IB, Mathematics Higher Level Portfolio
IB, Mathematics Higher Level Portfolio
IB, Mathematics Higher Level Portfolio
Reading an article Should All children be immunised against influenza? in British
Medical Journal written by Dr Valtyr Thors1 challenged me to take a deeper insight into
statistical figures and methods used to calculate them. I started to think about mathematical
significance in epidemic modelling and how the spread of the disease is predicted using
mathematics. Searching for more information, I decided to focus my investigation on one type
of model, SIR model. During my research I got many different sources with vulnerable
information, however I could not find one in which all the mathematical steps to obtain SIR
model would be sufficiently explained. This broaden my project, because in order to develop
a framework of a disease, which was my main goal, first I had to understand how all those
formulas presented in books were obtained.
The first mathematical model describing the spread of disease was invented by Daniel
Bernoulli in 17602. It was based on differentiatial equations in which variables were
characterising properties of epidemic. Since that day, a tremendous development has been
made and many models have been invented. SIR model was formulated by Kermack and
McKendrick in 1927.3 It is very important mathematical tool, used to predict outbreak of a
disease. It helps scientists not only to understand the spread of a epidemic, but also to
effectively evaluate methods of disease control.
Basically, SIR model describes the spread of disease in a closed system, where the
number of population is constant and there is no migration.4 What is more, we assume that
there is no latency and homogenous mixing occur, which means that every healthy individual
has the equal probability of getting infected. In the SIR model, there is an universal set, let
call it N, which is divided into three classes5:
Susceptible (S) those who is presently healthy, but may get ill.
Infected (I) ill individuals.
Recovered (R) people who were ill and are immune, so cannot get the
Graph 1.
Epidemic Trajectory6
Graph 1, represents the relation between the number of susceptible and the number of
infected individuals.
in the increase in infected class, till the fraction of susceptible will decrease to
and the
is the basic reproductive ratio and is defined as the average number of secondary cases
arising from an average primary case in an entirely susceptible population.7
First Case
After looking through available sources about SIR modelling, nowhere I could find a
book in which all theory together with mathematical calculations would be explained in
details. As I was really interested in the topic, to ensure myself that I understand the
methodology, I decided to analyze my personal example and try to present all calculation
needed to move from one step to another, to understand how the formulas work.
Let assume that there is a group of 900 children aged 13-15 on the summer camp. One
girl arrives with a running nose and in the evening she has all flu symptoms. Teachers send
her to bed, but she manages to give infection to other kids. Assuming that camp lasts for 21
get sick.
First of all we have to check, if epidemic will start at all. The condition needed is
Substituting the values into the formula stated in the introduction, we obtain:
This satisfies the condition and means that there will be flu epidemic on the summer camp.
Next to make a graph of the spread of illness, we need to calculate fraction of infected
children for each day of summer camp. To do that, we divide equation (2) by (1):
Medlock J. (1999). The effect of Scholastic Migration on an SIR model for the transition of HIV.
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.
, because
(from (5)).
Now having this formula, we are able to calculate the number of infected children for each
day. We will do it later, together with daily calculations of susceptible and recovered children.
What is more, the above formula gives us opportunity to calculate
. We know that
Now we can substitute it into the formula for
In my particular case:
We can reduce how many susceptible children will remain after 21st day and will
come back home healthy. We start by dividing equation (1) by (3) and next as in case of
infected, we integrate our solution.
Having in mind our initial assumptions (6) and (7), we will calculate the value of
Unfortunately we do not know how many children recovered before the summer camp
was finished, so right now we are not able to calculate
done all those calculations for nothing, this will help us to obtain formula for :
To calculate
notice one thing. As the epidemic develops, the number of infected individuals increase,
however after reaching threshold moment, people recover and it decreases, so
We know that
Here in our particular case:
obtain it? Then I found the explanation for this result, which I will describe at the beginning
of the next chapter.
As I am very interested in looking for the answer using various method I decided to
finally plot my epidemic model using Euler equations and Excel.
Graph 2.
The representation
of epidemic spread
on summer camp
for 21 days.
Second case
Firstly, let start from the explanation of a case. This time it is real situation of
influenza epidemic in boarding school in 1978 described by British Medical Journal8. During
two weeks, the majority (512) boys out of 763 were infected. It started from one boy coming
back from winter break.
Graph 3.
Graph taken from British Medical Journal
presenting numbers of infected boys during
influenza epidemic in 1978 in boarding school.
The biggest difficulty for me was to get an idea how to calculate and
have detailed data, just only a graph. I decided that the easiest way to calculate and
is to
write a computer command using Scilab and by guessing put random numbers. This way I
would obtain the best fit model. On the other hand, I understood limitations of this method,
the values of and
I was very curious and determined to obtain the solution in mathematical way. I was
thinking about this for a very long period of time and finally I made my own observation,
which really surprised me. As we know, spread of disease is not always (rather rarely) directly
proportional. It depends on many factors, such as genetic predisposition, individuals
immunity, age, nourishment, etc. Therefore the values of and
easily produce a graph. Assuming that at the end of epidemic
every infected person eventually recovers and get immunity, we can modify our previous
equation (11).
I checked this equation on many already solved cases and in every it seemed to work, because
I got correct answers. I decided to apply this into my case.
By reading values from the graph, I approximately estimated the number of infected
boys for each day. This moved me one step closer to the solution. Knowing the number of
infected for each day, I decided to solve the equation (1) using Euler method and obtained
, where
is always equal to
between the measurement of infected boys. Using Excel I obtained the values of
day. Then from the equation
, I calculated
for each
. Again I
used Scilab and this time I produce the most accurate graph (The command I wrote for Scilab
is in the Appendix).
Graph 4.
The model of influenza
epidemic in boarding school
in England in 1978 using
Happy that I managed to solve the problem, I started to consider different situations
which may occur in natural environment. As I was reading different articles about epidemic
cases in the word, I stared to think about the properties of SIR model. We used there
definitely too many assumptions, which will give us unrealistic outcomes. This method could
work, but just only for short period of time cases and in a closed universal group. However,
people are born and die from different causes than studied illness. This lead me to third
model: SIR model with demography.
and we have verified that also in this case, the total population is constant
. Now, let
is a piece of cake:
Now, we want to know how these two equilibrium are likely to occur. To evaluate that
stability properties of both cases should be calculated. We can predict, having knowledge
from first and the second model, that it is highly possible for the disease-free equilibrium to
be present when
To do that we need to used Jacobian matrix. It is the matrix of all first-order partial
derivatives of a vector-valued function.10 For a SIR model with ordinary differential equations
) are negative11.
Let us start with disease-free equilibrium, we calculate the determinant by solving this
equation when
Dividing both
move forwards to check the condition for endemic equilibrium. We substitute the values for
We again have two solution, however the first apply for the disease-free equilibrium,
so it is ignored. To calculate the exact value for
Medlock J. (1999). The effect of Scholastic Migration on an SIR model for the transition of HIV.
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.
As I mentioned above the stability occurs if the real parts of all eigenvalues are
negative, therefore endemic equilibrium is stable just only if
per year,
Graph 5.
SIR model of cholera
epidemic without
Graph 6.
SIR model of cholera
epidemic with
Johnson L., 2006. Mathematical modelling of cholera: from bacterial life histories to human
epidemics, University of California, USA
This project gave me a valuable opportunity to develop insight into the importance and
Table 1.
The number of susceptible, infected and
recovered individuals for epidemic in boarding
school in 1978 in England.
Scilab command used to calculate the differential equations for influenza epidemic in
boarding school in 1978: