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Main Geofabrics

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About the company

Geofabrics Limited is a British
manufacturing company established
in 1992. From the outset the objective
was to manufacture high-performance
geotextiles to a high-quality standard.
The Companys ethos is to exceed the expectations of customers with
products and support services. Product development is achieved by
analysing the customers application, determining the properties that
are required, manufacturing the solution and testing it to conrm that
it meets the requirements.
Today, the company not only manufactures class-leading geotextiles
for landll engineering, but also geocomposites for applications in
railways, coastal engineering, browneld site remediation and
infrastructure development.



GEOfabrics manufactures

The main characteristics that prompt

needlepunched geotextiles and

engineers to specify GEOfabrics

the Protexia range of multi-layer

products time and again are their

geocomposites, including geocuspate

robustness any damage to a geotextile

products, using virtually any type of

is more likely to be generated during

geosynthetic material.

installation, not in service and their

proven ability to provide sustained

GEOfabrics geotextiles were conceived

protection, separation and ltration in

with optimum performance in mind

the harshest conditions.

i.e. maximum performance for

minimum weight. Rather than offering

Whether its as a lter beneath rock

products with specic unit weights,

armour on the Atlantic coast or as a

individual grades are manufactured to

protector at the base of a deep landll

achieve performance-related values.

sitting in toxic leachate. GEOfabrics

When designing with a geotextile it is

products have a long track record of

the mechanical and hydraulic

unrivalled performance.

properties that are the most important,

not weight, to achieve value
engineering the least material to
perform the design function(s).

With a standard width of 6m,

GEOfabrics non-woven, needlepunched
geotextiles are the widest made in the
UK. This wide width means fewer
overlaps are necessary so the products
are not only quick to install but provide
contractors with more efcient coverage
for a given area.



The HPS range

of geotextiles
Using a unique manufacturing technique,
GEOfabrics manufacture all their
geotextiles with equal strength in both
machine and transverse directions.
The best indicator of mechanical
performance for these textile types is
CBR puncture resistance and the
number in the HPS grade name is its
CBR value e.g. HPS7 has a CBR
puncture value of 7kN.
Geotextiles with specic unit weights
The HPS products are produced

are available if weight is preferred to

from high-performance (HP), staple,

performance-related criteria.

polypropylene bre. In addition to

the inherent chemical and biological
resistance associated with polypropylene,
the polymer contains 1% carbon black
to protect the long-chain molecules from
degradation by ultra-violet light.

Each HPS grade is made with a fibre density

to achieve a specific puncture resistance level
e.g. HPS7 is formulated to provide 7kN CBR.




Flame bonding is used to

create composites from two,
three or more components.

Adhesives are used to

bond flame-sensitive

Geocomposites are multi-layered

combinations of geosynthetics.
These combinations give benets over
individual layers by enhancing functions,
increasing interface friction angles and
increasing the speed of installation.
With careful design they can provide
drainage, protection, reinforcement,
ltration and barrier functions and
replace expensive and scarce mineral

GEOfabrics operates a state-of-the-art


manufacturing capability that is able to

produce an innite number of composites,
up to 6m wide, using geotextiles,
geomembranes, geogrids and drainage
cores such as nets, band drains and
cuspated (egg-box-style) sheets.

Drainage composites
using cuspated cores are
used in gas protection
systems, cut-off walls
around contaminated
land, at the rear of
bridge abutments and
retaining walls, and
around buried structures.

These are bonded using heat or

adhesives to form composites with two,
three or more components which are
often project specic to solve installation
and service-life objectives.

The functions associated with geosynthetics

Geotextiles prevent intermixing of imported and
indigenous soils. But its also important that a
separator is robust enough to resist tearing/puncture.
Grades from the HPS and MPS ranges are renowned
for their inherently high damage resistance.
Wave action and turbulence place great pressure on a
geotextile filter to retain soil particles yet still allow the
free passage of water and thus avoid the build-up of
hydrostatic pressure. Excellent and sustained permeability
characteristics come as standard with GEOfabrics filters.
Generally provided by geogrids or high-strength
textiles and used to reinforce both cohesive
and granular fills.

High puncture resistance, extensibility and
tensile strength are necessary for a geotextile
used to protect more vulnerable materials,
such as containment liners.

