Logical Framework Analysis As A Tool For Tropical Fisheries Management
Logical Framework Analysis As A Tool For Tropical Fisheries Management
Logical Framework Analysis As A Tool For Tropical Fisheries Management
Peter A. Murray , Keith E. Nichols , Vasantha M. Chase 1 and Roland Hodge 2
1 1
OECS Natural Resources Management Unit
Morne Fortuné
P.O. Box 1383, Castries
St. Lucia, West Indies
Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources
Office of the Chief Minister
The Valley
Anguilla, British West Indies
With the current state of exploitation, and economic importance, of the marine fishery resources
of the eastern Caribbean, it may be timely to consider the development of a new approach to
management of fishery resources. It has been suggested that there should be a reorientation of
fisheries science toward the management of small stocks such as those prevalent in developing
countries, most of which are tropical. The perception that management, and management
planning, cannot begin until the stocks have been assessed is a view which has proven detrimental
to fishery management in developing countries. OECS States have followed a management
sequence of: preliminary fishery assessment; policy establishment; management strategy
formulation; fishery assessment, including stock assessment; and finally implementation. This
sequence focuses more on individual stocks or species groups than on the fishery as a whole. In
this paper we consider the utilisation of the Logical Framework Analysis approach for
management of the shallow shelf and reef fishery of the island of Anguilla in the British West
Indies. Based on the stated goals and objectives of fishery management in that territory, we
derive a Logical Framework model; and suggest that this approach could provide for the
comprehensive and holistic view of the industry that is required by Small Island Developing States
like those of the Eastern Caribbean region.
Key words: Anguilla, Fishery management strategy, Logical Framework Analysis
Fishery management measures are normally based to some extent on statistics derived from fish
catches, giving in most instances an incomplete picture of the state of targeted stocks. What is
not often featured in the decisionmaking process is the impact of anthropogenic activities on the
ecosystems which these populations inhabit. The socioeconomic patterns of resource allocation
and distribution relative to access of the fishery resources, marketing or local importance of the
fishery are also not given much consideration in the decision making process. Thus, current
systems of management do not allow for timely interventions or in fact cater to the externalities
created by resource use in other sectors. The recent experiences of developed countries in
managing fisheries based strictly on mathematical models, have shown the limitations of this
approach. It has also been suggested, elsewhere (Murray and Nichols, in press), that the socalled
“ecosystem” approaches also have their limitations in that they consider the fish as part of a multi
species ecosystem without including the impact of the top predator: man! The link between the
strictly mathematical, or “analytical methods of stock assessment” approach, and the ecosystem
approaches is in fact Homo sapiens, and his impact on the habitats which the populations of
marine fishery resources inhabit. It is now timely to consider the development of a new approach
to management of these resources, in a manner which considers all of man’s interactions with the
ecosystem: in other words, the whole fishery. This must be seen in the context of the current
state of exploitation, and economic importance, of the marine fishery resources of the eastern
Caribbean. This is more so with increased cognisance being given to the linkages between
fisheries and other sectors/industries such as tourism. Palfreman and Insull (1994) have suggested
a number of issues impacting on the development of the fisheries sector including (but not limited
C the fish resources as strategic assets;
C sustainable development;
C linkages;
C conflicts between interest groups;
C monitoring and enforcement of management regulations;
C the role of human resources in the process of development;
C industry structure;
C foreign exchange;
C marketing;
C hygiene standards; and
C credit.
Any new approach should have the potential to address these issues as an integral part of the
action plan for fisheries management and development.
