Guideline For Rehabilitation Lower Limb Amputees
Guideline For Rehabilitation Lower Limb Amputees
Guideline For Rehabilitation Lower Limb Amputees
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and The Department of Defense (DoD) guidelines are
based upon the best information available at the time of publication. They are designed to
provide information and assist decision-making. They are not intended to define a standard of
care and should not be construed as one. Neither should they be interpreted as prescribing an
exclusive course of management.
Variations in practice will inevitably and appropriately occur when providers take into account the
needs, abilities, and motivations of individual patients, available resources, and limitations unique
to an institution or type of practice. Every healthcare professional making use of these guidelines
is responsible for evaluating the appropriateness of applying them in the setting of any particular
clinical situation.
Prepared by:
Core Module
Appendix A: Guideline Development Process
Appendix B: Supporting Evidence for Pain Management
Appendix C: Prosthetic Prescription
Appendix D: Foot Care Interventions for Patients with Amputations
Appendix E: Pre-Surgical Education Interventions
Appendix F: Acronym List
Appendix G: Participant List
Appendix H: Bibliography
Table 1. Amputation Rehabilitation Health-Related Outcomes
Table 2. Summary of Interventions in Rehabilitation Phases
Table 3. Pain Control in Phases of Rehabilitation
Table 4. Desensitization Techniques
Table 5. Residual Limb Management in Phases of Care
Table 6. Patient Education Minimum Standards
Table 7. Patient Education Summary Table
Table 8. Advantages and Disadvantages of Recommended Assessment Tools
Table 9. Categories of Wound Healing (adapted from Smith, 2004)
Table 10. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Functional Levels
The Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) for the Rehabilitation of Lower Limb
Amputation was developed under the auspices of the Veterans Health Administration
(VHA) and the Department of Defense (DoD) pursuant to directives from the
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
VHA and DoD define clinical practice
guidelines as:
Recommendations for the performance or exclusion of specific procedures or
services derived through a rigorous methodological approach that includes:
Determination of appropriate criteria such as effectiveness, efficacy,
population benefit, or patient satisfaction; and
The most common causes of major lower limb amputation at VA and DoD facilities
are medical diseases such as peripheral vascular disease (PVD) and diabetes, and
trauma. The VA and DoD both have the obligation to ensure that all individuals with
amputations receive the full range of high quality care and services specific to the
unique circumstances facing an individual with lower limb amputation.
guideline is designed to address the key principles of rehabilitation and streamline
the care for the patient with amputation who will eventually transition from a DoD to
a VA facility.
walking with a prosthesis either as functional users (wearing the prosthesis for most
of the day), partial users (using the prosthesis only at home and the wheelchair for
outdoor activities), or non-users (not using the prosthesis at all or only sometimes
mainly for cosmetic purposes).
An amputation is frequently the end result of the disease process and in many cases
can be prevented with appropriate care. An extensive effort is made to save a limb
whenever possible. In 2001, the VA developed a CD-ROM based training program
titled, Preservation-Amputation Care and Treatment (PACT).
This program
focuses on preventing amputations by identifying veterans who are at risk and
educating them on the appropriate treatment and appropriate footwear. It provides
an excellent resource for primary care staff involved in the care of a veteran who is
at risk of requiring an amputation.
Traumatic Amputations
The second type of veteran addressed in this guideline has experienced a traumatic
amputation such as that occurring from motor vehicle accidents or military combat
(e.g., blast, shrapnel, gunshot). While improvements in antibiotics, immediate
trauma care, and advanced reconstructive surgical techniques have reduced the
need for some amputations, military service members continue to be at significant
risk of amputation after severe limb trauma as a result of military combat operation.
Amputation continues to be, in some cases, the best option for these individuals
who are typically initially treated at a DoD facility.
Battlefield trauma has necessitated amputations since before the establishment of
military medicine. Almost 21,000 major amputations were documented in the Union
Army during the Civil War. Over 4,000 amputations were performed on U.S. service
members during World War I and almost 15,000 service members had major
amputations during World War II. Thousands of others lost body parts during the
Korean, Vietnam, and Gulf Wars due to traumatic injuries and cold injuries, such as
frostbite. Even during peacetime, an estimated 50 military service members per
year experience traumatic amputations. Recent advances in body armor have
contributed to a higher survival rate from combat-related injuries, especially those
secondary to blast. This has resulted in a higher percentage of service members
with upper limb and/or multiple limb amputations.
While the pathophysiology of traumatic amputation may be different than
dysvascular amputation, rehabilitation strategies and prosthetic component
prescriptions for both should be goal oriented and maximize function and quality of
One of the many challenges in treating patients with a trauma-related
amputation is to address the wide variety of comorbid injuries often resulting from
multi- or poly-trauma. In war-related amputations, additional injuries of peripheral
nerves, disrupted blood vessels, retained shrapnel, heterotopic ossification,
contaminated wounds, burns, grafted skin, and fractures require modified
rehabilitation strategies in the training of activities of daily living (ADL) and
Introduction - Page 2
Introduction - Page 3
support and
(length of
Introduction - Page 4
Introduction - Page 5
Lacks of standard protocols and tends to focus on only a few outcomes using
nonstandardized measures of function and quality of life
Inconsistent definitions of outcome measures that lead to difficulties in
evaluating and comparing studies
Inadequate study duration; especially in the domain of community usage of
Based on the limited body of evidence in the literature that met rigorous scientific
criteria, the Working Group developed recommendations to address lower limb
amputation rehabilitation. The Working Group used methods adapted from the U.S.
Introduction - Page 6
Preventive Services Task Force for grading strength of evidence and rating
recommendations (see Appendix A) for the recommendations included in these
three sections of the guideline. The strength of recommendations (SR) appears in
brackets at the end of each recommendation for these three sections.
recommendations in all other annotations were based on consensus of expert
A questionnaire was also prepared and disseminated to practicing professionals
within both the VA and DoD who work directly with patients who have had lower
limb amputations. An effort was made to reach a maximum number of individuals
from the various disciplines that provide care and services to this population. These
professional staff members were queried as to care in all phases of rehabilitation of
patients with amputation. In addition, they were asked to share testing techniques
and approaches that they have found to be especially successful in working with
patients with lower limb amputations. The results of the survey were kept from the
Working Group to avoid bias and were compared to the final list of
recommendations that emerged from the group discussions. The summary list of
interventions was compared and consolidated with the results of the survey.
(Table 2. Summary of Interventions in Rehabilitation Phases)
The draft document was discussed in two face-to-face group meetings and through
multiple conference calls over a period of six months. The final document is the
product of those discussions and has been approved by all the members of the
Working Group. The final draft document was reviewed by a diverse group of
experts and by independent peer reviewers, whose input was also considered. The
final document was submitted for review and approval by the VA/DoD EvidenceBased Practice Working Group (see Appendix A).
The list of participants in the Working Group is included in Appendix G to the
The guideline and algorithms are designed to be adapted to individual facility needs
and resources. It is expected that this guideline will provide information useful for
improving amputation care by reducing variability. Providers may use the algorithms
to determine best interventions and steps of care for their patients to optimize
healthcare utilization and achieve the best outcomes related to rehabilitation
following lower limb amputation. This should not prevent providers from using their
own clinical expertise in the care of an individual patient. Guideline
recommendations should facilitate, not replace, clinical judgment.
This guideline represents a first attempt in providing a structure for a rehabilitation
process in lower limb amputation that is evidence-based. As rehabilitation practice
is evolving, new technology and more research will improve rehabilitation care in
the future. The clinical practice guideline can assist in identifying priorities for
research efforts and allocation of resources. As a result of implementing a more
unified approach to rehabilitation practice, followed by data collection and
assessment, new practice-based evidence may emerge.
Introduction - Page 7
Donna J. Blake, MD
Gary E. Benedetti, MD
Joseph Czerniecki, MD
Helene K. Henson, MD
Scott W. Helmers, MD
Margaret J. Kent, PT
Jennifer S. Menetrez, MD
Joseph Miller, MS CP
Lief Nelson, PT
Al Pike, CP
Paul F. Pasquina, MD
Introduction - Page 8
Module A: Preoperative Phase. The preoperative phase starts with the decision to
amputate. This phase includes an assessment of the patients health and
functional status and decisions about strategies that will be applied
postoperatively (e.g., pain management and dressing). In addition, the
consideration of amputation level selection, preoperative education,
emotional support, physical therapy and conditioning, nutritional support,
and pain management occur in this phase of care.
Module B: Immediate Postoperative Phase. The acute hospital postoperative phase is
the time in the hospital after the amputation surgery, ranging from
approximately 5 to 14 days. This module addresses common postoperative
recovery concerns which include such things as hemodynamic stability,
wound healing and prevention of early complications, and additional specific
interventions such as care of the residual limb, patient education, physical
therapy (to include patient safety, initial mobility, positioning, and transfers),
occupational therapy, and behavioral health.
Module C: Pre-Prosthetic Rehabilitation Phase. In general, this phase begins with
discharge from acute care once the patient is medically stable and may
extend up to 6 to 12 weeks after surgery. The focus of concern shifts from
the surgical and medical issues to rehabilitation. Rehabilitation will focus on
maximizing physical function as well as social function concerning daily
activities, and re-integration to home and community. Rehabilitation at this
phase is aimed at improving the patients function to enable them to achieve
their goals with or without prosthesis.
Introduction - Page 9
Module D: Prosthetic Training Phase. This phase starts when the first prosthetic device
is fitted. The most rapid changes in residual limb volume occur during this
phase due to the beginning of ambulation and prosthetic use.
immediate recovery period begins with the healing of the wound and usually
extends 4 to 6 months from the healing date. This phase includes gait
training, rehabilitation intervention, and emphasis on integration into the
community and vocational and recreational activities. This phase generally
ends with the relative stabilization of the residual limb size as defined by
consistency of the prosthetic fit for several months.
Module E: Rehabilitation and Prosthesis Follow-up Phase. Limb volume will continue to
change to some degree, for a period of 12 to 18 months after the initial
This will likely require adjustments to the prosthetic socket,
necessitating access to a skilled prosthetist, with frequent visits during the
first year of prosthetic use. In this phase, the patient moves toward social
reintegration and higher functional training and development, and becomes
more empowered and independent from his or her healthcare provider. This
phase is not defined by an end-point. Special efforts should be made to
follow up with the patient beyond the first year. Continued assessment and
interventions to prevent further amputation and secondary complications as
well as promoting care of the residual and contralateral limbs are part of the
life-long care for the patient with a lower limb amputation.
Interdisciplinary Team Approach
Care for the patient with amputation (traumatic and non-traumatic) is complex and
requires multiple medical, surgical, and rehabilitation specialties.
interdisciplinary team approach to lower limb amputation rehabilitation remains
vital. In addition to the patient, members of the medical rehabilitation team will
most likely include the patients support system, surgeon, physiatrist, physical
therapist, occupational therapist, recreational therapist, prosthetist, nurse, social
worker, behavioral health specialist, peer support visitors, and case manager. Each
member has important roles and responsibilities in optimizing pre- and
postoperative rehabilitation.
Achieving maximum recovery and optimal function after limb-loss demands
increased efforts by the various providers to communicate on behalf of the patient.
Communication among team members can be challenging as the patient may visit
various team members at different locations in the same day.
The recommendations in this guideline are patient-centered and describe the
intervention that should be taken by the medical rehabilitation team at each step of
the care. Table 2. Summary of Interventions in Rehabilitation Phases includes a
matrix of the key interventions that occur at each phase, organized by disciplines.
Introduction - Page 10
Introduction - Page 11
Assess for
existing pain
prior to surgery
and treat
neurologic, bowel
& bladder, skin,
infectious, &
Complete initial
assessment of
and consultation
as appropriate
Initiate medical
interventions and
education as
Behavioral Health
Cognitive Function
except in urgent
Complete initial
assessment of medical
comorbidities and
consultation as
appropriate, especially if
not addressed
Initiate medical
interventions and
education as needed
Complete psychological
assessment if not done
Continue medical
interventions and
education as needed
Assess changes in
medical comorbidities,
and perform
interventions and
education as needed
Assess changes in
medical comorbidities
and perform
interventions and
education as needed
Introduction - Page 12
Acute Postoperative
Manage postoperative
Continue to monitor
wound healing
Prosthetic Training
Long-Term Follow-up
Teach donning/doffing
of prosthetic system
Provide contact
numbers and
instructions to the
Instruct in use of
shrinker or ACE wrap
when out of prosthesis
Educate regarding
signs and symptoms of
ill-fitting socket
Monitor pain
programs and adjust
with appropriate
Teach management of
sock ply (if appropriate)
Optimize pain
management in order to
promote mobility and
restoration of function
Instruct patient to
observe pressure points
and protect contralateral
Instruct in
Introduction - Page 13
Acute Postoperative
Prosthetic Training
Long-Term Follow-up
Pain control
Patient safety/fall
Rehabilitation process
Rehabilitation process
Pain control
Pain control
Prevention of
Pain control
Pain control
Energy expenditure
Recovery Issues
Edema control
Prosthetic education
Prosthetic timeline
Application of
Equipment needs
Coping methods
Prevention of
o Sock management
Weight management
Equipment needs
Coping methods
o Level of
o Prosthetic
o Postoperative
o Sequence of
amputation care
o Equipment
Role of the
team and
Edema control
ACE wrapping
Wound care
Prosthetic timeline
Prosthetic timeline
Equipment needs
Equipment needs
Coping methods
Coping methods
Prevention of
Contracture prevention
Prevention of
Weight Management
Contracture prevention
Prevention of
Introduction - Page 14
optimal residual
limb length as
requested by
surgeon in
accordance with
patient goals
Acute Postoperative
Cast changes
Initial prosthetic
prescription generation
if applicable
Prosthetic Training
Long-Term Follow-up
Prosthetic fabrication,
fitting, alignment, and
modification if
o Rigid removable
dressing (RRD)
Schedule maintenance
upgrades, socket
changes, specialty use
o Immediate
prosthesis (IPOP)
Patient visit /
o Nonweight bearing
rigid dressing (NWB)
Complete initial
assessment and
initiate discharge
Postoperative dressing
if appropriate
Complete initial
assessment and initiate
discharge planning (if
not started
Prosthetic fabrication,
fitting, alignment, and
modification if
Arrange appropriate
follow-up plans
appropriate follow-up
Introduction - Page 15
Range of Motion
Treat identified
except in urgent
Assess current
ROM in joints
above and on
contralateral side
Educate on
importance of
Acute Postoperative
Initiate passive ROM
of residual and
contralateral limb in
flexion / extension and
abduction / adduction
Position to prevent hip
and knee flexion
contractures when
sitting or in bed
Prosthetic Training
Long-Term Follow-up
Maximize ROM to
stretch hip and knee
Continue contracture
prevention with
stretching program
Readdress ROM of LE
and review home
stretching program if
Advance to active
ROM of residual and
contralateral limbs
Continue therapeutic
exercise program for
strengthening UE and
Progress therapeutic
exercise program for all
Educate on
maintenance of
strength for long-term
Assess for
strength deficits of
UE and LE and
treat (except in
urgent cases)
Initiate strengthening
program for major
muscle groups of arms
and legs
Assess current CV
fitness for
increased energy
requirement for
prosthetic use
Incorporate a CV
component into the
therapy program
Advance CV aspect of
program to meet
needs of patient
Increase ambulation
endurance to reach
community distances
Establish maintenance
program for endurance
and fitness
Establish cardiac
precautions to
rehabilitation (heart
rate, blood pressure,
perceived exertion
Maintain cardiac
Maintain cardiac
Maintain cardiac
Encourage reducing
risk factors
Encourage reduction
of cardiovascular risk
Educate regarding
increased energy
demand in walking
with a prosthesis
Introduction - Page 16
balance, consider
central and/or
Acute Postoperative
Initiate a balance
o Sitting balance
Progress sitting
balance and single
limb standing balance
o Sitting weight
Prosthetic Training
Long-Term Follow-up
Advance balance
activities to equalize
weight over bilateral
lower extremities
Reassess balance as it
relates to gait
o Sit to stand
o Supported
o Single limb
standing balance
Assess current
Establish upright
Initiate and progress to
independent bed
mobility, rolling, and
Initiate wheelchair
Progress to single
limbed gait in parallel
Home Exercise
Determine or
preoperative HEP
deficiencies and
maximize above
ROM strength,
balance, etc.
