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UltiDraw DXF Option Manual
August, 2002 Revision A

UltiDraw DXF Option

Ultimax 4 Dual Screen and Max

Hurco Machining Centers

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Hurco and Ultimax are Registered Trademarks of Hurco Companies, Inc.
UltiPocket and AutoSave are trademarks of Hurco Companies, Inc.
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Ultimax System

August, 2002

UltiDraw DXF Option Manual


Revision A

Hurco Machining Centers

Using This Manual

Standard Text Icons
This manual may contain the following icons:

The machine may be damaged, or a part ruined, if the described
procedure is not followed.

Hints and Tricks

Useful suggestions that show creative uses of the Ultimax features.

Ensures proper operation of the machine and control.

Steps that can be taken to solve potential problems.

The operator may be injured and the machining center
severely damaged if the described procedure is not

Where can we go from here?

Lists several possible options the operator can take.

Ultimax System

August, 2002


UltiDraw DXF Option Manual

Sample Screens
Some sample screens in this manual were captured on a stand-alone
Ultimax system. The screens on your system may vary slightly. The Input
screen below illustrates softkeys and includes the software version (circled

Figure 1.

Input Screen

Ultimax screens have three areas of primary interest:


Softkeys on the right side of the touch screen. Available

softkeys may change even when the text and data entry area
does not.

Fields to the left of the softkeys. A field is an area that

display or receives information entered by the operator.

Prompt and error message area at the bottom of the screen.

In the sample screen above, the message area reads, Select
softkey or press <Enter> to change part program name.

Revision A

Hurco Machining Centers

Table of Contents
UltiDraw DXF Option
AutoCAD Files and the UltiDraw DXF Option ......................................1
Part Programming Features..........................................................................2
Screen Controls................................................................................2
Graphics Display..............................................................................2
Data Blocks......................................................................................2
Creating a New UltiDraw DXF Part Program .........................................................3
UltiDraw Screen Buttons .............................................................................5
DXF Parameters.......................................................................................................7
Editing DXF Parameters ..........................................................................................9
Building Data Blocks.............................................................................................10
Holes ..........................................................................................................10
Selecting Holes ..............................................................................10
Using the Intersect Screen Button..................................................11
Deselecting Holes ..........................................................................11
Accepting Holes.............................................................................12
Lines/Arcs Milling .........................................................................14
Circle Milling.................................................................................14
Frame Milling ................................................................................15
3-D Option Milling ........................................................................16
Editing a Drawing ......................................................................................17
Extend .........................................................................................18
Modify .........................................................................................20
Completing the Program ........................................................................................21


Ultimax System

August, 2002

UltiDraw DXF Option Manual


Revision A

Hurco Machining Centers

Figure List
Figure 1.
Figure 2.
Figure 3.
Figure 4.

Ultimax System

DXF Graphics Screen .............................................................................5

Data Input Dialog Box ............................................................................9
Extended Lines and an Arc ...................................................................18
Joined Lines and Arcs ...........................................................................19

August, 2002


UltiDraw DXF Option Manual


Revision A

Hurco Machining Centers

UltiDraw DXF Option

The UltiDraw Data Exchange Format option (DXF option) lets you
convert an AutoCAD DXF file into a conversational data block. Add
part and tool setup information to create a complete conversational part
If your machining center has a Max console (a single screen color
monitor), you must have graphics option installed for the UltiDraw
DXF option to function. Contact your Hurco Representative for
more information.

AutoCAD Files and the UltiDraw DXF Option

DXF files generated with AutoCAD Release 9 and later can be used
with the DXF option. 2-D Arcs, Lines, Polylines, Points, and block inserts
are also supported by the DXF option.
3-D Entities, Polyline Mesh or Ruled surfaces, Extended Data and
Text Entities can not be converted by the DXF option.

Hints and Tricks

Ultimax System

If you are programming a part in inches and the DXF file

was drawn in metric units, convert the metric units to inches
using the Convert values to inches feature. For more
information see the DXF Parameters section.

Write the file data out to 8 or 10 decimal places when you

create the drawing in AutoCAD to help overcome gaps
between line segment endpoints when the DXF file is
loaded into Ultimax.

Draw line segments in the middle of the tolerance values in

AutoCAD to improve data translation accuracy when the
file is loaded into Ultimax.

August, 2002

UlitDraw DXF Option Manual

Part Programming Features

The UltiDraw DXF option uses the standard features of Ultimax.

Screen Controls
View a running program on the Auto screen while simultaneously loading
portions of the DXF file into another part program file. If preferred, view
the new program data blocks on the text screen and the corresponding
DXF file on the graphics screen.

