Pastor'S Letter

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New Years greetings & blessings,

Or should I say, Happy Birthday! As we
enter 2015, Fort King Presbyterian celebrates its 50th year of embracing, empowering and connecting people to God and one
another! Its hard to believe that what
started out as radical idea in a small Sunday
school class has grown into a thriving congregation that seeks justice, peace and reconciliation for all of Gods people. I am so
thankful for this congregation and its desire
to reach out, serve and welcome all of
Gods people, no matter who or where they
We will officially commemorate our 50th
sometime in the fall with a great celebration and worship. To make this celebration
happen we need your help. First, we are
looking for some people to help coordinate
the celebration. Second, we would like to
collect old photos or stories you may have
(scanned/digital copies work best) that
share the spirit of Fort King over the years.
If you are interested in being part of the coordination team please contact me.
As we enter 2015 and our 50th year we need
to look to our future and what we hope to
accomplish over the next several years.
Questions we need to ask ourselves are,
Where do we want to be in mission?
Who do we want to be serving? And,
how will we make it happen so we can glorify God?
As we celebrate this year, I would like for us
to kick off a 50th Year Celebration Capitol
Campaign. The campaign will allow us to

possibly pay off the remaining three years of our

mortgage, and make needed repairs and upgrades
to our buildings. By embarking on this campaign
we will free up monies and allow our ministries to
be creative in developing ways to grow, reach out,
and serve Gods people.
May 2015 be a year of celebration for us all as we
seek to serve and love our mighty God!
Happy Birthday,

Pastor ........................................ Andy Gans

Visitation Pastor (Ret.) ............ Tom McNeil
Music Director .......................... Rick Roberts
Executive Assistant................... Chris Muramatsu
Nursery Attendant.................... Tammy Keeslar
Proofreaders.............................. Susan M. Jensen and
John Stewart

Contributors...............................Members of Ft. King

Assembling ................................. Phyllis Altonn, Bobbie
Burns, Sue Chancey, Kay Dahlen, Joyce Gauntt,
Eleanor Hayesmore, Donna Johnson, Pat Merrill,
Roselle Pringle, Alice Reffner, Judith Simonin,
Aileen Zimmerman
Bulk Mail Handling...................John Stewart

Worship: Sundays 10:30 a.m.

Office: (352) 694694-4121
FAX: (352) 694-5226

[email protected]


FKPC Financial Status for the Year as of November 30,2014

Total Offerings


Total Expense




Our income exceeds are expenses by $3699.49. Unless there are some hidden expenses in December, we should
end the year in the black.
Stewardship update:
Total Annual Commitment for 2015 = $247,750
Total Annual Commitment for 2014 = $271,133
Difference = -$23,383
25 Giving Units gave less in 2015 vs. 2014 = $21,938
40 Giving Units gave MORE in 2015 vs. 2014: $20,451
There were 16 members who pledged in 2014 but not in 2015.
Commitments lost from 2014 for 2015 due to:
- members moving = $18,780
- death/health
= $5,680
= $24,460
New member commitments for 2015 = $8,404
It appears that our budget for 2015 will provide the necessary funds for Staffing and Admin (utilities, insurance,
mortgage etc.) but will put a huge strain on our ministries.

Thank You From Tom and Nilsa McNeil
We are touched by and grateful for the outpouring of love and support during this difficult time in our lives. We
thank Pastor Andy for a comforting and uplifting service; your presence was very much appreciated. Thank you
for all the cards, prayers, and hopeful messages. It means a great deal to us to have friends like you. God is present with us all


January Birthdays

Thank You
When life goes on without a hitch, we sometimes fail to recognize the people who care for us. Then tragedy hits
and who comes to the rescue but the wonderful people who make up the Ft. King church family and friends. I
can't express my thanks for all the prayers, visits, cards, transportation and love I received during my recent episode. I know that if any drama befalls any member of the church, we'll all gather for support. So thank you all once again.
Maria Madigan

Thank You, Adult Class!
The Sunday school children would like to thank the adult class members for providing the fruit that was needed
to construct twelve fruit baskets for our shut-ins. The children added small gifts they had made to the baskets
when they constructed them at their Jesus Birthday party on December 14th. They were delivered by the Youth
Group and High Tide children when they went Christmas caroling on that night. We gave the extra fruit to Interfaith where it was gratefully appreciated by the staff. A big thank you to all who participated!

