Term Paper
Term Paper
Term Paper
1.0 Introduction
Organization Development is the applied behavioral science discipline dedicated to proving
organizations and the people in them through the use of the theory and practice of planned
change. Organizations face multiple challenges and threats today - threats to effectiveness,
efficiency, and profitability; challenges from turbulent environments, increased competition, and
changing customer demands; and the constant challenge to maintain congruence among
organization dimensions such as technology, strategy, culture, and processes. Keeping
organization healthy and viable in todays world is a daunting task.
Organization Development is applied behavioral science. It is a strategy to develop people in the
organization. It aims at improving the people side of the organization by planned change. It
focuses on people, relationship, policies, procedures, processes, norms, organizational structure
and improving the very culture of the organizations. It is a mission initiated by the top managers
and practiced down the line in the organizational hierarchy. Total involvement makes
Organization Development efforts successful. It must be remembered that organizations are
made up of human systems aimed at achieving individual and organizational goals, priority being
given to the latter. In the present era of information technology and knowledge management, it
has added a new dimension to the study of Organization Development.
OD is a continuous process where problem areas are identified, alternative solutions are sought
and evaluated and workable solution is identified for implementation. It is a long-term process
because development takes time to be of some value. It relates to permanent change of individual
and group behavior. It is a continuous improvement phenomenon that is never ending.
Organization sets goal for itself. Once the goal is achieved, a new and higher goal is set for
achievement. OD is required to be initiated and led by top management. It is a hard and sustained
effort. Whenever any program fails, it is generally because of the lack of management
Achieving change in various organizational processes is a serious affair and it should be treated
so throughout. Vision is a process of visualizing in advance as to how a product or service will
look and what would go into make it happen. It is related to sustained efforts on the part of all
members of the organization to put in the best foot forward. It is possible by empowerment
process. All the members should have self-confidence and an ability to build a vision, develop a
suitable strategy and implement the same so that the organization is transformed. OD takes place
by evolving various processes. Individual must develop Organizational Development is a field of
research, theory, and practice dedicated to expanding the knowledge and effectiveness of people
to accomplish more successful organizational change and performance.
So it can be said that the main objective is to apply the models into the problems and show how
the changes could be happened.
Research methodology
Limitations of the report
Every projects or reports have been claimed by its some limitation. Though we always try to
avoid this type of claim but we think, we cant do this. Some limitations are there
The information that we got and used in this report is based on hypothetical and real
The source of information was no efficient enough to get proper information.
We did not use any book, ledger, or official papers to conduct this study.
The campus of the University of Dhaka is quite a large area so the information from the
all the department was not possible.
We use the empirical experience which we got from the halls of the University of Dhaka.
The information regarding the teachers problem is not quite fulfilled because we didnt
have any chance to ask any teacher to get them.
Because of the limitation of information, some assumptions all were made. So there may
be some personal mistake in the report.
The information regarding to manage key personnel is shown here totally based on
As we are human beings and students we have some limitations of knowledge, and may
have done errors in analyzing the models and other mistakes of relevant information.
Sometimes it gets essential to recover some papers related to academic of the students and
teacher, but the procedures that the university follow makes it difficult to get 10 or 20 years old
papers. And it is often seen that the personnel of the administrative office does not have any idea
regarding this, they dont know where those papers are where to find them.
If there is a digital system which covered all the essential activities that could be done not
presenting in the place like virtualization will provide ease to students and teachers as well as
others related persons to this university. Present era is of called digitalization, the all types of
organizations are getting digitalized as it is very convenient to their people. Manual system takes
long time to finish simples tasks like transferring the papers of student hall or department to the
registrar office takes 4 to 5 days so he or she has to wait.
Time demands changes. Though the admission procedures are now conducting through online
system for couple of years. But the others parts or say major parts of the admission procedures
have to complete through the manual system. So it takes long time. Every student faces these
problems during their student life.
