Module - 8 Lecture Notes - 2: Remote Sensing-Remote Sensing Applications Rainfall-Runoff Modelling
Module - 8 Lecture Notes - 2: Remote Sensing-Remote Sensing Applications Rainfall-Runoff Modelling
Module - 8 Lecture Notes - 2: Remote Sensing-Remote Sensing Applications Rainfall-Runoff Modelling
Rainfall-runoff modelling
The most common application of the remote sensing techniques in the rainfall-runoff studies
is the estimation of the spatially distributed hydro-meteorological state variables that are
required for the modeling, e.g., rainfall, temperature, ET, soil moisture, surface
characteristics and land use land cover classes. Ability to achieve high spatial resolution and
aerial coverage is the major advantage of the remote sensing techniques over the
conventional methods.
Hydrologic models that incorporate the remote sensing information include regression
models, conceptual models, and distributed models. While selecting the hydrologic model for
integration with the remote sensing data, spatial resolution of the hydrologic model structure
and the input data must be comparable. Fine resolution data is relevant only if the hydrologic
model uses spatially distributed information of all the relevant input parameters sufficient to
capture the spatial heterogeneity, and also when the highly dynamic processes are monitored.
This lecture gives the details of the remote sensing-aided rainfall-runoff modeling using the
ArcGIS integrated Soil and Water Assessment Tool (ArcSWAT). Most of the figures and the
results shown in this lecture are from Reshmidevi and Nagesh Kumar (2013).
2. SWAT and ArcSWAT
Reshmidevi and Nagesh Kumar (2013) used the Soil and Water Assessment Toll (SWAT) for
rainfall-runoff simulation. SWAT is a river basin scale hydrological model developed for the
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Agricultural Research Service (Neitsch et
al. 2005).
Being a semi-distributed, continuous time model, it requires numerous spatial and attribute
inputs that represent weather, hydrology, soil properties, plant growth, nutrients, pesticides,
bacteria and pathogens, and land management.
Integration of SWAT with a user interface in a Geographic Information System (GIS)
environment provides the facility to input spatially referenced data and thereby enhances its
Rainfall-runoff modelling
In the study by Reshmidevi and Nagesh Kumar (2013), ArcSWAT (Winchell et al., 2007), a
recent version of the GIS integrated SWAT was selected. ArcSWAT is the ArcGIS interface
of SWAT. ArcSWAT uses various spatial and attribute data as input to the model and
produces the output of hydrologic simulations in the form of tables showing various water
budget components.
2.1 Study region and inputs to the ArcSWAT
As a case study, the catchment of Malaprabha reservoir in the Karnataka state of India was
taken up. It has an area of 2,564 km2. Fig. 2 shows the location map of the study area.
Rainfall-runoff modelling
Rainfall-runoff modelling
Rainfall-runoff modelling
Based on the field information and the district statistical information about the crop
production, the agricultural area was further classified into various crop classes. Each of the
LU/LC classes was assigned to a corresponding SWAT class (Fig.5).
Soil map of the area was procured from the National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use
Planning (NBSS & LUP), Nagpur. Fig.6 shows the soil map of the study area.
Rainfall-runoff modelling
Attribute data
Attribute data used as input to the model includes observed hydro-meteorological variables
namely stream flow, precipitation, maximum and minimum temperatures, wind speed and
relative humidity.
Data at the streamflow gauging station recording the inflow to the Malaprabha reservoir on
daily time scale was obtained from Water Resources Development Organization (WRDO),
Karnataka, India, for the period 1978-2000.
Observed daily data of temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, and cloud cover at one
gauging stations namely Santhebasthewadi were obtained from the Directorate of Economics
and Statistics, Bangalore, for the period 1992-2003.
Spatial variation in the rainfall was accounted by using the rainfall observations at 9 stations
in the catchment.
Fig. 7 shows the locations of the raingauges, and the meteorological observatory in the
Rainfall-runoff modelling
Fig. 8 Schematic representation of the land phase hydrologic process simulated in SWAT
(Reshmi et al., 2008)
Rainfall-runoff modelling
The SWAT model estimates the water yield from a HRU for a time step, using eqn. 1. The
water leaving a HRU contributes to streamflow in the reach.
WYLD = SURQ + LATQ +GWQ TLOSS Pond abstractions
where SURQ, LATQ and GWQ represent contribution to streamflow in the reach from
surface runoff, lateral flow and groundwater, respectively, during the time step. TLOSS refers
to the amount of water lost from tributary channels during transmission. The groundwater is
primarily contributed by shallow aquifers.
Fig. 9 shows the sub-basins delineated in the Malaprabha catchment.
Soil, slope and LU / LC information were integrated with the sub-basin data and 94 HRUs
were delineated. ArcSWAT simulation estimated the hydrologic processes at each HRU and
for each sub-basin and the output was given in a tabular format as shown in Fig. 10 and 11,
Rainfall-runoff modelling
Rainfall-runoff modelling
Water yields from the sub-basins were routed through the channel and the streamflow at the
basin outlet (in this case outflow from sub-basin 1) was given in tabular format as shown in
Fig. 12.
Setting up of the SWAT for any catchment involves calibration and validation phases. Here,
period from 1992 to 1999 was used for model calibration and the remaining period 20002003 was used for validation.
Fig. 13 shows the monthly streamflow hydrograph in the calibration and validation periods.
Table 3 shows the model performance indices for the monthly stream flow simulation.
Rainfall-runoff modelling
Fig.13 Monthly streamflow simulation for the calibration and validation periods
Calibration period
Validation period
Statistical index
Rainfall-runoff modelling
6. USDA-NRCS, (2004), Part 630: Hydrology. Chapter 10: Estimation of direct runoff
from storm rainfall: Hydraulics and hydrology: Technical references, In NRCS
National Engineering Handbook.Washington, D.C.: USDA National Resources
Conservation Service. Available at:
7. Winchell M, Srinivasan R, Di Luzio M, Arnold J. 2007. ArcSWAT Interface for
SWAT2005: Users Guide. Blackland Research Center, Texas Agricultural
Experiment Station, Texas and Grassland, Soil and Water Research Laboratory,
USDA Agricultural Research Service: Texas.