Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - Wiki
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - Wiki
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance - Wiki
Nuclear magnetic resonance was first described and measured in molecular beams by Isidor Rabi in 1938, by
extending the SternGerlach experiment, and in 1944, Rabi was awarded the Nobel Prize in physics for this work.[1]
In 1946, Felix Bloch and Edward Mills Purcell expanded the technique for use on liquids and solids, for which they
shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1952.[2]
Purcell had worked on the development of radar during World War II at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's
Radiation Laboratory. His work during that project on the production and detection of radio frequency power and on
the absorption of such RF power by matter laid the foundation for Rabi's discovery of NMR.
Rabi, Bloch, and Purcell observed that magnetic nuclei, like 1H and 31P, could absorb RF energy when placed in a
magnetic field and when the RF was of a frequency specific to the identity of the nuclei. When this absorption
occurs, the nucleus is described as being in resonance. Different atomic nuclei within a molecule resonate at
different (radio) frequencies for the same magnetic field strength. The observation of such magnetic resonance
frequencies of the nuclei present in a molecule allows any trained user to discover essential chemical and structural
information about the molecule.
The development of NMR as a technique in analytical chemistry and biochemistry parallels the development of
electromagnetic technology and advanced electronics and their introduction into civilian use.
An intuitive model. Nuclei behave like they had own magnetic moments (spin
magnetic moments). By itself, there is no energetic difference for any particular
orientation (only one energy state, on the left), but in external magnetic field there
is a high-energy state and a low-energy state depending on the relative orientations
of the magnet to the external field, and the orientation of the magnetic moment can
precess relative to it. The external field can be supplied by a large magnet and also
by other nuclei in the vicinity.
The process called population relaxation refers to nuclei that return to the thermodynamic state in the magnet. This
process is also called T1, "spin-lattice" or "longitudinal magnetic" relaxation, where T1 refers to the mean time for an
individual nucleus to return to its thermal equilibrium state of the spins. Once the nuclear spin population is relaxed,
it can be probed again, since it is in the initial, equilibrium (mixed) state.
The precessing nuclei can also fall out of alignment with each other (returning the net magnetization vector to a
non-precessing field) and stop producing a signal. This is called T2 or transverse relaxation. Because of the
difference in the actual relaxation mechanisms involved (for example, inter-molecular vs. intra-molecular magnetic
dipole-dipole interactions ), T1 is usually (except in rare cases) longer than T2 (that is, slower spin-lattice relaxation,
for example because of smaller dipole-dipole interaction effects). In practice, the value of
which is the actually
observed decay time of the observed NMR signal, or free induction decay, (to 1/e of the initial amplitude
immediately after the resonant RF pulse)-- also depends on the static magnetic field inhomogeneity, which is quite
significant. (There is also a smaller but significant contribution to the observed FID shortening from the RF
inhomogeneity of the resonant pulse). In the corresponding FT-NMR spectrummeaning the Fourier transform of
the free induction decaythe
time is inversely related to the width of the NMR signal in frequency units. Thus,
a nucleus with a long T2 relaxation time gives rise to a very sharp NMR peak in the FT-NMR spectrum for a very
homogeneous ("well-shimmed") static magnetic field, whereas nuclei with shorter T2 values give rise to broad
FT-NMR peaks even when the magnet is shimmed well. Both T1 and T2 depend on the rate of molecular motions as
well as the gyromagnetic ratios of both the resonating and their strongly interacting, next-neighbor nuclei that are not
at resonance.