Increase symmetry of
weight bearing, maximize
weight shift, equalize
stride length, facilitate
trunk rotation, teach
reciprocal gait pattern
Address changes in
medical status
affecting prosthetic use
(e.g., diabetes, heart
disease), limb, and
Introduction - Page 17
Vocation and
Acute Postoperative
activity level and
independence to
help establish
goals and
interests, and
mode of
Teach adaptive
techniques for
dressing, bathing,
grooming, and toileting
without a prosthesis
Progress to advanced
skills such as climbing/
descending stairs, curbs,
ramps and gait on
uneven terrain
Increase ambulation
endurance to reach
community distances
Train in the use of public
transportation with the
prosthesis if appropriate
Obtain information on
current ADLs
Teach energy
conservation principles
Complete recreational
training activities
without prosthesis
Assess patients
home for
accessibility and
Long-Term Follow-up
Complete vocational
Home Evaluation
Prosthetic Training
Teach injury
prevention techniques
Provide education on
opportunities and
precautions for longterm sport specific,
recreation skills or
resources, and
prosthesis or assistive
devices available.
Provide counseling
and contact
information regarding
opportunities in sports
and recreation
(paralympics, golfing,
fishing, hunting, etc.)
Introduction - Page 18
Acute Postoperative
Evaluate patient with
right LE amputation for
left foot accelerator if
patient will drive
Assess living
environment including
stairs, wheelchair
access, and bathroom
Educate regarding
home modifications,
ramps, etc
Prosthetic Training
Long-Term Follow-up
Complete drivers
training with adaptive
equipment as needed
Educate patient/family to
comply with local state
driving laws and
individual insurance
company policies
Provide appropriate
assistive device for
ambulation with or
without prosthesis
Provide appropriate
assistive device for
ambulation with or
without prosthesis
Provide appropriate
mobility device if
ambulation is no
longer an option
Introduction - Page 19
Core Module
The CORE module includes recommendations in those disciplines that are applied
continuously throughout all phases of care (e.g., pain management, behavioral
health and rehabilitation intervention). The links to these recommendations are also
embedded in the relevant specific steps in the algorithms for each phase of
rehabilitation care in Modules A through E.
Table of Contents
Interdisciplinary Consultation/Assessment
Pain Management
Medical Care
Cognitive Assessment
Contralateral Limb
Patient Education
Learning Assessment
Physical Rehabilitation
Functional Rehabilitation
Interdisciplinary Consultation/Assessment
Care for patients with an amputation (traumatic and non-traumatic) is complex and
requires multiple medical, surgical, and rehabilitation specialties in order to:
Reduce the risk of missing potential complicating factors that may negatively
influence operative and rehabilitation outcomes
The rehabilitation treatment plan is utilized to guide the care of a patient who has
undergone a lower limb amputation throughout the entire course of rehabilitation.
The treatment plan is based on evaluation by all specialties involved in the
rehabilitation process, and acts as a guide for all team members to address goals
important to the patient and family.
The level of rehabilitation intervention is contemplated from the date of admission to
the hospital but is actually determined after the amputation surgery and prior to the
discharge from the hospital. The rehabilitative process includes:
1. Evaluations from all key team members should be included in the development
of the treatment plan.
2. The treatment plan must address identified rehabilitation, medical, mental
health, and surgical problems.
3. The treatment plan should identify realistic treatment goals.
4. The treatment plan should identify and address plans for discharge at the
initiation of the rehabilitation process. The discharge treatment plan should
include needs for specialized equipment, evaluation of and required
modifications of the discharge environment, needs for home assistance, and an
evaluation of the patients ability to drive (see CORE-9: Social Environment).
5. The initial treatment plan should be established early in the rehabilitation
process and updated frequently based on patient progress, emerging needs, or
6. The treatment plan should indicate the anticipated next phase of rehabilitation
Independence in ADLs
Pain Management
Multiple factors, such as comorbidities and previous injuries, may contribute to the
presence and persistence of pain before and after lower limb amputation. Many
patients awaiting amputation will have experienced severe pain for some time prior
to surgery. Some evidence suggests that patients have an improved postoperative
experience when pain has been effectively controlled before surgery. Most pain
management experts agree that preventing pain yields better results than trying to
control pain after it has developed or become severe.
There are several different types of pain that may be experienced after surgery
Post-amputation pain:
Practitioners should be aware of the multitude of pharmacological and nonpharmacological options for treating the various pain syndromes. Often multiple
different approaches or combinations of treatments must be employed before
finding a successful strategy. It may be important to vary the pain management
IV. Prosthetic
V. Long-term
Pain Control
Assess for existing pain
Assess and aggressively treat residual and phantom limb pain
Assess for specific treatable causes of residual limb or
phantom limb pain and apply specific treatments appropriate
to the underlying etiology. If no specific cause can be
determined treat with non-narcotic medications and other
non-pharmacological, physical, psychological, and mechanical
Assess for specific treatable causes of residual limb or
phantom limb pain and apply specific treatments appropriate
to the underlying etiology. If no specific cause can be
determined treat with non-narcotic medications and other
non-pharmacological, physical, psychological, and mechanical
Assess and treat associated musculoskeletal pain that may
develop with time.
Pain management will be most successful when the team has performed a thorough
assessment, uses the right types of treatment at each phase, and aims to minimize
long-term problems for the patient. It is critically important to adequately treat
immediate postoperative amputation pain, because adequate early control can
decrease the chances of future severe problems.
A multitude of factors may contribute to pain syndromes experienced by a patient
with lower limb amputation, therefore access to a variety of medical sub-specialists
may be necessary to adequately assess and treat pain. Appropriate and aggressive
treatment of pain during the early stages will likely prevent the development of
chronic pain. When assessing pain, it is important to distinguish distinct pain
syndromes for specific body sites and obtain subjective intensity scores for each
(e.g., leg, back, knee, phantom, etc.). It is likely that the patient will need to be
educated on the differences between phantom limb pain, residual limb pain, and
phantom limb sensations. It is also important that the patient be assured that these
symptoms are common and that numerous treatment strategies exist for each.
Despite treatment, evidence suggests that phantom limb, residual limb, and back
pain intensity ratings, as a group, may account for 20 percent of the variance in
pain interference. In at least one study, the pain intensity ratings associated with
each individual pain site made a statistically significant contribution to the prediction
of pain interference with ADLs even after controlling for the pain intensity of the
other 2 sites (Marshall et al., 2002).
Pain should be assessed using standard tools for pain assessment. The most
commonly used tools involve numeric scales (0 to 10), visual analogue scales (VAS),
or picture scales such as the Wong- Baker FACES. In addition to assessing pain
location and intensity, it is also important to assess pain frequency and duration as
well as aggravating and alleviating factors. Additionally, the assessment should
include a determination of how much pain is affecting function, sleep, and
participation in therapy. Under-treated pain may lead to poor compliance with
prosthetic fitting and/or training. The degree to which pain interferes with activities
may be a function of the pain location. In one study, it was found that back pain
interfered more significantly with daily function than the same level of intensity of
phantom limb pain. These findings have implications for understanding the meaning
of pain intensity levels, as well as for the assessment of pain intensity in persons
with amputation-related pain (Jensen et al., 2001).
The existence of other pre-morbid conditions such as arthritis, spinal stenosis,
diabetes, or vascular disease must always be considered when assessing pain. For
individuals with amputations as the result of trauma, it is particularly important to
assess for previously unidentified injuries. Injuries such as herniated lumbar or
cervical disks with nerve root compression or occult fractures that may refer pain to
remote sites. Input from the rehabilitation team members, such as physical
therapists, occupational therapists and nursing staff can be valuable in
characterizing the pain and arriving at a diagnosis and treatment plan. Particular
attention should be paid to patients who report greater than one month preamputation pain or severe pain as the result from burn, gangrene, or thrombosis, as
these conditions are associated with a greater risk of chronic pain (Jensen et al.,
A thorough pain assessment should also include an examination of potential psychosocial influences on pain. For example, greater catastrophizing by the patient and
less family support has been shown to be predictive of greater pain severity,
physical disability, and psychosocial dysfunction (Boothby et al., 1999; Jensen et
al., 1991; Sullivan et al., 2001). In addition, the more long standing pain is, the
more likely it will become influenced by psychosocial factors (Turk & Okifuji, 2002).
Types of Pain
Post-surgical Pain
subsides fairly rapidly as the swelling goes down, tissues begin to heal, and
the wound stabilizes as part of the natural healing process.
There is no specific evidence to recommend for or against a specific therapeutic
intervention for immediate post-surgical pain after amputations. Immediate
postoperative pain after amputation should be managed similarly to immediate
postoperative pain after any other surgery. (See the VA/DoD Clinical Practice
Guideline for the Management of Acute Postoperative Pain.)
Post-amputation Pain
Residual limb pain (RLP) occurs in the part of the limb left after the
amputation. It is expected immediately after surgery due to the massive
tissue disruption of the surgery itself. Later, the pain can be due to a
number of mechanical factors such as poor prosthetic socket fit, bruising of
the limb, chafing or rubbing of the skin, and numerous other largely
mechanical factors. In addition, the residual limb may be poorly perfused
which may cause pain usually described as ischemic pain. Pain in the
residual limb may also be caused by heterotopic ossification or post
amputation neuromas).
The treatment of PLP has received considerable attention in the literature. More
than 60 different treatment strategies have been suggested as being effective in
treating PLP, including a variety of medical, surgical, psychological, and alternative
However, there is little support for any one approach. The role of preemptive
analgesia in the prevention of PLP after amputation has not shown significant benefit
compared to placebo. Neither perineural analgesia nor epidural blockade exhibited
a beneficial effect. The various other analgesic interventions have shown mixed
results in small studies. It remains to be determined whether other methodological
approaches will result in any therapeutic advantages. (See Appendix B: Supporting
Evidence for Pain Management for a discussion.)
Medical Care
3. Modifiable health risk factors should be assessed and education and treatment
strategies to reduce their impact on morbidity and mortality shoud be
implemented (e.g., smoking cessation, body weight management, diabetes
management, hypertension control, substance abuse).
4. In special populations, such as traumatic amputation, upper motor neuron
lesions and burns, the risk of heterotopic ossification (HO) should be recognized.
Appropriate intervention for prevention of HO includes radiation, nonsteroidal
medications, and bisphosphonate medications.
Cognitive Assessment
Patients with a lower limb amputation who are advanced in age, have additional
medical problems (e.g., chronic hypertension), or have been traumatically injured
may be at higher risk for cognitive deficits. Patients in this high-risk group are
candidates for a more extensive mental status/cognitive deficit screening. Those
patients who demonstrate problems on such screening should be referred for more
extensive neuropsychological assessment.
Optimize rehabilitation
The residual limb must be properly prepared and maintained for optimal prosthetic
fitting or function without a prosthesis. This requires control of limb shaping and
volume, pain and sensitivity, and skin and tissue integrity. Two significant
objectives in residual limb management are to prevent contractures at both the hip
and the knee and to protect the amputated limb from outside trauma. Strategies
are available at each phase, from immediate postoperative to follow-up, to provide
education to the patient and caregiver for optimal outcomes.
The residual limb should be appropriately managed to prepare for prosthetic training
and to enhance functional outcomes.
3. Interventions to prevent contracture at both the hip and the knee should be
considered on an ongoing basis, especially in the early postoperative period
and when the patient is an intermittent or marginal ambulator.
a. Rigid dressing and knee immobilizers may be considered for the patient
with a transtibial amputation to prevent knee flexion contractures. A
number of early postoperative dressing strategies help to maintain
range of motion of the knee.
b. Initiate exercise programs to strengthen the quadriceps and gluteal
muscles, along with active and passive range of motion exercises.
c. Initiate proper positioning and begin a prone lying program. Do not
place pillows under the knee to increase comfort as it increases the
chance of contractures forming.
d. Encourage ambulation and weight bearing through the prosthesis.
4. Bony overgrowth may become painful at any stage of its growth and cause
significant pain and limitations in prosthetic fittings.
a. Use preventive measures where necessary in a high-risk population
(radiation, bisphosphanates, NSAIDs).
b. Due to reductions in soft tissue volume, the relative prominence of bony
overgrowth may increase, resulting in the need for prosthetic
modifications or replacement.
c. Associated pain may be treated with prosthetic modifications and/or
local injections.
d. Surgical excision and possible limb revision is a last resort.
5. Limb protection should be emphasized especially during the early phases when
the risk of falls is greater.
a. The patient should be instructed to wear an external protective device
on the residual limb.
b. An external protective device may include a postoperative rigid dressing
or a prefabricated rigid dressing.
6. Skin and soft tissue should be monitored on a regular basis to detect any
mechanical skin injury related to abnormal pressure distribution or signs and
symptoms of infection.
a. Abnormal pressure distribution should be prevented by ensuring that the
prosthesis is properly aligned and the prosthetic socket fit is adequate
and it should be modified as needed.
b. Superficial infection (fungal, folliculitis, cellulites), or deep infection
(osteomyelitis) should be treated early and aggressively to prevent
deterioration of the residual limb condition that will have serious impact
on the functional mobility of the patient.
7. Patients should be advised that a stable body weight is critical to long-term
II. Postoperative
III. Pre-prosthetic
IV. Prosthetic
V. Long-term
Edema Control
Edema control through compressive therapy is the foundation of limb shaping and
will reduce pain and improve mobility. Edema can be controlled by rigid dressings
with or without an attached pylon, residual limb shrinkers, or soft dressings such as
an ACE wrap. If a soft dressing is used, proper wrapping techniques must be taught
to the staff, patient, and caregivers to reduce complications from poor application.