Tai Chi Classes Begins Again
Tai Chi classes will resume on Thursday, January 8th at 3:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We hope that you can join us in the new year!
~Donna Lavery and Mary Beth Neely

Presbyterian Women
All women of Fort King are Presbyterian Women and are invited to participate in all activities of Presbyterian Women.
Circle Meetings for January: Esther Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. on January 12, 2015, at the home of Jean
Brown. Deborah Circle will meet at 10:00 a.m. on January 20, 2015, in the Session Room of the church.
The Coordinating Team will meet on Wednesday, January 7, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. in the Session

Mens Night Out

Mens Night Out will be held on Monday, January 12th at 6:30 p.m. We will meet at John Stewarts house. Please call John at 236-1557 to R.S.V.P.

Crafty Ladies
Crafty Ladies will start meeting again on Thursday, January 8, 2015 from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. in the
Fellowship Hall. We hope to see all of you there. If you would like to join our group, come for a
visit and see what we are doing and how you can help. We welcome new people and new

Card Making Ministry

Card Making Ministry will meet on the second Friday of the month at 10:00 a.m. Please
call Prudence Pritz if you would like to join.

Sassy Seniors
All widows and single ladies are welcome to join Sassy Seniors on Wednesday, January
14th at 1:00 p.m. Januarys luncheon will take place at Mesa De Notte at 2436 E. Silver
Springs Blvd. (near 25th Ave). Phone # is 352-732-4737.

Thank You for Saving Lives
Nine people donated blood on Sunday, December 7th. This equates to 27 units available to help
save lives. The Mission Ministry is extremely grateful for your support.

Save the Date - Habitat for Humanity

Our next opportunity to make a difference in the lives of a family here in Marion
County will be Saturday January 24th. Just 4 hours of your day will impact a family for
a lifetime. Cant paint, rake, hammer or sweep? Providing lunch for the workers is also
a blessing. Contact either Bill Reed or the Church Office to sign up for this wonderful
mission opportunity.

Interfaith Meals
The Mission Ministry would like to extend its recognition and thanks to everyone who has provided a
meal on the 4th Wednesday of each month during 2014: Carole DeLucian, Cate Martin, Lorraine Fuller,
Faith Leaders, Presbyterian Women, Jim and Anne Hill, Joe and Jeannie Tyler, Mary Beth Neely, Becky
Wolf, Boy Scout Troop 196, Crafty Ladies, Margaret Spontak, Marianne Fullarton, Gans Family, Tripodi
Family, Bob and Sheena Schlegel, Sally Layendeckers Bible Study, Jim and Nancy Copeland, Gwynn
and Cash Pealer, Kathy and Harvey Bohner, Colleen Livingston, Onalee and Alan Mease.
Feeding the poor, the hungry, and the needy is at the heart of the ministry Jesus calls us to do. Please join with
one or two other families and sign up to provide an Interfaith meal this coming year.

Mission Sunday
The Mission Ministry would like to expand on Mission Sunday when, as a church, we support 2 Cents
a Meal and Food For Kids by purchasing items from Fair Trade. Additional items are now available.
Please support artisans around the world as they seek to improve their living conditions.
Guatemalan Honey :
Organic Hot Spicy Cocoa:
Organic Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips:
Organic Bittersweet Chocolate Chips:
Organic Chocolate Winter Minis
Organic Dark Chocolate Winter Minis

$6.00 each
$7.50 each

Organic Hot Cocoa:

Chocolate Bars:
Organic Regular Coffee:
Organic Decaf Coffee:
Organic Tea
Geo Bars

$7.50 each
$4.00 each


Session Notes
At its December 16th meeting, the Session heard/voted:

The date for the Annual Meetings of the church and corporation was approved for January 25, 2015, immediately after worship.

The Adult Education ministry reported that Marcus Borg cannot be with us due to ill health. We will try
for John Dominick Crossan, another noted author, who lives in Florida.
It was also felt that a few classes on racial tensions in the USA would be a good subject for the classes.

A lengthy discussion ensued on the 2015 budget which will be finalized and approved at the January
meeting (which is before the Annual Meetings). A reduction in pledges due to deaths and people moving away is making it difficult to fund all that the various ministries want to do. Also, economics have
caused some families to reduce their pledges.

The Mission ministry reported that all 25 Angel Tree requests were fulfilled.