A Hahn echo decay experiment can be used to measure the dephasing time, as shown in the animation below. The
size of the echo is recorded for different spacings of the two pulses. This reveals the decoherence which is not
refocused by the pulse. In simple cases, an exponential decay is measured which is described by the
NMR spectroscopy
NMR spectroscopy is one of the principal
techniques used to obtain physical, chemical,
electronic and structural information about
molecules due to either the chemical shift, Zeeman
effect, or the Knight shift effect, or a combination
of both, on the resonant frequencies of the nuclei
present in the sample. It is a powerful technique
that can provide detailed information on the
topology, dynamics and three-dimensional
structure of molecules in solution and the solid
state. Thus, structural and dynamic information is
obtainable (with or without "magic angle" spinning
(MAS)) from NMR studies of quadrupolar nuclei
(that is, those nuclei with spin S > 12) even in the
presence of magnetic "dipole-dipole" interaction
broadening (or simply, dipolar broadening) which
is always much smaller than the quadrupolar
interaction strength because it is a magnetic vs. an
electric interaction effect.
Additional structural and chemical information
900 MHz, 21.2T NMR Magnet at HWB-NMR, Birmingham, UK
may be obtained by performing double-quantum
NMR experiments for quadrupolar nuclei such as
2H. Also, nuclear magnetic resonance is one of the techniques that has been used to design quantum automata, and
also build elementary quantum computers.[4]
Because the intensity of nuclear magnetic resonance signals and, hence, the sensitivity of the technique depends on
the strength of the magnetic field the technique has also advanced over the decades with the development of more
powerful magnets. Advances made in audio-visual technology have also improved the signal-generation and
processing capabilities of newer instruments.
As noted above, the sensitivity of nuclear magnetic resonance signals is also dependent on the presence of a
magnetically susceptible nuclide and, therefore, either on the natural abundance of such nuclides or on the ability of
the experimentalist to artificially enrich the molecules, under study, with such nuclides. The most abundant naturally
occurring isotopes of hydrogen and phosphorus (for example) are both magnetically susceptible and readily useful
for nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. In contrast, carbon and nitrogen have useful isotopes but which occur
only in very low natural abundance.
Other limitations on sensitivity arise from the quantum-mechanical nature of the phenomenon. For quantum states
separated by energy equivalent to radio frequencies, thermal energy from the environment causes the populations of
the states to be close to equal. Since incoming radiation is equally likely to cause stimulated emission (a transition
from the upper to the lower state) as absorption, the NMR effect depends on an excess of nuclei in the lower states.
Several factors can reduce sensitivity, including
Many isotopes of chemical elements can be used for NMR analysis.[6]
Commonly used nuclei:
1H, the most commonly used spin nucleus in NMR investigation, has been studied using many forms of NMR.
Hydrogen is highly abundant, especially in biological systems. It is the nucleus most sensitive to NMR signal
(apart from 3H which is not commonly used due to its instability and radioactivity). Proton NMR produces
narrow chemical shift with sharp signals. Fast acquisition of quantitative results (peak integrals in stoichiometric
ratio) is possible due to short relaxation time. The 1H signal has been the sole diagnostic nucleus used for clinical
magnetic resonance imaging.
2H, a spin 1 nucleus commonly utilized as signal-free medium in the form of deuterated solvents during proton
NMR, to avoid signal interference from hydrogen-containing solvents in measurement of 1H solutes. Also used in
determining the behavior of lipids in lipid membranes and other solids or liquid crystals as it is a relatively
non-perturbing label which can selectively replace 1H. Alternatively, 2H can be detected in media specially
labeled with 2H. Deuterium resonance is commonly used in high-resolution NMR spectroscopy to monitor drifts
in the magnetic field strength (lock) and to improve the homogeneity of the external magnetic field.
3He, is very sensitive to NMR. There is a very low percentage in natural helium, and subsequently has to be
purified from 4He. It is used mainly in studies of endohedral fullerenes, where its chemical inertness is beneficial
to ascertaining the structure of the entrapping fullerene.
11B, more sensitive than 10B, yields sharper signals. Quartz tubes must be used as borosilicate glass interferes
with measurement.
13C spin-1/2, is widely used, despite its relative paucity in naturally occurring carbon (approximately 1%). It is
stable to nuclear decay. Since there is a low percentage in natural carbon, spectrum acquisition on samples which
have not been experimentally enriched in 13C takes a long time. Frequently used for labeling of compounds in
synthetic and metabolic studies. Has low sensitivity and wide chemical shift, yields sharp signals. Low percentage
makes it useful by preventing spin-spin couplings and makes the spectrum appear less crowded. Slow relaxation
means that spectra are not integrable unless long acquisition times are used.
