New Year Spiritual Works

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New Year Spiritual Works

By Shadow333 (M.V.)

Foreword and notes

Before all, hello, and thank You for reading. If you are reading this in late December, Merry
Christmas and Happy New Year, too.
The pamphlet, before You, is a little something I composed, to inspire spiritual people to use the
holiday energy for constructive work, as opposed to hedonistic, forgettable celebrations, which
leave nothing behind but hangover and the feeling of emptiness, sometimes also mild amnesia
You can indulge into guilty pleasures any day throughout the year.
Its just a lot of common sense, ideas, and spiritual beliefs, rituals and formulas mingled together, to
guide those who ( at the moment, or in given situation ) wish to leave the bad behind, and ensure
prosperous, productive year. Spells, rituals and formulas presented here, are either well known
spiritual works, superstitions, or are my own ideas/inventions. Therefore, none of them needed
crediting, but If You wish to use them elsewhere online, as in articles, for brief quotations, feel free,
but add credits, by providing a link to this text, or by adding; from : New Year spiritual works by
Shadow333. This however does not mean that you can re-upload this on your website, or elsewhere
as whole, or that you can sell it. If I catch anyone profiting from this document, I will not hesitate to
take legal actions against them!!! This is supposed to be for anyones convenience and use, and not
for the quick earn of unscrupulous people.
That being said, Ive also included a brief bibliography at the end, with explanation of choices, more
to serve as further reading, or finding more on beliefs and notions described in this text, than to
accredit anything written here. As I have said, all provided here is either a common knowledge, in
public domain, or my own ideas for spiritual work.
Artwork used here; is from the wonderful vintage clip-arts, and illustration collections, which are in
public domain as courtesy of the wonderful, amazing and ever-so-inspirational Graphics Fairy,
and the link to these artworks, can also be found in the bibliography.
Hope this will be an interesting read, and that it will help You in Your attempts to tap into the
energy of the transitive period of the year that the New Year is. I also help that it will guide you to
attaining happiness and ensuring blessed, prosperous upcoming year.
I dedicate this pamphlet to all my blog readers, for they are amazing, patient and loyal people, who
are obviously willing to ignore my flaws in writing, and presenting the bits Ive learnt about
spiritual work, magick, and folklore, and thus hear out my two cents.
Many Blessings to them, and to all who read this!
With Love, Shadow

Three simple tricks for good New Year

Bang a piece of bread, on your house wall, just after Midnight. This custom, originating
from the Emerald Island (Ireland), is said to bring blessings to the household, and prevents
the house members from being hungry in the upcoming year.
Hold something precious in your hand when the clock sounds Midnight. It can be a piece of
gold jewelry, a prosperity talisman, a piece of lodestone or pyrite, a silver coin be
creative. Just make sure that its free from any kind of negative energy, that is, that it was
cleansed before.
Just after the Midnight, take three teaspoons of honey. You can say a wish, silently, before
taking each spoon, that is three wishes altogether. It is believed, your life will be sweetened
and your wishes will come true on that year. This is an old Eastern European superstition.

Abundance New Years eve candle and charm ritual

On the New Years Eve, just before the Midnight, place a new bill on a plate, bellow a green
pyramid candle. If youre from the Americas, Id say a 2$ bill. Sprinkle a pinch of sugar around the
candle. Light the candle, and read the Psalm 23rd, and add a heartfelt prayer for enough money to
pay off your debts, bills, or provide for the needs of yourself, and dear people. Leave the candle to
burn all the way down. Place the remaining wax and bill, with a piece of bread, saved from the New
Years supper, and a pinch of blessed salt, in a green mojo-bag, and keep on some elevated place in
the house, where it will not be disturbed for the prosperity throughout the year.
You can occasionally pick it up, and pray 23rd Psalm over it, to wake up the work, but this is not