Church Flowers 2015
If you are considering providing flowers sometime for a worship service, but would like to know more about
the process, I hope the following information will be helpful to you:
1. The flowers do not need to be purchased from or delivered by a florist. If you bring them from your yard
or buy them from a supermarket, they just need to be in a vase, (or container of your choice) ready to display. Please see #4 and #5 below also.
2. There is no minimum or maximum size requirement for the flower arrangement.
3. The flowers are yours to take after the Sunday service. If you prefer to leave them, they will be used for
smaller arrangements to be delivered to hospitalized or homebound members. If you decide to keep the
flowers, or give them to someone of your choice, etc. that is fine also.
4. If you leave the flowers, but would like your container returned to you, we will make sure it is returned.
5. We also have loaner vases you are welcome to use.
I will be glad to answer any questions you might have, help with wording for the worship bulletin, etc.
Thank you very much. Nancy Hall 694-3221.

WORSHIP (continued)

Flower Calendar
Please note: If you would like to commemorate a special event/occasion/memory etc. for a specific date, please
call me as soon as possible. It is never too early to select your chosen date. Please dont hesitate to call me if
there is a Sunday you would like to commemorate by sharing with the church some type of flowers or plant of
your choice. (It could be fresh, silk, dried, etc. from your yard, a supermarket, a florist, etc.) Thank you.
Thank you to these people as they share in donating the flowers for the following worship services:
January 4, 2015---From Jim and Donna Johnson in celebration of their 30th wedding anniversary
January 11, 2015---Jerry and Pat Merrill in honor of our military and veterans who serve our country so valiantly
January 18, 2015---Wayne and Virginia Spring
January 25, 2015---From Marianne Fullarton, Christy Klein, David Fullarton, and Ken Fullarton in loving
memory of husband and father, Dave Fullarton
February 1, 2015---In memory of my dear friend, Peggy Wiechens, from Mary Ellen Vowinkel
February 8, 2015---In celebration of our 59th wedding anniversary on February the 11th
from Steve and Janet Mitchell
February 15, 2015---OPEN
February 22, 2015---OPEN
March 1, 2015---OPEN
March 8, 2015---OPEN
March 15, 2015---OPEN
March 22, 2015---From Jean Brown, Hal, Douglas, Bruce, and Lynn in loving memory of
husband and father, Halowell E. Brown
March 29, 2015---OPEN (Palm Sunday)
April 5, 2015---Easter ( Easter lilies will be placed in the sanctuary)
April 12, 2015---OPEN
April 19, 2015---OPEN
April 26, 2015---OPEN

WORSHIP (continued)
Something to Think About
The Word of the Prophets of God
The Old Testament, as Christians have called it, has been used as a book of religion for millennia. With it, or
by it, we have justified killing, slavery, and a variety of religions without understanding that the Old Testament,
or Hebrew Scriptures, contains +800 years of documents of recollection and reflection.
Recollection: how a people recalled their historical experience from slavery to nationhood; their
hopes and dreams for becoming the center of the worship and rule of God on earth; and what happened to
them when that all fell apart by internal corruption and foreign conquest;
Reflection: a people looked back at what they had died for and lived through, in order to determine why all of that happened and what it all means now that nation and religion are destroyed, and
someone else is calling the shots (Imperial powers such as Babylonia, Persia, Greece, and Rome). What
is the meaning of life for me, for us when we lose control of our own socio-cultural destinies, or, what
we think/believe is our destiny?
The Hebrew prophets, beginning with Amos, were not giving time-tables to be used for foretelling the future.
They were addressing people in Israel and in Judah (after Solomon, a divided nation and people!) to examine
their social practices the exercise of economic, political, and religious power over their own people by the very
ones supposed to have been appointed by God to rule. Oh, but the people had been taught that their God appointed rulers would defend the poor, the homeless, the widow and orphan, and the sojourner in the land
only to discover that the rulers were amassing wealth, land, and power for themselves, at the expense of the
people. Imagine their response when Amos addressed the woman of the wealthy as You cows of Bashan (Read
Amos 4!). Why, downright insulting!!
Did anyone listen to Amos, Hosea, Micah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, or Ezekiel? AHA! Even when the people and the rulers/leadership of Israel and Judah were challenged to think through
the consequences of their actions what they were doing to their own people,
to themselves;
the meaning of what they were doing in the light of the Ten Commandments, The Law of

