The Influences of A Liquid Storage Tanks and Soil Characteristics Under Seismic Loads
The Influences of A Liquid Storage Tanks and Soil Characteristics Under Seismic Loads
The Influences of A Liquid Storage Tanks and Soil Characteristics Under Seismic Loads
Valaei, A
Construction and Development of Transportation Infrastructure Company (CDTIC)
Hossen Zade, M
M.Sc. Student, Civil Engineering Department, Imam Khomeini International University,
Qazvin, Iran
taken into consideration in geotechnical engineering practice (Seed & Idriss, 1984). The main reason
seismologists had in the past ignored the possibility that nonlinear phenomena could play an
important role in earthquake ground motion was that compelling evidence for nonlinear effects in the
observed motion, other than in liquefiable sites, was scarce. In the last decade, however, a number of
accelerograms have been recorded during strong earthquakes that have made it possible to infer
nonlinear response. The most common manifestations of inelastic soil behavior involve the reduction
in shear wave velocity and the increase in soil damping with increasing load (Hardin & Drnevich,
1972).In general, investigations on the seismic response of liquid storage tanks have been conducted
over the past 30 years. Housner (1954, 1957) proposed a simple MSM for computing the seismic
response of liquid storage tanks which is still widely used with certain modifications for the analysis
of rectangular and cylindrical tanks. His simplified MSM is a two degree-of freedom (DOF) system
for a rigid tank; one DOF accounting for the motion of the tank-liquid system, in which a part of the
contained fluid being rigidly attached to the tank wall (impulsive mode) and the other DOF for the
motion of the sloshing fluid effect on the tank wall (convective mode).In further studies, Housners
simplified MSM has been modified to account for the flexibility of the tank wall. Veletsos and Yang
(1976) used one mass for the impulsive component and two convective mass in their simplified
MSM .Haroun and Housner (1981) divided the impulsive mass into two parts; one part rigidly
connected to the ground and one part representing the mass participating in the relative movement
due to the deformation of the tank shell. Malhotra et al. (2000) modified the properties of the
simplified MSM proposed by Veletsos and Yang (1976) using one convective mode .Uplifting of
unanchored tanks, as well as soil structure interaction effects, has been also extensively studied by
several researchers (Natsiavas;1988, El-zeiny;1998,2003, Fisher;1979).Some of above mentioned
works have constituted the basis for the seismic design provisions for vertical cylindrical tanks in
Euro code 8-part 4.3 and American Petroleum Institute (API). In this study a typical steel tank on
loose, medium and dense sandy soil was analyzed and settlement, sliding and amplification effect for
all three types of soil were illustrated.
The influences of a liquid storage tanks and soil characteristics under seismic loads
Naen, S.A., Valae, A. & Hossen Zade, M.
Figure 1. Simplified Mass Spring Model (MSM) proposed by Malhotra et al. (2000).
1) The impulsive pressure caused by the portion of the liquid, mi, which is rigidly attached to the
shell wall, and
2) The convective pressure caused by the portion of the liquid, mc, sloshing in the tank.
These components were then modeled as single DOF oscillators. For very large values of fluid
height to tank radius (H/r), the sloshing mass is only a small portion of the total mass. As H /r less
than unity, more than half the total mass can participate in the convective mode. The values proposed
by Malhotra for the parameters of the simplified model can be obtained from equations 1 and 2 as
well as Table 1.Where ml is the total mass of the liquid, hi and hc are the respective heights of the
resultant force of the hydrodynamic pressure due to the motion of the impulsive mi and the
convective mc masses, respectively, is the mass density of liquid, ci and cc are constant and related
to the fluid height to tank radius.
In equations 1 and 2, h is the wall thickness, E is the modulus of elasticity of the tank material, Timp
and Tcon are the mass density of the liquid, the periods of the impulsive and convective modes,
Table 1. Parameters of the simplified MSM (Malhotra et al.2000)
In this research the tank was modeled from the Malhotras assumptions, the radius of the tank is
2.5m and the height of the liquid is 6.5m, value of fluid Height to tank Radius (H/r) is 2.6 thus the
parameters of the simplified MSM can be obtained from Table 1. The influences of the three types of
sandy soil (dense, medium, and loose) as a foundation of the tank under the specific time history
acceleration were aimed. The property of dense, medium and loose sand was illustrated in Table 2.