In 1994, Member States of the Caribbean Community and Common Market (CARICOM)
participating in the joint Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)/CARICOMfunded
CARICOM Fisheries Resources Assessment and Management Program (CFRAMP), recognised
the stated purpose of the project to “enhance the basic institutional capacity and information base
and to manage and develop fisheries ...” (CFRAMP, 1994). It was concluded that the
consequence of (the) deficiencies in knowledge concerning the status of the resource, is poor
management, leading to possible overexploitation with increased demand and consequent
degradation of the resource. It was also determined that “all this pointed out the need for proper
assessments of the region’s fish stocks ... (with ) the major point to be grasped ... (being) that
more information was needed on the scalefish resources in order for them to be assessed and
managed on a sustainable basis” (ibid.: parenthesis and emphasis ours). CFRAMP went on to
note that “these assessment activities would provide the raw data the analysis of which would
guide the formulation of appropriate management actions for implementation by CARICOM
Recently Mahon (1997) has suggested that there should be a reorientation of fisheries science
toward the management of small stocks such as those prevalent in developing countries, most of
which are tropical. He goes on to suggest that the perception that management, and management
planning, cannot begin until the stocks have been assessed is a misplaced view, which has proven
detrimental to fishery management in developing countries (ibid.). The CFRAMP conclusions
noted above suggest that this perception of the primacy of stock assessment is widely held in the
Eastern Caribbean. While distinguishing between fishery and stock assessment, Mahon (1997)
goes on to suggest that management cannot begin until the fishery is assessed. Such a fishery
assessment should incorporate not just an analysis of the biological status of the stocks, but also
the social, cultural, economic, political, habitat and other considerations relevant to the fishery
(see also Campbell and George, 1994; Campbell and Townsley, 1996). The holistic approach of
fishery assessment would also incorporate consideration of the externalities created by resource
use in other sectors. This management objective driven (MOD: sensu Mahon, 1997) approach
has the two advantages of (a) bringing industry input early in the action sequence, and (b)
encouraging thought on the management actions which are feasible, so that the (often limited)
financial and human resources can be optimally allocated early in the process (ibid.). We concur
with Mahon (1997) that in the stock assessment driven (SAD) approach, industry input tends to
be sought after implementation of the management strategy. Often by that time, problems in
implementation start to be encountered.
It must be admitted that, in recent times, English speaking member countries of the Caribbean
Community and Common Market (CARICOM) have begun to use an approach which combines
elements of both MOD and SAD management. We suggest that fisheries management in the
region has followed the MOD sequence of: preliminary fishery assessment; policy establishment;
management strategy formulation; fishery assessment, including stock assessment; and finally
implementation; but that the focus in this sequence has been more on individual stocks or species
groups rather than on the fishery as a whole. This can be referred to as a s tock/speciesrelated
management objective driven (SMOD) approach. This sequence of management events has
been followed in OECS Member States, in one way or another (by accident or design), since at
least the early 1980s
It has been stated that while the “balancing act between presentday benefits and future rewards
had been at the forefront of fishery management long before it became popularized under the
name of ‘sustainable development’, the focus in the fishery had been on output ... (but) it is time
to replace (the) old emphasis on sustainable output with a new emphasis on sustainability of the
fishery system as a whole” (Charles, 1998a; parentheses ours). Mahon (1997) puts forward the
treatise that “fishery management could be approached using one of the structured project
development approaches now required by most international funding agencies, for example,
Logical Framework Analysis ...”. The LogFRAME matrix is considered (Sartorius, 1996) to be
“the embodiment of the design decisions and agreements reached by a project team, it is the team
process and corresponding exchange of ideas that increases the overall quality, appropriateness,
realism and responsiveness of the design … The underlying core concept of the approach is
Management by Objectives”. In this paper we consider the utilisation of the Logical Framework
Analysis approach (Sartorius, 1996; EEAA, 1997; European Commission, 1993 cited in Mahon,
1997) as a management and development tool for the shallow shelf and reef fishery of the island
of Anguilla in the British West Indies. Based on the stated goals and objectives of fishery
management in that territory, we derive a Logical Framework model for utilisation by the fishery
The target species for the shallow shelf and reef fishery of Anguilla are: Hinds (Serranidae);
Parrotfishes (Scaridae); Squirrelfishes (Holocentridae); Grunts (Pomadasydae); Surgeonfishes
(Acanthuridae); Triggerfishes (Balistidae); Angelfishes (Balistidae); Groupers (Serranidae);
Butterfish; (Ephinephelus fulvus); Snapper (Lutjanidae); Spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari);
and Stingray (Dasyatis sp). While lobsters (Panulirus argus) are also caught on the shallow shelf
and reef areas, the lobster fishery is so important as to be considered in its own right. The fish are
caught primarily by wood framed traps, preferred due to their tendency to harbour moss which
are said to attract fish. However, metal framed traps are also used, and have greater longevity
although they are more expensive to manufacture. Traps are laid at various depths throughout the
extensive shelf area. The bank targeted and depth at which the pot is laid will determine the size
of the species caught. A boat will typically haul a set of traps twice per week. Each vessel
hauling on average 40 50 traps. Handlining is also a common method used for reef fish. Hinds
(Serranidae), Butterfish (Ephinephelus fulvus), and Snapper (Lutjanidae) are mainly targeted
using hand lines. Yellowtail snapper (Ocyurus chrysurus) are primarily targeted using handline or
bamboo rods from land. Beach seine netting is practiced from Crocus Bay, Meads Bay and
Island Harbour. Spear fishing is practiced by a few persons for home consumption.
