In The Matter of
In The Matter of
In The Matter of
Review Petition No. 7/RP/2014
Petition No. 263/MP/2012
Shri Gireesh B. Pradhan, Chairperson
Shri M. Deena Dayalan, Member
Shri A.K. Singhal, Member
Date of Hearing:
Date of order:
In the matter of
Review Petitioner
114, Anna Salai-Chennai-600 002,
Tamil Nadu
5. Secretary, Power
Electricity Department of Puducherry,
Beach Road, Puducherry-605 001
6. Southern Regional Power Committee
29 Race Course Cross Road,
Bangalore-560 009
the basis of average values will make implementation of the direction of the
Commission impossible. However, if the targeted quantum is determined on the basis of
the maximum demand conditions, implementation of direction of the Commission is
The Review Petitioner has submitted that in compliance with the Commission`s
following pro-active steps were taken by it as per Regulations 5.2.(n) and 5.4.2 (e)
of the Grid Code.
Immediate action has been taken for increasing the quantum of load relief
49.0 Hz
48.8 Hz.
48.6 Hz.
recommended by SRPC
Load Relief Frequency
Load Relief
49.0 Hz
48.8 Hz.
48.6 Hz.
have been identified and proposed for enhancing the quantum of load relief of
UFRs of four stages.
The periodical testing of the UFRs is also conducted once in six months
by the field MRT Wing for ensuring the healthiness of the relays which was also
regularly intimated to SRPC and SRLDC. The same was also inspected by
SRPC for ensuring its effective functioning. All information relating to number of
feeders and related information is with SRLDC and is updated periodically.
The quantum of load relief targeted needs review, considering the ground
realities of compliance and realization. Till date the targeted quantum of load
relief was carried out based on the maximum demand conditions and any
additional quantum needed was reviewed and accordingly, additional feeders
were provided to the maximum extent possible.
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Quantum of the
Loads identified
in MW
UFRs (Under Stages-I,II,III,IV)
df/dt (under Stage-A&B)
(Stage- 515
Kudankulam SPS
Ramagundam Islanding Scheme 2000
As the loads on the feeders are dynamic and are subjected to variations
Based on the above, the Review Petitioner has urged that the determination of
targeted quantum on the basis of average values is not possible and the impugned
order needs to be reviewed and modified. However, if the targeted quantum is
determined on the basis of the maximum demand conditions, compliance of
Commission`s direction is feasible. The Review Petitioner has submitted the demand
variation for the year 2013 as under:
Therefore, under minimum demand conditions it is very much evident that the targeted
quantum could not be maintained in spite of inclusion of the whole AP system.
In view of the above, the Review Petitioner has prayed to review and modify
the order dated 19.12.2013 for modifying the targeted quantum of relief.
The Review Petition was heard on 18.3.2014 after notice to the respondents.
During the course of hearing, learned counsel for the Review Petitioner submitted as
The quantum of load relief targeted needs review, considering the ground
realities of compliance and realization. Till date the targeted quantum of load
relief was carried out based on the maximum demand conditions. Any additional
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At present all the available 132 kV feeders were taken into consideration
for implementation of various protective schemes and the total quantum of the
loads identified under the various schemes is 8661 MW. On the other hand, as
per the impugned order, the declared load relief considering the feeders which
are available for monitoring at SRLDC SCADA is only 3796 MW. Therefore, the
system will operate when the relief quantum has been fixed not on average but
on maximum demand of the feeder.
As the loads on the feeders are dynamic and are subjected to variations
the system will not operate under the load relief of 8661 MW. Therefore, the load
relief has to be fixed on the maximum demand of the feeder.
The claim of the petitioner that the quantum identified for relief through
SPS, Islanding Scheme, AUFR and df/dt but highlights only AUFR and df/dt
quantum as required quantum. However, the purposes of different types of
protection schemes and triggering factors are different.
The quantum considered for relief through AUFR and df/dt scheme is
Since year 2012, the petitioner declared that the PCC approved quantum
has been connected for relief through AUFR and df/dt protection scheme.
However, it is consistently observed that relief realized during operation of AUFR
and df/dt operation was 10%- 30% of expected relief. Despite regular discussion
and analysis in PCC/OCC, there was no improvement in the situation and
thereby SRLDC was forced to insist on SLDCs to extend the feeder-wise SCADA
details to SRLDC and monitor the load available in the identified feeders for
relief. From the monitoring, it has been confirmed that the load available for relief
at any point of time is of the order of 30% - 50% only.
point out the deficiency. SLDC should not transfer its responsibility to SRLDC.