Banish negative, draw positive, double action candle ritual

Take a double action candle, cut the white top off, and turn it around, butt the wick, from the
black half and carve it into a top. Dress the black part with some banishing oil, cleansing or
uncrossing oil. Dress the white part with Blessing oil, Special oil #20, or All-purpose Hoodoo oil.
Place it on a plate, and sometime before Midnight, light the candle (black part now being the
top) and say something along these lines:
Lord, to You I cry, set me free of all evil, malice and snares of the wicked people and spirits. As the
candle burns, wax melts in presence of flame, and as smoke disappears, may all ills that trouble me be
gone! Amen!
When the black part of the candle has burnt all the way, say something along these lines:

We pray to You Lord, Merciful and Human Loving Gd; Be kind unto/to us sinners, Forgive us our
trespassing, and be kind to us who are weak. Give power to our spirit , and guide us on righteous paths
. Remove obstacles and stones set in our way, and send ( to ) us Your Blessings, so we can live happily,
praising You always Lord. Heal us, protect us, and, what we need, help us attain, oh Lord. For the
Power and Glory are eternally Yours. Amen!
Alternatively, You could read Psalms: Psalm 4th and Psalm 57th

Blessing candle ritual for positive change

To change some negative situation, or condition into a positive one, use a fresh, white or brown
wax candle. Dress it with a light film of honey, and sprinkle Verbena over it. If you happen to lack
Verbena You can use Basil.
Alternatively, dress the candle with Miracle oil or Blessing oil.
Light the candle, shortly and affirmatively express what you wish to accomplish, then read the
Psalm 16th, as many times as you see fit, but 3, 7, or 13 seem very auspicious for this type of work.

Cleansing and blessing candles

After youre done with the physical cleaning, and spiritual cleansing (like using Chinese wash to
scrub the floors, and/or fumigating the premises with incense), light in each room, a white candle
dressed with Van Van oil. Alternatively, you can burn Citronella patio candles, inscribed with the
Alchemical symbol for purification. This will both cleanse and bless the premises.

Following are formulas, provided so you could successfully complete aforementioned rituals and
spells, In case you either prefer to make your own formulas, or are not able, for any give reason to
purchase them at this point. They are either traditional well known formulas (like the Chinese
wash, All-purpose Hoodoo oil or Conjure water) or are my own proprietary formula (the baths,
oil etc.).
They are for your own convenience, and If You wish to post any of them elsewhere, online, feel
free, as long as you provide credits, as explained in foreword.

Cleansing baths, to leave evil behind, and bring blessings

Lemon/s sliced up (9 or 13 slices would be great choice)

Pine needles
Make an infusion and add some sea or kosher salt to it. Alternatively, you could make it into
dissolving bath salts/crystals, adding essential oils to salt with some powdered or finely
processed/grinded dry Hyssop. This bath is ideal to cleanse oneself, from sin, crossed conditions,
negative energy, and to cut ties with the old and unproductive as well.

Another one, for same:


Slices of Lemon
Florida water, or Holy Water

In a bath, and take the bath, sometime prior to the New Years Eve. You can even make it into
aerosol (dilute in water, obviously), take a shower, and then spray it on oneself and leave it to air
dry. You can use this as a room spray as well, spraying around house to remove the negative energy.

Homemade Chinese wash

Use as the base; some liquid soap, or mild detergent, which is scented with Pine. Like Pine sol
detergent for example. In case you have not get it, just use some scentless, basic liquid soap, or mild
detergent, and add few drops of Essential oils of Pine to it.
To 60ml (around 2flozs) of this base, add around two tablespoons of Van Van condition oil. More
is fine, but you should not add less. Add a small pinch of blessed salt; that is salt which was
consecrated and prayed over. Mix well, and thoroughly.
Pour it into a suitable container, preferably a glass bottle or jar, and add broom straws from a
new broom.

Conjure water

A staple of old Hoodoo formularies, this is a 10% solution of essential oil of Citronella, in alcohol,
ideally scentless alcohol, like Everclear. Its added to floorwashes to cleanse, chase away evil and
draw luck and customers at the same time. Its considered to be one of the most popular Hoodoo
formulas in New Orleans.