The management unit of the Anguillan shallow shelf and reef fishery is considered to be the island
shelf for juveniles & adults (Anguilla shares an island shelf with St. Martin/St. Maarten and St.
Bartholomew: the “Anguilla Bank”) and the eastern Caribbean for planktonic larvae. Resource
status is largely unknown. However, fishermen complain of having to lay pots further offshore
suggesting that there is a decline of stocks on nearshore reefs. Further study is required to
determine resource status and to establish a base line for future monitoring. High value species
such as Grouper are largely found on offshore reefs. While a Coastal Resource Atlas was
prepared for the Department of Fisheries and Marine Resources and published in 1995, a
substantial decline in coral cover is described by fishermen in the aftermath of Hurricane Luis in
1995. Monitoring is therefore required to update the current habitat map. Species, area or gear
specific catch and effort data are not recorded. There has been no catch and effort data collection
post Hurricane Luis.
The main market for reef fish is for consumption within Anguilla and in French St Martin. The
majority of reef fish caught by fishers from southern and western ports are sold twice a week in St
Martin. Fishers from northern and eastern ports are essentially lobster fishermen who partake in
some finfishing. This catch is sold locally on Anguilla, mainly to a company called Fishery and
Fishing Supplies. Groupers and Snappers may be sold to hotels and restaurants and are high
value species.
The overall goal of fishery management in Anguilla is to ensure that the fishery is effectively
managed (c.f. also Campbell and George, 1994), and that development objectives are identified,
priorised and implemented towards obtaining maximum sustainable benefits for the people of
Anguilla. This is seen as taking place within a multiple use framework, while promoting
intersectoral cooperation and coordination. This should ensure that fishery and marine resource
management policies and legislation are integrated within the national decision making
framework. The stated national fishery management objectives are to:
C develop a framework for sustainable exploitation of the national marine resource base
without compromising the potential for future use;
C promote development of responsible marine resource use, specifically the rational
exploitation of underutilised marine resources for the optimum benefit of the people of
C meet national nutritional needs by maximising sustainable exploitation of the fishery and
through development of marketing and processing systems that ensure the development of
equitable benefits for the people of Anguilla; and,
C facilitate participatory management, through development of management tools which
enable consensus based regulation and monitoring of the multiple systems of use of the
national marine resource base.
Current regulations include mesh size regulation. The use of gillnets is banned. The use of
dynamite, poisons and other noxious substances is prohibited; and spear fishing is only permitted
by local fishermen. The specific management objective for this fishery is summarised in the draft
fishery management plan (OECS, 1998) as being to ensure sustainable exploitation without any
conflict resulting from multiple use of the resources. The Government of Anguilla perceives the
primary management measures for this fishery as being 1) effort control; 2) closed areas and / or
seasons; 3) size and gear limits; and 4) comanagement arrangements
The relevant management issues can be summarised as:
C lack of stock assessment data;
C inaccurate habitat inventory coupled with potential habitat destruction;
C no catch and effort data for management;
C lack of socioeconomic data on the dynamics of the fishery to guide management and
C inadequate market research;
C pot theft;
C ciguatera poisoning;
C lack of a participatory management framework for integrating multiple use; and,
C destructive fishing practices.