Graphics Display
Enter data in the Tool, Part and Parameter Setup screens while the line
segment in the DXF file is being loaded into Ultimax. Once program
tools are defined, press the Draw console key to view a graphical
representation of the program. Press the Draw console key a second time
to display the graphical representation of the part program created to store
the converted DXF file.

Data Blocks
The following data blocks can be automatically created using the DXF
Mill Lines and Arc
Mill Frame
Hole Drilling

Mill Circle
Mill 3-D
Hole Locations

The following data blocks cannot be automatically created using the

UltiDraw DXF option:
Cutter Insert option

Revision A

Rotary Frame option

Bolt Hole Circle
Rotary Pocket option

Hurco Machining Centers

Part Programming

Creating a New UltiDraw DXF Part Program

The following steps should be taken to create a conversational part
program from a DXF file:

Create a conversational part program to receive the DXF

file. See the Getting Started with Ultimax for more

You must create a conversational part program before loading the
DXF file. If a part program is not created first, the DXF file will not
be saved and a No program in memory message will display.

Load a DXF file into Ultimax from a diskette or copy the

file onto one of the hard drive directories. DXF files cannot
be downloaded from the serial port.

Hints and Tricks

If the DXF file is large, copy the file onto the hard drive and then
load it into Ultimax.

Ultimax System


To access a DXF file stored in the controls memory, press

the Auxiliary console key, then the More (F8) softkey.


Press the Read DXF File (F5) softkey. The Current

Directory screen displays.


Highlight the DXF file and press the Enter console key. The
DXF file is loaded into Ultimax and the DXF drawing
appears on the graphics screen.

August, 2002

UlitDraw DXF Option Manual

Hints and Tricks

Group files into subdirectories as described in the Getting

Started with Ultimax Manual.

New data blocks added to a part program are inserted after

the current block.

To view new data blocks created from DXF drawings, press

the Input console key and select the Part Programming (F3)

Press the Draw console key while the DXF graphics screen
is displayed to view the part created. To redisplay the DXF
drawing, hold down the F console key and press the Draw
console key.

If the DXF drawing was scaled, use the Scaling feature in

Part Programming to revise the dimension to a 1:1 ratio.

Revision A

Hurco Machining Centers

Part Programming

UltiDraw Screen Buttons

The five primary screen buttons on the graphics screen provide access to
all of the UltiDraw DXF option features. Use the trackball to position the
crosshair cursor on a screen button and press the Select console key.

Figure 1.

DXF Graphics Screen

The screen buttons access the following features:

Build DBaccesses the automatic data block building features

described in the Building Data Blocks section of this manual.

Layersallows you to select and display any or all of the layers in

the DXF drawing. All layers are turned on when a DXF file is first
loaded into Ultimax. To turn off a layer, place the crosshair cursor
in the On box and press the Select console button.
Select the More button from the Layers screen to turn off all layers
(All Off screen button) or turn on all layers (All On screen button).

Ultimax System

August, 2002

UlitDraw DXF Option Manual

Hints and Tricks

To see only the part geometry, turn off all layers except the
drawing (DWG) layer.

Zoom Boxallows you to select a portion of the drawing to

display as an enlarged view or to pull back and see the entire
drawing reduced.

Parametersaccesses the display parameters. These parameters

must be set before building data blocks from the DXF drawing.

Quit CADends the DXF session and exits the DXF file.

Revision A

Hurco Machining Centers

Part Programming

DXF Parameters
DXF parameters are defined as follows:
Out of Square

used to enter an angular tolerance for a Mill Frame.

When the angular tolerance of a Mill Frame is
exceeded, the frame becomes out of square and is
considered a Mill Contour with lines and/or arcs.
The default value is 0.5. The parameter range is 0
to 360.

End Point

determines when the end points of segments are

close enough to be considered equal. Setting this
parameter to a number within the cutting tolerance
links the contour segments. If the parameter
exceeds the cutting tolerance, you must modify the
drawing to complete contour segment linking. The
default value is 0.0001 inches. The parameter range
is 0 inches to 1000.0000 inches.

Part X and Y

identifies part zero for the drawing (the part zero

symbol is a circle with cross hairs). Part dimensions
are calculated from part zero. To change this
location manually, move the cursor to the box for
Part X or Y Offset and press the Select console
button. Use the data input box to enter the X or Y
Offset values. To change this location
automatically, use the Move Zero screen button.

Convert Values to

converts selected line segment to inches (or

millimeters) to match part program units. To
convert the metric values of the DXF file to inches,
select the Convert values to inches button. If the
part program is metric the convert button will
display Convert values to mm.

