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Lifting Program Comparison Srudy

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International Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2013, 4, 114-121

http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ijcm.2013.42022 Published Online February 2013 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/ijcm)

Low-Load Bench Press Training to Fatigue Results in

Muscle Hypertrophy Similar to High-Load Bench Press
Riki Ogasawara1,2, Jeremy P. Loenneke3, Robert S. Thiebaud3, Takashi Abe1,4
Graduate School of Frontier Sciences, University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan; 2College of Sport and Health Science, Ritsumeikan
University, Kusatsu, Japan; 3Department of Health and Exercise Science, University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA; 4Department of
Health, Exercise Science, & Recreation Management, University of Mississippi, Oxford, USA.
Email: [email protected]

Received December 20th, 2012; revised January 20th, 2013; accepted January 27th, 2013

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the training responses observed with low-load resistance exercise to
volitional fatigue translates into significant muscle hypertrophy, and compare that response to high-load resistance
training. Nine previously untrained men (aged 25 [SD 3] years at the beginning of the study, standing height 1.73 [SD
0.07] m, body mass 68.9 [SD 8.1] kg) completed 6 weeks of high load-resistance training (HL-RT) (75% of one repetition maximal [1RM], 3-sets, 3x/wk) followed by 12 months of detraining. Following this, subjects completed 6 weeks
of low load-resistance training (LL-RT) to volitional fatigue (30% 1 RM, 4 sets, 3x/wk). Increases (p < 0.05) in magnetic resonance imaging-measured triceps brachii and pectoralis major muscle cross-sectional areas were similar for
both HL-RT (11.9% and 17.6%, respectively) and LL-RT (9.8% and 21.1%, respectively). In addition, both groups increased (p < 0.05) 1RM and maximal elbow extension strength following training; however, the percent increases in
1RM (8.6% vs. 21.0%) and elbow extension strength (6.5% vs. 13.9%) were significantly (p < 0.05) lower with LL-RT.
Both protocols elicited similar increases in muscle cross-sectional area, however differences were observed in strength.
An explanation of the smaller relative increases in strength may be due to the fact that detraining after HL-RT did not
cause strength values to return to baseline levels thereby producing smaller changes in strength. In addition, the results
may also suggest that the consistent practice of lifting a heavy load is necessary to maximize gains in muscular strength
of the trained movement. These results demonstrate that significant muscle hypertrophy can occur without high-load
resistance training and suggests that the focus on percentage of external load as the important deciding factor on muscle
hypertrophy is too simplistic and inappropriate.
Keywords: Bench Press; Training Intensity; Muscle CSA; MRI; Strength

1. Introduction
As a muscle is overloaded from increased mechanical
work, the added stress increases skeletal muscle amino
acid transporter expression [1], which in turn enhances
the synthesis of the contractile proteins, actin and myosin
[2]. These acute positive balances between muscle protein
synthesis (MPS) and muscle protein breakdown (MPB)
lead to skeletal muscle hypertrophy over time which occurs from both an increase in the thickness and number
of myofibrils [see molecular pathway review by Adams
[3]. Although skeletal muscle hypertrophy occurs in both
slow twitch (ST) and fast twitch (FT) fibers, the latter has
the greatest potential for growth [4]. Therefore it is been
hypothesized that skeletal muscle hypertrophy can occur
independent of exercise load, as long as FT fibers are
Copyright 2013 SciRes.

activated [5,6].
Conventional thought is that at least 70% of ones
repetition maximum (1 RM) must be lifted repeatedly to
observe a meaningful increase in muscular size [7]. However, acute molecular research indicates that external
exercise load may be of less importance when adequate
volume of resistance exercise is completed. To illustrate,
when four sets of resistance exercise was performed at
30% 1 RM to volitional fatigue, myofibril MPS was elevated to the same level as 90% 1 RM to volitional fatigue
(not work matched) [8]. This is contrary to what has
commonly been reported in the literature which states
that training to volitional fatigue is not an effective
stimulus unless a sufficient external load as defined by
percentage of 1 RM (~80% 1 RM) is lifted. The common
thought has always been that higher repetition training