Contracture Prevention
There are several passive strategies available to prevent contractures at both the
hip and the knee. Knee immobilizers and rigid dressings attempt to address the
goal of knee flexion contracture prevention in the patient with a transtibial
amputation. However, literature is unavailable to support any one strategy.
Passive strategies to prevent hip flexion contractures in either the patient with a
transtibial or transfemoral amputation have yet to be proposed.
Active strategies to prevent contractures are well documented for the patient with a
transtibial or transfemoral amputation and include bed positioning, prone activities,
various stretching techniques, and knee and hip joint mobilization by a physical
A seemingly innocuous and caring gesture of placing a pillow under the residual limb
is actually encouraging development of hip and knee flexion contractures. A pillow
or rolled towel along the lateral aspect of the thigh, however, may help prevent a
hip abduction contracture and should be considered as a preventive technique.
Heterotopic Ossification in the Residual Limbs of Individuals with Traumatic
and Combat-Related Amputations
Reports on the occurrence and treatment of heterotopic ossification (HO) in patients
with amputations are rare. HO in the residual limbs of patients with amputation
may cause pain and skin breakdown. Furthermore it may complicate or prevent
optimal prosthetic fitting and utilization. Basic scientific research has shed light on
CORE Module: Interventions - Page 34
the cellular and molecular basis for this disease process, but many questions remain
unanswered. The recent experience of the military amputee centers with traumatic
and combat-related amputations has reported a greater than fifty percent
prevalence of HO in residual limbs of blast induced amputations. Primary
prophylactic regimens, such as NSAIDs and local irradiation, which have proved to
be effective in preventing and limiting HO in other patient populations, have not
been adequately studied in patients with amputations and generally are not feasible
in the setting of acute traumatic amputation.
As the residual limb matures and edema diminishes, the underlying HO may become
relatively more prominent. When this bony overgrowth becomes closer to the skin
surface, it is also more likely to become more symptomatic and requires attention.
Sometimes the overgrowth displaces a nerve and causes neurogenic pain in the
residual limb, which may or may not be amenable to local injections or oral
medications. The HO is more often asymptomatic and in some cases may actually
serve a useful purpose, such as facilitate suspension of a transhumeral prosthesis,
depending on the shape and location of the newly formed bone. When nonsurgical
measures such as activity and repeated prosthetic modifications fail to provide
relief, surgical excision should be considered. Potter et al. reported the results of
HO surgical excision in 19 residual limbs of 18 traumatic amputations. The mean
time since injury was 8.2 months (range 3 to 24 months). All patients had failed
conservative management for persistent skin breakdown and prosthetic use. At
early follow up, 16 patients (17 limbs) showed no radiographic evidence of
recurrence. All 19 limbs were eventually successfully fitted with a prosthesis after
the surgery. Four of the 18 patients experienced wound complications requiring
return to the operating room (Potter et al., 2007).
Limb Protection
The amputated limb must be protected from outside trauma to reduce the potential
of complications and delayed wound healing and to encourage mobility. Rigid
dressing strategies (either custom or prefabricated) clearly provide better limb
protection than do soft dressings. Elastomeric liner systems may intuitively provide
some protection; however, comparative research trials are lacking.
The patient with diabetes who has incurred a major lower extremity amputation has
a risk of contralateral lower extremity amputation. The preservation and
optimization of function of this contralateral limb is critical to the maintenance of
mobility and function of the patient.
The patient with a traumatic amputation often has concomitant contralateral lower
extremity injury. It is important to evaluate this extremity from a musculoskeletal,
vascular, and neurological perspective and to optimize its function to enhance the
overall functional outcome of the patient.
Patients with PVD and diabetes have a significantly increased risk for lower
extremity amputation. The most common cascade of events that leads to
amputation are related to abnormal pressure loading of the soft tissues in the
presence of a sensory deficit, poor perfusion, and underlying deformity. These
factors together contribute to mechanical skin injury. Once there is an opening in
the skin, the ulceration can become secondarily infected. The eradication of the
infection and healing of the ulceration may not be possible in the context of the
underlying disease. Amputation may be necessary. The consequences of an
additional amputation are significant in terms of additional healthcare costs,
operative risks, reduction in functional outcome, and loss of independent living.
The first step, therefore, in the management of this patient population is to conduct
a comprehensive evaluation. The evaluation of the sensory impairment can be
multi-modality, but the use of the Semmes Weinstein filament has been best
correlated with ongoing risk for ulceration. The first step in the evaluation of limb
perfusion is to utilize the clinical examination and to palpate peripheral pulses. If
peripheral pulses are intact, no further evaluation is necessary. If they are not
present, the next step would be to determine the ankle brachial index. Here the
systolic blood pressures in the foot arteries are compared to the brachial artery. It
is important to note that a normal ankle brachial index may be an artifact of
incompressible vessels, which is not uncommon in individuals with diabetes. The
presence of deformity also suggests increased risk. Deformity, especially in the
clinical context of a sensory impairment, increases the risk for ulceration. The most
common deformity is a claw toe deformity. It is the result of loss of motor
innervation to the intrinsic muscles of the foot and secondary over-pull of the toe
long extensors and flexors. In more severe cases of neuropathy with motor
impairment there can be a loss of innervation to the ankle musculature with a
resultant foot drop. The second most common cause of deformity is Charcot
Arthropathy, typically affecting the tarso-metatarsal joint.
Optimizing the pressure distribution on the soft tissues is critical to limb
preservation. It is typically accomplished through the provision of specialized
footwear that has an extra deep toe box. In more severe cases, a custom shoe may
be required. In addition, custom molded in-shoe orthotics are an essential element
to optimizing the pressure distribution under the foot. A vascular surgical
consultation is indicated in the patient with an ankle brachial index of .5, rest pain,
or functionally limiting claudication.
The patient with a traumatic amputation may have an isolated amputation without
any additional involvement of the contralateral extremity. However it is common,
especially in the polytrauma patient who has been injured in combat, to have
multiple trauma that can result in injuries to the contralateral lower extremity.
These injuries may cause impairment in neurological function or perfusion and may
create patterns of complex scarring and soft tissue injuries. It is also important to
consider injury to the central nervous system and its resultant adverse impact on
the function of the contralateral limb.
Optimization of the overall functional status of the patient with lower extremity
amputation relies upon preservation of the contralateral limb and compensation for
neuromusculoskeletal impairments through the use of education, rehabilitation
strategies, footwear, and orthotic devices, as well as quick access to the appropriate
provider if a foot problem arises.
Assessment should focus on current psychiatric symptoms, with a particular focus
on depressive and anxiety symptoms, including post-traumatic stress symptoms.
There is evidence that a relatively high percentage of patients experience such
problems (Cansever et al., 2003; Desmond & MacLachlan, 2004; Fukunishi et al.,
1996; Horgan & MacLachlan, 2004; Koren et al., 2005). PTSD symptoms are more
common and severe for individuals whose trauma involves combat-related injury
(e.g., many traumatic amputation victims) (Koren et al., 2005). Levels of
depression and anxiety problems appear to be relatively high for up to two years
post-amputation and then decline to normal population levels (Horgan &
MacLachlan, 2004). There is good evidence that depression and anxiety (posttraumatic stress) are often effectively treated by both pharmacological and
psychotherapeutic interventions (VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guidelines for Major
Depressive Disorder in Adults [2000] and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder [2003]).
While current psychiatric symptoms are most relevant, providers should also assess
for a history of psychiatric problems for both the patient and his/her family, as such
histories increase the risk for current or future problems for the patient.
Assessment may include brief symptom checklists such as the Beck Depression
Inventory, the Beck Anxiety Inventory, or the Post-Traumatic Stress Checklist (PCL)
in order to acquire a quantitative measure of symptom severity. Quantitative
indications of global functioning and/or disease burden over time can be obtained
from outcome measures such as the SF-36.
Assessment should also address the current major stressors the patient is facing as
well as his/her familial/social network, as these factors are likely to influence
rehabilitation. There are a number of studies indicating that social support
enhances psychosocial adjustment, overall functioning and pain management for
patients (Desmond & MacLachlan, 2004; Hanley et al., 2004, Horgan & MacLachlan,
2004; Jensen et al., 2002; Livneh et al., 1999; Williams et al., 2004). The provider
should also assess common effective and ineffective coping strategies. There is
evidence that specific coping strategies for patients may enhance psychosocial
adjustment and pain management while other strategies may diminish it. Active,
CORE Module: Interventions - Page 39
The social and physical environments in which the patient lives contains the resources
the patient may depend on in adjusting function and social role after the loss of a limb.
Income, education, housing, and social connectedness are recognized social
determinants of health. A baseline assessment and ongoing monitoring will help
identify the social interrelations and resources that can support the patient during the
rehabilitation process and help them cope with the challenges of limb loss.
An assessment of the physical environment (home, community, work place) aims to
enhance accessibility, safety, and performance of daily living activities.
Identify the social and physical support system that will be available to the patient
during the rehabilitation process and help cope with the challenges of limb loss.
Physical Environment
e. Home environment hazards and need for modification to address
safety and accessibility
Patients with an amputation report that peer support programs are often very
helpful. Peer support provides an opportunity for patients to relate to one another
and/or to disclose relevant emotions. By sharing experiences with effective coping,
peers can communicate to the patient that coping with an amputation is possible.
Some amputation programs systematically enlist peer support interventions for
prospective and new patients. Peer support interventions can be categorized into
two types:
Patient Education
The patient and family who have been properly educated about all phases of the
treatment are likely to have a greater level of trust in their team and may have
improved outcomes during the postoperative and rehabilitation phases. They are
also more likely to have realistic expectations if they understand the recovery time,
CORE Module: Interventions - Page 43
the processes included in recovery and rehabilitation, and the sequence of events
necessary for healing. In circumstances where surgery is urgent, patient education
is often unavoidably delayed until the postoperative period.
The four stages in the education process are assessment, planning, implementation,
and documentation. Patient education is categorized into three types:
Patients scheduled for amputation should receive in-depth education regarding the
procedure itself, and the various components of postoperative care and rehabilitation
activities that will occur. A combination of information-giving and coping skills training
should continue through all phases of the rehabilitation care.
An educational timeline for patients undergoing a lower limb amputation should include the
following content:
Prosthetic options
Pre-prosthetic rehabilitation
Prosthetic training
Skin hygiene
Edema control
Donning/doffing prosthesis
Care of prosthesis
Contracture prevention
Signs/symptoms of infection
Bowel/bladder management
Peer support
Tobacco cessation
Incentive spirometry
Complication prevention
Patient safety/falls
Pain control
Learning assessment
Patients who are active participants in their rehabilitation and maintain positive
interactions with team members are more likely to succeed. Patients should be
consulted and given appropriate advice and adequate information on rehabilitation
programs, prosthetic options, and possible outcomes with realistic rehabilitation
goals (Esquenzai & Meier, 1996; Pandian & Kowalske, 1995).
There are no randomized controlled trials on the effectiveness of pre-procedural
educational interventions for adult patients undergoing amputation. However,
reviews of research examining the efficacy of pre-procedural interventions reveal
that such interventions are generally effective (Butler et al., 1992; OHalloran &
Altmaier, 1995). Improvements have been observed in a variety of outcomes
including patient satisfaction, pain reduction, pain medication use, pre- and postsurgical anxiety, and behavioral recovery (Esquenazi, 2004). Interventions have
most often included some combination of procedural and sensation information
giving, instruction in cognitive-behavioral coping strategies, and elicitation of patient
anxieties and fears.
It is difficult to assess the relative effectiveness of different strategies, because
multiple strategies are often packaged as one intervention and outcome measures
are often different from one another. Overall, there appears to be a slight
advantage of coping skills instruction over information giving, although both have
been shown to be effective (OHalloran & Altmaier, 1995). There is also a lack of
distinction between pre-surgical preparation and preparation for invasive medical
procedures in the meta-analyses. An emerging literature suggests that different
interventions may be differentially effective for different types of patients.
Overall, these results are mixed and not conclusive.
Learning Assessment
Learning is a process involving interaction with the external environment (Gagne &
Driscoll, 1988) and results in a behavior change with reinforced practice (Huckabay,
1980). An assessment of the patients learning capabilities will assist in developing
tailored educational efforts to suit the patients needs. A learning assessment
evaluates this process by establishing learning goals and activities for the patient
who has had an amputation in collaboration with the interdisciplinary team and the
family or significant other.
1. Prior to the learning assessment, the health professional should assess the
patient with a lower limb amputation for core concerns, potential fears,
support limitations, and cultural history.
Cultural and religious beliefs including attitudes about touching, eye contact,
and diet
Financial information including income level and person responsible for bills
Educational level including the highest level of formal education achieved and
literacy level using the Rapid Estimate of Adult Literacy in Medicine (REALM)
(Davis et al., 1993)
A lower limb amputation results in an inherent weakness of the residual limb due to
the new attachments of the cut distal muscles to either bone or other muscle. The
patient with the transfemoral amputation has a greater propensity for hip flexion
and abduction contracture due to the relative weakness of the adductor magnus
muscle, which normally is a strong hip adductor and extensor.
Some hip and knee flexion contractures can be accommodated by modifications in
the prosthesis. However, normal ROM of all joints should be pursued.
CORE Module: Interventions - Page 48
Proper positioning will decrease the risk of developing joint contractures, particularly
at the hip and knee of the involved limb. Contractures at these joints may
adversely affect prosthetic fitting and subsequent mobility and function. Munin and
colleagues used a clinically relevant regression model to demonstrate the
effectiveness of early inpatient rehabilitation. Contractures were aggressively
addressed and preventive strategies, such as prone and side lying and aggressive
pain control, were implemented to decrease the risk of contracture. The
investigators also found that these strategies, combined with the initiation of
prosthetic gait training, led to a higher rate of successful prosthetic use (Munin et
al., 2001). A study by Davidson and colleagues found similar results to be
particularly important at the proximal joints (Davidson et al., 2002).
CORE-13.2 Strengthening
The lower extremities should be strengthened to control the prosthetic limb and
prevent muscle atrophy. Upper extremity strengthening is important for transfers,
ambulation with an assistive device, and wheelchair mobility. Strengthening of the
core trunk muscles contributes to stability during ambulation with a prosthesis.
Throughout the continuum of care, assess and improve the strength of all muscle groups
that impact use of a prosthesis and overall functional capacity.
It has been found that ambulating with a prosthesis results in an increase in energy
expenditure (Waters & Mulroy, 1999). In addition, higher metabolic costs were
found in patients with higher anatomic levels of amputation (i.e., transfemoral vs.
transtibial), advanced age, or history of PVD (Huang et al., 1979). Because of this
increase in work associated with ambulation, the patient with a lower limb
amputation must improve strength and cardiovascular endurance in order to
maximize function.