people, even in their misery and because of their uncritical beliefs, were far too comfortable with the way they
were living (reminds me of the 1950s: Better Red than dead!; after all, who is going to take on leadership for
change, and what might that mean forme
Jeremiah appealed to the rulers and people in his Temple Sermon (+/- 609 BCE) when he made two points:
Do not trust in these deceptive words: This is the Temple of the Lord (Recited three times,
just to be sure!); and,
Will you steal, murder, commit adultery, swear falsely, burn incense to Baal and go after other

gods and then come and stand before me in this house which is called by my name, (to) make it a den
of robbers/thieves? (Jeremiah 7:4, 9-11).
And for this affront to the religious expectations of all, Jeremiah was arrested (See Jeremiah 26:7ff. especially v.
11: This man deserves the sentence of death). Just keep on believing what weve been taught all our lives;
Dont rock the boat! Nosirree! Gotta keep our old time religion intact, come hell or high water!

WORSHIP (continued)
The prophet Ezekiel,
Ezekiel just prior to 587 BCE the destruction of Jerusalem by Babylonia had weird experiences in his call to be a prophet. Indeed! How was he going to communicate with his own people in
Judah and Jerusalem, that everything was going to come apart at the seams? Ah, talk some more? No!
The Lord spoke to Ezekiel: I will make your tongue cleave to the roof of your mouth, so that you will be

dumb and unable to reprove them for they are a rebellious house. But, when I speak to you,
you I will open
your mouth (Ezekiel 3:26).
So, without a word Ezekiel built a mound of dirt as the city of Jerusalem; portrayed the city under siege, to
be destroyed maybe this will get peoples attention? Violence has grown up into a rod of wickedness! (Ezekiel 7:11).
And still the people believing in their religion, even after total devastation asked:

Have you so utterly rejected us? Are you so exceedingly angry with us?
(Lamentations 5:22).
As if: What have we done so wrong? Because the people did not want to reflect on their own attitudes
and behaviors, even after losing the freedom they thought they had under Temple and State!
We enter the sanctuary, - with our attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors ostensibly to worship God, and we
leave with our beliefs intact, our attitudes and behaviors unchanged but not because we have not been
addressed and challenged!
Its time for us to recollect and reflect;
reflect our future as a people is at stake.

WORSHIP (continued)

Church of St. Anne, Soho, London, England (2007)

Just What Lies Ahead?

So be it. Another year has passed and we are in a New Year that may be filled with joy and happiness. It also
could be that uncertainty and fear of the unknown will be a part of this year. I remember a time when I was a
young boy and the New Year had come, I thought about how far away the year 2000 seemed to be. Now that
we are in 2015, I dont wonder about such things. Time sure does fly and to borrow from a common saying, a
lot of water has passed under the bridge.
It is at times like these that I recall the first 2 verses of Psalm 90:

Lord, you have been our dwelling place throughout all generations.
Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God.

I also recall that great hymn written by Isaac Watts O God Our Help in Ages Past. It wasnt until I visited the
St. Annes church in Soho, London, England that I learned about the music to this majestic hymn, known as St.
Anne. It was composed in 1708 by William Croft who was a highly trained church musician with a Doctorate in
Music at Oxford University. Croft was the organist at the Church of St. Anne during the reign of Queen Anne.
He was composer to Queen Anne and was recognized as the foremost church musician of his time. He also wrote
instrumental works. "St. Anne" tune first appeared anonymously in the Supplement to the new Versions of the
Psalms, 6th edition in 1708, originally intended to be used with Psalm 62 version. The tune gained recognition
when it was set to Isaac Watts's text. For its musical worth, famous composers like Johann S. Bach (Fugue in EFlat Major, known as "St. Anne's Fugue") and George F. Handel ("O Praise the Lord") borrowed it for their own


WORSHIP (continued)
I have found strength and assurance in both Psalm 90 and the words to this wonderful hymn:

O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come,
our shelter from the stormy blast, and our eternal home.
Under the shadow of thy throne, still may we dwell secure;
sufficient is thine arm alone, and our defense is sure.
Before the hills in order stood, or earth received her frame,
from everlasting, thou art God, to endless years the same.
A thousand ages, in thy sight, are like an evening gone;
short as the watch that ends the night, before the rising sun
Time, like an ever rolling stream, bears all who breathe away;
they fly forgotten, as a dream dies at the opening day.
O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come;
be thou our guide while life shall last, and our eternal home.
Sometimes in our lives fierce winds blow, lightning flashes, and thunder cracks so loudly it shakes your home.
That kind of storm makes us quake with fear and wonder how well ever survive. And thats the kind of storm
we feel each time another terrorist strikes, or we face financial concerns, or a job is lost, or a loved one dies.
In the midst of such storms, our hearts can find hope in the words of "O God, Our Help in Ages Past." As the
hymn writer states, God is "our shelter from the stormy blast." No matter what tragedy strikes, God can protect
us. But how can we be so sure that God is there in the storm? The hymn answers that question in these words,
"from everlasting you are God, to endless years the same."
God doesnt change. He guided the Israelites safely to the Promised Land. He raised Jesus from the dead. And
when we look at our own past, well always notice the same thing: God was there to see us through the storms.
Knowing that, we can live with hope that hell protect us in the present too.
What storms shake you today? What uncertainties do you have for this coming year? Maybe you feel like an
emotional wreck. Maybe youre fighting tough spiritual battles. Maybe your family circumstances have spiraled
out of control. But no matter what "stormy blast" may be swirling around you, hold on to the promise of this
hymn. Let the truth of Psalm 90 and the words of this great hymn be your strength for you just as it has been for
me and so many so long ago.
You can be confident that God will see you through.
With a confident song in my heart,



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Boy Scout Fundraiser

Ft. Kings Boy Scout Troop #196 is selling meat sticks as a fundraiser for their various scouting activities.
The meat sticks are made at Ocala based Country Meats, an FDA certified facility. The sticks sell for
$1.00 each. If interested, contact Bob Barton 425-8500. See a sample on the church bulletin board.

Boy Scout Mission at Interfaith

In December, the Boy Scouts delivered several boxes of non-perishable food along with 3 bushels of
citrus to Interfaiths Soup Kitchen to help with the Christmas season.

January 2015
Italicized items are non-FKPC activities using FKPC facilities






Friday Saturday


7:00 AA (FH)

7:30 - 9:00 BNI
10:00 Prayer
10:00 Card
Shawl Ministry 10:00 PW
Coordinating 11:00 Disciple- Making
ship Adult
5:30 Connections
1:00 Crafts
3:00 Tai Chi
1:00 Worship
7:00 AA (FH)
7:00 Boy Scouts
6:00 - 8:00 Marions
United (CE)
7:30 - 9:00 BNI
6:00 Finance
7:30 Mens Bible
1:00 Crafts
7:00 Discipleship 1:00 Sassy Seniors 3:00 Tai Chi
5:00 TOPS (FH)
6:00 - 8:00 Marions
United (CE)
7:00 Choir
6:30 Mens Night Out
7:00 Boy Scouts
7:00 Esther Circle
7:00 AA (FH)
7:30 - 9:00 BNI
10:00 Deborah
1:00 Crafts
3:00 Tai Chi
5:00 TOPS (FH)
6:00 Session
6:00 - 8:00 Marions
7:00 Choir
7:00 Boy Scouts
United (CE)
7:00 AA (FH)
7:30 - 9:00 BNI
7:30 Mens Bible

9:00 - 11:45 Library 7:30 Mens Bible
9:15 Adult Ed. &
10:00 Choir Practice
10:30 Worship
5:00 TOPS (FH)
11:30 Discipleship
Youth Ministry
5:00 PYC
5:30 Mission Ministry

9:00 - 11:45 Library
9:15 Adult Ed. &
11:30 Congregational
Care Ministry
10:00 Choir Practice
10:30 Worship
5:00 PYC
5:00 High Tide

9:00 - 11:45 Library
9:15 Adult Ed. &
10:00 Choir Practice
10:30 Worship
11:30 Poetry
5:00 PYC
25 Food4Kids &
2 Cents A Meal
9:00 - 11:45 Library
9:15 Adult Ed. &
10:00 Choir Practice
10:30 Worship
11:30 Congregational
5:00 PYC
5:00 High Tide

5:00 Property
5:00 TOPS (FH)
6:00 - 8:00 Marions
United (CE)

1:00 Crafts
3:00 Tai Chi
7:00 Boy Scouts

7:00 Choir
7:00 AA (FH)

7:00 p.m.
College of
Central FL





9:00 a.m. &
11:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
Ft. King


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