Teaching Practices, Practicum and Internship Experiences: Issues, Challenges and Suggestions For Improvement. 1.0
Teaching Practices, Practicum and Internship Experiences: Issues, Challenges and Suggestions For Improvement. 1.0
Teaching Practices, Practicum and Internship Experiences: Issues, Challenges and Suggestions For Improvement. 1.0
The changes in the current teaching and learning scene effects not only the
existing practicing teachers but also the pre-service teachers in term of teaching
practices, school environment as well as pupils behaviour. This is primarily due to
the recent reformation in national education plan which has addressed
reformation in teaching profession and school system. In relation to this,
throughout the three practicum phases and a month internship, I was mostly
allocated to a sub-urban school in Perak. Along the practicum phases and
internship, I encountered several issues in regards to teaching practices and
school environment and pupils.
turned the class became too noisy. Thus, I could not maximise
pupils language learning potential.
Furthermore, I had struggles in preparing teaching materials
that cater pupils needs in learning according to their ability and
language proficiency. For instance, I need to consider the level of
questions in preparing reading comprehension task for pupils in
order to impart higher order thinking skills through the activities
conducted and materials prepared in lessons. Have I done enough
in addressing higher order thinking skills in my lessons? To what
extent the learning experiences provided in my lessons enhance
pupils higher order thinking skills? Did my teaching materials and
activities acknowledge higher order thinking skills? These were
among the questions that kept appearing in my mind to assess my
own teaching practices.
Hence, I have identified several the ways to inculcate higher
order thinking skills in teaching and learning process. One of the
ways is by involving the pupils actively during teaching and learning.
For instance, collaborative works such as group work activity to
solve a reading task given can be used to engage pupils active
participation during English lesson. This is also supported by
Johnson, Johnson & Hobulec (1990) as mentioned in Rajendran
(2001) who stated that classroom activities that employ problem
solving seems to have the potential for teaching children how to
deal with complex tasks and to work with and learn from each other.
Besides, by increasing pupils autonomy during classroom activities
is also identified as ways to empower pupils higher order thinking
skills. This can be done by stimulating language tasks that require
pupils to decide on something and work with peers. For instance, I
can ask the pupils to work in group to create advertisement about
canteen day in school.
ability in
Teacher professional learning is an ongoing
cycle that begins with schools identifying the
educational outcomes they value for their students.
Then they need to identify the knowledge and skills
that teachers need so that students can bridge the
gap between current understandings and the
valued outcomes
(Timperley, 2008)
Based on the above notion, professional learning regarded
as part of learning organisation practice which target to achieve
in schools should be
Based on the overall discussions on issues and challenges faced during
practicum and internship, I conclude that the issues addressed are the
reality in todays teaching profession. I believe that these issues are part
and parcel in teaching profession which should be dealt wisely by
teachers. Hence, as a future teacher, it is important for me to prepare
myself intellectually, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically in
order to be part of education family. As said in one of the famous quotes
in an artificial hero movie great power comes with great responsibility
which has made me realised that the power teachers hold in shaping
Malaysia education system should be aligned with commitment and
responsibility for the betterment of the nation as a whole.