Development and Applications of Acoustic Charge Transport
Development and Applications of Acoustic Charge Transport
Development and Applications of Acoustic Charge Transport
CID #478
Physics 222
Term Paper #1
Acoustic charge transport is accomplished through the use of a surface acoustic wave
passing through a low dimensional electron layer. The power efficiency is increased with a
piezoelectric substrate. Quantum wires are formed with higher wave intensity, and quantum dots
are formed with the interference of two waves. Such methods have applications in electronics.
Excitons are preserved for longer times with the use of an acoustic charge transport system,
which allows for the development and implementation of optoelectronic delays and storage
ACT was first demonstrated in 1976 on a layer of silicon.1 However, for some time it
was an inefficient method of moving electrons. Due to the low piezoelectrical properties of the
semiconductors used, much of the acoustic energy was
not converted to an electric field and thus not fully
transmitted to moving the electrons. This loss of energy
can be explained with the corrugated surface and ball
bearing example. Because the fields generated were
much too weak for the amount of electrons, the system
Figure 1
Electrons on shallow and deep corrugated
was like a corrugated surface with a trough depth much smaller than the depth of the layer of ball
bearings on top of it. Because the troughs were so shallow, the surface is able to push just a few
bearings along due to resistance by the higher bearings [Fig. 1]. Even when intensity of the
acoustic wave was increased dramatically, the electric field waves were not big enough, and the
electrons were able to move from one trough to the next due to their thermal kinetic energy.2
In 1997, a team of physicists, led by Achim Wixforth at the University of Munich,
developed a new method to contain and move the electrons in ACT more effectively. The team
placed a layer of indium gallium arsenide (InGaAs), a semiconductor, on top of a layer of lithium
niobate (LiNbO3), a highly piezoelectric material. As a SAW was passed through the two
materials, the LiNbO3 produced a much stronger electric field wave than the InGaAs did alone.
The field was strong enough that the electrons were split up into quantum wires, strips of
electrons aligned in the troughs of the electric field wave.3 The wires are termed as quantum
because they are able to exist in various energy subbands of the semiconductor crystal. These
wires were moved along by the wave much more efficiently than the electrons had previously
been moved, with the loss of power at a fortieth of what it had been before the addition of the
Two years later, the same team passed two SAWs, with their momentum at right angles,
through a quantum well similar to that used in their aforementioned experiment. As the waves
passed through the semiconductor, they organized the electrons into quantum dots, quasi-zero
dimensional points of electrons. These dots were quantized also, as the wires were.4
Excitons are electron-hole pairs generated when an electron is ejected from a crystal. A
hole is essentially an electron with a positive charge, and can represent a positron or antielectron. When a high-power laser is shot at a semiconductor such as InGaAs, an electron-hole
pair can be produced. When such a laser is shot at an ACT system, an interesting effect occurs.
Excitons are produced, and due to the difference in the charges, the electron and hole are
separated in the electric field wave; the hole locating
itself at the peak of the wave compared to the electrontrough [Fig. 2]. Normally, when an electron-hole pair
is produced, it will recombine, annihilate itself, and
Figure 2
With development and refinement, ACT has potential uses in analog electronics, chargecoupled device (CCD) replacement, and optoelectronics. In analog electronics, a need to delay a
signal is often present. To create such a delay can be difficult and inefficient using ordinary
electronics. Using an ACT system has been suggested and employed as a better alternative to
traditional methods. A transducer is used to set up the SAW. An injection gate then deposits the
electrons from the circuit onto the semiconductor, and they are carried at the speed of sound,
instead of at the much faster speed of electrical current. They traverse the quantum well and are
picked up by a detection gate at the other end. SAW systems, which only send and detect a
SAW, have been used to delay signals, but ACT systems provide a much better alternative since
the delayed signal can be modulated by regulating the flow of electrons through the injection
gate.2,3 Such delays are useful in applications such as electronic warfare and radar.2
Another suggested use of ACT is in replacing CCD systems. Such systems are largely
used in consumer cameras, both video and digital still-shot, as well as more sensitive systems
such as high-powered telescopes. The purpose of the CCD is to transport a signal from a sensor,
such a photodiode, to a receptor that conveys the information to a central processor. The devices
rely on complex circuits to time the transport and detection of the signals from the hundreds of
sensors in a regular camera. An ACT system could be used as a replacement for the CCD in
such a setup, and it has various advantages over a CCD. The sensors could be distributed across
the semiconductor surface with quantum wells, and transmitted via ACT to a receptor. Not only
would the ACT system transport the electrons forming the signals more efficiently, it would be
self-timing due to its reliance on a wave. 2
Wixforth, et al. suggested two primary uses of ACT in optoelectronics.6,7 One use is in
the delaying of optical signals. Just as in regular electronics, it is sometimes desirable to delay a
signal. Traditional methods of delaying light signals rely on long fiber-optic cables or pairs of
mirrors. However, because light travels at the speed of light, a delay of 1- s requires such a
detour to be 300-m long. Wixforth, et al. suggested the use of an ACT device as an optical
delay, using the exciton concept. The speed of a sound wave through the semiconductor is five
orders of magnitude lower than that of light6 and thus such a delay device could be much smaller
than that required by a purely optic delay. A second use of ACT and excitons in optoelectronics
is for storage of optically encoded data. This is accomplished in much the same way as the delay
functions. One problem with it, however, is that the recovered data is not in the same spot as
where it was deposited, so some sort of external timing device would be necessary.
In all, acoustic charge transport is an important and applicable new field of study in
physics. It has aided in the investigation of semiconductor properties, electron conveyance, and
exciton properties. It also has many valid uses in useful devices, both in new inventions and
applications and upgrading of other devices. It would be beneficial to both industries and
consumers for research in the properties and applications of acoustic charge transport to
continue. (1999).
Robert L. Miller, Carl E. Nothnick, Dana S. Bailey, Acoustic Charge Transport: Device (1997).