Universal cleansing oil

In a base oil, combine:

Lemongrass essential oil
Citronella essential oil
Eucalyptus essential oil

Success powder

Combine and pulverize:

Bay laurel leaves

Five fingers grass
Allspice berries

Sprinkle on candles, or on your altar, to increase chances of success, or dust yellow, or gold
candles and burn for success. Very good to use with the above described rituals.

All-purpose Hoodoo oil

Olive oil, to which few pinches of salt, or few grains of salt have been added, which was then
prayed over, including the Psalm 23rd.


Hoodoo in theory and practice; an introduction to African-American rootwork by Catherine

Yronwode, available here: - read the material to
familiarize with concepts of Hoodoo baths, Hoodoo dissolving bath crystals/salts, how to make
and use those, how to dress and burn candles in in Hoodoo traditions, what are double-action
candles and how to fix and burn them. These are all mentioned in this pamphlet
Voodoo Hoodoo spellbook by Miss Denise M. Alvarado The book that taught me a lot ( ! )
about New Orleans spiritual practices, and it also explains among other things candle-work, as
described in this pamphlet, and is the source where I found the succinct and reliable
information on Conjure water for the first time. That is Ive personally learnt about it from
this book. The Conjure water is mentioned in this pamphlet.
Charms, spells and formulas by Ray T. Malbrough - You can find instructions on making
formulas You could apply in the rituals described in this pamphlet, as well as ways of dressing
and lighting candles. However, while a useful book, its should be taken with a grain of salt, If
You are into traditional Hoodoo, for the authors views in this particular one, include notions
which are from Saex Wicca as well.
Hoodoo herb and root magick; a material magica of African-American conjure by Catherine
Yronwode One of the books that taught me a good deal about use of Herbs in Hoodoo
magick. Formulas in this pamphlet, are mostly written and composed by myself, but are of
course, heavily influenced by Hoodoo herbalism correspondences and teachings. I warmly
suggest this book to any serious student of traditional Hoodoo magick.
Cunninghams Encyclopedia of magickal herbs by Scot Cunningham another very good book
on herbal magick, though more eclectic, encompassing many paths from Europe, over Eastern
cultures to America and their methods of working herbal magick. Ive learned a lot from this
book as well.
Secrets of Psalms by Godfrey Seilig a staple text of Hoodoo magick, on use of Psalms in
Hoodoo work and magick, so in a way, also a study of Kabbalistic influence on Hoodoo. I
actually referenced that one, to choose the Psalms suggested in this pamphlet.
My own Scribd publication called Ars Olei I posted a formula for a cleansing oil (
Universal cleansing oil ) here which is taken from give document. This document is due to
editing, correcting, read-proofing, and will eventually be replaced by an improved, more
readable version. It deals with making Condition oils used in Hoodoo, and comparing them with
European style magickal oils, providing instructions and formulas. If You are interested in
reading or downloading, find it here: If You would like to help in making the document more readable and properlywritten, feel free to email me at [email protected] I would greatly appreciate any help
with it.

ARTWORK and Illustrations:

All the images used here are in public domain, provided by lovely Karen from the Graphics Fairy, and
are available on her website: She provides these artworks for creative
work of people who wish to used them. They are used here for illustrative purposes without any ill will,
of course. The image used on Formulary page, is my own.


You are not to re-upload this elsewhere, without getting permission from myself, but you are free to
embed, or share links
You are not, under any circumstances, to present this as your own work, or try to sell it. Doing either of
those two will; force me to take legal actions against you!
If You see this document being uploaded elsewhere, under another persons name, or sold, please
inform me by sending me a mail at: [email protected]
Also If You wish, You may also visit my blog here:
Or my Pinterest page, here:

In New Year spiritual work learn about:

Easy tricks to ensure blessed and prosperous New Year

Candle rituals to end negative and bring positive
Ritual to turn luck around
Abundance and prosperity ritual for New Year
Formulas useful for spiritual cleansing, luck and blessings

And other. Hope You will enjoy it, and find it informative and interesting to read. Many

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