From the developmental point of view, the Government of Anguilla has the perception that the
required measures are: some form of supply and demand control; and the need to improve quality
of the product. The issues pertinent to these measures are the fixed price of fish; the absence of
adequate market research; the inadequacy of berthing, moorings, and fish storage; and the
growing demand by importing countries for adherence to international health and safety
The need for a fishery assessment (sensu Mahon, 1997), as opposed to stock assessment, is
predicated on the necessity to have a comprehensive and holistic view of the industry. Such a
view in turn will better inform a development policy and management plan for the fisheries
industry. To date very little effort has gone into understanding the fishery; into conflicts among
users; or into developing policies and management strategies. Consequently, essentially
uninformed decisions have been made regarding the level of investment in the industry.
It has been suggested (Mahon, 1997) that “the greatest hope of managing the myriad of low total
revenue stocks that sustain the majority of fishers worldwide lies in a greater emphasis on
planning and process in fishery management problem solving and decision making where financial
and human resources are severely limited”. Additionally the requirements of recent international
agreements in fisheries emphasise responsible fishing and the adoption of a precautionary
approach. This creates an urgent need in small states in general, and the OECS subregion in
particular, to reconceptualise the management and development of fisheries. The conceptual
changes must also lead to the inclusion of mechanisms that incorporate greater participation of all
stakeholders in the industry, and that will promote better organisation and thus more sustainable
Underscoring the urgent need for a new initiative and approach to fisheries, we propose that the
conceptual change required to meet the real needs of the fisheries industry can be approached by
modeling the management and development of the industry within a logical framework matrix
(EEAA, 1997). Such an analytical tool will assist in developing a management strategy and action
plan which is clearly thought out, and which will include only those activities which will achieve
the stated objectives (c.f. Campbell and George, 1994). In the current context, the Logical
Framework Matrix can be used as the basis of the action plan for the management and
development of the Anguillan shallow shelf and reef fishery, over the twoyear lifespan of the
draft fishery management plan (OECS, 1998).
Ideally, the Logical Framework Approach begins with a situational/stakeholder analysis in which a
problem tree is developed, identifying the core problem affecting the fishery. Possible solutions
are then determined for dealing with this and other perceived problems. In the next step, the
actual development of the Logical Framework Matrix with the stakeholders effects a multi
disciplinary, participatory, management approach. This permits an analysis of the fishery which
provides a clearer picture of the current situation and the management and development
objectives. As a consequence, one of the primary functions of the MOD (sensu Mahon, 1997)
approach is achieved. Another advantage of the Logical Framework Approach is that it can help
point to and account for inter and intra sectoral linkages which impact on management decision
making. Additionally the approach allows for flexibility in the planning process, providing a
foundation on which clear actions can be implemented to meet the management and development
Table 1 shows the proposed Logical Framework Matrix (LFM) for the management and
development of Anguilla’s shallow shelf and reef fishery. The Logical Framework matrix
incorporates some actions to deal with the broad issues suggested by Palfreman and Insull (1994)
and mentioned in the introduction to this contribution. These matrices can include externalities
created by resource use in other sectors as critical assumptions or risks.
We recognise that in fact within the context of the broader regional or even national situation, a
separate logical framework matrix will have to be developed for each individual fishery. This may
appear a tedious process, but in the final analysis, the Logical Framework approach allows for
“the design of fishery management that is robust, adaptive and precautionary, and ... the
development of appropriate institutions to implement such a management approach ... (and thus)
may be exactly what is needed to move us in the right direction, towards sustainable fisheries”
(Charles, 1998b: parenthesis ours). We are of the view that this approach will provide for the
comprehensive and holistic view of the industry that is required by Small Island Developing States
like those of the Eastern Caribbean region.