If we see the private universities they are getting digitalized day by day and almost all of the
activities of the students (starts from the process of the admission and every semester related
tasks, even class tasks like assignment topic, presentation, syllabus, and number of examination)
and teacher can be done through online or automatic system.
5. Mismanagement of documents.
6. Mislay of documents.
Proper Time management
Present era is the era of proper time management. If the activities are not managed timely the
sufferings are very much sure to get. Now all of the organizations and company are careful about
the matter of time. In the case of this universitys administrative activities time management is
one of the weird matters. No one task will be done in no time. Minimum 4 to 5 days waiting is
compulsory. But the reasons behind this waiting only is the bureaucratic procedure nothing
much. Because there is no reason behind this but to keep all waiting. This often causes big
problem for the students like to submit papers in hall or others institution timely. The teacher
faces this in same way to get their important paper related to their academic in timely.
Harassment of the teacher and student
The administrative procedures are quite same for the students and teacher. The teachers were the
student of this university so they know about the system. When any one goes to know about
some specific information in registrar building where the main administrative activities are
conducted, often they dont even find it easily that where to ask and how to ask. They have visit
room by room to get information and often have to wait for several days to get some information.
Inefficient system of activities
The ongoing manual system is not efficient enough to satisfy the people. The student and teacher
need to wait or several days for simple information. Because the information put in the paper and
keep it in file with others files. So it naturally becomes difficult to meet the quick demand. In
urgent situation it becomes more serious if the keepers of the files forget or cant remember the
location of the file. By the digital system it will be very easy to find out any information from the
hills of file. This shows that they are not efficient and obviously this system makes them
inefficient and thats why they are not being able to do simple task within a short term. So the
change in this area now become a must matter.
This first stage of change involves preparing the organization to accept that change is necessary,
which involves break down the existing status quo before it can build up a new way of operating.
In this stage disconfirmation creates pain and discomfort, which cause guilt and anxiety, which
motivate the person to change. But unless the person feels comfortable with dropping the old
behaviors and acquiring new ones, change will not occur. That is the person must develop a
sense of psychological safety in order to replace the old behaviors with new behaviors.
Key to this is developing a compelling message showing why the existing way of doing things
cannot continue. This is easiest to frame to point to declining sales figures, poor financial results,
worrying customer satisfaction surveys, or such like: These show that things have to change in a
way that everyone can understand.
To prepare the organization successfully, need to start at its core need to challenge the beliefs,
values, attitudes, and behaviors that currently define it. Using the analogy of a building, it must
examine and be prepared to change the existing foundations as they might not support add-on
storeys; unless this is done, the whole building may risk collapse.
Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Changing through
Cognitive Restructure
Change/ Moving
After the uncertainty created in the unfreeze stage, the change stage is where people begin to
resolve their uncertainty and look for new ways to do things. People start to believe and act in
ways that support the new direction.
In this stage the person undergoes cognitive restructuring. The person acquires information and
evidence that the change is desirable and possible.
The transition from unfreeze to change does not happen overnight: People take time to embrace
the new direction and participate proactively in the change. A related change model, the Change
Curve, focuses on the specific issue of personal transitions in a changing environment and is
useful for understanding this specific aspect in more detail.
When the changes are taking shape and people have embraced the new ways of working, the
organization is ready to refreeze. The outward signs of the refreeze are a stable organization
chart, consistent job descriptions, and so on. The refreeze stage also needs to help people and the
organization internalize or institutionalize the changes. This means making sure that the changes
are used all the time; and that they are incorporated into everyday business. With a new sense of
stability, employees feel confident and comfortable with the new ways of working.
The primary task in this stage is to integrate the new behaviors into the persons personality and
attitudes. That is stabilizing the changes requires testing to see if they fit with the individuals,
and fit with the individuals social surroundings
Step1. Unfreezing
The first step states to make the organization to accept that change is necessary. We need to
develop a sense of urgency around the need for change and that may help to build the initial
motivation to get things moving. The official or system users need to see why the changes
needed. As we know that the when people feel pain and discomfort with the existing system they
want the system to be changed. We have to show different inconvenience that the students are
facing from the admission as well as the teachers.