Low-Load Bench Press Training to Fatigue Results in Muscle Hypertrophy Similar to High-Load Bench Press Training

cannot produce a stress that is adequate enough to recruit

and fatigue the highest threshold motor units [9].
Interestingly, Campos et al. [10] provide the only evidence to date that resistance exercise to volitional fatigue
at higher loads is more effective than training at lower
loads for skeletal muscle hypertrophy (4 sets 3 - 4 RM vs.
2 sets 20 - 28 RM). However, using the identical methods of Campos et al. [10], Leger et al. [11] observed significant increases in muscle hypertrophy, muscular strength,
and endurance independent of the external load lifted.
One possible reason for the difference could be due to
the older less active subjects used in latter study (36 vs
22 yrs). In addition, the volume of exercise (2 sets) may
have been inadequate to recruit the higher threshold motor units in the younger more active subjects used in the
Campos et al. [10] paper.
The aforementioned evidence has led to the formation
of the metabolite/volume threshold theory [5]. This theory states that, assuming an adequate exercise volume is
achieved, the recruitment of FT fibers appears to be the
large driving force of skeletal muscle hypertrophy whereas the external load lifted and systemic endogenous hormone elevations may not be as important as previously
thought [12,13]. Much of this theory was based on acute
myofibril MPS and it is acknowledged that although
these acute studies are hypothesized to be predictive of
chronic adaptations, they are not definitive as incongruences may exist between the acute and chronic changes
following resistance training [14,15]. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine whether the training
responses observed with low-load resistance exercise to
volitional fatigue translates into significant muscle hypertrophy, and compare that response to high-load resistance training. Low load knee extensor exercise to fatigue has shown that muscle hypertrophy (whole muscle
and fiber level) occurs at levels similar to higher loads
[16], however it is currently unknown whether this is
also true for upper body resistance exercise. Bench press
is one of the major exercises for developing the upper
body, however, very few studies report muscle size
changes in the chest and upper arm following a single
mode of high-load bench press training [17,18]. In the
present study, a within subject experimental design was
chosen to reduce biological variability. Further, due to
possible differences in systemic endogenous hormones
with each loading scheme and the cross-training neural
adaptations associated with a unilateral training model
[19], each subject completed both exercise protocols separated by over a year (12 months). All subjects began
with high-load resistance training as this design also allowed us to investigate the muscle size and strength
changes to one year of detraining with traditional high
load exercise. Although the order of training was not
randomized, it increased our statistical power to investiCopyright 2013 SciRes.


gate at least one of our purposes with the possibility of a

poor attrition rate with such a long investigation. We
hypothesized that similar increases in muscle hypertrophy would be observed with both protocols, independent
of the external load lifted.

2. Material and Methods

2.1. Subjects
Nine previously untrained young men (aged 25 [SD 3]
years at the beginning of the study) volunteered to participate in two different 6-week resistance training protocols separated by 12 months (Table 1). In the first
training protocol, all subjects performed high-load (75%
of 1 RM) resistance exercise. Twelve months after the
end of the first training protocol, the subjects performed
the second resistance training program with low-loads
(30% of 1 RM). None of the subjects performed resistance training as well as aerobic-type training for at least
9 months prior to the start of the second training protocol.
Subjects were instructed to maintain their usual dietary
regimen throughout the study. All subjects were informed of the procedures, risks, and benefits and signed
an informed consent document. The study was conducted
according to the Declaration of Helsinki and was approved by the Ethics Committee for Human Experiments
at The University of Tokyo, Japan.

2.2. Resistance Training Protocol

Free-weight bench press exercise was performed 3 days
per week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) in both the
high-load (HL-RT) as well as the low-load (LL-RT) resistance training protocol. The exercise session in the
HL-RT consisted of 3 sets (3 min rest between sets) of 10
reps at 75% of 1RM, while the exercise session with LLRT consisted of 4 sets (3 min rest between sets) of bench
press exercise until volitional fatigue at 30% of 1 RM.
During HL-RT and LL-RT exercise sessions, the velocities of the eccentric and concentric movements were
standardized to approximately 2-second (eccentric ~1 s,
concentric ~1 s) using a metronome. During the latter
repetitions for the HL-RT, velocity decreased to ~2
Table 1. Physical characteristics of the subjects.

HL-RT pre (0.07)


Body mass

Body mass index





HL-RT post
LL-RT pre (0.07)
LL-RT post


68.9 (8.1)

23.0 (2.8)

69.5 (8.5)*

23.2 (2.8)

68.8 (8.0)

22.9 (2.8)

69.4 (7.9)

23.1 (2.5)

HL-RT, high-load resistance training; LL-RT, low-load resistance training;

p < 0.05, pre vs. post.



Low-Load Bench Press Training to Fatigue Results in Muscle Hypertrophy Similar to High-Load Bench Press Training

sec per muscle action. Training load was adjusted to the

new 1RM determined at 3 weeks in both training protocols. For the HL-RT, if subjects were able to perform 12
repetitions or more during a training session, the training
load was increased ~5% for the next training session. To
ensure adequate training load, all training sessions were
surveyed and supervised by trained personnel. All subjects successfully completed every training session.