Further the petitioner is required to make necessary arrangement to get field data
from all the identified feeders to SLDC SCADA and onward transmission to
demand for the month of February 2014 was about 90% of the maximum
demand and even the ratio between minimum and maximum demand was about
85%. Accordingly, it is evident that the load available for relief shall not be less
than 85% of approved value at any point of time. Meeting this criteria at least to
nearest value will be possible only if the average value of feeder is considered for
With regard to the petitioner contention that all the radial feeders in the
State of AP have been used for various types of protection schemes and thereby
it is unable to identify additional feeders, it is clarified that AUFR and df/dt is the
last line of defence, life saving protection scheme of the grid and thereby the
petitioner shall not have any reservation in identifying city/urban feeders for such
protection scheme. At least for stage-IV, operation of such feeders is to be
considered as an instance which will be a rare occasion.
the hearing dated 18.3.2014 was directed to clarify how the targets relief quantum has
been fixed and the feasibility of provided relief is ascertain. SRPC vide its affidavit dated
24.4.2014 has submitted the information called for.
Submission of SRPC dated 24.4.2014
The petitioner has implemented 3373 MW quantum relief under AUFR and df/dt
against requirement of 5747 MW. 146 MW additional load has been identified and were
yet to be implemented. Further, 2229 MW of loads are yet to be identified and
implemented. Thus there is deficit of 41.33% in relief to be provided.
Relief and settings to be provided by each of the SR constituent was worked out
based on the average of the ratios of energy consumption for 2012-13 and maximum
demand met during 2012-13.
have been identified for Andhra Pradesh under various protection schemes by
OCC/PCC Sub-Committees of SRPC. Out of 5747 MW of UFR and df/dt recommended
by SRPC, Andhra Pradesh has implemented 3372 MW. SCADA system of SRLDC
monitors 2469 MW and the relief visible was around 2160 MW (11.2.2014 to 20.2.2014)
and 2115 MW (21.2.2014 to 28.2.2014). The relief was of the order of 86-87%. The
value was in range of only 34-75% and 51-74% for the period of 1.11.2013 to
30.11.2013 and 11.12.2013 to 20.12.2013 respectively. SR constituent generally meet
their peak demand in months of February/March each year. Even during peak time,
Andhra Pradesh was available to achieve only 86-87% of the declared relief.
Quantum of relief identified should be available at all times, whether peak or off
peak periods. In case maximum feeder loading is considered, then visible relief would
be much lesser than the desired relief. Maximum loading does not consider the pattern
of the feeder throughout the day while the average feeder loading considers the loading
pattern of the feeder throughout the day.
position to provide necessary load relief irrespective of the time of occurrence (peak or
otherwise). This could occur during off peak hours also when the feeder loadings would
tend to be lower. All constituents should provide desired relief, especially since SR Grid
has been integrated with NEW Grid. There are load variations in a day due to time zone
effect. Considering this and all India view average feeder loading should only be
It was informed by NLDC in SRPC meeting dated 15.3.2014 that there had been
no operation of UFR since October 2013 throughout India. In SR except for first stage of
49.2 Hz other UFR stages have not operated for a long period.
During the year 2013-14, first stage of UFR had operated only in case of one
incident i.e. 7.6.2013. SRPC has submitted the details of relief provided by SR
Constituents as under:
Andhra Pradesh
Tamil Nadu
Expected relief
MW at 49 Hz
In that particular incidence, frequency had remained between 49.0 Hz and 48.8
Hz (II stage of UFR) for more than 4 minutes. The above relief could not bring the
frequency back to operating range. Any other grid incident during that period
could have led to major grid disturbance. It is noted that the Andhra Pradesh had
provided only about 23% of the expected relief.
UFR w.r.t other protection schemes is a time tested and reliable last line of
defence. Other schemes are based on triggering of certain events while UFR protection
is geographically spread and independent to each other.