A higher energy demand is placed on the cardiovascular system of patients who use
a prosthesis. Ongoing strengthening, endurance, and cardiovascular training will
enable the prosthetic user to maximize functional level.
Increase cardiovascular fitness and endurance to maximize the efficiency of gait, both
with or without a prosthesis.
Upper body ergometry has been shown to be an effective way to determine safe
maximal heart rates for exercise and to prognosticate information concerning
functional outcome after rehabilitation. Patients who achieved a maximum work
capacity of 45 watts per minute were able to ambulate with a prosthesis without an
assistive device. Those who achieved a maximum work capacity of 60 watts per
minute were able to ambulate outdoors with their prosthesis (Priebe et al., 1991).
A study by Pitetti and colleagues showed that cardiovascular training of patients
with amputations not only improved their cardiovascular fitness but also increased
the economy of walking at a normal walking speed based on the reduction of heart
rate and oxygen consumption (Pitetti et al., 1987).
CORE-13.4 Balance
Initiate, measure, and adjust a balance re-training program to minimize a patients risk
of falling and increase the efficiency of gait, both with and without a prosthesis.
Long-term studies have shown that individuals with lower extremity amputations
have decreased balance confidence, which is preventable and modifiable. These
patients often restrict their activities which lead to further limitations in balance and
function (Miller & Deathe, 2004).
Functional Rehabilitation
Bed mobility, transfers, and other ADLs must be taught early in the post-amputation
period to promote and encourage independence, increase strength, and reduce the
fear of falling. Pain or the fear of pain limits bed mobility, so any strategy that
provides limb protection may improve mobility. Physical therapy and occupational
therapy are essential to improvements in ADLs.
floor transfers.
Mobility training directly and positively influences the quality of life for the patient
with a lower limb amputation by increasing the patients independence and function.
Patients with an amputation are likely to need appropriate durable medical
equipment (DME) for community re-entry and a return to their selected living
setting. The least restrictive assistive device will result in the most normalized and
efficient gait.
Initiate mobility training to optimize the patients ability to move from one location to
another by means of adaptive equipment, assistive devices, and vehicle modifications.
was the level of amputation. Their study demonstrates that a strong rehabilitation
program can improve mobility, independence, and quality of life for a patient with a
lower limb amputation (Turney et al., 2001).
Baseline assessment is needed to evaluate outcomes and establish goals for future
rehabilitation care. Immediate outcomes consist mainly of the degree of
independence in basic ADLs and of the extent of mobility and can be measured with
the Functional Independence Measure (FIM). The FIM (Granger et al., 1995) is
sensitive and wide ranging but is cumbersome and time-consuming to score
(Turner-Stokes & Turner-Stokes, 1997). It is also not sufficiently sensitive for
functional changes in patients with amputations (Melchiorre et al., 1996; Muecke et
al., 1992). Two studies have reported on the general rehabilitation outcome gains
in the FIM scores in this population but have not specifically addressed the
prosthetic use of patients (Granger et al., 1995; Heinemann et al., 1994). The FIM
does not enable the accurate evaluation of mobility, which is the central component
in the functional limitation of a patient with a lower limb amputation. Nevertheless,
the FIM is frequently used, at least in the United States and Canada (Deathe et al.,
2002) and was recommended as the measurement tool in the VA guideline for
amputation rehabilitation 1999.
Intermediate outcomes relate to the use of prostheses after discharge from
inpatient rehabilitation. They are measured by the duration of the daily wear of a
prosthesis, the capability to don and doff it, and by the extent to which it serves as
the main means of ambulating and for various activities in everyday life. Most
patients with traumatic amputations are functional users, use their prostheses most
hours of the day, don and doff it independently, and use their prostheses as the
main means of ambulating. Partial users wear prostheses mainly at home but for
outdoor activities use wheelchairs; it is important to identify them to ensure that
they are provided with wheelchairs and that their homes are adapted for wheelchair
The level of amputation, age and comorbidity, male gender, and walking ability prior
to the amputation are predictors of successful rehabilitation. These factors should
be considered in the preadmission prediction and assessment of appropriateness for
Long-term outcomes are assessed in relation to the ultimate rehabilitation goals.
Successful long-term rehabilitation outcomes must take into account not only the
success of prosthetic fitting but also an individuals overall level of function in a
community setting (Purry & Hannon, 1989).
Timed Up
and Go
Patients should always be assessed on what they actually do, not what
they can do.
Establish goals for community reintegration and initiate, measure, and adjust
interventions such as drivers training and vocational rehabilitation during the
postoperative phases
Reintegration into a normal life is generally poor for the patient with a lower limb
amputation in the areas of community mobility, work, and recreation. Return to
work after severe lower extremity trauma remains a challenge. Nissen and Newman
CORE Module: Interventions - Page 56
found that 75 percent of their patients in the working-age group, even though they
rated their perceptions of self-worth, home mobility, and psychosocial adjustment
satisfactory, considered their integration into work unsuccessful. Dependent factors
were prior education, type of employment (sedentary vs. manual work), underlying
medical condition, level of amputation, the availability of retraining assistance, the
attitudes of employers and coworkers, and their own attitudes to work. Emphasis
should be placed on these aspects in rehabilitation (Nissan & Newman, 1992).
Factors that were significantly associated (p < 0.05) with higher rates of return to
work include younger age, being Caucasian, higher education, being a nonsmoker,
average to high self efficacy, preinjury job tenure, higher job involvement, and no
litigation. Early (3 month) assessments of pain and physical functioning were
significant predictors of return to work (MacKenzie et al., 2006).
Factors negatively associated with returning to work were residual limb problems,
phantom pain, age, and higher level of amputation. Frequent prosthesis use and
the receipt of vocational services improved the prognosis for returning to work
(Millstein et al., 1985). Livingston and colleagues (1994) found that their patients
were only infrequently referred for vocational rehabilitation and that job retraining
efforts were minimal.
Transportation is also a concern for patients with a lower limb amputation. Jones
and colleagues (Jones et al., 1993), in Australia, found problems of accessibility to
public transportation and many patients with amputations stopped driving their
In a survey done in Canada, overall, 80.5 percent of participants (N=123) were
able to return to driving an average of 3.8 months after amputation, although the
majority reported a decreased driving frequency. Female sex, age of 60 years or
greater, right-sided amputation, and preamputation driving frequency of less than
every day were all significantly related to a reduced likelihood of return to driving
post-amputation. The level of amputation, cause for amputation, preamputation
automobile transmission, and accessibility to public transit were not associated with
return to driving. Common barriers to return to driving included preference not to
drive, fear and/or lack of confidence, and related medical conditions (Boulias et al.,
2006). Major automobile modifications are commonly performed for patients with a
right sided amputation. Several predictors of return to driving and barriers
preventing return to driving were identified.
Lifestyle after a lower limb amputation also may undergo severe changes. Several
studies that surveyed patients activities after the amputation have shown that
patients less frequently attended cultural performances and less frequently visited
friends or relatives than before their amputations. Free time activities also
changed; decreasing time spent in outdoor sport activities and spending more time
in reading, watching television, listening to music, and housekeeping (Jelic & Eldar,
2003). These studies demonstrate the importance of including recreational
activities in the overall rehabilitation program.
Module A:
Preoperative Assessment and Management
Algorithm A commences at the point that an adult patient has been evaluated in the
clinical setting and the decision has been made that amputation is necessary.
Complete interdisciplinary assessments of the patients medical, functional, and
psychological status are performed as baseline to postoperative treatment and
rehabilitation. Patient education is initiated prior to the surgery. The patient will
proceed to surgery only when the patients status is determined to be optimal for
surgery, unless a trauma or urgent life threatening infection exists. If the case is
urgent, the patient proceeds almost immediately to surgery and other assessments
and patient education will take place in the immediate postoperative phase.
Table of Contents
Preoperative Assessment
Until recently, the main aim of amputation was to save life by removing a badly
damaged limb or for malignancy. Today, amputation is a refined reconstructive
procedure to prepare the residual limb not only for motor functions of locomotion
but also for sensory feedback and cosmesis. Common reasons for lower limb
amputation are trauma, vascular conditions, neoplastic conditions, infective
conditions, and congenital conditions.
Every care should be taken to assure that the amputation is done only when clinically
In trauma cases in which the immediate threat to life is not serious, a period of
conservative management may even restore collateral circulation in the limb and
help to avoid amputation or minimize the segment to be removed. Emergency
repair of torn blood vessels by the vascular surgeon can make limbs viable and even
help to avoid amputation. Providers and patients should be aware that extensive
reconstructive surgery to preserve a limb may result in a limb that is painful, nonfunctional, and less efficient than a prosthesis.
Preoperative Assessment
c. Exercise endurance
d. Balance
e. Mobility
Medical status should be optimized in order to facilitate the best surgical and
rehabilitative outcomes.
The patients premorbid and current functional status need to be determined prior to
amputation surgery in order to maximize rehabilitation results, evaluate outcomes,
and establish goals for future care.
Many patients awaiting amputation may experience severe pain for some time. Pain
control prior to surgery is essential to enable the patient to rest and be as
comfortable as possible. Some patients will have an improved postoperative
experience when pain has been effectively controlled in the preoperative period.
Appropriate behavioral health preparation procedures prior to surgery may enhance
the patients rehabilitation and post surgical adjustment including the length of the
inpatient hospital stay and the amount of required medications.
Initiate appropriate
In addition to influencing the patients morbidity and mortality, multiple factors may
significantly affect the patients ability to resist infection and heal surgical wounds
(e.g., cardiopulmonary function, nutrition, and vascular health). Many of these
factors can be controlled or modified prior to surgery. Particular attention should be
given regarding diabetic and blood pressure control.
1. When possible, every effort should be made to correct controllable factors prior
to undertaking surgical amputation, including (see CORE-4: Medical Care):
a. Cardiovascular
b. Pulmonary
c. Metabolic
d. Nutrition
e. Psychiatric illness
functional ability; however, most of these predictors were defined differently across
studies or identified only in single studies.
1. Based on a clinical evaluation by the treating surgeon with input from the
interdisciplinary rehabilitation team, the patient (or person giving consent)
should be presented with all viable treatment options and the risks and
benefits for the following:
a. Level of amputation
b. Management of postoperative wound
c. Type of postoperative prosthesis.
2. The patient (or person giving consent) should be encouraged to ask questions.
The surgeon should make every effort to answer those questions to the
patients satisfaction. The patient (or person giving consent) should be able to
verbalize a good understanding of their treatment options at the end of the
3. Involvement of the patients family and/or significant others should be
4. The patient (or person giving consent) must agree to the surgical and
immediate post-surgical treatment plan.
5. The informed consent process should be in compliance with institutional policy
(satisfying The Joint Commissions requirements).
A-10. Determine Operative and Postoperative Approaches and Procedures
Once the patient is optimized for surgery, the surgeon must determine the level of
amputation. The level of amputation will affect the patients rehabilitation,
functional outcome, and long-term quality of life. Several factors are incorporated
in this decision that include the patient and family perspective, input from other
members of the rehabilitation team, and principles of amputation surgery.
1. The choice of amputation level should take in consideration the risks and
benefits. The factors in the risk-benefit assessment include the patients goals
and priorities, the patients general condition and risk of additional surgeries,
the potential for healing of the limb, and the predicted probable functional
2. Optimal residual limb length:
a. Transtibial
Optimum length that allows space for the prosthetic foot and
sufficient muscle padding over the residual limb typically midtibia
Minimum junction of middle third and proximal third of tibia
just below the flair of the tibial plateau to allow sufficient tibia
for weight-bearing.
b. Transfemoral
Optimum length that allows space for an uncompromised
knee system typically just above the condylar flair
Minimum junction of middle third and proximal third (below
the level of the lesser trochanter) to allow sufficient femur
length/lever arm to operate the prosthesis.
c. If there is uncertainty of the optimal length of the residual limb,
preoperative consultation with an experienced physiatrist or
prosthetist should be considered.
3. The potential for wound healing should be determined. The following may be
considered: [I]
a. Laboratory studies:
C-reactive protein to check for infection
Hemoglobin to check for treatable anemia to ensure an
appropriate oxygenation level necessary for wound healing
Absolute lymphocyte count to check for immune deficiency
and/or infection
Serum albumin/prealbumin level to check for malnutrition and
diminished ability to heal the wound.
b. Imaging studies:
Anteroposterior and lateral radiography of the involved
CT scanning and MRI as necessary
Doppler ultrasonography to measure arterial pressure.
c. Additional tests:
Ischemic index (II) is the ratio of Doppler pressure at the level
being tested to the brachial systolic pressure a II of 0.5 or
greater at the surgical level is necessary to support healing.
Assess preoperative amputation TcPO2 levels preoperative
levels greater than 20mmHg are associated with successful
healing after amputation. [A]
Determining the optimum amputation level involves balancing the patients goals
and expectations, the risks associated with additional surgery, the functional and
cardiovascular consequences of more proximal amputations, the surgeons clinical
experience, and the physiological potential for the residual limb to heal. Other
factors that might be considered include cosmesis, mobility goals, and specialized
vocational or recreational priorities.
The ultimate functional desires and expectations of the patient need to be included
in the decision-making process. Whether the patient wishes to return to high-level
athletics versus non-ambulatory status may significantly influence the ultimate level
of ambulation, and may lead a surgeon to preserve a longer limb with a lower
chance of healing. Conversely, if the patients underlying medical condition makes
any surgical intervention potentially life-threatening, the surgeon may elect to
perform the amputation at a more proximal level with a greater chance of healing.
Studies have shown that there are significantly increased energy expenditures in a
transtibial amputation and even greater in a transfemoral amputation. Due to the
patients underlying comorbid cardiovascular disease, this increased energy
expenditure may result in the patient having a lower level of function, and possibly
not being able to ambulate at all. In fact, the level of amputation is more predictive
for mobility than other factors including age, sex, diabetes, emergency admission,
indication for amputation and previous vascular surgery [Turney et al., 2001].
The decision regarding the level of amputation must also consider the reason for the
amputation (e.g., disease process, trauma), the vascular supply to the skin flaps,
and the requirements of limb fitting procedures and techniques available at the
Additionally, the physiological potential for the amputated wound to heal is a
significant factor which must be balanced into the decision-making. Many
noninvasive tests have been advocated. The underlying vascular status must be
considered (McCollum et al., 1986; Apelqvist et al., 1989; Wagner 1979; Cederberg
et al., 1983; Barnes et al., 1976). The best studied is transcutaneous O2 pressure
measurement, which measures the partial pressure of oxygen diffusing through the
skin. This is believed to be the most reliable and sensitive test for wound healing
(Pinzur et al., 1992; Burgess & Matsen, 1982; Matsen et al., 1980; Lalka et al.,
1988). Values greater than 40 mg Hg indicate acceptable wound healing potential.
