Radial Basis Function Networks: Yousef Akhlaghi
Radial Basis Function Networks: Yousef Akhlaghi
Radial Basis Function Networks: Yousef Akhlaghi
Yousef Akhlaghi
Definition :
Radial basis function (RBF) networks are a special class of single
hidden-layer feed forward neural networks for application to problems
of supervised learning.
Linear models have been studied in statistics for about 200 years and the theory
is applicable to RBF networks which are just one particular type of linear model.
However the fashion for neural networks which started in the mid-80s has given
rise to new names for concepts already familiar to statisticians.
Supervised Learning:
Problem to be solved: Estimate a function from some example input-output
pairs with little or no knowledge of the form of the function.
Nonparametric regression
Function approximation
System identification
Inductive learning
Supervised learning
- parametric regression
- nonparametric regression
Parametric Regression:
In parametric regression the form of the functional relationship between the
dependent and independent variables is known but may contain parameters
whose values are unknown and capable of being estimated from the training
For example fitting a straight line:
to a bunch of points
Nonparametric regression:
There is no or very little a priori knowledge about the form of the true function
which is being estimated.
The function is still modeled using an equation containing free parameters but
Typically this involves using many free parameters which have no physical
meaning in relation to the problem. In parametric regression there is typically a
small number of parameters and often they have physical interpretations.
Linear Models:
A linear model for a function f (x) takes the form:
Nonlinear Models:
if the basis functions can change during the learning process then the model is
An example
Almost the simplest polynomial is the straight line:
Radial Functions:
Their characteristic feature is that their response decreases (or increases)
monotonically with distance from a central point. The centre, the distance scale,
and the precise shape of the radial function, are parameters of the model, all
fixed if it is linear.
c : centre
r : width (spread)
denotes weights,
basis function, respectively.
For a large class of functions, the matrix is non-singular, and eq. 3 can be
The basis functions can have different forms. The most popular among them is
the Gaussian function:
|| xi xj ||
Euclidean Distance
of center j
from object i
= [(xi1 - x1j)2 + (xi2x2j)2 + + (xin-xnj)2]0.5
Distance (x)
e x p ( 2)
e x p ( 2)
e x p ( 2)
Exact Fitting
Architecture of RBFN
In matrix notation:
subset selection:
Different subsets of basis functions can be drawn from the same fixed set of
candidates. This is called subset selection in statistics.
forward selection
starts with an empty subset
added one basis function at a time (the one
that most reduces the sum-squared-error)
until some chosen criterion stops
backward elimination
starts with the full subset
removed one basis function at a time ( the
one that least increases the sum-squarederror)
until the chosen criterion stops decreasing
, can
The set of vectors ui , which are a linear combination of the functions
be used directly to model y. To model y, the consecutive orthonormal vectors
ui (i =1,2, . . . m) are introduced until the network performance reaches the
desired level of approximation error.
The following steps are repeated until the network's mean squared error falls
below GOAL or the maximum number of neurons are reached:
1) The network is simulated with random weight
2) The input vector with the greatest error is found
3) A neuron (basis function) is added with weights equal to that vector.
4) The output layer weights are redesigned to minimize error.