Reply by SRLDC
SRLDC has filed its reply vide affidavit dated 1.5.2014. SRLDC has submitted
that quantum of load on individual feeder considered by the petitioner for computation
was instantaneous maximum value and not the average flow of the feeder. Thus, the
course of efforts indicated by the petitioner results only partial compliance of
The quantum of load relief targeted needs review, considering the ground
realities of compliance and realization and that till date the targeted quantum of
load relief was carried out based on the maximum demand conditions. SRLDC
has clarified that the present average demand, for the month of February 2014
was about 90% of the maximum demand and even the ratio between maximum
and minimum demand was about 85%. Accordingly, it is evident that the load
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available for relief shall not be less than 85% of approved value at any point of
time. Meeting this criterion at least to nearest value will be possible only if the
average value of feeder is considered for computation. From January to February
2014, maximum demand varies between 11000MW-12000 MW while the
average demand varies between 10000 MW-10500 MW. The ratio between the
maximum demand to average demand was about 0.9 while the ratio between the
minimum demand to average demand was about 0.8 except on a holiday like
Sankaranthi (13.1.2014) etc., which may be seen in the graph below. Thus, it is
evident that the demand in the State fairly remains constant. Accordingly, the
quantum of load available for relief shall always be equal to the total finalized
quantum of SRPC, which is possible only if the average flow / load of the feeder
is considered for arriving the load relief quantum.
taking maximum of all feeders indirectly will mean that the load available for relief
will be far below the approved quantum. The value of total load available as a
sum of instantaneous flow of all the feeders mapped for monitoring through
SCADA for the AP system on a typical peak season (summer) day (say on
31.3.2014-Monday) based on minute wise data shown as under:
appropriate for ensuring the availability of declared load relief. It is also submitted
that the ratio between maximum and minimum power flow in the identified
feeders is very high, particularly in the States like Kerala. Accordingly, the
Commission`s direction dated 19.12.2013 in Petition No. 263/MP/2012 is
appropriate and does not require any review.
conveniently mentions the total quantum of all type of protection systems like
SPS, AUFR and df/dt as well as include Islanding schemes but highlights only
AUFR and df/dt quantum as required quantum. However, the purposes of
different types of protection schemes are different and triggering factors are also
different. Further, loads/feeders identified for Islanding schemes are not meant
for tripping, instead they should remain in service even at worst contingency for
ensuring survival of Islanded portion of the grid. In addition, it may be noted that
the loads identified through Islanding Scheme are not just radial feeders but
consists of few sub-stations and ICTs and feeders matching the generation
level of the Island.
With respect to argument pertaining to all the radial feeders in the State of
AP having been used for various types of protection schemes and there by
inability to identify additional feeders, SRLDC has clarified that AUFR and df/dt
is the last line of defense, life saving protection scheme of the grid and thereby
the petitioner shall not have any reservation in identifying city/urban feeders for
such protection scheme. SRLDC has also suggested that at least for stage-IV of
operation, such feeders are to be considered as such instances of operation
would be a rare occasion.
The quantum considered for relief through AUFR and df/dt scheme is
dividing the same quantum into four stages of operation instead of three stages
It is pertinent to mention that since year 2012, the petitioner declared that
the PCC approved quantum has been connected for relief through AUFR and
df/dt protection scheme. But it is consistently observed that relief realized during
operation of AUFR and df/dt operation was 10% - 30% of expected relief. Despite
regular discussion & analysis in PCC / OCC, there was no improvement in the
situation and thereby SRLDC was forced to insist the SLDCs to extend the
feeder-wise SCADA details to SRLDC and monitor the load available in the
identified feeders for relief. It has been confirmed from the monitoring that the
load available for relief at any point of time is of the order of 30%-50% only. The
matter of under protection with inadequate load for relief was regularly taken-up
with SRPC. Only then, the petitioner like constituent came out with details of their
discrepancy between declared quantum and actual quantum. With all these
efforts, during this peak demand period of summer, it is observed that the load
available for relief is about 75% of the declared quantum based on average flow.
The Review Petitioner indicated that SRLDC did not indicate the feeder-
wise discrepancy or less load available and compares only the total quantum, it
is clarified that it is the responsibility of the SLDC to monitor and ensure the
availability of declared quantum through appropriate feeders.
