Question Bank Ctep

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1) What are the methods of compacting concrete? (May/June 2013)
2) Mention any four destructive methods of testing concrete? (May/June 2013), (Nov/Dec 2012 ),(Nov/Dec
2011), (May/June 2012)
3) What is meant by curing of concrete and why it is necessary? (Nov/Dec 2012 ), (Apr/May 2010)
4) Write the types of cement available in the market? (Nov/Dec 2011)
5) What is self compacting concrete? (Nov/Dec 2011)
6) Classify the grades of ordinary Portland cement? (Nov/Dec 2011)
7) What are the raw materials used in the manufacture of cement? (Apr/May 2011)
8) What are the various process involved in the manufacture of concrete? (Apr/May 2011)
9) What are the tests available for fresh concrete as per Indian code of practice? (Nov/Dec 2010)
10) What does the grade of cement denote? (Nov/Dec 2010)
11) What are the use of chemicals as retarders in concrete? (Apr/May 2010)
12) What are the various methods of concrete mix design? (May/June 2012)
13) Write notes on steam curing..
14) What are all the different types of curing of concrete?
15) What are the tests that are carried out on cement?
16) What are the tests that are carried out on hardened concrete?
17) Define bleeding and segregation?
18) What is laitance?
19) What are the characteristics of a good cement?
20) What are plasticizers and super plasticizers?

1. Explain about the slump test with sketches in detail?(Nov/Dec 2011)

2. Discuss in detail about Ultrasonic pulse velocity test? (Nov/Dec 2011)
3. Describe all processes of cement manufacturing with neat diagram? (May/June 2013) (Apr/May 2011)
4. Briefly explain the various types of cement,grades and their characteristics? (May/June 2013)
5. Write down a step by step procedure for mix design of M20 concrete as per BIS and factors to be
considered for mix design? (Nov/Dec 2012)(Apr/May 2010)
6. Enumerate any two methods of testing the fresh concrete for its workability and setting time? (Nov/Dec
2012), (May/June 2012)
7. What is meant by Non Destructive Testing and explain an NDT method of testing hardened concrete?
(Apr/May 2010) (Nov/Dec 2010) (Apr/May 2011) (Nov/Dec 2011)
8. What are concrete chemicals?Explain in detail and discuss their uses? (Nov/Dec 2010)
9. Explain the concept of mix design and ACI method of mix design?(Apr/May 2011)(Nov/Dec 2011)
10. Explain the process of batching,Mixing,transporting,placing and compaction of concrete? (Nov/Dec
2011) ,(May/June 2012)
1) Write short notes on construction joints ? (May/June 2013), (Apr/May 2010)
2) What is meant by scaffolding? (May/June 2013), ( Nov/Dec 2011 ), (May/June 2012)
3) Define slip forms and braced domes?( Nov/Dec 2012 )
4) What is meant by bond in Masonry and draw any one type of bond for one brick tick masonry wall?
( Nov/Dec 2012 )
5) Define slip forms and their advantages? (Apr/May 2010), ( Nov/Dec 2010 ) (May/June 2007) ( Nov/Dec
6) State the main purpose of providing Damp proof course in buildings?( Nov/Dec 2010 ) (May/June 2007)
7) Write the common sizes of hollow concrete blocks adopted for building blocks? (Apr/May 2011)
8) How are steel trusses fabricated and grouped? (Apr/May 2011)
9) List the methods for applying damp proof course? ( Nov/Dec 2011 )
10) What do you mean by Stretcher bond ? ( Nov/Dec 2011 )
11) What are the causes of dampness? ( Nov/Dec 2011 )

12) Mention the significance of bond in masonry structures? (May/June 2012)

13) When a expansion joint is provided in the building? (May/June 2006)
14) What are all ill effects of dampness in buildings? ( Nov/Dec 2006 )
15) What are essential requirements of scaffolding? ( Nov/Dec 2006 )
16) What is reinforced brick masonry? ( Nov/Dec 2007 )
17) Why are construction joint is provided in the building? ( Nov/Dec 2007 ) (May/June 2009)
18) What is trial pit? (Apr/May 2008)
19) Define thermal damping? ( Nov/Dec 2008 )
20) What are sheet piles? (May/June 2009)
1) Classify various types of stone masonry. Draw typical sketches to illustrate the same?(Nov/Dec 2011)
(Apr/May 2010) (Nov/Dec 2012) (May/June 2013) (May/June 2012)
2) a. Explain slip form construction technique? (Nov/Dec 2011)
b. Explain the procedure of fabrication and erection of steel trusses?
3) Write short notes on (Apr/May 2011)
a. Damp proof courses
b. Requirwements and conditions of good acoustics
4) What is scaffolding?Mention its various components.Name any two types of scaffolding with neat
sketches? (Apr/May 2011) (Nov/Dec 2011)
5) Describe the different types of bonds in brick masonry with sketches? (Nov/Dec 2010)
6) Explain the different types of joints in buildings with sketches? (Nov/Dec 2010)
7) What are the methods of providing DPC? Discuss?What are the requirements of an ideal material for
damp proofing? (Nov/Dec 2010) (May/June 2006) (Apr/May 2008)
8) Explain in detail about the fabrication and erection of steel roof truss for an industry of 15m wide and
40 m length? (Nov/Dec 2012) (May/June 2009)
9) Explain with neat sketches about a) Concrete hollow block masonry b) Domes c) Sequence of
construction activities (May/June 2013)
10) Explain briefly about the isolated and combined footings with sketches. (Nov/Dec 2011)
11) Describe in detail the construction practices to be followed for acoustics and fire protection building?
(May/June 2012)