The drainage function the capacity to collect and convey
liquids and gases is rarely used in isolation as the
working life of a drain is likely to be short lived without the
presence of a filter to prevent the ingress of soil particles.
Thick geotextiles possess a level of in-plane flow capacity
and can therefore drain through, and along, their length.
Low-permeability membranes which are
expected to resist the passage of water,
leachates and gases. These need to be welded
at overlaps to achieve continuity.

The six functions associated with geosynthetics. A Protexia geocomposite can provide
all of these functions in a single product but three or four are typical.

Landll engineering
Contaminated land
and gas protection
Maritime and river works
Liner protection
Drainage around




Railways permanent way

and civil engineering
Protexia geocomposites utilise the
same geotextiles bonded to geonets
and geogrids to further enhance

Geofabrics Limited
Link-up Certificate No: 7927
Supply of materials geotextiles
Supply of general civil
engineering materials

track performance over poor soils.

These products can be deployed to
prevent subgrade erosion and ballast
contamination for a longer,
maintenance-free period.

Lining for gabions and

rock fill to stabilise an

GEOfabrics geotextiles possess excellent

damage resistance due to their ability
to extend under load and adapt to
the ballast prole without puncture.
To do this and still provide the
separation and ltration functions
makes them ideal to perform under
dynamic loading conditions.
Installing a Protexia composite beneath track
ballast to extend the maintenance interval.

Geotextile used in conjunction with steel

mesh and soil nails to stabilise a cut slope.



Protection is also combined with the
drainage and barrier functions by
forming composites with geonets,
geocuspates, band drains and
geomembranes. The results are
dual- and triple-function products that
are faster and more convenient to install.
The GPT range epitomises this concept.

GEOfabrics is the leading supplier of

geotextiles and geocomposites to the
landll industry in the UK. The most
signicant application is where HPS
geotextiles are used above and beneath
membranes to prevent their puncture by
the drainage aggregate, the underlying
subgrade or cover soils.

GPT products are often used to protect

capping liners and deal with surface water
drainage - a single product, dual functionality.



A Protexia GPT composite drain
comprises a geotextile protector,
pre-selected by the landll contractor
to work with a particular grade of stone.
Longitudinal band drains are incorporated
within the textile at regular centres across
the roll width typically 1.0m or 0.5m.
The result is a membrane protection layer
that can also collect and convey leachate,
surface water and methane.
The GPT products are typically used to
line cell side-slopes for leachate drainage
and beneath caps for gas drainage.
They are also used to reduce pore
water pressure beneath liners placed
on new slopes, where seepage is a

Basal cell liner protection and side-wall

drainage using Protexia GPT geocomposites.

known problem, and also collecting

run off on caps.

The Companys laboratory provides

cylinder-testing facilities so that
contractors can confirm the cost
effectiveness of a particular geotextile/
drainage stone combination in
the context of the Environmental
Agencys standard A methodology
for cylinder testing of protectors for
geomembranes on landfill sites.
This means that a contractor can,
on one hand, elect to use a relatively
inexpensive crushed stone with a
substantial geotextile protector, or a
more expensive, rounded stone with a
less substantial protector.
There is, at the time of publishing, only
one other UKAS accredited laboratory
offering this service in the UK.




Contaminated land and

gas protection
Protexia cuspates are used as
part of gas protection systems
to collect and convey gases from
contaminated ground.

If containment is the chosen solution

Cuspate-based systems are frequently

then capping, cut-off walls and

used for the venting of methane, radon

collection of gases and liquids become

and other gases from beneath buildings.

as important with contaminated

The high air ow capacity of the

land as with engineered landlls.

Protexia 25mm cuspates makes them

Protexia geocomposites, incorporating

ideally suited for use as part of passive

membranes, drainage nets, cuspates

and active venting systems.

and band drains, can full many of

a projects requirements in one,
easy-to-install product.

Protexia FnF composite drains are based on

two-and three-layer nets with a geotextile filter on
either side. They are used extensively below track
ballast, to extend the maintenance cycle, and to
replace aggregate drainage layers in landfills and

Potential contamination of the underlying

soil prompted the installation of a combined
membrane protection and drainage composite
over a liner at this track-side wash down facility.

In many instances, the use of a single composite

enhances the stability of new slopes by removing
the potential slip plane(s) that could otherwise
exist between loose-laid geosynthetics.