One of the key to change is to compelling them showing why the existing way of doing things/
manual system cannot continue. In here we can make it clear to the official person that about the
ongoing manual system that how much discomforts it creates for them as well as for the students
and teachers. They are the main user the ongoing system and we must try to make them clear that
the old system must be dropped and new system must be acquired. We need to a start honest
discussions with them and give dynamic and convincing reasons to get people talking and
thinking. We need to show them the advantages of the technology and make them
understandable that if they get digitalization in against this manual procedure the factors like
cost, time, energy, proper utilization of the manpower will be in a good position.
We need to make it clear to them the digital system will increase their knowledge as they have to
learn how to use the technology properly by this they could be interested in this changing.
Moreover we have to show how the world changing and what are the effects of this technology
in our country as well as different educational institution.
We need to provide them the psychological safety in order to replace the manual system and with
digital system. The main theme is that we have to make a change happen and replace the manual
procedure with the digital procedure. This isnt any easy job to just tell them to change and they
will change, we have to discuss with them with the very important reasonable factors by which
they could be convinced. If the majority is talking about our proposal then the moving stage can
be seen near. It will need a clear vision that can help everyone understand why we are asking
them to do something. When people see for themselves what we are trying to achieve, then the
directives they're given tend to make more sense.
Ensure that official
and personnel are
ready to the
technological change
Executed the
technological change/
It is natural that people will take time to think about this change and they will obviously consider
that how are they going to embrace the digital system against the manual system. And it is
general to all to find the personal interest in any kind of changing. People will always seek the
answers that how this digitalization will help them they will not consider the benefits of others
rather to think about themselves.
It is acceptable that not everyone will be fall in the same line. Some will not find the best of this
digital system whereas some others will not even understand what this is and why this will be
happened. And if the digitalization occurs what will happen to them. This is not an easy job to
change or moving from old behavior to the new in this context from manual to digitalization. It
will happen when the personnel/ official will surely confirm themselves that the change in this
system needs to occur. They must be realized that the benefits will be gained by them as well as
for the teacher and students who comes regularly to conduct their activities. The digitalization of
the manual system will make them effective and the reasons for which this digitalization is going
to be occurred and will be solved.
The people related to manual system will ask to acquire information and evidence showing that
the change in the administrative system is desirable and possible. This could be done by
informing them about the digital procedures of the private universities in where they use the
digital system effectively on their all activities not only to the administrative activities and also
inform them the benefits that the personnel are gaining from the digital system of the private
Step3. Refreezing
This step generally states that the integration of the new behaviors into the persons personality
and attitudes. As it is so in this we need to stabilize the changes that is replace the automatic or
digital system with the place of manual system and test it to see whether it fits with the
organization in this case whole university and with the individual who will be the ultimate user
of this system.
This stage needs to help people and the organization internalize or institutionalize the changes
that recently occurred. This means making sure that the digital system is used all the time; and
that they are incorporated into everyday in every organization. With a new sense of stability,
official and employees will feel confident and comfortable with the new digital system.
Refreezing stage is importable because without this the user will get caught in a transition trap
where they aren't sure how things should be done by this digital system and the qualifications
that need to do this type of jobs.
One thing must be cleared that this change seems to be easy but it is never ever and easy job
because it needs to manage the top level official in this university Vice Chancellor, Pro-Vice
Chancellor, Proctor, different halls Provost the dean and the teacher of the every faculty and the
officials of the registrar building. And the task to convince these people would not be an easy
job. They may not see or give this matters of any importance as they have others to be considers
as important. And it will take huge time to develop this and by this time many things could be
changed and it will obviously ask for the money which will be huge in nature because its related
with the whole university not with a single department. They need to be managed by the best
approach otherwise the conversion will not be happened.