Table 2. Properties sands used for 3D finite element.
Poissons ratio()
Where is friction coefficient and p is normal pressure that varied in each level of soil. As reported
by Jeong et al (2003) the interface friction coefficient () for sand varies from 0.4 to 0.6. Therefore,
in this study interface friction coefficient () of 0.5 for all the types of sand was adopted.
In order to represent the half-space soil medium with explicit finite elements, the near field is
expected is modeled with explicit 3-D brick type elements. The lateral boundary of the near field
model should be extended sufficiently far such that the outgoing wave due to the structural vibration
diminishes drastically at the boundary. To prevent any reflection of outgoing waves at the boundary,
a series of artificial viscous dampers are attached to the boundary. In ABAQUS, the approach
developed by Lysmer and Kuhlemeyer (1969) was implemented, in which viscous normal and shear
stresses are applied to the boundaries in a manner as defined in the following equations:
normal = - cdVnormal
shear = - csVtangential
Where , cd, and cs are the material density, material longitudinal and shear wave velocities of the
transmitting media. These equations reveal that the magnitude of these stresses at the boundaries is
proportional to the particle velocities in the normal (Vnormal) and in the tangential (Vtangential)
The Lysmers dampers placed on the artificial boundary are effective in reducing unwanted wave
reflections if the boundary of the finite element mesh is sufficiently far outward. However, in doing
so, the size of the near field finite element mesh is increased significantly and so is the cost of
running the dynamic analysis. As it was mentioned the unbounded or infinite medium can be
approximated by extending the finite element mesh to a far distance, where the influence of the
The influences of a liquid storage tanks and soil characteristics under seismic loads
Naen, S.A., Valae, A. & Hossen Zade, M.
surrounding medium on the region of interest is considered small enough to be neglected. This
approach calls for experimentation with mesh sizes and assumed boundary conditions at the
truncated edges of the mesh and is not always reliable. It is particularly of concern in dynamic
analysis, when the boundary of the mesh may reflect energy back into the region being modeled. A
better approach is to use infinite elements: elements defined over semi-infinite domains with
suitably chosen decay functions. Abaqus provides first- and second-order infinite elements that are
based on the work of Zienkiewicz et al. (1983) for static response and of Lysmer et al. (1969) for
dynamic response. The elements are used in conjunction with standard finite elements, which model
the area around the region of interest, with the infinite elements modeling the far-field region. As it
was shown in Figure.2 in the seismic load direction infinite element was used.
Figure 3. Time-acceleration on the ground: (a) dense, (b) medium and (c) loose sand
Figure 4. Sliding of the tank in: (a) dense, (b) medium and (c) loose sand
The influences of a liquid storage tanks and soil characteristics under seismic loads
Naen, S.A., Valae, A. & Hossen Zade, M.
Figure 5. Settlement of the tank in: (a) dense, (b) medium and (c) loose sand
As it was shown in Figure 3, 4 and 5 by increasing module of elasticity and soil strength
parameters, the measured acceleration on the ground was decreased. It means by improving the soil
strength parameters the amplification effect was reduced (Table 3).All three types of the soil couldnt
resist the tank from sliding. This point revealed that tall tank was recommended to build as an
anchored tank. On the other hands increasing the soil strength parameters had a neglect able effect on
sliding resistance, it was also reasonable because friction coefficient is constant, thus resistance force
was nearly constant. By considering the rate of settlement during the earthquake (Figure 5), although
reducing soil strength parameters caused increasing settlement of the tank, the rate of settlement
couldnt make the tank out of work.
Table 3.Maximum acceleration, sliding and settlement
Acceleration (g)
Sliding (m)
Settlement (m)
Liquid storage tanks are vital construction that studying the behavior of them during the seismic load
is essential. As well as the behavior of soil under the tank is important, because by decreasing the
soil strength parameter the amplification effect and the settlement of the tank increase.
According to the result increasing the sliding resistance force for the tall tank is necessary and
retrofitting of the tank foundation for this case could be a solution. However it should be better
constructed tall tank as an anchored tank.
Also in this study there is no focus on the differential settlement, but for decreasing the sliding
movement of the tank some strategies necessary. To clarify retrofitting of the tank foundation, more
study is necessary.
American Petroleum Institute (API), (1998). Welded Storage Tanks for Oil Storage, API 650, American
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