Values less than 20 mm Hg indicate poor wound healing potential. However, none
of these tests should supplant the role of sound clinical judgment (Wagner et al.,
Amputation should preserve as much of the limb as possible, because the longer the
lever arm, the more control a patient will have over a prosthesis. If possible, the
knee should be salvaged to decrease the energy consumption required for
ambulating. In transtibial amputations, the increased energy expenditure in walking
is 25 to 40 percent above normal, and in transfemoral amputations, it is 68 to 100
percent above normal; hence, patients with transtibial amputations usually have
better mobility than those with transfemoral amputations (Esquenazi & Meier, 1996;
Volpicelli et al., 1983).
The site of an injury largely determines the decision regarding the level of section.
In addition to preserving length, it is important to ensure that the residual limb be
covered with skin that has normal sensation and is free of scar tissue as much as
possible and that the end of the residual limb is adequately covered with muscles
(Kostuik, 1981).
Postoperative dressings are used to protect the limb, reduce swelling, promote limb
maturation, and prevent contractures. There are two major classifications of
postoperative dressings that are commonly used:
Soft dressing
ACE wrap
Compression pump
Immediate postoperative
prosthesis (IPOP)
Postoperative dressings are designed to protect the residual limb, decrease edema,
and facilitate wound healing. Traditionally, plaster dressings or soft dressings have
been applied in the operating room to fulfill this function. The plaster dressings can
be incorporated into a temporary prosthesis (IPOP) or left without a prosthesis
(NWB). With the manufacture and use of plastic shells, there are many
commercially available rigid removable dressings (RRD), both custom or off-theshelf, with even some having air bladders to form a more custom fit (AirPOP). Soft
dressings can be used with ACE wraps, shrinkers, and airbladders used to control
edema; however, soft dressings offer little protection to the residual limb.
There have been numerous descriptive case series reports on the different types of
management strategies but relatively few randomized comparative studies.
Although the safety and efficacy of the various strategies for postoperative
management are debated, definitive evidence to support the benefit of any single
technique is lacking.
There is inconclusive evidence for or against any specific postoperative dressing with
or without immediate postoperative prosthesis. Current protocols and decisions are
based on local practice, skill, and intuition. The primary goal remains to maintain
the integrity of the residual limb. The current available literature is challenging, and
difficulties include variations in healing potential, in comorbidity, in surgical-level
selection, in techniques and skill, in experience with postoperative strategies, and
with poorly defined outcome criteria (Smith et al., 2003).
Despite the limited high quality literature, a critical review of the literature [Smith et
al., 2003] indicates that:
Other studies showed similar outcomes for rigid dressings but were not
statistically significant (Baker et al., 1977; Dasgupta et al., 1997; Datta et
al., 2004; Graf & Freijah, 2003; Mueller, 1982; Pinzur et al., 1996;
Woodburn et al., 2004).
A recent systematic review [Nawijin et al., 2005] found a trend in favor of rigid
dressings compared to soft dressings in time of healing, residual limb volume, and
prosthetic fitting. The results did not demonstrate a trend toward improved
functional outcomes based on the type of dressing used; this may be due to a lack
of a standardized outcome measure and timing of follow-up (Nawijin et al., 2005).
Most of the 11 RCT studies evaluating postoperative dressing had small sample
sizes, different study populations often with no reported patient ages, multiple
different definitions for wound healing, and high variability in application of rigid and
soft dressings. Nawijin and colleagues (2005) assessed the quality of the 11 studies
and rated only 3 studies (Vigier et al., 1999; Mueller, 1982; Baker et al., 1977) to
be of acceptable methodological level. No studies were rated as good quality and
the remaining studies were rated poor due to significant flaws in the study designs
(subject selection, standardized outcome, statistical methods) Due to the
methodological limitations, the interpretation of the results and generalization of the
conclusion should be done with caution.
Module A: Preoperative Assessment and Management - Page 70
Six studies have measured healing of the stump. Vigier and colleagues (1999)
demonstrated improved time to residual limb healing using rigid or semi-rigid
dressings. This improvement was also supported by two other studies that had
some methodology flaws (Mooney et al. 1971; Nicholas and Demuth 1976). Baker
et al. (1977) did not show a difference in wound healing rates when comparing a
soft dressing with a rigid dressing. Another poor level study (Barber et al., 1983)
also found no differences. No studies found any negative wound healing effects as a
result of the application of rigid dressings.
Residual stump volume was a main outcome measure in one of four studies.
Mueller et al. (1982) found a significantly greater degree of stump shrinkage with
the Removable Rigid Dressing (RRD) when compared to the use of elastic
compression bandages. The use of elastic bandages did not decrease stump volume
significantly in this study, similar to the results reported in studies of Golbranson et
al. (1988) and Manella (1981).
Readiness for prosthetic fitting constitutes an outcome measure in which both stump
healing and stump volume are incorporated. In two studies (MacLean & Flick, 1994;
Wong et al., 2000) time to readiness for prosthetic fitting in the group treated with
semi-rigid dressings was found to be significantly shorter with the treatment of
elastic bandages.
Non-uniform functional outcome was one of the main outcome measures assessed
in three studies. Vigier et al. (1999) found no significant difference in time to initial
success in walking more than 20 minutes. However, Baker et al. (1977) found a
reduced rehabilitation time, i.e., time from amputation to gait training, when using
plaster dressing compared to elastic bandages. Wong et al. (2000) found that more
patients that use a semi-rigid dressing become ambulatory when compared to those
who use elastic bandages. Other studies found no differences in functional outcome
as a result of the interventions applied.
Future RCTs are needed that apply a standardized protocol and consistent timerelated outcome measures concerning wound healing, edema reduction, and
functional outcomes. Postoperative dressing and management strategies are not
the only determinant of outcome, and other variables might have a greater impact
on outcome. Future studies are needed to more accurately document and control
for variables such as amputation-level selection, surgical skill and technique, healing
potential, comorbidity, and functional status.
A-11. Perform Amputation Reconstructive Surgery
At this phase, the postoperative dressing is applied. The decision-making for the
dressing was done pre-operatively; however, the course of surgery intraoperatively
may affect the final choice of dressings, particularly if heavy contamination leads to
the decision to perform an open amputation. The goals remain to protect the
residual limb, decrease edema, and facilitate wound closure. There is no consensus on
how to use wound dressings to optimize healing after trans-tibial amputation.
Apply the postoperative dressing of choice to protect the residual limb, decrease edema,
and facilitate wound healing; especially consider the use of a rigid postoperative
Module B:
Immediate Postoperative Rehabilitation
Algorithm B commences at the point that an adult patient is in the immediate
postoperative phase following a single lower limb amputation. This algorithm and
associated annotations guide the provider through the postoperative dressing and
the patient management issues that are required at this critical juncture. The
algorithm addresses problems with wound healing, assessments for medical
stability, and discharge criteria from acute care. Follow-up pursuant to
rehabilitation and prosthetic fitting is discussed in Module C.
Table of Contents
The patient is in the immediate recovery phase following an amputation of the lower
A plan of postoperative care should be determined before the operation by the surgeon
and the rehabilitation team based on the interdisciplinary preoperative evaluation.
As part of the surgical assessment, the decision is made for either immediate or
delayed closure of the surgical wound. Amputation wounds can be difficult to
manage; different clinical situations may require different management of the
surgical wounds. Based on the clinical evaluation by the treating surgeon, with
input from the interdisciplinary rehabilitation team, the treating surgeon must
decide the appropriate postoperative wound management.
The appropriate postoperative wound care and residual limb management should be
prescribed by the surgeon performing the operation.
1. For a closed amputation and primary closure, the following procedures should
be performed:
a. May apply sterile, non-adherent dressing secured with stockinet
b. Apply a compressive dressing to reduce edema and shape the residual
c. Monitor for infection
d. Remove the sutures or staples per the advice of the surgeon
2. For an open amputation, the following procedures should be considered:
a. Staged closure at a later date may be required for wounds heavily
contaminated from infection or trauma
b. A vacuum-assisted-closure devise may be helpful for open wounds
3. Residual limb management should continue with the focus on postoperative
dressings, control of the edema and shaping of the residual limb, control of the
pain, and protection of the residual limb from further injury.
(See CORE-6 : Residual Limb)
The patient may still have acute medical issues that warrant inpatient care following
surgical amputation. Appropriate postoperative medical and surgical care is
essential to avoid secondary complications, speed recovery, and optimize outcomes.
For example, monitoring limbs for postoperative complications such as peripheral
nerve or vascular compromise is important for ultimate limb function. Monitoring
for signs of local or systemic infection (i.e., an elevated temperature, abnormal
wound drainage, or an elevation in the white blood count) facilitates appropriate
immediate management. Combat casualties have a particularly high infection rate
and therefore, the treating physician must be aware of endemic organisms
associated with the location of injury. Additionally, proper institutional infection
Module B: Immediate Postoperative Rehabilitation - Page 77
10. Patient and family education on positioning, skin care, and pain management;
preservation of the intact limb; and approaches to modify risk factors should be
re-enforced from preoperative training.
Wound healing problems are usually multifactorial and are common in patients with
amputation, especially those with vascular disease or diabetes. Risk factors for poor
wound healing include infection, vascular compromise, tobacco use, metabolic
derangement, underlying medical conditions, and the nature of the initial injury.
Assess the wound status using a standardized approach and provide intervention
1. Early revision surgery may be considered for wounds that are slow to heal,
particularly in Category III, IV, and V wounds.
2. Early vascular evaluation may be considered for patients with delayed healing
and consultation for vascular intervention may be considered for patients with
impaired peripheral arterial blood flow.
3. Early evaluation and treatment for potential superficial and deep infections
may be considered for patients with delayed healing. The evaluation may
include wound cultures, laboratory studies, and radiological studies.
Debridement, intravenous antibiotics, and/or revision may be necessary to
achieve infection control.
4. Early aggressive local wound care should always be initiated for any degree of
wound breakdown. This may include the use of topical agents (regranex,
aquacel silver, panafil)
5. Hyperbaric oxygen can be considered as an adjunct treatment for impaired
wound healing.
Determine the level of rehabilitation to be performed after discharge from the acute care
Update the treatment plan to reflect the level of rehabilitation and the patients
The determination for the rehabilitation level is made on clinical consensus guided
by local practice and patient resources.
Medical stability for participation in an acute inpatient rehabilitative program
requires the patient to be able to follow a minimum of two-step commands; have
the capacity to acquire and retain new information; have no evidence of sepsis
(temperature less than 100.5 degrees F) or ileus; tolerate feedings; have a stable
cardiovascular status (hemoglobin greater than 8 mg/dl, blood pressure greater
than 90/60 and less than 200/100, resting heart rate less than 115 at rest); and
have the ability to tolerate more than 2 hours of therapy per day (tolerate sitting for
at least 2 hours, fair sitting balance).
Medical stability for inclusion in a sub-acute rehabilitation program requires the
patient to follow simple (single-step) commands; have the capacity to acquire and
retain new information; have no evidence of sepsis or ileus; tolerate feedings; have
a stable cardiovascular status; and have the ability to tolerate only one to two hours
of therapy per day (tolerate sitting for 1 to 2 hours per day, fair sitting balance).
Medical stability for inclusion in a program that is primarily skilled nursing care
requires the patient to have no evidence of sepsis or ileus; tolerate feedings; have a
stable cardiovascular status; can tolerate only several hours of therapy per week;
and is unable to function independently in a home environment (requires more
nursing care than rehabilitation care).
Module B: Immediate Postoperative Rehabilitation - Page 82
Medical stability for discharge to a home environment requires that the patient is
able to perform basic daily living skills safely and independently or have a social
support system to compensate for the deficiencies and possibly the capacity to
arrange transportation to an outpatient facility.
Module C:
Pre-Prosthetic Rehabilitation
Algorithm C commences at the point that an adult patient has been discharged from
the acute care setting after amputation surgery. Complete interdisciplinary
assessments of the patients medical, functional, and psychological status are
performed. The patient will receive continued treatment to optimize their medical
condition for rehabilitation. The rehabilitation team will educate the patient with
details about postoperative care and rehabilitation services; they will also work
together to set goals for rehabilitation. The pre-prosthetic phase includes continued
control of edema formation by wrapping the stump and its shrinkage and shaping,
as well as the continuation of physical and occupational therapy. This phase should
take place in a facility equipped, staffed, and experienced in the rehabilitation of
patients with amputations. If the patient is not a candidate for a prosthesis, the
team will perform basic rehabilitation and provide durable medical equipment
Table of Contents
Postoperative Assessment
Patient is medically stable after an amputation surgery, discharged from acute care,
and able to actively participate in rehabilitation.
Postoperative Assessment
The medical status of the person will impact their rehabilitation outcomes. A careful
evaluation of the medical condition with particular attention to the health of the
residual limb is critical.
Wound healing should have reached or be progressing toward primary closure. If
closure has not been achieved, continued active management will be required. The
surgeon should remain involved and a specialized wound care team may be
consulted. The residual limb needs continued management and protection to
enhance progress and prevent complications.
Obtaining baseline information about physical condition and functional status is
important to evaluate the efficiency of rehabilitation interventions. The use of
objective, validated measuring tools allows standardized measurement of outcomes
and progress.
The etiology of pain is likely to remain multifactional. Phantom and residual limb
pain may persist for an extended period. Other sources of pain should also be
identified in order to facilitate aggressive treatment. Pain can be a barrier to the
patients participation in rehabilitation.
Prevalence of psychiatric comorbidities, particularly depressive and anxiety
disorders, is fairly high during the first two years post surgery. They appear to
decline thereafter to general population norms (Desmond & MacLachlan, 2004;
Horgan & MacLachlan, 2004). Depressive and anxiety disorders often respond well
to both medical and psychotherapeutic interventions (see the VA/DoD Clinical
Practice Guidelines for the Management of Major Depressive Disorder in Adults
[2000] & the Management of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders [2003]). If
untreated, psychosocial comorbidities may diminish treatment outcomes. If not
done preoperatively, a postoperative psychological assessment creates a baseline to
utilize during rehabilitation.
Cognitive function influences an individuals ability to learn new material which is
important for participation in the rehabilitation process and the successful use of a
new prosthesis, DME, or assistive devices, and the ability to successfully function in
the ultimate discharge environment.
1. Members of the rehabilitation team should work with the patient to establish
goals specific to their area of expertise.
2. Goals should be written, be measurable, and be specific.
Multiple factors influence the patients ability to resist infection, heal their surgical
wounds, and prepare for full rehabilitation. When possible, every effort should be
made to correct controllable factors prior to undertaking surgical amputation.
Following surgery, efforts should be directed at continual management of reversible
medical comorbidities including but not limited to: metabolic, nutritional,
psychiatric, and vascular.
In the postoperative phase patient education will change in focus from acute
medical issues to learning needs to optimize function in the community and selfmanagement. Information sharing, skills development in the area of self
management, treatment procedures, new equipment, and recognition of the
timeline for progression towards independent function are essential components of
this phase.