Uphold the directions issued vide order dated 19.12.2013 in Petition No.
relief matching declared quantum on average load basis of the individual feeders;
During the course of hearing on 27.5.2014, learned counsel for the Review
The issue involved in the present review petition is that whether the
quantum of load relief for AUFR and df/dt relays shall be calculated at maximum
load or average load. The relief should be computed on the basis of average
which is also reflected in the reply filed by SRPC wherein SRPC has submitted
that average loading of the feeder is being compared with declared average
loading of the feeder and the review petitioner was able to achieve 86-87% of the
declared average relief.
SRLDC in its reply has also admitted that during the peak demand period
of summer, the load available for relief is about 75% of declared quantum.
The quantum of load on feeder is dynamic depending upon the load and
generation scenarios. The recording of SRLDC is at fault and it is not able to see
the actual real-time relief provided. Therefore, inclusion of urban feeders in UFR,
df/dt load relief should not be insisted upon as it affects the consumers.
Learned counsel for the petitioner is mixing facts by stating that maximum
demand condition should be met for assessment of relief which in turn should be
computed on the basis of maximum load flowing on the feeder. In this regard it is
clarified that it is next to impossible that at any moment of time maximum flow on
the line would coincide with maximum load conditions and there has never been
a case in the past wherein the quantum of actual load relief has been equal to
the declared quantum.
Earlier, the flow declared by the petitioner was taken for granted.
However, now SRLDC has started monitoring the same and found that the flow
on the feeders is almost always less than the declared amount.
The petitioner`s contention that SRLDC is at fault for not being able to
monitor the accurate real time load relief, is wrong as SLDC is responsible to
extend the facility of monitoring to RLDC.
quantum of load relief to be made available but now the demand met has further
increased. Thus, ideally the quantum of relief should even be more. Therefore,
there is no case for petitioner to not to provide the relief decided on the basis of
the year 2012 conditions.
The petitioner has wrongly added the islanding schemes, while computing
the load relief as islanding scheme feeders are the ones that ought to remain in
service and not to be out during the contingency.
of critical lines and large change in load during changeover, any laxity in
providing relief form UFR and df/dt relays could prove highly detrimental, as they
are the last line of defense in system protection.
The representative of SRLDC informed that Kerala has implemented 100% load
relief on the basis of average load and mapped around 50% on the SCADA system.
Karnataka has implemented 74% of the relief on basis of average and around 950 MW
of additional load has to be identified. Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu have to identify
around 2000 MW and 750 MW, respectively more to comply with Commission's
The Review Petitioner and the respondents, vide Record of Proceedings for the
hearing dated 27.5.2014, were directed to submit all the facts to SRPC and CEA and
analyze all the facts and issues raised by the Review Petitioner and the respondents
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and convene a meeting to discuss the same and finally recommend the basis on which
declared quantum should be calculated. SRPC and CEA were directed to submit their
reports/recommendations. NLDC was directed to submit the practices being followed by
other RLDCs. SRPC, CEA and NLDC have furnished the information called for which
are discussed in subsequent paras.
NLDC vide its affidavit dated 18.7.2014 has submitted that contingencies in the
system can take place at any point of time and adequate load relief must be there,
irrespective of time of occurrence of contingency. Effect of UFR and df/dt actuated loadshedding has to be affirmative and minimum load of feeders should be considered to
ensure that relief is adequate under all conditions Actual operation of UFR may take
place only under very large contingencies. It may be relevant to mention here that even
after tripping of all machines at Mundra UMPP generating 3800 MW on 12.3.2014, UFR
did not operate as frequency came down only by 0.6 Hz. to 49.3 Hz. (1st stage UFR
setting is 49.2 Hz.). Hence, the constituents may not have any apprehension regarding
frequent operation of UFR.
NLDC has submitted the methodology followed in regions other than Southern
Region as under:
considered for computation of load relief. In the OCC meetings held at ERPC,
the constituents of Eastern Region furnished the maximum relief obtainable by
UFR operation in their respective identified feeders, at different stages. ERLDC
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meeting held on 18.1.2013, it was mentioned that the actual expected load relief
from all installed UFR and df/dt may be on average basis. At present,
computation of load relief is being done on the basis of maximum load. However,
more load has been connected for UFR actuated load-shedding to ensure that at
any point of time in the day, total relief is not less than the desired quantum.
