ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory: The Flute
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory: The Flute
ABRSM Grade 6 Music Theory: The Flute
The flute is an extremely agile instrument which allows staccato and legato playing at
the fastest tempi. It is also ideally suited for fast arpeggios as well as chromatic and
diatonic scales, leaps, tremolos and trills.
The changeover from staccato to legato notes is especially characteristic of the flute.
Range: middle C to three octaves above middle C, but sounds best from the C above
middle C to an octave and a half above.
Single tonguing
The flutist articulates the syllable da (also de, di, du), moving only the tongue; the lips
and cheeks remain immobile. The harder, more accentuated version is ta (te, ti, tu), the
softer uses the letter K or G. Slow to medium fast tempo.
Alternating articulation between ta and da is also used.
Double tonguing
The flutist articulates the syllables ta-ka, te-ke, tu-ku or similar. For softly articulated
passages the syllables da-ga, du-gu or similar are used.
The articulation of the syllables ta-ra, (te-re or similar) produces an effect which seems
to simulate the bowing of a violin and is used for greater clarity of accentuated notes.
Triple tonguing
The flutist articulates the syllables te-ke-te, ta-ka-ta, tu-ku-tu or similar. Softer version:
de-ge-de, da-ga-da or du-gu-du.
Flutter tonguing
Can be performed in two ways:
1. By articulating a rolled R, which produces a rapid tremolo.
2. By articulating a guttural R (as when gargling). This method is better suited for quiet
and soft passages, since the noise level is lower.
First called for by R. Strauss in Don Quixote.