Equipment needs
g. Coping methods
h. Prevention of complications
Update the rehabilitation treatment plan to reflect the patients progress, goals, and
The following areas of intervention include a suggested step approach, indicating the key
elements in each area as they progress throughout the rehabilitation process.
Initiate, assess, and adjust the rehabilitation interventions to improve the patients
physical and functional status.
Patients with a lower limb amputation will vary in their potential to benefit from use
of a prosthesis. The most fundamental question when developing a prosthetic
prescription for a patient is their need for a prosthesis and the patients ability to
adapt to and utilize the prosthesis.
The rehabilitation team should initiate discussions about a possible prosthesis in the
preoperative phase. It is important to understand the goal of the patient when
making this decision and consider the contribution of the prosthesis to the individual
potential function and quality of life.
Patients after amputation will need to develop new ways to perform various
activities in their daily lives. Patients who have not been deemed candidates for
prosthetic prescription will also need DME to maximize their functional status. If the
patient has reached a plateau in their functional status, additional durable medical
equipment may be required to assist these patients in their daily activities.
Home modifications are required for individuals who have difficulty with transfers or
stairs as well as modifications to accommodate wheelchairs. Modifications may
include the installation of ramps, stair lifts, grab bars, handheld showers,
mechanical lifts, bedside commodes, tub transfer benches, tub seats or benches,
and shower seats or benches. Usage of durable medical equipment requires training
for the individual to gain maximum benefit. For example, manual wheelchair skills
such as wheelies, curb climbing, curb-descent, ramps and uneven terrain should be
Module D:
Prosthetic Training
Module D, Prosthetic Training, follows the pre-prosthetic rehabilitation phase. The
patient and team will determine if the patient is a candidate for a prosthesis and if
so, will write a prosthetic prescription and perform basic rehabilitation, prosthetic
management, and gait training based on the identified goals. If the patient is not a
candidate for a prosthesis, the team will perform basic rehabilitation and provide
durable medical equipment (DME). The prosthetic phase aims at the attainment of maximal
functional independence and mobility with the artificial limb. It includes prosthetic fitting and intensive
gait training interventions to reduce the occurrence of phantom pain, and improve long-term outcomes,
including returning to work. During this phase, patients are given advice on employment, recreational
activity, driving, and vocational rehabilitation. The continuation of care at the community level should be
promoted and arranged.
Table of Contents
A patient with a lower limb amputation will have wide ranging personal, social, and
professional demands. Their ability to meet these demands will be mediated by
several factors, including residual limb characteristics, overall health, fitness, and
other medical conditions. Based upon these factors, a best estimate of future
activities needs to be made so that the patient may get the most appropriate
prosthetic prescription.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), formerly known as Health
Care Financing Administration (HCFA), requires a determination of functional level
with certificates of medical necessity for a prosthesis. These are known as K
levels (see Table 10. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Functional Levels).
Table 10. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Functional Levels
Level of
K 0:
K 1:
The patient has the ability or potential to use the prosthesis for
transfers or ambulation on level surfaces at fixed cadence - typical of
the limited and unlimited household ambulator.
K 2:
The patient has the ability or potential for ambulation with the ability
to traverse low-level environmental barriers such as curbs, stairs, or
uneven surfaces - typical of the limited community ambulator.
K 3:
The patient has the ability or potential for ambulation with variable
cadence - typical of the community ambulator who has the ability to
traverse most environmental barriers and may have vocational,
therapeutic, or exercise activity that demands prosthetic utilization
beyond simple locomotion.
K 4:
The patient has the ability or potential for prosthetic ambulation that
exceeds basic ambulation skills, exhibiting high impact, stress, or
energy levels - typical of the prosthetic demands of the child, active
adult, or athlete.
The final prescription must come from the Amputation Clinic Team. Hipdisarticulation, transpelvic, and translumbar amputations are not addressed here;
they are deferred to the knowledge and expertise of the Amputation Clinic Team.
c. Suspension mechanism
d. Pylon
e. Knee joint
Fabricate, dynamically align, adjust, and modify the prosthesis, and instruct the patient
on the use of a prosthesis when appropriate.
e. Balance
Drivers training
Home evaluation
Community integration.
Patients after amputation have altered balance and need assistance re-learning
ambulation and mobility skills with the prosthesis. Prosthetic gait training is
necessary to maximize the quality of the gait, to conserve energy, and provide the
patient with the opportunity to resume his/her previous social roles.
Prosthetic gait training must be performed for the patient to safely ambulate on all
surfaces with or without adaptive equipment.
1. Once basic prosthetic management has been completed, the focus should
move to weight bearing with the prosthesis, standing balance, weight shifts,
and equalization of step length.
2. Once the patient has mastered prosthetic ambulation with a walker or other
assistive device, training on stairs, uneven surfaces, and ramps/inclines are
3. Prosthetic gait training should incorporate aspects related to the patients
home, work, and/or recreational environments.
1. Initial patient education in the use of a prosthetic lower limb should include:
a. Demonstration and training in donning and doffing the prosthesis
(dependent upon the type of prosthesis provided)
b. Initial training in how to start ambulation (dependent upon the type of
prosthesis provided)
c. Instruction in accomplishing safe transfers taking in consideration the
home environment
d. Instruction in how to fall safely and get back up
e. Instruction in daily self inspections of the residual limb for excessive
tissue loading; if erythema is present upon removing the prosthesis and
does not completely resolve in 20 minutes, the patient should be
instructed to report it immediately
Monitor and Reassess Functional and Safe Use of the Prosthesis; Optimize
Components and Training
The daily use of the prosthesis may have an effect on the patients activity level and
their ability to perform various activities of daily living. The prosthesis does not
have to be used all the time; a functional user may use the prosthesis for part of the
day or only for certain functions, such as to facilitate a transfer. This may change
with time and need reevaluation by the rehabilitation team.
Continue to assess functional and safe use of the prosthesis and optimize the
components and training at least throughout the first year post fitting.
3. The prosthesis should be assessed at least once within the first year of
prosthetic use to address:
a. Stability
b. Ease of movement
c. Energy efficiency
d. Appearance of the gait to determine the success of fitting and training.
4. Patients presenting with dermatologic problems require assessment and
a. Contact dermatitis: assess the hygiene of the liner, socks, and
suspension mechanism
b. Cysts and sweating: assess for excessive shear forces and improperly
fitted components
c. Scar management: requires massaging and lubricating the scar to
obtain a well-healed result without dog ears or adhesions
d. Superficial fungal infections are common and will require topical antifungal agents for resolution.
Patients after amputation will need to develop new ways to perform various
activities in their daily lives. To this end, a prosthetic limb alone may not be enough
to allow the patient to fully return to daily activities. Patients who have not been
deemed candidates for prosthetic prescription will also need DME to maximize their
functional status. If the patient has reached a plateau in their functional status,
additional DME may be required to assist these patients in their daily activities.
Consider durable medical equipment (DME) prescription (e.g., wheelchair, walker, cane,
crutches, shower chairs).
Module E:
Rehabilitation and Prosthesis Follow-Up
Algorithm E commences at the point that the initial rehabilitation goals have been
met with or without a prosthesis. The patient schedules at least one appointment
within the first year after discharge to assess the prosthetic fit and function (in
prosthetic users), need for DME, goals, and health status. Treatment is provided as
needed to optimize health and functional status; meet new goals; provide, replace,
or repair DME; and prevent a secondary amputation.
Life-long care will be provided to monitor risk factors for chronic diseases or
psychosocial illnesses.
Table of Contents
Follow-up for all patients with amputations is needed to ensure continued optimal
function in the home and community. The long-term follow-up will be a dynamic
process, as the patients needs may change with time. Reassessment of the
available advancements in medical science and prosthetic technology will continue
for the patients lifetime.
The follow-up algorithm applies to a patient with limb-loss who has achieved
maximal functional potential with or without a prosthesis. The patient may begin
long-term follow-up when the following goals are met:
Patient incorporated the prosthesis into his/her lifestyle and is satisfied with
the outcome
Patient function is maximized per the goals set up at the initial rehabilitation
Schedule At Least One Follow-Up Appointment Within the First Year after
Discharge From Rehabilitation and Prosthetic Training
There are many reasons to justify at least one follow-up appointment, including:
The residual limb of a patient with an amputation will change over the life of
the patient
All patients with amputations should have at least one scheduled follow-up appointment,
within the first year after discharge, to evaluate the quality and comfort of the prosthetic
fit and the patients health status and function.
1. Patients with a prosthesis should visit the Amputation Clinic Team for an initial
comprehensive visit to address any change in the condition of the residual
2. Patients with minor repairs or adjustments to the prosthesis should visit a
prosthetic laboratory.
3. Patients with a change in their medical condition should be seen by a primary
care provider or physiatrist, in addition to their comprehensive follow-up with
the Amputation Clinic Team.
4. A follow-up appointment should be made at the time of the comprehensive
visit with the appropriate clinic or provided at the patients request, after a
major medical or functional change, or after a referral/consultation is received.
5. Patients with a lower limb amputation who are not prosthetic users should be
seen by their primary care provider to manage comorbidities, evaluate medical
risks, and maintain the health of the residual and contralateral extremity.
6. If the function of a non-prosthetic user changes and he/she becomes a
prosthetic candidate, an appointment should be made with the Amputation
Clinic Team for consideration of prosthetic restoration.
Without scheduled follow-ups, patients with amputations may become lost in the
system and may develop problems. They may not recognize problems with the fit
of their prosthesis, a change in their gait pattern, or changes in their contralateral or
residual limb. As a result, major or minor secondary complications may arise.
In addition, the level of independent walking decreases with the passage of time;
one third of persons who were young at the time of amputation and were
successfully rehabilitated may have limitations in mobility in later life.
Reevaluations should be conducted to assess the need for modification of the
prosthesis more appropriate to the patients new functional status (Burger et al.,
Modification of the prosthesis as well as adaptations to the home environment
should be assessed by the rehabilitation team to help the patient maintain the
highest possible level of independence and psychosocial integration throughout the
The long-term follow-up should include assessment of the patients goals, function,
secondary complications, and the condition of the prosthesis. Treatment should also be
provided as indicated.
Gait and mobility
Changing needs for durable medical equipment (DME)
Activities of daily living (ADL)
c. Secondary complications in the residual and contralateral limb:
Pain control
Skin integrity
Associated musculoskeletal conditions (e.g., back and knee
d. Vocational and recreational needs.
The key to amputation prevention in non-traumatic amputations is to identify highrisk patients, make an early diagnosis, and provide interdisciplinary intervention.
This process should ideally begin in the office of the primary care provider. Risk
factors affecting the residual and contralateral limbs should be identified. Then, a
strategy of patient education, patient self-care, and referral to foot care providers
are instituted to prevent foot ulceration, infection, gangrene, and ultimately
The VA program titled, Prevention-Amputation Care and Treatment (PACT) focuses
on prevention of amputation by identifying veterans who are at risk and providing
them with education and appropriate footwear.
Cardiovascular fitness is an important component to maintain the increased
metabolic expenditure of ambulation.
Identify high-risk patients and provide patient education to minimize the potential for
secondary amputation.
Given the importance of optimal socket fit, the patient must also be monitored for
volumetric and anatomical changes, alignment adjustments, component
replacement and continuing education. The patient may be referred to the
Amputation Clinic Team for rehabilitation concerns and evaluation, secondary
complications, other medical issues, socket replacement or prosthesis replacement,
upgrades, and recreational prostheses.
A life-long consultation to other healthcare providers regarding the interaction
between other disease processes and the function of patients with a lower limb
amputation may be required.
A patient with a lower limb amputation should receive life-long care to maintain the
quality and functionality of the prosthetic limb and the patients abilities, goals, and
quality of life.
There are no clinical trials that provide evidence for the need for life-long care.
Patients need to have access to primary care and an amputation team, but there is
no evidence to indicate how often that follow-up should occur. However, as a
patients age advances follow-up visits to assess and modify the prosthesis become
important due to changes that occur in a patient with an amputation in the aging
process (Frieden, 2005).
Patients with amputations are not exempt from acquired chronic diseases and loss
of social support associated with aging. Their ability to adapt may be limited and as
a result, a minor problem may have a tremendous impact on their function (Flood &
Saliman, 2002). For example, a significant relationship has been found between
combat-related amputation and cardiovascular disorders. Due to the increase in
energy cost of ambulation with a prosthesis, heart disease may have a profound
impact on function (Hrubec & Ryder, 1979). Likewise, loss of social support with
aging can have an impact on psychosocial adjustment and function in the home and
The loss of a limb provides ongoing stress to other areas of the body.
Musculoskeletal problems may arise in the residual and contralateral limb, spine,
and upper extremities.
Approximately 65 percent of the amputations in people over age 50 are due to
vascular disease or the effects of diabetes. Of this population, 30 percent will lose a
second limb to the same disease. Therefore, as much emphasis should be placed on
the contralateral limb as there is on recovering from the amputation (Jefferies,
Changes associated with aging, changes with the residual limb, the wearing out of
the prosthetic components, and new technologies are all reasons to order a new
prosthesis. As the technology changes, components are more responsive and
materials are lighter, resulting in an increased ability of the older patient with an
amputation to remain mobile.
Guideline Development Process
The development process for the VA/DoD Clinical Practice Guideline for
Rehabilitation of Lower Limb Amputation followed the steps described in "Guideline
for Guidelines," an internal working document of VHA's National Clinical Practice
Guideline Council, which requires an ongoing review of the work in progress. The
Working Group of the VHA/DoD was charged to provide evidence-based action
recommendations whenever possible.
The initial literature search revealed limited research specific to rehabilitation
following lower limb amputation, with randomized controlled trials (RCT) noticeably
absent. The search did not identify any published clinical practice guidelines or
standard protocols that address lower limb amputation rehabilitation. Published
literature consisted primarily of epidemiologic surveys, cross section descriptive
studies, clinical commentaries, single-group cohort studies, and case studies.
Recognizing these limitations, the actual literature review for this guideline
(covering the period 1996 2006) focused on three specific questions: the
management of pain control, the strategy of postoperative residual limb
management (e.g., post operative dressing), and behavioral health interventions
throughout the rehabilitation process. Original articles of clinical trials and empirical
data evaluating efficacy and harm of intervention in these three areas, that met the
inclusion criteria, were evaluated.
Development Process
The Offices of Quality and Performance and Patient Care Services, in collaboration
with the network Clinical Managers, the Deputy Assistant Under Secretary for
Health, and the Medical Center Command of the DoD identified clinical leaders to
champion the guideline development process. During a preplanning conference call,
the clinical leaders defined the scope of the guideline and identified a group of
clinical experts from the VA and DoD that formed the Rehabilitation of Lower Limb
Amputation Working Group. Working Group members included representatives of
the following specialties: physical medicine, surgery, physical and occupational
therapy, psychology, vocational rehabilitation, prosthetics, nursing, pharmacy, and
health care systems management and policy. Working Group members also
received input from several clinical directors of amputation clinics in the VHA and
As a first step, the guideline development groups defined a set of clinical questions
within the area of the guideline. This ensured that the guideline development work
outside the meeting focused on issues that practitioners considered important and
produced criteria for the search and the protocol for systematic review and, where
appropriate, meta-analysis.
