2014 Industry Report
2014 Industry Report
2014 Industry Report
for terminal equipment, optic fibre electronics, routers, switches, data centres)
and Retail service providers (RSP) (purchase of bandwidth connectivity from
whole sale operators to provide services to end-users. However, to achieve the
objective of the new national broadband network, the EVC stated that there
will be the establishment of Infrastructure Companies (Infraco) that are
geographically focused to support this initiative.
The Infrastructure Companies (Infracos)
The Commission has articulated the need to licence seven (7) Infrastructure
Companies (infracos) to support the new national broadband network in
Nigeria. The objective of the infracos is to deploy a broadband network
infrastructure that is faster and more secure than what is available today. The
Infracos shall be licensed one (1) per geopolitical zone of the country and one
(1) to cater for Lagos State alone. This is because Lagos State occupies a special
status due to the size of its market.
The activities of the Infracos shall be complimentary to the existing Integrated
Operators that offer end-to-end services and long distance operators offering
whole sale services. The Infracos shall specifically bridge market gaps in the
metropolitan and regional fibre segment as well as provide end-to-end
transmission services,to be available at point of access (PoAs), to access
seekers. Stricly, the Infacos shall deal with Wholesale wireless last mile operators
(eg Bitflux Ltd),Retail service Providers (RSP),Independent Operators/wholesale
operators who require to lease transmission services and other access seekers
such as Vertically integrated Operators
The NCC has also articulated a set of guiding principles to ensure the success of
this initiative. These set of guiding principles include Government financial
support, Infraco mandate, ownership structure, rollout targets, Interconnection
obligation, pricing, deployment strategy and risk management. These
commercial principles were deliberated upon by industry stakeholders in the
Commission`s usual engagement where the stakeholders expressed their
concerns on market monopoly and unfair competition. The EVC, Dr. Eugene
Juwah, allayed the fears of the Industry and stated that the licensing of Infacos
will complement efforts in broadband infrastructure rollout, and will not in any
way create unfair competition or market monopoly.
In line with the Commission`s timelines issued to the Industry the NCC has
commenced the licensing processes for the selection of Infracos for Lagos State
and the North Central region.
net and off net retail tariffs will be immediately collapsed. The tariff for on-net
and off-net will be the same, and subject to periodic review.
c) Submission of Required Details: The Commission may require the dominant
a) Price Cap/Price Floor: The Commission will come up with a price cap for
wholesale services and price floor for retail services, and subject to periodic
b) Accounting Separation: The Commission will immediately enforce and