Yazeed Bin Muawiya
Yazeed Bin Muawiya
Yazeed Bin Muawiya
Yazid (May Allah give him what he deserves, and May Allah be
pleased with his Father Ameer Mua'wiya - Radhi Allahu Anhu)
It has been noticed that some people in their indirect or even direct hatred
for Ahlul Bayt (Family of Prophet - Peace be upon him) try to cover the acts
of Yazid and in this process they try to paint him into a great personality.
With the Grace of Allah we shall see how this traitor to Islam (i.e. Yazid) got
Imam Hussain (Radhi Allahu Anhu) martyred and how he ransacked Madina
al-Munawwara and committed heinous crimes therein
Firstly we would like to present this beautiful sahih hadith of Prophet (Salallaho alaihi wasalam)
regarding people who Ransack our beloved sanctuary called Madina al Munawara.
Imam Ahmed narrates this report from Saib bin Khalad (RA) that the Prophet of Allah (Peace
be upon him) said: Whosoever spreads injustice and frightened the people of Madina, then
Curse (Lanah) of Allah, his Angels and all the people is upon such a person. [Musnad
Ahmed bin Hanbal as narrated by Imam Ibn Kathir in Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah Vol 8 Page No.
Quran states: Those who annoy Allah and His Messenger, Allah has
cursed them in this World and in the Hereafter and has prepared for
them a humiliating Punishment (33:57)
What could be a bigger annoyance to the Prophet than getting his grandson brutally martyred and
ransacking the place which he had declared as Harram (i.e. Sacred)
to make Madina "mubah" for three days. This was his biggest and ugliest blunder. Many
Sahaba and their children were slaughtered. As it has been mentioned before that Yazid
made UbaydUllah Ibn Ziyad kill the grandson of Rasulullah (saw) Husayn and his
companions, and in those three days huge heinous crimes happened in Madina about which
nobody knows except Allah. Yazeed wanted to secure his governance by sending Muslim bin
Uqbah but Allah did against his wishes and punished him. Verily Allah killed him likewise Allah
made grip over the oppressing towns, no doubt His grip is painful and strict".[Al Bidayah Wal
Nihayah, Vol 8 Page 283]
Translation: And he Muslim bin Uqba who is known as As-Salf Musraf bin Uqba, May Allah
not do well to this leader of evil and ignorance, he made Madina legal for 3 days on the order
of Yazid. May Allah also not grant Jaza and khayr to him(i.e. Yazid), he got many
righteous killed and also looted the amwaal in Madina in great numbers,this has been
multiply narrated that he created a lot of Shar and Fasad. It is mentioned that Hadrat Muafl bin
Sanan (RA) was tied infront (of Ibn Uqba) and then martyred, you were his friend before but
later you used strong words against Yazid due to which he became angry at you. [Al-Bidayah
Imam Ibn Hajr (rah) made the whole title in his book al-Imta bil alArb'ain as "SENDING LANAH ON YAZID (")
Translation: Loving and glorifying him (Yazid) is not done EXCEPT BY A HERETIC who
has void belief because he (Yazid) had such characteristics that his lover deserves to be
faithless, because to love and hate just for the sake of God is a sign of faith. [Publisher's name:
Dar ul Kutb al iLmiyyah, Beirut, Lebanon, Book name: al-Imta bil al-Arba'in al-Matbainatus
Samah ( ) , Author: Imam Ibn Hajr al Asqalani (rah),
Publication date: 1997, Page No. 96]
: :
Yahya bin Abdul Mulk bin Abi Ghania "WHO WAS AMONGST THIQA NARRATORS" he
heard from Nawfl bin Abi Aqrab"WHO IS THIQA" he narrates: Once in the gathering of Umar
Bin Abdul Aziz [R.A] people talked about Yazid bin Muawiya, someone among the people
mentioned Yazid with the title of Ameer ul Momineen, hearing this Hadrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz
[ra] replied (in anger): You have called Yazeed Amir Ul Mominein? Then he gave order of
20 lashes to be given to the person [Imam Ibn Hajr al Asqalani in Tahdhib ut Tahdhib, Volume
No. 6, Page No. 313].
Translation: In (44 AH) The Muslims with Abdur Rahman bin Khalid
bin Walid entered Rome and the Ghazwa took place [Tarikh at-Tabri
under events of 44 AH, Volume 005, Page No. 212: Published by Cairo: Dar
al-Ma'arif] Click here for Scanned Page (83)
Whereas Yazid went way later i.e. in 49 or 50 AH. Even later yazid was sent
as a punishement and he mocked at Muslims warriors who had gone before
Imam Ibn Al-Atheer (rah) writes:
Translation: I say that it is obvious that the great amount of sahaba went
under the leadership of Sufyan bin Awf (ra) and NOT WITH YAZID BIN
THEM [Umdat ul Qari, Sharh Sahih ul Bukhari 14/197-198]
Summary details about the armed expeditions:
First attack on Caesar's city was in 42 hijri. Second attack was in 43 and
"Hazrat Bosr ben ABI Arka was the leader of this army.
Third attack was in 44 and this was led by Abdurehman ben Khalid ben
Waleed. The next attack was in 46 hijri which was led by Maalik ben
Abdurehman and Abdurehman ben Khalid ben Waleed.
In 47, next attack was led by Maalik ben Hobaira and Abdurehman ben
Qaiymi. In 49 hijri the rome was attacked for 3 times. andLastly yazid was
in attack of 50 hijri.
Hazrat Amir Mawiya (RA) arrested Yazeed and sent him to ceasar because
Yazeed was used to make fun of Mujahideen and as a punishment Yazeed
was sent there not for Jihad
So Yazeed was in the seven'th attack, not in the first attack and in
Bukhari Shareef it is mentioned that 'The first army amongst' my followers
who will invade Caesar's City will be forgiven their sins.'
Al Bidayah Wal Nihayah Imam Ibne Kathir
History Ibne Khaldon
History Imam Ibne Atheer
13. Yazeed's rejection of the Qur'an
Refer these sources