2.3. Measurements Schedule

Subjects testing took place before the start of the study
(pre) and 3 - 4 days after (post) the 6-week training period. The magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measurement was obtained between 16:00 and 19:00 hours. The
strength measurement was determined on the same day or
the following day after the MRI measurement. All measurements were balanced for the time of day.

2.4. Strength Measurement

All subjects completed 2 - 3 familiarization sessions to
receive instruction on proper technique and to practice
the 1 RM and maximal voluntary isometric strength
(MVC) tests. The 1RM was assessed with the freeweight bench press exercise. The 1 RM was determined
by progressively increasing the weight lifted until the
subject failed to lift the weight through a complete range
of motion. Usually 5 trials were required to complete a 1
RM test. Adequate amount of recovery time was permitted between 1RM trials (3 - 5 min) [20]. MVC of the
elbow extensors (right arm) was measured by using an
isokinetic dynamometer (Biodex System 3, Biodex Medical Systems Inc., Shirley, NY, USA). The subjects
were comfortably seated on a chair and the arm was positioned on a firm and stable table at chest level with an
elbow joint angle of 90 (0 at full extension). The upper
arm was maintained in the horizontal plane while the
subjects wrist was fixed at the end of the lever arm in a
position halfway between supination and pronation. The
elbow extensor force was measured with a transducer,
while a diagonal strap was secured over the elbow to
maintain a stationary position during the MVC. Subjects
were instructed to contract as fast and forcefully as possible. MVC was measured twice. If MVC torque for the
first two MVCs varied by >5%, up to two additional
MVCs were performed. Each effort was held for ~5 s.
The coefficient of variation (CV) for this measurement
from test to retest was 3.1% [21]. Both MVC and 1RM
tests (same day and about 20 min apart between two tests)
were performed before training and after 3 and 6 weeks
of training.

2.5. Muscle Size Measurements

Multi-slice MRI images of the upper arm and chest were
Copyright 2013 SciRes.

obtained using a MRI scanner (General Electric Yokogawa Signa 0.2-T, Milwaukee, WI, USA). A T1-weighted,
spin-echo, axial plane sequence was performed with a
520 ms repetition time and a 20 ms echo time. Subjects
rested quietly in the magnet bore in a supine position
with their arms extended. The lateral epicondyle of the
humerus was used as the origin point, and continuous
transverse images with 1.0 cm slice thickness (0.2 cm
interslice gap) were obtained from the lateral epicondyle
of the humerus to the acromial process of the scapula for
each subject (Figure 1). All MRI data were transferred to
a personal computer for analysis using specially designed
image analysis software (TomoVision Inc., Montreal,
Canada). For each slice, skeletal muscle tissue crosssectional area (CSA) was digitized. Triceps brachii (TB)
and pectoralis major (PM) muscle CSA of 3 continuous
slices for the muscle belly were averaged to represent a
single data point for statistical analysis, respectively. We
have previously determined that the CV of this measurement was less than 1% [21].

2.6. Statistical Analysis

All values are expressed as mean [SD]. TB and PM muscle CSA, 1RM, MVC data were analyzed using two-way
ANOVA with repeated measures (group time). Post
hoc testing was performed using Tukey-Kramer when
appropriate. Pre-training values of each training protocol
were compared using a paired t-test. Pearson productmoment correlation coefficients determined the association between high-load and low-load hypertrophy changes
in TB and PM muscle CSA. Significance was set at p <
0.05. All analyses were performed using JMP statistical
software version 8.0 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA).

Figure 1. Typical magnetic resonance imaging image showing transverse scan of the chest.

Low-Load Bench Press Training to Fatigue Results in Muscle Hypertrophy Similar to High-Load Bench Press Training

3. Results
There was no difference in body weight at pre-training
between HL-RT (68.9 [8.1] kg) and LL-RT (68.8 [8.0]
kg). After 6-week of training, body weight increased (p <
0.05) by 0.6 kg in the HL-RT and 0.6 kg in the LL-RT.
During the LL-RT protocol, the average total number of
repetitions for each exercise session was 141 [14].
Following 6 weeks of training, 1 RM and MVC
strength increased (p < 0.05) significantly in both HL-RT
and LL-RT protocols. However, the percent increases in
strength were lower (p < 0.05) in the LL-RT (1 RM 8.6
[2.9]%, MVC 6.5 [4.9]%) than in the HL-RT (1 RM 21.0
[5.9]%, MVC 13.9 [7.5]%) (Figure 2). Before the start
of the LL-RT, 1-RM and MVC strength had not returned