The Working Group participated in an initial face-to-face meeting to reach consensus
about the guideline algorithm and recommendations and to prepare a draft
document. The draft continued to be revised by the Working Group at-large
through multiple conference calls and individual contributions to the document.
Following the initial effort, an editorial panel of the Working Group convened to
further edit the draft document.
Appendix A: Guideline Development Process Page 112
Experts from the VA and DoD in the areas of physical medicine and rehabilitation in
particular reviewed the final draft and their feedback was integrated into the final
draft document. This document will be updated every three years, or when
significant new evidence is published to ensure that Department of Veterans Affairs
(VA) and Department of Defense (DoD) healthcare delivery remain on the cutting
edge of the latest medical research.
This Guideline is the product of many months of diligent effort and consensus
building among knowledgeable individuals from the VA, DoD, academia, as well as
guideline facilitators from the private sector. An experienced moderator facilitated
the multidisciplinary Working Group. The list of participants is included in Appendix
Formulating of Questions
The Working Group developed researchable questions and associated key terms
after orientation to the scope of the guideline and to goals that had been identified
by the Working Group. The questions specified (adapted from the Evidence-Based
Medicine (EBM) toolbox, Center for Evidence-Based Medicine,
Pain control
Behavior therapy.
As a result of the literature reviews, articles were identified for possible inclusion.
These articles formed the basis for formulating the guideline recommendations. The
following inclusion criteria were used for selecting randomized controlled trial
Quality of evidence ratings were assigned for each source of evidence using the
grading scale presented in Table A-1 [USPSTF, 2001). The Working Group received
an orientation and tutorial on the evidence USPSTF 2001 rating process, reviewed
the evidence and independently formulated Quality of Evidence ratings (see Table A1), a rating of Overall Quality (see Table A-2), and a Strength of Recommendation
(see Table A-3).
Lack of Evidence Consensus of Experts
Very few source documents that use an evidence-based approach were found in the
searches. Therefore, while the Working Group utilized evidence-based sources
wherever applicable, most of the recommendations in this guideline emerged
through a discussion and consensus process.
Zero or
Zero or Negative
The algorithmic format allows the provider to follow a linear approach to critical
information needed at the major decision points in the clinical process, and includes:
Harris RP, Helfand M, Woolf SH, Lohr KN, Mulrow CD, Teutsch SM, Atkins S;Methods Work
Group, Third US Preventive Services Task Force. Current methods of the U.S.
Preventive Services Task Force: a review of the process. Am J Prev Med 2001 Apr;20 (3
Society for Medical Decision-Making Committee (SMDMC). Proposal for clinical algorithm
standards, SMDMC on Standardization of Clinical Algorithms. Med Decis Making 1992;
April-June 12(2):149-54.
United States Preventive Service Task Force (USPSTF). Guide to Clinical Preventive
Services. 2nd edition. Washington, DC: Office of Disease Prevention and Health
Promotion, U.S. Government Printing Office; 1996.
Woolf SH. Practice guidelines, a new reality in medicine II. Methods of developing
guidelines. Arch Intern Med 1992 May;152(5):946-52.
Woolf SH. Manual for conducting systematic reviews. Rockville, MD: Agency for Health Care
Policy and Research. Draft. August 1996.
Supporting Evidence for Pain Management
Our search of the literature identified one systematic review and 28 individual
prospective controlled trials (total of 821 patients) investigating intervention for
management of pain after amputation. Twelve of these studies have been included
in the systematic review (Halbert et al., 2002). In addition, an excellent critical
review of Chronic Pain after Lower Extremity Amputation, by Joseph Czerniecki and
Dawn Ehde (2003), provided a comprehensive source of information as well as
conceptual framework for organizing this summary.
The following summary of selected studies and available evidence for pain
management addresses:
1. Residual limb pain (RLP)
2. Phantom limb sensation (PLS)
3. Phantom limb pain (PLP)
4. Musculoskeletal pain: low back pain (LBP), and knee pain.
The reported incidence of residual limb pain (RLP) after amputation is very
variable, ranging from 1 to 76 percent (Bach et al., 1988; Ehde et al., 2000;
Gallagher et al., 2001; Lambert et al., 2001; Smith et al., 1999; Wartan et
al., 1997).
The large variability in the incidence of RLP may be due to the prevalence of
differing etiologies of amputation, the time since amputation, or the
proportion of subjects using prosthetic limbs in each of the studies.
The kinesthetic sensations are most common early after amputation and
gradually diminish over time. The patient may feel that the amputated limb
is still present with a normal shape and location, whereas in others, the
phantom limb may present in a twisted or deformed orientation or may be
perceived as having muscle cramps. Jensen et al. (1983) in a 2-year
longitudinal study found that only 30 percent of patients noted telescoping
(i.e., the length and volume of the phantom limb gradually foreshortens). In
the remainder, there was a gradual reduction in the intensity of the
perception of the phantom limb or that it occurred more intermittently.
Acute phantom limb pain (PLP) after amputation is a significant problem with
a reported incidence in the first year following amputation as high as 70
percent (Lambert et al., 2001). Other epidemiological studies have reported
variable incidence of chronic PLP, from 10 percent to 100 percent of cases.
According to large studies, PLP probably affects between 67 percent and 79
percent of patients with amputation (Ehde et al., 2000, Jensen et al., 1985;
Whyte et al.,2001). The quality and intensity of the pain experience are
particularly variable.
Ehde et al. (2000) assessed the disability caused by PLP using the Chronic
Pain Grade (CPG) assessment tool. According to their study, 47 percent of
patients were classified as low intensity and low disability (grade I); an
additional 28 percent of patients were classified as having high intensity yet
low disability (grade II), and 48 percent had a pain severity grade of greater
than 5 out of 10 using the numerical pain rating scale. In another study, a
large proportion of patients with PLP experienced severe pain (rating 7-10 on
a pain scale) in the first 4 weeks after the surgery. Across all pain types, a
quarter of those with pain reported their pain to be extremely bothersome
(Ephraim, 2005).
The onset of PLP is usually within the first week of amputation (Jensen et al.,
1985, Nikolasjen et al., 2000a). For those who will develop PLP, the pain
typically starts within the first 4 days in 83 percent (Nikolajsen 2000). There
is no significant difference in the incidence between 1 week, 6-month followup (Nikolajsen et al., 1997b), 2-year follow-up, and at least in one study, at
5-year follow-up (Steinbach et al., 1982). Most studies show a reduction in
the frequency and duration of PLP during the first 6 months after
amputation, however, there was no change in the intensity between one
week and 6 months (Nikolajsen et al., 1997b).
Treatment of PLP
Preemptive Analgesia
The neural changes associated with the deafferentation that occurs with amputation
plus some of the early reports that suggested there were similarities between
preamputation pain and PLP in patients with amputation lead to a number of
investigations to evaluate whether or not the elimination of afferent nociceptive
discharges prior to or at the time of amputation reduced the incidence or severity of
PLP. This approach to the prevention of post-amputation pain has been termed
preemptive analgesia. The 2 major strategies to eliminate nociceptive input prior to
or during amputation have been perineural analgesia and epidural blockade.
However, there is little support for the role of preemptive analgesia in the
prevention of PLP after amputation. Neither perineural analgesia nor epidural
blockade under the conditions used in the studies exhibited a beneficial effect.
Epidural Blockade
Another study (Jahangiri et al., 1994) also supported the benefit of epidural
blockade in the perioperative period. Perioperative epidural infusion of
diamorphine, clonidine and bupivacaine has shown to be safe and effective in
reducing the incidence of phantom pain after amputation in the study group
(n=13) at 6-month and 1-year follow-up assessment.
The results of 5 studies (Elizaga et al., 1994; Enneking 1997; Fisher &
Meller, 1991; Lennox, 2002; Pinzur et al., 1996) evaluating the effect of
perineural analgesia on postamputation pain are similar. The use of
perineural analgesia reduces pain in the postoperative period therefore
decreasing the need for other parenteral and oral analgesics; however, there
is no beneficial effect on either RLP or PLP in long-term follow-up. (Lambert
et al., (2001) compared the relative efficacy of epidural analgesia with
perineural anesthesia and demonstrated that the incidence of PLP and RLP
was no different between the two groups at 3, 6 and 12 months after
amputation. The perioperative epidural block 24 hours before the operation
gave better relief of RLP in the immediate postoperative period. Hayes et al.
(2004) evaluated the effect of adding ketamine perioperatively compared to
placebo (saline) and found significant increase of RLP in the experimental
group. Patient satisfaction, the consumption of morphine, and report of pain
at 6 month were not different between the groups.
With this approach, short-term pain relief was achieved; less morphine was
used for 2 or 3 days, and opioid needs were decreased at 3 days
postoperatively. Continuous perineural infusion of an anesthetic appears to
be a safe, effective method for the relief of postoperative pain but it does not
prevent RLP or PLP.
In a study (Wu et al., 2002) that was trying to demonstrate the different
mechanisms that play a role in RLP vs. PLP, the researchers compared the
effect of morphine and lidocaine on pain. The results showed that morphine
reduced both RLP and PLP. In contrast, lidocaine decreased RLP (P < 0.01),
but not PLP. The changes in sedation scores for morphine and lidocaine were
not significantly different from placebo. Compared with placebo, selfreported RLP relief was significantly greater for lidocaine (P < 0.05) and
morphine (P < 0.01), while phantom pain relief was greater only for
morphine (P < 0.01).
The efficacy of oral retarded morphine sulphate was tested against placebo in
a double-blind crossover design in 12 patients (Huse et al., 2001). Pain
intensity assessed during the 4-week treatment-free phase of the trial, and
at two follow-ups (6 and 12 months) showed significant pain reduction during
morphine but not during placebo treatment. Neuromagnetic source imaging
showed initial evidence for reduced cortical reorganization under morphine
concurrent with the reduction in pain intensity in three of the patients.
Another controlled crossover study compared the effect of low frequency and
high intensity of TENS in patients with PLS, phantom pain and no pain (Katz
& Melzack, 1991). Small, but significant reduction in the intensity of non
painful PLS was found during the TENS treatments but not the placebo
condition. After receiving auricular TENS, a modest, yet significant decrease
in pain was measured in the PLP group.
NMDA-receptor antagonists
Farabloc is a product promoted for the relief (not cure) of intermittent PLP.
It is a linen fabric with ultrathin steel threads to be worn over the residual
limb and claimed to shield nerve endings from external electrical and
magnetic fields. In a double blind, cross-over design, 34 subjects reported
their pain relief level during a pretreatment period, Farabloc or placebo
treatment period, a no-treatment or "washout" period for the control of any
carry-over effect, and an alteration of treatment period. The results were
statistically significant (p < .001) in favor of the Farabloc period. Of the 34
subjects, 21 reported their greatest pain relief during Farabloc intervention.
However, the clinical significance of the findings may be questioned since
only two subjects reported complete or near complete pain relief with
Farabloc, and the number of potential users is limited. Nevertheless,
Farabloc is a relatively inexpensive alternative compared to other therapeutic
measures currently available (Conine, 1993).
In addition to medication, psychological techniques such as biofeedback, hypnosis
and progressive muscle relaxation can help manage phantom pain. Multidisciplinary
pain strategies that are common in other chronic pain conditions are rarely
prescribed for patients with PLP. Although the reasons for this are unknown, it may
be because many individuals with amputation-related pain manage to function
despite their chronic pain problem (Ehde et al., 2000). No research has been
conducted on multidisciplinary pain programs in patients with amputation. It is
clear that the gap between practice and research in the area of PLP is marked.
Because of their low quality and contradictory results, the randomized and
controlled trials to date do not provide evidence to support any particular treatment
of PLP, either in the acute perioperative period or later. Patients with amputation
require timely up-to-date information on phantom pain which sensitively addresses
the variability of the experience and provides the foundation for ongoing pain
management (Mortimer et al., 2002). Review of focus groups of health
professionals have shown that information given to patients on phantom
phenomena is inconsistent and insufficient. Possible solutions are the development
of minimum standards of information and specifically targeted interprofessional
education (Mortimer et al., 2004).
Causes of LBP
The causes of LBP in patients with TF amputation have not been systematically
studied. Leg length discrepancy, excessive lumbar lordosis, and/or excessive trunk
motion are frequently cited causes of LBP in the general population and may play a
role in back pain after TF amputation (Czerniecki & Ehde, 2003).
Some researchers (Friberg, 1984) suggest that the prosthetic leg length of a
patient with TF amputation depends not only on the physical length of the
prosthesis, but also on the relationship of the residual limb to the prosthetic
socket. Increased volume due to weight gain, edema, and prosthetic socks
may act to displace the residual limb from its socket, thereby increasing the
total prosthetic limb length. Similarly, a decrease in volume causes the
residual limb to rest more deeply in the socket, thereby decreasing the total
prosthetic limb length. Friberg (1984) found that patients with lower
extremity amputations who experienced LBP had significantly greater leg
length discrepancies than those without pain.
Because it is present to some degree in all humans, the role of leg length
discrepancy in low back pain remains controversial. While some studies
found no relationship between leg length discrepancy and LBP in patients
with lower extremity amputations, they have shown not only that a
relationship exists, but that back pain improves with leg length discrepancy
correction ( Czerniecki & Ehde, 2003).
Other studies have investigated abnormal kinematics of the lumbar spine and
support the clinical observation that increased and/or abnormal motion of the
lumbar spine leads to injury and pain. Studies have also demonstrated that
there is increased lateral bending toward the prosthetic side during stance
phase. No attempt has been made to correlate this finding with LBP.
and excessive motion of the lumbar spine result in LBP is essentially mechanical.
These conditions produce abnormal spinal loads, which in turn produce abnormal
stress distributions in the tissues (Czrniecki & Ehde, 2003).
Treatment of LBP
In the absence of specific evidence guiding treatment of LBP in patients with
lower extremity amputations, the routine management of LBP for any cause may
be considered (see the VA/DoD Guideline for Management of Low Back Pain). Of
importance, however, is the observation that the prevalence of LBP pain in lower
extremity amputation is high and it may have the same or even greater impact
on disability, function and outcome of rehabilitation as residual limb pain and
phantom sensation. Thus, patients with lower extremity amputations should be
specifically assessed for symptoms of LBP.
