to (do
She agreed to make
You agree TO a verb
cookies for the party.
agree with (someone) I agree with you.
You agree WITH a person
apologize to
Barbara apologized to
(someone) for (doing her boss for being late to
the meeting.
apply to (a university I applied to the top
/ program)
university in the country
- but I didn't get in.
apply for (a job /
Sandra applied for a
marketing job at a
multinational company.
approve of
My parents don't
approve of my new
argue with
I argued with my
To argue is to have a verbal conflict.
(someone) about
business partner about
The noun form is "argument" and we
how much to invest in
also say "have an argument with
arrange for
We'll arrange for a
(someone) (to do
babysitter to take care of
the kids.
arrest (someone) for Pat was arrested for
To "arrest" is when the police take a
driving without a license. person into the police station because
they are suspected of some crime.
Shayna Oliveira, 2012
arrive at (a place)
arrive in (a city,
ask (someone) about
ask (someone) for
ask (someone) to (do
base on
be accustomed to
be/get acquainted
be addicted to
be afraid of
be angry at/with
(someone) for
be annoyed at/with
(someone) for
be anxious about
be associated with
be aware of
be blessed with
be bored with
Shayna Oliveira, 2012
be capable of
be cluttered with
be committed to
be composed of
be concerned about
be connected to/with
be content with
be dedicated to
be devoted to
be disappointed
in/with (someone/
be discouraged by
be done with
be dressed in
be engaged in
be engaged to
be envious of
be equipped with
be excited about
be exposed to
be faced with
(problem / dilemma
/ decision)
be faithful to
be familiar with
be famous for
be filled with
be finished with
be fond of
be frightened by
be frightened of
be grateful to
(someone) for
be guilty of (a crime)
be happy about
be innocent of
be interested in
be interested in
This building is
equipped with a solar
power system.
We're excited about our
upcoming trip around
the world.
The children of smokers
are exposed to
secondhand smoke.
My family didn't have health insurance, and we were faced with
enormous medical bills after my father got sick.
He's faithful to his wife - he wouldn't get involved with another
Sorry, I'm not familiar with that computer program. I've only
used it once.
That musician is famous
for her poetic song lyrics.
The stores were filled with shoppers during the week before
Don't throw away the
newspaper - I'm not
finished with it yet.
I'm quite fond of
To be fond of something means you
peppermint tea. I drink it especially like it, you have an
almost every day.
emotional connection to it.
My dog was frightened
by the fireworks, and hid
under the bed.
Alex never talks to women because hes too frightened of
I'm grateful to Sally for
helping me find a new
The director was found
"Guilty" is the opposite of "innocent"
guilty of sexual
My family wasn't happy
about my decision to
drop out of college.
I believe she's innocent of the charges - she doesn't seem like a
I'm interested in
Kevin keeps asking me
If you are "interested in" someone, it
Shayna Oliveira, 2012
be terrified of
be thankful for
be tired of (doing
beg for
believe in
belong to
benefit from
blame (someone) for
blame (something)
on (someone)
boast about
borrow (something)
from (someone)
care about (someone
/ something)
care for (someone)
don't care for
cater to (group of
charge (someone) for
I'm terrified of enclosed "Terrified" means EXTREMELY
spaces - I can get panic
scared or afraid
attacks in an elevator.
We're thankful for everyone who volunteered to help with the
I want to buy a car. I'm
tired of taking the bus.
My ex-boyfriend begged To "beg" is to ask repeatedly with a
me for another chance,
lot of emotion
but I said the
relationship was over.
Do you believe in magic?
No, that motorcycle's not
mine. It belongs to my
The local population will
benefit from the new
He blamed the other
driver for the car
She blamed the mistakes
in the article on the
I hate talking to Ronald
"Boasting" means to talk about
because he's always
something arrogantly
boasting about how
much money he makes.
I borrowed a dress from "Borrow" is the opposite of "lend"
my sister.
(when you borrow, you receive the
object temporarily)
Our company cares
about the environment.
Rachel is caring for her
It's also common to say "taking care
of" a person
I don't care for Mexican "I don't care for it" means "I don't like
food. It's too spicy for me. it very much."
Most of the restaurants
"Cater to" means to be specialized
in this area cater to
towards that group of people
The restaurant charged
In this case, "charge" means to
us for the water - I
require money for a product or
thought it was
Shayna Oliveira, 2012
charge (someone)
with (something)
choose between
something) and
collide with
come from
comment on
communicate with
compare (someone
/something) to/with
compete with
complain about
complain to
(someone) about
(someone) on
concentrate on
confess to
confuse (someone/
something) with
He was charged with
In this case, "charge" means when
assault with a deadly
someone is formally accused of a
I'm trying to choose between Australia and New Zealand for my
next vacation.
Shayna Oliveira, 2012
(someone) for/on
([doing] something)
consent to
consist of
contribute to
convict (someone) of
convince (someone)
cope with
count on
cover in/with
crash into
cure (someone) of
deal with
decide against
decide between
something) and
decide on
We congratulated
Vanessa on her
The director consented
to the employees'
My CD collection
consists of jazz and
classic rock music.
Stress can contribute to
various health problems.
He was convicted of
child abuse.
My wife convinced me
to take dance lessons.
Psychologists can help
people cope with
I'm counting on you to
finish the work by
The mountains are
covered with snow.
