Isu Books
Isu Books
Isu Books
- Connection
- Premise
- Installation
- Point of delivery
- Device
* Integration with the standard SAP system
- Equipment
- Functional locations
- Material
* Enterprise organization/agent determination for Customizing functions.
IUT220 Course Contents
* Familiarize participants with the basic principles of device management and the conversion of
related key business processes in IS- Utility/CCS, as well as the interfaces of standard SAP
components MM (Materials Management) and PM (Plant Maintenance).
* In addition to providing a theoretical overview, this course equips participants with the practical
ability to install their own data constructs and customize the device management.
* Device master data
* Inventory managment (integration with MM)
- Device procurement, device storage, device movement
* Device installation
- Installation, removal, replacement, and modification
- Device relationships and installation structure
* Meter readings
- Organization of readings
- Creation of meter reading orders and download to external systems
- Entry, validation, and extrapolation
- Monitoring of meter reading results
* Device inspection
- Sampling procedure
- Periodic meter replacement
- Integration with standard QM component
IUT221 Course Contents
* Description of basic processes in Work Management, as well as the connection to standard
components and interfaces to external systems.
* Use of exercises to learn the implementation and operation of important processes in the system,
such as service connection processing.
* Mapping technical plants for transmission and distribution
* Drawing up maintenance and service orders with service objects
- Time scheduling in call center
- Linking customer and service orders with service products.
- Configuration of service products
* Billing process
- Functions (including periodic and period-end billing)
- Simulation
- Outsorting
- Reversal
- Manual billing
* Invoicing
- Bill print-out
- Budget billing plan
- Reversal
* Discounts and surcharges
* Special billing features
* Customizing functions
IUT235 Course Contents
* Enables participants to use the real-time pricing component (RTP) within energy data management
* Teach participants how to use EDM for:
* Performing time series billing using load profiles
* Creating complex rate models such as time-of-use and RTP
* Explain how to define complex rate models using the RTP interface in order to prepare the data
contained in EDM for billing in IS- Utility/CSS.
* Introduction to real-time pricing billing
* Overview of the RTP interface
- Scope of functions in IS-U/CSS billing
- Overview of classic billing in IS-U/CCS and the integration of profiles in billing
* Elements of the RTP interface
- Formulas and RTP components
- Customizing settings and restult parameters for input and output
- Embedding the RTP interface in IS-U billing.
IUT240 Course Contents
* Explain the technical data context of contract accounts subledger and its integration iwith FI
general ledger accounting and other SAP modules.
* Demonstrate the most important business processes supported by contract accounting
* Explain how efficient revenue management can be achieved using contract accounts receivable
and payable.
* Organizational elements of contract accounting
* Transactions and account determination
* Posting and documents
* Account information
* Payments and returns processing