To make it stable in the university we need to inform to the official that the worthiness of this
change and the benefits they are going to get from this and how this digital system will make
them efficient and effective in their own jobs.
Unfortunately, some people will genuinely be harmed by this change, particularly those who
benefit strongly from the status quo/ manual system. Others may take a long time to recognize
the benefits that change brings. We/ change agent needs to foresee and manage these situations.
Time and communication are the two keys to success for the changes to occur. People need time
to understand the changes and they also need to feel highly connected to the organization
throughout the transition period.
Can you prepare yourself for change? The simple answers are sometimes, yes, and
sometimes, no. Planned change is by far the best method its designed and implemented in an
orderly and timely manner through anticipation of future events. Reactive change is harder on
the organization. Usually put together in a hurry, changes of this nature have a multitude of
problems; thus, the potential for further reactive change within your plan increases tremendously.
Resistance to Change
Perhaps the biggest challenge to the EMS manager/supervisor/leader who acts as the change
agent within the organization is employee resistance to the change. Change usually brings about
the 10/80/10 rule: 10% of employees will actively embrace the change, 80% will be fencesitters, and 10% will actively fight it. Your job is to recognize this and understand it. The 10%
against the change will have the influence and ability to negatively infect the 80%. As such, you
need to focus your efforts on influencing the negative 10% -- they are the threat to the change.
Their resistance to change usually falls into one of these areas:
1. Uncertainty:
Employees usually become nervous and anxious about the change and are primarily
concerned about their job security and ability to meet new job demands. We may present
them with the facts and answer all of their concerns, but their own internal emotional
controls may not allow them to fully comprehend how the change will affect them.
2. Threatened Self-Interests: concerns in these areas usually relate to personal power and
position power within the organization. No one wants to see their influence diminish
within the organization, so they fight the change.
3. Different Perceptions: everyone will have their own idea about the change. Thus, they
may not see the change as benefiting them, their workgroup, or the customers that are
4. Feelings of loss: over the course of time, social networks develop within organizations
and change disrupts these networks. By way of example, a schedule change might
adversely affect a relationship through a change in partners, or status, security, power and
the employees self-confidence.
Overcoming resistance to change is not easy, but it is manageable by keeping these goals in
1. Participation: keep employee involvement in the planning process at a very high level.
When employees can express their ideas and listen to others in the planning process, their
own personal buy-in increases and makes the change easier for the organization. It also
has the potential to reduce the negative 10%.
2. Education and Communication: keeping communications as wide open as possible
reduces the anxiety and uncertainty about the change. When rumors are spread about the
change (this always happens!), quickly put the facts back out through the information
process. Consider having different methods of getting the same message out to staff. For
example, a change could be communicated four different ways: at a general staff
meeting, through email from the supervisor or senior administrators, work group
discussions and press releases.
3. Facilitation: several different facilitation tools can be utilized, including a) making small
changes, b) making only necessary changes, c) planning changes well in advance, and d)
training employees before the change occurs.
4. Force-Field Analysis: the title may imply that this idea is from outer space, but FFA is
simply a tool that measures forces that act for and against the change. Change agents list
these positive and negative criteria (assets/deficits) and then attempt to tip the balance so
that the forces for the change outweigh those against the change.
What are the factors or pressures that resist the proposed change and maintain the status quo?
Represent these forces on the diagram as you did those for the driving forces. What are the interrelationships among the restraining forces?
Step 3
Forces- public university, bureaucracy,
Factors- political parties, labour union, cooperative society
Step 4
Important officials, senior teachers
Step 5
Step 6
Changing & unfreezing
Step 7
After managing officials, vc and proctor, chairman, provost
Improve speed of
Loss of staff
Initial equipment
Improve accuracy
Control rising
maintenance cost
To install new