Display Converted

if on, converted lines are displayed in a different

color and line style.

Autochain contours

Ultimax System


Line segments are automatically chained to create

contours when a DXF file is loaded into Ultimax. If
this parameter is turned off, you can individually
select line segements to create a contour useful
for creating open-ended contours for 3-D part
programming. The default value is On.

August, 2002

UlitDraw DXF Option Manual

The Move Zero screen button provides a quick and simple way to relocate
part zero graphically on the drawing and automatically enter the values in
the data block:

Select the Move Zero screen button. The DXF drawing

appears on the graphics display screen.


Move the crosshair cursor onto the new location for part
zero and press the Select console key.


Select the Exit screen button to view the values on the

Parameters screen.

When you use the crosshair cursor to select a new part zero, the endpoint
of a line or center of an arc or circle will be selected. To use any other
location for a part zero you must enter the value in the Part X Offset and
Part Y Offset input fields.

Revision A

Hurco Machining Centers

Part Programming

Editing DXF Parameters

To change a parameters value, position the crosshair cursor on the
parameter and press the Select console button. The data input dialog box

Figure 2.

Data Input Dialog Box

Position the crosshair cursor on the number or function in the dialog box
and press the Select console key. Numbers that were selected appear in the
top portion of the data input dialog box.
The following three function buttons appear on the left side of the box:

ESCexits the data input dialog box without storing any data

CLRerases any numbers previously entered.

ENTloads the numeric value into the parameter field.

Selecting ESC or ENT clears the data input dialog box from the screen.
Select the Exit screen button after changing the DXF option parameters to
return to the graphics screen.

Ultimax System

August, 2002

UlitDraw DXF Option Manual

Building Data Blocks

Hints and Tricks
Review and revise DXF parameters before building data blocks.

Selecting Holes
To create a holes data block:

Select the Build DB screen button from the graphics screen.


Select the Holes screen button.

To select holes from the drawing and load their locations into the part

Position the crosshair cursor on a hole and press the Select

console key.


Select the Window screen button to select a group of holes.

The order the holes were drawn in the original AutoCAD
drawing is the default order for the part program.

The order in which the holes are selected may be important when the
system is building the data block. Refer to the Accepting Holes section
for more information about optimizing a tool path for hole drilling
To select a group of holes with the Window screen button, use the
following steps to draw a box around the holes:



Select the Window screen button.


Position the graphics cursor on the first window corner.


Press the Select console key.


Position the graphics cursor on the second window corner.

Revision A

Hurco Machining Centers

Part Programming
Use diagonally opposite corners for the window.

Press the Select console key. The system displays all

selected holes.


Press the Accept screen button. The Select the first location
to be drilled or Default to accept selected order prompt


Either position the cursor on the hole to be drilled first and

press the Select console key, or press the Default screen

Using the Intersect Screen Button

Some AutoCAD drawings use small intersecting lines to mark hole
locations. You must use the Intersect screen button first and then use the
crosshair cursor to select these hole locations. A hole center will be drawn
at each selected hole location.
You can also select holes drawn with intersecting lines using the
Window screen button.

Deselecting Holes
To deselect a hole, position the crosshair cursor on the hole and press
either the Select console key or the Exit screen button. The description of
that hole will not be loaded into the data block.

Ultimax System

August, 2002


UlitDraw DXF Option Manual

Accepting Holes
After selecting the holes, press the Accept screen button to load the
information into a data block.At this point, decide in what order the
machine will drill the holes. There are three methods of selecting and
optimizing the hole drilling tool path:

Select the Default screen button. The part program will use
the order that the holes were drawn in AutoCAD if they
were selected using a window, or it will use the order that
they were selected individually by the operator.


Using the crosshair cursor, select the first hole to be drilled.

Then select the last hole to be drilled. The program will
determine the shortest path between the two holes.


Using the crosshair cursor, select the first hole to be drilled.

Select the Default screen button to let the program find the
shortest tool path.

Hints and Tricks

To optimize the tool path, select either the second or third method
discussed above. If the order that the holes are drilled is of no concern,
select the first method.
The More screen button provides access to the Edit and Zoom


Revision A

Hurco Machining Centers

Part Programming

To create a milling data block:

Select the Build DB screen button from the graphics screen.


Select the Milling screen button.


Select a screen button that corresponds to one of the four

milling types: Lines/Arcs, Circle, Frame and 3-D option.

The following functions appear as screen buttons for the milling options.
Not every screen button described may be available:

Accept accept the selection of and modifications to a line

segment in the drawing. Selecting the accept screen button
loads the description of the line segment into the data block.

