Pathology - 24 Breast Pathology
Pathology - 24 Breast Pathology
Pathology - 24 Breast Pathology
Diplomate of the American Board of Internal Medicine
Certified by the American Academy of HIV Medicine
Acute Mastitis
Associated with breastfeeding
Most common S. aureus
Breast erythematous, painful and fever
Localized area of inflammation
Leading to formation of abscess
Infiltration with neutrophils may show necrosis
Treatment: antibiotic and continued expression of milk
A 38 year old female presents with complaints of a painless palpable mass on her left breast.
On mammography there is a mass with calcification noted which was later removed.
The result of the biopsy shows a gray-white nodule with a chalky white foci.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
1. Acute mastitis
2. Fat necrosis of the breast
3. Fibrocystic changes of the breast
4. Sclerosing adenosis
5. Pagets disease of the breast
Fat Necrosis
Painless palpable mass
Skin thickening or retraction
Mammographic density or calcification
History of trauma or prior surgery
Poorly defined gray-white nodule with chalky white foci or hemorrhagic debris
Dystrophic calcification occurs in the breast
A 38 year old female presents for evaluation of a breast mass. The mass is removed and
showed a mass with more than two cell lines lining the ducts and lobules.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
1. Fat necrosis of the breast
2. Epithelial hyperplasia
3. Non-proliferative fibrocystic changes
4. Sclerosing adenosis
5. Papilloma of breast
Fibrocystic Changes
Lumpy bumpy breast on palpation
Dense breast with cysts on radiology
Pathologically benign histology
Three morphological components
Cysts: blue domed appearance
Fibrosis: 2nd to cyst rupture and inflammatory reaction
Adenosis: increase number of acini per lobule
Fibrocystic Changes
II.Proliferative fibrocytic changes
Fibrocystic Changes
Lumpy bumpy breast on palpation
Dense breast with cysts on radiology
Pathologically benign histology
Three morphological components
Cysts: blue domed appearance
Fibrosis: 2nd to cyst rupture and inflammatory reaction
Adenosis: increase number of acini per lobule
Fibrocystic Changes
II.Proliferative fibrocytic changes
Increase risk for cancer
Density, calcifications on mammography
Proliferation of ductal epithelium and/or stroma without histologic feature of carcinoma
1. Epithelial hyperplasia
More than two cell layer lining ducts or lobules (normally only two cell layers)
Fibrocystic Changes
II. Proliferative fibrocytic changes (cont.)
2. Sclerosing adenosis
Acini per duct double
Risk for invasive carcinoma
Myoepithelial cells prominent
Lobular arrangement maintained
Acini compressed and distorted in the center
Acini are dilated in the periphery
A.Palpable mass
B.Radiologic density or calcification
A 32 year old female presents with bloody nipple discharge. She has notice some discomfort
of her left breast for a few weeks and a few days noticed a slightly bloody discharge.
Biopsy of the lesion showed a fibromuscular core with epithelial hyperplasia as well as
apocrine metaplasia.
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
1. Papilloma of breast
2. Fibroadenoma
3. Phyllodes tumor
4. Ductual carcinoma in situs
5. Invasive ductal carcinoma
Fibrocystic Changes
II. Proliferative fibrocytic changes (cont.)
3. Papilloma
Multiple branching finger like projections
Covered by epithelial and myoepithelial cells
Central core with blood vessel
Can lead to bleeding and bloody nipple discharge
A.Most common cause of bloody nipple discharge in women 20-40
Epithelial hyperplasia and apocrine metaplasia frequent
Situated in lactiferous sinuses of nipple
Fibrocystic Changes
II. Proliferative fibrocytic changes (cont.)
3. Papilloma
Multiple branching finger like projections
Covered by epithelial and myoepithelial cells
Central core with blood vessel
Can lead to bleeding and bloody nipple discharge
A.Most common cause of bloody nipple discharge in women 20-40
Epithelial hyperplasia and apocrine metaplasia frequent
Situated in lactiferous sinuses of nipple
1. Fibroadenoma
2. Phyllodes tumor
3. Papillomas (discussed earlier)
A 28 year old woman presents with a breast mass about 2 cm in diameter, rubbery and
movable. The mass was removed and showed macroscopically small slit-like spaces. On
microscopy there was proliferation of stroma, ducts and lobules without calcification or
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis of this patients condition?