14N, spin-1, medium sensitivity nucleus with wide chemical shift. Its large quadrupole moment interferes in
acquisition of high resolution spectra, limiting usefulness to smaller molecules and functional groups with a high
degree of symmetry such as the headgroups of lipids.
15N, spin-1/2, relatively commonly used. Can be used for labeling compounds. Nucleus very insensitive but
yields sharp signals. Low percentage in natural nitrogen together with low sensitivity requires high concentrations
or expensive isotope enrichment.
39K, 40K, 41K
47Ti, 49Ti
50V, 51V
63Cu, 65Cu
69Ga, 71Ga
135Ba, 137Ba
The application of nuclear magnetic resonance best known to the
general public is magnetic resonance imaging for medical diagnosis
and magnetic resonance microscopy in research settings, however, it is
also widely used in chemical studies, notably in NMR spectroscopy
such as proton NMR, carbon-13 NMR, deuterium NMR and
phosphorus-31 NMR. Biochemical information can also be obtained
from living tissue (e.g. human brain tumors) with the technique known
as in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy or chemical shift NMR
These studies are possible because nuclei are surrounded by orbiting
Medical MRI
electrons, which are charged particles that generate small, local
magnetic fields that add to or subtract from the external magnetic field,
and so will partially shield the nuclei. The amount of shielding depends on the exact local environment. For example,
a hydrogen bonded to an oxygen will be shielded differently than a hydrogen bonded to a carbon atom. In addition,
two hydrogen nuclei can interact via a process known as spin-spin coupling, if they are on the same molecule, which
will split the lines of the spectra in a recognizable way.
As one of the two major spectroscopic techniques used in metabolomics, NMR is used to generate metabolic
fingerprints from biological fluids to obtain information about disease states or toxic insults.
By studying the peaks of nuclear magnetic resonance spectra, chemists can determine the structure of many
compounds. It can be a very selective technique, distinguishing among many atoms within a molecule or collection
of molecules of the same type but which differ only in terms of their local chemical environment. NMR spectroscopy
is used to unambiguously identify known and novel compounds, and as such, is usually required by scientific
journals for identity confirmation of synthesized new compounds. See the articles on carbon-13 NMR and proton
NMR for detailed discussions.
By studying T2 information, a chemist can determine the identity of a compound by comparing the observed nuclear
precession frequencies to known frequencies. Further structural data can be elucidated by observing spin-spin
coupling, a process by which the precession frequency of a nucleus can be influenced by the magnetization transfer
from nearby chemically bound nuclei. Spin-spin coupling is observed in NMR of hydrogen-1 (1H NMR), since its
natural abundance is nearly 100%; isotope enrichment is required for most other elements.
Because the nuclear magnetic resonance timescale is rather slow, compared to other spectroscopic methods,
changing the temperature of a T2*experiment can also give information about fast reactions, such as the Cope
rearrangement or about structural dynamics, such as ring-flipping in cyclohexane. At low enough temperatures, a
: Weight of internal standard
: Weight of sample
: The integrated area of the peak selected for comparison in the standard, corrected for the
number of protons in that functional group
: The integrated area of the peak selected for comparison in the sample, corrected for the number
of protons in that functional group
: Molecular weight of standard
: Molecular weight of sample
: Purity of internal standard
Non-destructive testing
Nuclear magnetic resonance is extremely useful for analyzing samples non-destructively. Radio waves and static
magnetic fields easily penetrate many types of matter and anything that is not inherently ferromagnetic. For example,
various expensive biological samples, such as nucleic acids, including RNA and DNA, or proteins, can be studied
using nuclear magnetic resonance for weeks or months before using destructive biochemical experiments. This also
makes nuclear magnetic resonance a good choice for analyzing dangerous samples.