Edit Drawing allows you to revise line segments in the

drawing. See the Editing a Drawing section in this manual
for more information.

Reverse reverse the contour direction. The selection point

determines contour direction.

Zoom Box enlarge an area in the drawing, or zoom out to

see a full view. To identify the zoom area, position the
crosshair cursor on a corner and press the Select console
key. Move the crosshair cursor to the opposite corner and
press the Select console key again.

Ultimax System

Zoom Out pull back incrementally from the

drawing without re-centering the part in the
Fit to View gives a full scale of the drawing,
auto-centering the part in the drawing.
Pan relocates the center of the drawing on the
screen. Move the crosshair cursor to the desired
place for the drawing center and press the Select
console key. Turn off the Pan view by pressing the
Select console key again, or select the Fit to View
or Zoom Out screen buttons.

Exit/Undo any modifications made are removed and will

not be loaded into the data block.

Exit return to the previous screen.

August, 2002


UlitDraw DXF Option Manual

Lines/Arcs Milling
Select the Lines/Arcs screen button to create a Mill Contour data block.
The operator is prompted to select the first segment for the contour.
Because individual line segments are used to define a DXF drawing,
contours must be formed by autochaining lines and arcs together. The
autochaining feature eliminates the need to select every line or arc to
create the contour.
The operator must select a line segment where the autochain will
begin. The contour will begin at the end point closest to the selected
line segment.

If two or more line segments are connected to the current segment
during autochaining, the segments are highlighted. The operator is
prompted to select one of the segments to continue closing the
If two segments were draw in the same location on the original
drawing (e.g., a line drawn exactly on top of another), only one line
will be highlighted. Select the highlighted line segment to remove
the duplicate, and continue closing the contour.
Sometimes two line segments will not meet when you are attempting to
create a contour. Select the Edit Drawing screen button to close the gap.
See the Editing a Drawing section for more information.

Circle Milling
Select the Circle screen button to create a Circle data block. The X Center,
Y Center and Radius values are automatically entered into the data block
when the Circle is loaded.


Revision A

Hurco Machining Centers

Part Programming

Frame Milling
Select the Frame screen button to create a Frame data block. Line
segments are chained together to create the frame. The following
conditions must be met for frame creation:

Segments must consist of four lines with optional arcs for


All corners must have the same radius.

The frame must intersect or lie at right angles to the X and

Y axes. The degrees of rotation are limited to the Out Of
Square Tolerance value set on the Parameters screen.

If the previous conditions are not met, a Frame is not valid
message appears, and the frame is not created.

Ultimax System

August, 2002


UlitDraw DXF Option Manual

3-D Option Milling

A 3-D part can be created from a two dimensional DXF drawing. Select
the 3-D Option button to begin creating a 3-D part.
The 3-D Milling option must be installed on your machine to create
3-D parts from DXF drawings. Contact Hurco or your Hurco
representative for more information.
To create a 3-D part:

Identify and accept line segments in the DXF drawing to

build the 3-D data blocks. The segments must form an open
contour or the part cannot be machined. An open contour is
a group of segments that do not have joined ends - the ends
of the chained segments do not meet.

You may need to revise the DXF drawing before it can be translated
into a 3-D part program. Refer to the Editing a Drawing section
for more information.

After the drawing is edited (if needed), select the contour by

positioning the crosshair cursor on the line segment and
pressing the Select console button.


Position the crosshair cursor on the opposite half of the

contour and de-select it to remove those line segments from
the chain.
To de-select segments in a chained contour, position the
crosshair cursor on the highlighted segment and press the
Select console key again. This method can also be used to
remove the selection of a line segment.



Access part programming from the Input console button to

complete the 3-D part program. A Mill 3-D data block is
created with a Draw 2D Contour as its Type.


Replace the default Type by selecting one of the 3-D Types:

XY Revolved about X (F2) softkey, XZ Revolved about Z
(F3) softkey, and XZ Translated in Y (F4) softkey.


Complete the data block by entering the Start Angle, End

Angle, and Step Size.


Press the Draw console key to view the 3-D part.

Revision A

Hurco Machining Centers

Part Programming

Editing a Drawing
The Edit Drawing option allows you to Extend, Join, Modify, or Split line
segments for a part program. To access the editing functions:

Select the Build DB screen button from the graphics screen.


Select the More button.