1. Papilloma of the breast
2. Fibroadenoma
3. Phyllodes tumor
4. Sclerosing adenosis
5. Comedo type ductal carcinoma in situs
A 58 year old female presents with a palpable mass on her right breast. The mass is removed
and on microscopy showed nodules of stroma covered by epithelium, with some cellular
atypia and a leaf-like architecture. Two years after resection the mass started to grow again in
the same area
Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
1. Ductal carcinoma in situs
2. Invasive ductal carcinoma
3. Phyllodes tumor
4. Lobular carcinoma in situs
5. Invasive lobular carcinoma
Phyllodes tumor
Arise from intralobular stroma
Mostly in the 6th decade of life
Palpable mass
Nodules of stroma covered by epithelium
Breast Cancer
Phyllodes tumor
Arise from intralobular stroma
Mostly in the 6th decade of life
Palpable mass
Nodules of stroma covered by epithelium
Breast Cancer
Clinical Manifestations
Palpable mass fix to the chest wall
DCIS has mammographic calcifications
Distortion of the architecture of the breast
Nipple retraction
Skin dimpling
Infiltration of suspensory ligament
Most common upper outer quadrant
Gross examination
Stellate, white-tan, gritty mass
Detected exam at 2cm
Detected on MXM at 1cm
Risk Factors
1. Age (uncommon in young women)
In younger women tumors are
A.ER negative or
B.Human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER2/neu) positive
2. Associated with estrogen
Menarche < 11 years
Late menopause
First live birth > 35 years
3. Race/ethnicity (highest non-Hispanic whites)
4. 1st degree relative with breast cancer
5. Personal history of breast or endometrial cancer
6. Prior breast biopsy revealing atypical hyperplasia
Based on TNM
Metastasis is the most important factor
Metastasis to axillary LNs is most useful prognostic factor
Sentinel lymphnode biopsy used to assess LN biopsy
Response to treatment predictive factors
Response to antiestrogen agents (i.e. tamoxifen)
Receptors located in nucleous
Estrogen receptor positive (ER)
Progesteron receptor postitive (PR)
Associated with response to traztuzumab
Antibodies against HER2/neu receptor
A.Human epidermal growth factor receptor (HER2/neu)
1)Present in cell surface
Triple negative (ER, PR, HER2/neu) poor prognosis
Higher incidence in African Americans
Benign breast tissue enlargement in males
Favor of estrogen effect over androgen
Microscopically seen as
A. Ductal epithelial hyperplasia
B. Ductal elongation
C. Ductal branching
D. Proliferation of periductal fibroblasts
E. With increase in tissue vascularity
Associated to
Physiologic in adolescents
A. Can also be seen in elderly or newborn
Klinefelter syndrome
Hyperprolactinemic states
Drugs: spironolactone and ketoconazole
1 Mutation in male breast cancer
Breast tumors with calcification (3)
Fat necrosis, Sclerosing adenosis, DCIS
Most common cause of acute mastitis
Breast feeding
Most common cause of bloody nipple discharge in women 20-40
Associated with
Klinefelters syndrome
1 Mutation in male breast cancer
Breast tumors with calcification (3)
Fat necrosis, Sclerosing adenosis, DCIS
Most common cause of acute mastitis
Breast feeding
Most common cause of bloody nipple discharge in women 20-40
Slit-like spaces macroscopically
Malignancy no mass palpable with calcification on mxm
Mass with duct like structures, dimpling of skin and retraction of nipple
Invasive ductal carcinoma
Well differentiated tubules without myoepithelium
IDC tubular carcinoma type
Inflamed swollen breast with lymphatic blockage
Inflammatory carcinoma
2 Breast and ovary cancer associated mutation
Most common organism in acute mastitis
S. aureus
Benign mass with calcification, prominent myoepithelial cells and risk for breast cancer
Sclerosing adenosis
Leaf-like architecture
Pyllodes tumor
Most common in the upper outer quadrant
Breast cancer
> 70 with mass with tubular cells floating in mucous
IDC mucinous type
Tumor cells in single file arrangement
Invasive lobular carcinoma
Incidental finding of disorganized cells lacking E-cadherin
Lobular carcinoma in situs
Ab to HER2/neu receptor
1 Lack e-cadhesin
Lobular carcinomas
Tumor with cells in single file pattern, lacking e-cadhesin and signet-ring cells
Invasive lobular carcinoma
Drugs for HER2/neu positive tumors
Redish nipple biopsy showing cells with halo around the nucleous invading from the
basement membrane upwards
Pagets disease of breast
1 Lack e-cadhesin
Lobular carcinomas
Tumor with cells in single file pattern, lacking e-cadhesin and signet-ring cells
Invasive lobular carcinoma
Drugs for HER2/neu positive tumors
Redish nipple biopsy showing cells with halo around the nucleous invading from the
basement membrane upwards
Pagets disease of breast