Chandigarh and J&K have not yet implemented UFR actuated load-shedding
NLDC has requested the Commission to direct all constituents to (i) consider
minimum load in the feeders for computation of target relief through UFR and df/dt on
identified feeders and (ii) monitor of operation and relief by these UFR and df/dt relays,
UFRs and df/dt relays also be mapped on the SCADA system of each state so that they
can be monitored from SLDC/RLDC.
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Central Electricity Authority in its submission dated 8.9.2014 has submitted that
principal issue raised in this petition as to whether the quantum of load relief to be
provided by the States through automatic under-frequency relays and df/dt relays
should be calculated on the basis of maximum load or average load on the electricity
feeders. CEA has further submitted as under:
(a) Automatic Under-Frequency relays based Load Shedding (AUFLS) scheme is a
defence mechanism against grid collapse. It is designed to operate and shed load
connected to pre-identified radial feeders in four stages at very low grid frequencies
of 49.2, 49.0, 48.8 and 48.6 Hz. Such a low frequency in the grid is a rare
phenomenon and occurs only under severe contingencies, for example, during the
current year 2014-15 (April - July), minimum frequency of the all India grid has
always been above 49.2 Hz.
(b) As the grid security is of paramount importance. AUFLS Scheme is required to
be implemented by all the States faithfully to avoid grid collapse in case of any
severe contingency.
(c ) National Power Committee (NPC) had determined the quantum of load shedding
to be carried out in the grid in four stages of frequency taking into account, mainly
the power number and dependence of load on grid frequency, voltage and season.
For taking into account the impact of seasonal and daily variation, it was assumed
that average load on a feeder would be about 70% of its peak declared load during
an year. Accordingly, a factor of 1.43 (=1/0.7) apart from other factors was also used
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to arrive at the quantum of load-shedding. It is, however, learnt that the actual load
on the feeders where under-frequency relays have been installed by the States is
generally much less than 70% of the declared load relief.
We have heard the learned counsel and representatives of the parties. We have
30. The Review Petitioner has filed this Review Petition on the ground that the
determination of targeted quantum on the basis of average value in the impugned
order requires review
Commission`s direction impossible. The Review Petitioner has submitted that if the
targeted quantum is determined on the basis of the maximum demand conditions,
implementation of the Commission`s directions is feasible.
The Grid Code provides for the load shedding in different contingencies in order
to maintain frequency within the stipulated band and network security. In this
Connection, Regulations 5.2 (n) and 5.4.2 (e) of the Grid Code are extracted as
5.2 (n) All SEBS, distribution licensees / STUs shall provide automatic underfrequency and df/dt relays for load shedding in their respective systems, to arrest
frequency decline that could result in a collapse/disintegration of the grid, as per
the plan separately finalized by the concerned RPC and shall ensure its effective
application to prevent cascade tripping of generating units in case of any
contingency. All SEBs, distribution licensees, CTU STUs and SLDCs shall
ensure that the above under-frequency and df/dt load shedding/islanding
schemes are always functional. RLDC shall inform RPC Secretariat about
instances when the desired load relief is not obtained through these relays in real
time operation. The provisions regarding under frequency and df/dt relays of
relevant CEA Regulations shall be complied with. SLDC shall furnish monthly
report of UFR and df/dt relay operation in their respective system to the
respective RPC.
RPC Secretariat shall carry out periodic inspection of the under frequency relays
and maintain proper records of the inspection. RPC shall decide and intimate the
action required by SEB, distribution licensee and STUs to get required load relief
from Under Frequency and df/dt relays. All SEB, distribution licensee and STUs
shall abide by these decisions. RLDC shall keep a comparative record of
expected load relief and actual load relief obtained in Real time system
operation. A monthly report on expected load relief vis-a-vis actual load relief
shall be sent to the RPC and the CERC.
5.4.2(e) In order to maintain the frequency within the stipulated band and
maintaining the network security, the interruptible loads shall be arranged
in four groups of loads, for scheduled power cuts/load shedding, loads for
unscheduled load shedding, loads to be shed through under frequency
relays/ df/dt relays and loads to be shed under any System Protection
Scheme identified at the RPC level. These loads shall be grouped in such
a manner , that there is no overlapping between different Groups of loads.
In case of certain contingencies and/or threat to system security, the
RLDC may direct any SLDC/ SEB/distribution licensee or bulk consumer
connected to the ISTS to decrease drawal of its control area by a certain
quantum. Such directions shall immediately be acted upon. SLDC shall
send compliance report immediately after compliance of these directions
to RLDC."