Select the Edit Drawing screen button. You can extend, join,
modify or split a line segment using the Edit Drawing

The Edit Drawing screen buttons are described below, some examples
Extend - locate the intersection of two lines and extend one or both of the
lines to the intersection point.
Join - move a selected line endpoint to the endpoint of a line or arc
Modify - view or modify the geometry of up to three line segments.
Split - divide segments for selection, de-selection, chaining and 3-D
operations. Line segments may split at a midpoint or any point of
intersection with another segment.
Exit exit the Edit Drawing screen without saving edits made to the line

Ultimax System

August, 2002


UlitDraw DXF Option Manual

To extend lines:

Select the Edit Drawing screen button.


Select the Extend screen button.


Select the two lines that need to be extended. Both lines are
highlighted when selected and extended to their points of


Select the Accept screen button to accept the line extension

or the Exit screen button to cancel.


Extended line



Both lines were extended



Start of arc

Extended Arc

Selected intersection

Figure 3.


Extended Lines and an Arc

Revision A

Hurco Machining Centers

Part Programming

To join line segments:

Select the Edit Drawing screen button.


Select the Join screen button.


The Join option moves a selected line endpoint to the

endpoint of a line or arc segment. Always select as the first
endpoint the point that will be joined to the other endpoint.
The endpoint opposite the first selected line segment
remains stationary and becomes a pivoting point, as shown
in the examples below. Point #1 is the selected endpoint that
will move, and point #2 is the location where the segments
will join.

The first endpoint cannot be an arc endpoint.

Select the Accept screen button to accept the join, or the

Exit screen button to cancel.




Newly joined





Figure 4.

Ultimax System

Newly joined

Joined Lines and Arcs

August, 2002


UlitDraw DXF Option Manual

To modify line segments:

Select the Edit Drawing screen button.


Select the Modify screen button to view or modify up to

three line segments.


Select the Accept screen button to view the line segment

after it is selected. Data for the selected line segment is
displayed in the popup Data Input Dialog box.


Select the data to modify using the crosshair cursor. You

can enter new values for X End Points, Y End Points and
XY Angle line segment fields. The Length field can not be
For arc segments, Start Angle, Sweep Angle, Direction,
Radius and X and Y Center Points values can be modified.


Select the Accept screen button to accept the modifications

or the Exit screen button to cancel.

To split a line segment:



Select the line segment.


Select the point where the segment will be divided. When a

segment is selected for splitting, the midpoint and all
intersection points with the other segments are indicated
with crosshair markers.


Press the Accept screen button to accept the split, or the Exit
key to cancel the split.

Revision A

Hurco Machining Centers

Part Programming

Completing the Program

Before you can run a part program created from a DXF drawing file, the
Tool Setup, Part Setup, and Program Parameter data must be defined.
Refer to the Getting Started with Ultimax Manual for more information.
You may display and enter tool, part and parameter information while the
data blocks are being created from the DXF file, or after all the DXF
information has been loaded into data blocks.
When you save the part program any changes made to the DXF
drawing will not be saved.

You must examine the tool path for the part program and perform
dry run and error testing procedures before attempting to run a
program created from a DXF file.

Ultimax System

August, 2002


UlitDraw DXF Option Manual


Revision A

Hurco Machining Centers

3-D option milling, 16

Editing a drawing
extend, 17
join, 17
modify, 17
split, 17
Editing drawings, 17
extend, 18
join, 19
modify, 20
split, 20
Editing parameters, 9
End point tolerance, 7
Error messages, 3
Exit/Undo screen button, 11
Extend a drawing, 17

Accepting holes, 12
Autochain contours, 7
Autochaining, 14
Building data blocks, 10
compatibility software, 1
Circle milling, 14
Compatibility, 1
Completing program, 21
Convert values to inches, 7
Create new program, 3

Frame milling, 15

Data block
building from DXF, 2
Data input dialog box, 9
De-select a line segment, 16
Deselecting holes, 11
Deselecting holes in the DXF option, 11
Display converted geometry, 7
DXF option parameters, 7

Ultimax System

Graphics, 2
Graphics screen, 5
Holes, 10
accepting, 12
deselecting, 11
locations, 10
selecting, 10
selecting with Windows button, 10

August, 2002


UltiDraw DXF Option Manual

Intersect screen button, 11
Join a drawing, 17
Lines/Arcs milling, 14

Remove a line segment, 16
Screen buttons, 5
Selecting holes, 10
Selecting holes with Windows button,
Split a drawing, 17

Tool and part setup, 2, 21

Mill Frame
from DXF file, 7
Milling, 13
3-D option
used in, 16
Modify a drawing, 17
More screen button, 12
Move Zero screen button, 8
Open contour, 16
Optimize tool path, 12
Out of square tolerance, 7
Parameters, 7
Parameters for DXF option, 7
Part programming features, 2
Part X & Y offsets, 7
Part zero, 7


Revision A

Hurco Machining Centers

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