Process control
NMR has now entered the arena of real-time process control and process optimization in oil refineries and
petrochemical plants. Two different types of NMR analysis are utilized to provide real time analysis of feeds and
products in order to control and optimize unit operations. Time-domain NMR (TD-NMR) spectrometers operating at
low field (220MHz for 1H) yield free induction decay data that can be used to determine absolute hydrogen
content values, rheological information, and component composition. These spectrometers are used in mining,
polymer production, cosmetics and food manufacturing as well as coal analysis. High resolution FT-NMR
spectrometers operating in the 60MHz range with shielded permanent magnet systems yield high resolution 1H
NMR spectra of refinery and petrochemical streams. The variation observed in these spectra with changing physical
and chemical properties is modeled using chemometrics to yield predictions on unknown samples. The prediction
results are provided to control systems via analogue or digital outputs from the spectrometer.
Quantum computing
NMR quantum computing uses the spin states of molecules as qubits. NMR differs from other implementations of
quantum computers in that it uses an ensemble of systems, in this case molecules.
Various magnetometers use NMR effects to measure magnetic fields, including proton precession magnetometers
(PPM) (also known as proton magnetometers), and Overhauser magnetometers. See also Earth's field NMR.
[1] Biography of I. Rabi at (http:/ / nobelprize. org/ nobel_prizes/ physics/ laureates/ 1944/ rabi-bio. html)
[2] 1952 Nobel Prize for Physics at (http:/ / nobelprize. org/ nobel_prizes/ physics/ laureates/ 1952/ )
[3] Principle of Shielding and Deshielding | (http:/ / nmrcentral. com/ 2011/ 08/ principle-of-shielding-and-deshielding/ )
[4] Quantum automaton and quantum computation (http:/ / planetphysics. org/ encyclopedia/ QuantumComputers. html) (see also references
[5] "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Fourier Transform Spectroscopy" (http:/ / nobelprize. org/ nobel_prizes/ chemistry/ laureates/ 1991/
ernst-lecture. html) Ernst's Nobel lecture. (Includes mention of Jeener's suggestion.)
[6] Multinuclear NMR (http:/ / chem. ch. huji. ac. il/ nmr/ techniques/ 1d/ multi. html)
Further reading
Gary E. Martin, A. S. Zektzer (1988). Two-Dimensional NMR Methods for Establishing Molecular Connectivity
( New York: Wiley-VCH. p.59.
J.W. Akitt, B.E. Mann (2000). NMR and Chemistry. Cheltenham, UK: Stanley Thornes. pp.273, 287.
J.P. Hornak. "The Basics of NMR" ( Retrieved 2009-02-23.
J. Keeler (2005). Understanding NMR Spectroscopy. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN0-470-01786-4.
Kurt Wthrich (1986). NMR of Proteins and Nucleic Acids. New York (NY), USA: Wiley-Interscience.
J.M Tyszka, S.E Fraser, R.E Jacobs (2005). "Magnetic resonance microscopy: recent advances and applications".
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 16 (1): 9399. doi: 10.1016/j.copbio.2004.11.004 (
1016/j.copbio.2004.11.004). PMID 15722021 (
J.C. Edwards. "Principles of NMR" ( Overview.pdf). Process NMR
Associates. Retrieved 2009-02-23.
R.L Haner, P.A. Keifer (2009). Encyclopedia of Magnetic Resonance. John Wiley. doi:
10.1002/9780470034590.emrstm1085 (
External links
NMR/MRI tutorial (
NMR Library ( NMR Concepts
NMR Course Notes (
introduction to NMR and MRI (
Richard Ernst, NL Developer of Multdimensional NMR techniques (
programme/21) Freeview video provided by the Vega Science Trust.
'An Interview with Kurt Wuthrich' ( Freeview video by the
Vega Science Trust (Wthrich was awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2002 "for his development of nuclear
magnetic resonance spectroscopy for determining the three-dimensional structure of biological macromolecules in
Off Magic Angle Spinning (
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