The authors would like to thank Ms. Sophie van der Meeren of the OECS Natural Resources
Management Unit, Mr. Robert J. Campbell of Integrated Marine Management Ltd., U.K., and
Ms. Patricia I. Murray for their valuable comments on an earlier draft of this contribution.
Campbell, R.J. and K.M. George. 1994. Subsector Guidelines for the Fisheries Sector.
Unpublished draft document prepared for the European Commission. Integrated Marine
Management Ltd. U.K.
Campbell, J. and P. Townsley. 1996. Participatory and Integrated Policy: A Framework for
Smallscale Fisheries. Integrated Marine Management Limited. Southernhay West, Exeter,
United Kingdom. 45 p.
CARICOM Fisheries Resources Assessment and Management Program (CFRAMP). 1994. Large
pelagics, reef and deep slope fishes assessment subproject specification workshop, 1826 January,
1994, Basseterre, St. Kitts/Nevis. Final Report. CARICOM Fishery Research Document No. 14,
CARICOM Fisheries Resources Assessment and Management Program, St. Vincent and the
Grenadines. 160 p.
Charles, A.T., 1998a. Fisheries in Transition. Ocean Yearbook 13: 1537.
Charles, A.T., 1998b. Living with uncertainty in fisheries: analytical methods, management
priorities and the Canadian groundfishery experience. Fisheries Research 37: 3750
Egyptian Environmental Affairs Agency (EEAA). 1997. Project Cycle Management, guidance
and checklists. Technical Cooperation Office for the Environment, Maadi, Cairo, Egypt. 81 p.
Mahon, R. 1997. Does fisheries science serve the needs of managers of small stocks in
developing countries? Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 54: 22072213.
Murray, P.A. and K.E. Nichols. in press. Management issues in the fisheries of OECS Member
States. Proc. Gulf Caribb. Fish. Instit. 50.
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS). (1998). Fisheries management plan for
Anguilla (draft). Natural Resources Management Unit, Castries, St. Lucia. 47 p.
Palfreman A and D. Insull. 1994. Guide to fisheries sector studies. FAO Fish. Tech. Pap. 342.
Sartorius, R. 1996. The third generation logical framework approacg: dynamic management for
agricultural research projects. J. Agr. Educ. Ext. 2(4): 4962.
Table 1. Logical Framework Matrix for the management and development of the Anguillan Shallow Shelf and Reef Fishery
Sustainable increases in Catch composition increased Annual reports of Department of Availability of human and
economic rent are achieved Fisheries and Marine Resources financial resources
Fishers’ profits increased by 5%
National accounting Fisheries registration and
Capital availability to fishers publications Licencing system is developed,
improved utilised and operational
Licensing and registration
Full stakeholder involvement in Stakeholder participation in database
decision making is provided resource management enhanced
Fishery management A system for the collection and National accounting $
information is collected analysis of catch, effort, publications
biological and socioeconomic Resource persons
data is developed and
implemented Database system
Fishing practices are monitored Government is willing to share
and controlled decision making
Fisheryrelated habitat Habitat information is updated
management improved and monitoring system Updated Coastal Resources
established Atlas
Fisher involvement in monitoring
the adverse effects of other Reports of Development Control
sectors is encouraged Authority
Habitat degradation/ destruction Department of Fisheries and
is discouraged Marine Resources reports
Community level consultations to
discuss Fisheries Management
and Development decisions are
Collaboration with other sectors
in the management of inter
sectoral impacts of/on the fishery
is encouraged
Factors affecting marketing of Research into all aspects of
fish are improved marketing is supported Consultants’ report(s)
The results of market research
incorporated into the
management strategy
Fisheryrelated infrastructure is Berthing and mooring facilities
improved for fishing vessels are improved Construction reports
Storage facilities for fish and fish DFMR reports
products are improved
Economic status of fishers is Capital, insurance, social security
improved and other economic instruments Central Bank Commercial
for fishermen made available Banking Statistics
Central Bank National Accounts
Fisher organisation reports