As per the above provisions, RPC in a region has been allowed to carry out periodic
inspection of the Under Frequency relays and decide and intimate the action required
to be taken by SEB, distribution licensee and STUs to get the required load relief for the
Under Frequency relays and df/dt relays.
realized was far below the declared quantum. During such instances, the SR system
frequency excursion was at critical level. The matter was taken up in every Protection
Co-ordination Committee (PCC) meetings and Operation Co-ordination Committee
(OCC) meetings SRPC and all the constituents were asked to ensure availability of
adequate relief as declared by them. In view of consistent under-performance of AUFR
and df/df in the Southern Region, SRLDC began feeder-wise monitoring of the
earmarked feeders through SCADA system on continuous basis with effect from
23.9.2012. It was observed that the flow on many such identified feeders was very
much lower than the declared quantum of relief from the respective feeder. As a result,
available load relief for safeguarding system security during contingencies through
AUFR and df/df of each control area was about 20%-50% of the declared quantum. The
same was reported by SRLDC to the secretariat of Southern Regional Power
Committee (SRPC) periodically. The issue of non-availability of adequate loads in the
identified feeders was regularly taken-up in the Operation Co-ordination Committee
(OCC) meetings of SRPC as well as PCC and TCC meetings of SRPC. All the
constituents were asked to identify further feeders giving realistic load available for relief
through AUFR and df/dt for meeting the system contingencies
SRLDC filed Petition No. 263/MP/2012 for seeking inter-alia directions to all the
STUs/SLDC in the Southern Region to ensure identifying and connecting the feeders
with AUFR and df/dt relays that provide availability of declared quantum of relief at any
point of time so as to take care of contingency, if any. The Commission after hearing
all the parties including the Review Petitioner issued the following direction vide order
dated 19.12.2014:
We have heard the parties and perused the pleadings. We are in agreement with
the petitioner that there is a need to review and estimate the actual load on the feeders
and the constituents should consider average load in the feeders for computation of
target relief on identified feeders. As sufficient load relief has not been achieved, the
respondents are directed to identify more feeders for installation of UFR and df/dt relays
and submit the details to SRPC.
We would like to emphasize that no complacency shall be accepted for ensuring
safety and security of the Grid. Also according to Enquiry Committee constituted by the
Ministry of Power, the response from generators and operation of defense mechanism
like Under Frequency and df/dt based load shedding and special protection schemes
should be ensured in accordance with provisions of the Grid Code so that Grid can be
saved in case of contingencies. Further, as the SR Grid is going to be integrated with
NEW Grid, urgent action by the respondents is all the more essential.
* *
The matter of increasing AUFR relief and implementation of df/dt settings have
been discussed at various Forums of SRPC. In the special TCC meeting held on
21.8.2013 the State-wise quantum of relief was firmed-up as in table below and was
decided to be implemented by all constituents by 15.10.2013:
809 MW
576 MW
204 MW
740 MW
21 MW
2350 MW
586 MW
208 MW
753 MW
21 MW
2390 MW
588 MW
209 MW
756 MW
22 MW
All SR constituents are directed to identify the additional feeders and install UFR,
df/dt relays to ensure the relief as decided by SRPC from time to time. We direct all
constituents to submit compliance report duly certified by SRLDC and SRPC of
implementation of quantum of relief by AUFR as per table above and proper functioning
of df/dt relays within one month of issuing this order. We also make it clear that failure in
this regard will amount to non-compliance of the directions of this Commission and
render the constituent liable for proceedings under Section 142 of the Electricity Act,
2003 and other relevant provisions, against the Heads of defaulting entities.