In spite of the use of a prosthetic device, the knee on the residual limb does
not have an increased risk for degenerative arthritis. It is the knee of the
intact contralateral limb that is likely to demonstrate accelerated
degenerative arthritis (Burke et al., 1978; Lemaire & Fisher, 1994). The age
and average weight-adjusted prevalence ratio of knee pain among Veterans
Administration patients (male, unilateral traumatic amputation) with
transtibial amputation was 1.3 (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.7-2.1) for
the knee of the intact limb and 0.2 (95% CI, .05-0.7) for the knee of the
amputated limb. The standardized prevalence ratio of knee pain in the intact
limb and symptomatic osteo arthritis among patients with TF amputation,
compared with nonamputees, was 3.3 (95% CI, 1.5-6.3) and 1.3 (95% CI,
0.2-4.8), respectively (Norvell et al., 2005). The period of partial and
progressive weight bearing with gradual return to a higher activity level after
a period of relative immobility may contribute to the higher risk of knee
pain. Stresses on the contralateral knee may contribute to secondary
disability. Possible explanations include gait abnormalities, increased
physiologic loads on the knee of the intact limb, and the hopping and
stumbling behavior common in many younger patients with amputations.
During the postoperative stage, patients with lower limb amputation undergo
a period of relative immobility followed by a period of partial and progressive
weight bearing with gradual return to a higher activity level. During this
period, there is a relatively reduced mechanical load to the articulations of
the residual limb and relatively greater loading on the articulations of the
contralateral limb.
The magnitudes of the loads on the contralateral limb can be modified by the
selection of the prosthetic foot type to be used. In particular, the use of the
Flex foot seems to reduce abnormal loading on the intact limb (Powers et al.,
1994; Snyder et al., 1995). In addition, optimizing prosthetic alignment may
influence the loads experienced by the intact lower extremity (Pinzur et al.,
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Prosthetic Prescription
Toe filler/arch support: with this amputation, the foot tends to pronate,
splay, and over time go into an equinus contracture. A supportive total
contact foot orthotic with toe filler is recommended. The patient will lack
push-off and may require a rocker sole.
Pin/shuttle The roll-on elastomeric gel liner has a serrated pin attached
to the distal end. When fully donned, the pin inserts into a locking
mechanism incorporated into the distal socket. A button accessible on
the outside of the socket releases lock.
PTS or PTS SC/SP The socket is shaped to compress the tissue proximal
to the medial femoral condyle (supracondylar) and often will include the
patella (supracondylar [SC]-suprapatellar [SP]). This compression
suspends the limb over the bony anatomy during swing phase.
Pistoning may be expected with this system. A waist belt is often added
to eliminate pistoning.
VASS A pump is placed between the socket and the foot of the
prosthesis. During ambulation, the pump compresses in a telescoping
manner and maintains a constant vacuum on the residual limb.
3. Socket Interface incorporated between the residual limb and the prosthetic
socket. May be as simple as a sock or as complicated as a custom designed
liner. It is intended to reduce the friction and shear associated with ambulation
in a prosthesis.
Hard socket (no interface) The sock is the only interface between the
residual limb and the socket. There is no shock absorbing characteristics.
Very simple and a well-designed socket, which can be comfortable for low
impact activities.
Soft liner Shock absorbing materials are used to make a liner that is
donned over the residual limb prior to donning the prosthesis. Most
available materials will compress over time and do not have full recovery
from deformation during the gait cycle. They are easily adjusted for
incremental volume reductions of the residual limb.
Elastomeric gel liner The gel liner is rolled onto the residual limb. The
high surface tension allows the liner to stick to the residual limb skin,
thus reducing friction and shear during ambulation. Most are highly
compressible with rapid recovery once the load is removed. Gel liners
add extra weight and expense, can be the source of skin rashes, do not
permit the skin to breath, and must be washed daily to prevent additional
skin irritation.
Gel sock The prosthetic sock is impregnated with silicone gel. This sock
will absorb shear and reduce incidence of skin breakdown due to friction.
Extra measures need to be taken when worn full time with seamed
interface liners as the silicone impregnates glued seams and causes them
to fail.
4. Foot /Ankle provides stable weight bearing surface, absorbs shock, replaces
lost muscle function, replicates anatomic joint, and restores cosmetic purpose.
There is a vast range of prosthetic feet available depending upon the patients
needs. Feet are generally prescribed by activity level.
Single Axis Allows plantarflexion and dorsiflexion around one axis in the
ankle. Degree of motion and resistance can be adjusted. Particularly
helpful when additional loading response knee stability is desired. The
rapid plantarflexion possible with this type of foot reduces the knee
flexion moment and provides early knee stability.
Running/specialty The running foot does not use a heel and must be
aligned within parameters that are specific to the activity. Running feet
are usually not conducive to daily ambulation.
6. Construction
3. Knee Joint fulfills three functions: support during the stance phase of
ambulation, smooth control during the swing phase, and maintenance of
unrestricted motion for sitting and kneeling.
Manual locking knee Can be locked when in full extension and unlocked
for sitting. This knee should be limited to use when maximum stability is
needed to prevent unwanted knee flexion.
4. Foot provides stable weight bearing surface, absorbs shock, replaces lost
muscle function, replicates anatomic joint, and restores cosmetic purpose.
There is a vast range of prosthetic feet available depending upon the patients
needs. Feet are generally prescribed by activity level.
Single axis
Flexible keel
Multi axis
Energy storage
Appendix C: Prosthetic Prescription Page 139
Dynamic Response
6. Construction
(K 2)
(K 3)
(K 4)
Sleeve or pin/shuttle or suction
Soft foam or gel liner or hard
Flexible keel, multi-axial, or
energy storage foot
Endoskeletal or exoskeletal pylon
Sleeve, pin/shuttle, suction, or
Soft foam or gel liner or hard
Flexible keel, multi-axial foot
Torsion and/or vertical shock
Endoskeletal or exoskeletal pylon
Soft foam or gel liner
Flexible,multi-axial, or energy
storage foot
Specialty foot (running)
Torsion and/or vertical shock
Endoskeletal or exoskeletal pylon
The specifications for knee systems are too varied to be presented in this table.
Suction (add external brace for skiing)
Gel liner
Water resistant energy storage foot
Endoskeletal or exoskeletal
Foot Care Interventions for Patients with Amputations
Referral to a foot care specialist should include but not be limited to:
Patient specific education for foot care should include:
Level 0 (Low-Risk)
Level 1 (Low-Risk)
Consult to foot care specialist for a more in-depth evaluation of the foots
circulation and sensation.
Consult to foot care specialist for more in-depth evaluation of the foots
circulation and sensation and need for therapeutic footwear.
Consult to foot care specialist for more in-depth evaluation of the foots
circulation and sensation and evaluation of appropriate therapeutic
footwear and ulcer management/care.
Glycemic control
Smoking cessation
Daily foot checks
Daily foot hygiene-bathing with
complete drying
Return demonstration on how to do
foot check
Overview of ulcers that can lead to
gangrene and amputation
Use of clean, non-restrictive
Signs and symptoms of foot problems
When to seek evaluation of foot
Non-weight bearing whenever lesion
is present
Glycemic control
Smoking cessation
Do not walk barefoot
Types of shoe style and fit
Daily foot checks
Daily foot hygiene: bathing with
complete drying
Return demonstration on how to do
foot check
Overview of ulcers that can lead to
gangrene and amputation
Use of clean, non-restrictive
Signs and symptoms of foot problems
When to seek evaluation of foot
Non-weight bearing whenever lesion is
Appendix D: Foot Care Interventions for Patients with Amputations Page 143
Level 2 (Moderate-Risk)
Glycemic control
Smoking cessation
Do not walk barefoot
Require therapeutic footwear and
Regular preventive foot care
Daily foot checks
Daily foot hygiene: bathing with
complete drying
Return demonstration on how to do
foot check
Overview of ulcers that can lead to
gangrene and amputation
Use of clean, non-restrictive
Immediate follow-up of any foot
Non-weight bearing whenever there
are lesions present
Level 3 (High-Risk)
Glycemic control
Smoking cessation
Do not walk barefoot
Require extra depth footwear with soft
molded inserts
More frequent clinic visits
Regular preventive foot care and
footwear modifications
Daily foot checks
Daily foot hygiene: bathing with
complete drying
Return demonstration on how to do
foot check
Overview of ulcers that can lead to
gangrene and amputation
Use of clean, non-restrictive
Immediate follow-up of any foot
injuries/ ulcers
Appendix D: Foot Care Interventions for Patients with Amputations Page 144
Pre-Surgical Educational Interventions
Pre-surgical educational interventions designed to prepare patients for amputation
and rehabilitation are, among other purposes, aimed at decreasing the patients
fear, anxiety, and distress and improve his/her recovery. Utilizing an
interdisciplinary team approach to patient education improves patient recovery and
Ideally, information should include, but not be limited to: coping methods,
equipment needs, pain control, positioning, prevention of complications, prosthetic
timeline, rehabilitation progress, residual limb care, and safety. These issues are
described below.
Coping methods
Equipment needs
Pain control
Prevention of complications
Later: stump neuroma: bulbous swelling at the cut nerve end; tender and
causes pain on weight bearing; local hydrocortisone injection or ultrasonic
therapy may help
Phantom limb: Patient feels the limb is present and may feel sensation or
pain. Assurances, analgesics, residual limb exercises, and regularity in use
of prosthesis all may help.
Prosthetic timeline
Measuring for temporary prosthesis occurs when the residual limb has healed
and is relatively stable in size and shape; about six weeks postoperatively
assuming there have been no complications
The temporary prosthesis will be used through the interim shaping period:
three to six months post surgery.
Timing, fitting, and delivery of final prosthesis
Factors affecting successful prosthesis use
Care of prosthesis
Rehabilitation progress
Acronym List
Ankle-Foot Orthosis
Diabetes Mellitus
Heterotopic Ossification
Lower Extremity
Non-Weight Bearing
Pulmonary Embolism
Range of Motion
Tricyclic Antidepressants
Upper Extremity
Participant List
Gary E. Benedetti, MD
Lt Col, USAF, MC
3rd Medical Group
Orthopedic Trauma Surgery
5955 Zeamer Avenue
Elmendorf Air Force Base, AK 99506
Tel: (907) 580-1571
Fax: (907) 580-1575
[email protected]
Donna J. Blake, MD
Chief, PMRS
Denver VAMC and Eastern Colorado Health Care System
1055 Clermont St.
Denver, CO 80220
Tel: (303) 399-8020 ext. 2289
Fax: (303) 393-5220
[email protected]
Steven M Brielmaier, MSPT
Physical Therapist
Minneapolis VAMC
One Veterans Drive
Minneapolis, MN 55417
Tel: (612) 467-3076
Fax: (612) 727-5642
[email protected]
Carla Cassidy, CRNP, MSN
Director, Evidence-Based Practice Guideline Program
Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Avenue
Washington, DC 20420
Tel: (202) 273-6954
Fax: (202) 273-9097
[email protected]
Linda A. Coniglio, MS, OTR
Chief, Department of Occupational Therapy
National Naval Medical Center
8901 Wisconsin Ave
Bethesda, MD 20889
Tel: (301) 295-4866
Fax: (301) 295-1768
[email protected]
Joseph Czerniecki, MD
Director, RCS
Seattle VAMC
Puget Sound HC System
1660 S. Columbian Way
Seattle, WA 98108-1597
Tel: (206) 277-1812
[email protected]
Martha DErasmo, MPH
Independent Consultant
4550 North Park Ave, Apt. 505
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
Tel: (301) 654-3152
[email protected]
John Fergason, CPO
Amputee Care Center
Brooke Army Medical Center
3851 Roger Brooke Drive,
Fort Sam Houston TX 78234
Tel: (210) 916-2948
Fax: (210) 916-2485
[email protected]
Rosalie Fishman, RN, MSN, CPHQ
Healthcare Quality Informatics, Inc.
15200 Shady Grove Rd, Suite 350
Rockville, MD 20850
Tel: (301) 296-4542
Fax: (301) 296-4476
[email protected]
Margaret A. Hawthorne, RN, MSN
Chief, Evidence-Based Practice, SAMEDCOM
2050 Worth Road, Suite 26
Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234-6026
Tel: (210) 221-8297 ext. 6527
[email protected]
Scott W. Helmers, MD
Orthopedic Surgery
Naval Medical Center
348000 Bob Wilson Dr.
San Diego, CA 92134-1112
Tel: (619) 532-8427
Fax: (619) 532-8467
[email protected]
Appendix G: Participant List Page 150
Helene K. Henson, MD
Amputee Clinic Director
Michael E. DeBakey VAMC
2002 Holcombe
Houston, TX 77030
Tel: (713) 794-7114
Fax: (713) 794-3671
[email protected]
[email protected]
Margaret J. Kent, PT
Physical Therapist
Denver VA Medical Center (ECHCS)
1055 Clermont St.
Denver, CO 80220
Tel: (303) 399-8020 ext. 3609
Fax: (303) 394-5164
[email protected]
Joanne Marko, MS, SLP
Independent Consultant
Olney, MD 20832
[email protected]
Martin L. McDowell, BS, LPO, CPO
Chief, Outpatient Prosthetics Laboratory
VA Puget Sound Health Care System
1660 S. Columbian Way
Seattle, WA 98108
Tel: (206) 277-3604
Fax: (206) 277-1243
[email protected]
Jennifer S. Menetrez, MD LTC, MC, USA
Chief, Physical Medicine Service
Brooke Army Medical Center
3851 Roger Brooke Drive
Fort Sam Houston TX 78234
Tel: (210) 916-0306
Fax: (210) 916-0598
[email protected]
Joseph A. Miller, MS CP
Deputy Chief Clinical Prosthetics Officer
Prosthetic and Sensory Aid Service
Department of Veterans Affairs
1722 I Street
Washington DC, 20307
[email protected]
Lief Nelson, PT
423 E. 23rd Street
New York, NY 10010
Tel: (212) 686-7500 x7734
[email protected]
Janet A. Papazis, MPT MAJ, SP, USA
Chief, Physical Therapy
Dewitt Army Healthcare Network
9501 Farrell Road
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060
Tel: (703) 805-0008
[email protected]
Paul F. Pasquina, MD LTC, MC, USA
Chief, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Ave
Washington, DC 20307
Tel: (202) 782-6369
Fax: (202) 782-0970
[email protected]
Al Pike, CP
Lead Prosthetist
VAMC (121) - VA Polytrauma Center OEF/OIF
One Veterans Drive - Minneapolis, MN 55417
ABC Accredited O&P Facility
Tel: (612) 467-2344
Fax: (612) 727-5952
[email protected]
Cindy E. Poorman, MS, PT
Rehabilitation Planning Specialist
National Rehabilitation Program Office
1055 Clermont St.
Denver, CO 80220
Tel: (303) 399-8020 ext 3677
Fax: (303) 393-5164
[email protected]
Mary C. Ramos, PhD, RN
CPG Coordinator
Evidence-Based Practice, US Army MEDCOM
2050 Worth Rd, Suite 26
Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234
Tel: (210) 221-7281
Fax: (210) 221-8478
[email protected]
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