A drunk driver crashed
into a tree near my
The antibiotics cured her
of the infection.
dedicate (something)
to (someone)
depend on
derive (something)
from (something)
deter (someone)
from (something)
differ from
disagree with
(someone /
disapprove of
(someone) from
discriminate against
discuss (something)
with (someone)
distinguish between
something) and
distract (someone)
from (something)
dream about/of
elaborate on
escape from (a place)
(something) for
exclude (someone)
from (something)
excuse (someone) for
expel (someone)
from (a place)
get rid of
get used to
give (something) to
glare at
graduate from (a
grieve for
grumble about
happen to
harp on
hear about
hear from (someone)
hear of
help (someone) with
hide (something)
from (someone)
hinge on
I got rid of some old
"Get rid of" means to throw away or
clothes that I don't wear give away
I'm a relaxed person, so it was hard for me to get used to the fast
pace of New York City.
I gave the keys to
You can also say "I gave Pamela the
Rita glared at her
"Glare" means to look at
husband when he started someone/something angrily
chatting with a beautiful
woman at the club.
He graduated from
Harvard University in
He's grieving for his
"Grieve" means to be sad about a loss
mother, who died just a
- usually a death
few days ago.
My husband is
"Grumble" is like "complain"
grumbling about how
early we need to get up
to catch our 6 AM flight.
What happened to your
car? Did you get in an
The salesman was
"Harp on" means to emphasize
harping on all the
something strongly (and rather
wonderful benefits of the annoyingly)
Did you hear about the
"Hear about" is used for knowing
bank robbery that
about the details of a situation
happened last night?
My cousin is traveling and doesn't have much internet access, so I
haven't heard from her lately.
I've never heard of that
"Hear of" is used for hearing just a
mention of something (no details)
She really helped me
with the problem.
I hid the cookies from my kids so they wouldn't eat them before
The success of this
"Hinge on" is like "depend on" - it
project hinges on
means teamwork and collaboration
teamwork and
are ESSENTIAL to the success
I'm hoping for good
Shayna Oliveira, 2012
hope to (verb)
insist on
insure against
interfere in
interfere with
introduce (someone/
something) to
invest in
invite (someone) to
joke about
jot down (something)
keep (someone/
something) from
(doing something)
know about
laugh about
laugh at
learn about
lend (something) to
listen to
long for
look at
look forward to
matter to (someone)
meet with (someone)
mistake (someone/
something) for
object to
participate in
pay for
plan on
praise (someone) for
pray for
prefer (something) to
prepare for
present (someone)
with (something)
prevent (someone/
something) from
(doing something)
prohibit (someone)
from (doing
protect (someone)
from (something)
provide (someone)
with (something)
punish (someone) for
quarrel with
react to
recover from
refer to (something)
related to
rely on
remind (someone) of
remind (someone) to
(do something)
reply to
rescue (someone)
from (something)
respond to
result in (something)
save (someone) from
scold (someone) for
Employees are
prohibited from
smoking inside the office.
Wearing a bicycle helmet can protect you from serious head
We provided all the
children with computers.
I punished my teenage daughter for going to a party without my
We quarreled with the
"Quarrel" is the same as "argue"
hotel receptionist about
(have a verbal conflict)
the extra charges on our
Environmental groups are reacting to the city's plans to build a
new shopping center in the middle of the park.
She stayed home from work because she's still recovering from
Please refer to the
diagram on page 15.
The website has
"Related to" is also used for family
information on various
members - "I'm related to a famous
topics related to
actor. He's my cousin."
You can't rely on other
"Rely on" is like "depend on"
people to make you
You remind me of my
sister - you have a similar
I reminded my husband to buy some milk at the store on the
way home from work.
I'll reply to your e-mail
later today.
The coast guard rescued
the fisherman from the
sinking boat.
The film director responded to the criticisms about his latest
The advertising campaign resulted in hundreds of new
customers for the company.
The fireman saved the
child from the burning
The teacher scolded the To "scold" is to reprimand or criticize
Shayna Oliveira, 2012
([doing] something)
search for
separate (something)
from (something)
share (something)
with (someone)
shout at
show (something) to
smile at (someone)
speak to/with
(someone) about
(someone /
specialize in
spend (money/time)
stand for
stare at
stem from
stop (someone) from
(doing something)
subject (someone) to
subscribe to
(something) for
I'm a biologist. I
specialize in the study of
tropical plants.
I spent $300 on this backpack because I wanted one that was
really high-quality.
NATO stands for the
North Atlantic Treaty
When I dyed my hair
"Stare" means to look at something
bright green, a lot of
intensely for a long time
children stared at me.
The current health crisis "Stem from" is like "originate in"
stems from lack of
nutritional education.
I stopped the child from
playing with the scissors.
I was subjected to verbal abuse from my boss in my previous job
- that's why I quit.
I don't subscribe to any
magazines - I just read
them online.
You can substitute
chicken for beef in this
Shayna Oliveira, 2012
succeed in (doing
suffer from
suspect (someone) of
take advantage of
take care of
talk to/with
(someone) about
tell (someone) about
thank (someone) for
think about
She succeeded in
running a marathon in
under 4 hours.
My aunt suffers from
He is suspected of
planning a terrorist
With low interest rates,
many people took
advantage of the
opportunity to buy a
Shayna Oliveira, 2012
vote for
vouch for (someone /
wait for
warn about
waste (money/time)
work for (a company
/ person)
work on (a project /
worry about
write about
write to (someone)
yap about
yearn for
Shayna Oliveira, 2012