GEOfabrics protection geotextiles can be

manufactured in colours to suit project-specific
requirements. A vivid colour means that the
textiles can not only provide separation and
filtration but also act as a warning layer if the
area is excavated at a later date.




Maritime and
river works

Groyne construction on
the North Sea coast

Needlepunched geotextiles possess

the properties required for coastal
engineering. Good abrasion resistance,
high permeability, ne ltration and
durability allow them to resist installation
stresses associated with placing of rock
armour and then to give the required

Bridge abutments and piers.

performance encountered under wave

The GEOfabrics design guide is based

and tidal attack.

upon the results of eld trials, conducted

during the construction of the Cardiff

The high puncture resistance of the HPS

Bay Barrage Scheme, which involved

range allows heavy rock armour to be

dropping rocks of various sizes onto

place directly on them without the need for

different grades of geotextile to ascertain

intermediate bedding layers of graded rock.

the safe working performance of each

grade. The design guide can be found
in Supporting Literature at

Ferry terminal jetty.

Typical detail for a river revetment with a geotextile beneath

rock armour, stone-filled mattresses or pre-cast blocks.

The geotextiles can be pre-fabricated into bags to contain

locally-won fills. These can be placed below water.




Reed beds under
construction with geotextile
protection between
soil-filled gabions and an
impermeable liner.

Canals, lakes, lagoons,

reed beds and reservoirs
The protection function is used
extensively in water and sludge
containment. It is high puncture
resistance and robustness, not unit weight,
which are important when specifying a
protection layer that could be in contact
with sharp inclusions within the subgrade.
The same applies if the liner is to be
covered by ornamental rock, as the point
loads could be more intense.

Installing a waterproofing liner and

the associated protection at a new
canal marina.

Installing a waterproofing liner and the associated

protection on an existing railway bridge.




around structures
Protexia composites based on cuspated
sheets are used extensively to relieve
pore water pressure around buried
structures and at the rear of walls and
The main requirement is for a cuspated
drainage core with a bonded lter to
prevent clogging of the core. These
composites can be placed vertically
against walls or laid horizontally
beneath oor slabs or on top of
structures such as the roofs of reservoirs.

10mm cup.

Rolls of cuspated drains ready for installation

over the roof of a buried Victorian reservoir.

12mm stud with

geotextile filter.

20mm cup.

25mm stud with

geotextile filter.

interceptor drain
internal basement





The main laboratory at GEOfabrics

GEOfabrics is one of the few

geosynthetics manufacturers with
an active research and development
(R&D) program. This investment is
prompted by the pursuit of product
quality and the value placed on
customers needs.
Many of the R&D projects, both
past and present, have been
initiated directly by customers or
by GEOfabrics anticipating their
requirements as a result of revised
standards, new legislation or
nancial targets.

The full-scale rail rig at GEOfabrics comprises a

4.5m x 1.8m x 0.4m subgrade, seven half-width sleepers and
three PC-driven ram actuators which can be applied up to
12Hz and with a an axle loading up to 120kN.Test duration is
1M cycles (6 days) which equates to five real-time years.




Research and
The ISO 9001 Management System
uses customer feedback, continuous
assessment and independent auditing
to drive both the improvement and
the control required for a professional
manufacturing environment.
The UKAS accreditation involves
independent auditing to conrm that
test methodology is followed, operators
Testing laboratory
No 1773

are suitably trained and equipment is

correctly calibrated.

The leachate immersion test is thought to be the

only long-term test of its type. The properties
of the geotextile samples are measured on a
regular basis. The test commenced 1995.

The majority of GEOfabrics products

are CE marked. This demonstrates that
the product meets the construction
products directive.

The Inclined Plane test rig is used to evaluate

interface friction angles between different
geosynthetics and soils.

In-plane gas-flow testing rig.

Further literature, in the form of

case studies, design guides, installation
procedures, product specications
and model specications can be
downloaded from www.geofabrics.com
GEOfabrics maintains a comprehensive web site with documentation
in pdf format that is freely available to download no registration is
required. Some items, such as model specications & application forms
that users may wish to cut and paste into their own documents, are in
Word and Excel format.
Hard copies, if preferred, are available on request, as are samples
of individual products.

Geofabrics Limited, Skelton Grange Road, Stourton, Leeds LS10 1RZ, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0) 113 202 5678 Facsimile: +44 (0) 113 202 5655 Email: [email protected] www.geofabrics.com

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