to pre-training HL-RT 1-RM and MVC strength levels

(Figure 2).
At the start of training, muscle CSA in the PM was the
same between the HL-RT and LL-RT protocols, whereas
muscle CSA in the TB was 2.2% higher (p = 0.03) in
LL-RT than in HL-RT. The TB muscle CSA increased (p
< 0.01) following LL-RT and HL-RT and the percent
increase in muscle CSA was similar between the two
training protocols (LL-RT 9.8 [4.6]%, HL-RT 11.9
[2.6]%) (Figure 3(a)). Similarly, absolute and relative
increases (p < 0.01) in PM muscle CSA were similar
between HL-RT and LL-RT (Figure 3B). A significant
correlation was observed between percent increase in
muscle CSA following HL-RT and LL-RT in the TB and
PM muscles (Figure 4).






MVC (Nm)

Bench press IRM (kg)

Change (%)







Pre wk3 Post

Pre wk3 Post


Pre wk3 Post


Pre wk3 Post



Figure 2. Changes in maximum dynamic (bench press one repetition maximum) and isometric (elbow extension) strength
following 6 weeks of high-load (HL-RT) and low-load (LL-RT) resistance training. Pre, before training; wk3, after 3 weeks;
Post, after 6 weeks. *p < 0.05 vs. pre- training, p < 0.05 vs. HL-RT.







Change (%)












Muscle CSA (cm2)

Muscle CSA (cm2)


Change (%)








Figure 3. Changes in muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) in the triceps brachii (TB) and pectoralis major (PM) muscles following 6 weeks of high-load (HL-RT) and low-load (LL-RT) resistance training. Pre, before training; Post, after 6 weeks. *p <
0.05 vs. pre-training, p < 0.05 vs. HL-RT.
Copyright 2013 SciRes.



Low-load training (% change)

Low-Load Bench Press Training to Fatigue Results in Muscle Hypertrophy Similar to High-Load Bench Press Training

Low-load training (% change)




r = 0.76
P = 0.017

High-load training (% change)




r = 0.75
P = 0.020


High-load training (% change)

Figure 4. Relationship between percent increase in muscle cross-sectional area following 6 weeks of high-load (HL-RT) and
low-load (LL-RT) resistance training in the triceps brachii (TB) and pectoralis major (PM) muscles.

4. Discussion
This study found that 1) LL-RT to volitional fatigue and
HL-RT results in similar levels of skeletal muscle hypertrophy in the upper body and 2) significant correlations
in the degree of muscle hypertrophy between LL-RT to
volitional fatigue and HL-RT. This data suggests that
skeletal muscle hypertrophy can occur independent of a
higher load in the upper body as long as there is adequate
exercise volume. In addition, one year of detraining from
HL-RT results in a complete loss of muscle size, however muscle strength was decreased but still elevated
above the pre-training level.

4.1. Muscle Hypertrophy

Six weeks of high-load (75% 1 RM) resistance training
resulted in significant skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Interestingly, after 12 months of detraining the same subjects then performed low-load resistance training to volitional fatigue and found similar increases in skeletal
muscle hypertrophy compared to that observed with
high-load training. This is contrary to previous research
[9,10] and recommendations [7] that report higher-loads
to be superior. However, the research in which those
recommendations were largely based were matched for
work and it appears that in order for low-loads to increase muscle hypertrophy to levels similar to high-loads,
exercise must be taken to volitional fatigue [5].
This study confirms acute research from Burd et al. [8]
who found similar increases in myofibril MPS independent of exercise load when exercise was taken to volitional fatigue. This might be related to the significant
increase in muscle time under tension when repetitions
are taken to volitional fatigue as this has recently been
found to be an important variable in the synthetic response [2]. In addition, MPS from resistance training
occurs primarily from the activation of signaling proteins,
primarily S6K1, which are approximately 3 to 4-fold
higher in FT fibers compared to ST [22]. Furthermore,
phosphorylation of this signaling protein has shown to be
Copyright 2013 SciRes.

