Pal A To Gingival Groove
Pal A To Gingival Groove
Pal A To Gingival Groove
J o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. n a c d . i n
Palatogingival Grooves
Shankar Ram1, Uma Sudhakar2, Pramod V3, Radhika A4
Dept. Of Periodontics
Thai Moogambigai Dental College
Mugappair, Chennai-107, India
Sr. Lecturer1
PG Student3 & 4
Article Info
Received: February 9, 2010
Review Completed: February 17, 2010
Accepted: February 28, 2010
Available Online: August, 2010
NAD, 2010 - All rights reserved
Palatogingival grooves a developmental anamoly, initiate on the
enamel and can extend a significant distance on the root surface,
providing a plaque retentive area that is difficult to instrument.
The diagnosis of these grooves is quite difficult, as they cannot be
differentiated in the X-ray images. Specialized diagnostic
techniques like 3D computed tomography had been used for
detecting the apico-coronal and bucco-lingual extent of these
grooves.The treatment procedures employed for treating
palatogingival grooves will include pulpectomy if the tooth is
nonvital along with odontoplasty of the groove or restoration of
the groove with GIC after the elevation of mucoperiosteal flap.
Bone defects around the involved teeth also has to be treated with
grafts and membrane. This case report describes the diagnosis and
treatment of a palatogingival groove on maxillary lateral incisors.
Key words: Palatogingival groove, CT scan, Bone grafts, Guided
tissue regeneration
Periodontitis is defined as the inflammatory
disease of tooth supporting structures caused by
microorganisms or by group of specific
microorganisms resulting in progressive destruction
of the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone with
pocket formation or recession or both1. Clinically
gingivitis and periodontitis are differentiated with
the presence of attachment loss, which is seen in the
former. Periodontitis is accompanied by periodontal
pocket formation which is a result of apical migration
of junctional epithelium along with significant
changes in the levels and density of alveolar bone.
According to the American Academy of
Periodontology (AAP) International workshop for
classification held during the year 1999, the
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Palatogingival Grooves
Occlusal trauma.
Palatogingival Grooves
Palatogingival Grooves
Palatogingival Grooves
Fig 12. post operative photograph labial view. Gingiva looks healthy
The presence of a morphological defect called a
palatogingival groove is considered to be an
important contributing factor to the development of
localized chronic periodontitis, for it favors the
accumulation and proliferation of bacterial plaque
deep into the periodontium. This anomaly affects
maxillary incisors, especially lateral incisors. The
prevalence and different morphologic conditions of
the palatogingival groove were evaluated by Albaricci
MF et al3 wherein 376 maxillary lateral and central
incisors were examined. The teeth were evaluated by
a single examiner, considering their presence,
localization, origin of formation, extension and depth
in millimeters, using a magnifying glass, a precision
pachymeter and a millimeter-scaled periodontal
probe. Results showed a higher prevalence in lateral
incisors with higher prevalence in proximal
localization, origination from central fossa (57.1%) and
predominance in oblique trajectory (62.8%). Of all
these teeth, only 8.6% of palatogingival grooves
reached the root apex, while 97.1% were considered
as flat (<1mm).Thus, in the presence of a palatogingival
groove, periodontal pathologic conditions could be
more severe in proximal faces, reaching in a few cases
the tooth apex and the pulp canal.
Palatogingival grooves when present may
contribute to the pathogenesis of periodontal and
endodontic lesions. In the present case there was no
endodontic involvement as the CT scan revealed and
the teeth was vital. So odontoplasty was used to treat
the groove. Also the groove can be filled using glass
ionomer cement as explained by Ballal NV et al4 or
Silver amalgam restoration can be done to the
groove as explained by Brunsvold MA5 in 1985. If the
teeth with palatogingival groove has an involvement
of the pulp either by direct pulpal extension of the
groove or apical extension of the groove till the apical