12) Explain the fire protection in buildings and also about acoustics in buildings? (May/June 2009)
13) Explain various methods of sound insulation through the wall of a hall? (Nov/Dec 2008) (Nov/Dec
1) What is called Caissons and what are their types? ( Nov/Dec 2011 ),(Apr/May 2011) ( Apr/May 2008 )
(May/June 2007)
2) How will you increase the frictional resistance of piles? ( Nov/Dec 2011 )
3) What is meant by pipe jacking? (Nov/Dec 2011) (Nov/Dec 2008) (May/June 2009)
4) What are open caissons? ( Nov/Dec 2011 )
5) What are the various methods to dewater deep excavations? (Apr/May 2011)
6) What are coffer dams and their types? ( Nov/Dec 2010 ) ( Apr/May 2008 )
7) Give the names of any four types of piling technique? ( Nov/Dec 2010 )
8) What is box caissons? Where do we use it? ( Apr/May 2010 ) (Nov/Dec 2006)
9) What is meant by sheet piling and shoring for deep cutting ?(Nov/Dec 2012) (May/June 2013)
10) What is well foundation and caisson foundation? (Nov/Dec 2012)
11) What are the two types of anchoring system for the cable in case of suspension bridge? (May/June 2013)
12) Name some equipment used for underground open excavation? ( Apr/May 2010 )
13) State the uses of box jacking? (May/June 2012) (Nov/Dec 2007)
14) What is underpinning? (Nov/Dec 2008) (Nov/Dec 2007)
15) Where are sheet piles provided? (May/June 2007) (Nov/Dec 2009) (Nov/Dec 2006)
16) What is meant by shoring? (May/June 2006)
17) What are the different types of grout?
18) What are different types of hammers used in pile driving?
19) What is well point system of dewatering?
20) What are the different type of shores?

1) Explain about the advantages of pile foundations? (Nov/Dec 2011)
2) What is called cofferdams and explain their types in detail? (Nov/Dec 2011) (May/June 2013)(Apr/May
2010) (Apr/May 2011)
3) Describe in neat sketch about the technique of pile driving? (May/June 2013) (Nov/Dec 2012)
4) Explain with neat sketches techniques for box jacking,pipe jacking and tunneling? (Nov/Dec 2012)
(Nov/Dec 2011) (Nov/Dec 2009)
5) Explain the different types of shores in detail? (Apr/May 2010) (Nov/Dec 2008) (May/June 2007)
6) Describe the procedure involved in tunneling techniques? (Nov/Dec 2010)
7) Explain the process of dewatering and the uses of stand by plant equipment for underground open
excavation? (Nov/Dec 2010) (Nov/Dec 2009) (Apr/May 2008) (Nov/Dec 2007)
8) Discuss the different grouting techniques and dewatering system? (Nov/Dec 2011)
9) Explain in sketches about sheet piles and well points? (Apr/May 2011)
10) Describe the procedure involved in under water construction of diaphragm walls and basement?
(May/June 2012) (May/June 2007)
11) With the help of a neat sketch, explain the method of sinking a pneumatic caisson? (Nov/Dec 2008)



1) Write short notes on offshore platform? (May/June 2013)(Apr/May 2010) (Apr/May 2011) (Nov/Dec
2011) (May/June 2007)
2) What is the necessity of space decks? (May/June 2013)
3) What is the function of launching girders? (Nov/Dec 2012)
4) What is meant by pre stressing in concrete structures? (Nov/Dec 2012) (Nov/Dec 2011)
5) Define articulated structure? (Apr/May 2010) (Nov/Dec 2007) (Nov/Dec 2008)

6) Whar are erection stresses? (Nov/Dec 2010)