predictive of skeletal muscle hypertrophy [23]. This

suggests that skeletal muscle hypertrophy occurs independent of a higher exercise load, as long as FT fibers
are activated from sufficient exercise volume [5,6]. It is
acknowledged that the protein degradation response to
low-load resistance training to volitional fatigue is not
known, as research is typically completed under the assumption that synthesis rates and not degradation rates
are more responsive to resistance exercise in healthy
humans [24]. The similar levels of muscle hypertrophy
between protocols suggest that this assumption is likely
true for the upper body. This also supports recent research completed in the lower body, which found significant muscle hypertrophy with low load (30% 1 RM)
knee extensor exercise to fatigue [16].
Interestingly, it should be mentioned that rodent data
suggest that the myonuclei gained from resistance training are not lost following 3 months of detraining [25].
This has led some to speculate that this retention of
myonuclei is important in the muscle memory response
to exercise. Therefore, if one is trained following the
cessation of training, it might be possible that the rebound in muscle hypertrophy is due to the myonuclei that
were added with training and maintained through muscle
atrophy. It is currently unknown how this translates to
humans or how long this effect lasts, but we cannot rule
out the possibility that this may be playing some role in
the equal response between variables.
The percentage increases in muscle hypertrophy for
the TB and PM were larger than what has been previously reported for the lower body. Unfortunately, the
molecular mechanisms for upper body muscle hypertrophy are currently under studied when compared with
what is known for the lower body. However, the results
of the present investigation suggest that heavy resistance
exercise induced activation of muscle protein metabolism
may be more responsive in the upper body compared to
the lower body. To illustrate, Seynnes et al. [26] observed a 7% increase in quadriceps femoris CSA following 35 days of lower body bilateral knee extensions. In

Low-Load Bench Press Training to Fatigue Results in Muscle Hypertrophy Similar to High-Load Bench Press Training

addition, Abe et al. [20] observed after a 6 week total

body workout (70% 1 RM), that the quadriceps muscle
thickness increased 5%, however the PM and TB increased 13% and 9%, respectively. Furthermore, using a
MRI, muscle CSA increased 16% in the PM and 10% in
the TB following 18 days of bench press training (75%
1RM) [27]. Yasuda et al. [28] also observed that 18 days
of bench press training (75% 1 RM) resulted in an 18%
increase in PM and a 10% increase in the TB. The current findings are in agreement with the previous research
in the upper body which suggests that the upper body
may have a higher capacity for muscle hypertrophy than
the lower body.

4.2. Muscular Strength

Changes in strength between the LL-RT and HL-RT are
another interesting finding from this study. Both groups
had significant increases in strength following training;
however, the percent increases in strength were significantly lower in the LL-RT protocol. An explanation of
the smaller relative increases in strength may be due to
the fact that detraining after HL-RT did not cause
strength values to return to baseline levels thereby producing smaller changes in strength. Although subjects
were told to return back to their pre-training lifestyle, it is
possible that subjects maintained a level of activity high
enough to maintain strength but not muscle mass. Further,
it is possible that the neural adaptation to resistance exercise is longer lasting than the hypertrophic response. Indeed, there is evidence to support the finding that
strength does not return to baseline levels despite detraining. In young women who did 20 weeks of strength
training and then detrained for 30 - 32 weeks, strength
levels significantly decreased but did not return to pretraining levels [29]. In addition, Bickel et al. [30] found
that after 16 weeks of lower body training and 32 weeks
of detraining that strength significantly decreased by 7%
but remained 23% above baseline. Another study in older
adults found that 2 years of training followed by 3 years
of detraining produced significant decreases in dynamic
strength but levels remained slightly above baseline values and significantly higher than control subjects [31].
Although the reasons for this maintenance of strength are
unknown from the present investigation, it is possible
that following detraining there was a partial maintenance
of the increased volitional drive from the supraspinal
center which may have maintained part of the increased
muscle activation likely gained from HL-RT [32]. Therefore, the lower amounts of strength observed in the
LL-RT group compared to the HL-RT may be more a
function of the training effect rather than the intervention
itself. Also, all subjects began training with high-load
resistance training and finished with low-load training,
Copyright 2013 SciRes.


therefore it remains unknown if the same strength effects

would be observed if the protocols were reversed. Lastly,
an alternative explanation is that the specificity of training may dictate the overall maximal gains in strength.
For example, the results may suggest that the consistent
practice of lifting a heavy load is necessary to maximize
gains in muscular strength of the trained movement.

5. Conclusion
This study verifies that similar degrees of muscle hypertrophy can occur in the upper body independent of a high
external load, provided enough muscular work is completed. This data seems to support that the acute myofibril MPS responses previously observed with LL-RT to
fatigue do translate to chronic training adaptation. These
results demonstrate that significant muscle hypertrophy
can occur without high-load resistance training and suggests that the focus on percentage of external load as the
important deciding factor on muscle adaptation (i.e.
muscle hypertrophy) is too simplistic and inappropriate.

6. Acknowledgements
The authors thank the students who participated in this
study. None of the authors had financial or personal conflict of interest with regard to this study. No sources of
funding were used to assist in the preparation of this


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