The Review Petitioner has submitted that all the available 132 kV feeders
including power transformer were taken into consideration for implementation of the
various protective scheme under UFRs, df/dt, TalcherKolar SPS, Kundankulam SPS
and Ramagundam Islanding Scheme and the quantum of proposed loads under the
various schemes were identified as 8661 MW. The petitioner has submitted the load of
8661 MW was included in the form of defensive mechanism. The petitioner has given
the demand variation for the year 2013 and has submitted that the under minimum
demand conditions, the targeted quantum on the basis of average value could not be
maintained inspite of inclusion on the whole AP system. Accordingly, the petitioner has
submitted that the targeted quantum should be decided on maximum demand
The UFR and df/dt are defence mechanisms of the system. With narrowing of
frequency range 49.9-50.05 Hz, under normal conditions these relays would not
operate. However in case of contingency, sufficient load relief is required as decided at
RPC level. Under the Grid Code, responsibility has been assigned to SRPC to decide
the frequency setting for the purpose of load relief from UFR and df/dt relays. The
matter was discussed in various forums of SPRC and in the Special TCC meeting held
on 21.8.2013 and the State-wise quantum of relief was firmed up to be implemented by
the constituents by 15.10.2013 which have been extracted in para 16 of the impugned
order. The Commission vide para 17 of the impugned order directed all SR constituents
to identify the additional feeders and install UFR and df/dt relays to ensure relief as
decided by SRPC from time to time. The Review Petitioner has sought review of the
said frequency setting decided by SRPC.
The Commission has the power to review its order in one of the three grounds,
namely, error apparent in the face of record, discovery of new and important matter or
evidence which after due diligence was not within the knowledge or could not be
produced by the Review Petitioner when the order was made, and due to any sufficient
In our view, the case of the petitioner is not covered under either error
apparent on the face of record or discovery of new and important matter or evidence.
We have to consider whether there is sufficient reasons for review of the impugned
This is a technical issue and the Commission has the advantage of the view of
POSOCO, SRPC and CEA on the issue. The gists of the views of these expert bodies
have been discussed in the earlier part of the order. Their views are discussed in brief
as under:
at all times, whether peak or off peak periods. In case maximum feeder loading is
considered, then visible relief could not be much lesser than the desired relief as it
does not consider the pattern of the feeder throughout the day whereas the average
feeder loading considers the loading pattern of the feeder throughout the day.
SRPC has referred to the load relief on account of the operation of first stage of UFR
in case of one incident on 7.6.2013 when AP could provide only 202 relief as against
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the expected relief of 882 MW which is about 23% of the expected relief. SRPC
has submitted that with this kind of relief realization in real time, the grid security
would tend to get compromised.
SRLDC has submitted that the average demand for the month of February
2014 was about 90% of the maximum demand and the ratio between maximum and
minimum demand was about 85%. Accordingly, the load available for relief should
not be less than 85% of the approved value at any point of time. Meeting this
criterion at least to nearest value shall be possible only if the average value of feeder
is considered for computation.
NLDC has submitted that contingencies in the system can take place at
any point of time and adequate load relief must be there, irrespective of the time of
occurrence of contingencies. Effect of UFR and df/dt actuated load shedding has to
be affirmative and maximum load of feeders should be considered to ensure that
relief is adequate under all conditions. Actual operation of UFR may take place only
under large contingencies and the constituents may not have any apprehension
regarding frequent operation of UFR.NLDC has submitted that at present in Eastern,
Northern and North Eastern Regions, maximum load in the feeders is being
considered for computation of load relief. However, in Western Region load relief is
being calculated on average value. NLDC has prayed to consider minimum load in
the feeders for computation of target relief under UFR and df/dt on identified feeders.
The expert bodies have opined that the UFR setting should be either on average
load or minimum load and have not subscribed to the contention of the Review
Petitioner that the UFR setting should be on the basis of the maximum load. SRPC and
SRLDC have also recommended the load relief on average basis. Even during the
course of hearing on 9.4.2013 in the main petition, SRLDC had submitted that during
PCC/OCC meeting of SRPC, the Review Petitioner had agreed for the average load in
feeders for UFR operation. Therefore, we feel that UFR setting on average load is
implementable and accordingly, we do not find any sufficient reason to review our order
dated 19.12.2013.
UFR and df/dt relays are life saving protection scheme of the grid and last line of
defence against any major grid disturbance and we observe that a conservative
approach generally needs to be adopted in regard to last line of defence mechanism,
more so in view of the fact that operation of these relays under the prevailing frequency
regime are not likely to cause inconvenience to power utilities during normal operation
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and the need for operation of these relays arises only during emergency conditions. We
are of the view that a conservative approach should be generally adopted in regard to
last line of defence mechanism to ensure that desired load relief is available in all
In our view of the above, there is no ground to review to order dated 19.12.2013
Sd/(A. K. Singhal)
sd/(Gireesh B. Pradhan)