7) In which situations articulated structures can be adopted? (Nov/Dec 2010)
8) Define braced domes? (Apr/May 2011)
9) Mention any two types of lifting and lowering devices? (Nov/Dec 2011)
10) What are the three common tower crane configurations? (Nov/Dec 2011)
11) Mention the reasons for using special forms for shells? (May/June 2012)
12) What are the precautions to be taken while erecting light weight components on tall structures?
(May/June 2012)
13) Mention any two equipments used for erecting light weight components on tall structures? (Nov/Dec
14) What are slip forms? (Nov/Dec 2006)
15) What are all the usage of adopting domes?
16) Define space decks?
17) What are all the usage of pre stress concrete?
18) Write notes on material handling?
19) Explain the types of bridge decks with sketch
20) What are the types of conveyors?
1) Explain about one type of mobile crane in detail? (Nov/Dec 2011)
2) Explain about the various types of excavation equipment in detail? (Nov/Dec 2011)
3) Explain the construction sequence of launching girders and precautions to be taken in tall building
construction? (Nov/Dec 2011) (Nov/Dec 2007)
4) Compare the merits and demerits of various types of shells? (Nov/Dec 2011)
5) Describe the procedure involved in the erection of braced domes and space decks? (Nov/Dec 2010)
(May/June 2013)
6) Discuss the procedure of insitu prestressing in high rise structures? (Nov/Dec 2010)(May/June 2013)
(May/June 2007) (May/June 2009)

7) Explain the special forms for shells in detail? (Apr/May 2010)

8) Discuss the support structure for heavy equipment and conveyors? (Apr/May 2010) (May/June 2012)
(May/June 2009)
9) What is meant by articulated structures and explain the procedure for the erecting the articulated
structures? (Nov/Dec 2012) (Apr/May 2008)
10) What is the necessity of offshore platforms and how it is erected with a neat sketch showing the
foundation details? (Nov/Dec 2012)
11) Describe the construction of a typical belt conveyor with sketch and explain its advantages? (Apr/May
12) Discuss about the general requirements in launching girders and explain about the shell roof structures?
(Apr/May 2011)
13) Discuss in detail the various techniques used for the construction of heavy decks? (May/June 2012)
1) Mention the application of earth movers? (Nov/Dec 2011)
2) Write the difference between a bull dozer and anglodozer? (Nov/Dec 2011)
3) What are the different types of compaction equipments? (Apr/May 2011)
4) What are all the operations performed by motor graders? (Apr/May 2011)
5) What are the equipments used for compacting concrete? (Nov/Dec 2010) (Apr/May 2009)
6) What is meant by pile driving ? (Nov/Dec 2010)
7) What is meant by dredging? (Apr/May 2010) (Apr/May 2009)
8) Name the types of earthwork equipment? (Apr/May 2010)
9) Define scrapers and front end waders? (Nov/Dec 2012)
10) Name any four equipments which is used for dredging,tunneling? (Nov/Dec 2012)(May/June 2013)
(May/June 2012)
11) Write a short note on material handling equipment? (May/June 2013)
12) Mention any two factors affecting the selection of equipment? (Nov/Dec 2011)

13) How will you compact the concrete? (Nov/Dec 2011)

14) .Give a list of construction equipments needed in the construction of tall structures? (May/June 2012)
15) List out the various hoisting equipment?(Nov/Dec 2009)
16) Define trenching? (Nov/Dec 2008)
17) What is derrick? (Apr/May 2008)
18) What is TBM explain shortly.
19) What is the need of equipment management in site?
20) What are all the points should be considered while selecting an earth work equipment?

1) Explain about the factors governing the selection of equipment for earthwork? (May/June 2013)
(Nov/Dec 2010) (Nov/Dec 2011)
2) Mention various types of earthwork equipments and give also their uses? (May/June 2013) (Nov/Dec
2012) (Nov/Dec 2010) (Nov/Dec 2011) (May/June 2012)
3) Explain in detail about the batching,mixing and concreting for mass concrete works and how is
undertaken in recent ways? (Nov/Dec 2012) (Nov/Dec 2011) (May/June 2012)
4) Explain the pile driving in detail? (Apr/May 2010) (May/June 2012)
5) Explain the equipment used for tunneling? (Apr/May 2010) (Nov/Dec 2011)
6) What are pile hammers.Explain its types? (Nov/Dec 2012)
7) Discuss about under water concreting technique with sketches? (Nov/Dec 2011)
8) Discuss the role of tractors in earth moving.What considerations govern selection of wheel type or
crawler type tractor on a job?Compare the application of the two types of tractors? (Apr/May 2011)
9) Discuss the working principle of diesel hammer and state its advantages and limitations? (Apr/May
10) Explain in detail about the material handling?

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